fo) SI LILTQ mam Day's Jtavs My Fit AN K JKNKINH TIIK United Stale UMliiy protest "hrply" to th ltinitiilnn gov ernment against Uto arbitrary rnrrnt without warrant or chnma of hun dred of members of thd Hoiimnlan political puny tlit oppose com munism. Our hole ay llm arrest "appear to represent deliberate effort t lilt suppression or terroristic In llmldntlon "f (li'iiiocmHo element opposing Hi present coniiiiunlsl dominated regime In Homaiila. It adds that "nurd evident de privation of tin rami tlrmatila human right Mid fundamental freedoms" conflict Willi llm Urmn of llm uer.e treaty signed by llm KoiiibiiIbii government mid by the United mntc; THE protest, of course, 1 only geslur. IUiiiibmIb, for nil prer llrnl purposes, Is now A PARI OF HOVIKT HU8H1A. Hfl to Russia nd lirr ultimate ob J Jcrllvra III Kurope. watch Hit '1 .-1n..-A.lrli.flr linn of WlUdl lilt lorn of the Kll river It a party llecall Uial 111 Urn cloning days 01 the shooting war every Ume our troops stepped over Una Ho they were yanked buck by ordcra from Washington, It weina altogether likely that tliU line wa agreed uon al Yali or clscwherei an the western boundary of Russian influence In Kurope and Uial Russia l moving de Isivcly to make good Hie agree ment. . , , TIIKUK la another Internum de velopment In the Kurupean new. Molulov, Huwla a No. 3 "mil. U to go to Pari to talk over with HldttUll of Franco and .levin tit Hritaln America prul to hungry and drscrl Western Europe back on It feel. On Ha lace, that lka hopeful. Maybe, after all. Ituasia la going to be decent 'a waveof' optimum haa awrpt Urn world In the wake of announcement of Molotova participation III Uie Parta conference. t PRAVDA (newiiiaiier organ of Uie Russian communist party i daslica cold water over thcat hopea Una , morning. , It ays! No Mlf-rwpecllng Kuroiean na tion could accept Uie U.S. prooal If accepuinct mean American inter ference in the internal affaire of those nations." , . 11 add that Uie "busnics world of the Uiillrd Hlatca la trying lUirollKh lhl propoaal Ul llelfl WivU ern Minim-" lu WHAKr.N I UK RII'KNINU Kf.'ONOMlO CKIHIH 111 America and declare Uml If Amer ican aid to Kitroiw under Die new Winn I "conditioned on llm Greek Ttrklsh aainplo" II la doomed to failure. , . . ... , . - V .. v - KKKP In mind that Una new plan for helping Weatern Europe to get buck onto it feot pule Russia on Tim spot. She muni elUier help or hlndeV It. H the HINDKItS. It will amount to confession that what Russia really wanU U CONT1NUKO CHAOS becaune chaoa U the toll In which rommuniam flourishes. CO don't build any high hoit on Molotova forUicomlng trip to Parla. It doen't necessarily mean anyUiIng good. If your rivala were cooking eome thlng up. you'd want to be In Uie kitchen to aee what Uie broth waa going to be. That oouid easily ex- Jilaln Molotov a participation In the "aria parley. Keep your flngcra croaaed for Uie preaent. NOTB Pravda'a muierllon that our new plan to help Europe la a arheme by bualiicw men In Uie Dulled State to head off the RIP ENING KCONOMICJ CRI818 IN AMKHICA. . Thai I Inlereatlng and probably VERY algiilflcniit. It betray Kumila'a hone Uiat the United Htate la headed for another depresHlon like Uiat which began In 1V.I0. In that event, Moacow ob vlousl" reanofia, the United Stnlea MIGHT RECOME RIPE FOR COM MUNIHM. In view of Rusala'a clearly P- fiarcnt HOPE that capitalist Amcr ra Is headed for another bust, we can't afford to overlook the prob- (C'anllnard en laf a. Colama al '1 . 1 ,P a'cUk Special Sr5 I . ,.!..., Dorothy and Tatay Heath had Just orotaed taat Main atreet at Orchard with this load or groceries wnen in f o ciook pnoiog caugni this picture with their dog Tippy. Th Healh g4rla are the daughters of Leo Heath, 2432 Orchard. PRICE FIVE CKNTtf !Q9 KLAMATH r Q ' r . rVKDNKMIMV, JUNE M, 1M7 Talk Terms WASHINGTON, Junt 25 (AP) Soft cool operoton from the North ond Watt gathorod todoy to diicuit termt they might offer to John L, Lewit In an effort to avert on industry wide mine strike next month. Even oi the producer! met, nearly half of the loft coal minora already wore Idle in what gome coal diggers doicribed as a protest against enactment of the Taft-Hartley labor bill. Further curtailment of operations is due when the miners start a 10-day vacation Friday, throe days before the govern ment relinquishes the soized mines to private owners. Unless the operators and Lewis' Unitod Mine Workers agree on a new contract before the vocation period ends July 7, the pits aVe likely to stoy closed. The miners traditionally have refuted to work without a contract. The contract negotiations broke down several weeks ago in a dispute over Lewis' wage and other demands. Despite the meeting of Northern and Western operators, there was no indication that they had an immediate data with Lewis. Firemen Beat Call To Fire City firemen were Johnny-on-tht-apot tlila morning when Uiry got to Uie fire before they had been called. The fire, a chemical blaat In a cleaning vat at the New Method Cleaning plant, 1463 Eaplanade, waa apolted by firemen from an upper atory window of Uie station only a few block away. Hllght damage waa done, Uie lira department reHirted. Firemen were called to extin guish two graa flrea Tuesday, one al 4th and Rooaevelt and Uie other, on the nil edge of town at tho city until. New Trains . Due In Fall The new flhaxla daylight train, arheduled to oerats between Ban Francisco and Portland via Klam ath Palla, are expected to be ready for service sometime In the late fall according to Southern Pacific railroad. These dleael-powered all coach tralna are a part of the new streamlined equipment' which ha been ordered by the railroad eompany. Total coal of the equip ment ta expected to reach B0. &00.000. According, to A. T. Mercler. prealdent of Uie Southern Pacific company, the City of San Fran claco. operating between Ban Fran cisco and Chicago, will be put on a da,lly run between the two clllea aa soon a new equipment become available. It now makea three trip a week. Equipment needed to make the Cltv of Snn Francisco a dally train will coat SS.0O0.00O. Prince Of Iran Found Today PARIS, June 35 M'l Prince Ha-mld-reaa Pahlevl, younger brother of Uie Shah of Iran, who disap peared from his New York hotel Monday night, arrived here by plane today and waa whisked awny to the Iranian legation by an at tache before the 16-year-old lad had time to protest. Mahmoud Sal el) I, Iranian consul, said Uie prince had "run away" from the school he had been attend ing In Uie United States and had intended to take Uie first available plane from Paris to Tehran. 4 7 1 However, fjecreuiry of Labor Schwellenbach or some other gov ernmenl official may seek to bring tne two slues together oulckiy. Houthorn coal operators, who have insuileti oil separate negotiation, were standing by while the northern ana western coal men planned their strategy. Probe Hurled The proUrsl walkout this week have stirred a Justice department Investigation mid an apparently funis congressional move to revive expiring federal seizure powers. The number of those who had Jumped the gun stood al HS.tOO last night. Those who would talk said they acted to protest passage or ine labor mil. A United Mine Worker official at Harlan, Ky said, "Tve never seen Uie miner so aroused before. Government officials disclosed Uie Justice department I seeking to de termine wheUier Uie miner went out of Uielr own free choice or whether tbey had ome sort of leadership. Hoth in the Justice department and congress, however, the feeling seemed general that the Taft-Hartley law would be Inadequate to halt a coul shutdown al this time. Italian Head Resigns Post ROME, June 35 Provisional Ptfsldent Enrico de Nicola. 6H, sent his resignaUun to the constituent assembly today. The resignation came after ap proximately 6.000,000 members of the communlsl-doinlnated general con federation of labor held a nation wide half hour strike at mid-morning In protest against a aeries of alUck on Sicilian communist head quarters Sunday. De Nicola's message, read to a hushed assembly by Speaker Um berto Terraclnl said 111 health pre vented him from exercising "my function any longer." The iiosslblllty remained that Uie assembly might De Nicola to serve again. Other candidate mentioned were the three old men of Italian politics, all former pre mier: Ivanhoe Bonoml, Krencesco Saverlo Nlttl and Vlttorlo Emanuele Orlando, last urvlvor of Uie Big Four of the first World War. Bee Sting Kills Seattle Woman SEATTLE, June 35 P Stung by a wasp. Mrs. Catherine Mosley, 33. died within )b minutes Tuesday after miming from her yard to a neighbor's home. Coroner John P. Brill Jr., reported. The neighbor, Mrs. Edward T. Welch, telephoned a doctor and the fire department but Mrs. Mosley died on her dav enport while first aid was being administered. The death was due to acute pulmonary congestion caused by the poison In Uie sting, Brill said. I Search For Boy's Body Called Off Search of Lost river near Merrill was called off yesterday afternoon for the body of 8-year-old Oerald Dickenson, who is believed to have drowned in the river Monday. Six boats with dragging equip ment combed the bottom of the river yesterday without success. The boy was a son of Mrs. Thomas Watson of Merrill. Searcher were hampered by clams on Uie bottom of the river and by brush and willows. Vessel, About To Sail For Far East, Burns At New York Docks JERSEY CITY. N. J June 25 (P) Fire- spread through two holds of Uie U. 8, President Lines" 10,780-ton cargo ship, Uie S3 Marine Flier, todny as londgshoremen loaded the vessel for sailing Friday to the Far East. A heavy pnll of blut-gray smoke rose from Uie ship and drifted across the Hudson river over downtown Manhattan. Two coast guard bout including- the flreboat, Sauk, the New York City flreboat John Harvey, 10 railroad tugboats, and 13 fire companies Joined In subduing the blaze that broke out at 11:10 a. m, (EDT) , and was not under con trol until an hour and a half later. When Jersey City firemen arrived at the acene they were told that eight longshoremen had been trapped In No. 3 hold of tho Marine Flier, Fire Chief Frank J. Ertle said. Ho added that the report was soon discounted when firemen, wearing masks, went down into the hold and found no evidence of anyone being trapped. ' Origin of the fire, Police Captain Patrick Flanagan said, and a damage estimate were not immediately determined. . ' Flanagan said the fire, In a hold containing ammonia sulphide, caused fumes and Intense heat that hampered the work of firemen. The Marine Flier had been scheduled to sail Friday with general oargo to the Far East. It arrived several days ago from the Orient. . Little Constellation Crash Lands EW YORK. June 25 (4V-An Air France Constellation "plana from Pari buckled this afternoon a It was coming to a stop on a 6000-foot runway at LaOuardia field. The extent of aamage was ' not ascertained immediately. The acci dent occurred at J3:09 p. in. PST. The plane waa half way down the runway when It appeared to col lapse. The landing gear appeared to buckle, and Uie plane tipped over on one wing. The two right engines also were reported to have buckled. Crash apimralu was rushed to the scene. It was reported the plane had 30 posjiengers on board. The plane had come Into the pre vailing southwest wind and had gone about 3000 feet along Uie runway, which was described ea a northeast outhwef:'rtmway.:k ; The craft was reported to have left Pari yesterday. - Phone Books Ready Soon New telephone directories should be In Uie mall to subscribers In this area in early July. Charles Seavey, manager of the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph company here, said today. The 1947-48 books, are being printed and all Indication are Uiat Uiey should be finished by July 1. The books are about a month be hind schedule this year, delayed by the telephone strike several weeks ago. Material could not be given to printers in time to make the usual June 1 date. Seavey explained. More than 6000 names appear In the new directory, a record num ber In this section. The figure does not include listings for Merrill, Mulin, Tulclake, Bonanza, Bly, and outlying point. ' Amnesia Case Identified YREKA. Calif.. June 35 The young woman who wo picked up more than two weeks ago at Duns mulr, apparently an amnesia vic tim, hB been tentatively Identified as Bonnie Jean Wallace, or Bonny Jean Owsley, 30. She Is held in Uie Siskiyou Gen eral hospital as a mental patient. The Identification was made by the California state bureau of Iden tification by fingerprints. Print taken at Yreka matched a set taken at San Dlcgo over a year ago when a woman who gave her name as Bonnie Jean Wallace was given a 30-day suspended sentence on a drunk charge. At that time she said that she was a native of Louisville, Ky. At Yreka Uie woman has given her name as Jean Lange, and appears unable to recognize Uie other names. The woman was picked up at Dunsmuir, Saturday, May 31, wan dering about Uie streets in an er ratic manner.- She was cradling a pair of shoes in her arm as though fondling a baby. WaiLialLrAxatiarifce (Telepba "Mils X" IcWifi.d At iv i Flaxen-haired "Miss X." who K p.TalJM.TalJITaMWsM.TalJITalsjfWWP IHUP W I.. . sp jH"H "V WWPW?- J VA f J A'" -, : . '1 : : . i .x.- .. . . -. " I ! -i " ""IF "' 1 r 1 '-"I . , - days recovering from a sadistic betttag apparently received at Weed, June 15, haa been Identified a Mary Jasw Meddlln. X. daaghter of Mrs. Laura Lucille Meddlln of Selma, Ore. Hugh GHreath, Mrs. Meddlin'a common law husband, la held In with intent to commit murder. The wirephoto, was taken in Grant Pass a State Police Sgt. C. R. Borg. man questioned Gllreatai about the crime last night. GHreath admitted abandoning Mary Jane In Weed. The child's mother will be taken to Yreka to face a like charge this af ttrnota. The two pictures of the little girl wera taken in the SlaMjron General hospital by Deputy Sheriff Thorae West. Spiraling Meat Prices May Lead To Return Of Control WASHINGTON, June 35 OPI Ed ward A. O'Neal, president of the American Farm Bureau federation, said today a threatening meat shortage may make It necessary to restore price controls, but Senator Taft (R-Ohlo) commented: "Not a chance." O'Neal expressed his views at a hearing by a senate-house commit tee headed by Taft. This group the Joint ' congressional committee on the economic report Is seeking information on how to stabilize Uie economy. Before O'Neal testified, Paul O. Hoffman, president of Studebaker Corp.,' told the committee that the Income of most Americans could be "doubled wlthlft 35 years" by "wise actions" to smooth out Uie national economy. Senator O'Mahoney (D-Wyo.) de veloped O'Neal's opinions about meat prospect. Tne senator noieo, that floods In the Midwest are seriously damaging the corn crop ana said tnis win ieaa to a snort- age of meat and possibly start a new wage-price spiral. "What are we going to do?" O'Mahoney asked. "Does It mean we are going to have to go back to price oontrol?" j WIATHEK H. Uaae 4I..M . feua ( rreltMala leti M beert.....- a Kim rf " Leal . ia.t .rl ll.H rereeMii Pair, felpli eleeit. till) Nt. ltMt Yrtka haa beta In a Yreka hospital for 10 Jail at Yrtka on a charge of assault Sop p4etare. from Associated Press O'Neal said, "We may have to go oacc. , But Taft told reporters later "there is not a chance", of restoring price controls. "We ean control prices somewhat,' h said, "by controlling exports.' O'Neal urged that congress enact addlUonal labor legislation "to deal adequately with labor-management relations, but he did not specify what he believes Is needed ' beyond the new Taft-Hartley law. Herald And News To Publish 4th The Herald and News will vary Its holiday publication schedule In connection with the Fourth of July celebration this year. Uanally, the paper suspend publication on July 4. But thl year a paper will be published on Jaly 4, and the suspension will be effective on Saturday, July 5. That wlU give Herald and News employes a double holiday Sat urday and Sunday, July 1 and 5. Man Confesses Leaving Tot Bui Denies Beating By HALI SCA KB ROUGH A sudden break in the mystery of little "Mies X," eeiwsni . from Grants Pass last niakt, spent the past 10 days in hospital at Yreka recovering from) a brutal beating, as Mary Jane Meddlin, aged 2. Hugh Gilreoth, 23-year-o4e) Selma, Ore., millworker, le held in the Siskiyou county jail today on open charges. He hee admitted abandoning the child the beating. The child' mother, Gilreath's law wife, is held in what officers called "protective custody" at Selma, 20 miles from Csranti rass. Formal charges of assault with intent to commit murder ' wera filed against Gilreath and the tot's mother at Yreka,' and Deputy Sheriff Thome West and Mrs. Wast left for' Grants Pass to get the mother, Mrs. Lucille Meddlin. She will be taken to the hospital and confronted with the child this afternoon. Yreka sources said that feeling is running strong agamst' Gilreath there and officers ara considering taking him to an-' other jail for safe keeping. The 25-year-old man could not even be placed in a common cell when he was brought to the) . Siskiyou jail this morning on protest of other prisoners. Lat nignt unreatn was arretted a by Oregon state police at Senna. wnere ne work, ana taken to Grants Pass where he was ques tioned by Siskiyou Deputy Sheriff Thome West and Weed Police Chief Dan Bennett. Confession Given Gilreath is said to have confessed to abandoning Uie child, with the consent of the mother, Mr. Lucille Meddlin, 32, because there were "too many kids around." A child waa born to Oilreath and Mrs. Meddlln at Grant Pas. June 14, Uie day before Mary Jane was left at Weed. He said that on Saturday night, June 14, he took Mary Jane on a bus from Grant Pas to Weed, and left her sleeping In a parked ear. Then he said he waited at the bus station a while and took another bua back to Grants Pass. Oilreath denied beating the child. When found June 16, in a dump of bushes back of a Weed dance hall. Mary Jane was unconscious from a vicious beating and "criminally mishan dled." Woman Questioned Mrs. Meddlln. Questioned by Ore gon Mate police, sald that Gilreath took uie ntue Dionae girl away with her consent She said Uiat they had talked over plans for abandon ing Mary Jane because "she was too much trouble." a far back as but December. Mrs. Meddlin told offi cers they decided "It wouldn't look right to putvher in a foundling home" because Gilreath was work ing. , . . j' . , . , ,.-.,.,;.. - She aafd that when the child was taken away her body bore bruises, a black eye and whip mark received Friday, June 13, when "both Hugh and I whipped the girt" She told ICUUM Fat a. Clsaa ) B-29's Leave For Tokyo FAIRFIELD. Calif.. June 36 Ufy Nine B-293 and their escorting C-54 "mother shins" headed toward Tokyo from Fairfteld-Suiun army air oose toaay ana an August l at tempt to make a one-stop flight from the Japanese Capitol to Wash ington. The aircraft, carrying 180 men and maintenance parts and' equip ment, leit tne air transport com mand base last night after arriving earner in tne aay irom meir nome station at Ft. Worth, Tex. Barbers Point air field, on Oahu in the Hawaiian islands, wo their nrst stop after leavine here. Fuel halts are scheduled at Kwajaleln ana uuam en route to jaDan. The August 1 Air Force Day ingni win nave Ancnorage, Alaska, as refueling point. Highway Work Slated Soon Work Is slated to start Julv 7 on construction of the lower Klam ath lake secondary highway con necting U. S. highway 97 with the South End basin area on highway 39. F. L. Somers, contractor, aaid today that he hopes to have the job finished by early November. Cost of construction Is estimated at $169,759 for the 7.01 miles of roadway which will be surfaced with bituminous macadam. The state highway office expects Paul Jones, formerly of the di vision office of engineers at Bend, to be in charge of Uie work. The improved highway will give Tule lake and South End people a good southbound route of travel, making it unnecessary to come to Klam- atn rails before going south. Lakeview Gun Draws Four LAKEVIEW, June 35 Melvln Storey, 36, gun wielder In a spectacular-shooting fray on the Men dell road- northeast of here last Thursday morning, was sentenced to serve four years In the Oregon state prison yesterday after a grand jury had returned three Indict ments against him charging as sault with intent to kill. Storey pleaded guilty to one In dictment, accusing him of trying to kill Rudolph Minor. Circuit Judge Charles Combs withheld action on the other two true bills, which charged that Storey tried to kill his wife. Arleen, and William Minor. All three of Uie indictments were returned yesterday. The Lake county grand jury was called In principally to hear the case against Storey, who had been held In jail In lieu of $15,000 ball since Thurs day. The incident which climaxed In the shooting spree was believed by officers to be a spotlight deer hunt, identified the child who hee in Weed Juno IS, but denied Soviets Kill Hopes For Cooperation LONDON, June 25 ' UPV-Pravdav the communist nartv nrran in R na si, daahed cold water today on the warm, rneoaiy reeling which Dae encompassed Ehrope since the So viet Union accepted last Sanday av British-French InvitaUon to talk about the Marshall ald-Eorope plan. , . With Soviet Foreign Minister V. M. Molotov reportedly scheduled te leave tomorrow lor Paris, where the three-power talks will get ander ' way Friday, Pravda aald no eeH reapeeting European nation eoaid accept the Marshall propoaal V acceptance meant American inter ference In the internal affair el those nation. It said the business world of the United States was trying, through the Marshall program, "to weaken Uie ripening economic crista" In America. . and declared that it American alcj to Europe under ttvf-" ! puui - was conoatloned on- the "Greek-Turkish sample' It wee doomed to failure. Conference ConUamed TJ. S. Undersecretary of Mate William L. Clayton continued his conferences, on world economic af fairs with Prime Minister Attlee,' British Foreign Secretary Erne Bevln and Sir . Stafford Crippe, president of the board of trade. U. S. Ambassador Lewis W. Doug las also attended the talk today. One high British government source said Britain would defer final decision on catting her barf ing program in the United States, "at least until the full scope pos sibilities of the Marshall aid Europe plan emerge." This apparently was in answer to. previous reports that Washington was expressing "concern" that such curtailment might amount to dis crimination against American goods, ' which Is prohibited under the terme of the loan agreement of 194. Voman Juror Beaten Up SANTA ANA. Calif.. June 16 M. A woman juror in the Overall yacM deaths case was beaten up by as unidentified intruder who broke In to her house today. Her assailant waa quoted by an authoritative po lice source as saying: "This ain't all you'll get if you vote the girl guilty." The reference apparently was to Louise Overell, 18-year-old heiress on trial with her boy friend, Oeorge GoUum, 31, in the slaying of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter X. Overell. The second day of testimony-taking In the trial was delayed as Mrs. Ovon Putnam, red-haired, 39-year-old wife of a shipyard worker, and . Superior Judge Kenneth E. Morri son were closeted for Jt conference. There have been repeated re quests from the prosecution that the Jury obtained after a month's questioning be locked up for dura tion of the trial. Court source pre dicted that Uie Putnam Incident would bring a renewed demand. Under California law, such an in cident must be reported first to the trial judge, and law officers would not be quoted officially. ' : Wielder - - Year Sentence accompanied by drinking, by Storey and his wife and the Minor brothers. . , Out on the Mendell road an ar gument started. William Minor jumped out of the car and ran for the bushes, with Storey in pursuit. Storey fired several rifle shots at William Minor, then turned and pumped five shots into the ear where Mrs. Storey and Rudolph Minor were sitting. They weren't hit. The fight continued on the ground, and Storey broke William Minor's arm with a swing of hie rifle. Rudomh Minor came with a club and knocked out bol Storey and William Minor, The day he was arrested Storey appeared In j istice court at Lake view and indicated that he wanted the grand jury to look over hie case. Storey had said that the Mi nor brothers kidnaped him end hie wife. .. , hie Z: