Roy Wheeler 'Death To d Hoy Vli'tlll Wlu'eler, 34 only mi of Mr. mid Mm. T. O. Wlii'ol- ir, well known Merrill ritrjii na, dli'd ut hla luiinu In Morrill it 2:Iil p. in. Tiirxlliy following in 1 1 1 tii-MH of 1 1 in punt avvurul niintlin.' Mr. Wlii'olor I mirvlvwl ly ilia wlfo, the runner Joyce An dm'aull, mid lili) imrenlit. Klmil rltea will bo lield from thu ICurl Whllltnk vliiipel ut 1:110 p. in. Krliluy. , ... The younu mini wirn Horn iuiy nii'I in Cnld wnll. 1 1 1 u . . mill u, iinio with In piiruntH lo Kllllll- Htli fonnty 17 ymira imo. nu wiih tiriidmilfcl roin llunley liluh ecliuol in id onllxtud In Ui nuvy on Jiinimry Hi, 1IM2, Nliortly uftur tin) outbreiik of llm win'. On III return from nervlcu ho lurinucl with hla futher. Mr. Wheeler unjuyvd biiHelmll uh u Kporl uiul wiih coimUlervd li tine liluyer, lln wim Willi u neinl-pro temn on tlm t'linl coiml und ulmi lolluwed liiiM'bhll with Huvorul weilerii lemma. Former adiiiiilMiiilM, und lonK limu riimidti. will nerve ux pull lieurom lit Jiniil rlteii Krldny, They will ho Kurl Hrook. Hob I'heyne, Jerry Short, Lnwreiicn Cheyne. Vernon Utiriint, Clydo Ciirlati'Min und Lloyd lluriiravn. Klamath Residents ReDort Car Prowls Cur prowler were Iniay luiit lllllnl 1111(1 lliev weren i jiuin A...-1I k'l.fil'a (IllV illkl'M. Jiiiiicit lliirttruve, 54110 Cot- i...,. l..lrl i-llu ii. .lire Unit t II and wheel were niliuiliiK from hla car. and Mr. J. U v. 2MI0 Ulehn. reported a blmiket inlnainil from lier cur. C1..1.1 Hi pllv'a c tlzrna eel ebruted the duy with ulcohollc aplrlta and pem mc niKiu in urn imilllcipui uaaiuc. Silver Lake Slates Easter Services et.l ..lflitl. itt till Sll . - I ..L- i.r.. r. I'OttlillllV ill' VI"! tMi! -- " ' - vited l linlber ut the lliiptlal ..I ..K Iliul rinmHimilV for I imii ...... - - Kuiler nioriiiiiK servlcea atiirtlnu at 10:1)0 a. in. The arrnion will be Riven by the Hev. n. terhonw w R.eno, fiui iiine rrai' Folliiwlnil aervlrea thern will be a basket lunch and nrvrral t.l.lllmf nl dm hum. iiuuii ' ' " cominit prmirain plunned for the Clay. All l.flKf) couiuy imiwnu are inviiea. Two Babies Born Here Aoril First Th atork waan't pln.vInK an April Fool prnnk yealerduy, April 1. He meant bimlnesa when he delivered two miiunea irom heaven at Klumuth Vulley hos pital, both boya. April 1 bublca arriving at Klamath Valley were aona to Mr. and Mra. Klnnr Hiialh, 3S0 Martin, and to Mr. and Mra. Hub ert Fan-ami, 421 Oiik. Both younitalrr tipped acnlca at more than 8 pound each. ' Rocket Test Said Successful WHITE SANDS, N. M.. April VPi A rebuilt German V-2 rocket carried camera, apectro- pha and oilier liniriimenia 3 mile in altitude above the New Mexico desert yeatcrduy. IjbTtuarTes" nor vmnii. nni.RM- Itny Virgil Whtilir, resident of Klamath countr lor the iet 11 years. Esuart away at his lata residence In larrtll. Or., on Tutwiay, April 1. ltU7. at aw pm. following an tllnew of four months. Ma was a native of C'alrtwall, Ida. and at tha lima of'nli rival), was agad ."M ytin, month and U daya. Murvivlng ara hla wlfa. Mr. Joyra Whaalar of Merrill. Ora., hit falher, T. O. Whaalar of Merrill. Ora.. and hi mother, Mra. H- O. Corner of Torrance, Calif. !( waa a membar of tha VTW or Marriu. ora. int niniiw real In in Earl Whltlttrk runaral horn. Pin elrtHil at 6lh. Nolle of funeral to b announced at ihia lima. AMM1NK OMVKR TOI SO Armlna Oliver Young, a reldnt of Tulvlak. Calif., for Ui laat as yar. piufd away al hie lata rldnr on Tuvaday, April I. IW7, al 7 p.m. follow ing a brief illna. Ha waa a native of Ha I em. Or., and at the llm of hla death waa aged AO yara( A monlha and 3A daye. Hurvlvlng ar hla wlf. Mra. Cora Young rf Tulelaka. Calif., on daughter, Mra Kllla Pet am of Long Uaach. Calif., and on inn, Holart Young of Tulelake. Calif.; aleo one unci. Jim Jonaa of thla city. Mr. Young waa a member of . Malln poit America tglnn and Klamath FalU ludga No. 1347 111' OK. Tha ramalna real In the Earl Whltlock Funeral horn. Pine at reel at (11 h. Notlr of funeral lo b announced Thuraday, niltT I.KK lir.KRINfiTOV Hurl Ltr Harrington, a realdent of Klamalh Falla, Ore., for lha laat .10 yeara, paaed away In thla cliy on ' Tueaday, April 1. 1 147. at 11 p m. follow Ing an lllneaa of alx monlha. Ha waa a native of Pemllelnn, Or., and at the time of hla ilralh waa aged fll yaara, 3 nmntha and II daya. Hurvlvlng are hla wife, Mra. LI I He A. Harrington of thla f and MIh Palay Harrington of Klamalh Falta. Ore., and Mra. Raa Ayera of Eugene, Ore.; one ion, Hubert J. Her rlngttin nf Corvallla, Ore., one nephew, AllUnn Hagerly of Ihla city, alto two grandchildren, Eleanor Jean Meade and Don n Id Edward Ayera. The ramalna real i red at Qlh, where frlemla may call after 8 p.m. Thuradnv, Nolle of funeral io oe annuunuea later. FUNERALS aor viiimi. wiiKii.tit Funernl rvlci. tar the Rny Vlrull WhevUr wlin pu..(J away at ht. rrafilem-o In Morrill. Ore., on, April I, HU7 followlnl an lllni.s of finir ninnth. will be held In the chapel nf the Earl Whlllnrk Funeral Home, I'lne at yilxlli, nn Frlrtny, April 4, IH4T al l:.lrt p. m. wllh the Hev. Kenneth Brown, pa.tnr or the Flrat Pre.hylerlan chnrc-h nf Merrill offlcletln. Cnmmtt iiienl aervlce. anri Interment Klamalh ' Memorial park. Friend, are Invited. AI.FBKI1 MeroV The funeral .ervlce for I lie lale Al .m Ml't-'oy, who pm.ed awny In Placer yl le. Collf., on Sunday, March 30. will Jake plaue from the rhapel of Ward'. Klamalh Funernt llniiie, oa.l lllall. on Thuraday, April :i. ln7 al 3 p. in., the "v Howard llulrhln. of Iho Firm -hrlllan church offlclntlua. Commit m"ht .ervlce and Interment In Klanv I .r1?.'"01-1"1 n"rl- Frlenda are ra epeelfully Invlled to atlend. KLflfnPTH Stock Session Slow Today NEW VOHK. April 9 AH HltM-ka ttvrarl hulaolalvaly Ihruugll a alow atui'k market aKMhni tuiiuy. Ovi aaloual . aalectlv racnvarlea ware harvly aufflrlanl lo keep Ilia llat on an ivan kal, ome rain, air iiuaa anu ir raiiapnrla war In demand nl llmaa, 'lua and mlnua alyna wvr wall dUtrl- bulpd at tha cluaa. Traiunclluita totaled ion nil 700,000 an urea Mnlalnliig modaal advancaa were . Nlaal, lln till eh in. American Hmeltlhg. Unlled Alrcrari, Eaatern Air i.inaa, Atr Itaduclloti, Allied Cliemlcal. J C. Pan nev. New York CvulrHl, Minitliarn Pa ulf'lc, Waatarn Union 'A', and North American, m . Lower wet Ainarican leirpnona, mla Fa. I'euuaylvNiila Itallidnd and Union CMrhlde. Lliwlna (jutilallona: Ainvrlruu i an Ant Tel lei Anucoti'ln 401, . W .... ;' ... .... UfPa .... fin'.. Calif Packing CoMinHinwpullli ii Hoi Curtle-Wright (ianarnl Kleclrle , Uanetal Molora M. , Oi Nor Ity pru unrveiier Kennncnll . Long Hell "A" Miiiiltlomary Ward N.ti Kclv N Y Central Northern racirio Pat (iua A Kl . C I'ennay . ,..,.,.. Hafrway Htoree Heara flueliuck Houlhvrn Pacific w HiMitdaid llranda Hi uda baker Niinahlita Mining Union Oil Calif ... Union I'acirio .. U M Hlael Warner Pleturaa ,.. 14 .... 7.1 S Grains Break Sharply Today CHICAOO. April 1 iAPi- flralna broke haroly today on lvlc that lha pro duction and markvtlng admlnlat ration had withdrawn from lha flour mark! and tha rututnndity credit corporation had caaaed lamiMirary buying corn at Kanaaa Lily and Chicago. OUpatchaa from Europe, giving I much ballar outlook for croo condl lion a thar than heretofore received, atldvd lo Ilia Mllln Dreure. Wheal cloMit tl' to loo lower. May t2 40', corn waa 'i-7c lower. May ti 7.14-'. and oau J u '-te lower. May BiJc. LIVESTOCK SOUTH IAN FRANCIHCO. April fAP'UftlAi- fialable cattle A. ralvaa none; genrrally ateatly ; ina0lumgtKl ilffn. he i tot and rang ruwi ahnl fw head medlmtt wrlgjity dairy brad HivUioiu alaughlfr ruwt 0U Uuu, caoiter rullrr WOU JOOo, g.MMl 1MU Hi baf bulla till 00; ralvea aalalile to H Ou. fcalahle hoaa 2Vi. Inrludlna ITS bough! to arrive, market inactive, nothing auld rl, pruauavta lower odd good aowa Kalable hco none, lat yaalerdi mediuot good 77 lb. iflng lamlM lit 0U, medium good ewaa quoted K 3v-VW. CHICAGO. April I 'AP UNDA'-Bal able hoga 5VX). loUl )00, market opened alow but later trade active and very uneven: generally eteady to moat 35 Centa higher wllh aowa canli up. top 2 io; bulk good and cholca lao 170 pounda M3 75 24 M: 2A0-30O pnuuda J2 m-22 ita: rw iigiitwaighta 9J2 no. Mailable cattle aotaj. total aou). aalabl ralv) aoo. total ano. all gredee weighty aleara JW cenU higher, active; ycarllnga and helfera fully U centa up, inatanc mure; choir 1.100 pounda Iowa fed tvtr loood at tm u- bal y4rHngi fJO no; average'Chulc 071 lb helfei" J4 '4.V medium to atrlctly good ateara ituMlly tin 0u-at3 V); good and cholc helfrm X1 00 34 oo; heef cowa and bulli alrong to la canta higlter; moat cann and cut ten lioou-lafto: weiahty aauaage bulla to 11050, vealara aleady at aown. Halable ahat-n 4000, total 4000: alatigh tar lauiba alow; frw early aalea around icml ; load niotly good grade fad wooled lamlM 33 W; aaklng up lo tlU 10, and bcller for good and choice klnd; litre cara common and medium lo7 lb. wheat paatured alaughlr ewaa around M centa higher at 110.25; deck very, common wea an ou. Courthouse Records Marriage Llrenae KKXTON-llMOWN Oexter Hay KK ton. Id. wirfhouirmtn. Native of Or' gun Resident or Klamath ralla, Marlon Melvlna llrown. 10. clerk. live nf Washington, ftealdenl of Klam alh rails. Ore. t unnlalnla Filed Franklin C. Bechtel va. Nadlne C narhtel. ault for divorce. Charge, cruel and Inhuman treatment Couole i ried. November 10. 10.10. at Klamath Falla. Or Edwin K. Driacoli, attorney for piaintirr. Jean Phllllpa va. Raymond 1. Phillip ault for divorce. Charge, cruel and Inhuman treatment. Plaintiff aaki cut' tAdv of one minor child. Couple mar ried. March 2M. idu at Bremerton. Waah Edwin E. DrUcol), attorney for piainurr. VITAL STATISTICS ll U HTM Born at Klamalh Valler ho' SI tat. Klamath ralla. Ore.. April I. 1047, Mr. and Mr. Elnar Ruath. 350 Martin, a bov. Welaht: ft Dounda 3(4 ouncea. FAR RAND Born at Klamath Valley noapuai, mama in rani, urt, April l, 1V47. to Mr. and Mra. Robert Farrand, 4.11 Oak, a boy. Weight: 0 pounds 12l ounni RTiRCiEON Born at Klamath Valley noapitai, Kiamatn Fails, or., April 3, 1047, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rtorgeon, 3147 summers lane, m ooy. weignt; pounda I5' ounces. CLASSIFIED RATES On day 2 day run - 3 day run . 4 day run , 5 day run , Weak run . Month run , per word 4c , per word ao per word 11c ..per word 13e per word 14 Mter word 15c wper word 45c New Today r'Ai.irnnNiA AVKNiir special W have lo offer for sale a beautiful two-bedroom home on California Ave. fully furnished as follows: Electric range, new large refrigerator, washing machine, kitchen set. some dishes, two bedroom ultra, living room set, arm chairs, oil heater, radio. One-car garage. Beautl ful shrubbery and shade trees. Imme diate poaaeaalon. 9A300; latino down, See Ed Hanly, John Darhes, Tony Caste), Salesmen with WESLEY M. 8HARPLES. Realtor tin So. llth Phone 3007 4-2 rr6lT'RENT. rooms, preferably gentle- num. Inaulra Billies Barber Shop, 1i:i2 Main. 4-8 Cb.vU'ORTAriLK apariment. references. 21(1 Main, Fairfield Ants. 321Mt . "A HEAL HOME On South flth, 3 acre good soil, chicken home, double aaraae. fruit cellar, work shop, fruit, alt rule, houae Ii two-bedroom, all neatly decorated. 14x22 living room, aepnrala dining room, tiled kitchen, metal cunhoarda. furnished with beautl fill bedroom set, chesterfield, Chlneaa rua. oil henter. dining room set. hook- canes, B-33-ft. new refrigerator, electric range. A real buy at a jouu. Appoint' ment only. NORTH SIDE Two-bedroom, modern. Large lot, fur nace, full basement. ?4iuxi. JOHN C. AHGKTSINGKR. Broker Commercial Arts HIrig., llth and Walnut Phtmem5fll5 or 921B "a TlIfiT HEHT of wall 'paints at the Big Hnsln Lumlwr company, Main and Hitrlna. I mner In I Texol le. Dutch Boy, Wonnnvcr and Kcmtone. 4-3 FOR 9 ALE. Fnrninll tractor with "culti vator. 8-fl. John Dcerr disc, 1(1-Inch Moiine tiimhlc plow, Chatiln dltchen 2-row Iron Age hl-spcrd planter, John' lliaerc level bed dinner. 30 plastic Irrigating tubs, sacks: all In first-class condition. Earl Hitchcock, Tulelnke, Calif.. 4-4 FLOWER SHOP 4JOMAIN PHOMf M7lorS44? 3IiH:I:1MiIHMiH ... akayrxrkai wr havfj to oFFKn ton RAM! In Hlldebrande country, over 12"0 aires, wllh MO acres cleared and In grain. Thla land will graft about 150 head. Small act of timber, 4-roofti houae thai la livable. Has new tractor wllh aome allachinanta, combine, mowing machine, farm wagon mounted on rubber, 11 Inch aaed wall, lira waiar armn, iwo raaer- volrs. linmvdlat poaaesalou. fltnOO down will handle with very reaaonable terms at 4'i. ntraat. , Ha Kd Manly. John oarnef, Tony Caelat, Hnlftimett with WF.HI.KY M, HHAIH'l.EM, M-allor in Ho, llih Phone aooT 4 a 'Off HALE, ElettroluK cleaner, Phone 7107. a-ai TWO THtPl.KXKli; (lHH-24" Monclalr. Atlractlvely prican (JOMEII JONKH, REALTOR 4IHI Main i'hone 7.Vr7 e- fiOOD IIUV Two-bedroom modern home, located In tod dlatrlt'!. Full uaarment, luuiuiry ruya, piped fiirnuce, iiaruwoon I loo re. nmpletitiy ramwateu. mc yaru, iron era, lawn, snruoa, nowaia, fuii priva OOtH). He Al ciimerK, nuieaman wnn J, E. HUttKINU, Realtor 517 Main Phone 3211 a- FOR HAI.K. Kroahler parlor ael, dreaanr lina, iHtoki-aa, cimna, aiecinc- iifuior wllh fan. radio, library labia, fiahlng tnrkle and mlacellaneous houae hoi l arllclas. HO I Martin 4-2 FOR HA I.K, I H4 1 (J MO panel delivery truck. Htre KU, ihj nu. fin. e-o FOR HAI.K, combination electric stove and Iraah burner, large mirror, j-way floor lamp, bicycle, as Is, S7.00, tK J 1 MaMln. 4-a WANTKU, undergraduate or graduate nurse, liatween .hi anu u. umr wura and dnalr to learn lab work. Call :i:ilil for appolnlinant. 4-4 FOR HALE, 1U2U Model A roadater, 100'. tlraa, new motor, aeai uearn iignta. Hlgheat offer a Iter noon April Jrd l.ka. 1113 OelU . 4-2 K IH KM AN wanted for 50 M sawmill. MrCollum L.umuer, iojo e. Main. Phone 422H. 4 J FOR MKNT. large "sleeping "room with private bain, privai entrance, cine to ntialneaa dlalrlct, Day or weekly rates. Phone 4070, 4-4 CERTIFIED" WATCHMAKEll WANTED AT HOOKIIM JKWr.l.HV CO. PERMANENT MONITION TOP WAGES kit main nr. a-e I8 HNIT APARTMENT with rentala S42S monthly, 24,ouo cash, balance loo monthly. a TWO-nmitOOM HOME on corner lot on bhaila Way. Uow taxva. 47Ml, terma. I500 down. 40 per month. ATTRACTIVE lwo-lrdroom home on California Ave., J730. Phone noia for apiMlnlment. GEO. J. Kt'N.MAN, Real E-ute Broker ni lommerciai Ml. -J FOR HALE Monarch 3-burner electric atove with oven. 545 00. Aacot HoUl. 1411 Main. 4-2 FOR HALE. Weatlnghoua electric range. very giKXl aliau?. Mats aiariin si. AM NOW wllh the Standard Cleaner. Your cleaning pleura up ana aeiivcrvu. MOV ft ItltAIJKOKO. 4-S FOR A HOFT. natural curl, make' It feoto lermanenl wave at the w anmgion lleauiy Khop. Evening appolntmanU. Pliona P.UO. 1018 Waahlngton. 11 ATTENTION, VOONO MEN" Wanted, 3 young men for full lime sales position. Avvrage earning 7-toO weekly. No eaprrlanre necesaary. We teach you and fumleh IranaporUtlon. Muat he neat, free to travel. See Mr. Fr.iiar. Caacade AoU.. No. 103. - FOR HALE. !t-iun Dodge truck, new tire, motor good conaiuon. new irana mission. Miaka rack. Phone 7Jd. FOR" lALjrlnor Ifl- Phohe"733. PRACTlCAC'nursinf ."days. Phone 27.10. FtfRNlHHED"apartmnt for rnC42l Oak. 4-2 fOR HALE or trade. 1140 Tord 4-door uaiain .kfMl rundiUun. Ba after 5 p m. 15 Derby. 4-4 tOH HALE. year."oid'Jray"cow, now milking, auppoaed to iretiwn aner in. ui nl Julv. Aba buffet. 4641 ttlebe 42 J l! UT AltlllVKO IN TIME FOR EASTER White cotton fabric giovea. loiii Tota-tnTena, 603 Main. 4-3 Jl!MT OIr.N PRICES CUTf ItAHED ON i PER HOUR FIMT RATE All work guaranteed. All type auto ronaira. itvuior overhaula and tune-ups. Oiien 7 daya a week, 34 hours a day. ror quick, economical service, viait JIMS GARAGE In fttewart Adthv. neat lo Lien's Grocery Phone 8050 4-2 FOR SALE. Tumblebug "plow. Phone 3013 or call 3103 bummers Lane. 4-2 HARD OF HEARING? For aclentlflc and ncrmanent aulitance. see ALOUhll CON-HK1TKKMPKH CO., 201 Buivln nidg , uu No. 8ih. a-1 FOR HALE, tranamlaalon parti for lo:iO Htandard Chev. Call W12. 4-2 FOH HALE In Chela. Addition. 4-room houe. 2 lots. Quarry BL. Mr. J. L. GuBlin. 4-a INTERESTING off.ce3ob rnbeautiful a tor. Muat be able to type. Inexpert need will auallfv. Call 5534 cveninga. or 4013 days. 4-2 RELIABLE young ladyWllf"care for children days or do houaework. Will alve reference. Call 5051 between ft and 5. 4-3 WANTED, woman for housework "three daya week or five hours every day. Phone Sfiod or write 3uo Washington. 4-4 WATCHMAKER -ApptVet with three years' experience would like Job In Oregon. Good references. -Write Box 3315. rare Herald-New. FOR RENT, one housekeeping room, at 10Z3U Main, from 3 o.m. to a n.m. 4-1 FOR SALE Hire's the home you've been waiting fori Beautiful four-bedroom house and large garage. Spacious living room, large kitchen with many bullt-lna. Utility room haa twin laundry trays, electric water heater and alio more bullt-lna. First floor has Venetian blinds apd Is fully carpeted. Two bedrooms down and two up. leaar-nneo. cioine cioeei. Bath down and room (or one up with plumbing already in. This houae doubly tnaulated and steel weather- stripped throughout, healed by gas with air conditioning. This home must be seen to be appreciated. Priced right with these times. , See John Darhes, Salesman with WESLEY M. SHARPLES. Realtor 118 So. llth SL Phone 3007 4-2 FOR SALE. 1M Pont lac, new motor, new tranamlaalon. good rubber and seat covers. Phone H 11114. 4-3 FOR SALS 1946 Ford Tudor. HI41 Olds "Q" club coupe, radio and htr. 1041 Olds "8" 4-dr. sedan, radio and htr. These cars are all in A-l shape. MIDWAY MOTORS Merrill. Ore. Phone 4001 4-2 ABARREL of pTeaaure and profit raising strawberries In your own back yard. Information 2A centa. Mrs. Mayma Brown. 3038 Monroe. Miiwaukie. ore. - .'...... 1 . 4-2 WANTED uBd""FordTiacTor with" power lift. Phone Tulelnke 4313. 4-7 WANTED to rent or buy. two fork lift loaders on pneumatic duals, 5-ton capacity or' larger. Box 3328, care Herald-News. 4-4 FOR SALE, modern 1-room bricknouse, hot water heat. 2224 Main St. Phone 0:i44 for appointment, 4-5 DON'T CUSS your lawn mower , , , have MOTSIE'S sharpen' and repair yours at 184.1 S. Oth. 4-2 liwTNASH coupe. bod condhionTaoo. Call after S p.m.. 220 Grant.. 4-4 Small monthly"" payments'' on ait automotive needs. Dick B. Miller Co. Xl2ltf FOR SALE, Roll -k -Cord camera with Zeiss Trlotar, 3.8 lens and compur shutter. Mcndellsohn speed gun, only 919. t-aii ;tani. 4-4 LARGE slxe" chrome arm cKaTrs, spring seat, leatherette cover. Blue, red! brown. Ivory. ftl9.40. LUCAS FURNITURE. 105 E. Main 4-8 8KKD GRAIN Barley. Wheat and Oats Alfnlfa seed: Grimm, Ladak and Common Clover seed: Aisike, White Dutch, Strawberry Pasture grass: Bronxe, Fescue. Orchard, ye' SHARP GRAIN CO, - Merrill. Ore. Phone 2201 4-2 FOR SALE, Easter bunnies, 75c up, fryer and breeding stock, 300 to choose from: also 8 months old pure bred Guernsey bull calf. Route 3, Box 1147. Shady Pine on old Bend highway, , , , . 4-3 n Ariv rufrwa Leghorn pullets,,' Hampshire) -Barred Rocks, tornisn, TALENT HATCHERY Talent, Ore. 4-8 strrriciENT fine hvhcrancet Call US Ihr apprnlaal of your borne. CHIIaCOTE A SMITH Complete Insurance 111 N. fjlh Phme 4W4 4 2 FOH UKH'f,"hiniMwii i-Iedrom 'houae wllh electric kitchen and nlc furnl- tur. Furnace heat. No children, no pel. Man and wife of good character acceptable. Give particulars and ref erences In first letter, Wrlle Box 3200, car llarald-Nws, 4-2 NEV 5-rooin modern house""" f or sale. llardwiMid floors, automatic oil floor furnace, electric hot water lank, utility room, attached garage. On half acre tract. 304;t Clinton Ave., off Hummers Lane, evenings and Hunday. 4-3 HMO HPEf.'IAL deluxe Chevrolet' sedan, will trade In on acreage near Klamalh Falls. Hulldliiga not neceaaary. Write HoM XL Ml. Hebron. 4-3 Mooting Notices ANNUAL Maundy Thurs day program, Thuraday, April 3rd, at 8 p.m. All Knlghta of Hose Croix f quested to be present. HCOTTIHII III TE Ewaler breakfaal, Wlllard llot, 8 a rn. HundMy. April fjlh. T. II. RKEVEM, Wlae Maalor. 4-3 LODGE MEETING every Thuraday and Initiation the second Thursday. W. C. HOOPER, Hecratary. 1010 Ptne wtf Qmill) (tI15.ttCR EX-MARINEsV . Uaeliia r'nena I aaam meeting Friday night, April 4. at 8:00 o'clock. Meeting place, KC halR above Rainbow Theatre. Refreshment will be served. lit THERE! 4-4 KLAMATH FALIJI At HIE No. 2000 tfOl Regular meeting every Tuesday night, 7:45 p. m.. FOE 111. oth and Walnut Vlaltlng members cordially invited if KLAMATH POST No. 8, American Legion meets first and third Tuesdays, 8:00 p. m.. Veteran's Memorial Bldg., 4th and Klamath- 4717tf 2 Lost and Found LOST, foa terrier. lot north of Reno on Highway 3S lat iwiuraay. m. White face, light brown spou. white Up on tall: leather collar. Answers to name of "Prince." reward. Pleat notify Sllvar Dollar OThtor Court, Phoenla. Arts. Phone 47808 collect Gcnerot Notices IUn. WAKEMAN Eormerly of the East bide Beauty Shop is now ai mr STAR BEAUTY SALON and will welrome her old as well as nw ruiiumri WE ARE NOW FEATURING a complete line of Lujtier's Cosmetics AMU A Mr- Lwi it" In the rear of the Star Drug Company at 4JS MAIN r nurse (w Rt'TIf PIXON. Owner 4 10 Services YOUR MAYTAG SERVICE SHOP TOR 10 YEARS Parts and Service for All Makes of Washers WASHING .MACHINE SERVICE 611 So. 6th Phon J" SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED 1 All Contents Hauled Away , Prompt Service ED r. KING Phone WIS or 3230 ISlttf t'LOOR SANDING and rcfinlshlng- Nor man rraiey. Phone. 0170. .aiJ fuller" nnusiiES CLEM JOYER 1435 MARTIN ST. PHONE 1W77 4-30mb LAWNMOWERSSHARPENEd AND REPAIRED. Tlian limner bw titT and Service. Martin Outboard Motors. MOTSIES 1VH3 S. eth Phone 4366 mi 1 on PAINTING PA PER HANGING DECORATING A, Vt SMITH PH9NE B7M PA1NTINGAND "INTERIOR DECORATING First class work. References furnished. Phone 8155. Manfred Carlson. 4-12 FLOOR SANDING AND REFINISHING LLOYD F. PEPPLE 1B8S Auburn Phone 4472 4-jmc REMODELING ALTERATIONS DRESSMAKING SatUfactlon guaranteed. Call 6733 Davldina Rogers, lara urcnara ai. 362tf DRESSMAKING and alterations for women s and cnuaren s cioining. Ewauna St. Phone 610X 4-30 ESTIMATES given on KEMTONING and PAINTING. Phone 13. e-i CARPENTER WORK. new andrrmodet- ing. Free esumates. Phone 4278. can after 5 00. 4-30 See 126 N-Georgia St. 4-3 ANDERSON BOARDING KENNELS. 56118 Delaware, oil itomeaaie Hoaa. f none 3047. 4-00 Venetian bund shop cleaning and repairing Roland F. Koff, Owner PHONE 6256 11 No. 4th -7m FILING. GUMMING, chains filed, power aw filing benches and crou-cm gauges. lt06 Arthur St. Phone 6766. aWU "Window cleaning Walls cleaned, floors cleaned and waxed, tinm and rnrnmerctal. JESSE HUBBARD V SON. Phone 7678. 4-16 CONCRETE WORK done" in cemetery. Call 6750 or 1812 Worden. 4-110 Locarand"Xong Distance KADS TRANSFER A STORAGE 353 Market St. Phone 8271 1392U fLECTROLUX SALES and SERVICE. Complete overhaul of customer's Elec tro, ux. Phone 7167. 1132 Main. r 4T76tf INTERIOR 'AND EXTERIOR DECORAT ING AND PAPER HANG ING. PHONE 5HA4. JIMMY GARRETT. 4-7 ENOCH KARL FLOOR CO. Laying, sanding and finishing. Free estimate on any lob. Phone 5057. 2232tf SKPTICT TANKS CLEANED . Newest Sanitary Method Service at Once B. W SHEPHERD . ' Phone 8693 1499tf MIMEOGRAPHING Public Stenographer MIMEOGRAPH SHOP 234 No. 8th , Phone 7627 ?A 1NTI Ni57In te flbr "ahtl" ex : te riofcenv toning. H. L. Brown. Phone 422B. (17tf CARPENTER WORK, repairing, remodel ing or new work. Hour or contract. Phone 3811. after S p.m. 4-3 ALTERATIONS Bring tmr .Iterations to Doris uiDson. craia s. 617 Main. 4-28 GARDEN PLOWING anU narrowing. Phone 72H2 or A3S3. 4-3 FOR your ACETYLENE and ELECTRIC WELDING and MACHINE SHOP WORK, phone 37R5 or 6300. 4-21 JANITOR SERVICE Window Cleaning and Floor Waxing CITY BUILDING MAINTENANCE COMPANY Phone 8220 1980U LAWN MOWERS repaired and sharp ened. The double edno way. Bring thcin enrl.v. Budenhamer Saw and Repair Shop. 351 E. Main. 4-10 WE REPAIR your cracked wnTis. sid walks, steps or basement. We build stone or cement retaining wans, foun dations, walks and steps. Free esti mate. Bill Pyalt, Phone 6746. 4-26M PAINTING AND KEMTONING. Let Kel logg do It for you. Call 6039. 4-2 R HO ADS WINDOW CLEANERS Store Fronts a Specialty Complete Housecleanina Service PHONE 6011 IB30 TF PAINTING. CALCIM1NINO, e n a m e 1 work. City or country. Satisfaction guaranteed. Frank Jenka, Phone 7270. 1I5U Ct'RT A INS"T AUftEtREb and atratcVed. Phone 9717. 14i7tf Service EVAN CABINET (HOC 1317 Eaat Main Cbona M2S rjK.oiifir " CaIiiNUT Ullop 104 CA8Y MAIN PIIUNE TWI DICKOrnjtll6IJITKRIr)(5 AND rirR- NITUHE HIICJF. Itellnumn. repalrln, prln refrrinflltlonln and uphuliter In. 301 Hha.U Way. Phone 4317. 4-1T NKKII Ml)lCf We'Tiav'e II! Eacilleni urclie.lra avallalile, .mail enougo lui partle., bla enouarl lor dancea. Call MnrrUon or Mc-Uonald at U1. If CIlllTAlNH laundered, pickup aniT'de- llverv. prion, vnn. hu LINOLEUM AND CAHPET'LAYINO ' nu Blndln Dralnboard fn.uUatlona J L. CALHOUN 01 Klamalh Ave. Phone BVrfl tlNOUtEffaTDlVlWe DIIAINUOAIIDS A HI'ECIALTV Phone U210 2910M JANITOR SKHV1CE Home, commercial Ktectrlo waxln machine. wlliuimB Uiuwn, 247 Martin. Phon 0207. 444911 """ ruiiN ACKH vacuum cleaned Chimney. Swept OIL HUIINKR BKHVICE TUKTS 1TUHNACE COMPANY So ll) Phone lJ i.-wn-rr W ATKINS QUALITY' PH0UUCTS Exy Rodger., Delaware. Phona 3(11)7. 12 Educotionol . BOIIKKKEPINO, Uhormand. typlh Kindred auhjecu, nfflca machlnee. KLAMATH UU8INKSB COLLTOE. 7X) IMne. Phone 47IW 13T71I 13 Health OH RENT" "Hospital supplies for (he home. New inner prlng hospital beds, wheel chairs. Invalid waUers. Infra red and violet ray llghU. short-wave diathermy machine, etc. Phone 3172. 404TT KLATHtoA8SAOEPAHL0R Mineral Baths Phone 8316 n St. 49B1H 14 He Id Wonted, Female WANTED, to contact woman with pickup car for rug ana upnouiery nei eatabltshment If you can shoot the breeze to the public, I'll do the work and we'll split the profits. Call at bhatla Rug if Upholstery Cleaning eatabhahment. corner Shasta Way and Ivory St. Lee Potter. Prop. 4-3 WANTED, office girl for real'eiifate and Insurance bum I new. Interview Mtsa Newman at phone 6764 between 0 a.m. mm A n m References reoulred. ItUBtf WANTED, woman to do houework, hefp with two small children. Board, room and wases to reaoonilble party. Ref erences required. Write Box 100, care Herald-News. 4-2 WANTED, woman or""gTfl to help with houMiwork and care 01 two cnnoren in farm hom Room, board and wages. Phone 7888. 4-2 WANTED, woman bookkeeper, must experienced with Accounts Receivable and bookkeeping machine. Call 9322. WANTED-Airtime middle-aged house keeper Good wages, muat have references. Call 3716 42t2 tf WANTED, ejcoerienccd waitress. Apply In person. Hitler's Coffee Shop. 125 So. 7th. ' 303Mf WANTED, good' typist, excellent chance for advancement. Klamath Co. Abstract Co.. 115 So. 4th. 4-2 WANTED" checker for dry cleaning. Apply 330 So. 7th. 4-2 WANTED, woman for general office work and some typing. Apply 330 So. 7th 4-3 ri.rvATOR OPERATOR wanted Wll lard Hotel loaiu 16 Help Wonted, Male DIKSEL TRACTOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT tlllons of dollars equipment needs qualified dlesel and tracior engineers. WE TRAIN YOU for hleh-nav loba and llfe-lon security, Placement service covers entire United Stales. For Information, write TRACTOR TRAINING SERVICE BOX j.131! car HerJa'New- 4-5 FIRST CLASS OVEHHAUL MECHANIC Must have general experience on all makes of cars. Apply in penon. ANDERSON AUTO SEKVILS 632 Walnut 1753tf WANTED Band mill "sawyer and filer. New company and new mill. Year round job. $1.65 per hr. Must be a good man. For Wendell Mlli Jc Lum ber Co. Fairfield. Idaho. 4-2 BOX FACTORY SAW FILER WANTED Large plant Must be A-l filer. See Bodenhamer Saw ac Repair Shop. 331 Eat Main. 4-2 WANTED, plauerman and resaw man. and lumber earner driver, in fusene. Phone 4400. 0 1750tf WANTED, oresser at Reliable Cleaners. 1116 Main. .cuuu WANTED SaTeiman to represent Snap- on Tools Corp. In this area. Exclusive territory. Transportation and capital needed. Reoly Box 3185. care Herald- News. 4-3 WANTED, carpenter, experienced in re- bulldina old buildings. vages, acaic. Sanlford Jones, Bonanta. Ore. 4-3 WANTED, first-class mechanics, none other need apply. Inman Motor Co. 424 So. 6th. -3 WANTED, farm hand. '.must have ex perlence with Crawler tractor and general farm work. No chores. Cabin for livina Quarters. Santiord Jones. Bonanza. Ore. 4-3 NIGHT CLERK wanted7PeHcan HoteL' Phone 7025. 305711 18 Situations Wanted WANTED. by sober. expeHenced mlddle- aged man, notei ciera s joo. aay or ntaht shift, tan operate c.b.a. swucn- board. Want steady job year around. Write Archie W. Joyce. P.O. Box 646. Dunsmulr. Calif. Open for work April 20th. References. 4-5 RELIABLE young lady will care for children days or do housework. Will give references. Call 5951, between 9 and 5. 4-2 EXPERIENCED lacLv want housework by the hour or steady. Phone 8236 between 7 and 8 in the evening. 1868tf MAN desires work, preferably garden lua or landscaping, nease pnone imoh. 4-3 22 Rooms For Rent ROOM with bath." close In, deilredb"y businessman. P.O. Box 984, Klaraatn Falls. 4-4 ROOMS FOR RgtfT. 1034 High. 4-9 FOR RENTi sleeping room, close 213 Cedar corner 01 Fine. I48z ROOM'S Men only. 629 Jefferson'. 4-3 OUR BOARDING HOUSE . WOW A60OT A L06 OP NOUR. EXPEDITION Tji Civil". LEMvlDER? ALL YOU CBMc BMK MITUWAS 100-HORSePOSMEC hiccups; 10 P- T i ' ss?C1 fe-f 1, a5S .A t 28 Miicellaneou For Rent fOR RENT D 7 CAT WITH DOZER AND 12-YARD LETOURNEAU CARRYALL. SPECIAL IZE IN LAND LEVELING. ALSO RIPPER D-T- INTERNATIONAL WITH HY DRAULIC DOZER EQUIPMENT FULLY OPERATED. PHONE (20 4.2 JnlTckHTrOR'ltEN-fYou d-rive; move yourMii, .ave nan. sine, Beacon grv Ice, 1201 Eaat Main. Phone U04. 4-l4mb f6R "RENT 40 acre. ' oTfand. i yeari in clover. Phona 2413, Merrill, altar a. 4-2 f6H)i&btTBcr9wjicUt anff'Hydraulla jacaa. Klamath Valley Lumbar Co., 11140 go. am Phone 481. . 233911 OrrlCE SPACE" lor rantnhiuTra 7.1.1 Main. 4-3 ELECTRIC FLOOR ftANDEHS and edaera rentea. uo your own worn, inquire Paint Dept., MONTGOMERY WAHD. 4-Sm roRRENT American floor aahder' and aoaer, lauat type, duatle.,, awlft and eaay to operate. Klamath Valley Lum per Co., 1040 So. oth. Phone 4819, 23511 TWO jrlaaa ihowcaieVor rentr Excellent condition. 140 E. Main. Phone BBOo. 4-2 30 Real Eitote For Sate FOR SALE BY " OWNER: Ftne,ew7 beautifully finished 2-bedroom home. Venetian blinds, custom-made drapes, piped automatic oil furnace and cir culating fireplace; rubber Hie on kitchen and bathroom floors. Modern electric range. General Electric re frigerator, other furniture If desired. Will sell all or part 10 acres finest irrigated soil. Phone 9514. after 9:30 pm. lB74tf FOR sXXE, small modern house.' One acre good Und. See at 2406 Kan St. 4-2 FOR SALat, one -room house, just re- nnisnea. wm move 10 your lot, twos Cottage. 4-2 LARGE 3-room houe,"ln ""gooaj- condl- tlon. 6400.00. To be moved, will move for you. Inquire 5306 Cottage. 4-5 FOR SALE, 3 units, one duplex and one 4-room house, income property. 201-205-217 Commercial St., city. To close an eitate. Inquire. J. C. O'Neill, 6 Loo mis Bldg. Tel. 5360. 2921t BRICK BUSINESS BUILDING, half block" irom auin L Center of town. Good Income property. Phone 3172 days, or 7618 nlghta. 406TF FOR SALE by owner, 2-bed room homeT automatic ou neat, large lot, large garage. Close to shopping district. Must be seen to be appreciated. 2535 Shasta Way. 1454tf FOR SALE, unflnlshednhouie oii" half acre. Call 5205 Collage Ave, or phone 8074. 4-4 FOR SALE Nice, modern 2-bedrooni home. On acre good soil. 3606 Bis bee. 4-2 FOR SALlEl Lakes ho re Drivel i-room house. 12th from Moore Park. Land scaped. 4-2 FOR SALE, my equity in 5-room mod ern house, newly redecorated. 315 so. Eldorado, mornings. 4-14 FOR i5ALEoftrade. 2 acres. 6-room house, bam and cow. 3317 BLabee. 4-2 GOOD Investment in auto camp. Five cabins, garage, own water system on five acres land. 62850 if bought im mediately as cash is urgently neeaea. ADDly at cabin behind carmen a Place, Pelican City. 4-7 SELL or trade for house In Klamath Falls. 10 acres hill Und. close to Roaebun. Write Box 2668. Herald- News. 1639tf ISO ACRES Irrigated, near Klamath Falls. AH seed ed and planted for this year. 30 acre alfalfa. Good horse bam, combination brooder feed house and laying house for 00 hens, large sheep bam, nice (our rooms and bath, garage, etc. Full price $21,000. $6300 down, balance long time. HELEN . O MAU.EY and T. W. JONES. Brokers Merrill. Ore. Phone 3704 (3 doors east of Post Officer Open evenings and Sundays 4-3 FOR SALE2-bedroom8ou, 2Vj acres Und. 64500. 4743 BUbee. 4-7 FOR SALE. 6 unit apartment house. 2 -bedroom apartment available nowV 825 Grant St.. Apt. 1. 4-2 4 ROOMS.' bath.' garage, close in. Im mediate possession. 65000. terms. Also aj-Daroom nome, not bpnngs. ciose in. 6IO.000. Terms, rnone ctb or atea. 4-3 FOR- SALE, 3-room house. Immediate possession; two garages, 1' lots. SI 000 for equity or will trade for late model car. 425 Mt Whitney. 4-5 32 Building & Jlemodeling BUILD YOUR HUME KOWI Your dream Into reality. Blueprints to your satisfaction. KLAMATH FALLS GENERAL BUILDER New construction, additions, remodeling, fire damage, foundation and cement work. R. P. LEMOING, Builder Call between 9 a.m. and 6 o.nx Phone DorrU 243 4-10 WALLPAPER CLEANER "Absorene. cleans wallpaper, window shades per- Xecuy. no scrtooing. just wipe It om SUBURBAN LUMBER CO. 4784 SO. 6th - Phon 7709 4-2 OtL CONVERSION We can Install a completely automatic burner In your furnace, complete with tana., aa ntue as TUFTS FURNACE CO. 2323 So. 6th Phon 659 331U WALLPAPER PAINT Contract Painting and Paperhanglng FREE ESTIMATES MILLER St SCHORN PAINTS Floor Sanders, Edgers for rent PATTERSON it SON PAINT STORE 122 East Main St Phon 3324 405 ti SAWMILLS, built to your specifications. Immediate delivery. One mile 68-ft. track. 34-tL carrUae. 4 headblocka. 52 Inch opening, 2-head rig. 50-lnch saws. Fowered oy new umc 71-incn loa-n.D. dlesel engine. Chester C. Clifton. 2015 So. High St.. Denver. Colo. 4-5 ARE YOU HEADY TO BUILD? See Klamath Pumice Tile Co.. 1640 Owens street, just off So. 6th streeL 4. 6 and 8-jnch blocks; 4-2 ALL TYPES of roofing applied and guaranteed by an established firm. See Big Basin Lumber Co., or phone 3144. 2768 tf USED building material. Doors, win dows, brick flooring, sheathing. 1x12, 1x4. 1x6. 1x8. 2x4. 2x6. 2x10.. 2x12. Prices leu than SO'V of new. Will deliver. 5306 Cottage. 4-5 GENUINE Johns Mnnvilte asbestos shingles at Big Basin Lumber Com pany. Phone 3144 or see them at Main and Spring Sts. 4-2 LAWN SPRINKLERS, all kinds and lUesi ior spring. SUBURBAN LUMBER CO. 4784 So. 6th Phon 7709 4-2 . with . . MAJOR H00PLE Sii ci.lnvMian.UDlie ft Ciimjticc O-vm 1 GOOD GOSH I D SWEAR l TOO Kt l.KM.7; r"--' (w. r.rt T 1 v"-ii" iwyw i l r. ,-, , . uucv,t I HE WfcMT TnKOUori I I VOTMOOT A. POUCe 3 WRPUW I I frf CAR AM' US V "THESE BACK I V STRIKES US OUT IS S KENT THEaAl I V HMEW THEW 60 UNPER I SoRM S ' J i 0LT BLCODWOONO SOaAETUlM J V oveR-' : lr ) lost hvs sesise, I A oseful.socm SlvNT ml)c l ' .CeUII al M 1 .W Al m J M'IILV V HERALD NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore, 34 Fuei-Heotinfl OIL TANKS I6-GAUGE 200-GAL, OIL TANKS AT THE UNHEARD-OF PRICE OF 228.50 BUY NOW WHILE THE SUPPLY LASTS PEYTON & CO. 919 MARKET PHONE SI49 4-3 ASK ABOUT OUR -CHECK AND FILL SYSTEM ON FUEL OILS PHONE 5149 TAKE NO CHANCES ON RUNNING OUT OF OIL PEYTON COMPANY 'OIL TO BURN" Phone 0149 029 Market 3513 TF QUALITY HEATING OILS t CALL 0310 FOR PROMPT, METERED DELIVERY or ASSOCIATED STOVE OILS AUTOMATIC BURNER OILS BALSIGER OIL COMPANY ASSOCIATED DISTRIBUTOR 860 SPRING ST. 3782tf RED FIR BODY" WOOD, 16-inch length; 13.0O per cord delivered, f 10.00 at the yard or 93.30 for one tier. Phone Brimming Cup Cafe, Keno. . 142gtf BLOCK WOOD You may now place your 'order for Diocx wooa Key ion ana 10., pis Mar ket. Phon 5149. TF3293 DRY PINE BLOCKS for sate by truck' or trailer. METL.ER BROS., So. 6th and Altaniont Drive. Phon 5652. 383ltf WOOD Bone dry 16-inch slab. 8 50 cord delivered, 7.50 at yard. Young blood s Wood Yard. 966A La kt port Blvd. (Pelican City RoadJ. Phon 5244. 4-13 35 Automotive FOR SALE, on 19404-door Ford sedan. una apartment-slz washing macninc. On Rand electric razor. One blue ault, good aa new, size 36. Phon 3093. 3137tf FOR SALE. 1933 Chevrolet. Call 879. 3129 Crest. Price 62U0. 3-31 fOR SALE. 1937 Chevrolet coupe. Call before 3. Phon 7546. 4-3 FOR SALET"i939"Ta Salle club coupe. radio and heater, excellent condition. 81100. Can be seen at 6th and Pine, or evenings 128 Lincoln. Phon 9244. 3092 ti FOR SALE. 1937 master de luxe Chev rolet 2-door sedan, radio, heater, com pletely overhauled. Phone 4068. 4-3 FOR SALE. 1936 Fordnvertibl coupe. Add1v 1453 wuiord. - FOR SALE. CMC ton and a half cab over truck. Clarence Hillman, Mae s Store. 4-3 FOR SALE, 1937 CMC m-ton paneTcab over, new motor, new license rut, suHable for dairy route or any delivery route. 4430 Bis be or call 7803 after S p.m. 4-3 FOR SALE, 3S Dodge, 1942 motor. Call between 4 and p.m., luoa Etna. 4-2 CHAMPION STUDEBAKER 42 2-door, clean body, good motor, tires, beater. FOR" SALE, Tb 37 FordV-8. good condl- tlon. 045a S after ociocx. 3001 Erie. 4-2 36 Miscellaneous For Sale WARDS PAINT SPRAYER Painters. her Is a production machine equipped with Wisconsin air-cooled motor, Tim ken bearings. 6363.00, MONTGOMERY WARD, 9th at Pine, Klamath Falls. 4940 tf GRADED cinders, red or grey, excellent for driveways. PDon 4oT7 or trow. NEW BRANDED POTATO BAGS' PEOPLaES WABJUIUUBS. 2541U FOR SALE." Gem everbearing strawberry plant. 62.50 nundred: cnesi 01 drawers, new. 015.00. Phone . 4517. 3841 ShasU Way. 4-5 SPORTSMEN 5-gallon gas cans for sale. Flexible spout. 23 cents cacn. 000 MobU Service. 1337 Oregon Ave. 4-2 FOR SALE, one HP meat grinder, steak tenderlzer. Hooart coiiee gnnaer. auto matic double restaurant waffle iron. American electric meat slicer. 2413 So. 6th. 4-3 FOR SALE, oil circulator and 100 gals. oil; on used kitchen sink, new lit-xt. boat. large Zenith radio, 3-h.p. Cham Dion outboard, like new. 1420 Crescent 4-3 FOR SALE, one 2-row, high speed Iron Age potato planter, tine a.i,. com bine. Llovd Soarks. Bonanza. 4-3 FOR SALE, 6 tonafaled- 2nd cutting alfalfa luv. arm ncr ton. ncnxei uro. Phone 253. Malin. after 6. 4-3 AVAILABLE NOW! Kitchen sink and cabinet by Croaley; fl-ft. Croslev Shelvadoor rerrtgerators. Crosley deluxe gaa range, run aioca of water heaters. All styles of fin radio. Conner's Service Co. Our busi nesses sound! lBoltx fii L biRT. Uwn dirt. 610.00 a load. Phone 9284. . 4-3 FOR SALE. Monarch combination "elec tric range with copper colls. In good condition. 3445 Anderson. ; 4-3 FOR SALE. Simplex commercial-refrig" crator. 64 cubic ft., 5-door, whit enamel finish. Freezing unit In perfect condition. Appearance like new, used only two duck seasons, aoout monws. Cost $935. sale price $695. Dan C. Schultz. Tulelake. Calif. .Phone 2923-M. 4-3 S-PIKCE used tivlne room arouo: bed- divan, chair, footstool, occasional chair, coffee table, $65. Lucas Furni ture. 195 E. Main. 4-2 USED DAVENPORT and chair. 045.00. Lucas Furniture. 195 E. Main. 4-2 INCINERATOR for sale, circulating type. all white enamel. Good condition. F."0". -4888. after 3:30 p.m. 4-2 FIRST shipment for years. Deep Sleep mattress and box spring, made by Simmons. Unit price $79.00, now at Lucas Furniture. 195 E. Main. . 4-7 FOR SALE. 8x16 Newman" matcher, belt driven, ball and roller bearing single profile, feed table, head grinders, Buda 165-h.p. dlesel motor, $22,500 cash or S23.WO terms, can Keuuigton, Med ford 6143. evenings. 4-3 CERTIFIED GEMS. Blue Tag. one year from H. Small foundation stock. Wolff Ranch. Williamson River. Phone 573, Chiloquin. 4-7 FOR SALE, a real buy. wKlte enamel electric range and trash burner. Bendix washer. All for $270. Wolff Ranch, Williamson River. 4-2 FOR SALE, seed rye. Richard Hoefler, Bonanza. OUT OUR WAY WEDNESDAY, April f, 1M7. Psga Nka rV.ic.1laneou ForSlf WE RESILVER old rmrrors, also mak new mirrors. Replace broken window glass. Glass shelves, furniture tups ts order. Kimball s Glass Shop, 537 Wal nut. Phon 7378. aaiuti fOR SALE, YeliowsnvVfa onion aaed. any quantity up to am pounds, 81. la per pound. Grown from well selected bulbs, 1P46 germination, 93 per cant State Agricultural Colleg last. Burns and Bay. Olsthe. Colo. a-a fuller Brushes r. V7"M6nf3AN; aavaa nifaiuuM rWUI kktaw. a.tamts EASTER 8PfcCfAX-"6ifl:b6"Cremi Waves; ju. uiiuvr paarsunai suparvision KLAMATH BEAUTY SCHOOL. Phon 7446. 135 No, Broad St. (next to Fir Hall). (Evenings by appointment.) 4-4, FOR SAUt" ' Sandy F' Dirt Lawn Dirt Building Sand and Gravel Gravel for Driveways HAVE CAT OR BLADE FOR LSVKLINO PHONR 3045 1.143 If ClNDrriS, fERTILIZFrf, faWrHllrt andf nu oiri ror sale. Roy Sohmeck, Ht. 3. Box 1042. Phone 4003. 4-20m ADDING MACHINE Sralculator. Typewriters. Desks. Chairs, Files Pioneer Printing and SUtlontry Co., 124 South 9th St. 4-1 4m STOVKS'REPAIRKBrAiraVa'iTiCTe" parU stocked. Used furniture. Stoves bought. OK Second Hand Store, 2401 80. 6th. . 4-13m 100 SACKrrrrfenchen scedbarleyl grown on dry land; also 20 sacks of clean rye. Jack C. Bradley, HUrfe- brsnd. Ore. 4- LANDSCA PWCeTgrteliaTwMrni trees and shrubs, fruit trees and strawberries. Call us for plana and estimates of planting. W guarantee our trees and shrubs to grow. Lake shore Gardens Nursery. Phon 4286. 4-12M DRlVEWAYraventtlfveredTfonVJ: M. Barnes. 7619. . 3-31m 50 GCADIOXTTsnffuTBS" ' PREPAID FOR 61.00 A rainbow collection of Urge flowered varieties. Young, vigorous blooming six 15'sf buibe that will glorify your garden this summer. . , , S. C, KE1XETT, provllle, 6illf. tSXlt 8 A Gi!"e A NS. "fieavyTriBlQCgaTvaa ized. Just arrived at SUBURBAN LUMBER CO. 4784 So. 6th Phon 7709 . ' . 4-2 FfSiTAXfir'aurpiru anion, with power Uke-oll. c. J. Adams. Lorella. 4-3 FOR SALS, oil circulator and aumef trash burner. Phone 4631. 4-4 FOR SALE, Dodge fully equipped- log truck and Polnter-Wi Harnett trailer. Equipment In A-l condition. Address 1847 Fargo St. Telephone 8793, prefer- . ably afUr 5 p.m. . 4-4 EXCElAjnTswn'dil lertlUxer. prompt delivery. Phon 6746. 42 Miscellaneous Wonted WOULD like to hear from rellabi' man who would Ilk to train In apar tlm to overhaul and Install refrigeration and air conditioning equipment. Should be mechanically Inclined. Wilt not Interfere with your present work. GI approved. For information about thla training, write at once giving name, address, age and your working hours. Utilities Inst., Box 1725, car Hsrald News. - 4-3 WANTED", used side delivery" rafcea.' pr-' ferably Oliver. Turn your .old equip ment Into cash. , . MILLER SEED Jc FEED ' OranUPasa, Ore. : 4-lt WANTED Dead or wort hi ass . a nlm !., Call collect, day or night, for prompt service. Phone 463S or 5323. KLAMATH TALLOW CO. 456tf IG that old co met um petlaxinet or what have you out of th closet and sell ft to Derby's Music Co, It's needed now more than they ever will ogain, 120 N. 7th. Dial 4519. 1B64U WE PAY CASH for usedguns." Bring uiem in tat appraisal, ueu Hardware, 528 Main St 4-9mb WANTED: Used BurUp and Cotton Bags. Any quanuiy. PEOPLES WAREHOUSE 3540tt WANTED TO RENT, small unfurnished . house or apartment; middle-aged couple. Phone 5115. Apt 211. 4-5 WANTED, two good riding "burro or lenneta. lex's uu shop, Happy Camn. Calif. V-4 WANTED TO REfTrtEASE. two or three-bedroom house, furnished or un furnished, up to $60 month. Excellent care of property assured. Phon 7317 oeiween a ana o. or uso alter 3. -a WANT to rent furnished or partly fur- nianea nouse, wunin weeK. vau odw days, ask for John Foster. 4-4 WANTED to rent, apartment or house. to $60,00. Business coupl. Phon 5563. 4-3 44 Livestock and Poultry fX Si PULLORUM controlled Whit Legnoms, New Jiampsaires and R. L Reds. Parraenter and other leading laying and exhibition strain of Reds. Large hens. Urge egg and ' great Uyers. ' Your best buy in chicks. Prompt shipments. Send - card for prices. Magulre Hatchery, 2419 NX Oregon St.. Portland. Or. 4-13 BEAT th high meat prices by raising your own fryers. Your moat profiubl bet la locally hatched "Oregon Bred" chicks, for eggs or meat Broad Breasted Bronx Turkey foul if too. U. S.' Approved: - . : U, S. Pulloruip controlled. OnauON STATE HATCHERY , . .2720 So. 6th Phone 6093 1708 tf WANTED Dead or" worthless" animals. Call collect, night or day. for prompt service. Phone 4685 or 5323. KLAMATH TALLOW CO. 456tf HIGHEST PRICES paid for hogs, veal, lambs and cattle. Johnson Packing Co. Phone 5323 night! 3505. 4-15m FOR SALE, registered Hereford bulls, years old. or herd-improvement qual ity, sons of Good Donald by Donald Domino ith. Also yearlings and 16-month-old calves and range bulls 4$ th Tuielake ranch, Charles Call en dine. 4-3 FOR SALE. 5-gal1.-'Guernsey cow, also saddle horses and ponies. Route 2. Box 444. north of Junction. 4-3 SHETLAND pony stud for service at . your place. Route 2, Box 444, north of Junction. 4-3 FOR SALE, reglsteredDurham buU7rwo years olu. Dan Barry, Merrill, Ore. FOR SALE, saddle horse. Phon 36121 3314tf FOR SALE, few nice colts. George Mar tin's Feed Yard. Phone 3989. 4-3 46 Financial FOR SALE WelT secured contract on In come property for $9100.00 at 6 pay able $100.00- per mo. and interest. Phone 7600. 4-2 48 Jtusineis Opportunities CAFE FOR SALE, going business, on busy street Priced right, A. Stlker. P.O. Box 123. . 4-S By J. R. WILLIAMS