I Stock Leaders f Infirm Today i NEW YOMK. MaV H ' A P - delected fill. himyetl mi by earnings prosperl-, , held Ilia buying play In luilay stock market hut many leaders tiwliii l-cmiUmied lo serk lwliiM territory mt another nna or th alow sasalims of the ;i past VMr, .... . fl A number nf sir-able blocks propped ' volume although the llcker tap fie TuiiiMtlly hailed, Morning Mlna fur fa i voille running In around 9 points were J reduced and declines of IHUlll !' j dominated al Ui rlne. ... j . 7 Transfers weie In lit neighborhood of i ' tnu two hare . . . H Ntendatd oil iN J touched a peak fur 11147. dlfl Tas Cu. Advances V were iitinhinl hv Mid -Otnilneiil Print i Iffiuti. (.ton (HI Aiid Amerada Pelrnleum. nclienlev wm UP ri a IU.MKlhar 1 hlmk, Idler extended Ibis In I nil hen hacked away, A raised dividend lifted -j Underwood Corp, MesLlanl wars I ry Hold Tnhii.Tn "It" Wrlglay and Wesllng hum. Alrbnike Omnibus .'iiiumon ami preferred revived. ( (town frm-llinio In 9 were General i Mnlora. which Blarl.il on a ITim-shar "5 iiede. off V' Chrysler, V H Weel, H"'j 4 ieliein. tlU-nn MulUn 'al a Mw van's fiw, American Telephone American W.H.fen .with layoff growing III tlij 5 lml.ilrv. l)oW Chemical. IhiPont. Eat i man K'ltah Haul re. Union Psd!1'. 3 t a fc... ......... II .11 -v. v and I). H & i:tlUi,n. Nov low weie united for ANY ("ant ml and Pefinat ivatila Railroad J (lining limitations: 01', HIT. ' 4'. . :i4S . no. J Ant TH Tel j Anaconda ... j Calif Pat-mint . m f 'omittiiriwenMIt V K Curtis Wr'flil i (Jvnrial rirrt'll :q (lonr-al Mnif J (II Nnr Hv Mfil 'i liil Motvi-nlef :f Kanimi'ttM .4 l.r.h I1M "A' , '! Miiiiimiry Waul S N V i ! Ni.rll 'antral , IS'. . V't ttrrrt fMCIIir Paimrv i V RiudoltHkitr ' I'ninn oil 'i.lt( 1 Un Irlfle it h airt i Increased Buying Booms Grains Chicago. M.r 'Ar '-;; to l,.,rl.. r...imil.. .iS'.'J -ri..t liiiyti lit crU uo In boafd "'w'th'"!! Jw ronlrcl In wll up """ "'" ci.mi mi.r lhn 3 r.nli l on !". Him', '., cm w 'i hi l ou,..,a nlpimr. Mar J". ".. LIVESTOCK i vi ilio nwilliim lr" 14 : ia c.i. .warty: i-" , llo ul-)4 IM. .lrtr: i n SAtXI moat fod "wa " - . . Mifhi.!ril.hi. logo: ,,l rholr. pHn Umh. lto j at. 'ommon mnllum thorn w 4 00 7 Ju. CII1CACJO. Mar lAP-HHIIAl- " h.'o 1 mul ll.ot": ''ir f la"r: balk "ln,4 r""'r? v.ll. in SO cnli low.t. bulk oKl n0 holc "luu'll0"!!!. 5O00. IM.I MB: Ml.blj 7T (Ml. IM.I .Imlhlir .IBii .nil hi l.t. .u.. lo nu.ilr V cni. Mf'"; .,w. op.ii.d fullv U nnl. hlh.r. cf...n low: bulla fur " " ;iM,ir. ijou I Jal lb r. l"PP'l Jl M Afi. Irlcllv civic b.itt: buth "o Mum lo loo '" "d rnl"' iionjsoo. iwo l"'l ''""rtl" cnoli-j TLirllna hll WOO: .prlnlln bCr row. inoo aiiiKi common nl iiio Itmi kind. I4M I7JO: nnor. nd ful Ura 11) 14 00: II w.l.l.lr -u. bull. IT i it vi: vl i"dri good and rhoir jlooxinn lop moo : H.l.l.l. hP l"0. lol.l )': low. ttooUd limni around staAdv: orlv ! horn Uml houl U enu Inw.ri on M ld .nd rholr. lol-lb ll woold l.ml.. orrln muddr rta-l i loppd al Tioo: load or u n.Kllum and nd v lio lb. w.l.ln al m 1": ( n.l..d madiuin lo rhnlr 11lb,,,'a rlipp.il Umb. with No. I .' " lnd or o .horn lim . hld kl", luhir loo rrc for prlto lai. nomlnllr lady. ' Courthouse Records Complalnla ril llarrr Thoma. Iln. va Jrna N !Uwdr. J N Norlhwar and olhar.. lull lo rlrar llll.. A. C. V.U.n. .Horn.) , fur plalnllH . Marr BaiUplnnrr va Huah C. Had- Plnnar. auil for dlvnrcr L'ham. rrual and Inhuman ltalninl C .nipl. mairlad . Srnl.mbrr 1. 14. ! Kno Nv. J. C. O Ntlll. Ilornay lor plaintiff. Clara J MrDanlal v. nnnald L. Mr Danlrl, aull lor dinrr. Chara. enial at -I Inhuman lralmnt- toupU marrtad April 1. 1P4.1. al nr-tm. Nv. J. C. O Nlll. allnrny lor pUlnllff. ramplll rilrd , Rlla L nttrlla v., Clmn IlorlU. nil for dlvorc. Chara. cruitl and In- human lri.lmnl Omul marrtad Oclo. bar II loai. al lllln. Nr, Plalnl ft . aka dlvl.lnn nf prnparlv. C. K. orl coll. atturn" for plaintiff nrraa llrantad nianrho A. Slawarl v. Orvllla H Marv llodmplnnar va. Ilulh C. Rod aplnnar. . N.llle r. ljho v. Pler La bo. VITAiTTfATlsfiCS HICO Born al Klamalh Vallv hoj pllal. Klamath Fall.. On . Hu t l4T. lo Mr. and Mr. Alfrd Bleo. Tnnnl. .Calif, a flrl. Wallhl: T pound! in outtrra. . nnoWN-nnrn al Klamallt Valljy hoj. pllal. Klamath rll. Or . May T. I4T. lo .Mr. and Mm. Claud T. Brown. Boitan ra. Ota., a boy. Wellllit: 7 oolindl 1 "IlVl.r Horn al Klamalh Vallay hnj. pllal. Klamath Fall.. Or . Mar 8. IIMT. to Mr. and Mr.. Camaron Kvlf. UW Jlarlln. a lrl. Welihl: pounih unrp. . SPICIIF.II -norn al Klamalh Vallav ho-nllal. Klamath Fall.. Or.. Mav . 1047. lo Mr. and Mr.. Or nlrhr. roula a box Mt. rllr. a boy. Vlhl: . I) nnnndi ?' olinrct. J'AOIANFK - florn at Klamalh Val ley hn.pllol. Klama'h Fall". Or . May 7. iiit in Mr. ano iwr.. joon ruMnmi 41144 Hom.diilr. a boy. Wallllt: 1 pound. 7 ounraa. 0B ITU ARIES sami ii, Timsrit Snmii! Tuiupc. 'nr Xl vrar a rnldcnl . nf Klnnialh V, Oil., hut for the lul fl-f yrara makliia hla hnmp In (irantb Pami, Orr.. puxiruTawav in thai city on V.ilnariuy. Mav 7. Ifl47. at ft a. m.. ffillowlnu an lllnrna nf ona week. Mr wm a natlvr of Marlvllle, Mo. and at th Mm ot hla death wm a god R1 )ar and flvn da.va. Burvlvlnir are flva .latijlhtrir. Mr. C. W. Matheann and Mra. IUIcIbIi tlrnwn nf Omnia Pan. Ore.; Mra. Q. M. Rack of Krpann, Calif.; Mra. Dorothy Davln of Portland, Or., and Mra. Newton tt Nelann of Klamnlh Falla. Orr : ona brother, Sherman Tur 7 ner of Warner. Okln. : elavnn araml (iltlldrfii and aeven ffrtral (rrandchlldren. t. Mr, Ttirner wni a m umber nf Jonta I.ndffr No, 411 A FA AM nf Hartvlllo. Mo, Dnte and tlma of funeral lo he announced Friday. ArraiifeninnU ara under lha direction of the Earl W hil lock runeral homa of thla city. TURK A C'ARNINI 1 Prlnnda are rapectfully Invited lo attend the funeral atrvlcai for the Into 1'erpna Carnlnl, who namad away at her renldence. 2241 S. ntji. on Tueaday fnl lowlnff an lllneaa of two yeara, lo he held at the Snrred Henrt chnrclt, Utah at flth on Saturday morntn. May 10. 1D47 at 10 a. m.. where a requiem inaaa will ha rrlebrnted for the repoae ;n' hf p anul. with the nv. T. P. Caaey 1 rlfflrfatlnt. Rnlomhnient Ml, Calvary Memorial park. HnrlUtlon of the Mont ., Holy noanry will ba eondurted Friday aventna at n-.m p, m. In the chapftl nf the ""'i wniunrK runerni noine, iin at flth, with the Itfv. T, P. Casey offlclat- r rtriuin urn inviien. POTATOES I1AHIN POTATO HIIIFMKNTtt IN CAHLOA1IH 1047 ma Mny 7 1 My lo Unit 3D 64 Brimm lu Unto 10,048 lO.OftO l,OH ANCIKMlg), Mliy B (AP UHIMI PntdUwii: ID hicikmi, 6 im- hrnkcll cum nil UmK: lurlviiU liluho 3, 33 cturn by truck: imirkul nlluhtlv wnuknr oil While lUine, fiUiuily on Ituiuoiu; liluho KUMeU No. i nw A i.uu. HAN rilANCJIHCO, Muy 8 AP UHUA) I'omtiimi. old tcx:k: 3 cr mi liiick; nrrlvnl CJiilir. I; nrw mock: 4 brnkdi, 4 lililjrokin rjr on irni'k: nniviil CulK. 3; niuikpl Blpiuly: Klnmnlli HiwoU No. 1 nlre A a s6-6o. CHICAGO, Muy 8 (AI'-UHDAi Pohilorn: Arrlmln i:; on truck Xi lul ul U. H. Iniimrnu Bill; iiii)llcii rnthrr llulit: tlnmnnU uliiw; nmrkitt tlull mul wrukrr: ldiihn KiinmI Hur buiik 4 (1(1 wuohnl. flVi ununnhrd: MlnnrnoU-Nnrlh IMkoH Cobblrrii ciimincrulnl I'J M-i.W. IIIUTrluinpIo rrib: nrw (i k: Cullfoi nln l(l-lb. nck Long Whlt 1:1116-3.75 mil U. 8. No. I cxi:rpt wbrre IndlcRtcd othrrwliiri. CLASSIFIED RATES On day i day run . ,. par word if par word 6c par word 11c par word lie 3 day run 4 day run 5 day run Wark run D9t word I4 par wura IBr i4r word 4Sr Mnntn run NEW IIRNALD AND NKWI pltort numur II 1 1 Ad raraivad by I on p. in will appaar unit a f tar noon In "Naw Today" column Naw Todoy LADY WITH MADIO fcXPKHIKNC and Irainlna Wlahaa apuiMir for lalla procram In Klamalh Fallt. Phone 4(Ml. no WOMAN ""WANTED" fur" hc.u.rl-anln Apply al Juhnny'a Aulo Court, hb lliet.n HI. fl 10 JEWri.UV'iALMMAN WANTED Wa hava an opanlng fur a ynuni man from U lo il looking for a permanent raraar in I ha ratall Jawalry flald. Hall' in a eaoar lance would la an a--at hut only If your aalllng an par la lira ha baan caaaful Wllft pruvau racortl. far aunalliy and aa grata ion count for mora with ua. Wa will learn you I ha jawalry bualneae and If you have what II lakea you ran look forward to aarly managar lal promotion. A auhalantlat baa pay while learning plua a parrantaga of your production effort Make thla an Inrrn live poaitton that will lake you a lung way In your rhoaen flald. Murraaaful effort bringing with It ownership and a roll t DartiriDailun in tuur own aiorv. If you are looking for a pa-off. For i . - . . . . . raai aiior. on your pari in m " triiwinf ataaniuillon Phone 4VO for ap pointment. B'lU FOH HAl.ie 'tN l.tXOX "--'Klra 4-room houaa. furnUhad Fant-a. ahada traaa and lawn. SUM), half fath. Phona ASH. FOH ftAl.fc -Nlca. "modern S-room houaa on it acra of ground ail miner irriga tion. Garage, woodahed. electric hot waiar tank. I .awn. ahade traaa. fruit traaa. large garden already In. Vear'a eupply of wood. Alt fenced. Phona 7M fOh rtAl.f-iWdroom modem home, rnmnlalaty hirnUhad. Mull aall Imma- dlalaly Phone DM. IO A I.ANUF. CORNFN " building ln on Eldorado in Hot llprlnga addition, with hot water wall. Salesman. John Darhaa. J D II each WMI.IV 14. HHARPl.E lit to. Illh Phone 3W7 POK"iAlJC - New Kllllf-r. 10 ft Uraullr acrapar. Coat MUO. will aall fr t5(io tltoalar ftanrh. Rt. 1. Mom ia Phona non. S I0 HKAHINCJ AID t'HF.Itft - Fraah" ballarlaa far all makaa juat reretvad. Arouall- con-He tkampar CO., wi noivtn mai ft-ia FOB 't ALE flat of melal beda romplata tMOOU Cream aanarator. Iioon tn ft I. Inch nttrlle wood. SIO.OU. Phona Mvoa Si ton aLJ " White porcelain gat range Mono U3l craacant a-a LfaVINO SUNDAY FOH MlftftOt'H! Wmild Ilka Iwo or Ihre rldara. Call 7M4. 10 FciH hAl.t -i -bad room Koma with acre of land. Electric hot water and oil heat Linoleum In kitchen and bath Walk-In fruit room In large aaraam. lively lawn and iomt bernea, Thla homa la partly furntahed and vary reasonably prlred, Kaleimen. John Darhaa. J D Beach WEKLEY M. BHARPI FS tin Sa. llih Phona M07 FOH ALE-a uadroom "well-butit homa In Mllla addiuon. now. NEAT I-bedroom homa In auburba. 13 acre goon eon. v.. An ARENCY. REALTOR toao Main El. Phona 6AU or 4saa IX-0. I." daaperattly nada"i(-badroom houaa. Call MM. W -. DANce- Mltlt.AND flRANtll! HALL HATUHUAY, MAY 10th I B F0n tALE Rooming- houaa In Prin villa?. Conalata of 14 rooma and large kitchen. Completely furntahed even to loves and washing machine. Income Z7A par month. Soma terma. Extra lot. Sea A. W. Smith. 341 Baavar, Prtnevllle, Oregon. -13 GIVE MOTHER A FLOOR LAMP for Mother's Day. Lucas Furniture has a apeclal for M3BA, 3 randlaa, 100-300 and .too wall, cantar light. Complata with globes. LUCAH FURNITURE 1! E. Main V FOn""iALElIsed daveno, roaa velour rover, good condition, t4B.A0, Over atuffad cnair, green tapeairy cover, ata.no: overstuffed chair, blue tapaatry, SI4 30: used rocker IB M, Uaed Simmons Iron bed. twin sire. S7.00 each. LUCAS FURNITURE CO. IP.1 E. Main S B FOH SALE Tappln gaa"'ranga with trash burner, tnermoataiic control, aw. Tat a Tavern. Ul Main. 317ltf SMALL FARM. 34 acres on "Airport road. 4-room modern homa. barns, anadi. etc. All under Irrlgaton, ntca crop In. $7300. NORTH RIDE! Modern 3-htrdroom homa on good atraai, full basement, Mog. SOUTH SimURRS: New S-room homa, large lot, fAftoo. JOHN C. ARliKTSlNOER. BROKER Mil Walnut Commercial Arts Bldg. Phona 5IBA or 0310 Anytime 8-8 FOR "SAl.ElPW Packard aedan In A-l condition, driven only 37.000 miles. Upholstery excellent. Paint Ilka new, Good rubber. Has overdrive, heater. clock and other acceaaorlaa, Phona 4213. S-0 FOR BEST BUYS IN CITY HOMES Read my ad on Paga 4 In this weak a Shopping Guide. OHO. J. K UN .MAN Una. Estate Broker LIST WITH US FOH PROMPT SERVICE "Your Realty Advertiser" Phone (1032 HID Commercial 5-10 FOR SALE - n-bed room, modern home. Large cor ner lot, located in Fairview addition. g.l7B0. 3-bedrooin, modern home with 4 ad join inn lota, taooo will handle, a-hedroom. modern home, 'i acre. Ideal for small chicken ranch. A real buy for I.i.hhi. See Walt Dlrtr. with T. B. WATTER5 Real Ealato and Inaurance 107 S, 7th Tel, 4lf:i 5-8 WirfTCAHtFOR CHit;URKWlirni.v home. Also will do Ironing, aioa Ore gonvemie. 3-12 FOR SAI.K-rn4i!"Clievroler"ii-do6f or will trade for 'M or '30 model. Call between 13 and S at 13.11) Wllford. 3-10 FLOWER SHOP PH0H I M7I ,r$4T nANt't. MIDLAND GRANGE HALL SATURDAY, MAY llillt II ' FOR SALE '" One 9 KW Kohlar Hghl planl, fully aulomailr. One 3d HP Minneapolis Molina power unit, gasoline, practically naw. One A Ills Chalmers Model KM Tandem drive niolor grade, pnaiiinatlc Urea, Ona Pointer Wlllainslta mi-Ion 34-whl low bed niartiliiary trailer, practically new. One Ciircu Modal Q logulng drum, for TD (iilei national, fn good comllllon. One Master Hydraulic mill, Including pump, valve and hydraulic lank, uaed. Ona Hercules 3-wheel 10-ton roller, good shape. One Hiicyrut Erie to 10-yard scraper, I M.j u Ira HOWARD-COOPER CORP. IIA1 Market Phone UJ12 Klamalh Falla, Oregon 313 , tHE IIKHT OF WALL PAINTS at the lllg Itaalit Lumber Company, Main and 1 Hptlng. Iinparlat Teaollte, Dutch Hoy 1 Wnnanver and Kanttnne. 3-f ftn MALE Elartrlo range, aparlmanl house sue, 1131 30 (Juaiantaad, Mark Smith Co, Kill E. Main, fl-tf WANTED Wotiian for laundry work. .Apply n,KJ Ho. 71b rnoutluga only, fl-10 WANTED Jlarhelnr apartment, private (run i-none nvtt. 4 loll WANTED, Iwo salesladies, must have at least one year a sates eapeilenre. Apply J C Penney. ft.lO WOOl," PHFfeHEn" WAN'tFO Slaady, good wages. Hose Cleaners, Lake v law. ft 10 COUPLE WANTED, middle-aged, for gen eral worn, gooa opportunity. Apply In rrMin, Hurkhorn Mineral Sprlngt, Kt. Ashland. g.to FOR SALE- 3-rooio house, cooler, gar aga, acrr un Kina sireel. ia3.W cash. lniUlra 1743 Menlu way, Apl. No A. B-13 EXPKHIENCKD WOM'AN "wania "hour worn tall a&g between 7 p. in, and p in. a 1 4.1 if FOR HALE "'"Home Lighting' Fixturas. Mark Smith it Co., 19ft E Main. A-7 A'lTENTHiN: rtor.abaik riders, roine to All Corrals, ride when and as long as ou Ilka. Iloraaa boarded. Spatial Vrliv for childten. Arrange with us for group and moonlight rides l,o rated 3 miles north on Bend highway. Phone 3A47. a.i0 WOOL PRF.MSEH WANTED"- Steady. Rosa Cleaners, Lakevlew, FOR iALK or will trade for ear "or light um i-rmm nouse Wlin garage, on corner lot, off Shesta way. Inquire ft.H Collage. a.in FOR SALE Barn lo be moved. In aood condition. 40 squarea of corrugated Iron roofing. Will load on your truck or move fur you. Ax Cottage. 3-10 FOR SAl.E Alrdale puppies, Oorang atrain. 35g Ifllyard Ave. Phone HM. IF YOU USE AVON you know why It Is easy to service Avon customers We have an opening for t able, mature women Write lo Avon Dlslrlrl Mgr . 44J1 W. 13 St., Apt. 3, Eugene. Ore. Vt LOST Black corde puna from In front of Armory Wednesday night. Keep money, return mutants. Reward. Mar garet Fox, Merrill. j.l0 FOH HALESorrel saddle horse," 3 years old. tiwwn nraaa, genua. J. A. Blck ra. inquire Modoe Point Country mora. a-io DANCE MIDLAND GRANGE HALL SATURDAY. MAY loth LOST Ll liar al reward for return" of lactrlr drill 1ot on Of dsn street Mon l1 Phone m:t. ft-io NOTICE I wish lo thank the ru-tomera of I be J. aV J. Coney Island for their past patronage, end you are hereby notified that I am no longer connected with the uuunesB located at 10.14 Main street. James la the sole owner thereof and will pay all obligations hereafter. JOHN DAMASCUS 30 WATCH REPAIR. 4-day service." Stanley Bee bile. 3344 So. flth. WANTED Experienced stenographer. Good tarttng alar, permanent poI- in. i none ssu. -,-g WANTED Experienced lire tecapiver. Rlatk t White Service St a I Ion if KXIFHIEMT.D CAHPKNTEH wants work 2H2i Kbatleln. &-H S1.F-KP1NG ROOM FOR RENT, gentle man. VJQ tin Slh. Phone AuA7. fl-10 FOR SALE BY OWNER Five-room ultra-modern home, hardwood floors throughout, fireplace, oil heat, cement garage, bulltin tuba. large lot. garden ftperr. shrubs Price $10,VX. $l3o will handle 3.VL1 Eberlein. Phona 3731 fnr appolntmrnt. 3-10 DANCE MIDLAND GRANGE HALL SATURDAY, MAY loth 3 8 FOR SALE 1047 mode) electric refrlger aior. Cheap for cash. (30 No. loth after 4 SO p. m. 3-lo WHY NOT let ii "survey your 'entire In surance program? CHILCOTE lr SMITH Complete Insurance Ul N th Phone 4M4 9-8 FOR "SALE Allla-Cbalmera "tractor; a-way plow, power lift: A-C mower; rullivalor, a row: 6 ft. grain drill. Call Saturday or Sunday. R. K. Ilannon. Rt. a. Box 71 1; Lake view highway. Phone 7W.I3. . 3-8 WE HAVE a nice stock of accordions on display at this time, ranging from 12 to lau baas. Priced from 730U to M30. We will accept our old accordion, or any other musical Instrument as part payment. See these accordions at Shep herd Music Co. Term If desired. 4-14 HEAVY LOG BUNK for truck or trailer. G H. Smllh. 1303 Oregon Ave. 3-8 F0ft"8Af.E Zenith radio large table model with walnut end-table, M00. Call 0730. . fl'0 ANY0NK knowing the wKereaboutt of Colleen Nelson or Colleen Osborn, please notify Mra. Clara Knowles at Pelican Hotel. Very urgent. 5-8 NUHSERV STOCK-PS IlawthofnT'ciit leaf weeping willow, evergreens In variety. Shade trees, flowering shrubs, fruit trees and pany plants. KLAM ATH FLOWER SHOP GREENHOUSES. South8lhSt. Phone 6303. 5-8 NEED CASH? " Convert that furniture you don't seed into ready cash at SUMMERS LANE AUCTION MARKET PHONE O.toa 5-8 "DANCE MIDLAND GRANGE 71 ALL SATURDAY, MAY 10th 5-0 1 Meeting Notices MARINE CORPS LEAGUE Memorial Dance. Armory. May 10. 8:30 to 1:00. Music by Karl Smykl end hli 10-piece Dance Band. Admission 88c Pr person. Public Invited. Tick eta on sale at Derby's .Mu sic Co. 5-10 KLAMATH FALLS AERIE No, 2 09O Regular meeting rvery Tuesday night. 7:43 p. m.. F.O.E lall, 0th and Walnut Visiting members cordially Invited ' tf KLAMATH POST N 8, American Legion meets first and third Tuesdays; 8:00 p. m., Veteran'a Memorial Bldg.. 4th end Klamath 471 7tf 2 Loat and Found LOST, brown leather wallet, AprlTOth, Pelican Theatre. If found notify J. C. O'Neill, phone 7310. 8-10 LOST, billfold in'Malln. Saturday ; night Name In billfold la Robert Barrows, Eugene. Finder keep money, but please i return papers, etc., tn Robert Barrows. Rt. 1. Box P(t, Tnl flake 5-10 8 Transportation Fof Heavy Hauling,' Cranearid Winch work, call 7701 KLAMATH FREIGHT LINES 101 Klamath Avanue 37PH tf 10 Services FOffQtjlCK AND RELi ABLlVDaTnT' Ing. kemtonlng and papering. Call 7flH7. Free sllinale. 0-13 'FOR QUICK AND REL!"ABLi!irpalnt- ing and decorating, also first-class papering, call B408 for frea astlmate -13 OVVrrTaOWERS TTiarpenefTtha "double edge way Alwaya, the best General Repairing BODENltAMER RAW, SHOP 381 E. Main ( 3-18 PAINTING, kemtohing and floor and- ln(. Call 6IKW. 6-4 WA rjWDrieamwork' of any kind. Phona 0914. or 4212 Komedale Road. S-a Servlcti NIN(ir.fl HKWINfl MA'.'IIINK CO will rapalr yuur Mlnil.r Mwlng iiiauhlna or Hlnr vacuum claanara, wllh only tf.iit.lfia miliar pari, anil guaranuad Mlngar crllfld Mtrvlem, Vttm .tllnal on '"!. t'lrM up and dallvcry. ftNrl-.H SHW1NU MAC1IINK CO 411 Main Phona Htm M 1IAVIC your vanln pluw.il with a rotary aardrn Hilar. No cornara to apaila, an anvwliara. Phona :tl:i or call at 1321 Avalon Ml,, allar A p.m. U S ' tl,(JOR RANIJINti and r.llnl.hln, Nnr man FraUy Phon. III7 44.H1I " LINOI.F.DM LAYIN0 DBAINIIOAHDH A MI'KCIAITY Plion mill Slliuil ' WINDOW LT.KANINO'" Wall olaanad. fioora rl.anad and wav.d. homa and t'oiniiiri-ll. iI.HIii IIUUHAItlJ Hi HON. Phon 70711. 17 WAI.I.PAPCIl Mlll.r PAINT Hchorn Cuitrat-f Paliillna and Paparhanglng FOH KENT-KIcliolux, floor aandsri, dgr. F. . J. Rllnd O O. Au.lad PATIFIIHON It ION PAINT KTOUP, Phon a;u4 mo t Main lout; Ulir.HHMAKINU. alltrallon. of all klnda. Tlialma Thompaoll. vna Kiiartain. rnon. IUI24. - "" " MKMODKI.INO AUIEKATIONS UHKIKMAKIMJ tallilaollon guaranuad Call blM Uavldlna Kogaia. liuu urrnaru i tuuif RKPtlC' TANK CLEANED NH.I Manltary M.lhod alorvlca al Oni. 0 W IIIEI'HERO Phou doii:i I4vlf ENOCH KARL FIXIOH CO - Uylng. aandlng and flnl.ning rr a.iunai on any lob Phona 0037 2iatf PAINT1NU. CAIXlMININGr a n' a m I work. City or country latl.faclion auarantaad. Frank JuKa Phon 7270 llSlf LoVrand lina"- Duiarir MOVINO F.AOR TNANRFER a ITORAOE 9.VI Markal 111 Phon D271 13021 INTEHIOR AND EXTERIOR PAINTINO Flr.l-Cla.. Work Manfrad CarUon Phona MM 13 NEED' MUBIC,T"Wa hav III" Ecllant orcha.tra availablt. .mall enough lot parlla. big nough fof danc. Call Morri.nn or MrOonald at Hill. If " LINOl.tf.M AND CARPET LAYING Rug Binding Dralnboaid Inalsllanoiu J 1. CALHOUN Sit Klamalh Ava Phon nm isijTr El.ECTROl.lJX RAIJUt' and' SEKVlCE Complat ovarhaut of ruumr' Elc Irolua Phon 717 1122 Mam 477111 YOUR MAYTAG SERVICE SHOP FOR 10 YEARS Pan and Barvir. for All Mak or WaihCT. MERIT WASHING MACHINE SERVICE II So th Phon MOO ran WE"RF.PAIiryour crark.d'Vall., ld walka, at.p or bawm.nL W build alun or cmnt rrtalnlng walla, fuun daltona. walka and .lap. Fro r.tl mala Bill Prall. Phon 74. 5-2m CONCRETE 'WOnK' don In cem.wry. Call ATAO or IAI2 Wurdan. 2.142tt MOHRISON-Mr DONALD "DanVir'Orch Ira avallablr for danr.. and parllea. Sm piece.. "Muale lightly ubdu.d' Phona am. uo4 u DHEftSM AKINO. allaratlonarbuttonholca and hm.lltchlng. 1013 California or phona 35.12 S-S Cl'RTAlNS laundtrad, plokup and d- llvarv Pnon 4II7J 240411 DO IT NOW! fainting Inatd and out. Kemtontng. i-alMimlnlng. door, rrflnl.hail.- roofs rc stained, houit, clnrd tnald and out, windows washr-d. Call u. fnr an tt mal. Marsha Clranlng and rdcoratlng stabllshm.nl Phon. 4aA4 427411 MIMEOGRAPHING' Public Stenographer MIMEOGRAPH SHOP 234 No. Blh Phon 7I27 (14tt FOR CAni'ESTKR WORK, cabinet work, al.n lurnltuie repairing, call mill 21011 Hope St. 344tf EVANS 'CABINET SHOP 1317 East Main Phone 42 170711 "it." F. ""Bon" R Honrs. Auctionr FOR OPEN SAl.E DATES CALL 4032. KLAMATH TAl.LJi O-lm RIIOAOS WINDOW CLEANERS Stole Fronla a Specialty Complel. Housecleanlng Service PHONE eotl IS30TF CARPENTER WORK, repair, remodel or new work. Hour or contract. Phone 31111 after S p.m. 5-10 FLOOR SANDING AND REFINISHING CLEANING 'AND WAXING LLOYD T. PEPPLE 1U Auburn Phone 4472 e-3m SEPTlCtANKS "CLEANED " All Contents Heuled Away Prompt Service ED F KING Pnoi'.o 911 a or 3230 131311 Local and Long Distance Moving. Crating. Packing and Storage. KLAMATH FREIGHT LINES Phona 77tl 101 Klamath Ave. 3SS2 tf UPH01.STERING7 repairing, reflnlshlng. springs reconditioned, cabinets built. Phone 4317. 341 Shasta Wa i-a Ft'RNITl'RE RF.FINISHING Draperies made to order. E. S. "STAN" PARK AGNES PARK Phone 431 S 6-2m 1 VENETIAN BLIND SHOP CLEANING AND REPAIRING RoUnd F. Koft, Owner PHONE 3S U No. 4th -in FULLER-BRISHES CLEM JOYER 1439 MARTIN ST. PHONE J677 9-30inb DRESSMAKING Children's clothing, slip covers. Men's shirt a specialty. Jacqueline Kcwcom. 739 Eldorado. Phona 4K99. -3 DENTISTRY, evening., Sundays. 4080 Shasta. oiy " " JANITOR" SERVICE Window Cleaning and Floor Waxing CITY BUILDING MAINTENANCE COMPANY Phone 0229 IB30t ANDERSON' BOARDtNG KENNELS. 9M8 Delaware, off Homcdale Road. Phone 3047. S-31 PAINTING, interior and "exterior, kern lonina. H. ' L. Brown. Phone 432S. 87 tf CaWS MOWERnHARPENED K N D REPAIRED. Titan Timber Saws Sales and Service. Martin Outboard Motors. MOTSIE'S 1945 S. lh Phone 436 J07JU WANTED, garden plowing, discing, aprlngtooth and leveling. Phone 4S81. 31140 Blsbee. 5-31 CAFIPENTER WORK wanted. Repair, painting and calsomlnlng. Phone 4317. 3941 Shasta Way. 3-29 12 Educational BOOKKEEPING. ' Snortnand. Typing Kindred sublects. office machines. KLAMATH BUSINESS COLLEGE, 7.13 Pine. Phone 47BO i:i27ti 13 Heolth FOR RENT Hospital suppheVfor tht home. New Innersprlng hospital beds, wheel chairs, invalid walkers, tnfra red and violet ray lights, short-wave diathermy machine, etc, Phone ana. 494TF ARE YOU LONELY"? Need care? "The Townhouse la a safe, homelike harbor for elderlv men and women. 142 N. Main, Ashland, Ore. 3-10 rtljCMATftMASSACiE PARLOR Mineral Baths Phone 3318 1030 Main St. 49(Utf 14 Help Wonted, Female WANTED, all-time, efficient, middle aged housekeeper; 3 adults, a children In family; wages $3 day, room and hoard. Call 3713. 47Btf VANTfeD. telephone operator. Not affected by local strike. W I Hard Hotel ' aivrtf P'AfSf TNG, (TVterTor "an dex tenor Rem toning H L Brown Phone 22 U7tf WANTED cannier for dining room. 'some typing. Wills rd Hotel. OOltf BEAUTICIAN wanted at Modernistic Beaut) Shop. No pnone calls. Apply to Mra. Borden. PI5 Klamath. 842tf WANTED, woni'nn to bake pies' in her own nome. win turnun an ingredi ents.' Inoutre Gino's Drive-In . WANTED, stenographer. Venerartifflce work, steady employment, good work in" it conditions. Opportunity fnr ad- vanceent. Moty & van Dyke. Phone 4i4i. a-a VANTtSD, two experienced "aaleiladlefi. Miner s, o-h 10 14 Help Wonted, Female WANTED, woman for housework "and rare of children, permanent position, board and room and good wages. Must stay In, Plume 340. IV.HIf 16 Help Wanted, Molt RELIABLE FOOD MANUFACTURER has opening for alert, ambitious salesman lo contarl retail and wholesale grocery trade In Southern Oregon. Merchandise well known and advertised extensively. Car furnished, no Saturday work. Starling salary 42-tO per month. All expenses paid while traveling. Prefer experienced man between 3.1 and 39 years, or If you have Die ability and a pleasing personality we will train you. Write, staling age, education, experience, to Box 001, care Herald News. i-10 WANTED, young man. 2a to"a0 years of aga, for collection manager. Excel lent opportunity for advancement Must have at least high school educa tion. Veteran preferred. Apply Com mercial Finance, 107 N. fcth. 3.W3tf EXPERIENCED setter needed. Need Im mediately one experienced setter, lop wages, year round work. Can provide housing. Call or wire. Auburn 8.77-W. matt WANTED; presser al" Reliable Claancre. 1110 Main . aootf WANTED, two rurnber chain pullers. Euane, Phone Klamath 4400. IMlt REAL BI1.K HOSIERY MILLS represenU- uvea waniatj men and women. Average earnings tl.00 lo MOO hourly. Near I home; experience and car not necea- I aary, Women's nylons, white hosiery, gowns, dresses, men's socks, etc. Write Hoy Hartniann, P.O. Box 1303, Medford. for Interview. 3-10 VACANCY-UM-al'Rawlelgh'route avail able. Good business opportunity. Start Immediately. Car necessary. Write ftawleighs. Dept. .103, Oakland 7. Calif. 3-8 Fl HSTCt.ASH "OVERHAUL " mechanic. Must have had general garage experi ence. Apply In person, Anderson Auto Service, 033 Walnut. 2330tf WANTED,' young.' aggreesfve'gaiT island and service department employe. Also brake man to handle a 11 typea of brake work. Firestone Store, 8th and Pine Phone 3234. 3-8 WAKTED. green lumber pliers. Phone H'l4fl after 0.30 p.m. 3-8 SHOE SHINE BOY wanted aTMedlral- uemai oaroer nop. 230.it f WANTED, carrier boys for' Oregon Jour nal rout. Phone 3018. WANTED, two matcher men, one mould ing piani gnnoerman. call Auburn M7-W for wage rates. 374tf WWWWaaa.aa.a J. . - - - n n n 18 Siruatiom Wanted BOY, 18 years old. wants steady employ. .i.ar.n. nnuia consioer farm work. Phone 7ft5 after 2:30 pro. 3-0 WILL DO WASHING and Ironing ln my Hmv. a) uciBwerc, or can 3uu. a-a WILL rare' for children In my" home', by wur or aay. oranL rhone 32.13 22 Roemi For Rent ROOMS for rentPhone 8204. 134 'No 3"d. 5-13 HOOMS-1634 "HtGri. "7-13 FOR KENT, large room, preferably to roupie; sucntn ana laundry privileges If desired. 7 JO Eldorado. 983tf ROOM, board, gentleman. 1007 Creacent. 8-10 RUUMS FOR RENT. 1132 Main 3-10 suin ROOMS. 4.oo. 020 Jefferson. ROOM for rent for one or two young omen. Close to town. Call 0260 or 841.1 a-a 24 Apartments For Rent YOt:R MOM'S A DEAR so" reme'mher her wllh'a gift from KATHY'S, 1114 Main 5-8 28 Miscellaneous For Rent FOR RENT -American floor sender and eager, latest type, dustlesa, swift end easy to operate Klamath Valley Lum ber Co.. 1940 So 6th Phone 481 S 233 ti run rtr.jNi Kieclrlc belt aander. i-rw Jacks. h draullc Jacks, lawn roller. KLAMATH VALLEY LUMBER CO . 1940 8i. flth. Phone 4816 4492ti ELECTROLl'X FOR RENT PATTntSON St SON PAINT STORE PHONE 3324 1220 EAST MAIN ST. 4076tf FOR RENT, new Dado-Ilea d pouer saw complete with combination saws. 231 Martin. s.12 TRUCKS FOR RENT YotrflveTmove yourseir. save hair. Stile Beacon Serv ice. 1201 East Main. Phone 8304. 3-1 4m b ELECTRIC FLOOR SANDERS and edgera rented. Do your own work. Inquire Paint Dept. MONTGOMERY WARD. 9m TRUCKS fr rent, drive yourself. OK irn irr. pnone i3.-t B-emc 30 Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE, one-bedroom home.' living room, dining room. bath. Completelv furnished. 231 Martin. 5-37 FOR SALE by ow'nW3-bedroom modern nome. urge lot. chicken house and garage. Excellent location. See at 1402 Pleasant St Price 84000. Phone 432G. St FOR SALE. Small 3-room house with lurniture. 81100. 1736 Washburn Wav. 5-8 FOR SALE, modern 2 -bed room housed 2048 Orchard, across street to Mills School. Prloe 84730. 82400 down, $43.30 per mon in. FOR SALE. 120 acre ranch, 00 seeded to barley, balance ready for spuds. Modern home. Phone Merrill 0423. 3-8 FOR SALE, 3 -bed room modern home; 10 acres; about 3 acres can be irrigated by pump: large chicken house with concrete floor, lights, water; orchard, berries, shrubs. Ideal tor chickens, truck or hog ranch. 1015 Homedale Rd. . 8-10 LEAVING TOWN, must sell. Large twt room house, furnished; acre land. 3317 Board man. 5-8 FOR SALE. 6-room house, shower, shrubs, trees, one-third acre, very best garden soil, free Irrigation: all fenced: chicken house; block to Alta mont bus, near Bristol Ave. Imme diate possession. $3500. terms. Helen Cowger. 4.110 ArthurSt. 3-8 GOOD , INVESTMENT for right party! 3 partly furnished 3room cabins, 5 acres land. $3030. Apply 3330 Bristol Ave. after 8 p.m., and all day Sunday. , 5-10 FOR SALE, close' to" Fremoiv. School, 3-room home with hardwood fioora, g two bedrooms and bath: large living room with fireplace: dining room, kitchen with breakfast nook; garage: wood room and fruit room adjacent back porch. Call at 415 N. 6th after 3:30 p.m. 5-0 FOR SALE, 3-room nouse on 3 acres: lawn, berries and shade trees: water pressure sygtem: nenr Merrill, by owner. Write Box 2377, care Herald News. 7-13 FOR""SALE, 4-bedroom house, 88730. Write Box 2114. Herald-News. 3-8 TOR SALE, my equity for $500! Two- room house, i acre. 4771 Frelda Ave. Phone 4f:ia. 6J?tf OUR BOARDING HOUSE . DRfVTir.TWJtGGS.'A rT"5 -rupvr VASE AWAV t FR0W MRS. 8RWOr0lSA! SHE DOTES On ,T- AnD fvW BLOOD RUNS COLO TO -tH.tJ TUB LPoy MftV USr A l000 ANTIQ06 AS VJEKPON.' W law? UST KECN.L IT I IrJCOrAEs TA 30 Real Eitote For Solo FOR SALE by owner, if-oedroorn home. automatic oil neat, large lot, large garage. Close to shopping district. Must be seen to be appreciated- XM3 Shasta Way. 14Mtf irOR SaJX Modern" j-be droVirh'" house, full concrete basement, furnace heat, on pavement, near public school. Write Box 4130, Herald and News. 4l20tf f6R 'ft AXfduplex with cottage Tn rear, furnished, end garages. Gas equipped. Good Income. Also one 3 and 3-bed-room home. One has hot water heat, other floor furnace. New and modern, all with Immediate possession. Phone 108- . aootf FOR SALE, 4-room" house, to be torn down or moved. George Johnson, Mode Point, Ore. 3-10 FOR SALE, ., -room jurnlshed' house , large garage and woodshed, for $1000. flXl Torrey. 5-13 A BARGAIN FOR CAM If. a two bad room home In Mills Addition, built In 14I. Hardwood floors, large wardrobe closets. Immediate possession. Call 4401. 5-10 f'OR HALHT-fuotn completety'urfifshed modern home, gas stoves, electric re frigeration, furnished basement apart ment ttift Hllhlde. 3-13 32 Building It Remodeling WARD WEEK BUILDING DEPARTMENT SPECIALS Klnsul Insulation. 100 so ft roll. 3 Inches thick, oer roll 85 83 KlnsuJ, aoo sq, ft roll, 1 Inch thick. per roll 87 63 Mineral Fill, 34 -lb. bag ' 1 In 40 bag lots 81 10 Felt Rock Insulation, big bag covers 38 aq. II., inrnea oeep...- xi.i ALUMINUM ROOFING HEAVY WEIGHT 10-ft. sheets, 3' i -inch corrugated, per sheet 83.30 -ft. sheets. 3 H -Inch corrugated, per sheet 8264 a-wheel trailer. IftbO-lb. earaelty. steel and hardwood construction 8130.30 1-wheel trailer, all steel construction. 730-ib. capacity 10050 Broiler Battery, holds 120 2-1 b. broilers 63303 tleavr duty Hammermlll with traveling iceo taoie custom screens .8233.00 Cement mixer with power take-off pulley. cu. ii. mixing ca pacity. 47. 77 Block Maker "Make your own pumice tile or building blocks" 874.03 Yale it Towne '--ton ebaln bo 1st spur gear . 84S 03 350-gaL shallow well pump, 'Price less inai 678-53 Wards hay cart, 4 rubber-tired wheels. inn cart turns in lu own length. Steel and hardwood construction. Special J230DO WARDS DOWNSTAIRS STORE 8th at Pine Phone 3188 01tf ROOFING SIDING Certaln-teed composition shingles, built up roofs. J M White asbestos siding shingles, Nu -Brick or Nu-Stone Insulated aiding Wavy-edge asphalt siding. For free estimate and Information dial 8082. H. KENR1S. 3763 Hope Street 317411 LUMBER SPECIAL, 2Jt4 s. 2x8 s. 2xl0's. 2x12 sr No. 3 and 4: 833 00 and 84S 00 delivered. 4008 So. 00. Eugene. ,Oregon. 3-13 BUILD YOUR HOMENOW! Your dream into reality. Blueprints. KLAMATH FALLS GENERAL BUILDER. New construction, additions, remodeling. fire damage, foundation and cement work. R P LE MO ING. Builder Write Box 53 Call between 0 a.m. and 8 p.m. PhoneDorris 243 . 5-I0 ALL TYPES of roofing applied and guaranteed by an established firm See Big Basin Uurber Co.. or phone 3144 2768tf GENULVETohns Manville" asbestos shingles at Big Basin Lumber Com pany. Phone 3144 or see them at Main and Spring St. 3-8 34 FuetUHeoting ASK ABOUT OUR "CHECK AND FILL SYSTEM" r ON rUEL OILS PHONE S140 TAKE NO CHANCES ON RUNNING OUT OF OIL PEYTON tt COMPANY "OIL TO BURN" Phone 3140 sis Market 3313 TF WOOD - Bone dry 16-inch slab. $3 50 com aenverea, S7 30 at yard. Young blood's Wood Yard, 068A Lakeport Blvd. (Pelican City Roadt. Phone 5244. 8-13 BLOCK WOOD You may now place your order for block wood Peyton and Co.. 815 Mar ket. Phone 5140 TF3203 DRY PINE BLOCKS for saleby trueS or trailer METLER BROS. 80 6tb and AJtamont Drive. Phone 5852 aanitf 35 Automotive WANTED. 1936 standard Chevrolet trans mission. Write Elmer Barclay, Bo nanza, ure., hi, 1. 3-9 FOR SALE or trade, equity in 1937 Studebaker Dictator sedan, 3475. Don- am uusun. t-neisea Addition, uuarry St 5-10 FOR SALE, 1942 GMC truck. 10 wheels, new box. Contact Box 30, Mt Shasta Phone 313-W evenings. 5-13 FOR SALE, 1947 Oldsmoblle 8. fully equipped, ail extras: two-tone ereen. Ask for Cogswell, Weyerhaeuser Camp 4. Keno. 3-8 EASY TERMS, of course, at DYE'S. 6th and Oak Phone 4383 5-8 WANT A LOW PRICED CAR to go work in . Then. See Dye. 6th and Oak Phone 4383 5-8 EASY TERMS, of course, at DYE'S. 6th and Oak Phone 43R3 5-8 CONFIDENTIALLY ... It always pays to "See Dye Before You Buy" a used car. 6th and Oak Phone 4383 5-8 FOR SALE, model A Ford pickup, fair condition, spooner service station, Chelsea Addition, on Highway 07 north. r 3-8 FOR SALE. lfK.6 Ford 1'i-toh truck. Good condition, good tires. Owner. Henry E. Overhelde. Y Garage. Lake view-Merrill Junction. 3-10 FOR SALE. 1042 cabover Chevrolet, good condition. 8.35 tires. Price SI 350. Also boat trailer. 340 Spring. 4747tf EQUITY in 1033 Pbmouth coupe for sale. 1733 Oak. 3-10 . with . . MAJOR H00PLE Otfe MORETiME AT 6AT AiO A HOKbECOLLAK.MfcoOK? WHY UUN'i N0U BOW OUT LIKE A BALLfcT DrACER WTH SPLIT Tl&Hlto Ait n A.rM-1 tu n n ik ST0RE OF CURIOUS FACTS MARTHA VVAnTG NOU TO C0Nt5 HCHVfc. HERALD NEWS, HI em elk Fstls, Ore. 35 Automotive Always at UYB S a large stock of used cars, properly reconditioned. Fords, Dodges, Bult-ks, Ply mouths. Chevrolets, Olriamoblles. Chryslers, Pontiaca, St ude bakers. 0th and Oak. rnone .in.i B-0 BiviAiX 'MONlHi-V PAYMENtS" on all automotive Deeds, Dick B. Miner Co. aaatitf STATE ARM MITTUAL" AUTO INSURANCE COMPANY Tower Theatre Bldg , 3007 So. flth St. Wat. If. uUCN and MEHVlfl 4 L1EUTKE Agents Phone 7.105 5-8 FOR SAL 1630 Chevrolet' coupe," very good condition, good paint, good tlrea, good mechanically. Heater, npotlight. fog lights, gpoo. see at 3317 Vine Ave. 8-8 FOR SALE. JA46 C'hevrolet'logging'tnick. complete with Job, Page Mt Page trailer. Will take Ule model car in trade. 4.127 Frieda St 8-13 36 Miscellaneous For Sale AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, MAY 10TH, 1:00 P.M. Having sold my ranch, the following described property will be sold al public auction. East of Klamath Falls to Bonanza, then nine mllea east of Bo nanza and quarter mile south. 48 -HEAD OF LIVESTOCK 48 S 18-month-old registered Polled Here ford heifers 3 3-year-old registered Polled Hereford heifers 1 3-year-old registered Polled Hereford bull 14 yearling Durham heifers 4 Durham cows with calvea at side 3 yearling Hereford heifers HORSES . 1 team good gentle work horsea 1 2-year-oid Palomino gelding, gentle mil green nroice DAIRY CATTLE 3 Holstetn heifers. Just fresh 4 Holslein heifers, heavy springers 2 6-mnnth-old Guernsey heifers 1 Guarnsey cow, fresh 4 months 1 Guernsey cow. to freshen In Jul Milk production and test on these dairy cattle to be given sale day. All the young dairy cattle have been vaccinated for Bangs. MACHINERY 'MISCELLANEOUS! F-20 Farmall tractor with 7-foot power piower ano poiaio cultivator attaclv menta 7-ft McCormick-Deerlng grain drill, graaa atcaovr aiiacnnicni 3-bottom gang plow 2-w.iy horse plow 3-eecuon spike tooth harrow 3-sectlon spring tooth harrow Hay rake and horse mower Rubber-tired hay wagon Mast and boom hay derrick Hammermlll 1000 feet uaed lumber. 1x12. 2x4 Blacksmith forge Bench vise Hay nets 30 feet of bam track 2 sets of harness Lots of miscellaneous articles. TERMS: CASH LUNCH AVAILABLE CHESTER ADAMS. Owner ft "BOB" RHODES. Auctioneer PHONE 4033 5-0 JUST ARRIVED! Large shipment " of Oakes. poultry feeders, founts, and electric brooders. LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES OREGON STATE HATCH ERY, 2720 So 6th FOR SALE, 16-ft fcicar trailer house. rncea 10 sen. Z330 50. 6th, across from Tower Theatre. S-g APPROXIMATELY 4000 lbs. treated seed Mcona year from certifica tion. Free from all diseases. Four sacks fertilizer. Price 880. 9788 Homedale. Phone 8801. 5-12 WE RESILVER old mirrors, also make new mirrors Replace broken window glass Glass shelves, rural rure tops to order Kimball's Glass Shop. 537 Wal nut Phone 7373 4803ti FOR SALE or trade, nearly new milking iiiatrnints. iwo auiomauc ugnt plants, waihing machine, gas range and elec tric range, first class. OI River Ex change. 2327 S. 6th. Phone 8841. 5- RCA cabinet radio for sale, SAO. 00. Phone . 5-21 NETTED GEM drop seed. Sale or trade! Call Troy V. Cook, 3284. 437 tf Z.IfEW" IKNERSPRING MATTRESSES ' "- , 838.50 HOWH BROS. 2313 SO. 6TH PHONE 4362 . -I7 RESTAURANT suDDlica and MUinmcnl . We handle general slicing machines' ana oicvens mux snake and bar mix ers. HAP DAVID 2413 So. 6th Phone 5257 8-14 NEW BRANDED POTATO BAGS PEOPLES WAREHOUSE 2541 tf ELECTROLUX THE WORLD-FAMOUS CLEANER For Mother's Day give an Electrolux, the world-famous cleaner. 86973. with all the attachments. Phone 7167, your Electrolux dealer. Tarkel Tweet, 1133 cuaiu. jl ivituiuin r a us. y-9 D. b T WATKINS QUALITY PROntinTS Ezy Rodgers, 3304 Delaware, Phone 3037 5-3 1m A REALLY fine Mother's Day gift Give a roller canarr or a oair of lovebirds. Pats Pets. Oregon Stat Hatchery, 2720 So. 6th. 163tf FOR SALE. F-14 Farmall tractor, excel lent condition. Has hydraulic lift, front and rear cultivators, wheel weights. -unip.cic 1 or oniy wo. tee at strong hold Tractor St Equipment Co., Main stTuiclake, Calif. 5-6 FOR MOTHER'S DAY. a permanent Is the Ideal gift Under personal super vision. Klamath Beauty School. Phone 7446. 13S N. Broad, St (next to Fire a-10 BEDDING PLANTS Petunias, pansies, lobelia, salvia, snaos. zinnias, asters. marigolds, del nhini urns, violas noonlee. lupin, carnations. Also tomato, pepper bqd can cage p tan is. KLAMATH FLOWER SHOP GREENHOUSES South 6th St Phone 6333 PRACTICALLY new Taylo?-Cratt for sale. Can be had for small down pay ment and assuming contract with finance charges and Insurance already Included. Phone 3335. 0 a.m. to 5 p.m. 7938 evenings. 3129U? FOR SALE, F-30 Farmall on rubber, good condition J Leland Pope. MerrtIL Phone 1312. 3-8 WEDDING RING for sale, cheap. Call 3763. 5-8 HAPPY IS THE BRIDE THAT THE SUN SHINES ON TODAY with a wedding hat from KATHY'S to start her on her way. KATHY'S. 1114 Main. 5-8 GIVE a davenport and" chair forMothera Day. one year on your payments. Lucas Furniture. 193 E. Main. 5-0 FOR SALE, cheap. 20 ft. inboard motor- boat. 920 Front. 5-8 FOR SALE, hand-crocheted bedspread, white. 80x90, for Mother's Day gift Make offer. Mm. A. M. Barber. Harri- man Lodge. Rocky Point. 5-0 CHARIS CORSETIERE. Jennie Leach phone 8432. 8-10 OUT OUR WAY : WE'RE MOT VNEL-.YOU MIGHT AS , tW SHOOTIM' AT WELL SHOOT THE MEN, J5 J ' PICTURES OF I BECAUSE FROM ALL 01 MEN.AUMTIE, I I TH' HORSE OPERNS I'VE S i WE'RE JUST I SEEM AMP READ THERE ) f-X PRACTICIM' ISM'T A MALE LEFT IW ' ld CRIPPLIN' THEIR V fH' WHOLE WEST JLrrr GUM HAND.' I WITH A HAMP LEFT pfT.jK I "THE CTV RUBE5 .,iiiaMt! TftURaDAT. May . 1I7. Page TklrlssS 1 36 Miscellaneous For Stlf FURNITURE AUCTION FRIDAY, MAY 0TH, 100 P.M. SHAHP 1108 MADISON IT, S bedroom suites and extra ehesl of drawers -1 large daveno Library table, oof fee table and stand 1 swing rocker and two other rocka.a 3 radios 1 0x13 rug and pad - uianes and cooking pans Coidspot electrlo refrigeratot Table and chairs Heating atove New lawn mower, rubber-tired; 128 fl ot hose Dishes and fruit Jars 1 rubber-tired wheelbarrow 1 large drum heater 1 Apex electric washer 42 feet of new gas pipe, Vln ' Othet pip and fittings. GEO; R. SCHREtBER, Owmr ! R. E. "BOB" RHODES, Auctioneer Phone 4o:ia a.a FL6wiIRlNGCrabapplss,Hawihornes, Plums, redleaf maples and specimen shade trees. Perennial plants, fruit tree., flowering ahrube and ever greens, In many verities. Acclimated stick from an accredited nursery. We do landscaping, lawns and sprinkling ay steins. GREENE GARDENS 2854 Hope St phono Sou Auction sale AT MEDFORD AUCTION CO 845 So. Riverside Ave., Medford, Ore, ounuAi, jine IbT, 10:30 A. M. If you have any antiques you wish to sell, bring them In or write Jos, C. Bums, Auctioneer. 8-20 W'mALB ' Sandy Fill Dirt Lawn Dirt Building Sand and Gravel Gravel for Driveways HAVE CAT OR BLADE FOR LEVELING PHONE 3045 1345tf LANDSCAPING - Evergreens, flowering trees and shrubs, fruit trees . and strawberries. Call us for plane and estimates of planting. We guarantee our trees and shrube to grow. Lake shore Gardens Nursery. Phone 4286. -12mb STOVES REPAIRED All available part stocked. Used furniture. Stoves bought OK Second Hand Store. 2401 So. 6th. , . f-Un ADDING! AC HfN rsTifcSlato, Typewriters. Desks. Chairs, riles Pioneer Printing and Stationery Co.. 124 South 0th St S-13m FULLER BRUSHES R. V. MORGAN, 333 So. Riverside. Phone 3348 5-13mb C R ADE Dcinders, red or grey, excellent for driveways. Pnone 4677 or 8830. 403611 ALL A DIN LAMPS and parts now avail able at BELL'S HARDWARE. 828 Main St T-16mb FOR "LEASE, new building in-the indua trial section, close In, for storage or business. Phone 3342. or call at 027 Jefferson St. 5.4 STRAWBERRY plant lor sale. Phone 4041 evenings. 3-g EABEE TENDA CO. representative will be In your city. Demonstrations will be given in your home by calling Mr. Burton, Hotel Wi(- varo. one weex oniy. 34UUT FOR SALE, one roping saddle good cunoiuon. rnonc t4l. 3-a LARGE-SIZE 7 -piece prewar dining set. Dcauuiuny reimisneci. see to appre ciate. 8124.50. Phone 8733. 5-6 FOR SALE. 16-ft plywood boat with convertible trailer and box bed, 0173. 707 So. 6th. Phone 3708. 5-0 FOR SALE, El to outboard motor iiSiO n-p. Auionuuc iroiung piate. 8W.00. 415 N. 8th after 5:30 p.m 5-8 FOR SALE, golden cocker spaniel pup- pie, -wo aiarum urive. a-a 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WANTED Dead or worthless animals. Call collect, day or night for prompt service. Phone 4636 or 5333. KLAMATH TA1XOW CO. 438t IG that old'cbrnet-trumpe't-clarTnet or what have you out of th closet and aell it to Derby 'a Music Co. It's needed now more than they ever will Main. 120 N 7th. Dial 438. 1664tf WANTED: Used Burlap and Cotton Bags. Any quantity. PEOPLES WAREHOUSE ' 3540tf CASH FOR USED RFl;i3THng"thei in for appraisal. Bell's Hardware, 528 Main St 7-0mb EMPLOYE of Bureau of Reclamation desperately In need of furnished two bedroom house or apartment Perma nent References. Phon Harvey 3123. 8-10 FOR SALE, upright Gulvarsen piano. not point electric range, Tlesk, cabinet radio, chest of drawers. Icebox, garden tools. All In good condition. 4640 Harlan Drive, or call 4910. 8-8 EMPLOYED couple want to rent modern furnished small house In suburban dis trict References. Write Box 3121, care Herald-News. 5-10 WANTED to buy, cabin at Diamond Lake. Write to Box 2434, car Herald News. 8-10 44 Livestock and Poultry G"6BfcTW" Egg and Poultry meat price are ad vancing weekly FUl your brooders with fin "Oregon Bred" chicEs and cash In on . fryers and eggs. Oregon State Hatchery , ? 2720 So. 6th . Open evenings and Sundays - ej7tx HIGHEST PRICES Dtid for hogl. V8aT. lambs and cattle. Johnson Packing Co, Phone S323, nights 3303. 3-13m WANTED Dead or worthless animals. Call collect, night or day, for prompt service. Phone 4683 or 5333. KLAMATH TALLOW CO. 436tt YOUNG New Hampshire friers and pu lets for sale. 627 So. 6th. Phon 7747. 5-31 FOR SALE. 3 plntos, one 4 and one 5. Well broke. Phon 7244, after 3:00 phone 3923. 8-g REGISTERED Nubian milk goats for sale. H. Tucker. Modoc Point, Ore. 3-10 FOR SALIC, two saddle horses, gentle for children; saddle and bridle. Phone 6144. Ask for Bill. 3-8 RABBITS for safe, cheap, young bucks and young does. Hutches if you want them. Six miles north of Klamath Falls on old . Bend Highway. 1147 Shady Pine. 8-10 FOR SALE, sorrel-saddle horse, 3 years old. Green broke, gentle. J. A. Bickers'. Inquire Modoc Point Country Store. 3-0 FOR SALE, good gentle team of work horses. 5323 Shasta Way. 5-0 48 Business Opportunities NURSE, PRACTICAL OR REG I STERElSl Rest home business in good town. Pres ent capacity 20 patients. Now operating. Equipped. Terms. Write Box 3274, care Herald-News. S-U FOR LEASE, one double pumice block plant Inquire Hank Freed, Tlonesta, Calif. -li By J. R. WILLIAMS