InThft Bay's Bern ' (Contlnuril From PKe One) . linn we liuve even- known bu fore, ' vf. l...- I 1 l. n. W Mil mniiiiiuii hiiu tcr (uiil)bllnx 1 1 lit t liuve held tu buck. I'rcMldvnl Tniniun'ii uiiilt'iilluii Hint wp cjult flulit Jug uiiKiiiK oinii'lvi'i unci bi'Kln to COOl'KHATE l mi excul lonl one. Dorris Man Held On Bail Henry Lyl Curiiiry, Dorrta, 41-ymir-old Sum ui'iitln parolee, cxcri'liwd Hie iirlvllfKo of Chung lull hi mind SnUirdoy unci i still held In tho county Jill undur $1300 bull. Ciednry, churned with muuiult, armed with dunueroim wi-uptm, In n allrged rohliary ultuiiiit ul filling (tallon Inut Frldny. hud waived preliminary hearing und lirnnd Jury liullclmriit und wikrel to be tukcn directly ylnto circuit court for uentence. Hut when he cunie into court . Mouduy morning he chunked lila : inlnil, unkcd tor lawyer and '1lme to coimlder hl plight, lit ' wm Kent buck to Jail. Harry Williams' Death Reported Hurry Wllllniiw, renldent of ' Klmnulh Knlla for the past 18 yeum, died curly this morning. Williams hud been 111 for dome time und wu admitted to Mill Ide hoioltal Mint time before C'lirlxlmm, but wuii releuned be fore ChrUtmui, enabling htm to pend the holidays with hia wife and family. Before hia (leu 111 he lived at 2040 Dnrrow and had been re- ' tired from binlnenu for mine time. He wu re-admltted to the hospital January 2 for further . treatment. Dog Poisoner At Work In Altamont A doi-poiioner la at work in the Altamont diatrlct. Three dogs have died as the reault of being polaoned on Maryland avenue In the pant two duya. A. W. VanHardenberg. 3110 Maryland, lot two bulldoga and Dale Larrimore. 3210 Mary land, loat a red cocker apanlel, A veterinarian waa unable to aave the doga. Mayor Ostendorf Back From Meeting Mayor Ed Oatetidorf returned this week-end from a League of Oregon Citlea meeting In Port land. Ha rationed that C. A. Meeker, mayor of Modford. was' elected pnraldrnt of the irngur. Oatendorf waa out of town all laat week, visiting In Salem and conferring In hiigone with muyori of Salem, The Dallce, Corvallli and Eugene. s Schools Start Classes Today The aeven elementary achoola, Klamath Union high school and Sacred Heart academy, reatimed cluaara Monday morning follow ing a lengthy Chrtatmaa holiday which started Friday, Decem ber 20. . Although no official check waa made Monday morning, it li underatood that all membera of the teaching ataffs of the various achoola were on haifd but that colda and flu kept a number of youngsters at home. 1946 Liquor Sales Reach Nw Peak ( PORTLAND. Jan. 6 ) Ore gonlnni planked more money in to the fltnto liquor control com ml mi on store In 1946 than any prrvioui year. Salei totaled f44.200.000 and the commission reported stocks till remained so high that pri vate warehouse were used to handle the overflow from state warehouses. OBITUARIES DOaiS PKARIi JACKSOV Doris Pearl Jack ton. a reildent of thli clly for the paat an yean, paiaed away her Saturday, January 4. If47, at 1130 a. in. Nhe waa a native nf Stigarbuah, WU ne ..... mm-A At n and IS daya at Ihe limp of her dralh. She la aurvlved by hrr htuhand. Arthur Jarkann, Klamath Falli: daughter. Fay Malhewi of LaOranda, Ore.; two aletera, Franrla Herbert of Klamath Falls and Marl Smith of Sola, id.: two broth er!. Stanley Heed nf Berkeley, Calif., and Lloyd Reed nf Portland, Ore.: and on granddaughter, Carol Mathews nf LaUrand. Ore, The body ti at Ward a -Klamath Funeral home, M5 High. Fu neral arrangement will b announced later. JOH.J MACIIMAN IIKVDON SR. John Leachman llfydnn Sr. a realdenl of SaMnaa, Calif, paued away near Creicant Lak Or, Snturday, January 4. tf)47, at l:fW p. m. H waa a natlva of lint Rpringi, Ark., and wai aged Iff yara II month and 30 daya at th Unit of hi death. He la aurvlved hy two ',aoni, J. C, Heydnn. of Portland, Or,, and John L. Heydnn of Longview. Waah. ,Th body will be forwarded to vtaw. Wash., tonight where funeral services and Interment will h held un der th direction of th G. W. Steel Funeral horn. Ward's Klamnth Funeral horn In eharft. HARRT HIRAM W 11,1,1 A MS Harry Hiram Williams, a resident of iviamnin rails for tn past 18 years, naaaad away In this city on Monday, anuary n, 1047 u 7;fw , m, lt(1 wa. m n.llv. of Cumb.rl.nd. Wl... nl w 1 K .v..r and in day. at Ih. tlina of hi. death. He wa, a tnimbi.r of Klam alh falls tOOf IoiIm No. 1.17. Il I. urvlv.d by hi. wlfo. Mr.. Harry II. William.: Kin, Clyde II. William.: rand. """Paul and Jajn.i Wllllama, and ;"E!jthlr. Kath.rln. William., all Jf K'.smath rail., Or.. Th. body l at W""! s Klamath runrrnl horn., S Hlh. run.ral arrannm.nla will ba nnnunrad lat.r. Yreka Juvenile Office Takes Tulelake Youth lru Dlcldlo Jr., 10-yeur-old Tuleluko youth who pent itcv- vrul duyx in uiiihkio iiohiiiiui I Hire recovering from a head wound received when ' he al legedly fullnd to atop lila car at Tulnluka during a wild New Yenr'a night rich.', In now in tha luiiida of YreUu. Cullf., Juvenile uiithniilk'H, iiccordliig to Chief of Police Kriink Hhodca, In Kliimuth Knlls Muiidiiy. lllddle wua relenxcd Iroin the hoapltiil to Juvenile Officer heater Newton of Yreku, und the youth's uncle, John Morgan of Tulehikc, lute Siilurduy and taken lie (ore Justice of the Pence Motaclicnbachur at Dor rl for iirrulnnment. AIho tiiken into court were Blddla'i two compunlona, T o in in y Hon hrooka, 17, and Lloyd Now Home, 18. Churgei filed ugulnat Diddle Include aanuult with a deadly Instrument, recklena driving and failure to heed an officer's warning und atop at command, The first churgn grew out ol niddlc's ulleged attempt to run down Officer Don I'izzuno who fired the shot which finally hulled the driver. Officer Khodes suld Ben brooks and Newsoniu were churged with violation of Cali fornia'! welfare and Institutions code. Involving the consump tion and possession of liquor by Juveniles. Uolh boys are held, along with filddle, In Yreka for the Siskiyou county Juvenile court, Khodes suld the three were tuken to Dorrla as Justice of the Peace George E. Long of Tulnluke, waa out of town at the time, Stock Market Sluggish NKW VONK. Jan. Nsllrwr th bulls nor th boar mi'l ny particular resro( lo ihv praildanl'i maita In UmIUVI tCt IllfllatSl 1 ratline motori, ills. mill and riivntnl Incltialrtali advanrvd fraction u 3 or mutt iHilnU In I ha foranwm on ahnrt llv3 buvli.f flurry, Tp mark war redurd in moai cmm aflar mlrtflay with ilow-dirwna fraiimt tlmkarai n.ur1ra than look lima off to rad tha Wlilla tlmia document. Prtraa In moat raaaa war atlll yndar Ilia ba. naar tha rlia with a tniattar Ing of mlnua algna In avlrtanc Tran fera ran to around I.OOn.UO tharaa Among tha faw wtda galnara on maagar tranaactlona war DuJ'ont and Union Pacific, up about 4 and polnta Jtranlav waa an rant Ion. hitting a ntw I W 47 low bafora attracting tomi Itarly damand waa allrlbuud partly lo raplaramant purrhaalng by thoa who had aold fur lax purpoaa in uacam bar Honda ataadlad with rail doing wall. CI oa ing quotatlona. lm.rti-.n t ar. 3S Am Tal Si Tal . . AnaCotida , Calif Marking . Com m' wi th it tkxt .. 31 Curili-Wrlght - . f.anaral Kiarlric . (ianaral Molor m M (il Nr By lfd Int Harvaatar W Kannacott ... M JMinlK"tnary Ward . Naah-Kalv !' N V Canlral Norltiam lUrlfie , m, ., Par Oaa Kl :.- l J C Pannav . T fXafrwav- atorai M'a Kvara Hoahuik . M1 Hnutharn I'arlfie , - i.1.' Standard Hranda ... , ... 37i StudalMliar . Ktinahltta Mlninat .. - t2 1,'nlon Oil Calif - Union Pacific ...,...! ii a ataai - s Warnar Pwlurat , XIS Wheat Pricts Go Up, Corn Down CHICAGO. Jan. I ' -- A two-way marital between corn and wrtaal da valottad on (ha board of trad today. Whaat advanrad and com dacltnad. OaU hatd within a narrow rang. Strength In whaat waa baaad on tal of flour to th tfnltad Klngtlom and r 3uata for offering of flour by th pro uction and marketing admlnletratton. Mltle war on th buying aid, removing nedge againat nour aaiea, Com drr lined on lncrad eountry offering of raah grain and prle ( naaa In lh anot markt. Wheal rloaed -I1 higher, January M 14, corn wa - lowr. January till, and oala lower to higher, March 7H1a-7 POTATOES Batln Potato Shipments In Carloads 194(1 1B47 Jan. 3, 4. S 76 122 Jan. to date 107 148 Season lo date SS61 9910 CHICAGO. Jan. 'AF-l'RDA' Potato, arrival. 141: on track 1B4; total U. a. ah.ipm.nt. Frld.y HAS, Saturday aafl: and Hunday 31: .upptl.. mod.r.t. d.mand fair; market firm fnr beat .torka: Idaho RitaMt Hurbanka 25-3 33; waahad: Col orado Hed McClurM U. 73-1.19: Wlaeon atit Chlppewaa 31 70; Mlnn.aota-North O.kola Blla. Trlumpha 93 S3 , WHhtd; Neiira.Ka Ultaa Trtuinpna waahad vomiting uuaa rrium (All U. 8 No. I qualllyi. LIVESTOCK CHICAGO. Jan. fl (AP-USDAI Salable hogs I.VUOO. total 2:i.tMM): early trad alow: later market fairly arllv. uneven. 1.00.1. lower than Friday's average; weights over 2.10 pounds off only around 1,00; good and choice IHO-0AO pounds ai.M-33.00; mostly 21. 75-33.00: top 33 M sparingly: bulk good and choice 300 3! pounds 3) 3,1-31. 7A: not much blow 31,50; sows 1,00-1.90 lower; bulk good and rholca 17.AO.1R0O: camnlela aarlv olenrance. Snlabl call i 17.000. total IT 000: salable calves 11KK; total lw; fed steers and year Inn m including vearlln ha fare 39-flO cents higher than last Thursday and fully 1.00 higher than exactly on week ago today: acttv at advance; top steers .13 00; mixed steers and helfera 37.00; bulk steers 31.00-37.00: beef cowa steady with rannars and cutters strong;' most beef cows I3 00-1S.S0. salable Sheen 3000. total .1000: not es tablished; few early slaughter lambs bade weak to lower: generally asking steady good and cholced wooled lamb held around 33.8.1: load wa held ahnva 7.00. SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO Jn a 'AP-UHDA.- Cattle: salable n.10: cat van in: she stock mostly SO cents to l.oo higher; faw cars logo lb. aged rang cowa 10.00: numerous packa medium cows 1.1.00-14 oo, aharply up with broad imury. rompiei ariy clearance; can ners and cutters O.oo-U.oo; common la.OO-IIi.lK): BOOd bulls IS 00 riownr rhnl cnlves alnrnt, quoted IB.SO-lfl.AO; few good veal em 17.00. Hog: snlnble .1.10 Including 0.1 feeder pigs; mnrkflt unevenly 3!t-7A higher; few nat-knge Into 2H.7.1 oxtretne top; bulk Jtl.OO-AO; odd good sows 31 ilO. Hhrep: sa able 700: nnlhln anlri aarlv ttnilertono strung; medium-good ewes salable fl.90-0.50. City Delivery Service. Phone 417. Itatfed 'b' tHOP CLASSIFIED RATES On day ,H......t..,.. pr word 4 day run pr word a S day run H..H.M..uU per word lie 4 day run per word 13c day run vr word Me Week run ......... word 15c Month run par word 45c Ads rivd by 1:00 p, m. will appear same afternoon in "New Today" column NKW HKJIAMI AND NEWS phone number. Bill Ntw Today NKW YEA If H Hl'Kt.lAl.S Ileaultful horn with U acres of groilfid. four mils from town. This horn has ii eslra large living room will, fire lace, heid wood flnora throughoul. It a three large bedrooms, beautifully daalgned custom built bath. Modern kltlmn In every reaped and large floor furnace. tJutbulldlitgs suited and fully equipped to operate a broiler business approKlmatrly 7X) rhlck rapacity. Titer la a butchering house with scalding vale, automatic picker, and large refrigerator storage, a III barn with concrete floor. nd stanrhtons, and other barn suitable for keeping slock. Th acreage con I its of 13 acres of good pasture. This place is mady for someone to aieo in and net SOU" J per year. Triced right, with suit able terms. Attractive modrn two-bdroom horn with break fa at nook, Ian dace pad lot and large garage, built about into. Quality com I rue tln throughout. Immediate pf- lun, 7200. Terms. This is a buy. a a a Three -room home, eompltly furnished. 1-7 On-half acr of land, chlckan houa, garage with feed room and a large fruit room. Tit furnishings consist of two Iwdrooni sultaa, living room sl, oil clr voiating neater ana a naw altcnen rang. Priced at S:MMK), giorw down. Se Mel Krlcksoii, Ed llanly, Salesmen wllh WKHI.rV II. MIIAItl'LKS, HealU,r 110 So, Hill Phone U3I0 IMMKlilATK POHHKHtflON Two-room furnished house on half grr good aoll. Nlc furniture. Good loca tion, it'll ana cold watr, not modern. Pric tifvoo, sow down. HEAL STEWAST AGENCY Keallors SIS Klamath Phon 93M 'S aside nee S7MI 1-7 AUCTION at 333d Apptegate Slraat SATtfHDA V, JANUAKV II. 1 O'CI-OCK Furnishings of ft roum; new mrrhndls COL MWKiAKT. AucUonr 1-4 TMOH washing machine for sal." St Jtoevway Driv. Phon 'JXa, 17 FOH SAl-E New' O K Iwdroom "heater, new high chair, nursary chair, paint aprayvr, almost new; douhl bed with limertprlng mallrvas; drar, table model radio, ft tut. 2345 Oregon Av. .J 11 HMAlX 3-bedroom modtrn furhishd house, nice yerd. Stewart. I27UO. Gomar Jones, Iteallor, 4O0 Main. Phon 7JW7, 1 FrtH 8AT.Ei-lnrVslab Wd;"dirverad or haul It yourslf. YOUNOHLOOU S WOOIJYASO tWSA Lake port llvd. Phon 8244 28 FOR SALEIDIO' Plymouth "coup," cellent condition, low mileage. Call I JO, after p.m. 1 11 NEW llrs,"r&80Kl77 SOOxlfl, tSOKlfl. 7oolfl. KLAMATH FAM-S TIME SHOP 3012 So. Sth Your South Sth Goodyear Stor ! GENE It XL lU.ECTHfC lightwaight irons and electric hatra. KLAMATH FALLS TIRE SHOP 3013 So. gtn Your South 6th Goodyar Stor 1-S THE NEW 2KN1TH dlua refrigerator. Immedtata possession. AUA1RS 2344 So. Sth Phon 71)0 1-S b. J. AC MX U inahugany Wdroom suit. AOAIKS 2344 So. flth Phon 7ftl0 - 1-4 " rOR" SALE A bargain on newly built houa. needs Kalnltng, t , Inside. This Is a 3-room out. No modern Improvements, one third arr of land Splendid location, nar bus. Going for only 33O0. Ift Mel Krtrkson. Ed Hanly Salesmen with WESLEY M. SHARP LKS. Realtor ;llf So. 11th Phon 92X9 l- COLT "policleiirv. Var 33-20. KoUter ana cartridge oeii, ail perfect con . ditlotu JBwau.iuiL4 v 1 b p, New Kict motor hr. two used motors tn good shape K. G. Andersen. 2930 So. th St.. cabin 24. I T FOR SALE -Small Sous. IOOoO:-Inqulr J0 Owens. I m madia la poas stoo. 1-S " AFFIRM OR DISPROVE SL'SPICIONS Confidential Investigation. Telephone ttWX ' Member Associated American De- feci iv Ajncls. 2-5 MAN, 24. wanUoV"wilh future. -ptincd in offlr, sales, inc. Willing to accept reduced aalary while learn ing. References, Phon SottB. 1-S KX-KKRVICEMAN "wish 'apprntlcship training In automotive field. Phon 7831. 1-g EXPERl.CEd cook wants position. Writ Box 143. car Harald-Naws. Ul. VACANCY Llghthousekplng room. 1404 Klamath. 1-S f6n RENt-SiplnTii6PWaBh- Iryfton. Phone 3622. 1-S " FOR SAL 4-room houa. partly modern, i block from Altamont bus lln. 4-room hou, not modern, t block from Altamont bus lln. 4-room modern house, naw, never occu pied, tn north nd of city. g-room modem house with big lot, west of city. -room modern house with 2 acres good land, near Midland Grange Hall. 40 acrs In Langs 11 Valley, eligible for GI loan. ALL GOOD BUYS R If. DUNBAR. REALTOR 130 S. Sth St. Phon 7311 1-7 STUCCO HOME on EaatMaln. Break fast nook, kitchen, living room, bed room, bath and utility porch. Nawly redecorated, steam heated, partly fur ntahed. corner lot $3500. Terms. 1101 East Main. 1-S FOR SALef Lot. 125x15.1, with building, located on Spring street. Going for SI 1,000. Terms. a Henry Newnouse, at T B. WAITERS. Realtora 107 S. 7th Phone 41S3 1-7 FOR SAL One and two-room houses completely re finished. Will deliver on your property. See at 330S Cot tag. Just off Homedal. 1433tf BEST OFFER takes four-room modern house, oil heat, furnlshad, fuel supply, posaeaalon in on week. Inquire 517 Mt. Whitney. 1-8 FOft ALE S-ronm modern horn. S-1S30 nut price, irwo cash, balance gae ao a month. acre. Call 5071, or 4323 Winters Ave. l-ll " FOR ""SALE 73-acre tract, all fenced. SO acres under irriantion, Excellent sandv soil. Has been In potatoes and alfalfa. A ral buy at S7RO0. $.1000 or S4000 down, balance $500 per year. Interest at 8. FOR HALE A modern horn, located off Homedal. on-third acr. Fruit room, chicken house and other outbuild Inn. Also elec tric stove and Incinerator. This Is a real buy at $4,100. Terms. FOR RALE 110-acr farm, located on main highway IB miles out. Sandy loam, been In potatoes, alfalfa oaslur and Brain. Mod- ern 5-room home, excellent condition, on nice lawn and trees. Barn, machine shed and othr outbuildings. $19,000. Reasonable down payment, balance on terms. - , Se Henry Newhoute, at , T. B. WAITERS. Realtors 107 S. 7th Phon 4193 (Evening and Sundays, phone 5045) 1-T rOR SALE 10 SO Ford truck. John Dear 2-bottom 2-way plow, ale 14. Cook stov. Ell Ross, Bonanta, Ore. 1-8 FOR SALE 10:iR Dodge 1-ton pickup. on. oin oi. rnone una. i-o RKI) FIR body wood, IS-lnch length,' sin.RO per enrd delivered. $11.00 at the yard or $4.00 for one tier. Phon Brimming Cup Cnfe, Kno. I430tf rOR SALE 1043 house trailer, hutane equippea. retinished inside and out. Shasta View Trailer Court, Dorris, Calif. mi FUR HESTYLlNi Repairing, Cleaning and dating Prompt Service GREGORY'S FUR SHOP Phone 3573 Tower Theatre Bldg. l-s F"0R SALE Trailer house, furnished. work north Merrill Hotel, Mrs. Hunnl cutt. l.n FOR' SaXE 1046 apartment-size elec tric range, uaecj two montns. Also, matching cabinet. 4670 Cannon Ave. - M - - . al-S FOR SALE -Two-wheel luggag trailer. very gooa. Nw lire, lw ixnJie n FOM SALK-(;.-d'lumlr, dWr, w.u- aows, garag doors, ate. o;wt cottage, : just off Itornedal. 1434lf FAM.EHH ANti BtH'tfERtf ' I NEW MALL CHAIN SAWS are now available for Immediate delivery. We nave a complete nn of pari. CAHI.IN HAW HALES AND BKHVICB 3231 Mo, lti Phon 6443 1-S FORSAl.f, electric "rang,0 E Phon ran. i-e "T0K At.r. on TltADe'" On .3$ Iver Johnson pistol. On Luger pistol. On ,410 gaug plsto). One .410 gaug single shotgun. On ,:ih spsclal S W revolver. On Rocky Mountain gun. On 40 W) Wlnt heater. On Merlin 33 auto rifle. 2221 So. Sth St. 1-S SPKtMAL" ATTENTION given "t5raneh ladlea who wish to exchange farm products for beauty work, noes Beauty Shop, 1018 Washington. Phon 9023. . ' 1-11 I'OR" SA.K "IquTiyTfT h7rtisTralirr 24 fi. inquire cabin a, Altamont auio Court. l- Locarend'Xong" Dlstanc MOVING EAOS THANMFER f STORAGE $03 Market St. Phone 6271 13021 f NORTH SI OsT Iarg three-room comfortable home. In firal-claes condition, located at 1632 I-asl St , one block off Oregon Av. Avail able for Immediate occupancy. Gas rang and healer Included for $TJ50. Easy Urmi, HOT SPRINGS Don't overlook this attractive five-room horn at 121 2 Eldorado. Located near Hooaevelt School, on pavad slreel. You will certainly Ilk the good -sited dining room, concrete basement and oil auto matic heat piped to every room. Also hardwood floors, fireplace, breakfast nook off kHchan. Immedlat posseeslon. tUMJO. Terms, MILLS ADDITION f .oca ted on Hadcliff near East Main w offer for sale: On 5-room 2 -bed room horn. Practically new duplex 4 rooms ach. On 4-room, 2-lwdroom completely fur nished horn. On .1-room completely furnished home. This property fronU 100 fL on Hadcliff. Tola) incom $300 monthly. Pric $16,000, Tarms. CHILCOTE Si SMITH. Realtors Th Pioneer Agency HI N Sth Phon 4504 1-6 FOH SALE '-Equity lriftous trailer. 1542 Oreon Av. Call 02.10 1-T WANTED to rent or leas. house" or apartment, suitable family of four, youngest 12. Best references. Perma nent. Phon 3402. l-ll FOR SALE 100 pounds"No. 2 potatoes for $1 50. delivered free. Leave name and address. Phon 6993. 1-6 WELCOME BACK. BIG BROTIfER'HER-ALD-NEWS. YEIXOW CAB great you wllh a tribute to our employes: Em ployment record? Average 14 months. Safety 'knock on wood), best In Ore gon. Vsts? 100 of th newer em- Rloyes. Union? Certainly. Company omi-owmd? Absolutely. Mat these swell drivers of ours and our pleasant dispatchers by DIALING S171 YELLOW CAB 1-6 FOH SALE 1042 'Dodge sedan, 'fluid drive. In perfect running condition. Tires good, low mileage. An excep tionally clean car, $1595. Phone SSfto. 1-6 EXPERIENCEDhouMXepr desires posi tion at auto camp or motel. Writ to Box 11-17. car Herald-News. FOR SALE Minneapolis Molin 'tractor. lS'i-lneh llammermlll Minneapolis Mollne, 4 4 -foot cover crop disc SL 1, Box 553, Ashland, Or- 1-S ton RENT" B4Kjixm." clot In." tor gen-llaman- Phon 56.T7. 1-T " tlESEL TRACTOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT Millions of dollars quipmnt needs qualified dteeel and tractor mechanics, engineers. WE TRAIN YOU for high-pay lob and Ufa-long security. Placement service cover entire Unltd States Ask about special offer for GIs and Merchant Mariner. For information writ TRACTOR TRAINING SERVICE. Box 1400. car Herald-News. 1-30 FOR SALE IBM Ford panel 330 Micht gan. Call after 6 p.m. 1-8 FOR SALE Two trash burner, one all white circulator, one all black. Phon 8416. 1-7 FOH BALE--New Sun Kraft ultraviolet ray sun lamp. Cost $64.50. Will sell for HflOO. 343.1 Henderson SL LMt View Housing Pro)ecl.t 1-S FOR SALE Five-room" modern ho'use, with garag. 2230Applgat. 1-U WANTED." woman, general housework," four days week, io to d p.m. rnone 3tl87. 1-7 NEWLY' decorated 2 and" S-rooracablns New management. Altamont Auto Camp. 340 So. 6th. Phone 5654. 1-8 ROOMS 639 Jefferson. 1-11 OR SAf-E-lB3T"S5 Ford coachTs good tires, 1947 llcens, heater and defroster. Call at 1937 Orgon Av., Apartment 3. 1-S SLEEPlNcrhbOM ornrXTlaa tldorado. Phone 737. 1-S FOR SALE Circulating oil halarfor four-room houa. 3159 Apple gat. 111 WANTED txperlnc3 shop foreman. Excellent working conditions, good pay, permanent. Unl xperlencd. do not apply. Ashley Chevrolet. 410 So. 0th. 1-S WANTtDBpeHanced palnlar and auto mechanics. Apply In person, see Ralph Dunlevy, shop foreman. Ashley Chev rolet, 410 So. Sth. 1-S FOR YOUR immediate service, painting, k em toning and papering, telephone 7607. 1-18 B ALED"ltAYiorsal by the bale or ton. Call after 5 p.m.. 5704 Avalon. 1-11 1931 MODEL A Ford pickup, $150. Apart ment In rear. 723 Martin. 1-7 SLEEPING ROOM, gentleman preferred. 632 North 10th. 1-8 FOUR-ROOM" modern house, cfos In. appraised $5250. Best cash offer or terms accepted. Inquire 23T Mortimer. 1-S FOR SAlX19MTndsmo5ii S. In ex cellent condition. Tel. 8419 or can be seen at 1839 La Roy. 1-S WANTED Good Chevrolet motor. 1931 to 1935 modeL Call 807$ after S p. m. 1-S L8T Fifth wheel tor stocTTralUr. Small S-ln. all metal wheel painted yllow. Call 3035. 1-S roRSAX On acr on Altamont. 5-room houa. Electric stove. Barn, soma lumbar. Price $3250. Flv room modern house, furnished, full basament. furnace. Clos In. Pric $5500. Svn-room modern house, furnished. Concrete foundstlon. Fireplace. Doubl garag. rnr s7iso. Al Lon grnl re. Jack B. Caahin. Salesmen J. W. SANDERS, II B ALTO It 1213 Main St. Tel. 7521 1-T FOR ilAXfiWill conBtriictid-badroom houa. 250x150 lot, singl garage. Lota of lumber on place. $3500. Loan can ba obtained, immedlat possession. Also for sale. 8-plece Duncan Phyfe dining setr used very little, like new, cost $.125. Make me an offer. Good looking, good circulating heater, like new, $40. Bed, mattress and springs, $30. New table, cost $20, pric $12. New pip cutter. Nails. 5c pound. Other articles cheap. New pin-up lamp and drap fixtures, half price. Turn left, second road pest Log Cabin towards Ashland, first house on right. 1-6 flW8CHBlVROtfT deluxe 4-door sedan car for sal, excellent snap. $900. Call at 3686 Radcllffe St., between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. 1-8 POR SALE 1038 SVrtcir4dobr sedan', food condition, best. cash offer. Clifford B. Jackson. Tulelake. Box 400. 1-11 FOR" SALE or trade, 1941 "DdgeXuxury .iner coupe, new tires, new motor. Call at 617 Adams, after 4:30 o.m. 1-6 FOR SAt.E Apartment abxe electric range, 1946 model. 2051 Erie. 1-T REMODELING SALE-Men'S, women's. children s house slippers, half price. Women's shoes, values to $10.05. Group to sell at $4.77. Model Shoe Store. 717 Main. 1-11 FOR SA.EFIve-piece set Revere 'Wear. mo. Arthur. r6n iS ALE Ten 2-year-old dslry heifers", tioisiein, uurnam. ah fresh in spring. Will sell for half cash and year for balance. Priced to sell. Contact Earl R. McNeely at Klamath Tails Creamery. On pavad road, nar bus lines, 26 acres. Irrigated. Four-room modern house with two bedrooms; 3-car garage, bunk hous. fruit house, good barn, chicken houses and hog houses. Some terms. contact f. e. Jiggar, with M. L. JOHNSON, 412 Main Phono 5113 Nights 3076 . . l-a WAITED Ol . nan-"' on-farm property. Writ Box 1366, Herald-News. . 1-S TAVERN AND LUNCH COUNTER On paved street, In good community. Has , beer license, gooo equipment, iniy or leer and doing good business. Priced to sail. Contact F v. Jiggar. with M I, JOHNSON. 412 Main I Phon 6113 Night 3076 1-6 AWEVSKRVlCt for " Horn j repairing, remon ung. we nx uwn, windows, furniture. Evan Cabinet Shop. Telephone 04311 tn "LINOLEUM AND CAMf'KT LAYING " Hug Binding Dralnboard InsUNallona J. L. CALHOUN SIS Klamath Av. Phon 641 13J2TF DfcSPEHATELY" want "furnished house or apartment, near Hacreu Heart Academy. Pleas phon 35.17. 1-8 CAftPENTER WORK.'large or small job done uy nour or contract, fnons $740, l.'lT rUHWAC"VAC(UMCLf ANED Chimneys Swept j OIL BURNER br, II VICE TUFTS FURNACE COMPANY I 3323 So. Sth Phone 1W1 i:iw7Tr ONE USED CAS RANGE int aal. Pat ton Si Uhminn Fiumou.g & Heating Co., 1401 Eaplanad Phone m.Vi 1-6 MULTIGRAPHING at " MIMEOGRAPHING Public Stenoareoher THE MULTlOHAI'll k. MIMEOGRAPH I 234 No. Sth Phon 7627 ! LT75TJT I UPHOLSTERING "" '" REPAIRS ' ' HEF1NINH1NG ! Springs Reconditioned - Cabinet Built Broken Furniture Bought 3041 Shasta Way Phone 4117 2-8 LltfOLEUM Asphalt, Til and Carpet Ikying. DltAJNHOAROS a perij.Hy BLUE KM JOE LINOLEUM CO. Free Estimates AN Work Guaranteed PHONE 021 u LI74TF ""THlTr.ETTER BHOP 15:15 Eldorado PHONE 37IW or 3H77 MIMKOGHA PHI NO. ADOHKHKOGHAPH- JNG and DIHECT MAILING 1.T72 TF H' ANtf $5 PICTURE FRAMES $1 00. BEU, HTUJJ1U HtMOVAL SAJ. door to Pine Tree Theatre. 1-7 THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED In lum ber sales department to prepare bills of lading, manifests, etc. Must be fast, accurate typist and able take dic tation. Mill town In northern Cali fornia Good living accommodation for single man or woman Give full details and references. Write Bux 122 cere Herald & News. 1-J1 FIELDMAN" to represent one of" the major milting companies In th south ern Oregon territory. Prefer a man between 30 and 45 years of age. Th poa i t lon req u I res a man wl th know ledge of livestock, poultry, turkeya. ana must have had some sale ex perience. Writ Box 1386 car Herald a. Nwa. 1-13 1047 GOVERNMENT JOBS' Commence $l45.t250 month. Men-wo man. Jobs without strikes. Prepare Immediately for Oregon examina tions. Vets get preferenc. 33-page Civil Service Book FREE Write to day. Box 1377 car Herald St News. 1-6 PARTNER NEEDED In feed and" seed store doing good bu tineas. WX) 00 Investment, B & K Feed St Seeds. Roseburf. Oregon. 1-8 WOODS BOSS WANTED For 200.000 feet per day. government timber Writ E. T. Fisher. Cat-Ida Lumber Co , Downievf tie. California. 1-18 ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS' 30 and 40-gal TUFTS FURNACE CO 3333 So. Sth Phon 6595 1-6 WANTED Handy man to help com plete new building. Hour a to 5. work consists of carpenter's helper and general handy work. Apply 54HO Miller eve H W.Harr.eon. 1-0 WANTED Babies" or children," any age. to care for any time day or night. Large home, fenced yard and thermo stat heat 24 hours a day. Phon 8M0- 1-8 FOR RENT Steam heated room. 607 High. 1-8 iron RENT Otie-robm hous partly furnished.. 2432 CrL 1-6 FOR BALE Small bam on Al lament Drive, Phon 806a 1-6 FOR RENT Apartments, everything furnished. 133 No. .'Oth. 1-6 FOR LEASE TO G. t. with option to buy, nice new modem 2-bed room hous with oak floor, oil furnace, utility room. Venetian blinds, carace. Unfurnished. Located at 4616 Peck Drive In Su Francis Park See owner at 1644 Etna St. Phone 4076. 1-6 NEAR KLAMATH FALLS On highway, auto court. 13 cottages, rocery store, living quarters, gas station. He Income-of approximately StO.000 per yar. un-third down, balance five year to pay. Contact T. E Jiggar, with M. L. JOHNSON. 413 Main Phone 5113 NiahU 3076 l- F"6RftA"LtHomlt' In Yalta Gardens; corner Wiard and BryanL Call 6146. evenings. 1.9 FOR SALE 1944 CMC flstbtd ten wheel 2' 1 -ton army truck. $1500 cash. Phon 904. 1031'i Main. 1-6 FOR SALE 1941 Mercury, good condi tion. 3640 So. 6th or Phone 8002. 1-7 COST On Wapinitta highway. Deceni- ner 24. starter lor Mi n. p. westing hous electric motor. Reward. Alexander-Yaw key Lumber Co. Prlnc-i-ilte. Oregon. Tel. 32S. 1-U WANTED LOGGING CONTRACTOR Season cut 18 million feet or more old growth timber. Daily cut 160 M. Approximately 33 M per acre cut Total truck haul approximately 13 miles, 10 over State highway. Log ging terrain flat to gentlv rolling. Necessarv road construction 21 mtlea. Elevation 4600 feet. Will meet Interested oartlcs at Tremont Hotel. Red Bluff. California, at 8 a. m. Janu ary 6. 1947, for tour of Inspection. For further Information wire The Diamond Match Company, Stir in it Cityj California. 1-11 JUST RECEIVED, a shipment ofGAS FLOOR FURNACES. Patton it Lehmann Plumbing St Heating Co.. 1401 Esplan ade Phone6tWa 1-6 JrGR SALE 50 oeanut vending ma chlnes. Phone 3046. 1-7 FOR SALE 2 -bed room modern "home in Dorris. California, $3000.00. Write D. H. Nichols, 1$ No. Orange, Medfo Oregon. 1-8 FOR SALE 1941 Chevrolet pickup, ex cellent condition. Good rubber, can opy, heater and extra. Phone 4152 Tulelake. 1-8 OIL AND GAS FLOOR"TURNACES TUFTS FURNACE CO 3323 So, Sth Phone 6595 1-6 80-ACRE IR RIGATED R ANClT Five milea from city center, fenced and cross fenced with woven wire. Six-room modem house, wired for electric range. Pressure pump, spud cellar, good barn for 22 cowa. chicken house, bunk house, double garag. Good terms to right party. . Contact F. E. Jiggar. with M. L. JOHNSON. 412 Main Phone 5 13 .Nights 3076 -1 FOR SALE S-roomhouse, recently re modeled. .Phone 6289. 1-6 rOR SALE 1B46 Ford' 4-yard dump truck, Freuhoff box. 2-speed axle, new tires. Positively can't b told from new. Owner needs cash will sacri fice for quick sale. See at Cottage Grove Motor Co., Cottage Grove. Oregon. Phon 77. Might take trade Can finance. 1-8 OUR BOARDING HOUSE . EGAD, 80YS THE RISlNe COST If POULTRY VMILU EKT YOO W ZTKP'JPFJ&g? k Jl;2S?Sg? V OF FOOD FOR BR0C6 THrJEaS f R0CK6, YA KiOW. CCXJLO W fr cP5 1- iwgT ' -(& FLMTEN fAY WALLET.' I MASOR-- M.W 4 SET TUE 1 m'I5.kE-1 ?,sA clr.rj WHY CAHT GEESE Be PUT- CXXJSlrS TDM TIED 6AMS Wtgl JZZ-K RUN HE VvAMTS OOT OMTUE LlKEr Jta "VHR66 Of- 'EN OJ W RESULT JL TVTV r , ME TO SHOVEL I ' LOMGMORri CATTLE.? Jfta A GRftVEL KOAD Jf BY FEED- 2lW VM I I I AP5Ti,'K'A IFIRCT CAKE Zr--rJS5Sr-...'Vte:i m l I WHY MOTHERS SET CRAY j QUARTER HORSE OWNERS AH Pr- aona inieresiea in rieenming cnarter members of the Oregon Quarter Horse Aaaocialion under the Jurisdiction of the American Quarter Morse Associa tion Write Box 1301 care Herald aV News. , 1-9 FOR SALE New 110 gallon oil tanks. tan at rom jamieeon a. Stewart Ad dition, one block north of Lien's Ch Sior. !$ NYLON HOSIERY 51 -gauge, tit quality. Immediate de livery, si nn per pair, roaipaia. Mini- 1 mum order of 3 pr. Stat sit. Send Money-Order and save COD charges. ; JACK S HOSIERY SHOP 330 Locust St. Reading, Pa. 1-6 tOfi'SAW-"'two electric soft-dlnk rablncla. Skataland Roller Rink. Phone 9197. 1-8 FOR SALE -Fur coat. Northern " seal, size 16-18. Can b n at Model Ciesners. 321 Ho. Ath. 1-7 walnut Library TABfJC4-fncK top. 1500. Straight-back chairs, $1. hell STUDIO, nxt door Pin Tra Theatre M NEW TIRES Just received BfKotlfl - o-ply 11. D. stuaaea ireaa Mx;xl6-mud and snow tred 5Vncl7 - regular tread 4.Vix2l - regular tread 10(i15 - reeular tread The tires are latest type Improved const rue 1 1 on ROY CALL AUTO COMPANY 737 Commercial Phon 6763 F'ORTSAtFr- i'i" ton 6 jit "GMC"crgo trucks. Medfora auio wrecaing -o 1-18 FOR SALEMinnrsot treadle " sawing macnine. ing anuiuc. w. n Mortimer. 1-6 FOR SALE Home lighting fixtures. Mark smith St to., l tail iain. FOR SALE -i'.i Brflon-fltratdn"gsollne motor. 2504 ShasU Way 1-7 FOR SALE---Davenport, 'round fable. nigncnair. none cnesi, aiot. ciecinc toaster. 3041 Shasta Way. Phone 41IT ronsALE" Good home on Pacific Terrace, hardwood floors, flreolace. olenty of cirMt room and cupboard space. Full concrete base ment, oil furnace. a e Two-bedroom furnished home in Mills Addition. Hardwood floors, Venetian blinds In living room; service porch wllh laundry traya: garage, woodshed and storehouse. Price $6600. Terms. See Fred Cofer BARNHISEL AGENCY 113 S. 6th. Phone 4193 I-S FOR SALE Suburban home, three-bed room home with 2 '4 acres and animals. 24.10 Homedale Road. 1-11 FOR SALE. White House roomlng"nouse. 18 rooms Price 62100 casn. imi'i Main, upstairs. 1-S MERR ILL-B A R6 aTN S 120 acres, level, all iniaated and culti vated. Good modern home and outbuild ing. Fin locaHon. Ful price $36,750. 120 acres. 93 acres irrigated. Modern five-room house, all redecorated. Large potato cellar and Iota of machinery. Close In, on pav-d nnd. $31300. Terms. 9 00 acres, close to Malln. Irrigated. Three- bedroom home, modem, fully furnished. Garage, brn. chicken house, etc. $19,500, Including adequate mchtnery. Terms. a Large two-bedroom home, modern, work shop and extra bedroom. Garage, small barn. etc. On large lot. City conveni ences. $4200. Term can be arranged on this. a a a Approximately 18 lots. Inside city limits of Merrill. Sewer, electricity, city water, etc. Excellent location In best district $2650 full price. BRING IN YOUR LISTINGS T. W. JONES. BROKER Merrill, Oregon (3 doors west of Post Office Phon 3704 Open Evenings 1-7 FOR SALE 1941 De Soto club coupe, 6 tire, radio, heater. Skateland Roller Rink. Phone 9107. 1-8 FOR SALE '36 Chevrolet coupe, with '38 motor, reconditioned; new transmission. May see evenings at 3331 Radcllffe, or can call 3318 day. Good buy. 1-8 OIL CONVERSION BURNERS for furnaces, rangea. heaters TUFTS FURNACE CO 3323 So. Sth Phone 6595 1-6 ftTWlirpay You to Get Your . AUTO GLASS installed at KIMBALL GLASS SHOP We have a large supply of auto gists. 527 Walnut Phone 7378 1307tf WE need CARS WE PAY TOPS . Get Our Offer Before You Sell MOTOR MART 125 Main St. Eddie Nelson. Manager . 1308tf FOR SALE 1043 Ford club coup;new motor. Phone 7389. 1Mb R A D 1 A TiTR Cleaned. Repaired, Removed and Installed NEW RADIATOR CORES Chemical and Steam Cleaning Cooling Systems Cleaned on the Car KLAMATH RADIATOR WORKS 1901 So. Oth St. Phone 6942 1373tf STOVE AND FURNACE OILS Immediate Delivery Phone 4511 or 9540 FRANKFORD FUEL COMPANY Pelican City Jload 13Utf FOR SALE House wiring supplies, Mark Smith St Co., 155 East Main. Phone 5370. 1-6 WA NT TO LEASE' small farm, approxl-" mately 80 acres, third, fourth, or shares. Phone 7964 days, ask for Brum me le. 1-6 PUBLIC STEN OG H A PHER Robin M. Jonea 334 No, Sth - Phon 7627 1378U MOTOR REBUILDING MOTOR TUNE-UP 23 Years Experience ELMER TRIPP, HOME GARAGE 216 Old Fort Road Phone 7034 before 8:00 or after 5:30 p. m. . laaitf FOR SALE Large 8unbowl ' bathroom of room heater, copper reflector, $3.00. Phone 8960. 1-S WALL CASES show cases, counters, small fraction of original cost. Remov able sale. Bell Studio, next door to Pine Tree Theatre. 1-7 MILLS ADDITION Lovely 3-bedroom home, automatic floor furnace, electric water heater, utility room, excellent location, large lot, on paved street Price $7000. CLOSE IN Very nice 1-bedroon home. In zood resi dential district. Price $3000, $1000 down. SHASTA DISTRICT New 3-room modern home. ' Concrete foundation, electric water heater. On half acre of ground. Good soil. Near bus line. Price $3900. Terms, See Burton Gray. Salesman with E. GRAY. REALTOR Office closed Saturday) 1021 Main Phon 3665 1 Evenings or Sundays 3431 or 4680) 1-T FOR SALE One-bedroom modern house", on Bisbee. Inquire 1907 Derby. Phone 7937. l-ll 'WAtrt to store piano in my home. Choir director. Excellent care. References. Phone 5051. 1-7 . with . . MAJOR HOOPLE HERALD a NEWS, Klamath Falls, Or. WOMEN'S TAILORING. dra making and alterations. Button holes, machine and bound. Kay Bellinger, 333 Mor timer. 1-6 FREE SERVICE Buy your wfrlngsup. poet! 1 rom m era ami in as lo. ana get th right Information from a miilir electrician of how to use It. This service is optional. 155 East Maln.Phone 5370. 1-S Quality Heating OILS Call 5.115 fnr prompt, metered delivery of Associated Stove Oils Automatic Burner Oils BALSIGEH OIL COMPANY Associated Distributor 865 Spring St. l.UUtf SEPtld'tANKSlrf CANED All Contents Hauled Away Prompt Service ED F. KING Phon 0418 or 32.10 l.llltf Ldflt-FJgln gold wrist watch, Cal-6r7 new year s eve. Reward. Phorfe 8400. 1-7 FOR SAl.E Slnsr sewing machine. Call "to arier o p.m. 1.7 FOR SALE-Two new auto trailers! worth 5150 and $180. Will tell for half price, minus tire. Phon 7710, or call at 1718 Crescent Av. before II a.m. i.a PLUMBING HEATING REPAIR WORK we can now do your work for low monthly payment PATTON at LEHMANN PLUMBING Si HEATINCS CO. 1401 Esplanade Phone 630 - 1383tf FOR SALE Lady's 17-Jewel wrist watch; n, peneci conaiiion. rnone BOdO. - FOR SAL- BbyTWhTtetigToBt71lie 14-16. $.150. Phone 6B6O. 1-6 6IL BURNING' HOT AIRFUR"f ACES TUFTS FURNACE CO 3333 to. Sth Phone 6305 l- auto body And fender" Work, Including welding, spray painting and metal work. Look Into It! One of th most profitable branches of tremendoua auto industry, offering chance for good Job or your own business. Train in spar tim. GI approved. Writ for FIllE facts. Auto-Crafts Training, Box 1287. care Hrald-Nws. 1-8 WOULD like toliear ' from " niUhVTniin who would Ilk to train In spsr time to overhaul and Install refrigeration and air conditioning equipment. Should be mechanically inclined. Will not Interfere with your present work. GI approved. For Information about this training write at once, giving name, addreaa. age and your working hours. Utilities Inst, Box 1286. car Heratd- . News. WANTED Used trombon naeT'p'none 8067. 1.7 WANTEiTTO RENT by quietTTellible couple, no children or pels, furnished apartment or house, close In. Phone 7025 after 6 p.m., ask for Mr. Emmet BM?h- j.g FOR SALE Sriacdoel Grocery Si Service Station. Including two Iota, building and fixtures, on-off-sal beer license, three gasoline pumps. $2000 stock, modern two-room cabin on premises. Average grosa $30,000. On U.S. 97. in rich farming area. Priced at $9000 WANTED Accountant and office mio ager. 25 to 40 years old; good aalary, steady position. State age and experi ence In first letter. Write Box 866. care He raid -News. J 1.9 R SALE Five-room modern' home' with bath and utility porch, electric water heater and oil stove. Plenty of closet space. Nice garden spot Imme diate possession. 15Q2 Austin. 1-11 FOR SALE Well built machine shed. 16x54 ft., suitable for remodeling into house Call 5063. l - FOH SALE HI Pressure J"nny steam cleaner. 1946 heavy duty model, two steam guns, two sections bos. 100 pounds compound. Phone Medford 5360 1-S OPENING in wholesale firm for man for general work. Apply 438 Jefferson. 1-S FOR SALE Five-room completely mod- "".ww wo naii acre land. Phone , 1-S WAJiTlD TO BUY Alfalfa har Write Miller Seed and Feed Co.. Grants Pass. or phon 92L 1.7 WANTED TO BUYlfrfa"hiy! Write Miller Seed and Feed Co.. Grants Pas. or phone 921. 1.7 FOR SALE" Used potato and onion bag, cleaned, turned and printed. Crawford It Wolfe. luieiaae.taltf; i,ig run bale: Suburban horn, four rooms, bath, guest apartment In resr, double garage, chicken houa. ns.17 IT wy- " I083tf FILING. GUMMING Chain! Ro und we, urt ana t-ross-cut, 1608 Arthur. i-none B766. j.jg WANTED, used floor sander and edgerT wuu aajrer. ou uaven, Medford, Ore. - 1-S ELDERLY lady wishes light work and cooking in private home. Write Box !!?? cre Herald-New. 1.7 F UK. -VIS HED lai-ffe ltvine mAm YAZ. with spacious closet, private bath and private entrance. Close In. Nice for couple employed. Phone 3576. 1174tf FOR SALE Good driveway graveL Can am spreea i or per yard. From 5 yards on up. Drop a card to Box 768. Klamath Falls. 1177tf Mooting Notices KLAMATH POST No. 8. American . Latfon mewta flrat and third Tueadan. 1:00 m . Vetenn'a H.norial Bld(., 4th and Klamath. ' ' 47lTtf KLAMATH FALLS 9.S AERIE No. 2080. Regular maitin, very Tuesday night. 7:45 p. m., F.O.E aall. sth and Walnut. Visiting member. cordially Invited, tl 1.U.OJV No. 137 Kvery Tuesday. 8:00 p. m. atn ana Main sts. M.T.S Stated meeting of iQamath Lodge ox perfection, g p m. Monday evening. January 6th. Conierrlng of the 7th degree by B.rnle Wilson and cast. Refreshments. BERT E. MILLER. Venerable Master. 1-8 10 Service, DRESSMAKING, alterations. Phone S73S. 1830 Orchard. Davidlna Rogers. 324tf DRESSMAKING AND ALTERATIONS The Alteration Shop, 731 Main, room 18 Phone 7283. 1-17 SAWS, gas engines and light plant. Sales" ana service, aoaennamer Hepalr Shop. 1-M CURTAINS LAUNDERED and stretched; JPhone 3717. 1-2M FLOOR SANDING and refinishlng. Nor- man Fral.y. Phone 6175. 4452tf Curtains laundered: Picked' up and delivered. Phone 4869. 1-22 OUT OUR WAY MO NO AT. Jsa. g, HIT, Pag Sere. 10 Services ELECTROLUX RA1.KS and RrRVICt. Complete overhaul of ruatomer'a Slee trolua. Phone 7167, 113. Main. 4TTlf WAtClfANtS '-LocK""RiepArRlNo.' A R. Kl.n.l ixa Uuikout. 1-4 Painting, CALclMiNiNaTe iTa m e i work. City or country. Hatlafactlon guaranteed. Frank Jenka. Phone T270. 1 1 sir CAMERA r.pair. o'PalV"alh'rfadbne at H.ll studio, next door to Pine Tree Th.atre. Olotf C6NTHACY iBUIt.DtN."r.ualrIng, c- m.nt work, for .atlmat.. H8U7. 1-t PAINTINO. "interior and .xierlof "Kent. toning. H. U Brown. Phone 4226. 67 If 12 Educitlonal BOftkltEEPmo. ShorlhandTTTvpIng": Kinared suli).cta. otflra machines. KLAMATH BUSINESS COLLEGE. 7:1.1 Pine. Phone 4780. 1327tf I4 Help Wanted. F.maU WANTED Housekeeper, two people." n launary, ateady ampioytnenl. prer.r mlddl.-aged lady. Call Mr. Miller. 410 or 7755 during day, or 4203 after 6 p m. aunt STENOGRAPtlER WANTED". Permanent poalllon. Call Mr. O'Sulllvan at :ilol or 6450. eftoif WAfTRESSwant.d. Apply In person miter s uoilee Bnop. iu mo. 7tn. gn4lf IS Helo Wanted. Mai BELL BOV wanted. - Wlllard Hotel. 6l6tf WANTE6 One experle'nced cut6frman for box factory, oood pay. write or phone American Box Corporation. Spraeue River. 410tf PRXSSER wanted' at"" Reliable" Cleaners. 27tr 22 Booms For Rant iLEEPTffO-ROOM fbr renf." Gen"tle"man preferred. No. 10th. 880tf HOOMS 2 J.fferaon. 6-21 ROOMS X-L"Mot.l. 234 No. tK 1-25 28 Miscellaneous For Rant 7dR RENT Screw jarfca'and hydraulie Jacks. Klamath valley Lumber Co., 1040 So. Oth. Phone 4816. . 2555tf TRUCKS" FOR RENT You drive; move yourself, aave halt, sines Beacon serv ice, 1201 East Main. Phone 6304. l-14mb FOR RENT Almerican floor sender" and odgar. latest type, dustless. swift and easy to operate. Klamath Valley Lum ber Co.. 1040 So. 6th. Phone 4618. 2554K FOR RENT -250 acres virgin grain land. Share. P.O. Box 1136, Merrill. Ore. llltf 30 ' Real Eatala For Sal FOUR AdRES, choice ""corner." on "SouTIa Sixth St., excellent aoll, for 67000. Easy . terms. EVERETT DENNIS. Realtor 121 N. 6th Phone 41 1-10 ELIG!BI.ErORGT"LOA8 ' For sale, duplex, one 3-room apartment and bath, one 4-room apartment and bath. Large utility room with laundry trays and electric hot water heater. Newly painted on outside and newly decorated on Inside. Walking distance from Main St. Close to grammar school -and high schooL Large apartment will be vacant 20th of December. Call 5078 for appolntmenL . 4W5tf FOR SALE Suburbe'n home. fouTrobmst bath, guest apartment In rear, double garage, chicken house. 3837 Shasta Way. 641 f 34 Automotive) FOR SALE 1040 V"- ForeTtrock. newly overhauled Mercury motor,. Eaton rear end. good rubber; Includes 5-yard dump bed and 16-ft. flatbed. Rich field Station. Phone 2421, Tulelake, Calif. 4204tf FOR SALE One Phllco car radio and farm type battery radio. Both good condition. 1304 Crescent Ave., eve nings. o436tf 35 Fuel Heating PINE and'f if body "wood for sals, rijone Brimming Cup Cafe, Keno. 450tf 38 MUcellaneoug For Sale - WE RES1LVER "bid" mirrors, also male new mirrors. Replace broken window glass. Glass shelves, furniture tops to . order. Kimball's Glass Shop, 537 Wal nut. Phone 7378. 4803tf ADDING MA C H I N t S, Calculators, r Typewriters, DMks, Chain, Files Pioneer Printing and Stationery Co.. 124 South 8th St. l-14m STOVES REPAIRED. An available part stocked. Used furniture. Stovea bought. OK Second Hand Store, 2401 So. eth. l-14m FOR SALXCtadera and fertilizer. Roy Schmeck, Rt. 3, Box 1042. Phon. 4003. 12-18m FOR SALE Small electric phonograph" In cabinet. Phone 4400. 153U DRIVEWAY gravel delivered. Phone "X M. Barnes, 7658. l-18m QUALITY TOYS at very low roat See us and aave. Bodenhamer, 361 Z. Main St. 1-24 FOR SALE One electric restaurant s'tzei griddle. 8100: one P ft H are welder, 373 amp., on trailer. Used only 86 hours. 8800. 2401 Biehn. 711K GRADED dndersi red or'grey, excellent for drivowaye. Phone 4677 or 8859. 4856U? FULLER BRUSHES. Clem Joyer, 1435 Martin. Phone 5677. 1-2 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WANTEtX mahogany wood. JSrattona Packing Co. Phone 5381. 4847K FOR GOOD PRICE on No. 1 and No. 3 pencil cedar, contact A. E. Green, P.O. Box 681, Eugene, Ore. or phone 765-J-I. WILL PAY CASH for your piano. Loula R. Mann Piano Co., 120 N. 7th. Phone 7182. l-14m WE PAY CASH for used guns. Bring them in for appralaal. Bell'a Hardware. 528 Main St. l-vmb WANTED Deed or worthless anlmauC Call collect, day or night, for prompt service. Phone 4636 or 5323. KLAMATH TALLOW CO. 456tf DIG that old comet-trumpet-clarinet of what have you out of the closet and aell it to Derby's Music Co. It's needed now more than they- ever will again. 120 N. 7th. Dial 4519. lBOttr 44 Livestock and Poultry, WANTED Dearor worthless anlmils. Call collect, night or day, for prompt service. Phone 4665 or 5323. KLAMATH TALLOW CO. 456ti HIGHEST PRICES paid for hogs, veal; lambs and cattle. Johnson Packing Co. Phone 5323.jlghU 3505. l-14m BEAT the high meat pftccsi Raise your own fryers the '"Grow Easy'' way. . Not old weak chicks but week old chicks at day old prices. You can increase your egg production by using our electric water warmers. See them at OREGON STATE HATCHERY, 2720 So. eth St. 400811 WE BUY used cameras, movie projectors! Bell Studio, next door to Pine Tree Theatre. . 3S3tf By J. R. WILLIAMS S