hfinu iysimiessiriniomi Stocks Tcale ff .lkSuper? Plamies PENDLETON. Ore.. June M i tale of nine mysterious objects Mf airplanes whlsslni over rYMlern wasninsion ai w muw n hour cot sarnticiam loaay irom lie army end air exprru. The man who reported the object Kenneth Arnold, a flvlnl Boise, Ida- is. bulneesman. clung, however, to lU atory of the ehlny. flat object, ash aa bit- a a DC-4 passenger lane, recinc over Washlnxton'a aaeade mountain! wun a peculiar aearini motion "like the tall of a lU." An army spokesman in wasning- ton, D. O., commeniea, as lar aa rve Know, nomine mes uiai inat ept a V-a rocket, which travel! at ihAut 3500 miles an hour and that's Lnn font t f he am." The tpokesman added that the V-2 rockets would not resemble the bJecta reported by Arnoia, ana umv to high-speed experimental tests vera being made in the area where Arnold said the object were. A civil aeronautica administration Inspector in Portland. Ore., added. I rather doubt that anything would be travelling that fast." Church To Be Site Of Ceremony TACOMA. June 26 W Historic Bt Luke's church, rebuilt stone by stone as funds were raised dollar by dollar during the last 11 years, will be re-consecrated at Its new lte here Sunday In impressive Episcopal church ceremonies. The towering structure, built here in 1883 from plans of an an cient English edifice, was closed and fell into disrepair during the 1830's when a large part of its par ish moved away from the downtown area In which it was located. Dr. Arthur Bell, rector of St. Mark's Episcopal church, conceived the idea of having the building re moved to a site In the north end sf the city and reconstructed. A drive was started to raise funds and the work has progressed step by step aa the necessary cash came In. The congregation has Invested 190,000 in the structure's removal ana rebuilding and architect value H at $200,000. Dr. Stephen Welding Bayne Jr., recently consecrated bishop of the diocese of Olympia, and Dr. Cecil Swanson, dean of Christ Cathedral In Vancouver, B. C, will speak at the morning and afternoon services. Aching. ( Burning Feet Yon Get Complete! Satisfaction Or Your Money Back. Two or three applications of Moone'i Emerald Oil and in double quick time the pain and soreness disappears. A few more applications at regular Interval and you get rest ana oonuort again. And best of all It overcome offen sive odor. It' a wonderful formula this combination of essential oils with camphor and other antiseptics so aepenuabie mat tnousana oi bottles are sold annually. Every good druggist guarantee Moone's Emerald Oil or money back. OACKACIIL UG PAINS MAY BE DANGER SIGH Of Tired Kidneys tf fcukacte tod ler pm ai nmUamyvm mlMrmbW.don't just complain and do aotaisc jroor kidney need aUntiom. . TlMki(lccarNature'tebscfwayo?tadiiy mat acids and potaootma waits oit of Ut Wood. Thcr Jtp Beat paopl paia abort 9 mtmrnt a day. If tfaa 16 mOm of Wthwry tubal and fllttm Wt work well, poisonous wuti mattari tan aaakacbai. riMomatio pains. It paiai, loss of pap and cncrtTs tfrttin op ntxnts, iwaUlnr yaflaaw nndertba ayea. baadachaa aad dtoii. iains wrong with your Udnari or Uaddar. Don't waltl Ask roar druTirt for Doao'a rUk a stimulant diaratit, ud mfirtufnllr by millions for mr 60 years, Doan'i jrft Wppy nUmt and wffl balp thm U mlka of usuisjb miom aiasst OUT DOUOI torn blood, GrtDotm's Pill, Hit in Klamath Falls! rVMfiG!C CIRCLE" GUARANTEES you toptr-Cniamy DEODORANT For yo who pride yourself on being extra careful about your body hy. (ienel Get this greet deodorsnt dis covery now introduced locally... Ibi Kttmidtr tack with Mafic CktU to keep your deodorant super creamy, super-effective, always. It's yours with new Arrid, the only de odorant that protects you so well these 3 important waytl 1. Arris rssHy protects yes frets srrsssiiisj othori. No other deodorant, ooly Arrid, stops perspiration and odor so effectively yet so safily. 1. Arris really prstssts yor ctotbos. Slops perspiration so prevents stsioi. Wins American Institute of Laundering Seal "Harmless to Fabrics." 3. Arris Is really safe for your shin, "Arrid is non.irritstiag," report loading skin specialists. Used by many doctors and nurses. Antiseptic Gentle, Use "Magic Circle" Humidor Peck to keep Arrid super-creamy, ' Don't be half safe, be Arrld-tsfe. Use Arrid, to be raw. All Arrid here has Masic Circle... i clearly marked "Hsaii- Pack." Br a a mlf-&91 4 aao. Arnold described the objects as "flat like a pie-pun," and so shiny that they reflected the sun like -a mirror. He said he was flying fast at 1:5 p. m. two days ago toward Mu Rainier when they appeared direct ly In front of him 36-30 mile away at 10,000 feet altitude. Timed By Clock By hi plane' clock he timed that at 1:42 minutes for the 47 miles front Mt Rainier to ML Adams, Ar nold said, adding that he later fig ured by trianiulation that their peed was 1200 mile an hour. "I could be wrong by 200 or 300 miles an hour," he admitted, "but I know I never saw anything io fast." He said at first he thought they were geese, but quickly saw they were too big as big as a DC-4 (hat was about 30 miles away, he said. The DC-4 pilot reported nothing un usual sighted. Then Arnold said he thought of Jet planes and started to clock them. Mbut their motion was wrong for Jet Jobs." I guess I don e know wnat tney were unless they were guided mis siles,'' said Arnold, who continued nere on a business trip. "Everyone says I'm nut." he added ruefully, "and I guess I'd say it too if someone else reported those things. But I saw them and watched them closely. It seems impossible, but there it is." Arnold said he was 3S-S0 miles west of MU Rainier, en route from Chehalis to Yakima, when he sight ed the objects. He explained he had decided to look for a marine corps plane, missing since last Jan uary, wnue ne was in tne area. Blinding Flashes He told a reporter the plane re mained visible by the bright, "al most blinding" flashes of reflected sunshine a far as SO miles awa Arnold admitted the angle ft, which he viewed the objects would i might be causing the reflections, make difficult precise estimation a pi of their speed, but Insisted any error would not be grave "for that speed." The DC-4 was rloser than the ob jects, but at 14.M0 feet and some what north of him. he said, adding that he could estimate the distance of the object belter because an in tervening peak once blocked his view or tneni. lte round tne peaa was ii miles away, Arnold related, - He also said they flew on the west sides of Rainier and Adams, adding that he believed this would make it more difficult for them to be seen from the ground. The Boise man said that at first he thought the window of his plane Briton Gives Morse OK PORTLAND. June 36 (A Sen ator Wayne Morse has "caught the fancy" of the British, an English newspaper correspondent here today said. James Hamlin-Howard said he was collecting biographical material on Morse for a newspaper published by the Empire Industrie associa tion. "They wonder about what sort of a man Morse is to be able to follow his own convictions even when they differ from those of his fellow re publicans, and still remain unhurt by the smear efforts of those who would brand him a communist sym pathizer," he said. He added' that Morse's filibuster against the labor bill would not change their opinion, since. British industrialist do not admire the Taft-Hartley act. but that he still saw the- objects after rolling It down. He also described' the object as "saucer-like" and their motion "like a fish flipping in the sun. Threaded Throuih Hill Mostly, he said, he was surprised at the way they twisted Just above the higher peaks, almost appearing to be threading their way through tne mountains. "Ten thousand feet la very low for anything going at that speed," ne said. Arnold was flying a three-paa-J rncr, singie-vnKuiva plane at vcuv feet at the time, he said, adding that hi own speed was about 104 miles an nour. He landedjiere yesterday and said he would remain another day or two Dei ore returning to Boise. Exports Causa Wool Shortage PORTLAND, June 38 (SV Aus tralia export so much wool that there, Is a wool shortage there, Wal lace Kadderly. farm director of radio station KOW, said yesterday on his return from that country. Kadderly, sent there by the U. 8. state department as a consultant on -rural air programs, added that butter and meat still are rationed In Australia. He also said that though much Now Many Wear FALSE TEETH With LittU Worry Bat, talk, lauffh or anaasa without fear of liuaeur falaa tth dropping. slipping or wabbling. FASTEITH hold iaiaa iirmar ana mora comioriaoiy. plaaaant powdar hai no rummy. paiiy una or laaiing. uon i iiauaea. It't alkaltae (non-acid). Chacks "Plata odor tdentura braataj. Cat rASTXXTH at any drug itora. plataa Thla fooay. Fruit Case Out Of Court PORTLAND, June as Wl-Dls-mlssal of a federal court suit here left the Eugene Fruit Grower as sociation today with only nn nppcnl before the Washington, D. C, tax court In an attempt to regain l'J5. 000 paid as "excess war profit" to the government. The pavment was to the war con tracts price adjustment board fol lowing the year 1M4. In which the association sold f UfM.tOD AI In vegetables to the nrmed services. The association protested the pay ment on the ground the money be longed to the growers and the as sociation had no rluht lo send the money to the government. In Hjr suit. rt'nis.wl here, bv Judge Clnde Mr-rWn-ii. ihe asso ciation glso rontrmlerl the "rice hoard's action was n "hi"e nf ar bitrary power" nd asked n In-. (unction under the emergency price control ect. Judge McCo'lorh ruled Hie act did not anplv to the situation. of the country raises sheep, there are many small, diversified farms and a citrus-growing region north of Sydney. av Mf. MlinJr mi My May Sno.iSu mm, I. to loTtotl. yw tfetfM. W a iSMto lUMfally vldt Bl'HAUt. inta tawi to IS 1"n Mto M British Taom Upsets Amtrlconi WIMBLEDON, June It lAr-WUh 80-year-old Queen Mary watching from the center court aland, the Urltlsh-Australlan double combi nation of Tony Mottnim and Billy Hlriwell staged the first unset of the Wimbledon tenuis t'hninplouslilM tiHtiiy by ousting the tourth-ncrdpil ('iilltorulnu team of Tom Brown mid limine Patty, 11-3, 3-6, 7-5. 4-S, 0-4, In an opening doubles match. CIALD A NIWi, Hlaaialk rails, Ore. THI'MUSf, J IS, llll, fan Twt, The American defeat was the only startling development of a routine day devolrtt to second round matches In the women's singles and opener In men's and mixed double. Kl'I.INd OIVKN ' BALKM, Juno 30 Attorney General llcorue Neuner ruled today (hat county plnrks cannot act as ad ministrator of cslntes In llielf own counties, and that holder of free hunting license given to veterans and pioneer must pay tht 10 een dear lag fee. : PILES UCCEIirULLY TREATED NO ralN NO UOsrlTM.IEATION Na l.aii af TIM riaiaaal Ralll DR. E. M. MARSHA Oklrasramla myllaa IS Ns Ilk - k.iialr Tkaalrs BIS ra.a llll i ejananuBaaBaaBaaaBaBMaasssaaasSBnauuBaaaaw f ' " " frmrUaa Mala vs4a. taai yaja . at irWl. stela CI Harm Ism. la Haair Utu Caaa BO ap ESI Ml RFHKY'8 SEED KTOHE $34 Klamath Phone S44S X For tht Young Handy-Mn TOOL 'BU' CH2J3 C3H$ET' (J- ON SALS THURSDAY f RID AY a SATURDAY MAINatJfh u RIGHT RESERVED TO LIMIT QUANTITIES . Shaving Buy I GILLETTE TECH Razor 5BLUE MQo IMfiSPIRIfJ 5-GRAIN TABLETS (Limit 1) 5 lbs Epsom Salt Limit I Simplt-to-Do TONI HOME PERMANENT CompUl 4 25 . kit, just . . I """ IVORY SNOW 34c 10c ftk r'wr & ore TABLETS 3 27c - ... SCCHARIN BLETS Grain Sit, LIFEBUOY SOAP Limit 1 3 for it J) lllfRAL OIL Fiat (Limit I) New 2,A-qurt GUSS BALL PITCHER Anchor- OQt Hockint 09 50c Shm BARBASOL ariAVE CREAM r Carte" V 1 50 BOOK rt MATCHES 22SC V J" Batb 5iw 1 pAtMOLWEl Tl SOAP I Woi7Sr n pAP 1 11 IT V i Ch&mpionship Golden Crowi GOLF BALLS ) Tough covers, liquid confers. 95c, 3 he 2.75 USIl'!IBBMLw Protiet Eytsl "AZURINE'V Sun Glasses PUttic CQ htmtt.. Ov ' Absorb glare. MAX FACTOR SUNTAN PAN-CAKE Ntw lummtr 50 fhtttry . . . 1 3 lovely ihade for that imart, gun-tanned look. BOURJOIS EVENING IN PARIS PERFUME- 1 65 'S-Og. til . . " Texfume oi Ro mance" for mid lummer nightg. Ynky Clovtr DUSTING POWDER RUhtrd 125 Hucnnt.. 1 lev Skin? 35c Pond's CREAMS .cte.39c. Dark-Eves for Lasnat SI .89 On applioolion lost 4 to 5 weeks Sfy Sweet ODORONO Deodorant CREAM. lQe I-otmce w SJ0 Boulh glh Between Walnut and Oak. Phone Mail Ordsn Promptly rilled Add Postage No C.O.D.'g STORI HOURS 4S A. M. TO 4 P. M. "FLORSHEIM" black OXFORDS 6" Genuine Navy Ha hlesk sslhsla. Very dressy far geaeral wear aaywaer. 1000 pair ait reeelreal Ceai I sties fresi IVi Is 11 sad wletai freat A s C. Iaer aaees yelees at tills fpeslsl Prlsel BUY 2 OR S PAIRS NAVY HACK WOK SHOPS Bit tataa J jr . a 43 rrM 1" KNil Hlrjrl. NEW ..'4.951 RUBBER BOOTS HIP JC AC IOOTS.. D.i7J Army Combat BOOTS . latal top style, st plstare'. Hies 10, IOVi. II ea V 95 11 Vs si tkls Mm Speslel Isle . frlss 9x9UMBRELLA TENT I ssAiptsHe) WIU CHUUaJla fWHlM !. Mm ewM'la OfMC tlH IM nMlle) mm4 nutH rrM Ur prwr, tlrei rj ( i . V) 01 AM K IAU mnmm eww). $3795 NSH lla rT. I'MBBSLI A TSNT- .49.50 ONE MAN MOUNTAIN TENTS ' as. Very Ilea to rry. .vrrUiiurd. gy tlt-W Wl NTUIV JHMTAI TKXTK AllIY PI P TK.T S2.95 (Me- t llfN1V, V lf ' ey4Ut fYlST WtftlaciboiMe "AIROSOL" INSECT BOMBS KStMU1gU4M IM4M fUl s)(gt4a la(,sa41 emr MIN'S T-SHIRTS .al. lla.. I aMly. FORRIST SUIDE JACKITS 128 Ua ar I l 2 PIECE WOOL. SLEEPING BAG WeMgJ lejtlsj Willi wtW trHni vis vosws. wriIUt(jr 4I la Vll.M. $yi.95 Friday Sot. Only i SLEEPING BAG 995 tes tin - I r.h4 .ia. rw Ira wanaia. .rv UM 'a ary, iatlliws.i C MDUCID V ritici CAMP SHOVELS Short Handle, ea. 69c CAMP AXES Short Handle, QQ I FOLDING IUCKETS CQ .OiVC I Canvas, Ntw U7( PINO Q SaveatWalgxeen't 6ca SOU r4f el la.U To aa TUMa, Ueeaes aa lullala Clip this COUPON. C0e Site' MENNEN SKIN BRACER Jer (Limit 2 boxes) rafl IDDDDL KRYSTAL KOTE 4.eeece LUSTRE- r.RCME SHAMPOO A OO sis- e.axA Tube COLGATE TOOi" PASTE A A c HP FINISHING-1 DAY SERVICE ,AIR MATTRESSES laftsto with sir, esty to traaipert, teraierly sals st Jlt.tl. Hew Oaiy NAVY CANVAS HAMMOCK Cesipleto wlta aas carSi... S3.95 a v V TiM.raa m t.L mviiir u airai ruit. K.,i. praaf. r . at laa. sMlUaai yala as 98c DOUBLE BED BUMK SET vooa wiiii Airings, rormrrly Hold lo I6.95. NOW moso r MAE WEST LIFE PRESERVERS mf la wMsir, COLEMAN LANTERNS 895 Oiehi pinuiAMl Ugkl, fcaaOftllelM U. S. ARMY OLIVE DRAB WOOL BLANKETS 3 NEW ZELAN SPORT JACKETS VALUE AT MIN'S SPORT TWIU PANTS OI SHIRTS. (Reaasestl Satert Pewser Mas sslsr, Iseal tor vassnsa wear. O Sato 2.95 CHINO PANTS and SHIRTS i I Chin PANTS 169 Chin SHIRTS 145 (Reclsisses) NEW FOLDING CANVAS COTS Heavy duty I 45 Man's WOODEN SANDALS $1.00 value BEACH 39e f . .. aUAl. Walker trlasaiea wiik Uppers. Hals J s4.95 (Niwi ONE MAN LIFE RAFTS 95 Cemplete with lafloter, paddles, etc. S and 7 MAN I.lrK. BAFT Cempl.U lUMKD), Sals frlea $33.95 .22 AMMUNITION Shorts .'. box 32c Longs box 45c Long Rifle box 49c Hollow Points box 59c RIMINOTON "IXPRISS" 12 OAUQI SHtlLS. yar has. 2.05 LEATHER WORK GLOVES New, Slardy Oesllty Sale Price Per Pair 89c NEW HUNTING KNIFE WIIS Umthmr SkMIS 3D' Vs 33 Piece REAMER SET 3950 V, Im 1 tmrh In .lnrlN, nrrtscUIIy Frtced Down to sal 40 place SET OP TAPS and DIES WHILI 11 SITS LAST I SALS PRICI 14 s LIFE BOAT RATIONS Largs 2S-s. Cos EfA Coatalat Ssvsrot M liiaatlal Poods VsI 100 POKER CHIPS I Plastl Cass (I , Calsrs, aasreatablel )1M Vetee Oelv... 1 it r Carssi Machinists. Plaaakers. Asto Mecaaalcs, tVeaeral Contractors aad Hobbyists AI AT RIAT RARttAIN PRICIS llaaaiar.. Saw, Sldg... Mallocha, Sbovili, At, Wrench!, Aavll, Plan, Spirit Ivl. ftquia, I'nra, High 8p..J Prill.. Mlcinmilifi, Hand Drill, Klcclrle Drills, and do,.n. ol othr aianaal aad powr.drrva tool, all oa al AT BIG SAVINGSI 1 1. 1 w 1 WW 9 SALE OF MICROMETERS 795 ft, $g95 -yMAM rht.-.1lM V INCH HAND DRILL 1 Mas by 195 Miller Palis I , 1 Vi TON AUTO JACK I With lasy Op.rorlea 95 Leaf Haadl O BUTCHER KNIVES 10-lack Hade gtA Rlretod Hasdles OV S25 HIGH SPEED Drill Set 12 10" IIS la H y 1141a (Ala mlnum ilnai, CMialat Ml 0 as. Namberod Hlfbt asses Bnn tots. CLARK ELECTRIC DRILL Vs tack sis. (Pre- totod)Usdbyvt. A bis raise at tkls SPECIAL PRICII ;$1495 1 ELECTRIC DRILL PRESS Mora s s Rssl Vslssl V rW Press wltfc s)etokabls Head DrW. Sals price aa llmrtod tew. - 25 Mllltr Pallf netvr Dulr U IIP Motor, two T-lnrb ntanl, BENCH GRINDER only , $85 each WHJT PAINT S Oal. Dram . . 17 95 RED, GREY or QREEN PAINT at r 2-Burner Camp Stoves AGM S12.93 Coleman $12.95 All rise to