Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, June 26, 1947, Page 3, Image 3

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OIIKNlN -L'luurlr Willi iwraalulial lllll
howare today, lunlalit and Friday, t'oul
tr III tail mill aatrenie nulli purllun
Index, Moderate weelerly wlnili ull
cloudy Unlay, liiitliftil and frl
ilav. Kraall wealerly wlmla Unlay, lll)l
Unlay 711. low at lllli Friday la.
Nolt'l'IIKtlN CAl.trOHNIA (dually
rlaar loilay, Umlalil and Friday. Kits
altiiia ctieal and' atinwere III ealriiiie
niirlfi tnrualll Cooler mirth nl Sacra
niaillfl anil auulh (if ftjtm'Rliin UHlay.
tlanlla we.lerly wlmla ntr cuael Unlay,
baijitiiia mndaiala nurlliwaalarly rrlday.
llante (eiicrllril - Tim 4-11 clul)
rlaiire, eelirilulril fir Bitlurility ulKlil
III ljinncll valley, him been can
celled Iiowuii of Ilia ileittli of Allen
E. Unlit.
Courthouse Record
Merrleie Ucana.a
IMI.TON-llllllUMa. Melvlrl I'"'"""
llalum. U. iiialnl.ii.iice wuraer Naile
nl Otaaun. Ile.lileill ul Klemalh rail.
Ilally Jane llrwiaa, V. nallva ol Iowa.
M.aldeul ul Klamalh rail. Uie.
Walllnsluirl. u. ml worker. Na ive 01
Malm. Il..lil.iit "I Av.uel. lallliirnla.
I .irr.la Kumalll Ualirl.l. JU. hiiueewlle
Nallva "I luwa. Ileeldenl ol Av.iiel,
t'Tiin'u:H-NouiJC Ijm iiuiu-h Jr.
11, "illlw.ire.r. Nallva ul I '''
ll.alil.nl nl Klamalh Kail.. Ore Mar-
a.,. l a.liiu N.iiiia. m. Ima cleiji N;
live ol I allliiliya. Itealileiil ol Klamalh
r'-oiiK'LiHiiicii. imy Ho- r.n. JO.
awnilll wi.ia.r. Nallva ol Mimi..yle
H..ld.nl ol Klamalh Kalla. Ore t far
hare Anna 1-mll.e Utar. ll. nallva .1
lalllornla. Hoaldanl ol Klamalh ralla.
"rmiirrl ANIMON. Johnnie Bur
lee n.har. 1. (aim laborer Nallva ol
California rl.eld.nl ol Olene, Or. l;
d.an Annab.ll Anrtereon. II. "alive ol
l alllornla Haaldanl ol Klamalh rail..
'i:rr UIIXIIIKT William Noel
Ita.la. al, werelonieeinen Nallva ol
ArfcaitMa H..ldnl ol Klamalh ralla.
rrancee Marlon clllcrlal. 'era
Nallva nl California. Ilaaldanl of Klam
alh ralla. Ora
HICHAMIX-HINN rwall Joeeph Rich,
ard. . cl.i'k Nallva ol l-oilUleiie
N.. Id.nl nl Klamalh ralla. Ora Violet
tag l-hlnn XI. elerS N.ilv. nl Oreaun.
Haaldanl ul Klamalh re.ll.. lira.
I .melelMl. ril.d
Price T Heeler Hum K llaal.r. aull
. Inr divorce Cherge. cruel and Inhuman
Ir.almanl Couple marrl.d October 31.
leea at Hlverelde, Calilornla. Allornay
lor platnllft. 1 C O N. Ml
U r llolilmuaer. Edith llolrhouaer
and H V. llolrli.Hi.er va lha h.lra. If
any. of rrad () Mecham. daraaaad. al al.
Null In rlaar lllla Allornay lor plaln
llll, A. Vf. SVhauup.
Jeallre reerl
Thomaa A May... overloading truch
and Irallar Fine. IM 10.
Thomaa A Mavaa, overloading Irurk
aala. rina liem
Ferneel Clulf. overloading Irallar. rin.
24 M
rranef Ciauda Kltla. drunk Ml a public
highway rina. alo 00.
rranala Ciauda Kllla. driving motor
vahlrla whlla undar lha Inlluanra of
Inloalrallrm liquor. rtna. 9107 an and
SO daya In Jail. auMndMl II offand.r
pava damalH raaulllng to anothar car
whlla ha waa driving In an inloalralad
Albart Jawall Mcrarland. oparallng a
moior vanlala with Improper tail light
rina. M so.
Claranra Amorry Hall, no oparalorc
Mranaa rina. $3 Ml
Charlaa Aiulln WataHtmiaa. fallura In
atop al highway Intaraarllon. rina,
Dalta Maria Thomaa. fallur lo ob
aaiva alop aign rina. M Ml
Dorothy n.lla r.il.om halng drunk In
a public plara rina. 110 (in
IWtcirihy It.lla rolaom, duird.rly con
dncl rina. lift no
Hoy Ciauda r.ilanm. Wing drunk In a
public plara rina. tlOlin
nny Cl.uda rolMim. tllanrdarly eon
Hct rina. tl.Hu.
T Joaaph Uciijamln tt9nlyt Impropar
lall IhlHI. rina. M Mi.
rinyd lwla Tlnglay, HO tmarganry
kcaka rina. HI Ml
Jaaa ranalar Mllaa, no Ull light rina.
Mir ha. I Thomaa Doaovan lalluro lo
atop at alon algn. rina. fa Ml
Ccnaby Hamucl lmonl, void fnralgn
llcanaa rina. Ml SO
Crmby Hamu.l I-amonl, no oparalora
llaarua rina. t to I
Mallori Kenneth Cdmunann. lallura lo
atnp al atop algn. rina. aA V)
Iwthar May Johnjlnn. lallura lo atop al
atnp algn. rina, a 30
llocnld Arthur Hltirgaon. ovarwldlh
truck load rina. a M)
Marlon Cdmund Japear, ovarloarMng
trallar. rina. Mil 00,
rrad Arthur Itllaa, HO Ull light rina.
aa an
p.cr..a OraitUd
Albert r Bchuldhelaa va. Ivalyn G.
Ronnie Kanklna va Dale Hanklna.
rinrence Hlcka va. Roland J Hlcka.
Cleo naugtia va. Rurl Baogue
Vmla X llcerfh ve t. C. Heath
Rarl Cordon J oh neon va. Belly Roee
Maya Martin Relcourl r. Oeorga L.
R.lcmirt. .
Hlalla Luraa va. Jamea T. t.ticee
rave Paalega va. Johnny I'aatega.
Prealey Thomaa va. Noaa B Thooiaa.
Mabel Uireen Duke va. Rtanlcy Duke
lluup(url Mr. ncl Mia. H. W.
IlUka liuvo hud r Ihvlr hoiino
Kilwila, Mr. nml Mm. W, K. Hrllh
mid tlnuiililiira, MiiikIc unci VIikHUh.
01 CJcull itllli, III. 'I ho HllVltllH viiiiiu
wont fur thr) niitloiuil lUiliiry in
vention, They left tniliiy fur I'url
Innil uccaiii)iiiiled by Mm, Ixtllkn.
Mrn. Hiiclih Riid Mm. Lnll.ko itro
Hadro guccm The Kliiinitth
llualn KfKleu qiitwn, Olimer 'I'Iiuiiiuh,
nil her court of lx prliiKrium vrre
liuulii nf the Klwunlii club hi 1iiih.Ii
un Kxluy Hiid ulti-i wunl were (iifU
of the chnmber of riunnicne hvIh
tloil commute Ht the vlrtxirl to
.rent the chHiiiber trl-nmu; lr lour.
Keturn Homo Mm. Cliironie E.
Miuw nnd diiiiKhler, Ioiih. huve ('
tiinird lo their home In (Iiiim Vnl
lry, Onllf .. Hftor irilliiK h wirk
here Willi her hiinuiintl. V. K Mom
realden Rt 7IH Jeffernuil mid In ttii
lloned here with the eriny rccrult
liiaf office.
(ailed lo l. (irainlc Pntrlrk
Kllby, contnet rrprcKi-ntiillvo for
the vrUiruna Hiliiilnlatrnllon
rnlled to I n Clrnmle 1'urailny by the
(I ruth nf lila gleiifiither. He In ex
pected to return Monilny.
Mlet ll.le.eljui Pllhllllt AlhlnrB
club will hold II" ri'Hiilitr meellnii
in me itAjr nun rrniity nv e
IJc-leiintmi will lw elected Hi the
meeting to Rttend the Krnnd leniple
l.i u..rilMiid In rw-l.thec 1'hla la the
Inat meeting until f nil.
Kudro Judge Judiirii for the
prim event hi the tlnee-duy Klnlii
ntli Ituln rodeo, July 4. 6 mid 6.
will b nnnounrrd atler the pxecu
llve nieetlnit of the K1IKA to be
held toivliihi, Thuraday.
Polluck The Itoynl Nrliihborg of
AinerlcH will hold h pothit-k Ut crle
brHte blrthduya of ineinlicr fur
April. May mid June, Kriduy Hi
30 p ni, In the KC hull. A rctiu
Inr meeting will follow the dinner.
Hummer Here Huliy 8 c h u 1 1 1,
dniighter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Hrruiird
Ht liultz of Tiilrliike la hm-ihI1iik the
iimmer here with r friend, Jo Wll
llnma, 1B00 Wlnrd.
Heads Eye
Fatal Wreck
HIII I.IIV, O.. June 29 !) New
Vork ( entml rHllrond offlflala to
day aiiuglil to learn If their HI.
I. null Hiieilitl waa vlulatlng raullon
onlern wlien IU Iwlll loromittlveg
Jiimiied the track nnd raueed the
deuth of alx, poaalbly even perion
laat night.
A railroad offlrlnl, who declined
lo be quoted by nHme. snld pnpeni
ordering "emilloo" through Ihe nreg
were found on Ihe body of an en
gineer. He hhIiI "cHullon" meHnl I nag thnn
20 inllea an hour.
' WltlieHneg both on Riid off the
Ll ulii entlmiitnd the Hiiecliil'g apeed
nl Ihe time of the derailment Rt
60 inlleg nn hour.
Illl lUnk
The derailed locomotlvea, pulling
Ihe alx-cnr pnnKeniter train from
Clcvehind to Ht. Ixiula, pluimed In
to mi embankment Ht nearby
The eiiKlneera end firemen of
both locomollvea Hiid two membera
of r rallrohd work camp were killed.
The Htitle highway patrol anld a
third riillrnnd ramp worker wr
believed burled In the wreckage.
The dead:
0, P. lllKllllu and Klmer R.
W.mke. 50, both of Cleveland, the
L. J. Mi-Cord and J. D. Kennedy
Jr. 'ill. alo of Cleveland, firemen.
Rdward Ounderiion, 37. of On
toiuixon, Mich., and Jamea L. Brork
well of roule 1, Johiiaon City, Tenn..
work crewmen.
In Hanla Monica Put Tlllon. 70S
N. 1 1th. left for Hnnta MoiiIir,
Calif., thla week lo aprnd the aum
mer with her brnther-ln-luw and
later. Mr. and Mra. John Pouter. j
H.hlng Trip Mr. mid Mra. MorrlA I
Illaaer of 8hii Kmnclaco aenl r
week with her brother, Alco Tlllon,
70 N. 11th, mid went on a fishing i
trip on the Rogue river. !
In Jacksonville Hlmrcin and1
Butch Jeachke, rhlldrnn of Mr. mid
Mrs. Huilv Jeschko of 1611 I'leasant,
are siiendlng the summer In Jack
sonville with their aunt nnd uncle.
Register un Arthur C. 8pln
ney of this cliy has mistered his
gun. a .10-gauge handy gun or
shotgun piMnl with Allan Fletcher.
'Joe post office building, according
to the Ihw rrgardlug firearms.
In lllllalde Mrs. Hetty Albert of
Cottage street Is In HlllMde hospital
receiving mrdlrnl Hltenllon. and her
husband. P. Albert, was down from
tCugene Wednesday.
Hampton Estate
St.At $25,000
Mrs. Imogene C. Hampton, who
died here February 14. left s will
dated August 10, 1932. and prop
erty valued at over 25.000. Record
ing to orobate filings. Robert O'Sul
llvnn hns been Hp'iolnted adminis
trator of the estate.
The will or ovules that the estate
v.. ,ii..i. h-iM.M,n her hrnlher and
sister. Will J Harris of Clinton. In..
nnd Hntt'e r. wnuiiein oi mwne.
In,, nnd devolve upon three nieces.
Margaret D. Harris and ZellR E.
Whitfield of minion. Riid Audrey E.
Whuford of fit. Cloud. Minn.
Silverware end personal effects
were also divided among the heirs.
Burst Water Pipe
F'orl. Store
The Matt Plnnlgan toy slwp on
the corner of Bill and Main waa
turned Into a mlnlblure lake Thurs
day morning when a water pipe
broke on the floor above. Employes,
upon niienlng the store, found water
drlpnlng from two large 'blisters"
on the celling. Plnnlgan reported
that a small amount of merchan
dise wax ruined.
Warm Weaiher Brings
Hordes Of Mosquitoes
Current warm days following the
recent wet spell In Kliimiitli bruiln
has brought out a new crop of lively
mosquitoes. Mwarms of Insects have
been riding Into town on the wind
and residents aro complaining of
being attacked by downs hi r time
while working In the garden or even
Just going out to hang up the wash
or (lump the garbage.
D1J-T dust Is almost 100 per cent
effective, In killing adult mosquitoes,
Meellng The friendship com
mittee of the Women of the Moose
will meet In the lodge hall at t p. m.
Te Heallle 1,1. Comdr. Don Guid
ing and Kllen Mocabee left on busi
ness Thursday morning for Seat
tle, i
' Capable
Nursing Care
Aged or Convalescent
or Bed Cases
Even Tide
Rest Home
142 N. Main Phone 7608
Ashland. Ore.
Win. R. Elliott
You don't insur againir death. You
do insure that others may live as you
would like them to.
- Wrn. R. Elliott
731 Main St. Phone 7777
YKHTF. RDAY The ralaee
Market was, by due process of
law, and with much ceremony
amid I saps and aha. declared a
complete self-service 8i:PKR
ETTK. You ahow me one other food
market In theae parta that la a
complete self - eervlre euperette
.. and I'll buy the beverage non
alcoholic, of course.
The Talace Isn't officially
open vet nnd la aort of hidden
behind R moraaa of saw horses,
atacka of groceries, cement mix-,
rrs. painter's colics, mudallla,
and a row of gimlets that are
the modern aelf-aervlce dlapen
asrlea of Jnhnaon Tacking Co.'a
famoua meats now pre-packaged
In cellophane. The folka
klntla liked our meata before,
nut If anything, they'll like It
better than ever now, with that
delirious flavor sealed In,
A.S I said before, the place
isn't officially open yet, but we
are doing business Just the same,
And we are personally amaird
at the loyalty and patience of
our good oualomera who Insist
that the quality of our wares
is well worth the Inconvenience
our remodeling has caused In
their shopping during the last
few days.
' YOU can already see what Ihe
place Is going to look like. Sort
of a mixture between a World's
Fair Moderne and r Northeast
ern Woodshed. Architecturally
It'a the aort of thing that causes
llnlversity of Oregon astron
omers to break out with the
chandise Thai's something else
again.. The beans, bananas, buns,
and better beef are better. The
lee cream la even colder. Come
gee for yourself 1
Today's best lluy-I.lnr:
That's why they say It pavs
lo HIIOP PALACE, 524 Mitlll,
In the heart of the ftltiy Shop
ping District.
Theft Of
Boots Told
Hugh McNerncy. stockman, is
virtually on his uppers today after"!
Having lost several pairs oi cowboy
boots and other shoes while he was
moving from the Earley hotel Ui a
residence on Patterson street yes
terday. He believes a sack containing the
boots was stolen from his pickup
truck while he waa loading up at
the hotel.
The suck contained one pair of
black cowboy boots, a pair of tan
boots, r small pair of child's boots,
a pair of ladles' boots, two pair of
house shoes and two pair of dress
Woman Reports
Theft Of. Purse
Mra. Ernest C. Vance of Seattle,
who spent last night In Klamath
Palls on a trip to Hfllsboro. Calif.,
reported to city police that she lost
a purse containing $28. Washing
ton driver's license, oil company
credit card and other papers this
Mrs. Vance aald that while load
ing suitcases Into her car at the
Hall hotel she laid her purse on the
top of the car, then forgot It until
she drove away. She didn't miss
the purse until she was four miles
out on the highway. ,
The purse was described as a pig
skin fold type. The finder may
contact Mrs. Vsnce Rt 701 El Cer-
riiR, Hiiixooro, Calif.
Rail Retirement
Act To Be Talked
PORTLAND. Juhe 28 tP-
Changes In Die railroad retirement
and unemployment Insurance acu.
effective July 1, will be discussed
here at a July 8 meeting. L. M.
Ericsson, western representative of
the railroad brotherhoods, said to
A representative of the railroad
retirement board i.lll speak, Erlck
son said. He added that the meel
lng la the onlv one to be held in
Oregon and railroad employes from
all parts of the state are expected.
C. A. Henderson, county agent, ad
vises and a five per cent mixture
sprinkled about the door steps, in
weeds and foliage around the house
will destroy the Insects,
Dusting lettuce, berries and other
eatable es.rden vegetables should be
avoided as DD-T Is a toxic prepar
ation which might have Injurious
effects on persons. Chlordane dust
Is very effective on the larvae of
Insects as has been definitely proved
In the recent campaign against
grasshoppers In the Port Klamath
area, Henderson stated. A 100 per
cent kill was effected on larvae on
this project by dusting on ponds,
sloughs and depressions where wa
ter had become stagnant.
Open receptacles around th e
house and yard could be dusted
wlUi this preparation obtainable at
farm supply houses, with favorable
results, the county agent advised.
Several tons of chlordane, the new
dust material Introduced this year,
has been purchased by farmer ana
cattlemen In a strenuous campaign
against grasshopper Infestation.
Midges, silver fish, cockroaches,
earwigs, bedbugs and files succumb
wholeheartedly to DD-T dust and
this may be applied about homes
and on a small scale with a hand
sprayer such as may be purchased
In any hardware store.
Taft Holds
Housing Hope
WASHINOTON. June 28 'Pt Sen
ator Tafl iR-Ohloi told a "fight for
housing" rally here Wednesday that
he believes long-range housing legis
lation can be put through the senate
before congress adjourns next month.
He said that when house and sen
ate leaders meet next week to lay
out a program for the remainder of
the session he Is "hopeful" of an
agreement that will mean enactment
of "some sort of a housing program."
He Implied, however, that the pro
gram he Is backing, embodied In the
so-called Wagner-Ellender-Taft bill,
might have to be modified consid
erably to win house acceptance. A
similar bill passed the senate in the
"Hth congress but was bottled up in
the house. a
Veterinary's Car
Dr. Harry A. Leonard, veterin
ary, of 1847 Earle. reported to city
police this morning that his oar I
was rilled last nigni wnue parsed
at his house, and a pair of glasses
and case and three bottles of medi
cine taken.
One of the bottles, police said,
the thief should be very cautious
in using. It contains a heart stim
ulant for animals.
Angell Raps
HST Attitude
Rep. Angell (R-Ore.i said today
President Truman has not lived up
to his promise made after last fall's
election to "cooperate In every
proper manner with members of
"When this announcement was
made," Angell said In a statement,
"It fell upon sympathetic ears In
congress and It was hoped by all
here that as a result of the presi
dent's attitude there would be an
effective cooperation between the
president and congress on legisla
tion so essential to tide over from
war to peace and assure full em
ployment and honest prices for the
necessities of life,
"However, the president seems to
have forgotten the promise us soon
as it was made. Little or no coop
eration by the chief executive with
congress Is In evidence.''
Angell criticized the president's
veto of the tax reduction bill and
the labor bill.
MtaSI D a W1WS, Klaia Fella, Ota, TBtiRSUAY, Jaaa M, last, Peea re
Cards There will be a card party
on otmiruay at tin nome oi Mr.
and Mrs. Leon Andrley, sponsored
by the Home Economics club of
Midland grange. Pinochle and 600
will be played. The publlo is In-
viiea ana tnere win be refresh
ments served by the club.
We wish In express our deep ap
preciation for the sympathy, gltta
and acts of kindness extender! In
us on the death of our son and
brotller. Donald Dlxnn.
Mrs. IruiR Dixon nnd
daughter, Jen,
Juvenile Held -For
House Theft
A 12-year-old boy, a several-time
offender in Juvenile matters. Is
held at the detention home today
In connection with a burglary at
the home of Evt-n O, Dixon, 623
Prescott, yesterday.
The boy, arrested by city police,
admitted taking a small amount of
money, a .22 calibre automatic pis
tol and a flashlight from the' resi
dence. All Items were recovered.
Visits Hon Mrs. J. J. Keller. 718
Jefferson, has Just returned from
Portland where she spent a week
visiting her son, Paul. I
Breakfast Women of the Moose !
will serve an alumni breakfast Sun- i
day at the lodge hal at 9 a. m.
(All Eight of Them) " .
$1.20 Per Person Dancing 9 Till 1
Coming Armory Wed., July 9
Glen Gray and the Catatonia Orchestra
Conveniently Cleaned In Your Home
Latest Equipment and Methods
Serving the Basin Area Since 1924
Telephone 6011 Felly
think. Choo.
famoua namt radio
our larr Irctlon
take It home for a
day froo trial btforo
Inr a aieoUlona Yoa
ander no bllfallon to
leaf Iklnk. rhaaae an. 'yV' I I f I
i a
Choos Item these
famous Makts
RCA Victor
O Emerson
O Fada
and ethers
i .......
r ii
Il l utiW'lUfm v
. 7ni MAIN HT.
Fri.-Sai. Only.
fl AfpW1 ff
(S) M
Reg. $4.98 Value
Lined waisrband,plea ts in
front, zipper closing. Famous
Glenbrook rayon fabrics.
Crease-resistant. Colors are
navy and brown. Sizes 14 to
Sd&fuc&K fMta7eed (111)1
Hour: 9 to 5:30
133 So. 8th. Phone SI 89
Corner 5th & Main