Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, August 10, 1946, Page 3, Image 3

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    Hoods Retain
Water System
Aimriivul of tli Irauafcr of
KIiiiiiiiIIi Uniting company's
heating propi-rUca tu thu new
t'oiiminu'in' Uniting company of
Kluimitli KulU hua been granted
liy ticnrgu Klugg, ntutu ulllitica
Coplt'i of Kliigg'a orders In
tills Iruiiauctlun were received
hero tmlny, mill allow tliul thu
Uniting company truiiaferrcd all
of ila phyalcul prupertlca to Con
minium llcullng company except
the wuter utility ayaicii) for
SL-wiirtl.ennox uddillon. Tim
hitler properly win trunafi-rrcd
to 1). O. unit E. It. Hood, prlu
ri mil owners of Kliimuth lieat
Ink compiiny who will operate
llii' wuter utility acpuralnly
iniilrr the nunio of Hood Uroth-
'I'lin Iii-iiI property la transfer
red to C'onaumcrs lleatlnu coin
puny lit u price of n,0()0.
Kluug ordered thut the Khun-
nlll llentliiu conipuny, after
Iriiimferrliix Ha pliyalcal prop
ertlea, would wltlidruw from
-rvlii( the public in Oregon aa
a public utility.
Ecuador Halts
Coup Attempt
QUITO, Ecuador, Aug. 10 (At
Quito newapapera reported to
duy 1 1 ut t HI) clvllluna mid retired
i ii 1 1 It ii ry men attempted a revo
liitloimry coup by atorming tlio
miniMry of nutlonul defense
liiillilliilf at 2 u. ill.
The fire of nilnlaty guurda
hulled the litlnck and moat of the
altuckera were arrested, the
prcxa anld.
The aasnult waa declared aimed
to pluco Dr. Hector Vaaconei (a
liiwyer with liberal party affilia
tions, In the presidency,
1'realdent Joae Velnaco Ibarra,
who waa given rxtraordliuiry
powera lut April 10 to preserve
order alter widespread unreal,
wu expected to tender Ills renin
nation to the national assembly
Inter today.
The new assembly la domin
ated by the conservative party,
I'artiea of the center and left de
clined to contest the assembly
eleclona last Juno beeauso of llui
rule by executive decree.
Americans Killed
By Sneak Bullets
Nazi guards al the Mauthausen
prison camp In Austria killed
about 60 Americana with sneak
bullets In the back of the neck
while ostensibly (losing them
fur photographs, a war crimes
prosecutor disclosed today.
Hundreds of other allied sol
diers died the same way, Col.
Henry Itoscnfcld Jr., said at a
presa conference.
"They were taken one at a
tlmo Into a amall room fitted
up like a photographic atudlo
and located conveniently next
to the crematory," he laid.
"Each prisoner waa told lo alt
in a chair facing a camera.
While expecting to have hia pic
ture laken, he waa allot in the
back of the neck by a guard.
Itosenfcld, whose home la In
Mt. Holly. N. J., aald hla first
leovo In this country since 1941
had been "soured" by hla find
ing that Americana have "for
gotten all about the nuii atrocl
ilea and aecm more Interested
In bridge games."
Hearing Waived
On Larceny Charge
Donuld Fouti Fitzgerald, 18,
cl.arged with larceny of an auto
mobile, yesterday waived a pre
liminary hearing 111 Justice court
niul was returned to the county
jail In lieu of $1000 ball.
The youth Is accused of inking
a Dodge aedan from the John
Selby used car lot. Seventh and
Uuk, J ul v 24, later abandoning
ii at Merrill. Fitzgerald has
been held in Jail since July 20.
Army Sergeant Gets
Life For Raping Jap
YOKOHAMA, Aug. 10 At
Sgt. Kit-hard I1. Wulf, 20. Somer
set, Wis., was sentonccd lo life
imprisonment today by the
eighth army general court which
convicted him on a charge of
raping a Jnpiincse woman on a
train near Kyoto June S.
Thu sentence la Bubject lo re
view by the. cuinmandiiirf gen
ual. Poland Turns Over
Secret Pact Texts
Poland has given the United
Stntea the hitherto secret texts
of its economic treaties with
other nations lis the price for
a $40,000,onn export-Import
bunk loan to buy railroad
rolling stock In this country.
The stale department an
nounced June 20 the funds
would be frozen until Poland
12? ? ? t
1 aj
This apactaoular aerial picture waa taken yesterday from an airplane flying
over Lake Ewauna, Those logs, looking like match-stlcka, are lying in the lake
off Ewauna Box company mill, and will be sawed in that plant, ahown at the
center of the picture. Big Lakes yard liea off to the left. Ewauna'a fir logs come
GOP To Work
Against Axtell
Republicans began building up
stenm today for a determined
attempt to set back President
Trillium by beating Enus A.
Axtell in the Missouri fifth dis
trict congressional race.
Mr. Truman told his news
conference yesterday he was
making a categorical statement
when he said that Axtell, whom
he supported in a successful pri
mary race last Tuesday against
Incumbent Rep. Roger C.
Slaughter, would be elected.
Republicans generally arc not
conceding any such result. An
official of their national com
mittee said unusual efforts will
be made on behalf of the parly's
nominee, Alberr L. "Reeves Jr.
The republican congressional
campaign committee long has
marked the fifth Missouri dis
trict as a marginal area where
a GOP nominee would have a
fair chance of winning.
Disabled State Vets
Can Get Free Autos
PORTLAND. Aug. 10 ilt
Some 275 disabled Oregon vet
erans are eligible for free nuto
mobiles costing up to $11100, C.
II. Hudelsou, manager of the re
gional Veterans' Administration
office said today.
Any World War II veteran en
titled to compensation for loss,
or loss of use, of one or both
legs nt or above the ankle will
be eligible for a car financed
from an appropriation bill which
Just became law, Hudclson said.
Any special device necessary to
aid In oneantion of the machine
will bo included.
furnished the treaty texts. An
other $SO,000,000 credit to buy
surplus army stocks, held up at
the same time, was released
? ? ? ? t
"r.- fJZ,'
Juveniles Toss
Dynamite Sticks
PORTLAND, Ore.. Aug. 10 (At
Patrolman Earl Shinu was
hoping today a Juvenile ring
which has been selling dynamite
for a penny a stick around a
residential neighborhood has
been broken.
Questioning a 17-year-old
youth yesterday, Shinn learned
he had purchased a half dozen
sticks of the explosive for six
cents. The supply originated in
an abandoned quarry where the
youngsters uncovered a cache.
There were Indications the sticks
still laying around had been
thrown against rocks In tries for
explosive excitement.
Klamath Falls
Man Drowned
The body of Joseph Cabella,
about 50 of 2037 Radcliffe. was
found by two teen oge boys in
Columbia slough waters near
Portland yesterday. He had been
reported missing by relatives lie
was visiting.
The Multnomah county cor
oner said that death was caused
by drowning and there was no
evidence of foul ploy.
Cabella was a former employe
the Klamath Garbage com
pany, no is survived by a
widow and two children, Clara
and Sylvia and a brother-in-law,
A Lasagna in Klamath Falls.
Burial will be in Portland.
NEWBERG, Aug. 10 (At In
juries suffered Wednesday in a
highway collision were fatal
yesterday to Imogen Dcgner,
20, Newberg. She was o pass
enger In a car struck by a
motorcycle. '
Sec Samples of Our
i i before having your
machine worked on.
Wi stock Ihevundi f aolUrt' worth mt gemlne parti (r mt all mikea,
IT yeara xptrlrncv, cnmblrtfd with our faolnrr cnnntrtloni and laria
lock of parta, onablaa ua to .Ira yon tha moat vomplrla and alflclvnl acrv
Ica pouiblt.
Frtt Eitlmatti
Tour Independent Dealer
3218 Shasta Way
Logs In Lake Ewauna
Chinese Food
SHANGHAI. Aug. 10 (At J.
Franklin Ray, director of united
nation's relief and rehabilitation
administration's China office,
told a turbulent session of the
UNRRA Far Eastern council to
day he could not recommend re
sumption of full shipments of
relief supplies to China until
around November.
About 120,000 tons of UNRRA
supplies still are clogged in the
Shanghai bottleneck, he said
and about 296,000 more tens are
on the way. He estimated it
would take at least four or five
months to clear this backlog.
UNRRA Director Gcneial La
Guardia suspended all but emer
gency food shipments to China
last July 10 because of alleged
mishandling of supplies by the
Chinese national relief and re
habilitation administration.
CNRRA came in for a scorch
ing at today's session, with the
United States and Soviet dele
gates leading the attack.
Despondent Woman
In Tombstone Suicide
(P) Mrs. Ruth Allen Barber, 60,
disconsolate since the death of
her husband, Homer, four years
ago, committed suicide by topp
ling a tombstone down on her
head at her husband's grave.
Coroner Dr. David A. Bclinky
reported today
Mrs' Barber had been missing
since Wednesday She arranged
small stones carefully near her
husband's grave. Dr. Belinky said
an examination indicated Mrs.
Barber tried twice before she
crushed her head. He said a com
pound fractured skull caused
n. h. ko. -
Writttn Guirantett Furnlihtd
Phono 6771
f7 - s.
from the Fisher and Brown operations on the old Yaw key tract on Sun moun
tain, and their pine logs are from the south Calimua unit of the Klamath Indian
reservation. The .picture 1wa taken from, a-four-place Stinaon of the Shasta
Cascade Flying service.
Today's Newsie
There's many a city dweller'
who can envy 10-year-old
Louie Jordan. Louie and some
friends of his have a cabin
which they built located In the
woods near his Gilchrist home.
The lads are there much of the
time and spend an occasional
night, parents permitting. Like
any normal boy, Louie's heart's
desire is a bicycle end he saved
$35 of his earnings from carry
ing The Herald and News in
his neighborhood toward that
goal. When he isn't building
cabins and carrying papers, he
finds time to hunt, fish and
build model airplanes. Louie
has delivered papers on route
two since January of this year.
I'll ;
iSf . A . Baaaak -' .-v -
Featuring Vocalists
74c Per Peraon
" . J
Off On Junket
Members of the house mil-tary
atfairs committee took off today
for a six-weeks' trip to Alaska,
the Pacific and the Far East.
They will study surplus war
property disposition, demobiliza
tion, military government in oc
cupied areas, army morale and
sites for permanent military
The 12 members who siimeri
up for all or part of the trip in
cluded six democrats and six re
publicans and also Resident
Commissioner Jesus T. Pintro 6f
Puerto Rico. The committee
win leave Great rails. Mont.,
Sunday for Fairbanks, Alaska.
They Will spend three days in
Alaska before flvinz n sn
Francisco for departure August
16 for Honolulu. From Hmn.
lulu the committee will go to
the Marshall islands, Guam, To
kyo, Shanghai, the Philippines,
the Fiji islands. Canton island
and Australia before returning
to Washington in mid-September.
The trip will be made by army
Vacationing Stanley Wood
ruff, principal at KUHS, left
today on a short vacation.
Hans Norland Auto Insurance.
123 N. 6th St.
Dr. Kenneth S. Garvin
Faal Sarser? ani - Orthapcdlc
it? a. ua at. rhoua sni
Dancing 9 Till 1:00
raAI.D NISI, KUaislk rll, Ort.
ii 1 1 li'i IliliiW Hllllllllllilli1!! IIH'i
ii t i a
ii il t fj ft L J " I tJ
Umx. Ml", Praclp
Klsmath rails
Hno ..
8an Pranclaco ........
Had Blufl
I eluudy today and Sunday with aeattarad
howars In aum portion and wltn
thundar a howars In hlah mountain!.
SHshtly coolar in eantral and northarn
Intartor today. GanUa northwattarly
wind off Uw coast.
Correction Location of the
big grain elevatora under con
struction here are one and one
half miles south of Tulelake on
the Alturaa highway instead of
on the Tulana farms as was
erroneously given in a news
story Friday in The Herald and
News. The atorage facilitiea are
being built by Henzel brothers
of Malin.
Entertaining Mr. and Mrs.
Martin A. Putnam of 2640
Eberlein have as their guests
Roberta Jean Brown of Eu
gene, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace A.
Swanson of the Panama canal
zone, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Re
dahl of Eugene, and Mr. and
Mrs. John Neuwboer of Port
New Owners Mr. and Mrs.
James R. Murphy, former own
ers ot the victory cale. have pur
chased a meat market and gro
cery in Merrill which was for
merly operated by Mr. and Mrs
E. G. McGreer. The business
was owned for many years by
tnc late Oeorge Ollield ot Mer
rill. On Vacation Joe Peak. Klam
ath Union high school physical
ed director and swimming in
structor at the KUHS swimming
pool for the last two months, left
today for Lake o' the Woods for
an indefinite stay. Peak plans to
fish and swim while at' the lake,
he said.
Discharged Charles E. Mc
Kay of 2327 White, was honor
ably discharged from the armed
forces August 9 at the Camp
Beale, Calif., separation center,
according to recent army bulle
tins. Te British Columbia Mrs.
Katharine Casper and sister,
Phyllis Hogan of 1611 Cross, left
this week, for a short visit to
Vancouver, B. C.
Knights of Pythias The
Knights of Pythias will meet at
the IOOF hall at 8 p. m. Monday,
conauctinng tne rank of page.
Refreshments will be served and
visitors are welcome.
To Lake o' tha Woods Har
old Palmer, KUHS teacher, left
for Lake o' the Woods today
for the weekend to work on his
Returns Augusta Parker,
principal of Conger school, has
returned home from visiting
her sister, Mrs. W. E. Holmes,
of Medford.
Picnic The Happy Hour
club is to meet for a potluck
picnic Sunday, August 11, at
Moore park.
To Corvallia Mrs. Innis Rob
erts, John and Mary, of 926
Newcastle,' will leave tomorrow
for (Jorvallis to visit relatives.
Orions Meet Orions and hus
bands will meet for a picnic at
Moore park tomorrow afternoon
at 2 p. m.
Building Cabin "Baldy"
Evans, local band leader, re
cently started construction on a
cabin at Lake o' the Woods.
This Week at ,
No Sag Spring
Hardwood Frames
Choice of Colors
"Your Weatinghouae
H after Furniture
9th and Klamath
Lillllllllllllilitllli llllll
It n i
Annual Picnic
will be
Ft Klamath Gravel Pit
Sunday, Aug. 11th
For Eaglet and Families Only
Visiting Eagles Welcome
lATI'aDAT, Af. It, Ills, 9n TkMa
III W IIIWll lilllf Hll'illlilll11 1 lil I i "'III l i"iIH'i
it e ii ii in
a. I I I Ii PI I
I h llii1
i f nniiili I,
Super intandant Clarence
Hlnes, for seven years principal
of Pendleton high school and for
two yeara assistant superinten
dent of the Eugene school, has
been elected superintendent of
schools in Eugene. Ha is well
known here.
Girl Scouts The Girl Scout
office will be closed August 11
to August 18 as the executive,
director is in camp and the office
secretary will be on vacation.
The office will be open as usual
August 19.
Arriving Bob HencferschotV
assistant coach at KUHS for
next year, will arrive in Klam
ath Falls with his wife . and
children next week to get set-
tied In his new home here.
Officials Lee Cannon, vica
president of the Western Life
Insurance company, and W. K.
Neill, Western Life agency su
pervisor, were in Klamath Falls
for a few days on business.
Movies The navy recruiting
office will show two films, "Sea
Power in the Pacific" and
"Naval Guns at Okinawa,"
Tuesday evening at the Junior
Farmers club.
On Vacation Mildred Rice,
of the KUHS vocational de
partment, left . Friday, August
9, for California, to visit her
brother. She will return Au
gust 19.
Going North Harold Teale,
KUHS teacher, will leave Mon
day for Salem, Eugene, Port
land and other cities in the
northern part of the state on
To Eugene Ed Ryan, KUHS
football coach, is planning a
trip to Eugene over the week
end to visit friends.
Moved Glen Gulley, former
ly in charge of engine room
at KUHS, moved into his new
residence on Modoc field re
cently. ' In Buaineaa Harley Evans,
former head custodian of
KUHS, has recently ' opened a
cabinet and refinishing shop on
E. Main.
Campers Return Boys of the
4-H club returned Saturday aft
ernoon from the 4-H camp at
Lake o' the Woods.
At Lake Virginia Sharp,
1017 High, spending four days
at Lake o' the Woods.
Visiting Mrs. Marie Owns ot
Ames, la.. Is visiting Mrs. Bessie
fKeil. - Both of the-women have
been cooking at the 4-H camp.
Eagles Auxiliary The Eagles
auxiliary drum corps will prac
tice in the lower FOE hall at 8
p. m. Friday.
All Types
New Table Model Radios
in Stock and For Sale
Pelican Radio
Appliance Co.
119 So. 5th
held at the
uiniiiu "lljSralrM'Mi iiMira;