t I 1 I I IR) l s 19 Kt lit re It t B M ii le II (V Dl It 14 It II P P I k U b H E I Psychiatric Examination Ordered In Heirens Case CHICAGO, Aug. 8 (P) A psy chiatric examination of William Heirens was ordered by the crim inal court today when the con fessed killer of two women and a little girl was arraigned on the third murder charge against him. After the appointment of two alienists, arraignment on the charge of murdering Mrs. Jose phine Ross, 43-ycar-old widow, on June S, 1945, and on two other murder charges was con tinued to September 4. The 17-year-old defendant en tered no plea to the Ross charge. At previous court appearance he offered no plea to charges of murdering Suzanne Degnan, 6, and Miss Frances Brown, 33, a former Wave. He has signed statements detailing how he slew 11 three. Chief Justice Harold G. Ward of the criminal court appointed Dr. William Haines of the Cook county (Chicago) behavior clinic and Dr. Harry Hoffman, court psychiatrist, to examine the 4 Killed, 3 Hurt In Auto Smash PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 8 W) Four persons were killed and three injured late last night in an automobile collision on the Lower Columbia river highway near St. Helens. The dead: Dwight Blair, 17, St. Helens; Dwaine Marloe Veek. Seaside; Millicent Anderson Miller, 35, Hood River; and Fay Duvall, 32, Hood River. State Police Sgt. Warren Forsyth said one car was driven by Veek and the other by Wil liam Johnson Jr., 17, St. Helens. Blair was in Johnson's car. he said, and the other victims were in Veek's. Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Duvall were hitch-hikers picked up by : Veek, he said. Those injured were Johnson, . Mrs. Mary Peak, 35, Wauna, and Peter Grotting. 40, Astoria. Grot ting was not hospitalized. . Gl Hitchhiker Jailed In Reich j BAD NAUHEIM, Germany, ' Aug. 8 OP) A former soldier who hitch-hiked back to Ger many because he found jobs scarce and prices high in the United States was detained in jail today while army officials investigated to determine wheth er he entered the U. S. occupa-! tion zone legally. Headquarters at Frankfurt said no charges had been filed against the former soldier, Kalph K. Betz, 26, of Willoughby, ! Ohio. An army official said Betz was arrested after failing to report twice daily to the pro- vost marshal as directed when j the investigation began. I Betz served 42 months in the irmy and was wounded in i France. ! He said he came into Germany without a passport of military orders by the simple expedient of stowing away on a troopship. "So many GI's couldn't find jobs at home and with prices so high you couldn't live on your salary if you got a job," Betz said. Then began a legal merry-go-round as various military agencies shunted him from one office to another trying to de cide what should be done with him. "When Poles sneak into the American zone illegally they set up a camp for them, but an American they throw In jail," Betz remarked wryly. Diphtheria Cases Up In Alaska Epidemic ANCHORAGE, Alaska, Aug. 8 (P) Six new cases of diphtheria were reported here yesterday bringing from Dr. C. Earl Al brecht, territorial health commis sioner, the statement that "there is no indication that the situation is under control." With the number of clinically active cases now totaling 18, Albrecht extended the city's re strictions on travel and public gatherings to include the entire Matanuska valley. One active case was discovered In the valley. Just' Received Large Size K PANTS Sites up to 50 waist jbicJz deeded WOES young possessor of the dual per sonality who said he burglarized to obtain sexual gratification. The mental tests were request ed by Roland Towle of di'fi-nss counsel. States Attorney William J. Tuohy, who was in court for the first public appearance of the university student since he re- enacted the brutal killings Tues day, said he would approve ap pointment of additional alienists for the examination if more were requested. In addition to the murder in dictments, the court also contin ued 29 other charges of burglary, assault and robbery to Septem ber 4. At an arraignment last week on the Degnan and Brown killings, the court fixed August 14 for ihe next hearing. This assignment was superseded by today's proceedings. Heirens was indicted only yesterday for the Ross murder. Mrs. Ross was the first of the brawny, dark-complexioned youth's slaying victims. Miss Brown, slain in her apartment on December 10, 1945, was his second and the Degnan kidnap ing, strangling and dismember ment, which shocked the nation, the third. Heirens signed his confession almost seven months to the hour from the time he stole Suzanne from her bedroom. Sheriff Michael Mulcahy yes terday disclosed that a razor blade was found concealed in one of four books brought to the county jail on request of the con fessed triple slayer. Mulcahy said he "believed he (Heirens) knew that razor blade was in that book." Mulcahy said the youth, who is under constant guard in his cell, uses an electric razor, as do other prisoners, but he has asked for a straight-edged razor several times. ATTENTION EAGLES Annual Picnic will be held at the Ft. Klamath Gravel Pit Sunday, Aug. 11th ALL DAY For Eagles and Families Only Visiting Eagles Welcom. RE-DECORATE A ROOM FOR ONLY r ' ' t v t no muss i NO FUSS' JH&yiJ NO BOTHER I T NATIONALLY-FAMOUS lf! Brighten your rooms the easy, Kem-Tone way I One coat covers most interior surfaces , . . dries in 1 hour without odor I Redecorate in the morning and entertain guests in the same room the same dayl Gallon takes care of average room. Washable after 1 week! Buy en Wards Monthly Payment Plan en any Pravda Publishes Full Byrnes Text MOSCOW. Aug. 8 (A) Prav da, communist party newspaper, printed today the full text of U. S. Secretary of State Byrnes' speech Tuesday before the rules committee of the Paris peace conference. The newspaper gave the speech the most prominent position on its foreign news section, print ing the text of Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov's reply be neath. The two texts, along with Tass dispatches covering later conference events, occupied pages three and four. Bank Held Up In Oklahoma WALTERS. Okla., Aug. 8 (if) A band of five unmasked men held up the Bank of Walters today and fled with cash loot estimated bv Cashier E. H. Minton at $35,000. Minto said all of the men were armed. No shots were fired. The cashier said three of the men entered the bank about 10:30 a. m., and forced the bank's staff and one customer to lie on the floor. Then the leader, at pistol point, forced Minton to open the bank's vault, the cashier added. The three men in the bank, described by Minton as cool hands, then scooped up the cash in the vault and on the bank counters and dashed out side. Waiting outside the bank were the other two bandits. The three joined them and sped away in an automobile bearing an Oklahoma license tag, Min ton added. Classified Ads Bring Results. 298 Klamath Residents Slow To Use Airmail Service Klamath residents just aren't accustomed to airmail service yet. This is the opinion of Post master Burt E. Hawkins after a week of service has shown only about a 50 per cent increase in the uso of airmail. A steady growth in airborne mail In pluce of three cent let ters is expected by Hawkins as "people both in Klamath county and throughout the United States become aware of the service. Hawkins predicted that airmail will develop even faster if con gress lowers the postage rate to five cents, three cents below the present rates. So far, only a temporary mes senger delivers the mail to the airport. In a month or two, the post office will advertise for bids for carrying the mall to and from the planes. Portlander Elected By Youth Conference SEATTLE. Aug. 8 M Dr. Frank Phillips of Portland was elected northwest regional chair man of Youth for Christ Inter national yesterday as a three day conference of Pacific north west states, British Columbia, and Alaska came to a close. Deverne Frenke, Salem, Ore., was elected treasurer. BATTLE SCARRED! Office efficiency and office appearance are largely a mat ter of the right equipment, which in turn provides the proper atmosphere and the right incentive for willing workers. "Battle - scarred" desks and chairs are never conducive to good work or good work attitudes. Give your office a new lease on life! For Office Equipment S.o aw. STATIONERY CO. 729 Main Phone 5602 MONTGOMERY WARD H)98 Gallon Quart 98c Northbound1 airmail closes at the post office at I) a. m., 6:45 p. m. and 8:30 p. m. for all points north of Salem and eastern states. Material going to Redding and southern points and eastern states must be In the post office oy u a. in., 1:13 p. in. and H p. in. , Hawkins stressed that mail can not be mailed at the airport, as all airmail is locked In pouches at the post office and tiikeu i directly to waiting planes. I r Wards Neatsfoot Oil 75c . Use on all leather aoodi for lubricating, weatherprooflngl leather will wear longarl mm sst UTSFO0l Post Office Taking Job Applications Applications to tuke examina tions for postal clerk or Idler carrier positions are still being accepted by the Kluniath Kiill post office. However, applica tions must be in the office uf the regional malinger of the 11th U, S. civil service district in Sctitllo MONUMENTS Till OREGON GRANITE 1 OSirANK Ull Sa. (Ik M.. li CWe ON FARM NEEDS... SUPERIOR QUALITY TEAM HARNESS fill hones to 1800 ftls. 77.00 Built for toughvil tervics . . . b cauia decidedly higher quality Ualhtr Ii used throughout. Hot extra stitching at points of stiain, costly finishing . . . fii twHtr, won't wrinkltl See it . . . NOWI FAST MIXER FOR CEMENT OR FEED U..ir 48e5C Aik ik.il War MaMMy tmj ftm lightweight yat hot 1 6 ga. ifaal hoppaf, strongly braced ongl Iron frame! One man can operate H by hand for dry mixing, or mo tor for wall Three fins mix thor oughly a botch e mi'nulef WARDS ELECTRIC FENCE CONTROL 18.25 Wards bast battery fencel Strong shock, but safe! Extra low battery drainl Built-in (lasher bulb, On-off disconnect switch. Weather-proof steel cose. Buy yours now ... at Wardsl ELECTRIC DRIVE PUMP JACK 59.70 Complete Electric drive Strata-Lift gives maximum pumping efficiency and eliminates pump rod wear. Machine-cut gears run in con stant oil bath. 'A H.P. capacitor electric motor. Buy yours now! 3-CALLON OPEN TOP SPRAYER 5.19 Use this easy-to-carry sprayer for truck gardens and nurseries. Brass nozzle sprays fine mist. Pumps to 60-lbs. pressurel Com pare with others costing dollars morel See it at Wardsl Sturdy Wfre Egg Basket hie. 89c Wffc Haavlly galvanized wire baikat holds 15 dozan aggi, perntlli them to cool rapidly. Buy nowl nmAi n a urns, nimm riu, Qc. by the close of business August Those- Interested limy obtain application blanks from the local secretary, Mrs. Helen Hplltcr, at the post office. The ruby lif the blrtlistonu of July. TEE-SHIRTS Whltt or Ivory Oregon Woolen Store trim FARMERS! SEE THIS HEAVY-DUTY HAMMERMILL Big foedersi Custom grlndersl Wards Model "C", grinds 10,000 pounds of ear corn per hour, other feeds In proportion... wilh minimum labor and powar requlremanlsl "C Is the mill you need tor day-after-doy, full capacity grlndingsl Durable cast steel construction, reversible swinging hammarsl Traveling faed table, positive feed roller... easy to lead. Flexor Face Collar Heg. O 77 1O.75O. Adjusts to 3 sizes, Fill perfectly. 17-ln. draft. Made of fine russet oil treated leatherl tiii'imt, Am, I. mi, r. t.,,,, EMPIRE AUCTIONED The Hoiiiun Empire was iuc.f tinned off to the highest llilur ' In 103 A. I). Ulillim Jiilillmi bought it, mill mini the rmulri for several uniiillis unlil tin army turned nguiiint him ln(J executed him. MONTGOMERY WARD AT 255.00 SEE WARDS NEW MILKER NOW! 226.50 Milks a stew, ceanar, foslar woyl See it NOWI See its 4 brand new features froniparanf milk tube, "see-through" clow, detachable vacuum tank, automatic stall cocksl Leam more about it NOWI COMPARE OTHERS PRICED UP TO $75! 4001b. cap. 85.25 Separates 65 quirts In 20 minutes . and leaves less "than H ounce of buttarfat In 100 lbs. Adjustable for 18 to 55 fat. Starts and runs easily! Self-balancing bowl. TOP QUALITY BINDER TWINE 7.44 Six 8-lb. boll, You can't buy a batter binder twinel It's tested to a high break ing strainl Insect repellent! lat tice wound , . runs smooth minimizes snarling, breakingl 500-ft. to poundl Automatic Water Bowl 3.89 Heavy cost Iron bawl, designed so It can't overflow. Buy now at Wards low prlcel SIGNS House Painting 7 iNrimnN iimiw I GRITMAN A Sign It Painting Co. Vj 1 thmnt mii . auntAiii r.u. m Stairs .00 f . STORE for MEN Corner 5th and Maia purchase over $10.