Klamath Man Held In Theft Stint M, Biirkk-y, 4!, KlnnuiU) Indian dracrlbrd by hwlff' of ficer hero Ha "ti mint who would do anything," in hold In lort Inwl on $25,(1110 bond for it pro llmlnury hPitrlng Jnnutiry 27 on tndorul cluirucof brpuklnu Into Grnyi Hlver, Wonli., pout of fice. He wilt li I no be gueattuned In conni't'tton wlitt thrpn men held In ltmburK ita aunixteta of rv. prill u(e-rnu:kiiiK Jobs and pout offl roblwrlon, Hittkley In from Cblloquln and Ik wi'tt known io oiflerra bore, lllii record for the pitut 23 yem ahuwx tlmt ho In n fmir-tlnm toiwr tit Nltttn unit tatt'ial prtttlnn tlitrtt'ii. Ho witH dontoncra to five yenm from Klinniilli county In 1IKI4 for umittult with Intent to rob, mid nuiiln for five venra In mm for btirRlnrlzInK tlir I'ell can ciifo. U. S. Poidiit liimwctur It, O, Sltfldon In Portland auld liitrk. toy win tin ttciiutitnttincc of the trio hold In Ronrburg nftor thoy wore nrrentt'd timt woek ni'itr Coo Buy In un auto containing $(11100, wcnponi nnd burglar tooln. The men are C. O, Jimp umt Anion JonoK, brother", and Floyd Hnrkimm, Thi'y are ticouaed of tooting a Mife (it Gb'ndtile, Ore,, auanrrtrri of two iiifo-broiiklntf ll,a i,i rtillfnrnln ntA ftrit nttmtd In fodornl warrant for robberlc of post office at 7- nkeilde and WcHtport, ' JOVIAL BANDITS POKTLAND, Jan, 22 iPl Two men who joked and drank beer with tavern cuntomern, midclenly polled gun and held up Dely'a tavern !at nliiht, herding the other drinkera Into a rent room before fleeing with J200, Stock Market Shows Upturn NKW YORK, Jn. 23 APi-Th ttoek mrkf rciif(t H first upturn of tftfl in today's tJnn umtr Mi !t3r of tei ntl motor Aftr fnMowtng timrruwty tfrsgulur rmirae In trmJy quit diinc, th InduatriMi lut ncountiJ ft butt (idrry nf tiemfend In tmrly nftornootl. AHNmigH not nit at lit tjvc( wr Hid and immhaf nf iiiuh cvvrt tyd on th ItMfttt !, ot frtUin to mor thn point prdomtntil at th cio, Trfiacon ppruxtmafvd ?uo,OoO hr. Hiitr wr XI, S, ml, , thiHm, Chryaivr. aunral Motor. U, It. ubbr llanta , Ort Northvrn prw(rrU, Chaaapvak Ohio. il. S. Oyptum, t. J. t. t:u. Amriiam mMln, Qan tl attactrte, Waatarn Xtntftn "A" and Air KaducMim. Juhn MfrrH at Co, eiimiwd i mufh a 4 pomta attar a 3-ior-i torit plit propo wu announcatt Latorit ineiudad AtHad Chamtral. WaaUitxhouM and Tanas Co, ftailroad bondt artged ahaad. Wftaat at Ctjirago etoaad ahaad ! a S' nnu a bubl, corn waa down to ui and oau up S to . Cotton nmr tha (mth wa. II 70 to a3 40 a tla hifhtr. Curb advancan war HtimntfMlou, Kiartrtc Band At Share, Ctfla Hervtca, Utddiat Waal i'nri. ainri tftlnM iiU ClMfng miolattona: Amartran Can w,.4. 94 w Am Tal at Tal .,. m Aiuirtmda , Calif twlittfff . .. .. 3B, omminwaailh 4k Suit ,..,, 3 CurtU-Wrifht , , 3, ancrat Motor w.,--.,. as ut Nor y nfd Int Harvaatar : n 4 Kaooacott Montatmary Ward 8? N.h-K-!v .,.,. ., N V Cantral , iu Northern I'arlftc gi Tao (it & Kl 1 C Penney .,.., ,m 44 Xafeway Siore .T..,, 3J, Jtrar ltatiult M Hmttharn Maclffp ..,,, 43 KUntlard Brands ,.i,.,WJ., M tttudabkater 31 StiHthina Mining ....,.... . n tnlon Oil Calif t! tiniflii Pacific ,.,..,.3Bi, t II Utaei ...,",T , 7t Warner I'leUira .. , , , gt4 VITAlTstXflSTiCS . aOTHCHH4.KI.. Born at Kl.m.ih yll.j hoavllal, Kltnulh rll, Or., . 'L"' )f., to Air. ana ftin lc KollnrhlUer. Ury, m boy. Weight: ? pound S (Htnret. fKIWNKV--Hnrn l Kluimlh Vlly ho.piul, Klammlt rail. Ott., Jnury 31, IWT, tn Mr .nd Mr. WlllUm II. Waiffht: a Diwfuii 12.. nunntt WII.I.IA.Md- tt.m HI Kl:nth Vlly hnspMt, KlRmnlli rlj, Or.. Jnury 11. IIMI, to Mr, na Mr. C!iil. rf. f!!tm, ioa Hitkfyou, a boy. Weight; 8 IKtimdt 3 tturH. kUIITH-Born t KUmalh Vlln ho. rlul. Klamatii TalU. Or.. January 21, M7, to Mr. and Mn Krtwln Xurtlt, litis Wordan. lrl. Walgbt: t poundi Courthouse Records Jukitra t' it rt Vernon Char! Walk tin. enceulva tmrk hfight. Fin, $5 3d, Charles Howard Waidon, gxeawivg truck height, rine, 30. Charles Howard Waldon, no PUC per mit, cine, .i.au, buttle Ceart Thomas Itmra Ittaler, truck toad of exrvMive netsnt, rim, a oa. KMtAlwth Lee Howard, no tH? slatas. -Tine, 3.30, J1" uawn, no nunttnf Lowell tttiwart Martin, no hunting II- eciiie. rme, a to. OBITUARIES RH'tlAftD JOKKI'M I'KTTKR Hiclmrrt Jntrnh Vwltor ft fa tit mn rtf Sir. and Mrs. Joseph J. retter of tbi niy, uassca away weimentiav, January 22, 47, at 3 a, rn. The little one was horn In Klamath fall Monday, January 20. and wm a daya old when ceiled, Resftlaa hU parent, he is survived by hi grandparents, Mrs, Kate Beauehnmp of tiervftis, Ore., and Mr. and Mrg. Ilobert Fetter of Portland, Ore. Grave side services wrte held In Klamath memorial parte waonesoav, January aa, IB4T, at 3 p, m. Ward's Klamath runeral Home in charge of arrangements. Jtvnr katiikhink hill Judy Katherine Hill, a resident of numsut reus smre mrtii, pauteo: awitv In this city en Morula v. Januacv m 1B at .1:411 p. m. At the time of her death Judy was 1 1 months and 2H nays, nurvivnig are mr parents, Mr, and Mr. Oeorae W. IfHI- nna Joy, and two brothers, Cieorge Charles and James Vernon Hill, pi! of this cifv; also the grandoarenU, Mr, and Mrs. Hatfield of Ashland, Oregon. The re- mms rest m roe Karl wmtiocK Kunaral Home, Pins at Sixth, Notice of funeral to be Announced Thursday. FUNERAL ri,ARIA MAT roWNLI, Funeral aarvlra, tnr ttia tai flaflaaa May Powull, who pesaed away In this tlty Monday, January JO, will b hold In the chapel o Ward, Klamath Fu neral Home, 923 High, Tlmraday, Jn- ;',T,7 4 ,B" at a p. m. wrnt Rev, Victor Phillip, nl the Ftrat MethodUt church officiating, FHenda ere reanect- fill V invllait in lltanH 1K um,ifl The remain, will be forwarded to 811 yfton. Ore, via Bmilhern I'aclllo, where pia a,,aman eunerai Home will conduct concluding service, and interment KLPfTlAT Export Rumor Boosts Wheat CfflCAflO. - I AIM Wht iBiiad ilv on iha hoard at trade in- itmy wh risrU from WashMiaftm vtiti the cjtrii'itMure (lavartfnaRt w pUn- nint t i)d tip it exsort pri(rm, rly m ware "r - cover hi movement In the braarf erf. Oat advamed wNii wheat but corn ! i. tul.il to lag htUint Hi upturn in other cerasls. Corn wa heht hmk h withdrawal frf leaning Smluatrjf from the cah maraet. wefomgioit reuoris eeo ire rteoarimeHt Was pfenning to ship ,0(XMXKj huaheis of greia aboard by Mmcii 31, t , tI, Wheat ritned tr-i- oil gels ot tU' i!t, afasuarv t2.11- POTATOES Bailit Potato Shipmanta fit Carloadt 1047 1B4H Jan, 2(1, 21 . 4 78 Jim. Ut Date S7 614 Seanon to Data ...,6889 73U .mm: arrival 18i ott traft U, hfpmattU ta awpoifaa modaratf.; praiiicaiJy ti datnaml fur Itatt ltivr roid wMtr; markat dull; Idaho lt act uitiiiK W.4U wahd 3 ; utiwitntfll norm N.h.a.t,. lUit. Triumph ... . .... . 'e.,...t,i ,' flA tatii IE H No, i nuaHtyK LIVESTOCK HflUTM HAH KttANC'fSCO, inn 33 (AIM.'HIJAK Itaiahia rttiia 30, raiv IS; rtcavy to frtMt mrig trur n.c.tpii, ItfHt aupplr nrhy nuiy tit ttxk, mfms-l aw and hifr In rriiJ iU lt; ?w rnmmm rttwa M5tl-IS3H cut tar tut1-Sii wr Wiat ay; (ttdtttin-j(mo wu ajSiXi-i? UO; raivaa tady; bri i niiir fur (Mjd fholca gratlaa; etrfnmim matihiffl alloo-iSOO. , Halaula lta SO; ataadyl lfd 3US lb. barrvwa and ttf 4 Mu, odd Katiama J"" m''J iwnvjr w, Jala ywlly Joad iaStm sod R ib Jamlw 113; J dacha mtwad medium aKMi awa a i; Mfhily aortatl at td.SU, HIcArUI Jan Ti iAP-tfHiJAii- ahia k tft,000, total le.uuu; iw; n 23 SO cant iwer tm ail wiht and mwi! top W 25 iut Vary littJa itraetieal tt of : b aod ehulea ami pfHinrt W 2S- ii vj- sn.ll noufitl. iJ T5-2:i Mi bulk t and ehatca w iyso-30oa; fw IO i3o35; proapart gwd rlaaranca itaiaoia cat'ia wf ..u.. jinn ni fed lUin and yaarMnx including yaartlRf haifara alow. v iR.dmin anil ofl arJ Df- dftmtnaitl tn crii. aairam with bat Hlft at OQ: MM w cradins rhntrr; avaraga medium to nigh t. ,wt hal(ra f IS SO- Moo; row waah io canU iowar; ba( rw van dull; moat baaf cow IHW H rannars and euttara SO-IOTS; hull ataadv. fairly activ at ta 00 dawn; ,Iih ilaiilv si anwn; aiiKM it.arti-- mntlv JS 90-tf 50 Kftlanl haap ea, istai saw: r atnw; aavaral ran not yet yarffad: no aarly aalaa; bidtUng around 35 rant Sowar on iUugniar lamba, gmxi and eholc woolad aiaugbtar Jamba bid 33 00-33 33; odds ana ana 4uhv (wm hld amund it t VMWWNWWvWi'ii ' Waa,a lewawew CLASSIFIED RATES One 4Y 3 day run , 3 day run 4 day run 8 day run Week run ...par word 4 per wtq oc .per word lie pr titt tSc uper wore is , ,IM ,.. pr word 13 . ier word 45c Month run NEW HERALD AND SEWS phone numoer. mn Hew Toiloy RTOf? SHOP. SAVE! AI"PI.E8 ranry Delteittu, Jtmathan. Home. Newtown. Hptu, lb. It liM, tsc; 9itm fancy and fancy Wh litgtmi Winasap and lelici, tb, 13lr; fanry red Oregon tlelteHHi bo 3 48; Jonathans, b 'i If OHANE -J4wt California, inrrtium and amail, lo-ib bag 49c; half srste, ti 39; rrate. KLAMATH VALLEV FRUIT CO, 2333 South tft 81 (Larga white butldtng t aide of street LINK RIVER MOTOns TS MA1K - PHONE 3301 SEE t'R riRMT rOR MORE CASH rOl! YOUR CAR We still pay top prts for good used cart. We also buy equm, FOR SAtX too trades reguirsdi 1SS1 Mmlel A Ford sedan . t tt 1053 OldrnoblIe coupe 333 I8;i4 Olds rtiup meed some work 303 is:tfl fs SiU sadau. A real eiean far 833 IVil Ford '.-tun penal, In gxceltent condttlon . i5 it41 OitUmoblie hydrotnaftc euatom Ctnttser - 1383 IB 43 Plymouth coupe, factory-bultt pickup bo 3313 1-33 roit SALE tatties'' It-iewel gold wrist wetrh and diamond engagement ring, 3696 Eberlein. 1-34 FOR SALE "TwTTdies-winter coats, sire Id; also embroidery work. Phone 3494, 1-32 NF.W BXTTRfES71lfranti-freezr Me chanie on duty, CJCC'S SIGNAL SERV ICE, W Mam, 1-23 0NFINlHEO BREAKFAST TABLJES nd 4 chairs, 18 3U. LUCAS FURKITUR 183 X. Main 1-38 ron SA1JC ' Neat 4 -room furnished home. Immediate possession, 233C Apartment house, 8 units. Duplex for sale or trade. HEARD AGENCY, REALTORS ' 1030 Main Phone 8323 SIlClAC lilCK "on :"verldlnie"wt chrome tahle aod 4 chairs, choice of blue or red, steel top, regular price $03 93, reduced to 3?.30; aluminum table and 4 chairs, regular price Si43.H3, reduced to 400.30; mahogany fable, 4 chairs, regular price 3R5, reduced o S3f,3d, LUCAS FtRNlTURS 199 E. Main 1-34 FOR SALE 1949 Uodgo scdanf radio, beater, good tires, low mileage; kept in very clean condition by private owner, 1358, Call 3483, daya; mm evenings, 334 SPECIAL SAL on flie new HgViiwelght electris Irons, Regular price $9,33, re duced to ga.83. Save gl,00 on these irons at Lucas Furniture, 13 S, Main. J-38 FdlTsXLl!okJsjrand Stewar. Warner refrigerators, olectrlc rstsse. and mis cellaneous household furniture. 1013 Wanttand. 1-33 FOR SALE, ak'la and poTes72r"CalI evenings or Sundays, 33Q Grant St, , 1-33 K AH e H ft S F A RMS ' Stocked and Equipped Prices Very neamns!)Se WMh Terms Also have slock ranches located between Burns and !inlo un Steens Mountain, Please Contact Us for Fetalis EM her Phone or Write Henry Newhouse at T, B. WAITERS. REALTORS 30? So, 7th Phone 41S3 (Evenings and Sundays, phone 504,11 iVT)5TT0 R m SUNDAY, JAN, 38, 13 O'CLOCK NOON SUMMERS .LANS AUCTION MART BRING WHAT YOU HAVE TO SI.LL TO OUR AUCTION COL, SWiGART. Auctioneer !-34 J&itSALE Modern home, close in; two furnaces, gas or wood and coal. Small apartment attached, Full basement, gst rage In basement. Concrete paving. House newly decorated. Cali 886il, after S;0fl, -38 you Aue iiauw, pimhw ?iws. OHtJKff? rirat-ola machaolc on duty, Ct" MttiNAt KRVICJe, ?S Main, KJft MALK Vat'miffT limFt" cyMmiar typa wltlt aMaelitnantc, Vhum mm, t'M 16lt IIALEitijiRiwi iaor3SrPhftn fHfftt. 1-33 rfiti SAMe-Thr-rmm frnihd hmum. Will aall furoiKiaad or u?urfiihad Naif acra, rtirnUhad KtUft. or l?Sfl hi if itrntattatf. Jhm 31 ur 152 WANT!), rfaalar is hand! blgh-Haaa waf istSdSi, AyacHe t,e!hf (iimda, lilti itarrUfm St., AatarHio, Tax. HHVfJ tagging wantad. Has C. Kr, MrrrSISOra, tfwt l1. WAKfSfl, gwjtf Noma fr wbiia Anmr motbar sat( and famgia klttait. Phn lfOlt At - C;ii?w""iiarsdarrf"iypa' wrltar, iita oaw, only ooa yaar old, Call 4fH5 after p.m. 24 " UrftTfMK CiWORTUNiTV Managar wanted its own and operate rout ut lata! type COm-CGNTHfUIU KhiniiH tu lw pUead In motala and hotat In tbi tarritery, xeaptluni imam, i'art or tliH tlma, caH Iovaatioant atart yu; fully eurd, tilva pluma, addraaf, atat If rath la alff, tin mm, rara HcraldNwt, XrMfo!KNCKfagiran wantaij. "Oppw timtty for raai musay. Car isory, J'hona W, C Taar, tT3, nlng, a b ou look ma -Vort 90 ger improvatf farm, axcallant aptid land modern h'u and other building, Wall lurated gpartmen house, iwelv 3-room units, Close In, So, 8th St. frontage lota. Flve-rtmm beautiful suburban ham, bit yard with iiowsrt, abrub and name. rive-room very good houv near bus line In Mill Addition, NELSON REAL ESTATE 1931 So, teth Plume 5te3 3-33 FOH SALE, miners completely fufslshad two-bedroom hus, ciosa to Bu SS school line. 430y. Immediate posses sion 323? Cannon Ave, MOVER back to Klamath Fall, S3? Ala meda. Handle real aetata and insur ance, I Ilk my patrons 3 had in tb past and new ones to call and aa me, Chris ituek. Real Estate Broker, Phone :iaiit 3-28 FOR SAU "-WW 'wttt buy 'my equity in tuvt Dodge. A-t condition. Good rubber, hte(f 2:i4 Martin, 133 WANTED to buy7 late model ear Is excellent etmditloR, Prefer a 1341 of 1943 modal Call 1431 after S p.m. 3-23 WANTED TO St? tlftt POOL TABLE Phone 5814 t-33 FOR' SAI-E SO acks cement at recall prices. lelS Hope St. 3-33 JhHT ARR3VEI5, a few SlmmonViprlng iitltl mattresses, full si, M250, AUo boa springs to match. Twin mattress and box spring, the unit, ?S,9. Lucas Furniture 3B3 E atn, 1-32 FOR SAl-E or trad for pTckupr'SS dslux dn. Write Robert 3tetm, Rf, t, Itoa fits A, or see 13 mffes south on Merrill highway, 1-2 3500 REWARO for mttcTof two-bedroom hou, fumtshed or unfamind. Call ?tf?s and ask for Simpson. 1-34 JlfSf RECt3VED, shipment of gas floor furnaces, gas ranges, oil ctrcuUling heatar. PATTOS f 3.EHMANK PLUJH81NO at HEATING CO. 1401 Esplanade Phone 8633 i-23 " cAuT ?tia ros MOVING STORING CRAT1NO PACK1HC SHIPPING PEOPLES WAREHOUSE 1-32 W'aHTRD, experienced " stenographer, aiso good bookkeeper, pleasant working conditions, good pay for right people. Apply In own handwriting. Write 3S19. care Brid-Nw. 3-33 WANTED, woman for light hmfsekeeptng lhone tt3?4, 232tf FOR SALE Very modrn f lvroom house, Ailtomattc oil heat, hardwood flotra, hot water heater. About half e-f. good K3l. to nw building project off Sunmutf Lane. Immediate po tn 2-i3 Cimtm Ave. 3-33 FOR SA3,K Etuii half acre with three . room hmut Full price tlSOS, S350 down, haianre on terms. Phone 433. ?S3 Freid Ave, '2 cxmn"ttt Very neat little there-room modern home, wtihStt walking distance of buii nea dutrfct. Close to cus Itne ' and stores. Price fiooo wilt handle, FOR SA3E 1 jrga two-bedrooin home In Shasta Dis trict, one-half acre of ground. Large garage and fruit room. Near bus line. Furnished. Only SUBURBAN New ftve-room home fur Gt. Concret foundation, hardwood floors, oil floor furnace, Electric water heater, and ufiliiy room. Garage. One-half acre of good soil, VttUM ADDITION" We have three good buys tn Mills Addi tion. The are all two-bedroom homes in good shape. See Burmn Gray, Salesman with E GRAY. REALTOR, 103! MAIN (Office closed Saturday Phone 3885 (Evenings or Sundays. 3431 or 4380 333 FOR SALK Beautiful fueQUals " frier davenport and chair. Ilk new. Perfect condition. Plume 344L i-24 CHARtK CORSKTiKRE, "jetM,iel-ach. Call 8433 for apptintmeitt, i-33 FOR SALE Four-bedrtom""unflnlhd house on half acre. Shasta Way district. Call sm. 1-23 CLOSE IN "1 wo-bedroom Itbu, newly reconditioned lnide and out. Full price t33ao. $700 down, balance $37,30 monthly. John C, Argctsinger. Salesmen GEO, 3 Kl'NMAN, Broker 821 Commercial Phone Sit;t3 or 8319 any time 1-33 WALNUT DESK for sal, Waterfall sty!, ? drawers, perfect condition, $30. 3638 Derby, Phone 8113. 1-33 tosf QtVt's Buiava wrfsFwatch, black cord band, Saturday night at Armory, Reward. Phone ?334. 1-34 NEt? HOME" Mew 3-room modern home on acre of good soil, fn Shasta district. Concrete foundation, electric water beaten near bus line. Price 83900. SHASTA mSTfttCT We have several partially built homes for sale, with acreage, See llurton Gray, Salesman with E, GRAY, REALTOR, 3031 Main SOffiee closed Saturday) Phon 3S63 iKvenings or Sundays, 3431 or 4M! -1-33 nfN'6IlElSM"TXfrfG DRA1NBOARDS A SPECIALTY Phone 330 3S10tf tosiC-A black,' curly hairF"ng,ih ciwker, male, with "tma Willie" on the license plate. Answers to "Willie," Reward, Rev, F, C, Wissenbach, Phone TAW, 1-S4 foii SAXllfttdallbHfodI 12-D; 300 hours total, perfect condition, never cracked, always hangared. 3435. Call Ruth DurariL BaltiMr Motor Co. St!i30RMAN PROPERW Nearly new 3-room hou and garage on one acre, off Summers Lane, 35-year loan at 4rt can be assumed. Seven-room home on six acre nf good soil, os bus line, good garage and bam, See Wildermnth, with ARTHUR B. EPPERSON, Reatfor 710 Main, Phon 4331 teveninga 8348) 3-33 190 four-door Chevrolet sedan for saiej new tires, good condition. Union Serv ice Station, 11th and Main. 3-33 BEAUTY SAfLdN, lonr eatablUhegosd income, new pQttfptr ent, newly decor ated. Located at Mi, Shasta, Calif, Illness reason for selling. For in- fumiation.phon Merril34433: 1-2T f OR HALE tdlgir black coat wi fur collar, size 13, 143? Johnson, Fhnn 3??4, 3-33 F0r SALS 3936 Ford: sedan," "gsod condi tion, with radia and heater, $493. ?43No. 33 th St, 1-33 FOR "SALE 33 caterpillar tractor and one Case Tumblebuf plow, Phon Tuleiake 4353, 3-24 FOR SALit-No, 3 potatoes too-pmmd sack St .38. Free delivery. Phone b 1-33 STRAYfeD to my rancfe,"'"8 i 3tidTKors8 and one eolt, ? nr ? nn right stifle on one horse. West of Stewart Addition J, W. Wbltellne, Bost 443, Klamath Fails. Owner may have seme by paying for ad and feed bill. 1-34 FOR SALE 33-ft, t rsllr fhmi $mG unfurnished, S4T5 furnlalied, 353S So, 6th, cabin No, 3, See after 8:3S. 3-24 FOR SALE Refrigerator and washing muchine. Call SMS after 4:00. 1-22 JUSf RECgiVgDV ehVpmenf oFges floor furnaces gas rangot cu nruuiatms neater. PATTQN & T-.KHMANN PLUMBING & HEATING CO, 1401 Esplgnade Phone mm FOR SALE tsan PlymofMh deluxe coups, , excellent condition 4312 Crosby, Si. I Framsl Park, Phone fitai. 1-33 VPJIOLSfEW AND ryRNOTsrHOp ! 3H CITY If exeeiient businesa. Net Intom of .. mtiiHti tWM m year. Can be inersd hup malarial are gyaifabig, Prlcetf t 3IMJ0, LUNCH BOOM OH MAIM STREET Doing good business, Eight stt?i. Well tfuipped. God huin for young man and wife, $300$ down. Terms cas be arranged on balance. Contact F, E. Jiggar. wilh M, L JOHNSON, 413 Main Phsn 5333 Nlghtg 30? 1-33 Y6tcAX,t-mi'6ikmomzr6zz so, Tuieiake, 3-3? IfST SECElVE0rbMmni st gas "Hoar mrnmt', gat rang, on sirvuiaiing heaters, FATTON & IJCHMANN PLUMBING a. J3EAT3NS CO, 1403 Esplanade Phong 8fi36 -T i-33 FOR RENT On room, partly fttrnihd. 414 -rs. I 4 mHtHg-fgirpmAmmr wbn yau u PRES-TO-LOGS. Even, st-mt-fr fire for baking or frying. Call your local fuel dealer today, 833.5$ per unit 240 log, stacked In your basement or woodshed, i-33 Stuoeo two-bedroom house, full base ment, automatic oil furnace, automafie hot water, hardwood floors throughout iarg dining doom, living room with ftraplace, breakfast nook with breakfast bar, For sale by owner, Sundays and vning ftr 8, 1833 Esplanade. 1-34 tp4f ' "GOVERNMENT " JOBiT"" Commence I143-C330 month. Men-women, Jbs without strike. Prepare immidl atsly for Orsfon examinations, Vsi get prsfrnc. 33-pag Civil Service Sftok FREE Write today, Sox 137?, ear 33erld-New, 1-22 " ftESTAURA"Nt'PPliiiAMS EQUIPMENT CALL HAP DAVID 3415 So. Sth Phon 333? ,aria.vatatewataa 1 KLAMAT FALLS AERIE No. 2f0ii Rguir meeting every Tuesday night, ?;45 p. m., FOE isH. 9th and Walnut, Visiting members eordlelly SnvtisO. if tSM KLAMATH POST Na. 1, Americas Legion meeta firm and third Tuesday i, 3:90 p. m., Vaterans Memorial Sidg,, 4th and Klamctn, ?t?tf LOIHJE MEETING vry Thursday end initiation the second Thursday, W. C, HOOPER, , Secretary, 1018 Pin wtf to$t and Found STRAYED Cam to Fnlsom Lk Raneb. October, two stunted calve, un moey laceu, red heifer; em black steer, whit face. No brand or mark K. H- rolaom. Ri. 3. Box 8tt3, Klamath Feli 1-3? LOST tdye wrist wstcFT Monday morning, in vicinity or ? Marki Seward, Phone 7033. 1-33 STRAYED, "three calves, two Whiteface, one hifer. Jnon i&n - PerionaU AFFIRM" OR DISPROVE SUSPICIONS . Omfldentlcl tnveatigatisn. Telephone 8P93. Member Associated Americas De- teetiv Agencie. 10 SFVtCt UNOLEaftANOARPETlKtT" Rug Binding Drainbosrd Instailetios J. U CALHOUN 919 Klamalh Ave. PbcneBim THE LETTER SHOP 13;i3 Emorado PHONE; 3?SS or SffJ? MIMEOGRAPHING, AODRESSOGRAPH- trsu na ij.nt-v i aii..,) Mi'LTJGSAPiUNG' i MIMEOfJRAPHtNG PutiiSe Stenographer THE MULTIGiSAPH MIMEOGRAPH 334 N'a th WwBJ ' 1373TF UPHOLSTERING - REPAIRS Spring Reconditioned - Cabinet SuBt Broken Faraltur Bought 3841 ShsiU Way Phsn 453? WPt$AW&xKntii Newest Sanitary Method Sen,-ice at Once B W SHrPHESD Phone t498tf JANlTOS SERVICE Window Cleaning and Floor Wasting CITY BITILDING MAINTENANCE COMPANY Phone S22S 1S9tf RHOADS WINDOW CLEANERS Store- Front a Specialty Come, si Houseclesninc Servlee PliONK 8011 iSSStf GEORGE'S CASLNET SHOP iM F.AST MAIN PHONE ?38t SEPT3TANKS CLEANED A13 Contents Hauled Away Prompt Service ED F. KING Phone tH18 or 333& 3333tf Eocat and I-ong Distance MOVING EADS TRANSFER STORAGE 533 Market St. Phone 8271 I3 ""WaixpapeR paint " Contract Painting and Paperhsnging FREE ESTIMATES MHaLER St SCHORN PAINTS Fiar "Sander Edeer for Rent PATTERSON & SON PAINT STORE 1339 East Mais St. Phon 3324 3-30C Plumbing if EATiNGREPAiif work We can now do your work tor low monthly payments, PATTON St LEHMANN PLUMB1NS c HEATING CO, 1401 Esplanade Pnos 363 338331 LINOLEUM Asphalt, Tile and Carpet Laying, DSA1NRGARDS a specialty. Bl,tS RIDGE LINOLEUM CO. free Estimates Aii Work Guaranteed , P130NE 9339 33?TF FIRAWD1NG and reftnlinhug, NoK man Fraley, Phone S3?3. 4453tt IIRTA1NS LAIINDERE0. Picked up end delivered. Phfsne 1-83 TVt&XR BRUSHES; Clem oser, 343 Martin. Phone 38??, 1-24 CtmTAlNS LAUNDEREbViid stretched. Phone 3?!?, J4ITt STOVES" REPAIRED. All available part stocked, Used furniture. Stoves sought, OK Second Hand Stare, 3401 So, Sth 3-34m bRESATCOGTaiterstiens, Phone 3?33 IfOO Orchard, Davidlna Rogers, 324tf 1a3nTING, tnteriar end exteriofCem toslsg, H. L. grown. Phone 432S, STtf gEiSTBs. evsslsg, 4S6Q ShastaTWay, t-ta tlCPfeitT GUN R35PAIR , N. V, Carlin GUNSMITH 3331 So, StH Phone 443 134STF IRNXCESAeijtiM CLEANED Chimney Swept OH, BtrRNfeR SERVICE , TUFTS FURNACE COMPANY 2323 So, Sth Phone . 138TTF lAlNTlNGrALCmtNfNG, enamTI vmrk. City or country. Satisfaction guaranteed, Frank Janks, Phone 7370, . . - H5tf dOATSl sulti7dressmgking of U ktnde, attsratiasa, priced reasonably. Mrs. Thelms Thompson 3818 Eberlein, 1-34 EE t CTR 0 LUX ALE S and SERVie. Complete overiuttrt of customer's Eteo trolux, Pfeese ?38?, 1132 Main. 4??stf EN5eiTTAlTHir6. iLavlsg, sandisg asd finishing. Free estimate on an Job, Phone S05T. 332tf SAWS, gas engines end llgnt plant, Sales and service, Bodetthamer Repair Shop, s'2 WOMEN'SAtLOSmGTHressBuiBnr alterations, Buttonhole, machine and bound, Kay Salllsger, 333 Mortimer, . i-3i !NdOME"TA3C"ASStSTANCg Kay Sellisger 333 MoHimer WlNi55w CtEANlNG-Homs and com mereial Janitor service. Cleaning and waxing with eiectris machine. JESS iiUBSASD & SON. FhSS ?S?3, I 8-34 iNSllLATlON Don't forget we can in- smae me average nve-room nouse ior about $mm, SimURBAN DUMBER WE are wisfdanyihing w!rffefe, mt my piece or yours, rattxmm omntt very reamahl. Phon ?48. 3-30 " DE WITT "aV hANTZ 1TLOOR CO' Laying, Ssnding and Finishing. 2$4t Kan Street Pton 8?38 or 3-i5 jfw, Drag and Crsaa-suL loos Arthur. Phon ? 3-30 12 Educations. mOHUnmm,' SherthamfrTypIni Kindrad aubjact. office maehin, KLAMATH SUSfNESS COLLEGE, ?3 Pine, Ptujn 4730. 13TJH 14 H Wsitf FemsEc WAKTISD," experienced stenographer But legat work. Wuit time employment at good salary. Writ Box 333, care tferald-Newit 3855if WdMAM'fW "gnirroff work and clerking, Som typing. Apply 33$ So. ?th, J-38 1i Hsi Wciitcd, SEPSESSNTAtllViES-ow 1 the iim & think pf your future. Lifetime con nastlon for capable man. No high' pressure selling Training gives, Klam ath Fall, Kdfstd, Grant Pas aod adjacent tsrrttortss Weekly draw, Futur earning dpnd on results, Interview by appointment Writ L. K, Graham Inimtionl Correspond ence School, 5i H W, Park Street, Portiandg, Or. 3-23 WANTED, ysung manTWio M yeafnToM, 3ntrestd in specialty truck distrib uting itlii work. Anwr, giving rat ranees, age, schooling and fsmiiy circumstances. Must be able io type end undrtnding nf hale bookkeep ing. Writs Box 2747. cars Harald-News, 1-23 WXS EtX xprijseii somBiiiim sticker feeder and set-up man, 83,38 per hour, 3 daya week, fust be able to produce. Writ 3?35, cere Herald New. j-23 WANTED, Tmn for fasFmsvIng Item, money mkr, Exciuslv territory. Contact Mr. Carter at Winems KeteL Thursday p.m, 3-23 WANTEDr3KST-CLASS BODY MAN 1NMAN MOTOR 434 So. Sth 1-23 WANTED, experienced pari man. Earl's A uJo Hf!g jkrfr' 55'! 18 HuoHent WsnHd YOlfNG" MAN needs ;fob undr eti faetory condition, either helper sr what have you? Writs Box 3?S7, car Hrld-Nw. l33 WILL take car of children In my horn at ail timtt, Exceliast reference. Phon s:m. t-33 WOMAN with Syeard daughWr wishe So-kepmg position. Phone 7033. i -23 MAN! 3,-yer-old ex-Glwiih serma- nsvnt jon. tfi xm. i-3j tSmtlSiSGwen St 1-3? 20 Room snd Board ROOM, BOARD In private home. Gn- 3-33 iieman Phone S33t. 22 Heomc Fsr ltfit ROOStS-4.0S i weekr ilen only7"25 Jefferson. . 3-35 FOR RF.Nl?, "famished rsem for !eifne men or wonssn. Phone 4S70. 1-23 FOR RENT, front 3xdroSi,ue of kitchen and dining; room. Phone 54iL i-23 ROOMS -L MoteTHm No SsE 1-3S FOR RENT, twe-room apartment, Htt phone call or children. Metropolitan Hotel, 1-23 2$ Notices Fsr Hent HiGiTitENT?" ttmmmr&umaEffi We Solve, 8ARTKE TRAILER SALES, INC, W Finance, 121 So, $m Phone 5338 1401if FOR RENT On, two and threVroem cabins, some modern, Altamont Auto Court. 3S46 So. 6th. Phon 5834, t-33 FOR RENT famished fafein, weekly rates- Zfgler Cabins block south of Pelican Cliy School. 1-23 28 Miscellaneous JFor Reitf FOR RENT Srrew Jack and hydraulic jacks, Klamath Valley tambsr Co., iS4e So sth. Phone 41. 3S5tf TRUCKS FORRESf--Yoa drive; move yourself, save half. Stile Beacon Serv ice, 1301 East Mais. Phone S304. ' 3-14mb FOR RENT AtmHcanfisoe sender ens edger, Uteat type, dustiest, swift and easy to operate, Klimaih Valley Lum ber Co., 1340 SS. 3th, Phon 433S, 2S54tf 30 Heal Esfafe Fsr Sale SPECIALS TODAY Four room, bath, close in on pavement Term. Price gSSSft Nice location, half acre beat soil, all irrigated, two-twdroom house, frostproof room. Term. Price 450O, Five acre fin land, ail Irrigated, fwe large bedroom, en apartment separate or renting, chicken house, garage, spud) cellar lease for good price each, year. Term. Price 813.323. One acre, ell Irrigated, best of soil, three bedroom souse. Terms. Price See Al Longmire, Salesmen with W. SANGERS, REALTOR 1213 Main Si. Tel, T523 FOR SALE, equipped. Irrigated irrm 4-room house, wired electricity. Team : 3sr s rent m evesce and harness, 3 milk enwe, 1 hull, ? Jii- ' calves, hay derrick, mower, rake, slip, S plows, disc, harrow, others too numerous to lisL Price 58066. Will take house is Klamath Palis to 34Du. For Information write R. Z. Avast, RL 1, Box 133, Vala, Ore. 1-3? Six-room home on pavement with six acres end nice outbuildings, attractive yard, south frost, bus service, city water. Gsly Everett h. usttms. seaitor 121 K. Sth Phon U91 1-27 FOR SALE Five-room house as North Side. Not modern Price Sl6. Smaii down pay ment, 335 per month. See Burton Gray, Salesman with E, GRAY, REATOR 3031 Mais Phase 3SS5 Evenings or Sundays. 3433 or 4680 Office closed Saturdays 1-23 FOR SALE Five-room Souse, aii msders. utititj' room anct garage, Avaitame 10 G3's, 5848 3ndependsnce, 333tf INCOME PROPERTV Two 4-rrwm modern homes and five epartmcnts, ell heated by hot water we3L Good location, close in on Martin St. Yeariv Income approximately 838u Price 310,900, R. P. OLIVER, REALTOR C. R. "Chuck" Bonney. A V, McVey 111 Sa Slh St, Phorsr 4?1S 313Stf OUR BOARDING HOUSE . 5bs mm, udopie x' ecntmVWmn,BMBR( you arb To put w aa sAROErt pgeTWM udicroo Si&eEsr4& a. Soon,' I'm wa8s)imsw HmtpM pkmsreeo sades wxao LARD HAB, fP 1W 6OOS6 BE TTR:Teo 8V VtXje gS P0RS BiS B6A(4 IfTO ;W SOSSY MSPS.- (P Thr-?11-t Ft-V SO TrtCK f . I GESTURE TOWARD gSUCg, .5v1lt-i-frtj SE AtJViSEO H& S' '&i t31 A ("3w PSPSMDS WMS6LF jl X?LY a' REPASTE& A -feSlw .eg 30 Rfi.l isfafa for Sal ' FOB SALE Fmfr-room bam on Uohsm, Garage, Sleeping room in grag. Includes nmw ii nearer ana neeriy sw 3flon?g w4 rang. hot spsmas Lerge mfuimrn home & corn? lot, Ha tnr nesrnnme, iarg living room wttn firapisce, dinatt, nie kUchen, dsn. lull bajtmsni, furnace fyscaiid nn Slab, fnurroom houses Kitchen, living room, two &sd rooms, bathroom without flxiur, Onfr-half acr of excellent land, Pric $300, ST. FRANCIS ST Completely Ium3sn'l modem bom, four room and nook Has niz lawn, shad trsss, gsrsgs, 35000, e 40-acr Jrrlgaisd ranch, SmmU four-room nous. SI mil from tows, 310,000. Owner might consider eome property in trad. n P. ouvya, realtor Or J Hersiey, Al Lonj, C. IL iChacki Bonny. A. V. Meyt Siss 111 Sc. Sth Phone 4710 . ?2S4J? New two-mdfoorn heme, utility zoom, sisctric watar heater and garag. Gs pavemnt, 3arg lot. Near store end &u iin. Thar is ut a little work to as to ftniih this turn MitcheiL Prise 8329$, HEAR UPHAM Three-room modern home In good ehape. Garage, Walkigg distance io tows. Price $3000. IJOQO will handle, BAKOAfN Gjd two-bedmom h$m In Mill Addi tion. Hardwood floors, comblnsiion ie trie end wood range, and oH elreukftlng heater, Gsrsge. Prfe $'7-V), HOT SPRINGS Wa hse two goedi buy in Hot Sprtsgx, The vein i inert. AivTAMONT I5ISTR3CT Tw-bdro5fis hom sn n acre of jwd oll, Greger bam and chicken coop, Iiciric water lank and siscSric rang Issluded, Priced for quick sate t 83&3S, SHASTA DiSTSJCT Two-bedroom horn, Ilk new. Hardwood floor, f Iraplac, window weathar trtpped, sUHiy room, double garage. Beautifully landscaped. Half acr of ground. Price 10.300, e Surtos Gray, Salesman wltlt it. GRAY, REALTOR Office closed Ssiurdsy? 1031 Main Phon 3663 sEvinir.js or Sundays 3431 or hUfa -3C f HAVE BUYERS fbr two and thrC bedroom houses, for city property and suburban property with acreage. Please let m hear from you, Th demand for houamg la H11 gre-4. Now is th time io sell, See Met Erlckaos, Ed Hani?, Salesmen with WESLEY M. SHARPLES, Reaitar US So. llih Pbssa S213 1 1-24 FABSt SPZCIAU te3cre farm, sevett miles out, 9i acres irnmtd. three-bedroom mrsltm home. lsrs feam and eorrel. TM farm a '1-JZ 4- raa price 323.000, Terms, &e Al senmec-, seieaman wits J. t. HOSK3NG. REALTOR 31? Main Phosa 3311 1-23 FGRSALE, two-be room fuflssad house, fireplace, herswood iloors, pert bese- ment. Two Sots, 3?33 Owens, 1-23 LIST YQUS PSOPERTY 'WTTHUS We have buvrs far buanese, farm, city as& tuixifhizt propirty. i.onicj. r. , Jig jar, witn M L. JOHHS0N, 413 Main Phans 3113 NlghU 3m TWO ACRES and 4 acre fee! land, near ctiv. just oil stn on rs;te ron- y term. EVERETT Raltar 121 N. Stb Phss 34M i-ia FOB SiASI Su Syrian home, four rooms. nam, gueet perusss ts rear, dousne gsrsge, chicken louse. 383? She its Way, - SAit FOR SALE by owner, two bouse, both modern, each nee two oedroomi. Price gaoo, 3300O down, bstsnc in paymest. Can be seen at 240 While St. 1-22 FOR SALE 90 ecree, Tulelaket S3 acre ii3ta, is cr pasture. Modem iiv room house, good: bars, potato cellar. swo cmcxen nsueee ems other nuna- Ing. Writ care of Sox 2296. Herald- New, or phone Tuleiake 4534 1-33 - FOR SALE BY tm& Three-bedrocn-j home:, extra large living room, ell lerge-elxe room, full base ment, oil furnace, excellent condition. 3elreble location. Immediate posses sion, Phon days. Evcojnzs phor. 4323. 2751 U FOR SALi 360 acre irm laad. ' Phon 7 $20 aitsrraocra or everunsjj. , lS73tf FOR SALE," 3-rocm 'furniihed 'hous, acre, sew fining sei, bedroom set, oS slov, refrigerator. 32330. 4423 Winter Ave, Phone 3703 or 8580, FOR SALE, two-hedroem modem home, completely furnished, 330O. Would consider car a pert of down payment. Phone 5661 after g p.m. 1-2? FOR SALE Suburban home, four rooms, bath, guest apartment in rear, double garage, chicken houses 333? Shasfe , .- 183tf FOR SALE 4-room modem house for i in Stewart, cempleily ?umUhd with new oil heeter end ierge FHgid aire, price 3300, Sea Goffi? Jons, ltsr 408 Mela. 3-25 FOB SAE. 3-rbpm ho;e end lot, newly rebuilt and rtfmUljed, rssh. fnqtajre Cottage. 2687tf 32 eaf Estate Wanted W A NTZS to rent, farm-106 acre or more, share bests preferred, 5 years ex perience:, ample equipment and refer ences. Writ P.O. Sax Si, Tuleiake, Calif. ' i-? WANTKD o rest, two-bdroom House, 34 Ayfomofive PAINTING BRAKES MOTOR TUNE-UP - SPECIALISTS OAK ST. SERVICE Phase 8685 1-22 FOR SALE, 1S34 Plymouth. New rebuilt motor, good rubher. Phon 8?88. 1-S4 f OS SAE. iS3S Cherrot coupe in good mechanical condition, PrecUcaliy sew motor. 430 If said l once. 1420 Klam ath Ave,, or plume 9 273. 1-23 FOR SALE 1838 Chevrolet two-door Forced to U. Goad motor, radio, heater, good rubber, Zerex antl-frceje, new battery, new brake system. 8445. 3533 Altamont Drive. 1-23 FOR SALE 3838 Far- truck, power sumoer rotter ass tie toed, wtit sett rsii separate. One mile seuih an Worties Road, Home after 4:30 eve ning Box 103, Kens, Ore. 1-23 FOR SAXE 1814 four-door De Soto. $3tKI. Phase 4532 sfter 3 p m. 1-23 FOR SALE 19;?9 ls truck with new ?40 motor, 3-speed Brownie, good rubber. jnciunes a-yars sump tes and 14-rt, iSo. Kichfieid Stattos, Tulelske, Calif. Phone 2433, 2313tf 1941 CHEVHOLET speelel deluxe edoor . sedan Radio, heater, goad tires, and mo lor in excellent condition. Tele phone 803$. evening?. 1-23 FOR SALE 3S3I Chevrolet coupe, new tires, reconditissed. Phone 3193. 1-23 . with , . MAJOR H00PLE RESALfy a NEWS, RiamafS Falls, Or. 34 EXCHANGE ENGINES RECONBrrtONEQ ANO GUARANTEIO MAKE Msitei " A " Fnrn ...,,, INSTALLED 31 "15 il5S 03 313SOS Ism Fmrd -n, S3 HP . tiK-ist ora -St S3 HP . inir,.,. Ja39-tg2: Ford v-g, 83 HP igci0-t043 Mercury V-. SS BP I8?-Eft3 Fsrd tf-S, m BP la.'M Pivmnuth litXH-imt Pi y mouth gsa as 8i38 er 3H3.SS 234-30 32S3.03 31,03 il?3.?S 3?3,?S 1S1,?5 8iS3,?3 Stffl.TS 2Si0.73 1.17-141 DcSoto 1S37 Chrysler Roysl iw.fm i-nerotet mm Chevrolet fKfMfte Chevrolet . s mf) cnevroet ..... ,, l&l Chevreief 1041 Chevrolet By Tork . tS3?-IS3g Pontlae Br gi?-iMU Sidsmshii $m&m l?-iuM GMC Pf?kus 30.33 is:-l542 Siudieoakar Champion 32mi3 FBS ST'he ibc Farmall Trectert 3S3,0O 248 GMC 82S8 Sn OF THK ASfWE L3STTQ EN- SINES IN STOCK AND READV ESS TL'RNED 3Jf OS ESCirANGE ESSEKES WILL 3E SACK TG GU3 TOMER AT BASIC PR1C23. GASANTEE AL1D GN1, WHEN 'NSTAtLES tK ACCORDANCE WITH TlONBv AUTOMOTIVE MACH3NE SHOP "IKE 'IT MIKE Phcoe 3H 303 Brosd St, eswtf IT Will "sy eu "to daTosr AUTO GLASS Install at KiMSALL GLASS SHOP We have e large euppiy si 3uto gas. 52? Walnut Phone 7.T?3 13?tJ SSOTOR RESUfLBING MOTOR TUNE-UP SiVetrt Experlesc ELME5 TRSi'P, HOME GARAGE 218 Old Fort Read Phone 7034 before S 02 or eftsr S:35 p. m. fOn SAI-t Ford 8 pickup. 33f '35 esevrelat master esses, 4460 Third hou sn n$hl side sf Kihway peel Tuleiake Junction. 1-22 FOR SALE or trade, 1838 CMC pickup. T nit red Tire Co., 2252 3& Sirs. Rse 35 Fti( 4fsNsf QueJHy Heeg GILS Call 3313 for sroisst, meiered deHvery of Associated Stove Oil Automata Bursar Otla HALS1GER OIL COMPANY Aiioctaa Dlitntiatsr at$ Spflfsf St tsssf FI REPLACE FUEL, Bum smokeless, siMt PHES-TO- I.OGS is your Sreslece, Drive by Stsndsrd Feed or Mucshy1 Seed Store end get 43 log for t2 00 1-22 STOVE S0 rURNACE OILS ImmadMt -Sail-very Phone 4511 or S34 FSANKFGRG rifEL CGBPAN Pelican City Read 1311tf RED FIR body weed, t8-mS sgth, 413. M per cord dBv?d, 411.50 t the yard or $4.00 lor one iir. Phone BrimmisgrCup Cain, Kens, 143ll FOR" SALi l-3nch"iiao wood, dL'ivr or haul It ywntll. YOUN'GSLOOD S WOO0YARD 3SA Lekeport Blvd. Phone 3344 , -g WSdb Green or dry lack piseV est eny length, Aiso slabs. W, W. Herric-- Phss SU36 3-8 PINS EiOWWQ 33?5TT 35GNE dWY-fS-inch & or pa bod? wood, per cord: 313.00; twa cords or more 312 cord, a-elivered fr any where. Place you? order now. Phone Sin, 1-24 FOR SALE Dry fir hody wsosSV 31150 ser cord delivered. Phone 3512. 1-34 36 MiigeHaneom Wsf Sala FOR SAl-E Unfinished breakfast chairs, three itylcj. Price 54 25, 34 10, 42.43- Lucia ?"umliire, 195 E Main- 1-22 W1L-" SELX OS TSABE ja fi-sed car my equity In new S9T Taylorcreft Deluxe piane. Ceil 7072. 1-23 SRABES cisdermv reB of grey, cellent ior -xiTesraya. psose 48T? or 8SSS, FOR SALE OH clrruiatin. heater, l-4.se leroy, i-i LARGE KAHSWQOD BARRELS far tale. 31.su each, Ftnhrsre Bakery, 1-23 WE now have a few ba thine ta. Lucas Furniture. IS E. Main. 1-22 A S trse sssortmest af unlinlahed ram t? u re. Sreaxtast tasves ana esssra. CbeaU T all 31 sea. Vans as, Beds, twin and full iixe. And tealee, ho-Dk-cases, magazine racks, corner shelves, istcnen seres, snop our wmasw, LUCAS FURNITURE, 1S3 . Main 1-24 FOHSALS OIL STORAGE TANKS Marians sizes In fourteen gauge stceL WESTERN OH & BURNER CO. ' 1343 So, Slh t ? horse 3ST3 FOR SALE New Holland pickup hey eater, ide delivery rake, International power mower, For information write Bos 721. Biy. Oregon. 1-23 KEMTONE AND PAPER BORDERS, complete selection: of colors at SUB UR BAN Ll'iaSR. CO., 4734 So, th St Phone 770G. 1-33 FOR SALE, Cuahisas motor acocter, 1732 Crescent, 1-23 FOB SALE Tss circulating oil heaSers, sn exceiient cona.tion. inspect at 32? Hillside, or phone 438?, 1-22 FOR SALE Dinette set, electric steam room heater. Phase ?41T. 1-23 FOL353KS STEEL SCAFFOLD AND SAWKGSSES sow at Suburban Lumber Co. Phone 77 C9, 1-23 JUST ARRIVED? Beys and gf rfiF" bi cycles, prewar construction, at WEST ERN AUTO SUPPLY CO., 11th and Walnut, 1-33 FOB SALE s bed. complete; library table, mantel etecfrfe clock, electric fan, and Underwood typewriter. 332 Na. 3th. 2316tf FOR SALS Large dresser with, tws laree and two smelt drawers. Nice jjarge mirror. 1736 Ivory. 1-33 FOR SALE Fill riirt, any amount dew Sivered, Phone 3945. 1-27 FOR SALE Cinders end fertilizer. Roy Schmeck, Rt, 3 Sox 1042. Phone 2-ISm FOB SALS Simplex Ironer, fireplace screen, scetyiene weiding sutfit, 24 fseh drum sender. George1 Cabinet Shop, 164 E. Mais, Phone 72S1, 1-23 FOR SALE Hvcy bassets, sfeelTSma, on castors, loading tegs, SK.23, wfi hood $1335, Lucas Furniture, 195 E, Main FOR SALS Fordson tractor, run one seasan, with plenty of attachments. P.O. Bos 8. Macdoet 1-2? LTll.fTY FENCE Bed! green or finished. New ear just arrived SUBtFRSAN VMBEX CO , 8is St. Phase 7'7yS. 47S4 So. 1-23 OUT OUR WAY EACK N1 AAA-"'. - sOJ e TM.i r- - . i V ' 1 n f-rri-i- WKDNRgDAY. J , Pass hia 3 - M lie s a m sy a Fof Sl . FOR en 4ih gayanis4 sis esd flttfe, A5o aath tubs, pfse and flttlsa, Flr4 ssme, lint DAVIS PluUiCBifKGv fl 331 - Kate Pisan ?s j WE RE3HER old mlrmr, ate isak saw mirrors. Replace hrpken wmdtiiw gte, aEae hlv, Itsmltar t?sps t ordr, Ximbsir aaa Sb9p 331 W. nut. Phon 7;ils, g&hi C0HifSycTf3n&ftM SW that home yoj nee4 thii gpring- NOW. ARTKl TRAILER SALJS, INC, We Finsic 33t Es. t& Ph-n 8A 300tf ue ana ssvs, sos2nnarR?? 331 , Maia St. i-34 FuOnmr- 832 So, Slvarld Fhnn 3ig 3-Uma yO W 8 A t J5i3' gummhSg meelfe, ast smeK drUl .?35?: 133 Sae One eficifii rsttssrsflCsia griddle, $106. or.a ?H era walder, 373 amp , on IraUsr, Used sniy .jS hour, SS5. S4&1 Blhn. 1ii BR3EWAriver-agveSr"J. Basses, TSSik l-13?9i ASSlNS AeSTOi.' CeSnfaln, Typewrilar, Qsaks, Chairs, FUss Pioneer Printing and Sutlonery Co , 324 South Sth St, t14Mt NEW -$r iteTnetm-T rawlrirae!ora essppetf wiih new Treseeos swing ersne. Crene and: tractor must together. For informal son, wrii 8r nerd; Se&retda Si. i, Box 43, Murpn. Or. -23 FOR SAttTOsS&g"Wc with eeb L Tsmecuj iro?5t powee control unii ?or buHdostr, Both new, Arcade Hcel, R, C, Psyne, during nay Phone 6222. 33 FWAOWaiirorraiiwrTea?; yaf laed. Csii Orssa Gardsas, 306. 2-23 TanITary special 48-73 Cerpet Sweepere now I7-7S , LUCAS FURNITURE tSS E Msn J-33 FS"SALAff tay ii-'c hay in Phase 3733, 3? 2834 Da U wars Av . 1 3UST ASSIVD, SSmms'fee 'sprlniis, C'-ilt and twin: else, Lce rmture. tSSJE, Main. 3-34 APLANE fofile Xqulty in 394? Tio?ara?t. Phone 702. 1-33 AI L oeiif hardwood frames nSw ?5c, while they leet, Bll Studio nest door is Pisa Tr Thastre, 1-S3 FOR SALE Pracagy""sw Xvanoli nir wi? ?an.4i? Commercial. 123 FOg SALE-sss tremhe3ire'n uses, S1S3 cash, 1-S Owsn 3 1 1-33 NOW ell 31 frames. 30c Ball Studio, set door to Pine Tree Theatre, 1-33 FSR SA. Mc??! 'camera,' "dinri"j is f3 a ssns, jus; arnvsa. issg 9iu;, nxt door to Pine Tree Theatre. 1-23 38 Far Sf ar Trada WILL TRADE egalSy in nl'eftylaane to? 3-c2?aom om ors asjjo nosa. Psos ?!?, 1-23 42 MiscfiIlaauiWafitd WANTESis rest, small modern House, g-rag, permanent ro!Jd3-aga ssupa. No shiidrn. Phone 3444 1-23 WANT to rest as snare, ' 130 "ai'more eeree gram fens, vs own esaapmest Writ a Box 34, Ssraauc River. WANTED, mahogany wosei. Brattons Psfing Co. Phona 33S1, 434? if WASTES tNsd a? " worth! ' enimai. Call coliact, day or algst. ior prompt seryis. Phons 4SS3 or 32. KLAMATH TALLOW CO, 43i3 DIG 'that old srset--?Sae-drls4t ? whet have you cut si ? he ssos? ana sell It to Derby's Musis Co. It s seeded sow mors than they e-ver wiil again. 120 N. flh. Otal 4313. 13654? WE PaV'CASH for U3ed gtana, Srlng - nm in tor spsraisai, -i5 a rtsraware, 323 Mats St. 4-m jSsREWAR13 for rental of 2 or 3-be4- roora hoiiae. Fuimme or u niumanea. -Ceil ioha 0'3rl353 Marwirs s Jeweler. i-33 WANTED so ?a?5t, sna or iwo-bdrocm &su m at Uia Addition: sr. 3 two children. Phon 3S 1-23 WANTED to rent, e fjv?9sm Itouse, needed; hy cJem-ss engineer, wail PeUcan Hotel ios Mr, Geo, L. Brown !ni. evininia, 1-33 fmLTAf CASH ?or your plana. Lota a. Mess ra i?a rncw 3-1439S 44 LiveJtock and Pouitr "special isnm sor cwt(2 ssaza . 7 9 par rr:l add.u.-J eest i-T caals M 3. isa ss. 1743 Te" HOHSIS AND MtftSS Ban 8eM ilia, r M w. ( ?i5?ura 'trs b, est en el. : S.F.I3. So. 3, Base 303. Arcasj, Cllsf. KLAMATH TAIXOW CO. ittli BABY CHICKS: SEARS FAHM STOF.l Kiansatft Av. - 1-31 HAVE 3EOST hztt ar.d MSJ sn iifillaS. - ' - 1-M fOS SAL T.ar Isasae aasd tftr WEAKER WSS li.e. J, Box isi. BIGiasst FMCES iM for Bess, rttf. iumvt came. raeair.i .ar Pr,. 5323, zithu 33C3. . 3-Hni 46 f financial FSB SALE, wa 1 i re d iat orljiia, Sa?, at !r.!.sr?,i. Pay.?.. J . i , isst.reat. mssOr. 78ae. 43 Buiinen Oppartynitiai FOR SA'-L .rrs p.,.-,,-sri sear . A i -: K -d Crs . os mam h:(hy One ; ':'r:e r.r.;,'. ir.a:, ::rcd 1 rd, in 3he vstttey, seed tsose pef year for . t ss.'J. 2 p idi , p-j 1 SaSKBitt v esfr watK jvauabia. OSSOON LAHO CO , 50 I Ba Si. AatOBlA Ore Ptone 333 FOR ? ALE Rsd ; rrpi:- b'j, :.nl itock FC'H SALX U,i car boaineaa, Inquire SSt So. er phaa M ' 3 -33 By J. R, WILLIAMS v 5CME 60i.s.JS C?M -dNf VVCO?o-ED SO ME KIW CilT A UTTLE RELIEF FS0M TH' RAZOR r 5 a ST O0 C" kL. 3-23 KUa PHONE ??S8, , 1-23