Music Show Slated Friday ; On tiila comliiu Frliliiy five tlnu In Klmniitl) Unlim hlll ichoul utiilllorUiin I ho Krutlo ichoiila of Hit) clly will iVMml iholr oiiniuil music cxliuvu unza. Tlila unmiiil iiruaentu lion lini Ix'i-ii one or lliu monl loluiful und ciilcrtiilnliiu pro liruma of the yi'iir. C.'uimliliT alilo limn and t-ffort nitvn lulu I ho Rlimlnu of tlit'iic ichool pro PlltUtUlim Blltl I ll I'OKlllllH'll - ihvs ulwuya Ix'cn novel. Each ' cliool piciuri' iiroKinni not io exceed 12 mlluiloa und every hi iruclci tchaol In llio ayatmn l I .Tprenpnted. The cxtnivuioin.u vlll bo given onu iiIkIiL only, i rrltluy. I In cliuruo of Urn iirouruin in ; ilio Indlvldiiiil m'hoolii lira: HIv I rraldo, KredH Krfle; Fremont, f Florence IMelkei Conner, Ail- tiutu I'urker; Pellciin, I.ola $ -,1ml; Fiilrvlew, Kloienco Plelke; i tonaevclt, Urth McMunua und I Mills, Joun Piirauns. Andrew Loney Jr., director of niuidc education In the puunc aciiuuia lm placed the ucnerul Imndllnu of the extruviiKiinzit In the lunula of John O'Connor of the mualc dcpiirtinent who will ho indited by I'ntrlclu Hunt, O. K. Wnrcup, und John McMmiiui, Loney Attends Music Convention Andrew Loney Jr., director af mualc educutlon In the city ichoola, in In I'ortlund Monduy and Tuesday nttendlnu the Ore on Mualc Kdnciilora unaoclutlon of which he la prealitrnt. Loney will huvo chiir(o of the mualc aernilona held Monduy at the library In Portlund, und on Tuesday at WuahliiKton high achool. Fraternity Wins Song Contest POHTI.AND, April 7 iVi The newly-oruuitizeri lletu Theta ll chapter ul Williimetle unl varalty won arholnrahlp awards at the alxth unniinl aonu contest aponaored here by the north went chapter of the fraternity. The Oreuon State college chap ter won an uwurd for the beat chapter newHpnper and Itobert A. Kent, OSC atudent, waa named the outstanding arnlor of the revlonal chaplera. Basin Potato Shlpmtnti In Carloadi 1947 1948 April 5, I IB 10 April to date .. 71 311 Seaaon to dute 10.306 10.327 CHICAGO, April 7 (AP-USDA) Potato?: ArrlvnU 24H; on truck 324; total U. S. uhlpmrnU Fri day 9U4, Saturday 1022. and Sunday 16; supplies liberal; de mand. Irrf Rulnr (or western gtock; very alow (or Red Rlvrr valley alock; mnrkrt Nliuhtly weaker for No. 1 Idaho KunxcU, atody for others; conditions aomewhat unsettled due to com munications tie-up: Idaho Rua aet Burbnnki $3.65-3.7.; Colo rado Red McC lures $4. 2 S wash ed; Minnesota-North Dakota Red River valley Cohblera $1.85 un washed, Bliss Triumphs $3.00 washed; Nebraska Bliss Tri umphs $4.10-42A washed; new stocks, Texas AO lb. sacks Bliss Triumphs $2.00 (nil U. S. No. 1 quality). U$ ANGELES, April 7 (AP-USDAV- Potatoes: 28 broken, 57 unbroken cars on track; ar rived: California 4, Ickiho 33, Nevada 1. Utah 8, by truck 3; market steady; Idaho Russets No. 1-A $3.20-30, mostly $3.25. SAN FRANCISCO, April 7 (AP-USDA) Polutoca: 1U brok en, 20 unbroken enrs on track; arrived: California 4. Orrxon S, Idaho 2, Ncvncln 1, WnshlnRton 1, Texna 1, Florida 1: market about atenriy; Klamath Russcla No. 1-A $3.35-50. VITAL STATISTICS 1.ANMAN Bnm al KUm.lh Valley hoapllAl, Kl.math rail., Orf., April 7. IB47, lo Mr. ami Mrs. Jamea linilian. axu Ebarl.ln, a flrl. Walalil: a pound. 14 nunrea. BMITII Born at Klamath Vallar hoa pllal. Klamath rail., tire., April 7. Ill7. lo Mr. and Mra. Kenneth Smith. Ul Adam., a girl. Weight: 7 pound. 7 ounce.. , Kl.KINS- Born al Klamath Valley hoa f pllal. Klamalh rail.. Ore., April a, 11)47, 1 lo Mr. and Mra. Wymund Klktna, W.W Independence, a girl. Weight: 7 pounda , ll' oiincei. IIIll'E Horn at Klamalh Valley ho. pltal, Klamath ralla. Ore., April a, 1047. to Mr. and Mr.. Turn Rune. 1701 rargo, a boy. Weight: 4 pounda a ounce.. NICHOLSON - riorn at Klamath Valley ho.pltal, Klamalh Kail.. Ore.. April . IB47, to Mr. and Mra. Ronert Nlchnl.nn. aao Iiguna, a girl, w.lght: 7 pound. 10 ounce.. KCK Born al Klamath Valley hna pllal. Klamalh rail., Ore., April a, IU47, lo Mr. and Mra. Harry A. Kck. Uim rremont. a girl. Weight: 7 pound. 2 ounce.. WEN OLA ND Born at Klamath Valley hoanltal, Klamath Tall.. Ore., April 5, 'wto Mr. and Mra. M. II. Wendlanri, t'i Plne''t, boy. Welglil: a pound. 13'i, ounce.. M'CLANNAIIAN Born at Klamalh Valley hn.pllal. Klamalh Kail., Ore.. April t 1047. tn Mr. and Mr.. William It. McClannahnn, Merrill, Or.., a girl. w!lttlL7 Pm"tl" :i' ounce.. MOTBCI(RNBACIIRR-norn nt Klam . ,Y"2l,y ""Pllal. Klamalh rail.. Ore., April 8, 1047. lo Mr. and Mr. Bernard 3.K10 Andenon, a girl. Welehl: 7 nmindn fl". ounce.. MfcooiNiioN-Bnrn al Klamath Val .y.'?nl.l"lv.KI"n,",n r. April , a. 1047, lo Mr. and Mra. Herman Mea- w.;;nht, rzrz- FUNERAL IIARRIHON MORTON ailKPIIARII v,."ir"kr;lr." ,nr lh" Harrl.on M0' "h'nhard who p..,ed away at hi. residence on Friday, April 4, 1047 l following . hrlef Mine., will he halo In '!' olMK' lh K"rl Whlllnck Vui"r"l "5 fin l Sixth, on A,"l Bant lei "'JC "I'll, 01 "nm.nti.1 H.pil.t ohuroh of lh . clly ofriclallno ' f.rnliy"Sn',U1'J.r1vl" anH Inlermeni FrUno..'?.' ,nvK.ld".",lh Mo,nor"1 KLpm PTHJIa Man Arrested On Traffic Charge Arnold l'eler Jucohaon, 445 Muiket, wua unrated by atule police lit 8 Ulh und Creat lit 6:50 p. in. .Saturday and chained with driving while under thu Influ ence of Intoxicating liquor fol lowing mi accident In which hi car wua Involved with one oper ated by Clarence Ilertrund, a49 Simula way. Jucohaon pouted $300 ball Hun day und wua cleaned to appear In Juatlcu court at 2 p. in. today, Monduy. Stale police auld there were no pernonal injuries. Labor Picture Slows Market NKW YOMK. April 7 iAITlw derk enlnv labor picture dUioiirnit iwk iitmket lilililei) toiler altlioimli mIIIiim wai nicing the llhlil ut the phi I year tul derllnae gvnerally miurle. The llrker Uim lnril (luring the (renter purl of lite priHrlliiN. motor. im and many pIvuliU were down frerflnn lo point or u liom the alert. Nome ahorl covering aptweieil In the final half hour. Trn for Hi full procf dln held lu the neighborhood of OW.uuo alter! Gainer Included ConanllttaUd Edison, tr. N. Llnea. DotiglMk Aircraft, Union Carbide and Juhrta-Menvllle. Auierlcan lart Ant Tel V Tel AttHt'UIHld Calif I'aclilng Commonwealth ... :hh 37 ' , B', ,. mt. ou Curilk-WilMhl General Kleetrie .. (lonvinl Motor" .,.. Gt Nor II y pfd ... hit Harvester Kaiinaroll - Iing-IUII "A" ... Mimigtitiiory Ward Naah-Kelv N V Conlral Northern I'aclflc Par Claa CI J C reniiay Hafewav Ml ore Haia llovliiirki .... H.iulharn Harlllr Hlamlard llraodi HIiKldiakvr Himahlh Mlnltig Union Oil Calif tt H Btel Warner Tlcluree If!' IB1. :ui'i . :ilt - - o' 71', WhcoV Develops Late Strength CHICAflO, April 7 AP iivli mn lervd Ihe com pit on an Inrreaanl arale toward the float of trailing loriay and the yellow cereal ipurted for gain ex tending to around 3 rnt at tlma. Wheat and oat. lower early, aleo de veloped lata etrenglh. May wtteal moved up aeveral cente before the cloa. Imparting a firmer undertone to deferred deliveries Wheal eloaed -4r higher. May JS.)U, corn waa 1 1 '-! higher, May II and oaU ' to lc higher. May M- IjVEStOCK rltCA(JO, April 7 iAP-l'DAi Hal able hog MOO, lutal lu.UK); moetJy leady with frlday avaragc; fairly at live on weight under 3nt) pvunda but heavier hoga and iuwi dull; good and choir 1H1 JftO b average. iO 73 27 M. top S3? fto on weights up lo 333 pound: 2io .nio ib 33 7S 37 00, auo-.nno inw- 3 OO; good and choir a sows S33 Su-23 35, HjalahU rallla 14 MM. total 14.UOU. aal- ahl reives Wiu, tola! BOO. frd steer and I yearlings Inrludlng yaarling hellrn fully steady with last WK; marsei iairi active; cows and bulls strung lo 3A conls higher; vealers steady at I2 ou down; laigely atrrr and heifer run; good and choir elects 44( 37 00 high- choir offerings 2ftOO; htad choice lo Crime, Ib averages 3U 7; cholre 3) In. heifer 35 (10 cutter enw 113 7.1 down; mutl beef rows 113.00-ISVi; I7 00 paid freely for Weighty sausage bulls, stock cattle slow. Halahte sheep anoO. total OOOO: not fully establUhed, two cart mostly good grade 117 lb. clipped lambs with No 1 and 2 pelts around steady at 30 33; Wooled lantb quality ml her plain with must buyers talking considerably lower or around S33 .V on lest kinds, held up ward to s3J ou; other scarce: few native slaughter awee steady to 10 Ml JtOl'TII BAN KHANCIHCO. Aprtl 1 rAP-t'HUAi-Salable cattle 3O0, calves So. active, generally steady; medium good steers and heifers absent; load good range cows sill 2.1; weighty dairy slaugh ter cows S1400.M), cutter-common U OO 1.1 OO; canners B 0010 M; medlum gtmd sausage bulls SHOO-IHOO; calves steady; dtxen choice 300 Ib. range venlcrs S34 00: few heavy weights 120 00-22 uo Salable hogs 200, around 3ft cent higher: load good-choice 313 lbs. barrows and gills linoo, K (rente top: about loo feeder pigs available; good sows S24 00, steady Halahte thtep 3A, package spring lambs offered: gixa-cho!re salable around $22 00, medium -good woolctf ewes sal able $7 00-8 00 LEGAL NOTICE HYNOPSIH OF ANNUAL BTATF.MF.NT for the year amlrd lccember 31, lt4 or THE The Guordion Life Iniurance Company of America In the city of New York. In Ihe Stale of New York mad to the Insurance Commissioner of lh State of Oregon, pursuant to law: Income Total premium income for the year ifh ai,109,373.M Interest, dividends and rents received during the year an .3aa.790TT Income from other sources received during the ear t.T8,3ft3Sl Total Income 7H' . . . M.7,420.18 Dlibarsrmenta Paid for losses, endow ments, annuities and sur render values 11 to B . I .377.70 82 Dividends paid to policy holders i t.2S3,17.71 Dividends paid to atopic -holders iCnh, none; stock, none (27i Nona General Insurance expenses 113 to ava4l; 301 1,050.433.44 Amount of all other ex penditures (Including tn v e s fluent ixpniaii 91 ,333,338.091 ...................... 8,027,010 20 Total expenditures iSAi ... 2O,017,M1.27 Assets Value of lval estate owned I market vafuei ilt 9 T( 683,003.83 140.000.37 Loans on mnrliaiei and collateral, ate. 2. Value of bonds ovned tor amortltedi (6 23-44 1 Value of storks owned imarkot value) (S23A 44 A i Premium notes and policy Loans 4i Cash In banks and on hand i7 to Oi . Interest and rents due and accrued '21-44h Net uncollected and de ferred premiums 1211) Other asaeta inetj 133, ,980,033.63 ,872,183.00 ,813,104,63 ,342,134.10 881,174.70 ,:1HH,I7I.00 02,007.03 Total admitted assets ... D2.',nnn.2n2.02 Liabilities, Hiirplua and Oldrr f undi Net reserves )7 to in .. 911:i,842.2A7.88 Policy claims and losses outstanding lim 1.014,442. 24 All older liabilities 111.332,320 19 Total llHbUllles, except capital 1213,400, 226. 31 Capital paid up None General Contingency Re serve (41) $ 1,000,000.00 Unaulgned fundi (sur plus. I44i e 11.276,038.71 Surplus as regards policy holders 12,278.033.71 Tolal (431 9228,688.203.03 lliiiliic In Oregon for the Yesr Net premium and an nuities received 9 24,MX).M Dividends pitld to policy holder during the year 14,440,37 Net louses and clnlms, en dowments, surrenders, and annuities paid during the year 3V.7tlO.00 UMHU.H I'll aUAasaaAaMaeaesBaBai FLOWER SHOP 4JUMAIN Courthouse Records ( umplalnli Klrd Honnla Hatikliie vs. Uala Hanklne, suit for dlvori'. Charge, vriirl and Inhuman trealnienl. Couple married, July It, ItHU ml Klamath rnlle. Ore. Kdwln C. Or It coll, attorney for .PjHlllllfnnnnnrtr,r., CLASSIFIED RATES One day 'J day run - 3 day run 4 day run ft day run UI..I. run ,.per woid "4c , per worn no ,-uer word Ho ,per word Klu u.per word 14 r word iio Month run ' word 45o Ada received by p. m. will appear imiif afternoon In "New Today" tolimm New Today roil WALK, milk cow, juet lrh, Phone 5M.I7. 4 m ton HALE10411 3 -ton Chevrolet logxlng Iruck, compieia. e nr w y ". 4137 r re Id. Ht. 4-12 WANTr.ft to rent or (ease, two or three Iwdroom house, furnished or unfur nished, up to 70 a monlh. Encellrnl care ut property assured, Phone 7:il7 between 8 and 8, or 4;i35 after 3. 4-14 KOK ItKNT, furnished hoiise( fH) month. Adults. Write tlox :i7Wt. 4-8 TOW KAl.tT by owner, furnished duplex, close In. Phone onaJ or 4iw. 4-0 foil UAl.t. It:t7 Chevrolet trurk with 2 seed axle and platform. New 730x20 10 ply tires. Inquire Howard Urueeeu, 1121 Lancaster. rOK HAI.C, one 9-plece solid oak dining suite, like new, consisting or 6 chairs, table and buffet. Phone Ola, or call 1 Jl Pine Ut. . -8 rOH UAl.t. two-row potato planter, used one season, in good condition. Viola Nelsun. Tulelake. 4-8 rOn NAI.C, one community eoncerl ticket fur 83 00 Call al 1324 Johnson Ht. 4-8 OH SAI.l!, 6-piece bedroom suite, full else Ited, laige mirror on vanity, slightly damaged, (tegular price 22l).(.3, raduced Ut 13B U3. Have 8o7.U0 on the suite at u;ca ruHNiTuite, ia b. Main WANTKDVia'rd and'room "for girl and two-year-old baby, Write details, Uox 37o, care Herald-News. 4-8 rHKK name engraving this week 'when you have thoae hat ihoes bronzed at The He iter Book and Bible House, 120 Ho. th. -7 COMPLETE and modern automotive ma chine and rebuilding shop, All new equipment, very latest type. Write Box MIS, Herald-News. 40 WANTED, woman for general house work and help with two children. IUM Manianlta. 4-7 SAI'KHMAN, permanent "position selling high-grade building maintenance prod ucts In this vicinity, National firm, complete line, high commissions, Write PO. Ilox 1341, Dallas, Tex. 4-7 KOIl HALE. Inters tat S-l B-f. low flme, good condition. Priced 81030. This price only good this week. Cascade Aero Kepalr, phone 43VU days, 7U03 evanlnga. Old City Hangar. 4-12 INMTAI.I.ATION of safe flight Indicators. Complete installation of Instruments guaranlerd loworh, 33 00. Cascade Aero It pair, phone 4300. Old Cltv Hangar. 4-0 MATTIIEKJtrS REfll'lLT Cotton matlresa rebuilt S12 30. or con verted to Innersprtng fur 120 30. One day service. CARLfiON MATTHENS at t'PlfOLttTKHlNU, 24U3 So. flth. Phone 4310. 412 FOH HAI.E, equity" in 1-bedroom home, wired for electric range, oil heat, nice yard and barbecue pit; cow, 3 pigs, 3 calveshlckens 30O4 Blibce St.4-0 rOH SAI.E Two-bedroom house, kitchen, dinette. living room, hardwood flotjrs, basement, furnace, lot lOOxloo. 8A30O. HOT KIMUNUH Two-bedroom house, hardwood floors, fireplace, floor furnace, full baseiiHrnt, 90730. srni'RnAN Three -btMlroam modern house J. W SANDKH8. Iteallor Al Longmire, 8aleman Phone 7321 1213 Main St Evenings phone 0724 4-7 rOR SALE, two walnut bookcase" end tables, glass top. B 00 each. Two drawer walnut sewing cabinet, 810 ou, W(l 1 Iron. :ioo. All first-class con dition. Call 7321, daytimes. 4-7 fOH HALE, "combination four-burner electric and wood range, has two ovens, hot water colls with 30-gallon tank, pipe and connections. All in good condition. Phone 3373. 4-0 TOR SALE, good used G-E electric roaster, 423 00. Phone 7u0S. 113 Leguna. 4-8 POM SALE, .38 Colt"pollce positive, holster end shells; also other guns. Call after 6 p.m.. 3H32. 4-0 TOR SALE, used Thor electric washing machine Phone 4B9fl. 4-0 L'HED DIVAN, . 03. LUCAS FURN1 Tl'HE, 1B3 E Main. 4-7 roit SALE. 1034 rord coupe. 8275 cash. 3.T4 No. 0th 4-7 rut. lining of All sizes " Drain Tile Chimney Tile Everything In tcrra-colta. HUlltlHUAN LUM11EK CO. 4784 So, Ulh Phone 7700 40 APARTMENT FOR RENT, everything furnished. Call after S p.m.. 133 No. luih. 4-7 FURNISHED APARTMENT for rent to middle-aged couple by special arrange ment. Phone 4810 after 7 p.m. 4-7 FOR SALE. Phttco refrigerator, 7 months old, 8240. lUOO Wall 81. 4-12 HAVE cat and equipment to plow' and - seed your crop. Prefer work near Tule. Chotard Broe., Matin, phone 133. 4-12 WANTED, apartment or house, on or before May 1st. Permanent renters. References. Call 8134. 4-8 1048 K-fl International truck, like new. 1'hone 3130, 4-7 POR SALE. 1038 Studehaker President, radio, heater, 4-100. 3017 Frelda Ave. - 4.Q FOR" SALE. new3-room" house. Must be moved from lot. 2073 Bis bee. 4-0 WEAN ICR PIGS for sale. Katie Phtpps, Midland, Ore. 4-0 WANTED. PB5t! opera tor Apply" person, Wlllard Hotel. 3336tf LOST, leather billfold containing driving license and other Important papers. Reward, rinder please mall H. F. Dahms, Bly. Ore. 4-8 OSE TEXOLITE. ihe'rfneslTresin emulsion wall patnt. See the wide range of colors available at the Big Basin Lumber Company Main and Spring Su. 4-8 FOR SALfc, usedlumber, "dobra and windows with frames. We deliver. 3300 Cottage Ave. 4-12 fOR SALE To be movecTor wrecked; one B-room house, 8700; two 3 -room houses, 8400 each: 20 cabins and sheds, 820 each. Inquire 3306 Cottage Ave. 4-12 SOIL PIPE and fittings. New stock just N LUMBER CO. 47S4 So. "lh Phon. 7709 4- ONS-ROdM MOtlSE. .In 14 ft. by 10 it., compieieiy rennunca, .inx, cup boards' etc., $400. to b. moved. 01 $1150 on. corn.r lot with lara. aaraae. off Bhaila Way. Inquire S300 Ave. 4-8 WANTED, woman for homework, aood wiw,. room and board. Phon. SU14. EXCELLENT rarning opportumtle In auto body and fender work, Including welding, spray pnfnllng and metal work. Easy lo learn now in your spare time. Chance for a good Job or a shop of your own. We'll show you how. Here's, one of the most profitable branches of .the big auto business. GI approved. Git the facia. Write today. Auto-Crefls Training. Box 3340, care . ..... Hera Id-News. 4-9 FOR. ,3ALK, one loader on Ford truck, Corinth 1-B sawmill, like new; 16-foot carriage saw hunk drive drums frlction- less bearings throughout. West-town Lbr. Corp., Crescent, Ore. 4-12 :W1LL"SELL 1037 Btilck Cliili coupe for 811)3, cosh, or terms. Six good .tires. ! Clean car. Motor reconditioned. 62,000 actunl miles. Phone 30(19. . 4-7 NEW CLASS starting. Enroll today. Le Baron College of Mint sane, 1232 Pine St., across from Herald-News; 4-7 GARDEN plowing, harrowing andaiflC Ina. Phone 711,14.'; 4318 Winter Ave : " fl-8 VACANCY, furnished llghMiousekeeplni room, 1404 KIh ninth Ave. 4-7 FURNISHED 2-room apartmeni."r Phone mm4... 4-7 FOR SALE, B-room coinpletcTy furnished 4 house, 3 bedrooms, basement, trull - trees, strawberries, raspberries, on V acre. All you need to move in here la bedding and dishes. 1610 Derby. 37341 f ,E91)!tV In oonPhbusc, furnished or t unrurntsneu. Balance leas.) than rent, nan Ffcrio. J ; -4-a jWOOD SJllNOLESTnd cbmpoaTtlon roof. t lug. A nice selection. 1 SUBURBAN LUMBER CO. LOW PRICED HWlWinAN HOMES HHIPPIN;T(JN: Two-iedroom honie, S lola. fenced, beautiful lawn, ahade trees. Thicken house, other useful buildings. Price 84000. WOCUH; Five-room attractive home, 3 acres, fenced, small farm facilities, Wivi. HIIAKTA WAY: Corner, acre, fenred, cotiimodlous home, giirage with work shop. V473U, soine tniius. (iEO J. KUN.MAN, Really Broker Phon 0032, 021 Commercial nt. ar Ytm'HAtM. 'HMO Ford phkup, four-speed liummlBslon, o-piy lire, wouio iraoe for cnltl. Jess Whltlatch, one mile east of llonanut. 4-8 FOH MALE, 1042 Pontlar five-passenger roupe. In lorpeoo type, in good sna(e. The leat offer gels It Ctr radio, two 12 gauge shotgun, new washing ma chine. These articles can be seen nl Itopers Apt., No. U, on Main Ht , Tula lake, Calif., or write Box 433, Tule lake. FOR HALE, T-20 tractor, track lavr with bulldoer and 7 n, tiller, jonn C. Iwls, Ht. 0, Lakevlrw, Ui. . t-0 FOH RENT, nice sleeping rooms with bath. Private entrance inquire Hline s llerher Hhop, IJXt Main 4-12 FOH RENT, V) acres of second year poluto grouna. Also seeo sou icriiiis.rr Tom O'Keefe, Mulin, Ore. 4-12 0 4 CATERPILLAR and blade. Phone 3130. tmcD'CAHflt lurift Bulck sedan, radio and heater., JM3 lu;t0 Plymoulb sedan - ... '3 o:iH Plymouth sedan -. vw IliHI Ford sedan M03 10:i3 Ford coupe :3 I0;i3 Chevrolet sedan MM HM4 Chevrolet 8 -passenger roupe 2f3 HM4 Olds coupe . 3 I0:i3 Ford sedan 23 1034 Plyrhouth sedan . . . 4223 Many more to cnoose from, at our new location. "SMOKY" BACKER MOTORS 2024 So. 01 h h Phone 7fM4 47 NEW flirnmons tied with coll springs and Innersprtng inaltresit, .vj; 2' j it. p. Johnson outboard, 803 00, Call 0043. 4-0 3836'"niaple meaT block ."electric meat si leer. HAD daviu, 24is Ho. mn Ht. 4-12 FOR "BALE7fl0nul vending machines and 100 pounda oi aimonas. Any reason able offer takes them, as I am leaving town. Call at 3148 Maryland Ave. 4-7 STOP IN and see Pat for pets at your .own local uregon state rtaicnery, at'-to Ho. 0th. 4-8 TREES Shade treea. 10 to 10 feet, set out and guaranteed to live. Replace old poplars with our fine large shade and flowering trees. See our selected assortment of fruit trees, flowering shrubs and ever greens Phone 4208 4-12 STERLING TRUCK, semi dual axle. 30 ft. flatbed trailer. Excellent condition. Phone 3130. 4-7 ANN Coming lh on wing" and a "prayer. Keep stars in your eyes, waves in your hair. Wear my wings, 'cause I'll be there. Tony. U S, GOVERNMENT JOBS!" 81736-83021 year. Men-women. Prepare Immedi ately for next Oregon examinations. Vets get preference. 32-paie book on rtvll service- Sample coaching KHEE. Write Box 3237. care Herald-New. 4-7 DEPENDABLE" Insurance companies PLUS prompt and efficient policy and claims service. CH1LCOTE A: SMITH Complete insurance 111 N 8th Phone 4364 . 4-7 SUPPORT OUR CHAMBER OF COM MERCE with your membership, uive Klamath Falls a Big Stick. YELLOW CAB Dial 8171 4-7 Pl.EASE HEAD article "When Will You Be Sued. page 28 In April a issue Saturday Evening Post, suggested by Jerry Thomas Insurance Agency. Dial ft4U3. or 121 North 8th. 4-7 JUST OPEN' PHICESCUTr BASED ON 2 PER HOUR FLAT RATE All work guaranteed. All types auto repairs, motor overhauls and tune-upa. Open seven days a week. 24 hours a day. For quick, economical service, visit JIM S UAKACJE In Stewart Addn.. next to Lien's Grocery Phone 8U36 4-7 FOR" SALEfsaddle mare and "equipment. .tool bummers Iane. 4-9 FOH SALE, Philco floor " model radio. Older model. Fair condition- 820 00. Phone 41117. 4-8 FOR SALE, I's h p. ges"englne. Phone want. 4-u MONEY" MAKER Home mat manufac turing machine for sale. 727 Lincoln St. 4-8 FOH SALEi nearly hew Smith acetylene welding and culling lorcn. complete, and a 130 amp. A C. arc welder, both for 8123. Call 7710, or 1718 Crescent 4-8 WANTED, financial backing for chain power saw need, uood profit for active or silent partner. Write Box 3347, care Hrrald-News. 4-12 MACK LOGGING TRUCK and new logging trailer. Phone 3130. 4-7 Meeting Notice! ALOHA CHAPTER, EaVtern Star, meets Tuesday. April Rth, Masonic Temple, 418 Klamath Ave. HELEN LISTOE. Worthy Matron JOE KENNEDY. Worthy Patron. 4-7 KLAMATH FALLS AERIE No. 2U00. Regular meeting every Tuesday night, 7:43 p. m.. FOE -tall. 0th and Walnut Visiting members cordially invited, tf KLAMATH POST No. S. American Legion meet, first and third Tuesdays, 8:00 p. m., Veteran's Memorial Bldg., 4tb and Klamath. 4717tf REGULAR MEETING, LODGE OF HOSE CROIX, Monday eve ning. April Tlh. at 8:00 p.m. Election of officer. Refresh menu. All members cordially Invited. T. H. REEVES, Wise Master. 4-7 1 U O. F No. 1:17 Every Tuesday 8:IW P. M. 3th and Main Sts. 2 Lost and Found STRAYED to.myV place", Hereford bulf. Would like owner to come get' him. Under crop In both ears. Brand can't be read Am holding for all costs and damage J. B. Jackson. Bonanza. Ore. 4-9 4 ' General Notices AMrNOW' with the Standard Cleaner. Your cleaning ptcKect up ana aeuveren. BOY S BRADFORD. 4-8 10 Services " YOUR MAYTAG SERVICE SHOP FOR 10 YEARS Parts and Service for All Makes of Wnshers MERIT WASHING MACHINE SERVICE 611 So. 6th . Phone 8B69 " SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED All Contents Hauled Away Prompt Service ED F. KING Phone 0418 or 3230 1313tf flTOOtt SANDING and reft nil hi ng. Nor man Fralev. Phone 6179. 4453U DENTISTRY, evenings. 4060 Shasta. -aa FULLER BRUSHES CLEM JOYER 1439 MARTIN ST. PHONE 5677 ( 4-30mb LAWN MOWERS" SHARPENfeD AND REPAIRED. Tttnn Timber. Saws Sales .and Service. Martin Outboard Motors. MOTSIES 1945 S. 6th Phone 43(10 307 PAINTING PAPERHANGINO DECORATING A. E. SMITH PHONE 8758 4-210 PAINTING AND-INTERIOR DECORATING First class work. References furnished. Phone H155. MnnfredCarlaon. 4-12 CARPENTER WORk, hew and remodel Ing. Free estimates. Phone 4278, call after 6:00. 4-30 r' V E NETI ANf M.tto.DSlto! . CLEANING AND REPAIRING Roland F. Koff. Owner Service! tfiWfoow ci.rANlNtr" Well. cleaned, floor, cleaned and waved. hum. and cmnierrlel. JVWt IIUUUAI1I) a HON. Phone 77. 4-10 C6NCMKTe WOHK done In cemetery. t-all 07541 or JHIZ wnrnen. " Local' and ln, Dl.lanca " MOVINO KADfl TRANSITU t, STORAGK OU Mark.t St. Phon. H271 1WU1I W.ECTI6LUX "lAl.r" 'anir'MRVICC. Complete overliaul of ru.trrner'a Klao trolux. I'hon. 71H7. 1132 Mala 47lnif ri.OOlt KAN 1)1 NO AND RKrINIHIIINU Cf.KANINO AND WAXING 1.1.0VU f. I'KPfLE ima Auburn Phone 4473 iNTKHUlH AND HXTf.ltfOR DKCOJt AT- INO AND PAPUHMANOINO. PHONI! SdVI, JIMMY OAHRETT. 4-7 ENOCH KARL. KI.OOH CO."" Carina, .ending and flnlahlftg. ftam aallmat. on any loh. Phone SU37 er.tmcT tanks ci.eaned Newe.t Hnnllery Method Service at Once B. W HI1KPHKHD Phone mm 140011 MIMEOOIIAl'llING Public Hteno.rttpher MIMKOUItAI'H SHOP 14 No. ath Phon. 7027 ,14tf Al.TKRATIONffHrlna your s!tr.tlon. and remod'iln, (or auar.ntel work lo DorU ClpMn, Craig'., 017 Main. 4-2a PAINTiNfj. ftSmlbnlng and-floor iand- Ing. Call "J0I. 5-3 SIX MONTHS to pay. Get your CAR PAINTED. fendera repelred. body work. Complete eutQ reflnl.hlng .hop, Klamath Plating Work., 231 So. llth St. Tel. VO . 4-10 Curtains' laundered and au.tched Phone 3717 1417tf GENERAL home cfeanlhg, floor., wln dowa, walla. Phon. 0032 for Informa tion. -2 PAlNTINOTTnterlbr autf exterior Kem tonlng. H. L. Brown. Phon. 4220 07tf EOR your ACETYLENE and ELECTRIC WELDING and MACHINE SHOP WORK, phone 37IU or B500. 4-21 " JANITOR SERVICE Window Cleaning and rioor Waxing CITY BUILDING MAINTENANCE COMPANY Phon 0229. IMOtf WE REPAIR your erackedwall., .Ide walka. .Up. or baaement W. build .ton. or cment retaining walla, foun dation., walk, and atepa. Free .at! mate. BlllPyatt. Phone mli. 4-2M PAINTING. CALCIM1NING. e o a m el work. City or country- Satlafactlon guaxanuMd. Tnnk Jenka. Pbon. 7270. llstf LAWN"6wlB8Tepalfed and .K.rp ened. Th. double edge way. Bring them early. Bodenhamer Saw and Repair Shop. 331 E. Main. 4-10 REMODELING ALTERATIONS DRESSMAKING Satisfaction guaranteed. Call 0735 Davldlna, 1830 Orchard St 2l2tf DHESSMAKING and alteration, (or women'a and children, clothing. 234 Ewauna 8L Phone 0102. 4'30 ANDERSON BOARDING KENNELS. 56M Delaware, off Homedale Road- Phon. 3547. 4-30 " WATKINS QUALITY PRODUCTS " Ezy Rodger., 3304 Delaware. Phon. 30S7. S-l Cr.NOLElIM LAYING DRAINBOAHDS A SPECLALTT Phone 0210 2010tf JANITOR SERVICE Home. commerclaL Electrla waxing machine William Brown. 247 Martin. Phon 0207 4443tl rURNITlIRE REFIN1SHING Draperlea mad to order. E. S. "STAN" PARK AGNES PARK Phon 4513 5-2 RHOADS WINDOW CLEANERS Store front a Specialty Complete Houaecleanlng Service PHONE 6011 1830 TF EVANS CABINET SHOP 1317 East Mam Phon 0428 3707U GEORGE'S CABINET- S3?5P " 104 EAST MAIN . PHONE 7201 1550tf DICKSON UPHOLSTERING AND FUR NITURE SHOP Rellolihlng, repairing, spring reconditioning and uphol.ter ln. 3041 Shut Way. Phon 4517 4-17 NEEdTMUSICT1 W baveTtl Excellent orchestra available, .mail enougb for partiea, big enough for dance. Call Morriaon or McDonald at Sill. tf CURTAINS laundered, 'pickup and de livery. Phon 4075. 2504tf LINOLEUM AND CARPET LAYING Rug Binding . Dralnboard Installation J L CALHOUN It Klamath Ave. Phone' 8405 1312TF ESTIMATES given on KEMTONING and PAINTING. Phone 4815. 4-28 12 Educational BOOKKEEPING. Shortnand7Typlng Kindred subjects, office machines. KLAMATH BUSINESS COLLEGE. 733 Pine. Phone 47HO 1327tf Health Hospital supplies for the nome. new innersprini nospiuu oeos, ; wheel chairs. Invalid walkers, Infra i red and violet ray lights, short-wave diathermy machine, etc Phone 3172. 494TF KLAMATH MASSAGE PARLOR Mineral Baths Phone U16 1939 Main St 4M1 tf 14 Help Wanted, Female WANTED" AlT" time middle-aied house keeper Good wages, must have references. Call 3715. 4262 tf WANTED, reliable woman to care for two children and do housework. No cooking. Live in home. Good wages. Phone 7U21. 3494tf WANTED." experienced-waitress. Apply In person. Hitter's Coffee Shop. 125 So. 7th. .JOSStf WANTED, girl for stenograDhic work, comptometer, general office work, Reply by mall to P.O. Box 1029. stating qualifications 4-8 WANTED, reliable person to care for children In my home, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. fnone 4711 bunaay or alter a p.m. 4-8 WANTEf). experienced lumber stenog- rapner ana general on ice work, Eugene. Phone local 4400, days evenings. 4-8 16 Help Wonted, Male WANTED, morning newspaper distribu tor, part-time work, need car, 543.00 mileage. Three, hours' work. Phone 7471. 5:30 to 6 p.m. 4-7 WANTED, construction millwright. Pei manent work, Eugene area. Phono Klamath Falls 4400, day or evening. 4-8 WANTED, man for general farm work and help milk. Good wanes. Lewison Bros., Bonanza, Ore. 4-7 WANTED, man and wife for farm work. Board and living Quarters. Call 3991. Rt. 2, Box 7I1. 1 4-8 OUR BOARDING HOUSE . VOO GUVS VJWO SCORED LfcAfODER. AS ANM1LO 1UR0NM V0ER& TALKING TO STAY AWAK TUB KlO IS NICER. THtAT4 A NiElGVABOR 60RROMlNiG 10 BORROMlNG jt VOTrte WORK SOX P ZZZ WTtf JJ J 16 Help Wonted, Mot MAN OR LADY WITH CAR 82 OO to 84 0U ner Hour W. need a man or lady who would be .ell. fled to make 825.00 to 850 0U per week aurlna .pare time, or more for lull trne a. representative lor FAMOUS WATKINH PRODUCTS in Klamath Fall.. Many customer.. No experlenr. neces sary. Permenent. For further delalle writ. J. R. Watkln. Co. "MOD Avalnn Blvd., Lo. Angelee 11. Calif. 4-6 FIRST CLASS OVERHAUL MECHANIC Must have general experience on all make, of car. Apply In person. ANDERSON AUTO SERVICE 0n2 Walnut 173.111 WANTED" planerman and reaw man. ano iiminer carrier driver, in euaene. Phone 4400. 1730tf WANTED, preaaer at RelUbl.CI.aner, 110 Main 200lf WANTED Two men with car.. Must be of good character. Phone 087B for ap pointment. 4-0 WANTED, young man. 23 to .15. intere.ted In permanent position with opportunity for advancement. Must be able to type, good at mathematics end anxious to learn sperialty grocery selling. Prefer CI. Write Box 1010, Herald News. 22 Rooms For Rent ROOMil'irOR KENT. 103 High ROOM with bath, 'clow in. desired by businessman. P.O. Box 084, Klamath Falls 4-10 FOR RENT, furnlined sleeping room'. 419 No. loin pnon bob. Mumt ROOM for rent, gentleman only. crescent Phon BWW. iHltr 24 Apartments For Rent UPSTAIRS apartment for rent Inquire 28 Miieellaneout For Rent TRUCKS FOR RENT You drive; move yourseir. save half, stiles Beacon serv ice, 1201 East Main. Phon 8304. 4-l4mb r0"RTtEN'1Screw Jacka ancThydraullc lacks. Klamath Valley dumber Co., 1040 So 6th. Phone 4810. . 2355tf ELECTRIC FLOOR SANDERS and eders rented. Do your own work. Inquire Paint Dept., MONTGOMERY WARD. 4-5m tOR' ftE'NT American floor under' and dgr, latest type, duatleu. swift and ca.y to operate Klamath Valley Lum ber Co., 1840 So. 0th. Phon 4810. 255tt FOR RENT, new Dado-Head power saw complete wltn combination saws. 231 Martin. 4-10 30 Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE Prosperous manufacturing business en gaged In making building material. Price of plant with stock for U5O0. Terms. Nicely furnished modern two bedroom suburban home with three acres good pasture Und. Priced to sell at SJ850.00. Terms. ' e Comfortable two-bedroom modern home with three - quarters acre, located on Blsbce St. Require some work to com plete. Priced to sell at 83250.00. Bee Joe Perry with F. L WEAVER. Realtor Real Estate and Insurance 339 E. Main Phone 6764 TWO NEW HOUSES. Mal'n area. Three rooms and bath each, urge Iota, con crete foundations, electric hot water healers, etc- V200 each. NICE FOUR-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, fenced corner lot. Good location, some furniture, electric hot water heater garage, etc. 85230. SEE US FOR FARMS HELEN E. O'M ALLEY, and T. W. JONES. Brokers Merrill. Ore. Phone 3704 - 3 doors east of Post Offlcei Open evenings and Sundays 4-8 FOR SALE, 3 units, one duplex and one 4-room house, income property. 201-205-217 Commercial SU. city. To close an estate. Inquire. J. C. O'Neill, 9 Loo mis Bldg. TeL 5360. 292 It BRICK BUSINESS BUILDING, hail block from Main St. Center of town. Good Income property. Phone 3172 days, or DIgntS. 406TF FOR SALE by owner. 2-bedroom home! auiomauc ou -neat, large lot.- large garage. Close to snooping district. Must be seen to be appreciated. 2535 Shasta Way. 1454tf FOR SALE, my equity In 5-room mod ern nouse. newiy reoecoraieo. oia aa Eldorado, mornings. 4-14 GOOD Investment in auto camp. Five caoms, garage, own water system on five acres land, szme if Dougnt im mediately as cash Is urgently needed. Aoolv at cabin behind Carmen's olace. Pelican City. 4-7 SELL or trade for house In Klamath Falls, 10 acres hill land, close t Roseburz. Write Box 2688. Herald News. . 1859tf FOR SALE, five acres Lakeshore garden tract, 214-ft. lake front, best garden land In Kla math county. All under FOR SALE. 2 -bed room house. 31? acres land. 84500. 4743 Bisbee. 4-7 FOR SALE In Chelsea Addition. 4-room house, 2 lots. Quarry St.. Mr. J. L. Gustin. " 4-8 FOR SALE, duplex. Each unit has four large rooms, bath and porch. Phone 9614 4-7 "BUILDINGS FOR SALE OR TRADE 1 old barn, lots of good lumber. 1 tool shed, 10x20. 1 14x16 bunk house, new shingle roof. Inquire at Midland Service Station fojr JheTay lor place. 4-12 FOR SALE, modern two-bedroom home. oil furnace, utility porch with laundry trays. Reasonable price. 700 Stanford. or phone 3200. 4-9 FOR SALE," 4-room modern house with acre. $3500. 5520 Independence. Phone 95!6 4-7 32 Building & Remodeling BUILD YOUR HOME NOW! Your dream Into reality. Blueprints to your satisfaction. KLAMATH FALLS GENERAL BUILDER New construction, additions, remodeling, fire damage, foundation and cement work. R. P. LEMOING. Builder Call between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. Phone Dorris 243 4-10 WALLPAPER PAINT Contract Pa In tine and Paperhanging FREE ESTIMATES MILLER & SCHORN PAINTS Floor Sanders, Edgers for rent PATTERSON & SON PAINT STORE 1229 East Main St. Phone 3324 j05tf ALL TYPES of roofing applied and guaranteed by an established firm. See Big Basin Lumber Co., or phone 3144. 2768tf ROOFING SIDING Certain-teed composition shingles, built up roofs, J. M. White asbestos siding shingles, Nu-Brick or Nu-Stone insulated siding. Wavy-edge asphalt siding. For free estimate and information dial 8982. H. HENRIS, 3763 Hope Street 3174tf . with . . MAJOR H00PLE 3 J ,A ... A t..a H - I J l I "Of INt-Cr -VI DUI J-m wr'l IV j . qj- MiiaVTA. RPPM IF NOU TWO I T HE CAlvE j( NATllOG T& SEeS N00 6lWS 60 I DELICIOUS.' ( GREAT TO EAT ) ( LOOMS WOULD J I V W IHtKt P Jl t-UNW Ur J IV PORK. CHUKb I IN in V Jwr?7r- X I 3USr5 HE'S AS Y) NATER. V WRmUMS 1 FRVI-SP OH, I f BEFORE SMELL .Al FAce- M Moccasin in YNx'aa A Ti S V WWiEr -SI wouldTTt S t FUL AS A V MS BED ToNIGhT Id &ATTIN& T y yEM WE COULD V APPETIZERS J ( WEEP AMY VI ( PUBLIC . BEFORe ADD1N61 MSSELF OUT I I A SMELL COOKIN' t(r V APPETIZERS.' ) I nUBRARVyl MV CMlRP jJf WITH M0ME-f Vf ALLTJOUcsh n I II IRA ID a NKWg, Klamalh Falla. Ore. 32 Building & Remodeling MOORHNIE your bathroom with tlU- ixiarn, now avaiiatiie mgeiner wtin metal mouldings at Big Btstn Lumber Company, Main and Spring. 4-7 34 Fuel-Heating ASK ABOUT OUR "CHiSCK AND FILL SYSTEM' ON FUEL OILS PHONE 8140 TAKE NO CHANCES ON RUNNING OUT OF OIL PEYTON COMPANY "OIL TO SUHN" 'hone 3149 915 Market 3513 TF QUALITY HEATING OILS CALL S3 19 FOR PROMPT, METERED DELIVERY OF ASSOCIATED STOVE OILS AUTOMATIC BURNER OILS BAI.SIGEIt OIL COMPANY ASSOCIATED DISTRIBUTOR 865 SPRING ST. 3782U DRY PINE BLOCKS for 'safe by truck or trailer METLtR BROS., SO. 6tO and AiUmont Drive. Phone 6852. 3831 tf FOR SALE DRY BODY WOOD PROMPT DELIVERY RAY'S FUEL YARD. . PHONE 7636 4-8 BLOCK WOOD You may now place your order for block wood, Peyton ana (-0.. 915 Mar ket Phone 5149 TF3203 RED FIR BODY WOODfr-fnclTtengtfi. SiXMJ per cord delivered, f 10.00 at me yard or 83.50 for one tier. Phone Brimming Cup Cafe. Keno. 1426tf WOOD Bone dry 16-inch sla&T 88.50 cord delivered, 87.50 at yard. Young blood's Wood Yard. 968A Lakeport Blvd. (Pelican City Road;. Phona 6244. 4-13 35 Automotive FOR SALE. 1941 1 w b. Ford truck. A-1 condition throughout, stake body. Call 9215 between 4 and 7 p.m., or any time Sunday. 4-7 FOR SALETltWS rord'TudOT, ridioTKeat- er, new ttres. new motor. Good con dition. Jim's Garage. Stewart Addition, on phone 8056. 3408tf FOR SALE. 1938 Studehaker Commanded radio, heater, defroster. May be seen Falls Appliance, llth and Main. 4-7 1842 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION S-door. First-class condition mechanically. Clean body, good fires. Ready to go! 81275. 126 North Georgia, near River side School. 4-7 FOR SALE. 1941 deluxe Ford, excellent condition, two heaters and radio, good Urea, new brakes. 91150. 2673 Zbcrleln. . 4-7 FOR SALE. 1942 Dodge 4-door town eeaan, radio ana neater. 3 new tires. 81550. Call 1124 California Ave. Phone 7016. 4-7 SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS on all automotive needs. Dick B. Miller Co. ' 33213 tf FOR SALE. 1541 GMCpanel- delivery irucK. at w ,jju ao. jin. , . -o FOR SALE, 1946 Hudson 4-door; motor has only 700 mileage. Phone 4451, Tulelake. -7 FOR SALE. 1939 Plymouth 4-door sedan. motor excellent condition. 8790. Call at 502 Oak St . 4-8 FOR SALE. 1941 Ford pickup, new tires, radio and beater. Very good shape. 4502 Bisbee. 4-8 FOR SALE, 1941- Studebaker Champion sedan, good rubber. Price a 1 1.30 casn. 128' a Lincoln. 4-8 FOR SALE. 1935 Studebaker coupe, radio and heater 8365. 6th and Pine, eve nings 128 Lincoln. 3545 tf 1937 PLYMOUTH sedan, very clean, good upholstery and paint, new tires, com pletely reconditioned motor. 110 Old Fort Road. Phone 6511. ; 4-11 FOR SALE. 1942 Dodge 4-door sedan, good condition, very clean car, 81475. Phone 6590. 2636 Gettle. 4-7 36 Miscellaneous For Sale FOR SALE EQUIPMENT FOR HARVESTING : CLOVER SEED 1 Model 00 Aliis-Chalmers all crop har vester. 1 Day Suction Machine, complete with - 30 h.p. A 1ns -Chalmers engine. 1 rubber-tired wagon, wth unloader, built to use with suction machine. Pi-ice 83000 HARRY A. HARPER 1281 Montgomery St.. Orovllle, Calif. Phone Oroville 933 4-7 FOR SALE. Simplex commercial refrig erator. 64 cubic ft., 5-door, white enamel finish. Freezing unit in perfect condition. Appearance like new, used only two duck seasons, about 4 months. Cost 8935. sale price 8695. Ben C. SchulU, Tulelake, Calif. Phone 2923-M. . 4-7 FLOOR SAFES For home, business. New and different Floor safes that are safe at new low prices. Immediate delivery. For full information call 6830. 4-7 FOR SALE, registered Labrador pups, 4 monins 01a, otacK and golden. E. F. Fit2patrick. Box 118. Bly. Ore. 4-10 WARDS PAINT SPRAYER Painters, here is a production machine equipped with Wisconsin air-cooled motor, Tim ken bearings. $595.00. MONTGOMERY WARD, 9th at Pine, Klamath Falls. 4940 tz GRADED cinders, red or grey, excellent tor driveways, cnone 4677 or BS59. 4956tt NEW BRANDED POTATO BAGS PEOPLES WAREHOUSE 354 1M FIRST shipment for years. Deep Sleep mattress ana cox soring, made by . Simmons. Unit price 379.00, now at Lucas Furniture. 195 E. Main. 4-7 CERTIFIED GEMS. Blue Tag, one year from H. Small foundation stock. Wolff Ranch, Williamson River. Phone 573. Chiloquin. 4-7 HARD OF HEARING? For scientific and permanent assistance, see ACOUSTI- . CON-HEITKEMPER CO., 201 Boivin Bldg . 110 No. 6th. 5-1 LARGE size chrome arm chairs, spring seat, xeatnerette cover. Blue, red, brown, ivory. 319.40. . LUCAS FURNITURE. 195 E. Main 4-8 FOR SALE, piano. Si95rhorIe6733. . . . 4-8 FOR SALE Ironage two-row planter. Four-wheel rubber tire farm trailer. Two-ton shop hoist, very reasonable price. Phone 3284. 3231tf IT'S TIME TO PLANT STRAWBERRIES. For a sure crop, plant Rock hill, the everbearer of proven superiority. Field grown, disease free. No. 1 crown divisions. 87.00 per hundred. Phil Brixner. Lakeshore Drive. Phone 5746 evenings. 4-10 OUT OUR WAY MONDAY, April 7, ml, Fsie SI 36 Miscellaneous Far Sftla WE RISILVtft old mirrors, also matt) new mirrors. Heplaoa broken wtnduw glass. Glass shelves, furniture tope t order. Klmball a Glass Shop, 837 Wah nuL Phone 7378. 460JUt FULLER- BrtUBHtrfTR, V. ' WtfROAN, sj bo. Hiversiae, rnone dms, 4-14m FtilClALi"" Sandy Flit Dirt Lawn Dirt Building Sand and Gravel Gravel for Driveways t HAVE I. AT UH HLAUS FOR UVgXIHQ PHONE 3949 IMBtf cTRDiRlir FERTILIZER, lawn" dirt and a 111 air i tor saie. noy senmeoa, nt. a Box 1042. Phone 4003. 4-tfliK ADDING M A C H f N E sTalcuIstorm, iype writers, uesxs, cnaire, ruea Pioneer Printing and Stationery Co. 124 South 0th St 414m STOVES REPAIREffiirT?al!ab'ierparU siocaea. usea lurnnure. Btovea oougni, OK Second Hand Store, 2401 So. ith. 4-16m lNbSCAPlN(3Evergrtens flower) ng trees and shrubs, fruit treea and strawberries. Call us for plans and estimates of planting. We guarantee! our trees and shrubs to grow. Lake shore Gardens Nursery. Phone 42H6. 4-1214 F&RALtt,-igaug modePla. " sftbigun A-l condition, 860.00. Three-quarter metal bed and coil springs. $15.00 . Two cheats of drawers. 88.00 each. Call at 415 No. th, after S p m. 4 6 FISH WORMS. 3114 Cannon. 4-lT FOR SALE, iO-toii second cu(Tng' feialeal aifaua nay. h. jelinek, Maiin, ore. 4-7 F6R iALE."r"egrtere3 cocker"' spaniel puppies. 7 weens old. 827 Eldorado. 4-1 SUsf ARRIVED! BUtwtU divans, daven port by day, bed by night; beautiful covers, different colors, 869.50, 8103.00, 8107.50. Biltwell swing rockers, dif ferent colors, 8.(9.75 and 846.29 LUCAS FURNITURE 190 C, Main 4-11 FOR SAL!! 1 cab for Model A John Deere Tractor 1 cab for Model H Farmall Tractor . 1 eight h.p. Sea King outboard motor O. A. KIRKPATRICK Malin, Ore. . Phone 25S : 4-10 FOR SALE. S. I. Case tractor, slightly used. See W. Hackman at Kowolowakl. FINE QUALITY Ironfn board. 846. Sleveboards 82 00 LUCAS FURNITURE 1W E. Main FOR &AL1.. certified Netted Gem Med. JOHN McLAtlCHLIN ' Rt. 1. Box 299, Bend, Ore. 8-4 DRIVEWAY gravel delivered. Phone JT M. BarnesJL765. . 4-30m AMERICAN MILLS fl5SliSR R eai" S 1 1 and Nylon Hose available. Will take Orders. Call 6144. "u iXCELLENT lawn diiTiiTdlrt, cinders. , fertilizer; prompt delivery. Phona 6746. 4-11 FOR SAirtTiecond hand brick and tile, leas then half price, any quantity. . Phone 6746. . 4-11 LUCAS SPECIAL on a beautiful 8-way floor lamp, complete with globes, 823.95. LUCAS FURNITURE, 195 E. Main. 4-11 FOR ATforT. natural curl," make It Zoto permanent wave at thai Wash ington Beauty Shop, Evening appoint ments. Phon 9363, 1018 Washington. 42 ' Miscellaneous Wonted! WANTE0'to VenTorleasef two br'thrMK bedroom house, furnished or unfur . nlslied. un to 10 a month. Excellent cara of property assured. Phone 7317 between 8 and 9. or 4359 after S. 4-8 WANTED, used'slde delivery rakes, pre- f era biy Ui.ver. Turn your ou equip ment Into cash. MILLER SEED FEED Grants Pass, Ore. 4-11 825.00 REWARD for' Information leading to lease or renting of a-oedroom un furnished house for local businessman. Phone 7662. 4-10 WANTED-Dcad or worthless anlmahV Call collect, day or night, foe prompt service. Phone 4638 or 5323, KLAMATH TALLOW CO. 45ttf DIG' that old or wnat nave you out oc we ciosei ana sell it to Derby's Music Co. It's needed now more than they ever will again. 120 N. 7th. Dtttl 451ft. 186411 WE PAY CASH, for used gttneTThini them in for appraisal. Bell's Hardware. S28 Main St. 4-9mfc WANTED: Used Burlap and Cotton BatC Any Quantity. . , PEOPLES WAREHOUSE 3540tf WANTED, used Ford tractor With power un. fnone Tuietaae 4313. - t 44 Livestock and Poultry u 5. rtJLLOKUM controiiea want Leghorns, New Ham pa hires and R. L Reds, Parmenter and other leading laying and exhibition strains' of Reds. Large, bens, large eggs and .great layer. Your best buy. in chicks. Prompt shipments.- Send card 'for prices. Maguire Hatchery. 3415- N.E. Oregon St., Portland, Ore. ' 4-13 BEAT the high . meat prices' " by-ralslus your own fryers. Your most profitable) bet la locally hatched "Oregon Bred' chicks, for eggs or meat. Broad Breasted Eronza Turkey Foulta too. . - U. S. Approved. V. S. Pullorum controlled. OREGON STATE HATCHERY 2720 So. 6th . Phone 6005 - - 1798 tf HORSES FOR SALE, broke saddle hprsea. one broke worn team, genua place: mares, 5 and 8-year-olds, one kld'a horse. Also unbroke horses,' colts and brood mares, Morgan blood bred to Morgan stud. S, F. FiUpa trick, Box 118. Bly, Ore. 4-10 BABY CHICKS Leghorn " pullets, Hampshire, Barred Rocks, Cornish. TALENT HATCHERY ' Talent, Ore. 4-1 WANTED Dead or wortHlai Call collect, night or day, for prompt service. Phone 4683 or 6333. KLAMATH TALLOW CO. 456tf HIGHEST PRICES paid for hogs, veal, lambs and cattle. Johnson Packhlff Co. Phone 5323, nights 3505. 4-15m, FOR SALE, saddle horse. Phono sail 3314K FOR SALE, red roasting and laying bens. 4365 Bartlett. off Summers Lane. 4-S FOR the convenience' of our busy cus tomers, your own local Oregon State Hatchery will remain open evening and Sundays until the last of June. Fine "Oregon Bred" chicks, poultry supplies and remedies. ' . OREGON STATE HATCHERY 2720 So. 6th 3S24tf FOR SALE, small black Jersey cow, very gentle, to freshen last of May. Rt. 3, Box 1054. Wocus. 4 7 48 Business Opportunities FOR SALE, service station and stored living quarters In building, three-year lease on property building la on, 860 year: price 31600 cash. Approximately 865 net monthly. 3801 Washburn Way. Phone 9508. 4-18 By J. R. WILLIAMS .... H 6Tgf "'J'p 4784 Bo, 61 h Phone 77nn PHONE 6258 119 No. 41(1 4-7m 4-0 1