'''fi'Ml Y'ltl'l im'ii i.ImI'hi I1 l"U. I 'll'.i'l'llll'll'll''' tocks Leaders riven Down NEW YOMK. May 6 'AM' The lir lasnmed control of the stork tuaikal 1 iid ay Httd drove leaders down fiai'llniuj hi mora than ,l puliila Iwfnr timid hit v inii and elu.it covering rul lnoe A fair amount of activity actuiniiait I it Ilia reheat In I ha forenoon. Dealing llien turned elugglah a auppnrl arrived There wm a emalteilng of advances lr eilih leaue aa Standard Oil of Ohlu, Mtnti f. C.inanlldaled I'ppnerniln-s, I'ltltad Airitrafl, Irilai national Jlaivaalei and Jnhue Manvlile Ttmiateia for (ha lul ahelch ran in aiound 800,000 akeree. rioeing tiutiiiuoua; American Can Aiiiirktii Tal e. Tal Anaconda tH . California Packing ( oiiiinuitwaNlllt at South Cm lla Wright Geneial Electric General Mnluia (iical Northern Mv I'M liitarnallmtal Haivealer Kennetnll l.oiia Hell "A" Munlgi.it.ery Ward ...... Naih-Kelvltmlur New York lenlial Northern Pat Iflc PaHfir (! at Eltelrlo J C )'pniit Salewav Hli-iee Skbii ftnahuck Kotilhern 1'ailflr , Rlendaid tlraiida . toil ha her Hiiuahlne Mining . .. Unlmi Oil California . -Union Psr-lflu If H Nlral -. Warnr- I'irturee Ill', HO'. M't 11 :.: 2-. :i4', .. fin ;hi' .. "V, ..... . 44 . HI1. . .. .... ... rn' . i'i 14-. ..... 10 . 3nl. . 4'". .. i , .tl'. aii 1 . n", . ., li)'. . u'. ... 31'. 13'". l. !' Grain Futures Break Sharply rilll ACIO. Mv 0 'AI'' Or.lil till"'" hrofc ihaiiilv l"atil Ilia anil nl Irail Ilia lo'lav, Irarllntf I" an abluill dncliita ,1 Mimical,',!!.. Iillh ,II',.'I IUIIIK lli.ra in ll, I'a.li urmin maik.l. A I 111 I" 1 1 Mil M tlO lower I hail the pievlmia rl l'"Ml wm '4f " I bi May IIKI'i 'i Ual waia lYa-hai, May Ulai ktf )tll c lu U POTATOES CIIICACIO. Muy lAI'-UHDA polutiirn: Airlvulii lid: on Irmk a:i: li.cul U. H. liliiiicnt Wl, ui)llr Unlit: ilrinaiicl clow; iimrkrl dull lor Hiilir KiiH-ka. irmly lur rnl Hotkn; lilalio ruurii lliirbunki 14 00 Mi ni. C'uluruilu wlilla riior 13 10 un uuihril: MmncMii North Dnkou llllu lrlulllill 13.76.4 00 'hc1, KrU river vnllry i.ibblfr 118 icr cnit U. H. No. 1 nuollly t2 65 uiiwmIikI: nrw nUM'ki: Calllornlii 100 lb. rk luiiil whllri It 00-4 10. bliu Uliimiilu !!. i All U. 8 No. 1 except. whrre uihrrwlu ieiillr(l.l " LIVESTOCK HO SAN rHAMi'WO. May 'AP-CH11A-- Catll JUlahla H"J. raKaa JS. tnaikat itaait. ; lrw ttada mullittn at-ra W t 00, Iwn liala Ta lb. mia i iiim hetfara l-Il ft", law raitga cow a il ) 30 la tu. rutiromnion ah lk. k atrnf at m 12 m; rannar f ti Mi B nl mara mi iraaa Inilla .5fn taw calvaa aiady. paihaa I'kkI 0--wwi IK .lanvlilar rlva ) ( II M llofk: Nalalila Km. alaarl) ; Ifiad 12 t aood-rriner iMiritwa and filta 12 Vl. nirLm tnnd liml VJ Ahratf flalabla mnally tprlnf larniM. lala Mnnrtay Ml ran la to It 00 hifhar: damand lrnad abti.il a! haad common gooo nirn I aawi w. CHirAOO. May AF I'BDA'- Sal- iiii hfiata B.VI0. tula) liwm. unavanlv so ra-nl to II QO hwar. noatly So 75 canta off: tu til bulk i'-od and rhoeca noma tb iw o u 7f rro wh lb til to n 7ft; sn uo tb tsooo iiso. nwi Mi rant lowar, aod and choice 917 7S-IH 50 aUUbla rattla sooo. loul toon: aalaMa ralvat iram, total I0OO, fad aiaar and holafri alowr, aiaaily to -aaK; load rliMn 11B2 lb atrara loitnad at a varatfa -medium in low rhoira tad iiari and vaHlria IW SO W W) f- (aiU anvnri In rhnd a kind M 1ft SA 7 rainy aruva, aiaan) ; raw o4i ti -v up lo ) on; nwMi baf row 114 mi- B if rm raitiutrm anil etillttra t!0 ItO-1.1 &() tuI1j alaady In 3A rani hichar. atwvl fl avaifhty MUuit built raarhnd 111 SO, lSMltn alaadv. orarlira too lUW W ftalabla ahaap 19n. Iniat 3Vm wnnlad atautliiar lantlta alaady; r Unpad Iamb aha da hifhar. ewoa talt . one load gnnd and rholra fad wMtfd CntnradtM Maifhlnf artnind tb ltnd at IU su. liMlff or an wort) ad lamtia walhln around 110 Iha. U.I no, fw ntdlum wnnlakln around UO 00, one dinittla ffiiod and rholra fad clloned lamtia with No palta Ml 7ft: tw wnnlad alauihiar ewai 910 3O. a horn ma f down, FUNERAL IIOI'lll. AM MARTIN rol.l.MAM Fuil.ral Mrvlr.. for tit Ul Douglat Vartln Collmait. ynunf ton nf Mr. and Un. Obll H. t'ollman of Old rnti rad who pala.d away In A.hland. Or . on Kilmlay, Mav 4. ia4T. will Iw hald In Iha rhapal nf tha Karl Whlll.rk rilnaral homt. Plna al llh. on Wadnaaday. Mav T, 1M4T, al a pm. wllh tha llav P. C. Aldar. aim, pa.tor nf Iha ftavanlh Day Advanll.t rhurrh of llila rlly. nfflrlallnl. Com- mllmant aarvlraa and Inlarmanl family plot, l.lnkvllla camatary. rrlanda ar Invllrd. Baptists Open Meet At Oregon City ORKQON CITY. Mv 6 tVtBn frl hunrirrd Orrcnn Bntlt onrn rd I lie niui(il atnte ronventlon here lody. It will continue throunh mumimy. PrFllinlimrv irilloni of the womrn'ii "Inle itorldv nd Uie Ore gon HnpllMs mlnliilera' rnntrrence were Held llil mornniR. The Rev, Clikiies SiindMrom. Klnmnlli F1I, prenldrd over I he ni'n'RlerN meellnK. Dr. Vnnre H. Webiler. Eueene. rnnvenllnn prenlrient. wm nrheduled to oneii the convention proper Inter UHinv. CLASSIFIED RATES One dav . ...par word 4r , par word le ...car wnrd He ..par word 1.1c 3 day run 3 day run 4 ctnv run i ft day run Jvirrk nm i Month run K-ord 14( WHMHHWa.Mr word . nar wnrd 4H? Of.w IIKIIALU AND NCVV8 photl number. All! Ada waived by roo p. m. will apnaar m aiifmonn in "Ntvt Today eoitimn New Today HtJHt'HnAN Five-room noma, cnnnlatlng of S brd rnnma. Iarp Hvlnr rnnm. dlnln ronm, kitchen, utility rnnm and fruit room. Alan turn r One acre trart. Irrlgatad. Oarden ahrady planted, ahade Irroa. ....... vriirnnn nunna, fiec- Irlc ranne, clnnlalhn healer and other terma, CLONK IN Four-rnoin tundarn home. Inaiilated, full haaemiMil. wllh gnraiie and extra room. I.nl nlrely termcrd. Hhi fkmera. herrlei and Imvn. Prira .t:too. CJI tarma 1IKNIIY NKWMOUAE. RKAI.TOlt HM E. Main Phone Bfl'ia iKvenlnda phone BOItat 8-0 APPROXIMATELY 4000 l. irealed Seed pntatna, second year from certifica tion. Tree from all dlaeaaaR. Tour anrka ferllllrar. Prlca WO. 87(19 Homedale. Phone nnni, (1000 cedar fence poaii tor "aalaOhnne JL'": 8-8 APAHTMKNT9 1 CASCADE aa clearing hnuae while shopping for permanent quarters. Apartmenla by the week. No limit. Newly renovated. Hotel rooms with pri vate nalh by the day. No limit. CASCADE APARTMENT HOTEL lllli and Walnut His., off Main fi-6 CALfcNDAItS-Cnir Triplet!. 8-6 F6R kAht, a 4-lnch thlrk matifeaiT'sIre 4Hx74. made to fit a davenport. Price ta.00. Phone flaifl. or DIB Jefferson. . . - 8-8 LOST SUNDAY NIOIIT on old Pelican Bond, one 31-Inch 4:fW tire, lube and rtm. neward. Phone 8nfl7, rrank Korea. a.7 KLPlTiflTH Iniirirs I CARNIVAL I -gpszj I tan ik' a' w war., wlti Ti "I almost fael as though I know you alrsad, Mist Rich wins Mr. Bucomb mentions you to oftsn in his slaep!" WANTED, ladles to oparate bag petrhlng machines. See Mr. loan, aia nioao AtitTfON RAI.K SATURDAY. MAY WTH. I 00 P M. iivI.im uild my. ranrh the following darrlh4 pioparty will te enld al public union. East or tusmain raua w Anna ma. than nine mtlea aaal of Bo na nt and quarter mile south. 48. HEAD OF LIVESTK:K 4g S IB-month old registered Polled Here ford haifers 3 3-yaar-old regtalered Polled Hereford helfera 1 .1-yaar-old registered Polled Hereford bull 14 yaarllng Durham helfera 4 Durham rowe with calve at alda 3 earllng Heiaford helfera HORAKfl 1 tram giMd ganlla work horaaa I 3-tear-oid Palomino gelding, ganlle but green broke DAIRY CATTLE 5 Holateln heifer, jual freah 4 Hnlatain heifar. heavy aprlngera I H-innnlh old Ouarnaay helfera 1 tluemaay row, freah 4 monllta 1 (jtiarnaey row, to freahen In Julv Milk produrllon and leal on lhaae dairy rattle lo be given aale day. All iha young dairy rattle have been verelnetetl for Bang MACHINERY lMIHrri4.ANEOtA f -to rarmatl tractor with 7 foot power mower and potato cultivator attarh menta T-ft MrCormlrk-Deerlng grain drill, grata aaedar attachment 3 bottom gang plow 3-way ttoraa plow 5-aartlon spllta tooth harrow S-aerllnn spring KMith harrov Hay rake end hone mower Rubber -llred hay wagon Mast end hnom hay derrlrk Mamnietrnlll loot ft uaed lumber, Ull. 3x4 niarkimlth forge Hanrh viae May nets .VI feel of barn trerk 3 seta of harneea I.OU of miarellaneuui arttrlet. TERMS' CASH LUNCH AVAILABLE CHI! ft TEH ADAM. Owner R E. "BOB" RHODES, Aurlloneer PHONE 40.13 1-0 NEW aprfng patterns of United line of Mall paper now arriving at Big Baaln. We have many good laat year pattarna al large redurtlnna. Diop in at Main and Spring, or phone .1144 &T WANTED, man between 30 .18 in 'work In eervlre station. Muat he neat, polite, energetic, able to meet public, aell our company product a end our aarvlraa. Prefer man with lubrication experience or one willing to learn. Apply 1x17 Oregon Ave. 5-8 rot, ft A I.E. 1P41 rord Tudnr aadan with rarondl tinned motor. Call after S on p m . 3331 Creal. S T WANTED, woman to bake pi as In her own home. Will furniah all Ingredi ents. Inquire (ilno'e Drive-In BE FINANCIALLY MECUItK-lnvesttgate our complete line of raaualtv Insurant'. CHU.COTC . KMITH Complete Insurance 111 N llh Phone 4W4 . ft I 4O0 ACRES All under Irtigailon, 3ftc per acre water coat, urge potato cellar and other out buildings. Located aaven ml lea out. All drained, leveled, checked Eaaleat place in r .amain coiniy to irrigate. F-scelienl soil. -Price 8100 per acre. 813.000 down, balance easy terma. HENRY NEWMOL'SE. Rraltnr 140 C. Main Phone 98.13 Evenlngk phone SiMfti A-fl NURSE. PRACTICAL OR REGtRTERED Rest home business In good town. Pres ent capacity 30 patterns. Now nneratlna. Equipped. Terms. Write Box 3374. care Herald-News. ft-13 AHE YOU LONELY? Need care?" The Townhouse la a safe, homelike harbor for elderly men and women. 143 N, Main, Ashland, Ore. 3-1 FOR RENT, a-room house, furnished: lW acres, good land. Four miles out. Phone B348 8-8 WANTEDr experienced ranch" cook and neiper. tinod wages. Steady Job, good living quarters. Phone 7014. 5-10 FOR HENT. apartment for bachelor, .131 Broad, Ant. B. s-ff FOR SALE. .-ft." Elcar' trailer" house. meed to sell. 3330 So. 8th, acrosa from Tower Theatre. 3 8 WANTED, "stenographer, general "of fire work, steady employment, good work ing conditions, Opportunity for ad vanreent, Moty th Van Dyke. Phone 4141. -8 welfare" BALi. of FANCY WORK AND FOOD . GIVEN BY S. D. A. CHURCH MAY 0, 7 AND 8. B:,10 TO 8:110 J. C. PENNEY STORE 3-7 FOR RI4nT, "cine "a-room, one ""a-room Apartment. Phone 88U4. 3-8 433 ix.ix:io-INCH pickets. 8c? each: 1-h p. Sea King nuthoard, brund new, $3.1.00. 3111 Summers Lane. 8-6 WANTED, bookkeeping anrf'Typ.ng to do to mv homo, Good references. Phone 72fl. 8-7 WANTED, Instructor. "Klamath Beauty School. Phone 7448. 1:15 N. Broad St. 8-7 FOil SALE, lflilO model A Mdnit." New Urea. Phone 371)0, 8-6 FOR RALE or trade, nearly new milking machine, two automatic light planlf, wnshlng machine, gas range and elec tric range, first class. Ol' River Ex change, 2X17 8. eth.Phnne 8H41. 3-8 BARGAIN. Kenmnre , upright" cleaner, used 8 months, and Blsnell sweeper. for f43,00. Phone 7B34 arter 6 p.m. 3-7 FOR SALE, 4-bedroom house, $0730. Wrlte Box 2114. Herald-News. 3-8 FOR SALE, xi acre, 5-room partly" fur nished house, chicken and brooder house, chickens and her r leu, Slftoo. 3331 Link St.. Shlnulneton. R.B 6NE 16-fnot Van body, good " condition. .nni: one running mm, one 7-ft. maple table, 910; Mnsonlte wnrdrohes S7.30. Pennies Warehouse. .1-B CANVAS and wool bags for dltch tlnms. water nags, intcrnniional fence tools. Peoples Wnrehouite. b.b WAN"Tlit), green lumber pllcra. "Phone 8.148 after 8:30 p.m. 5-8 FLOWER SHOP! PWHf A87I orS4 B Dick Tumerl2 FUR SALE 80 acres, near Malln. 83 acres under trrl gallon, IO.VJO 2!M0 down, or will trade for city property DIAMOND LAKE SUMMER HOME Completely I urn ia tied. Iloal and r.totor. Beat location. NEAL RTKWAUT ACENCY. Realtors IS Klamath Ave Phone 83A8 or 8734 ft 8 FOR" SALE. IP.16 'Jnternalloner'l't-lon Irurk. good mernaiilrai aitape gooo tire, flat bed. Mark Smith 4 Co. '' E Main. 87 FOR HALE." lo"cu.' f I. "home freerer with haavy duty 1,1-hp condenser unit tjitB 30. Mark Smith A Co , 133 E Main 5-7 FOR SALE. Schiller grand upright piano Phone 4744. 8-8 WANTED, mesons to work with rough hen alone Applv Ion Lutheran Churrh. ira3 High. Phone 8793. ft FOR LEASE, one double pumice block plant. Inquire Hank Freed. Tloneala. Calif 8-18 DOMRIS ADVERTIRLNO:" Call Triplet! ft 8 FOR SALE, radio. 858 on, viruum "cleaner 8.100 A. C Forrlstall. 1021 Pleasant. ft 6 WANTED two aalealadlea. mut have al leaal one year's sales experience. Appl J C Penney. 8-7 RIDE FOR LEAA-ftrrip la available" for un whan sending rhlldren unascorted. VE1.1X1W CABDlal 8171 5-8 tO GIVE AWAY, female puppies,' five wraka old. 3-120 UiUtoI 8 8 WAN1ED, woman to care for 18 months old girl during the day In my home. Phone XTTI 8 8 VACANCY- f-ocal Rawlelgh route avail able Good bualnaaa opportunity. Nlart Immediately Car neceaary. Write RaHlelgha, Dept. 30.1, Oakland 7. Calif ft ft WANTED, rarrlrr tKa for Oregon Jour nal routea Phone VII 0 3-8 WILL raie for chlhlrrn In mv home, hy hour or day, Xi7 Grant. Phone 6; '-3 f. h Tlfl.ELAKE ADVEltTIRING. Phone Trip ietl, 03:13 8-8 GARAGE' IN NEW TlLE BLDG. on South 8th, working fle mei'hantcs. Will aell cheap If ta'-en at once, part caan. naiance gooa terms. PUMICE OH CONCRETE TILE PLANT All neceiaary equipment lnrludlng two trurka, on one and one-half acrea. 430 ft. frontage on Great Northern railroad Irark Builds !3on blocks tn eight hours, operated hy three men. One-half cash. Balance good tartns EQUIPMENT ' In small restaurant on North 4lh 81 Buer ran get lease on building at 830 per month. Price 8063 cash If taken at once.' Contact F E. Jtggar. with M L. JOHNSON. 413 Main Phone 31 1 J , Nights 3078 ft 8 FOR SALE. 130 erre ranch." SO seeded to barley, balance readv- for spuds. Modem home. Phone Merrill 0433. 5-8 TWO -BEDROOM modern house, S arre. Pressure pump, barn, chicken house, garage and woodshed, on Williamson River, two miles from Chlloquin. 8700 cash. Inquire Shell Service Station. Chiloquln. 3-7 FOR SALFTiM7 Dodge, recently over hauled. 8800. Beacon Service Station, on East Main. 3-7 FOR SALE, 1043 CMC truck, io wheels, new box Contact Box 30. ML Shasta. Phone 3S-W evenings. 8-13 FOR SALE. 1847 Oldsmobile " 87 "fully equipped, all extras: two-lone green. Ask for Cogswell, Weyerhaeuser Camp 4. Keno. 8-8 FOR SALE. Netted Gem drop seed. Good, clean seed, priced to sell. Can be seen at McKalg's cellar on South 8th. and Klamath Ice A Storage. Inquire Oleue Store. 5-7 NURSERY STOCk PS "hawthorn, cut leaf weeping hlrch, evergreens In variety. Shade trees, flowering shrubs, fruit treea and panay plants. KLAM ATH FLOWER SHOP GREENHOUSES. Soulh 8lh St. Phone tti:i3. S-fl ' NEED CASH? Convert that furniture you don't need Into ready cash at SUMMERS LANE AUCTION MARKET PHONE 0302 8-8 FOR SALE, two saddle horse's, gentle for children: saddle and bridle. Phone .l4iA,klo?..-B.J"' 8- FURNITURE AUCTION FRIDAY, MAY OTH. 1:00 P.M. SHARP 1108 MADISON ST. a bedroom suites and extra chest of drawers 1 large daveno Library table, coffee lahle and stand t swing rocker and two other rockers a radios 1 Pxia rug and pad Dishes and cooking pans Colds pot electric refrigerator Table and chain Heating stove New lawn mower, rubber-tired; 133 ft. of hose DUhes and fruit Jars 1 rubber-tired wheelbarrow 1 large drum heater I Apex electric washer 43 feel nf new gas pipe, a,-ln.. other pipe and fillings. GEO. R. SCI1REIRER. Owner : R. E. "BOB" RHODES, Auctioneer Phone 40:ia 3-B BOOK MATCHES-Call Triplet!." " 3-8 1 Meeting Notices rl I - A MATH FALLS f Of w ajpaS)aSjSf VeRIE No 'WiW Recular meeting very Tuesday night, 7:45 p m.. FOE lall, 9th and Walnut Visiting member -orrilallv invited tf KLAMATH POST No 8. American Legtun meeit first and third Tuesdays, S:DU p m., Veteran Memorial Pine Hh and Klamath 4717H Every Tuosday - 8:(H P. M. 9th and Main stm. M.T.8 REGULAR MEETING, Scol tlsh Bite, Monday, 8:00 p.m. The order of business: Bal loting. Refreshments. S C. SELBY, Venerable Master. S-tt ... ". and Found LOKT, brown laatlier wallet, April 3'Hh, I Pallran Theatre. If found notify J C , ONelll, phone 7.1 1 U. 8-1U LOMT. man", walla, ,on...n.ng H P. paaa. Mre, Carl Henry and sun. S.W . Martin. Kawaid. Phone 4UI. OWilf LOHT -MW lanor Conn aanophime. be- longlrul to e of Hit membere of the Young Orrgonlai. troupe. r III No. M I ttttiOH Reward. Phone 7471. fl-0 X)HT, billfold In Malln, fUturdav night. Name In billfold Is Noherl Harrows. Eiigaue. Ftndar heap money, but pleaae return paper, eli-, to Holert Barrows. Ht I. liur. un. Tolelaka A 10 8 Troniportotion For Heavy Hauling. Cr-j. and Winch , KLAMATH FRKIUHT LINES i 101 Klamath Avenue 7lH if V.J.VaiADY W""U '",,",ll?T i WIN share eaparisea and help drive . x?-J!F-X!Z ! 1 - 10 Services HINI1EH HEWINO MACHINE CO. ill .oiiaie vur Hintfur Mtwlna math Ilka or Ringer vacuum Ueaners. wlllv only ( genuine Ringer paria and guaranieeo Hing.r certified " on coal Pk-k up nd.'lvr'.v. , 4.8 M.!nK MEW'NU VYmHVn i 411 M"m fiTjo i PA1NTLNU - PAPERIIANUlNG DEC OKA TINCi A, E. SMITH PHONE 87M 421c HAVE your garden plowed with a rotary garden tiller. No ornrrs to spade, go antwhrie, Phone ,'1313 or call al r,2l Avalun HI. after 8 pin. 6 8 UiOH SANDING and re finishing Nor man rraltv Phone 11)73 44331 1 " LINOLEUM LAYING"' DRAINHOA MDS A SPECIALTY Phone fi3l 2UKHI WINDOW CLEANING Walla cleaned, floors cleaned and waned, home and cunimrrrla). JEHKE HUBBARD Ai SON. Phone 7b7S. 8-17 WALLPAPER Miller PAINT tichorn Contrart Painting and Paperhanglng FOR HENT Eleclrolua, floor sandcrt. . edge I E 'J Blind O G Auitad PATTERSON at SON PAINT BTORE Phone a.124 l C. Main 4130t! DHESNM AKING. alterations of all kinds. I Thelina Thorn paon, 3818 Etierlein. Phone I IUU4 8-20 : REMODELING ALTERATIONS DHESRM AKINO Saliafartlon guaranUed Call 87.13 Davidina Rogers. 18J0 Orchard St 366211 "SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Newest Sanitary Method Service at Onre B W SHEPHERD Phone BAtCI 14001 f ENOCH KARL FLOOR CO - Laying, sanding and finishing. Yrm estimate on any lob Phone bu37 3233 tf WE REPAIR your cracked walls, side walks, step or basement We build stone or cement re'ainmg walla, foun dations, walks and alepa free enl mate Bill Pyatt Phur.e 8746 4-26M PAINTING CAIXT1MINING. enamel work City or country Satisfaction guaranteed Frank Jenke Phone 7370 HSff CONCRETE WORK done fn cemetery Call 8730 or 1813 Worden. 4-2X.' Local and Long Dlalance MOVI.NO FADS TRANSFER STORAGE 883 Market St Phone 8771 1331f INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR PAINTING Flrat-Clasa Work Manfred Carlson Phone 8133 ft U NEED MUSIC'" We have it: Excellent orchestra available mall enough foi parties, big enough for dance Call Morrison or McDonald at Hill. if LINOLEUM AND CARPET1 LAYING Rug Binding Drain board I t n't at tons J L CALHOUN Bit Klamath Ave Phone 1112TP ELECTROl.l'X SALE and ' SFRVICK Cnmplete overhaul of rutoniei's Elec trolux Phone 7107 li;t3 Main 47Tlt YOUR MAYTAG SERVICE SHOP rnn in vrin Parts and Service for All. Make of i Mathers MERIT WASHING MACHINE SERVICE 611 So 8lh Phone wns ftWf NOTICE " If you're bothered wllh termites, con tact W. D Wlthrow. 347 Berodale. Med ford. Oregon, or phone 3378. 14 year in the business. S-7 MORRISON. McDON ALDDanceOrcr.es tra available for dances and parties. Six piece. "Music slightly subdued." Phone 8111. 4O04 tf DRESSMAKING, alterations".' buttonholes and hemstitching. 1013 California or phone :VVr2 5-8 CURTAINS laundered, pickup and de- Hvery. Phune 4073 3311 tt DO IT NOW'."" Painting Inside and out. Kemtontng. cnlsominlng, floors refinlshed. roofs re stained, house cleaned inside and out. windows washed. Call us fur an esti mate. Harsh Cleaning and redecorating establishment. Phone 4:t34. 4274 It GARDEN plowing, harrowing and disc Ing. Phone 7034. 4JI8 Winter Ave. ft 6 "MIMEOGRAPHING" " Public Stenographer MIMEOGRAPH SHOP 2.14 No. 8th thone 7G27 14tl FOR CARPENTER WORK, cabinet work. also furniture repairing, call 30)6. 3108 Hope St. 3B44tf EVANS CABINET SHOP " 1317 East Main Phone 8428 - 707!i R fT"'"60B;r" RHODES. Auctioneer FOR OPEN SALE DATES CALL 40.12. KLAMATH FALLS 5-12in RHOADS WINDOW CLEANERS Store Fronts a Specially Complete Hotit.ec leaning Service PHONE 6011 1830 TF CARPENTER WORK, repair, "remodel or new work. Hour or contract. Phone :utll after 9 p.m. S-10 Floor sanding andr)f:finishing cleaning and waxing lloyd f. pepplk 1B88 Auburn Phone 4472 -.!m septic" Tanks cleaned All Contents Hauled Away Prompt Service ED F KING ... ..PrloP8.M."1 or 3230 I3iritf "7 Local "and Xong'blstance Moving," Crating. Packing and Storage. KLAMATH FREIGHT LINES " Phone 7781 101 Klamath Ave. aaoa tf UPHOLSTERING, " repairing." reflnlshlng . springs reconditioned, cabinets built. Phone 4317. 3041 Shasta Way. 3-39 "FOR QlilCkT AND RELIABLE" paint ing, kemtoning and papering. Call 7H87. Free estimate. 3-13 "FOR QUICK AND RELIABLE" paint ing and decornttng, alo first-class papering, call Bttlil for free estimate. 8-13 LAWN MOWERS "eharpened the'double edge way Always the best General Repairing. BODENHAMFR SAW SHOP i MX E- Mll,n fl-t8 Janitor service Window Cleanliift and Floor Waxing CITY BUILDING MAINTENANCE COMPANY . Phone Pat-ift 1085 tf ANDERSON BOARDING KENNELS, 36B8 Delaware, off Homedale 'Rond. Phone :ttH7. ,V31 PAINTING. Interior nnd exterior." Kem toning. H. L. Brown, Phone 4228. , 67 tf FULLER" BRUSHES CLEM JOYER 1438 MARTIN ST. PHONE SH77 (..llinih : DHlHSMAK ING -Children's clothing. lip covei. Men s auin a specially. Jacqueline Newconi, 739 KldorerUv Phone 48!t3. 8-2 LAWN MOWERS SHAHPCNKD AND REPAIRED Titan Timber Saws Sales and Service. Martin Outboard Mniora. MOTS1ES 1943 S. 61h Phone 43116 ( 3073tf VENETIAN BLIND SHOP CLEANING AND REPAIRING Roland F. KofL Owner PHONE 6338 110 No 4th 5 -8 m FURNITURE "rEFINISHING Draperies made to order. E. S. "STAN" PARK AGNES PARK Phone 4313 ti-2m PAINTING. Kemtoning' and"floor"and- Ing. Call 6806. 6-4 DENT.STRY," evenings. SuhtfaVV 40B0 ailAftlR. 11-11 ' 112 Educational BOOKKf KPINt. Nnnritiand. Typing Kindred subfa u office machines KLAMATH BDHINKfitt COLLEUE. 7;t " 3 Hoolth KOR HENT Ifoapllaf supplies for the b Nw inneraprlng hospital beda. wh, chatr invmiil walkera. infra ,. -n(t vM,t f.v )1htt ih(M.w-v diathermy rnaclilne. ete Phone :tT 44TF KLAMATH MA BR AC. E PA ft LOR Mineral Baths pnone SAle lM Mam At ,4 He( Wonfed( FtSmole WANTKI) rff(pr(( housekrrper: adults, 3 children 478tf fcXPEHIENCED seller needed. Neat mtJlUtltly an9 PKDtsrlglKttJ M)lt. r round work. Can pn Need Irn- top provide nousing. i. au or wire. Aunurn arw-w. 4-.W7lf WANTED. " telephone "operator. Not i affected by local strike. Willard H'.lal ?ANTIN; interior and eaterior Kei tmntJ H L Brown Phone 423a H7H WANTED. nn or woman to rare for lnvMllti amnUmmMn Ph. MMA a- WANTED rainier for dining oom. ici typing Willard Hotel. Willf flKAtrriOAN wanted at Modernistic Beauty Shop. No phone rails. Apply to Mrs. Borden, 013 Klamath. 842 if WANTED, woman for housework and care of children, permanenl position, h'.ard and room and good wages. Musi ' slay tn. Phone Wit). (toUtf WANTED. STENOGRAPHER, general office work, ateady employment, good working conditions. Opportunity for advancement. Write Box 8000, care Herald-News. 8-7 WANTED, woman" for housework, 'two davs a week. Phone 3.M7. 5-7 16 Help Wonted, Mole llf.LIAIILE FOOD MANUFACTURER has opening for alert, ambitious salesman to contact retail and wholesale grocery trade In Southern Oregon. Merchandise well known and advertised extensively. Car furnished, no Saturday work. Starting salary 8230 per month All expenses paid while traveling. Prefer experienced man between 23 and 33 years, or If you have the ability and a pleasing personality we will train you. Write, aiatlng age. education, experience, to Box 001, care Herald- News. 5-10 WANTED, two matcher men. one mould ing plant gnnderman. Call Auburn 837 W for wage rate 4J74tf WANTED, preaaer at Reliable Cleaners lis Main atootf WANTED, two" lumber chain pullers. Eugene. Fnone Klamath 44O0. l.Htf UPHOLRTEHER WANTED. SO-80 basU; or wm sell hak? interest. Best loca tion. Southern Oregon. Call or writ. Huffman a Upholstery, Box 741. La.:e view. Ore. 8-7 PARTS HELP Eft W A NTED Prefer vet eran. Muat be willing to work for chance to be promoted. Local garage. Give phone number when replying. Inquire Box 873. care Herald-News. 8-7 GOOD PAY JOBS offered trained auto body fender men tn daily "want ads. Put in a few hours weekly learning welding, painting, metal work, etc. Chanre for high wages or your own bu.tnt Veteran and civilians. Write for free Information. Auto-Crafi Tra'n tnr. Box 4GP. care Herald-News. 8-7 ROUTE Gillette razor blade and" U. S. - stamp vending machines. Earn up to 8230 per month. Investment 8773. Reply to Bx 038, care Herald-News. 3-8 REAL SILK HOSIERY MILLS represenU Uvea wanted. Men and women. Average earnings 81.00 to 83.00 hourly. Near home, experience and car not neces sary. Women nylons, white hosiery, gownsdreisca, men's socks, etc. Write Roy 1'arimann. P.O. Box 1363, Medfnrd. for interview. 5-10 FlItST CLASS OVERHAUL mechanic. Ji'.utt have had general garage expert-e-ice. Apnlv tn person, Anderson Auto Service. f.:t? Walr.uv. 2220tf COUPLE wanted, steady Job, good op portunity. Apply in person. Buck horn Mlt-rrwl SpHngK. Rt. I. Ashland. 8-7 WANTED, gardener. Call 3403. 3-7 SHOE SHINE BOY -wanted at MedlVal Dental Barber Shop. 33031f WANTED, cur washer and pofisher Dick vine- Co. 7th and Klamath. 3-8 18 Situations Wonted WANTED, teamwork of nnv kind. " Phone 9314. or 4212 Homedale Road. 5 9 EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER " and insurance policy writer available on temporary ba-.s. Phone 3361. 5-6 WANTED, garden plowing, "discing, apringtooth and leveling. Phone 4(lL Mf Bisbee. 8-31 CARPENTER "WORK wanted Repair, painting and calsomlning. Phone 4317. :tlHl Shaft Way. 5-28 EMPLOYMENT WANTED veteran age 29. married, one child: formerly sta tioned Klamath NAS. Experienced gen eral office work, mill and machinery supplies, and hardware. References furnished. W. A. Bragg, 108 E. Miller. HajvloJT 22 Rooms For Rent ROOMS for rent Phone 6264. 134Na. 3rd. 5-15 ROOMS 1034 HIGH. JT-'IS" FOR RENT, large "room, preferably to couple: kitchen and laundry privileges tf desired. 739 Eldorado. BeVitf ROOMrboard," gentleman. 1607 Crescent. 5-10 ROOMS FOR RENT. 1132 Main 5-10 ""PVS. a.00 12t? Jeffe-son. 3-10 28 Miscellaneous For Rent FOR RENT American floor sender and edger, latest type, dustles. swift and easy to operate. Klamath Valley Lum ber Co.. 1940 So. 6th. .Phone 4818. J 135tf FOR RENT Electric belt sahder, screw Jacks, hydraulic jacks, lawn roller. KLAMATH VALLEY LUMBER CO.. 1940 So. 6th. Phone 481C. J492f ELECTROLUX FOR RENT PATTERSON 8c SON PAINT STORE PHONE 3324 1229 EAST MAIN ST. 4B76tf ELECTRIC FLOOR SANDERS and edge rs rented. Do vour own work. Inquire Paint Dept., MONTGOMERY WARD. B-3m FOR RENl7new bndoHend power saw complete with combination saws. 331 Martin. 8-12 TRUCKS FOR RENT You "drive; "move yourself, save half. Stiles Beacon Serv ice. 1201 East Main. Phone 8.104. 8-14mb FOR RENT" "pasture near town. ' Write P.O. Box B04. 5-7 BUILDING for rent on South 6th" In quire at Gina's Drive-In. 3-7 30 Real Estate For Sale FOR'SALE furnished home" with "acre. Includes refrigerator, electric range, oil heater, dining room set. dishes and curtains. New garage. $6000 cash, 4810 Shasta Way. 3-7 OUR BOARDING HOUSE EAD,TMIG&$.' 6USSFULLV IT'S 0NUV WfVf. BUT VOU RS - -Zy Mmm HAWDPAlWTEP , . UNAWARE OF WMrVT VT VVA.S, )A UlTTISiO IrO MlDSEASOM FORU I wTE BVKITr-, HAH ? t : ' I PRESENTED A ORESDENi ) AA"50R.'-- UM WOvJ A60UT I WHAT ro VOU PO, RUM v . " '- MOW 1 LEARr-itrAATTrVEne l CRACK! OR. FLAW iMTrAEr w 0 J -AVE Pf EM7 - . WRICK COST nS em's AT A (A VASt, AtsiO OFFShiO THE- J. meam-x , s,, , FREI6UT AUCTlOM, IS A ("OVAL ) LADV A SOLID SlLVee - ) Z - x' 'Ct AWTQOe WOR.Tr f,r GRAMV BOAT 'TEAT? ' mm mm m r w r m- bnsz .i-,v.i,se:,--i xz"?r, i SL" - i g-gS w..rTy..ffiag TgV.AhWvQAV! whv mothers 6et grav , , 30 Real Estate For Sale TWO - BEDROOM " home for sale by owner. Big garden. 83600. 1337 ,n MODERN two bedroom house, electric range and oil stove, hardwood floors, utility room, basement, garage. Near atore and school. Inquire ISO) Oregon, before 10:00 a. rn. or after 6:00 p. m 8-7 FOR SALE by owner, i-bedroom home. automatic oil heat, large lot, large aaraee. Close to shoDoine district. Musi be seen to be appreciated 213 ' Shasta Way. 1434tf FOR " SALfc Modern 3-bedroom houae, full concrete basement, furnace heat, on pavement, near public school. Write Box 4130, Herald and News 412tf FOR SALE, duplex with cottage In rear, furnished, and garages. Gas equipped. Good income. Also one 3 and 1-bedroom home. One haa hot water heat, other floor furnace. New and modern, all with Immediate possession. Phone 4108. JtftOtf FOR SALE, my equity far' Two room house, 'a acre. 4771 Freida Ave. Phone 4832. - 637 If FOR LEASE. 30.000 acres summer range for snaep, near cnemuit. this range sufficient for 2On0 sheep, , LIS KEY BROS. Rt. t. Box 713 Phone 7014 8-7 FOR SALE, one-bedroom home, living . room, dining rom. bath. Completely furnished. 3.11 Martin. 8-27 FOR SALIt-New" 5-room home, "hard wood floors, furnace, fireplace, large windows. Insulated. Call 4481. 5-7 FOR HALE bv owner, 3-bedroom modern home, large lot, chicken houae and garage. Excellent location. See at 1402 Pleasant St. Price 84000. Pho-e 4328, fl-8 FOR KALE,'"flmair"3-room "house wllh furniture, 81100, 1738 Washburn Wy. 5-8 FOR SALE, modern a-bedroorn house, 2M Orchard, across street to Mills School. Price 84750. 82400 down, 843.80 per month. CORNER ACRE for nale, AlUmont and La Verne. 8000- Owner. 2037 Garden Ave. 8-7 FOR SALE BY OWNER - Very cozy modern 2 -bed room suburban home on 1 acre, fully piped and Irrigated. Beau tiful yard. Iota of shade. Basement, furnace, electric hot water heater.. In clude 3-room house rented for 823 00. Full price 87800. Immediate poarea ion. Phone 9323. 8-7 FOR SALE- Rooming house ljnfineville. Consists of 14 rooms and large kitchen. Completely furnished even to stoves and washing machine. Income 8373 00 per month. Some terma. Extra lot See A.W. Sm.lh at HaU Hotel 8-7 FOR SALE." ' 4-room furnished house, double garage, acre land: shade trees. 2W7 Arthur, phone 8164. 8-6 A BARGAIN FOR CASH, a two-bedroom home In Mills Addition, built In 1041. Hardwood floors. large wardrobe eloscts. Immediate) possession. Call 41,1. 8-6 FOR' SALE by owner, modern furnished 3-room house on large lot, walking distance. Call Thursdays or before 13 o clock. 317Mt. Whitney. 3-4 NEW" HOME, nearlng 'eompletion. 3430 Applegate, two 12-foot Bedrooms down stair, two 11 -foot bedrooms upstairs: living room, large kitchen, electric 40-gallon hot water heater, floor fur-na'.-e. Front of house, ceiling and all water pipes insulated with blown-in roc!; wool Has chime, cement drive from street to garage, also cement floor In garage: lawn, sidewalks, one third block from new City Park. Im mediate possession. 89300. Cash or terms. 8-7 FOR" SALE. 2-beroom" house, hardwood floors, basement garage, electric range, oil stove. Close to store and school. Resoreo1e. 91 5 Addison St- 3-8 TWO-BEDROOM' modem some, partly furnished, with 4 lots, electric hot water tank, garden, fruit trees. Fair prire. Immediate possession. lorn Prescott St. 8-6 MOTEL for sale. 19 rental units. 20 place restaurant, almost a city block of property. Net income over 91000 monthly. Full price 940.000. half down. DON'S REALTY 7M Sauth 6th. Grants Pes. Ore. S-7 FOR SALE, one acre of ground, irrigated: 5-room modern houe. Lawn, trees, chicken house, garage, bunk house. 3m Altamont Drive. Phone 4973. 5-7 FOR SALE, nice clean 4-room house with bath. Fine garden soil, some garden In, fruit trees, berries and shrubs. Phone 893. 3-8 FOR SALE. ibdroom modem - home: 10 acres: about 3 acre can be irrigated by pump: large chicken house with concrete floor, lights, water: orchard, berries, shrubs. Ideal for chickens, truck or bog ranch. 1015 Homedale Rd. , 6-10 FdRSALE. "4-room house, to "be'torn down or moved. George Johnson. Vfvtor Pont. O'e 5-10 32 Building 4 Remodeling WARD WEEK BUILDING DEPARTMENT SPECIALS Ktnsul Insulation. 100 sq. ft. roll. 2 inches thick, per roll $3.83 Kinsul. 200 sq. It- roll. 1 inch thick. per roll $7.63 Miner! Fill, 24-1 b, bag Sl.W In 40-bag lots . $1 10 I Felt Rock Insulation, big bag covers :t sq. it., 3 ince.es deep 9i.iv ALUMINUM ROOFINO " HEAVY WEIGHT 10-ft. sheets, 2't-inch corrugated, per sheet .83.50 8-ft. sheets, 2'-lnch corrugated, per sheet 82.64 3-wheel trailer, 1990-lb. caraeity. steel and hardwood construction $130 30 1-wheel trailer, all steel constructioa. 730-lb. capacity 869 50 Broiler Battery, holds 120 3-lb. broilers $33.95 Heavy duty Hammermill with traveling feed table, custom screens . $233.00 Cement mixer with power take-off pulley. 3 cu. ft. mixing capacity. . $47.77 Block Maker "Make your own pumice tile or building blocks' $74.93 Yale At Towne gear '.a-ton chain hoist spur $4993 350-gat. shallow well pump. (Price lew tank i $76.55 Wards hay cart. 4 rubber-tired wheels. This cart turns in its own length. Steel and hardwood construction. Special - $239.00 ' WARDS DOWNSTAIRS STORE Bth at Pine Phone 3188 91tf ROOFING SIDING Certain-teed composition shingles, built up roofs, J M, While asbestos siding shingles, Nu-Brick or Nu-Stone Insulated siding. Wavy-edge asphalt siding. For free estimate and information dial 8983. H. HENR1S. 2763 Hope Street J174tf LUMBER Every kind! One board or a carload. Finish, siding, and oak flooring. Full line builders hardware. SUBURBAN LUMBER CO. 4784 So. 6th Phone 7709 5-7 with MAJOR H00PLE HERALD NEWS. Klamalb Balls, Ore. 32 Building 4 Remodeling 1 We nave ".r.ai ou have been looking for NO I PINE DRY LATH 14 INCH VALLEY TIN DRAKE LUMBER COMPANY B10 Spring Phone 8810 8-7 BniLD YOUR "HOMI 'NOW"' Your dream Into reality. Blueprint. KLAMATH FALLS GENERAL BUILDER. New ronstructlon, additions, remodeling, fire damage, foundation and cement work. W. P LE MOINO. Builder Write Box 63 Call between Bam. and S p.m. Phone Dorrls 34.1 8-10 BEAUTIFUL white porcelain "atalf show era with all chroma fixtures, complete. 80 on SUBURBAN LUMBER CO. 4784 So. eth Phone 7709 ALL TYPES "of roofing applied "and guaranteed by an established firm See Big Baaln Lumber Co., or phene 3144 376Atf FlNlftH grade No. leh.ng.ea at Big Baaln Phone 3144 for estimate without obligation 8-6 34 Fuel-Heating ASK ABOUT OUR -CHECK AND FILL SYSTEM" ON FUEL OILS PHONE 6149 TAKE NO CHANCES ON RUNNING OUT OF OIL PEYTON St COMPANY "OIL TO BURN" Phone 514B 918 Market 3313 IT WOOD - Bone dry 16-Inch slab, 88 50 cord delivered, 97 30 at yard. Young blood Wood Yard. 9A8A Lakeport Blvd. 'Pelican City Road. Phone 3244 . 8-13 ' "LOCK VOOD You may now place your order for block wood Pevton and Co.. 913 Mar ket Phone 3149 TF3393 DRY PINE BLOCKS for" sale bv truck or trailer METLER BROS So 6th and Altamont Drive Phone 8832 18-lit 35 Automotive ALWAYS t DYE'S a large stock of used car, property reconditioned. Fords. Dodge. Buiufcs. Plymouth. Chevrolet's. Oldtmobiles, Chryslers. Pin Uses, Studebakers. 6Ut and Oak. Phone 4383 ft-8 SMAIX MONTHLY PAYMENTS on all automotive needs. Dick B. Miller Co. 8336tf STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTO INSURANCE COMPANY Tower Theatre Bide.. 2607 So. 6th St. 1 WM. N GOEN and MERVIN J LIE0TKE Agents Prs one 7343 S-8 FOR SALE" 1943 cabo-er Chevrolet, good condition. 8.28 tires. Price 91330. Also boat trailer. 340 Spring. 4743tf WANT A LOW PRICED CAR to go'tel work In , Then. See Dye. 6th and Oak Phone 4383 fi-8 EASY TERMS, of coorseT at "DYE S. ' 6th and Oak . Phone 4383 8- EASY TERMS, of course,' at DYE'S. 6th and Oak Phone 433 eONFIDENTlALLY ... It always pays to "See D e Before You Buy a used car. 6th and Oak Phone 4383 5-8 fnn Gtl lor? ..(! Unna 'aYUul Min. Hit ion Nv mini Inb. nvw'tlrca. 1875 St. Francis Trailer Park. So. 6th. 8-6 WANTED, 19.18 standard Chevrolet trans mission. Write Elmer Barclay, Bo nanza, Ore.. Rt. 1. 5-9 FOR SALE or trade, equity In 137 suidecaker Dictator sedan, 473. uon ald Gustin Chelae Addition, Qusrry St. 5-10 1 FOR SALE. 1938 Studebaker sedan. Over- haul yourself and save. 3017 Frelda Ave . off Shasta Way. 5-7 I FOR SALE. '3 Buick Special sedan: good ruroen imrt ttzc omay oea ana mattress. See after 8 p.m.. Klamath F.tlls Auto Court, across from Tower Theatre. 5-7 FOR SALE. 1940 PonUac 8 tudor sedan. J!3 UvU. Phone 3202. 5-6 FOR SALE. "1938 Buick sedan, good con dition. Call 6023. 5-7 36 Miscellaneous for Sal RCA cabinet radio for sale, 850.00. Phone 4432. 5-21 NETTED GEM drop seed. Sale or trade. CaJl Troy V. Cook. 3284. 457tf NEW INNERSPRING MATTRESSES 8.19.30 HOWIE BROS 2313 SO. 6TH PHONE 4362 8-17 FOR SALE. Hennchen seed barley'. cleaned and treated. Call 8906. 5-6 RESTAURANT supplies' and equipment. We handle general slicing machines and Steven milk shake and bar mix er. RAP DAVID 3418 So. 6th Phone 3237 5-14 FOR SALE, model W. M. Chalmers cat with hydraulic dozer. In first-class condition. Ideal for farm use: also armored for legging. Kirtland Farm. entrmlPoint.Ore. . 8 NEW BRANDED POTATO BAGS PEOPLES WAREHOUSE ?341tf SHALLOW WELL pressure pump, com plete with pipe and tank, $35.00. Phone 7848. 5-6 ELECTROLUX! THE WORLD-FAMOUS CLEANER For Mother's Day give an Electrolux. the world-famous cleaner, $69.73, with all the attachments. Phoru 7167. your j Electrolux dealer. Tarkel Tweet, ?2 Mam St. Kiamafa rails. 3-o D. D. T. W ATKINS QUALITY PRODUCTS Exy Rodger, 3304 Delaware, Phone 3957 Mlai FOR SALE, Monarch electric stove. Ex cellent condition. 809 Mitchell. 5-6 A REALLY fine Mother's Day gift. Give a roller canary or a pair of lovebirds. Pat's Pets, Oregon State Hatchery. 2720 So. 6Ih. Jl63tf FOR SALE. Universal wood range, like new: also full size coll bed spring. 4891 Canon Ave. Phone 8088. 3-7 FOR SALE." F-14 Far'mali tractor, excel lent condition. Has hydraulic lift, front and rear cultivators, wheel weights. Complete for only $693. See at Strong hold Trrctor & Equipment Co.. M'n St.Tu'elaije. Calif. 5-8 FOR MOTHER'S "DAY, a permanent is the ideal gift. Under personal super vision. Klamath Beauty School. Phone 74411. 135 N. Broad St (next to Fire HalH. FOR SAtaE. one-Inch electric drill, SW, Phone 3939. 5-6 OUT OUR WAY TUESDAY. Maf 6, 141, Page Nlaf 36 Miscellaneous Fer $4 If RESTAUR-ANTS We have nine i-itlrft automatic lime control toaster. HAP DAVID, 3419 South 6th. 8 6 Wfc RESfLVtR old nnrrora."lo ma 1 new mirror Replace broken window -glass. Olaa shelve, furniture lop It order Kimball's Glees Shop 817 wal nut,. Phone 7:i78 4cVnt " FOR SALE " sandy Fill Dirt Liwn Uirt Building sand and Gravel Gravel for Driveways HAVS CAT OR BLADE FOR LEV EL I NO PHONE 3948 134311 FtOWERmfl Crabapple. ""Hawthorne, riuma, rvaiear mapiea ana specimen hade tree. Perennial plants, fruit tree, flowering shrub and ever greens, In many verities. Acclimate stock from an accredited nursery. We do landscaping, lawna and iprtnkUaS systems. GREENE GARDENS ' ' 2684 Hope St. t Phono 808S CaNDSCAPINO - Evergreen;" flowering tree and shrubs, fruit tree and . strawberries. Call us for plans and estimates of planting. W guarantee) , our trees and shrubs to grow. Lake- shore Gardens Nursery, Phone 43H6. ' 613mlf STOVES REPAIRED, All available parts ' stocked Used furniture. Stoves bought. OK Second Hand Store, 340) So, 6th. l8m ADDING! M A C H f N t srCalcaiatore, ; Typewriters, Desks, Chairs, Flies Pioneer Printing and Stationery Co., 124 South Bth St. 8-13m FULLER BRUSHES X, V. MORGAN. 833 So. Riverside. Phone 3348 8-13mb. GRADED cinders, red or grey, excellent for driveways. Phone 4677 or 8839. 40361 JUST ARRIVEbf" targe sh'lpmenV oi Oakes, poultry feeders, founts, and electric brooder. LOWEST POSSIBLB PRICES. OREGON STATE HATCll ERY. 3730 So Bth 488tf FOR SALE, Iron Age two-row potato planter. Good condition. Phone 3B7B, TuIelake1 g-f NETTftD GEMS ' Six hundred sacks certified Netted Gem seeds. Oceansida reading 99 and S1V pure. Grown on Lower Klamath Lake. Also some fertilizer. Inoulra Kalth Gentrv or phone Merrill, pregon. 8-7 73 SACKS Blue fag seeds; MoniaruTlaat. year: also 300 sacks drop seed. On mile east and one mile north of Malln, John W Jimst, Box 704. ft- FOR SALE. Irons ge potato planter, good condition, priced right: also l-lncli eentrifugsl pump, complete with foot valve. One mile eest and one mil norui oi Maun, joon w. james, box 704. 8-T FOR SALE. 70 sack NettecT Gem drop seed, 9100 per cwt.; also about three acres good pasture for rent Oren Storey Rt 1, Box 819. City. 8-T GARDEN HOSE, new and better nylon, the best available. SUBURBAN LUMBER CO. 4784 So. 6th Phono 7709 8-7 ALL A DIN LAMPS and parts'" now a.ai.1-' able at BELL'S HARDWARE. 328 ;.nn SL 7-1 8m- FOR SAIJCTTi 23-h p. Johnson, slightly utd. 14-ft. De Luxe runabout and trailer. Aiteal St AO0. 2630 BUbee. PonejWKll. 42 Miscellaneous Wanted ' WANTED Ocao or "worthieae "animal.. Call a-nllaM-t Hal nr nuhl iaa h..!.!1 service Phone 4836 or 8323. KLAMATH TALLOW CO 488 tt DIG that old corriet-trufnpet-erartnef " or what have you out of th closet and sell it to Derby's Music Co. It s needed now more than they ever will .aln. 120 N JTth Dial 431S 1884tff WANTED: Used" Burlap aniTCotton lUsa. Any quantity PEOPLES WAREHOUSE nvsotc I CASH FOR USED RfFLES! ferine them in for appraisal. Bell's Hardware, 538 Main St 7-Bmb WANT to rent. 3 or 3-bedroom furnished nouse, by sauponslble party. Phone 606. . $- WANTED to rent, graln fandr Have own equipment. Jack Snyder, Rt. 1, Box 930. Klamath Falls. 6-S. EX-Gt desperately "needs 4-room unfur nished house to rent. Call 8886. 8-6 PROFESSIONAL MAN, wtf "anTTwo children desire to rent modern fur- - niihed Home.- Will pay up to 8100 per month. Call 4214. Evenings 4354.. g-T aCPLOYE of Bureau" of Reclamatloi desperately in need of furnished two bedroom house or apartment. Perma nent. References. Phone Harvey 3133. Bta FOR SALE, upright Gulvarsen piano'. Hotpoint electric range, desk, cabinet radio, chest of drawers, ieabmr. mrtn tools. All in good condition. 4640 44 Livestock and Poultry GOING UP Egg and Poultry meat price are ad- - - vancing weekly Fill your brooders with fine "Oregon Bred" chicks and cash In on fryer and eggs. Oregon State Hatcher : ' 2730 So. 6th Open evenings and Sunday ' 4337 tf HIGHEST PRICES paid for hogs. veal, lambs and cattle. Johnsoa Packing Co. Phone 5323. night . 33Q3. 5-lfm W ANTED Dead or worthless anfmr (J, Call collect, night or day, for prompt service. Phone 4685 or 5323. KLAMATH TALLOW CO. . 436tT ! roR SAjCE, freah milk goats. Rt. 5V i Box 1078. Phone 7847. ' 3-6 ' i YOUNG New Hampshire frier and pul- itu zor sauc. mi oo. em, rmm (in. FOR SALE, springer dairy heifers, Guern sey and Holsteln. double tested. Nor - man Remsen, Scott W. McKendree, MerrflJL 5-7 FOR SALE, a pintos, one 4 and one 5. Well broke. Phone 7244, after 3:00 phone 3923 8-S FOR SALE. 9 registered Berkshire sows. 7 months old. Francis Harmon, Tule lakc. Calif. 6-S AUCTION SALE AT MEDFORD AUCTION CO. 845 So. Riverside Ave., Medford, Or. SUNDAY. JUNE 1ST. 10:30 A. M. : If you have any antiques you wish t sell, bring them in or write Jos. C. Burn. Auctioneer. 8-39 REGISTERED Nubian milk goat for sale. H. Tucker, Modoc Point, Ore. 8-1S GUERNSEY-JERSEY cow and calf tor r.a le. 4S06 AyaIon St. ' S-T FOR SALE or will trade, cattle for aii F-30 Farm 11. Luther Noble, Bonanza. 8-t WANTED, car-hopper and fountain girl. No phone calls. Apply Gina's Drive-In. 5-7 FOR SALE, two good milk cow; also bed, springs and mattress. Call 317. 5-6 48 Business Opportunities COIN ooerated "business, part time.' Small investment. Excellent returns. Phrme ' 8423 8-S By J. R. WILLIAMS