Krasnes wnen Motors ice AHOAHD TIIK U8S MT. OLYMfUS AT I.ITTl.K AMKK JCA, Jim. ao ll') (Ui'liiyi'd) It'll lucky for Ciipl. Ciuoi'Ko pufi'k Mini lit. Cmdr. Wnltur M. Udhmhiiih Hint u mivy IT1II. Iiout wim iifiirliy whim tlii'li ldlli'0itt!r crimliud Into Icy jxilm' wulri'g Kuntliiy. Within five iiiIiiui'n .iftiT thu ililp nlruck. tho criilibont craw IukI thu two iihiiiii'il tho nvn iliin tender I'hiu IhIiiiiiI wIiim'v doctor iidinliilKturcd 1 1 in u Inntii. Mi'iutiimii, wlicinc hoinii In In New Oi'lcuiiB, win pilot of the hallcoptcr inul Uiifrk, coinnuin dor of tho t-jiHtiTii timk force In the niivy'i Aiitnrctlc cxpi'dltion, win n piiKNciiKcr, The helicopter phuiued Into the wii lifter ltd ioIoik liecinni: Iced. The criixhhont, coinnniiidcil .by Kiwlim IIciiiiiiii (.' KU-Ki'n of I'erii, III., mid IIoiiIkwiiIiiii Mule lc Liiwrenco II. I'ller Hoover To Make Survey WASHINGTON, Jan. 21 11') Former I'realdent llerlierl Hoo ver him been nuked to tiiulertiike H Ktirvey of food prnblirmit In the Anu-rlciin und Ilrltlnh nmrl of occupied Cicrnmny. Thin win dlncloted today by a ,", war depiirlincnl offlclnl who - nuked thnt bin nuine not he inicd. He mild Mr. Hoover him not yet ; mven bin iinnwer. I'remimiibly the proponid to the 72-yciir-cild former preldont hut the iipprovul of the Brlltnli Kovernment und Pi'enldenl Tru ; Minn nit well u the lilghrat wnr deinrtment offlcliiln concerned with occupiillon pollcleH, Grain Futures Drop Sharply e HK AUO. Jan 31 (A!1- lirnln future . ttetv aharply inWr in tixlav trading . with Mm eaceptioii o( the nearby com contrail. AmiouHi-ement that the rommrtdHr rretlil i'irtilliin was iui f the market ' (trie cattaed than, opening hreabi Hi " Wheal, and the loetes were only parity recovered lit rough rntiinilMlon Itnuis builtm attributed to atern intereale. l.eler advlrva frmn Kansas City that h agency wmild receive bids there (or heal and corn suttjer-t to approval In V a.turtffon had depreaainjr. effect purrhaaea of wheat lr Monday war only au.uuO buahela compared with 13, - auiaou hushele bmia-ht on ttatunUv. - Home trailer Interpreted lliU In moan Dial (he government haa rilled the bulk 4 iu prnt commitment The nearby conlrerla ol com and oat 4 davalopad tha grvaiaat raaiatMtca U tha aalllna nrvaaur thai tha w-aaknaaa In . wheat (MVlnpd: At lha flnliti wheat waa H to 3'r lo war than lia prvviou ioa. January 5 POTATOES Uwa arrival! M; on track IU; total V H ahlomanla Til: unntlat miliar ' niMterata, drntand fair (nr Idaho and " L'olttiarto ttArka. vaty llltt tor othara. Hatting vary Mali! arrtnint n( aru ,r fcaalhar; tdaMi tl Ituttna J tU. .Colorado Had Mrfhir M 15 .1 20. Wli . rnnaln Chlppawaa tl ii unwaahed: North Dakota CobUlar fl.U unwatlird . Courthouse Records .. Marrlai l.lrinta ' HOOK WEIX'tiMAMAM Korra.t Nal " ant) HtM-ktkall. .11, ronatrurtlon wnrkar. Saliva nt Taia Naaldanl at Marrtll. Oia. Wllma lnrralna (iraham. 21. wall- . in nativ ai urvautt. naiaeni or Harrtll, Or, v I'amplalhl rilrd - ami rrtr aivuri-e Liiartf'. nuat aim irt ' tmtnan lr(mrnl I'mlnla marrlad ' AuaiMt M IU.!?, al Hadland. Calif riainiiff aaka cualtKly ol ant mlnrtr rrtlM W I Mtnmr Tniwnunil allnmav for plaintiff ytf, AO and 04) daya probation rttty Max tan. runnlm atop fn. "I", MM Hugh Thnntaa Nrff, drunk driving Mlrhaef t rmtn, drunk on public htffh- av Ten day In Jail Jump, C li' Char la Walter drunk. Fine, Mike Jafk 7.uran. drunk drlvlna rimv io7 ao WtllMJm laltr Eaallick, permllllni linllcenaad minor Irt drive Fine, 31 Willow Nadlite DMart, drunk driving rinn HOT 30 Willow Nadlne lMra, no operator' nrrrie rme, wi, Harold Arthur Sturgeon, no tall light. W ll lard ftheldon ll-le. driving wrong lda of highway, Klne, 3 M VITAL STATISTICS SMITH Horn at Klamath Valley hoa- pnai , niuntain ran, wtc , January iiu, MMT. in Mr, and Mr. Hylveater Smith. Hnrueua ftlVnr. Orn . a elrl. Weiaht: 7 nouiula Il'i nunt-ea , VOVK (lorn al Klamath V it I lev ho pilat, Klamath Kalla. Ore. January 31, l'M7, to Mr. and Mr Jnaeph J Vof I Mi Kultnn, girl, Weight: 0 pound i 7 ' ouncei, l'(ll.UM-n.rn at Klamath Vatlev hoi- pi'l, Klamath Falla. Or. January 30, i"ti, io Mr. ana Mra.. narniu n. uiuim. warden, girl, weignt: 7 pounds j nuncea. OBITUARY ri.Aitf nha MAv ronit.i. C'lnrlaaa May Powell, for thn pant 30 jrnra a reaiciettt OI Kinmnill Mtn. paaaeii awuy In thla rlty Monday. Jiinuary 3. lfl7. at 7::w p. m The decaaarri waa a native or HprlngflHd. Mo., and waa agrd 'IN year. B montha anil 311 day at tha '"no or ner paaaing. nna aiirvived ny two dauihtcra. Mia. (i. A. Unite, and Mra, WlllUin Smith nf KUnmlh rulla: one Htm, C. N. Powell of Porllanri. Ore,: one alalrr, Mra. Cieorgp WlUon of South 'ile. Calif, . one hroflier. O. D, Cotillrr or Angi'lra. calif.; and ik grand 'hlldrpn. The rcmnlna real In Wird Klninnlh Funentl Ilnme, 3, High, where frlenda may cull. Kunrml nrraitgementi will be announced tomorrow. OAI.r ANN VINVAHI1 (Jnle Ann VlnvHrd, Infant riatiithter of Mr. .and Mra, Chralcr V, Chllnquln, Ore., pnHHpd awny at her homo Sunliy, January 111, 1047, nt 2::i0 a. m. Sho waa a native of Hnitnrn, Calif., and wiia ngrd A ninntlm and 1 day at the time of her death. tteNldea her parenla, nhe In aur vlved by grandparent, Mr. ami Mr. H. P. Vlnyard of Honnra. Calif.; and Mr. and Mr. C. M. Jacob of Etlenahurg, wnah. The body waa forwarded to Sonora, Calif,, where funeral aervlcea and Interment will he held under the direction of the Higelow mortuary, Ward Klamnlh funeral home lo charge of arrangement!, FUNERAL 0 BURT HUNnKflAOV BAHNi: TT funeral aervlrea for the late Robert Ttenderaon Ilarnelt, who paaaed away In Ronanta, Ore., nn Monday. January U, will ha held al ihn graveaide, nnnania cemetnry, on Wednrnday, Jan hary 33, 1047, with Rev. William Rogera officiating, Prlenda are reapectfully In vited to attend. Ward'a Klamath funeral noma In charge, ( tJsix acta of HprtnKfluld, 111., wim only lour UmKlhs away. HuMHiiinH, imlng IiIn 1 cr 1 1 an a httttrrlntf nun, mniifiluicl tl io pli'xlliiNi c-ovm'lnu on thn mib niL'i'KiHl cockpit, ilo und Dufok trnwlfd tliroiiiih tlio tup find KiMiinim Will lam Yuunii of Nuw York City, grnhbud them und ihiIIikI them abonrd tho cronli uoul. '"I'liunkN, 1 1 ui t wuter's cold," Du fck nnid. The helicopter Munk, Stock Leaders Slant Down NKW YOHK. Juti, at lAPi A handful of alm'k inaiio a llttft hand way In lu ilav'a markfil alllitiuah laadrr gnnaratly held lo a dnwnwDlu votnaa In one at l he aluweat aeaaluna ut tlx paat year. Ilaaltanry waa lha rul from tha Utl Mr I Inn prnaaura wli larking thintigtioul, iiuwover, with tha tlrkvr tape freiiuanlly dualng. WhMa few piua aign warn maintained at the I'liwn, ItMma (if frnrllona lo a point oi uiura ptpdouilnalftd- Aaaorled "thin" laaura ahowvd vvhltT dlpa an meager li aiiaartlona. Turnover for Dip full pro itiedinga dwindled to around 7MU,uoo almi e, IJelrnll Eillaon routmon hardened at lha luat when lha I'ompany annuuncad a propoaal for a IU per vent eUM'k dividend. Ilomla followed allin groove. Cotton rallied aflar yealarday'i fall and, toward tha flnlah waa up II 4ft to 2 flo hale. At Chlrago wheat ended off lo V c a huahvl. corn 1 to 'o, uau to I'to and hurley wua up o. CI 'lng quota liuiu: Aiiiarlcait Can M U'I'i Am Tel Tal M 171 ' Anaconda J7 t'allf Parking 2't ('iiinmiinwraKh it Sou C'urtla Wrlahl fl'( ieneiai r.taiinr (itinera I Mulura (it Nor My pfd ini narveaier Kennnrolt . . n Montgomery Ward - IMI Nah Kelv 10'a N V Central 10 Northern Pacific in4 I'ae fine V XI 3' J t; Patiney 4.ia Hnfoway Hlorea 31 S Keara Hoehutk ;Wa Hooiharn Pacific 4 1 1 Htandard It rand . 33' HdjilrlMker Hunahlne Mining ,....... II '4 I'nion Oil Calif 31 ' I'nion Pacific - Till'i I! H Hteel 70 Warner Plcturea 10a LIVESTOCK MOl'TI! HAN rilANCINCO, Jan 31 iAP-t'ht)Ai ha I a hi a rattle 50, calve. It), largely fed aiecra and helfrra; ateera weak lo 35 reiHa lower; two r"aTB north ern good 1100 lb fed ateera IUM; load 1151 Un IJfllX). load god B70 11) fed helfria 'i 30. eleady; gKd range cowa 13 3O-1B0U. Monday cuttere Wc-l 00 lower; bulk luon l3&0; tanner MM II no, n tedium aauaaae bulla 14.00 00: ralvea aieady; common medium vealer lift uo-17 00. halahle ho(a JM, ateady; few packages iihhI cholt-e iw-'jMt lb harrowa and gilta Ijhk. iM iao Im. iioo Ao, odd good aowa HI M Salable aheep AOfl, moatly awca: Mon day deck medium-good IK1 lb. wooled lainha tZ.1 SO; ateady; medium-food ewe quoted 7 00-B00. common M.7S. CHICAGO. Jan. 31 (AP-USDAi-Aat-attle hoaa 110OU. total; alow and very uneven; welghla under SAO pounda moatly J.'i renla higher; few tale Ad rente higher: welghla over 3M poumle 31 rent higher, but theae allll not fully eatabllahed and many bida 2M pounda and up only ateadv: top 2i SO. bulk good and choir 1IH-3.VI pound g34.0O 34 3A; XW-3O0 pounda ln 5U-34 00; aowa 3A rente higher; bulk good and choice 3fl no-o33; few 70 M Salable cattle CMO total tUoo: salable ralvva noo. total oO: fed ateera and earllng 3A-M) cents higher: good grade up 'tonal: nut bin g alrlt'tty rhotre here; hiari choice oar knee of vearllna ateera tt'ntt. extreme lop: toad lol lop I11A0 paid for strictly good ateera; also mixed ateera and heifers: avrravr medium to atrtrtly good steer bulked at ata oo 35 00, heifer ateady to 3.1 cent higher: heat I3J 7.1; cowa strong lo U cents higher; bull Heady; vealer ateady to weak at 937 no down; stock cattle steady at 50-17 7ft. Salable sheep 3O0O, Iota) 4000; slaugh ter lamb slow; early sales good and choice native and fed western wooled lantlM ateady lo 3.1 cents lower at 1X1 35-3-1 V). around three load wooled lambs untold, held above 3.133; load atrtrtly good and choice around ItUl lb fed horn Ian. ha with No, 3 pelts 3I 00. slaughter ewes steady; short deck com mon D4 lb averages $7,00; small lota mad' um 17.79; few good to choice native lit 00 LEGAL NOTICES sot nr. or anstai. ri.KtTiopf Noru r is nrnrnv c.wr.s that the Hoard of Supervisor of Poe Valley Roll Cnnaervalton nutrlrl have set Monday, the loth day of February. 1U47, between the hours of seven o'clock P.M. and eleven o'clock P M.. at the Grange Mall In Poe Valley, Oregon, as the time and place for holding the annuel election to elect a atipervUor to succeed the expired term of Vie llrown, notice la alao given that at the same time and place the annual meeting of the land owner and other persons Interested In aatd District will he held. DATED this I4lh day of January. 1047. A. W. SCIIAUPP. Secretary. J 3t-2B V 4 No .104 CLASSIFIED RATES One day 7.7. per worxT,c 3 day run per word He :i day run .per word lie 4 day run .. -..per word inc .1 day run oer word I4 Week run per word tfte Month run ocr word 45o NKW H KHALI) AND NEWS phone number. Rill Ada received by 1:00 p, m. will appear same afternoon In "New Today" column New Today rOR SALE 111:11 Chevrolet coupe, new tires, reconditioned Phone .11B3. 1-33 fiOOD COMMUNITY CJHOCKRV STORE AND SERVICE STATION Near Klamath Kalla on two acres of good land and ,1 -bed room modern home. Store and station nets approximately 9(1000 per year. A good deal for man and wife. Some terms. IN POK VAUKV HO acres, all irrigated and fenced. Good htilldlngn. deep well, presnure pump, last year's crop alfalfa and barley. Priced to sell FIVE MILES FROM CITY CENTER Four miles of paved road, AO acres of fine Irrigated land, fenced and cross fenced. Crop spuds, alfalfa and barley. Good H-bedroom modern house, good bam and outbuildings. Some equipment. Ternta ran he arranged. GARAGE AND MACHINE SHOP tn good community, on paved highway, good equipment. Lot 100-foot front, by 130 fool drrp. Building 4.1xf)0 ft., with living quarters, ,1 bedrooms, large living room, dining room and kitchen, hath, clothes closets, hardwood floor. Approx imately 3(ot) stock. 4000 down. Good terms on balance. N Contact F. E. Jiggar. with M. L. JOHNSON, 413 Main Phone ailli Night 307(1 1-31 WOMAN "for" general office" work'" and clerking. Some typing. Apply 330 So. II l-3 FOR RE"NT"6ne." iwo aiirT" IhrTeroom cabins, some modern. Altmnnut Auto Court. :ifl40 80. oth.Phone flRM, .1-M FOR SALE, Cushrriah motor scooter, 1703 Crescent. .. J -83 Came In Folsom Lake Ranch, October, two stunted calves. One motley faced, red heifer: one black steer, white face. No brnnda or mnrka. H. I, Folaom, lit. 1, nox nun, Kinmntu rniia. l-ar FOR RENT, furnlslied cabin, weekly rates, Zlglar Cabins, block aoulli of I'flUan City Kriiool. 1-33 f()M HALE Used far 'bualneae. Inquire (i:ii Ht. (Ml., or phone llll;t. I M WE aio Weld anything waldableT at rny place or yours, Pot table oimil, very feasonabie, Phone 07411. 3 30 WANTED Janitor work, ull "or" part time, irfiii i;wena ni. IIO0HKKKKPJN0 room"fenr free to woman who will do hoiisei'laanlug two hours dally In apartment house. Phone 11003. Hpoftif FOll HENrriwo room apartment. No phone call or children. Metropolitan Hotel, -33 roll MAI,." l4r'0ldamoblle four-door; radio, heater, new tire, low mileage, A I condition. tKJOO. Cell 36 p m,. 47rtd Helma Ave. m 1 -21 FOR HALE -10.17 Plymouth deluxe coupe, excellent condiiion 4ni3 Crosby, Hi. Kramls Park. Phone (MIX 1-33 WANTED lo buy, ticket for tonight's community concert. Phone 4n.17. 1-31 fOK RENT, furnished rtxim for business limn or woman, Phone 4070. 1-33 rort SALE -'41 Ford o pickup. Irtoo: "M Chevrolet tnaaier coarh, 4W. Third bouse on rlghl shle of Malln Highway paat TulelAka Junfllon, 1-33 OJ.OhK IN, twobedroom"' house, "newly recoridll lotted Inside and out, I7IXKI down balance :f7.H0 monthly. John C Argetalnger, Slinan GEO. U. KUN.MAN, llroker 031 Commercial Phone flti:i3 or t310 any llrne 1-31 llMfl DOlJoR, 1'i-lon stake rack, low mileage, with a new truck guarantee, at . LOMBARD MOTOnS 033 So. eih Phone nt:wi 1-31 ' " FARM SPKCIALI 103-acr farm, seven miles out, MS acres irrigated, threchedroom modern home, large barn and corrals, This farm Is In perfect shape and worth the money. Full price axvoou. Terms, face Al Schtneck. Salesman with J. E, 1IOHKING, HE ALTO It S17 Main Phone 3311 I'" FOR MALE . bed. complete; library table, mantel electric clock, electric fan, and Underwood typewriter. 333 No. Rth 31101 FOR SALE Large '"dreiiser" with two taj-ge and two small drawers, Nice large mirror. 1730 Ivory. 1-33 FOR SALE "l0;wJ Chevrolrtwb-dor Forced to sell. Good motor, radio, heater, good rubber. Zrex antl-freeu, new battery, new brake ay stem. g44ft S.1XI Altamonl Drive. 1"23 HPKCIA1.B TODAY Four rooms, bath, close In on pavement. Terms. Price :WJ30. Nice IfK-atlnn. half acre best svjil, all irrigated, two-bedroom house, frostproof room. Term, ''rice JMftOU, Five acres fine land, all Irrigated, two large Itedrooms, an apartment separate or renting, chicken house, garage, spud cellar leases for good price each year. Term. Price 13.13A. a One acre, all Irrigated, best of soil, three bedroom house. Terms, Price $0100. See Al Lonamlre. Saleaman with J, W. SANDERS. REALTOR 1313 Main St. Tel. 7331 Evening Tel. 734 1-33 PHM, WESSEL. formerly of '337So' 6th. la now with THE OK BARBER SHOP en so. eth 1 31 WANTED, saleaman for feat moving Item, money maker. Exrlualve territory. Contact Mr. Carter at Wlnema Hotel. Thursday p m. 1-23 FOR SALE 111 "H four-door De Soto, UOO. Phone 43it3 after A p m. 1-33 ROOM, BOARD In private home.""Gen tieman. Phone SSiH. 1-33 WANT to renl on shars130 or more arrea grain land. Have own equipment. Write Uox 34, Spragu Htver. 1-3? FOK SAUC-Fill dirt, any amount de livered. Phone 3045 1-37 1U4 1 International long-wheelbase truck, in A-I condition, with a new 4-yard dump body. Will sen with or without dump. LOMBARD MOTORS 321 So. flth Phone 313d 1-21 SUBURBAN Six-room home on pavement with six acres and nice outbuildings, attractive yard, south front, bus service, city water. Only w2.1, EVERETT H DENNIS. Realtor 121 N. eth Phone a (91 J-37 MAN 23. -year-old rt-OI. wthDerms- nent )ob Call 83-14. 1-33 FOR RENT, front bedroom,' Use of kitchen and dining room. Phone Mil. 1-23 FOR 6 ALE Movie camera, Clnemaater, S 37 lens, jual arrived. Bell Studio, next dour to Pin Tree Theatre. 1-33 FOR SAIJ! IMS Ford truck, power lumber roller and flatbed. Will eel) rolls separale. One mile south on Worden Road. Home after 4:30 eve nings Box 103. Keno. Ore. 1-23 FOR SALE, equipped. Irrigated "farm, .17 S acre. 100-foot soft water welt, 4 -room house, wired electricity. Team . and harness. 8 milk oows, 1 bull. 7 calves, hay derrick, mower, rake, slip, 3 plows, disc, harrow, other too numerous to Mat. Price taooo. Will take house In Klamath Fells to 14000. For Information write R. E. Avent. Rt. 1. Box 133. Vale. Ore. 1.27 FOll SALE Cinders and ' fertiliser."" Roy Schtneck. Rt. 3, Box 1042, Phone 4003. 3-lflm FOR n&XLE-Vcrr peach orcKard near Ashland. Ore., on main highway. One of the finest small orchards In the valley, has netted Shooo per year for last two years. No hides., but fine building site. City water available. Price Si 0.000. OREGON LAND CO.. 30 E Main St. Ashland. Ore Phone. 3134ft 1-33 rOH SAL7K--Dry- fr body wood. 12 50 pc record delivered. Phone 8913. 1-34 FOR SALfc Simplex" Ironer, fireplace screen, acetylene welding outfit. 24 Inch drum sender. George's Cabinet Shop, 1114 E. Main. Phone 7301. 1-23 FOR SALE Ivory bassinets, steet frame, on castor, folding legs, tll.23. with hood SKI. 15, Lucas Furniture. IDS E. Main. 1-23 FOR SALE Radio repair" business, stock and tubes, with privilege of renting building. Good location. Phone I3 days. 3333 evenings. 1-23 Available for Immediate Installation NEW ENGINES for your Dodge, Plymouth and Dodge truck at LOMBARD MOTORS 323 So. oth Phone 3i:t6 1-21 FOR SALE 10:ro"lH"ffuck witVnew '40 motor, 3-speed Brownie, good rubber, Include 5-yard dump bed and 14-ft. flatbed. Richfield Station, Tulelake. CaHf. Phone 3431, 3fll3tf 1041 CHEVROLET special deluxe 4-door sedan. ' Radio, heater, good tires, and motor In excellent condition. Tele phone 00.10. evenings. 1-23 FOR SALE, two-bedroom modern""' home, completely furnished. $(i.1O0. Would consider car as part of down payment. PhonejWMll after 0 p.m. 1-27 LOST Lady's "wrist watch", "Monday morning, In - vicinity of Mallor.v'a MarkLReward. Phone 7:. 1-23 WOMAN with 0-year-old" daughter wlshea housekeeping position. Phone 702B. 1-23 fovi SAX'ESuhurban home, 'four rooma, bath, guest apartment tn rear, double garage, chicken house. 3637 Shasta Way. 10B3tf FOR SALE 4-ro6in modern-"" house for sale in Stewart', completely furnished with new oil henter and large Frigid aire, price $3,100. See Gomer Jones, Realtor, 400 Main. 1-25 WANTED to'rent", farhVOO acrea'or more,' share basis preferred. 23 year ex perience, ample equipment and refer ences. Write P.O. Box 04, Tulelake. Calif. .1-27 FOR SALE FordsorT" tractor, fun " one season, with plenty of attachments, P.O. Box 34. MHcdpoL- 1-27 NOTICK Seaaler Broa. have ""purchased the business and equipment of the late II. W, "Fat" Gladttach. The machine shop equipment, togging equipment and certain mixcellaneous Items will be placed nn ante soon. Watch this paper for exact dote, 1-21 WALLPAPER PAiNf Contract Pointing and Paperhanging FREE ESTIMATES MILLER ft SCH OR N PAINTS Flor Sander -- Edgera for Rent PATTERSON A SON PAINT STORE 1230 East Main St. Phone 3324 2-30C 10:i5 FORD coupe, good condition. Radio," heater and defroster. $305. Phone 5730, .. 1-21 WEANEOmoS lor sale. RtrTBox"88L PhoneJI039. 1-27 BABYTWieRsl Every day of the year, Place your orders now. - SEARS FAnM STORE 820 Klnmath Ave. 1-31 UWt'fY FliNCE Red, green or "un finished. New oar Just arrived at SUBURBAN LUMBER CO... 4784 80. flth st, , Phone 7700. , 1-23 MILLS ADDITION Brand new H-rtmm modern home at 3430 Orchard Way, Oil furnace, hardwood floors, dining room, good-sixd bedroom. 97500, OI terms. TERRACES Three-bedroom residence, full concrete basement, oil furnace, otning room, turn- wood floors, VII LAUUHA. flow win handle. WAREHOUSE SITE Corner Oak atid Broad, 112 ft, on Broad, 137 1 ft. on Oak. Railroad spur adjoins. Paved both aides, soooo, $3000 down. CHIl A.OTE at HMITII, ItSMllora HI N, Ulh Photic 4VI4 The Pioneer Agency j-ai FOR KALE, two-te room furnished house, fireplace, narowooo noora, para uaae menl, Two lota. Um Owens, 1-23 kf.mtOne' and Paper borders, complete selection of colors at hihuh BAN LlfMHKIl CO., 47M So. 8th St. Phone 7700. 1-23 FOR SALE Practlrally new Evanoll heater with fan, Mi commercial, i-da ALL beaut Mul hardwood frames, now 7 Ac, while they last, He 11 muaio, next door to Pine Tree Theatre. 1-22 NOW all 0k 10, 3x7 glass frames, 50c. Hen Htudio, next door to ine Tree Theatre. 1-23 YOUNG MANhreds"a" lofriinder' satis factory conditions, either helper or what have you? Write Box 2707, care Herald-News, 1-23 WILL TRADE equity In nice city home ror v-beoroom nome on is. no noao. Pnone 7417. 1-23 FOR SALE -Two 'circulating oirfiesten, In excellent condition. Inspect at 327 Hillside, or phone 4307, 1-22 WANTED io ' rent," iwo-ldroom house, by responsible people willing to pay on year's rent in advance. Phone 7417, 1-33 FOR SALE ntnetU setriilecirle steam riMmi healer. Phone 7417. j J-33 FOLDING STEEL SCAFFOLD' AND SAWIIOflSF.H now et Suburban Lumtr Co. Phone 770U, 1-3.1 FOR QUICK SALE OF THAT PROPERTY LIST IT WITH US HAVE BUYERS WAITING FOR TWO BEUROOM HOMES See Wilderrnulh, with ARTHUR 8 EPPERSON, Realtor 710 Main Phone 4531; evenings 0046 1-31 " HAVING TROUBLE "SELLING? NEAL STEWART AGENCY, REALTOR 013 Klamath Ave. Phone 03A0 1-31 JuSf'ARfttVEO!" 'ByarheTfTrtiiv' bi cycles, prewar construction, al WEST ERN AUTO SUPPLY CO., Hth and Walnut. 1-23 PLASTIC "ARTIFICIAL" EYES! GUAR ANTEED A LIFETIME! Medical dis covery replaces glass eyes!! Eliminate breakuge, discoloration, corrosion. Send description of eye or glass eye as model. Guaranteed fit, Identical match for $38. Approved by medical authori ties. Send no money! Columbia Plastic Laboratories, Room 7, Kirch Bldg.. ai3' Main. Vancouver, Wash, 1-21 "FIREPLACE FUEL Burn smokeless, ash-free PRES-TO-LOGS In your fireplace. Drive by Standard Feed or Murphy's Seed Store and get 40 logs for $2.00. 1-23 INSULATION Don't forge1ecan In sulate the average five-room house for about $80 00. SUBURBAN LUMBER CO PHONE T70B 1-23 1 Meeting Notices ajataT. $0ejej Naomi Shrti p der of the V . of Jeruaalerr aJ .a' lly- Jnr; Naomi Shrine V. D-. Or- 1 wnii snnne em meet Tues- r 31. Mason c PS. Temple, 4IB Klamath Ave, Visiting Sojourners wel come. Chart otu Martin, WHP 1-21 tat KLAMATH FALLS AERIE No. 200(s Regular meeting every Tuesday night, 7:43 p. m.. F.O.E 111. Sth and Walnut. Visiting member cordially Invited, tf KLAMATH POST N0 8. American Legion meeta first and third Tuesdays, 8:00 p. m., Veteran's Memorial Bldg., 4th and Klamath. 471Ttf 2 Lost and Found fiTRAVfefi. three ca lvea7" two White face", on heifer. Phone 7327. 1-23 LOST Approximately eight keys -on ring. Return to Herald-News of flog. Reward. 1-21 Personals ""AFFIRM OR DISPROVE" SUSPICIONS Confidential Investigations. Telephone 8002. Member Associated American De tective Agencies. .2-3 10 x" Service! -XW6L"ruMAN DC A RPETLAYiW Rug Binding Drain board Installations J. L CALHOUN 818 Klamath Ave- Pr,0n"3i5TF HifXETTE tC HOP 1333 Eldorado PHONE 3780 or 58T7 MIMEOGRAPHING. ADDRESSOCRAPH ING and DIRECT MAILING 1372 Tr ' muLtigrAphing it MIMEOGRAPHING Public Stenographer THE MULTIGRAPH At MIMEOGRAPH SHOP 234 No. 8th Ph"7!TTF UP HOLS TE R 1 N GR EPAIRS REFINISH1NG it Springs Reconditioned Cabinet Built Broken Furniture Bought 3941 Shasta Way Phone 4317 SEPTlCANkS "CLEANED Newest Sanitary Method Sen-ice at Once B. V. SHEPHERD - Pnone BB03 1499tf JANITOR SERVICE Window Cleaning and Floor Waxing CITY BUILDING MAINTENANCE COMPANY Phone 9239 199tf R HO ADS WINDOW CLEANERS Store Front a Specialty Complete Housecleanlng Service PHONE 8011 . IBJOtf flE0RG'3CAiNer8.1OI 164 EAST MAIN PHONE 7261 1330tf SEPtfC""fANkS CLEANED AU Contents' Hauled Away Prompt Service ED F. KING Phone 9418 or 3230 1313U? Local and Long Distance MOVING EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE 533 Market St. Phone 0271 DE W ITT A" LA NTZ FLOOR CO Laying. Sanding and Finishing. 2040 Kane Street Phone 8735 or B389 a-is STOVES BEPAIREDTTH available parts stocked. Used furniture. Stoves bought. OK Second Hand Store, 2401 So. 6th 3-14m tHlEfeSMAKlNG, alterations. Phone 6733. HUM) Orchard. Davidina Rogera. 324tf PAINTING, interior "and "exterior" Rem- toning. H. L. Brown. Phone 422R. 87 if DENTISTRY, evtnlruji. 4060 Shasta "Way. a-iu tJiPERP GUN RtPAlR N. V. Carlln uUNSMITH 2221 So. Sth Phone 6442 ' 1346 TF Furnaces VACuuSreLEANEb. Chimneys Swept OIL BURNER SERVICE TUFTS FURNACE COMPANY 2333 So. 6th Phone C395 ' 1367TF pXlNtWeri:XLCfMlNtNC.. e n a m e H work. City or country. Satisfaction guaranteed. Frank Jenks. Phone 7270. noir (5b ATS, suits, dressmaking of all kinds, alterations, priced reasonably. Mr. The I ma Thompson. 2618 Eberleln. 1-24 ELECTROLU jf" SALES and SERVICE. Complete overhaul Of customer's Elc Irolux. Phone 7167. 1132 Main. t 4776tf ENOCrTTCARL F"LOOR C5. staying, sanding and finishing. Free estimate on any lob. Phone 5037. 2B32tf SAWS, gas engines and light plant Sales ana service, uoaennamer Repair emop. 1-24 WOMEN'S TA1 LOR lNGTHressifio iking and alterations, Buttonholes, machine- and bound. Kay Bellinger, 233 Mortimer. 1-31 INCOMETA ASSISTANCE" Kay Bellinger 233 Mortimer 1-31 WfNbOWLKANING-Home and com mercial Janitor service. Clennlnsi and waxing with electrle machine. JESS HUBBARD it SON. Phone 7078. 1-14 3 10 Sorvicet PLUMfliNd-flEATfNfi -REPAiR WORK We can now do your work for low monthly payments. PATTON it LEHMANN PLUMBING It HEATING CO. 1401 Esplanade Phone MM J, HMD f.fMfiLEUtf Asphalt, Til and Carpet Laying. DHA1NEIOAHDH a specialty. BLUE RIDGE LINOLEUM CO. Free Estimates All Work Guaranteed 1.T74TF aII.fNOr"flWMMINOT"Crialniir R o u n d Haws, Drag ana cross-cut. leva Arthur. Phone 0700. 2-20 FLOOR SANDlWoTTndefTnlshfng. Nor man Kraley. Phone 0I7S. 44321f C'UHTAINS LAUNDERED. Picked up and delivered, pnone 4000. 1-22 tuLLER BRUSHES. Clem oyer, 14a6 Martin. Phone 5077. 1-24 CURTAINS l.AUNDEHED"and"stretchd. Phone '3717 1417tf 14 Help Wonted, Female CAR" JtOP wanted, hours 4 p.m. tot p m, Apply Tower Drive-in or can 1-31 WANTEflrePriencdstehogrVphr for legal wora. run ume employment at good salary. Writs Box 2135, care Herald-News. 20.13tf 12 Educational BOOKKEEPING, Shorthand, Typing Kindred subjects, office mar bin, KLAMATH BUSINESS COLLEGE, 733 16 Help Wanted, Male REPRESENTATIVES Now Is th time to think of your future. Lifetime con nection for capable man. No high pressure selling Training given. Klam ath Falls, Medford, Oram Pass and adjacent territories. Weekly draw. Future earnings depend on result. Interview by appointment. Write L. K. Graham International Correspond ence Schools, 319 N W. Park Street, Portland (I, Ore. 1-23 WANTED, young man ,"24 to '32 years old. interested in specialty truck distrib uting sales work. Answer, giving ref erences, age, schooling and family circumstances. Must be able to type and understanding of basic bookkeep ing. Writ Box 2747. care Herald-News. 1-32 W 'Aft'tEV, experienced combination sticker feeder and set-up man, $1.53 per hour, 5 days a week. Must be able to produce. Write 2723, care Herald News. 1-33 WANTEDOhe'"tune-up"mri, one'part man and one mechanic. Earl's Auto Repair, Lakevlew, Ore. TeL 774 !'21 WANTED FIRST-CLASS BODY MAN 1NMAN MOTOR 424 So. 6th 1-23 WaNTEDT "experienced parts man. Earl's Auto Repair, Lakevlew, Oregon, 1-24 CLERKT wanted; Apply Wlllard Hotel." 34Wtf 18 Situation. Wanted WlLLtk" cr of children In my "home at all times. Excellent references. Phone 9303. 1-22 IRONING done In my home. 1694 Port land. 1-21 OSltroHNtEbrrp"tronTsTrb keeping or typing: permanent, experi enced. Phone 0O2. j .21 20 Room ond Board ROOM, board; gentlemen. 1407 Crescent. I -21 22 Room i For Rent FOR RENT Onii housekeeping room. 309 Commercial. 1-31 ROOMS 4 00 Y weekT MerTbnTy7 629 Jefferson. 1-33 ROOMS X-LMoteL" 2;i4No79th7 r-23 26 Houses For Rent HIGlf RENT? HOUSING PROBLEMS? We Solve. HARTKE TRAILER SALES, INC. We Finance. 321 So. 8th Phone 5336 1401tf 28 Miscellaneous For Rent FOR "RENT Screw Jacks andhydrauUc Jacks. Klamath Valley Lumber Co., 1040 So. 6thPhone 4816.. 2555 tf TRUCKS 'FOR RENT You drive: move yourself, save half. Stile Beacon Serv ice, 1201 East Main. Phone 8304. 1-1 4mb LJb R NY Almprican llobr sender ' and easy to operate. Klamath Valley Lum ber Co.. 1940 So. 6th. Phone 4616. 2354U 30 Real Estate For Sale TWO GOOD BUYS Partly furnlnhed 4-room house, modern, in Lenox Addition. $3000. Terms like rent. 9 9 Four Urge lots, with 3 -bed room modern house, in Mills Addition. Priced right for quick sale. a e See Jack Cashln. Salesman with J W. SANDERS, REALTOR Phone 7521, 34B5 1313 Main lj21 FOR SALE, 3:room "furnlahed'House, Mi acre, new dining set, bedroom set, oil stove, refrigerator. $2330. 4423 Winter Ave. Phone 3702 or 0360. GI HOME ' 7 ' Lovely new two-bedroom home tn A I le mon t District, on acre of good soil. Hardwood floors. Automatic oil furnace, electric water heater, utility room, ga rage. See Burton Gray. Salesman with E. GRAY. REALTOR 1021 Main Phone 3665 Evenings or Sundays phone 3421 or 4680 1-21 " FORT AXLE Five-room house on North Side. Not modern. Price $1000. Small down pay ment. $23 per month. See Burton Gray, Salesman with E. GRAY. REALTOR 1031 Main Phone 3G63 Evening or Sundays. 3421 or 4680 lOffice closed Saturday 1-22 FOR "SALE Two-bedroom modern" home with glassed-in back porch, close to Tower Theatre. Reasonable for quick sale. Inquire at Sari's, or phone 6212. 1-21 FOR SALE, 3-room house and lot, newly rebuilt and re finished, $1930 cosh. Inquire 5306 Cottage. 2667tf FOR SALE, twocar garage' and chicken house, to move off: property. 4341 Sa6th. 1-21 FOR SALE Three-room house to be moved, $1000. Mack Johnson, Star Route,Malin,Oregon. 1-31 FOR SALE Five-room house, all modern, utility room and garage. Available to Gl's. 3649 Independence. 2301tf 'INCOME PROPERTY; " Two 4-room modern homes and five apartments, all heated by hot water well. Good location, close In on Martin St. Yearly income approximately $3800' Price $19,000. R. P. OLIVER, REALTOR C. R. "Chuck" Bonney. A V. McVey, Salesmen 111 So. Sth St. Phone 4710 2129tf OUR BOARDING HOUSE . E6A.D, PIKE.' t KNOW THNT OO EMER HEAR ABOUT TH jl I . DAT PROVE MULES Y VES, BUT - WELL USEOTO 6MAP A.T rAV " I SCOTCHMftKl VJHOUSEDTO GOT MO' BRAINS DAN ) I SHE'S STUCK, I HEEUS AMD LOOK. HE'S SHOW- jfa, ST0TTER, M A30R ? HB A HOSS--SHE SENSE .,: TOO-- S IMS "WE WHITE FEATHER- ' P CURED HIMSELF VOITH V PAT was nothiN') VW WORD BRUCE INDEED MAS OME LOMS DISTANCE -W QUICKSAND 1 .iu 1HE PR0UO BLOOD OF HIS MAM6- Bl CALL TO LIVERPOOL. - H CId IV lO lgeag ; HEARTWATGKGfi f$m0rM)-mxm I THE LOCKSTEP" Lf.'.,.l..w 30 Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE Four-room home on Upham. Garage. Sleeping room In garage. $3000, Includes new oil heater and nearly new Montag wood rang. HOT SPRINGS (arge modern home on corner lot, has three bedrooms, large living room with fireplace, dinette, nice kitchen, den, full basement, oil furnace located on Blsbee, four-room house. Kitchen, living room, two bedrooms, bathroom without fixtures. One-half acre of excellent lanu. Price $2600. ST. FRANCIS ST Completely furnished modern home, four rooms and nook. Has nice lawn, shade Irees, garage. $300", a s 9 40-acre Irrigated ranch. Small four-room house. Six miles from town. 10. 000. Owner might consider some property In trade. R P. OLIVER, REALTOR Or Joe Horn ley, Al Long. C, R, (Chuck! Bonney. A. V. McVey, Salesmen 111 So. lib Phone 4710 221411 MILLS ADDITION New two-bedroom home, utility room, electric water heater and garage. On f lavement, large lot. Near store and bus Ine. There is Just a little work to do to finish this. IH20 Mitchell. Price $3330. NEAR UPHAM Three-room modern home In good shape. Garage. Walking distance to town. Price gjouo, glow win nandie. RA Ul'.AlH Good two-bedroom home In Mills Addi tion. Hardwood floors, combination elec tric and wood range, and oil circulating heater. Garage. Price 8730. HOT SPRINGS We have two good buys In Hot Springs. The value la there. ALTAMONT DISTRICT Two-bedroom home on one acre of good uarage. Darn and cnicxen coop. Electric water tank and electric range Included. Priced for quick sale at $3030. SHASTA DISTRICT Two-bedroom home, like new. Hardwood floors, fireplace, windows weather- stripped, utility room, double garage. Heautiruuy landscaped. Hail acre 01 ground. Price $10,600. See Burton Gray, Salesman with Z. GRAY. REALTOR (Office closed Saturday) 1031 Main Phone 3663 (Evening or Sundays 3421 or 4660' 1-30 ONE of the best bargains in Klamath Baaln, 160 acres. 80 acre Irrigated, very deep soil, no alkali, brand new 7-room modern house on concrete foundation, never lived in. Chicken house, pressure pump and pump house, deep well and so forth. Good roads, schools bus and mall route pas door. $16,000, half cash. Look this over a it la for a short time only. T. W. JONES, BROKER Merrill, Ore. (Three doors west of Post Office Phone 3704 Open evenings and Sundays r 1-21 REOPENING! NELSON REAL ESTATE 1931 SO. 6TH ST. RUTH NELSON. BROKER LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH VS. WE WILL REALLY TRY AND SELL IT. 1-8 .""HAVE B"UYERS?or two and three bedroom houses, for city property and suburban property with acreage. Please let me hear from you. The demand for housing Is still great Now Is th time to sell. See Mel E rick ion. Ed Hanjy, Salesmen with WESLEY M. SHARPLES, Realtor 116 So. 11th Phone 9216 1-24 FOR SALE AND IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Four-room home, partly furnished, $2250. a One nice two-bedroom and one three bedroom home. BEARD AGENCY, Realtor 1020 Main Phone 6323 1-21 UST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US We have buyers for business, farms, city and suburban property. Contact F. E Jiggar, with M. L. JOHNSON, 412 Main Phone 8113 Nights 3076 ' 1-31 FOR SALE Half acre. 3 rooms, bath, electric water heater, new electric range, refrigerator, living, dining, bed room set. Unfurnished $3230; furnished $4000. 5242 Miller Ave. Phone 9516. . -v. H ... 1-21 TWO ACRES and 4 acre bestTand, near city, just off 6th on Patterson. Easy terms. EVERETT DENNIS. Realtor 121 N. Sth ' Phone 8491 7 2-10 FOR SALE Suburban Home, four rooms, bath, guest aparunent in rear, double garage, chicken house. 3637 Shasta Way. fwtl FOR ' SALEV'by" owner, two houses, both modern, each has two bedrooms. Price $6300. $3000 down, balance In payments. Can be seen at 2440 White St. 1-32 FOR SALE 80 acres, Tulelake: 65 acre alfalfa. 10 acres pasture. Modern five room house, good barn, potato cellar, two chicken houses and other build ings. Write care of Box 2296. Herald- News, or phone Tulelake 4164 1-23 FORSALEBY OW'NER Three-bedroom home, extra large living room, all large-size rooms, tuU base ment, oil furnace, excetlent condition. Desirable location. Immediate posses sion. Phone 3660 days. Evening phone 4523; i 2761tf FOR SALE 160 acres ' of farm lantL Phone 7620 afternoons or evenings. 1673U COMPLETELY furnished modern home . 6 year old, 2 bedrooms, hardwood floors throughout Included, electric range,, refrigerator. All furniture like new. Price $10,000. 1629 Portland. Phone 6828. 1-21 34 Automotive FOR SALE 130 horsepower Chrysler dlesel engine with truck transmission, $350. WEST HITCHCOCK CORP. 677 So. 7th Phone 7771 1-21 FOR SALE. 1946 CMC tractor, 308 motor. 24 ft., semi flatbed, stake rack and demountable rolls. 7000 miles. Phone 9316. 1-21 FOR SALE 1934 V4I truck with 1045 Mercury motor. Good condition. $700, or will trade on a house. See Lewis Walla, 4100 Washburn Way, cabin 12. 1-21 FOR SALE, 1934 Plymouth. New rebuilt motor, good rubber. Phone 8780. 1-24 FOR SALE 1941 deluxe Old mobile, bullet type, body, new overhaul job, new paint job. upholstery A-l condl- tion. Phone 32Maftcr 7. 1-21 FOR SALE 1940" FordTudbr,"good condl tlon. new tire, newly painted. Part payment rcaulred. Phone 6677, day- thiiesMrsSelf. . 1-21 FOR SALE or trade. 1038 CMC pickup. Trutred Tire Co., 2232 So. 6th. Phone 6060. 1 -29 FOR SALE, 1936 Chevrolet coupe, in good mechanical condition. Practically new motor. $430 if sold at once. 1420 Klam ath Ave., or phone 9278. 1-25 . with . . MAJOR H00PLE HERALD h NEWS, Klamale. Falls. Or. 34 Automotive EXCHANGE ENGINES, RECONDITIONED AND GUARANTEED MAKE Model "A" Fore INSTALLED $123.03 $138.33 $1,10.03 ,ir, $138.03 $1.18.03 $138 05 Model B Ford lOXVlonO Ford V-8, 83 HP 10:i7 Ford V-, A3 HP 10.IB Ford V-8. 83 HP lli.tft-1043 Ford V-8. 83 HP If):tf)-I043 Mercury V-B, 93 HP 1937-10:19 Ford V-8. 60 HP 1034 Plymoulh 1033-1041 Plymouth 1033-1041 Dodge 10.17-1041 DeSoto 1037 Chrysler Royal ... 10:14 Chevrolet 10,'jfl Chevrolet 1037-10,10 Chevrolet . - , . $173.20 $136.47 $333.33 $233.33 $334.30 $2113.03 $263.03 $172,73 $173.75 $181.73 $1R1.73 $181.73 $200.73 $201.60 $306.30 $280.53 $310.15 $413.00 $308.00 11140 cnevrolet 1041 Chevrolet 1041 Chevrolet Hv Tork 1937.1038 Pont lac 1037-1041 Oldsmohlle . 1037.1041 CMC Pickup 1030-1043 Studebaker Champion FBB 370 1 1!C iFarmall Tractor) 248 CMC . 8.1" OF THE ABOVE LISTED EN GINES IN STOCK AND READY FOR DELIVERY BROKEN OR DEFECTIVE PARTS TURNED IN ON EXCHANGE ENGINES WILL BE CHARGED BACK TO CUS TOMER AT BASIC PRICES. GUARANTEE VALID ONLY WHEN INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDA TIONS. . AUTOMOTIVE MACHINE SHOP "IKE 'N' MIKE Phone 3314 305 Broad St. eowtf ROSEMOTO R "(JO. Batteries Genuine chomium hub caps Oil filter cartridges for all type of filters " Truck and passenger tires Electric defroster fan Fog light Motors for CMC's and Pontiaca Electric senders ROSE MOTOR CO. 4th and Klamath Phone 6164 J 1-21 It WlliHPaTYou to Gel Your AUTO GLASS In tailed at KIMBALL CLASS SHOP We have a large supply of auto glass. 327 Walnut Phone 7378 1307 tf Fainting" BRAKES MOTOR TUNE-UP SPECIALISTS OAK ST. SERVICE Phone 9083 1-22 MOTOR REBUILDING MOTOR TUNE-UP 25 Years' Experience ELMER TRIPP, HOME GARAGE' 216 Old Fort Road Phone 7034 before 8:00 or after 5:30 p. m, 1321tf FOR SALE 1937 Packard 0 sedarT, $600. House No. 4. Pelican City. Phone 3749. 1-24 FOR SALE -1936 Chevrolet; heaterrradio," good rubber. 3533 AlUmont Drive. 1-21 35 Fuel Heo ting Quality Heating OILS Call 3313 for prompt, metered delivery of 1 Associated Stove Oils Automatic Burner. Oils . BALSIGER OIL COMPANY Associated Distributor 865 Spring St STOVE AND FURNACE OIL? Immediate Delivery Phone 4311 or 9340 FRANKFORD FUEL COMPANY Pelican City Road 131 ltf RED FIR body wood. 16-inch length, . SL3 30 per cord delivered. $11.00 at the yard or $4.00 for one tier. Phone Brimming Cup Cafe, Keno. 1426tf FOR SALE 16-incH stab wood, delivered or haul it yourself. YOUNGBLOOD'S WOODYARD 96SA Lakcport Blvd. Phone 3244 2-6 IT YOU AWSHORTnNTORAE SPACE burn PRES-TO-LOGS. the compact, yet economical fuel available at tha Weyer haeuser Mill for $9.00 per unit: ISO logs for $7.3fA 60 log. $2.30. 1-21 WOOD Green or dry jack pine, cut any length. Also slab. W. W. Herrlck. Phone 8036 2-6 PINE BODY WOODTTPhon tHOft 2376TF BONE DRY 16-lnch fir or pine body wood, per cord $13.00: two cord . or more $iz coro. Delivered free any where. Place your order now. Phone 3727. 1-24 FOR " SALU Wood and coal circulating heater, in good condition, $20. Phone tHOB, or uernng. i-ai FREE Wood for cutting. 4341 So. 6th. 1-21 focelloneous For Sale FOR SALE Unfinished breakfast chairs, three styles. Price $4.13, $4 10, $2.43. Lucas Furniture, 193 E.Maln. 1-22 WILL SELL OR TRAD& for gbbdlnd car my equity in new 1947 Taylorcraft Deluxe plane. CaU 7072. 1-25 GRADED cinders, red or greyj 'excellent for driveway. Phone 4677 or 8859. eiutrti FOR SALE-30 or 7-nim. caitber German Luger. Price $30. 1610 Hope. 1-21 FOR SALE Combination electric stove a nd trash burner. $150. 903 Owen. 1-21 FOR SALE Ketvinator, coffee table, dinette set, secretary desk, bedroom set and household furnishings. Very rea sonable. 230 So. 11th St, Apt 103. ; 1-31 FOR SALE Oil ci nasi a ting heater, like - "ew. 1436 Derby. 1-23 WILL make home recordings' of "you or your children . on our Ptailco home recorder. Phone 8074. 1-21 GENERAL ELECTRIC refrigerator for sale, old model, in good condition; also bird cage and stand. Phone 8766. 2745 Homedale 1-21 LARGE HARDWOOD BARRELS for sale, each. Fluhrer's Bakery. 1-22 WE now have a fewbathineta. ' Lucas Furniture, 195 E. Main. 1-22 A VERY large assortment of unfinished furniture. Breakfast tables and chairs. Chests of all sizes. Vanities. Beds, twin and full sizes. And tables, book cases, magazine racks, corner shelves, kitchen safes. Shop our window, LUCAS FURNITURE, 193 E. Main 1-34 for" Sale OIL STORAGE TANKS Various sizes In fourteen gauge steel. WESTERN OIL & BURNER CO. 1845 So. 6th Phone 3673 1-23 FOR SALE Steel wheelbarrow, rubber tired. $20; man's bicycle, $20; large pressure cooker, $12.30; large aluminum roaster, $3.50; large Dutch oven, $2.50. Home canned fruits, vegetables and pickles. Other miscellaneous articles. 3201 Walton Drive. Phone 8783. 1-21 FOR SALE New Holland pickup hay baler, side delivery rake, International power mower. For Information write ?ox 721 1-v- 5?8n 1-23 FOR SALE Philco radio. -831 Last St. 1-21 OUT OUR WAY TUMP AT, Jan. $.1, l4l. teg Seven 36M(scelaneousForSolf FOR SALE-', and -lnch gaivanla4 pipe and fitting. Also bath tube, soil pip and fittings. First eonie iiitl served. DAVIS PLUMBING CO. 337 E. Main Phone 7fl!H 2u33tf FOR RESTAURANT flUPPUM Call HAP DAVID 3415 So. 8th Fhont 5337 k $ WrTOtSlCVaiR"' old nTfrT6r.riIscrniake . new mirror. Replace broken window glass. Glass shelves, furniture tope te order. Kimball's Glass Shop, 327 Wal nut. Phone 7378. 4803tt CONfiTRfJCTTOW MEN'" " BUY that home you need this sprint NOW. HARTKE TRAILER SALES, INC. W Finance 321 So. eth Phone 8.1341 14O0II QUALITY OYS ifvryiowcost. See us and save, Bodenhamer, 351 B Main St. 1-24 , FULLER 8RUSHES-R. V. MORGAN 332 80. Riverside Phone 2348 v a-l4mt SToVTTOITfiXLl Circulating wood heater, mahogany finish, used one winter, $30 Phone -Ml-2l FOR SALErhew gumming mchln',"ats small drill press, looq Arthur. J -21 SPECfAiT JANUARY PRICES brT"cocoe door mats. Different sues from small to large. LUCAS FURNITURE. 188 E. Main. 1-21 FOR iALMS One electrle' reatauranrifze griddle, $100; one P 4k K ere welder, 373 amp., on trailer. Used only M hours. $900. 2401 Biehn. ' 711tf BRiVEwrAYnveTlivtred. Phone 3. Barnes. 7639. I-18m ADDING " M'A C lTl N E S. Calculators. Typewnters, uesxs, cnatra, Flies Pioneer Printing and Stationery Co , 124 South Oth St. 2-14M NEW T-9 Interna ifonaTrawirlr actor, equippea wnn new rraexson awing crane. Crane and tractor must go together. For Information, write Ber nard Sakraida, Rt 1, Box 43, Murphy, Ore. 1-32 5r SAXKTITysTeTTggrnTWInch wnn caoie ie rourneau front power control unit for bulldozer. Both new. Arcade Hotel. R, C. Payne, during dajrs Phone 8222. 1-23 FOR SAXEWen'rottedeTtlTize yard load. Call Green Gardens, 5063. 1-23 JANUARY SPECIAL 887S Carpet Sweepers now $7.78 LUCAS FURNITURE 1 193 E. Main 1-22 FOR" SALE Alfalfa hay and oat'hay in stacK., rnone 8733, or 0964 Delaware Ave. 1-24 JXJST ARRIVED, Simmon bed springs. iuii ana twin size, iuc rurmiurc, 103 E. Main. 1-34 FOR QUICK SALE, 400 eight months old new nam pan ire na puiiets eno aw N.H.R. roosters. These are blood tested and bended stock. Also 400 red fry em, 2'a to 4 lbs. Take one or all. ROGERS POULTRY FARM, 34 milea east of -Olene on Lakeview Highway. 1-21 FOR"ALi-;7 range' witTf "ihclneVstor7 gaa neater, Doy bed with inner spring mattress and matching wardrobe chast; spray gun and electric compressor. 2109 Radcllffe. 1-31 AJSpLaN Efor sale. Equity In 1 947 Taylorcraft Phone 7072. 1-23 F"i&RALEonn trombone, never been used, $183 cash. U46 Owen st 1-23) 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WANTEfito rent, "small modern house. garage, permanent middie-agea eoupie. no children, pnone 6444. l-zz WANTED." mahouny wood. Brattona' Packing Co. Phone 3301. 4647 WANTED Dead or worthies animals. call collect, day or night, for prompt service. Phone 4636 or 3323. KLAMATH TALLOW CO. 4Mtf Did that old cornet-trumpet-clarfnei of what have you out of the closet and sell it to Derby' Music Co. It's needed now more than they ever will again. 130 N. Ttn. Dial 4319. 1SQ-4U WE PAY CASH for used gun. Bring mem in tor apprauuu. bw i oarawart, . 328 Main St 44ms S30REWAr2 for rental of 2 or 3-bad-room house. Furnished or unfurnished. Call John O'Brien, Harwln'a Jeweler. 1-aa WANTED to rent, one or two-bedroom house In Mill Addition: couple and two children. Phone 5683. 1-S WANTlED to ' rent, a five-room house," . needed by reclamation engineer. Call . , Pelican- flotel for Mr. Geo. L. Brawn In g. evening. 1 1-23 COUPLE desires furnished apartment in residential district, preferably. Net children or pet. Call 463X 1-21 WANTED to rent, two-bedroom ' house. Call B33Q. l-ZI WILL PAY CAStf for Tour piano. Lout R. Mann Piano Co., 120 N. 7th. Phono 7183 3-14n 44 Livestock and Poultry TfstOKAUelON! WEDNESDAY. JAN. 23. 1 P. M, -130 head feeder pig and fat hog, and 300 heed of cattle, Includiruj a good run of fat stock. - Last week'e consignor sold 319 heed of stock here, with good grade bring ing exceptionally high price. Our buyers want your cattle. Brine them to the Wednesday Auction and receive the .best possible prices. KLAMATH LIVESTOCK COMMISSION CO. GUECK BROTHERS Midland Road Phone 3974 Auctioneer, R. JC "BOB" RHODES SPECIAL OFFER $1.00 per 100 discount on any order for chicks booked during January. 4 per cent additional discount for cash with order. OREGON STATE HATCHERY 2720 So. 6th St 1743 TF HORSES AND-MULES Will buy any number of horses or mules you have to sell, broken or un broken. Write or phone GEORGE MARTIN Hail Hotel 4123, Feed lot 598$. 2-13 REGISTEREbTiEREFORD bulls and heifers. Excellent bloodline. Pictures will be sent on request ALFRED REIMANN R.F.D. No. 2, Box 303. Areata, Calif. 'Near Clam Beacht 1-28 WANTED Dead or worthless animal. Call collect, night or day, for prompt service. Phone 4685 or 3323. KLAMATH TALLOW CO. 436tf HAVE your hog and beef cusTom killed. We will pick up and deliver It to you. Call Mallory's "Y" Market. Phone 4620.. 1-23 TOR' SALE Teara of horses and three -2-year-old colts. Malln, Ore., Box 656. . - 1 i-aa HIGHEST! PRICES paid for hogs, veal, lambs and cattle. Johnson Packing Co Phone 5323, nights 3305. 2-14m 46 Financial FOR SALE, well ..cured first mortgage, ,9300. It 8'. Interest Payable 1100, - plua Interest, monthly. Phon, 7600. i-aa WILLIAMS By J. R.