a. 94 Automotive 94 Automotlva 34 AulomoUv AutomotlT Autom otir Tutiday, Fib. 13, 1945 HERALD AND NEWS SEVEN 34 Automotive 34 AutomotiT .John Ashley- Complete Brake Service All From One Location CASH For Your Car jny Make or Model it win Pay Yu 'et ur So I FOR SALE ,dy homo n Puclflc Tcr- j:o,ouo.o. 34 I n.-nif Torrnco home, 3 Eft $..oo.;o. . n..i,. Terrace hump. 4 .mi, $f!300.00. jfi ncr hint. ":h001' m , . . Loom homo neur Dichn law. , . . i, on norm mm. ..i . h n r I) n homes S1000 to S52S0. ERAY REALTY CO. ii"""" 3.13 EST BUY TODAY Urn 2-bcdroom home In viand, comer im, mm ! 13 acre. Top construe .,ih flrtiilnce. Intrdwoud ... circiilutlnR oil luitter ami -i, hot water henlcr. At- fed garaitc nnd host of noil. I It $3UUU, terms, iuu u ;ln. Ileor Shasta Way frbtdroom modern home li ncrc ol best ground, house. Inrcc porch. Quick Erssion. Come (or $1200. ILCOTE & SMITH Rcnltom Sinco 1001) NV 9th Phono 43(14 213 FOR SALE ram home ori tho west side, vie plumbing, laundry trays, Mscmcnl, concrete rounou- Biracc In basement, nrnr k!. Good view o elty. Price EJ.00. Terms. oom home on North 0th I. Service porch, liiundry tmw m bnsement. l'rlcc I'MO Terms. Sec FRED C'OFEll RNHISELAGENCY S. 8th Phone 411)5 213 COMPLETE SET-UP BPJ-fi nt u.ll..l i i .i Nhln M miles ol Kl.imutlvj k All ... . ... .. ;;" in cultivation, III) a n d, i i.. . ..r i .... . Good Improvements, , complcto etiiilDinent I: ne of . . msnt. comhlno nnd much equipment, dm much to "where. ISO entile. $52,000 " ". w rnncn mono S2U,. " you ore looking for n "nth tn nnl fll ... 1 I. one over. J.W. SANDERS REALTOR Main Dlnl 7821 2-13 Equity For Sale Homo on Pine St. Furnished ''"I town. Win li -.. . fate. .,!!' Sl- phone 8470 2-13 AUT0 COURT mCL,unl,f "th tub f Dale,' Realtor 'l-Uil,J'".L.Mr lootl .oil (r ' 'or JSooo '" I'vlns room, Ho.' 'OS Pir,.y I , WUl I "" "lid lli.ur.nr. . ' . 1'hone mm wiTV"- - , "-13 lk"lllnU'-: li.rnw7,7Tr ey Chevrolet Co. Phono 4111 30 nil tfttat Tot Sol roil MAI.K -Crcrni City properly. Una I t)lii . oitrati front nfc. neatilllul vliiw, iiiioiI mil fur litilhi, Newly ilnrn. ruled 4 room lmue wllh Imth, laun dry nmt tliirnitp raoin. I'rlrcil fur quirk nl Mt ;iMHl Write P. O, Xt, Crt-icciil City, (.'aIK, a-17 rOK WAI.r. IN JACKHONVI iTifiTb" ro "m litiunr-. rlnn In. A. 1.. Kontmy. 3-1.1 Automotive Winter Driving Is Hazardous Driving Is YOUR Car Insured Vat Complete Aiilomobllo CovorugeV Phono D10S John Sondmcyer, C. S. ROBERTSON AGENCY First Federal tinvlngs tilde, 2-28m RADIATOR REPAIRING Wo Aro Well Equipped To Give Prompt Service Tractor Truck Bus V. B. SMITH 2340 S. Cth St. Phone 8331 M0l)-tf Used Cars Bought Sold . ..Traded ODELL MOTOR CO. 744 Klnroiilh Ave. Whero 8th Street Ends FOR SALE RADIATORS OF ALL TYPES Will Build Any Type ftndlutor You Need Klamath Radiator Works 34 2221 So. 8th Phone 694:' sou: Motor Rebuilding 0nv Chryslcr Starter nnd Generator E"8'", Who Reconditioning txpcricnccd Mechanics MOTOR TUNE-UP phone or Call In For 25 Years' Experience Appointment Elmer Tripp ' v Home Garage Burness Motors 218 Old e'nrt Road DeSoto Plymouth Phone 7034 before 8:00 or s 6ln & walnut Phone 13681) after 5:30 P. M. a iJm 2578tf rZ"X EXCHANGE ' MOTORS S?'hiX "'.i.",S. 13S! Fords, Clievrolols Plynioulhs, Phnm oool niicr :30 p. m. a-n Dodges and Otlicrs , 0I. ntrkiiii nr panel, 'l23 Denver Ave. WO Will ItCCOIiaillOll XOlll Phone 4007. a-" Motor Like New ThA;ic,:SMW:aA,5aS: -Cylinder itotaevlnB and ion. ! RebonilR FoTaISTToii iiuirK ..rtuneiie. low Crankshaft Grinding and Line mllenne. or will Ira.le (or Into mo.lel Boring rom nickup. aau neci.ni.iion, a-ia Rcground Crankshafts Willi FOn SALE - ln;m Chevrolet Hi-Ion Bent'lngs to Fit liuok. n.a.lslllply rnhlier. tuli nlnlo ;;iiyr UrATU .lock inek heeler nml ilelroslcrl. I. "NU (loo.l condiiion. Ceiinm price. Cy pilon0 3214 037 Calif. Ave. . Wollnn'n UmiI Car Lot, 3.11 S. lllh. , . Phono 3310. jMj " VOn 8A1.K-UH0 Nh 4-dnor Sedan, .ivaw vjuumif.,.JuJuwnnnimv ?v'ln V:krrn.'irrS! 3B MI.cellan.ou, For 8.1. " c'"f""u- - " ron SAl.E-Oo. heavy iOnO-B.I. water KOll SAl.K-One car railio, one car ,,)nli tuiiable for either trnniporta- heater, one 'k h.p. Ilrlmi anil Hlrat- ,0 0P ,ioraee. Doug Puckotl. rule- Ion. flxlt Shop. Klamalll. 330011 ,e, rhone 7104. WOULD TtlADK one 1037 , nternallonal fvllrn BngHEH - Clem Joyer. 143S truck 11-411. with or without trailer. Phone 8077. 2-5ni llooit prewar Urea, tor lalo model Murlln. plekup Willi Buod Urea. I-hone 7IU4. TOI,PINO ,nd Irlmmlin trcca and Douk Puckell, Tulelako. Lain. a-18 B,rl,b. lanriarnplni. tlowerlnn ahnile 1 : ; Tt rm ireea and ahruba. Lakeahore Gardena MArMSi W mhLH.',l'"l-!!.P OPA Na'pho.. 4QM. 33 Fuel Hoatinq rrrT WILL PAY CASH FOll YOUn PIANO- Loula n. Mann, 120 N. 7th. Phone STANDARD 4"" r l"7'' J InlNLniNU WQ01 r,lIh.raor ,.ka with nl inkirn "MIC I'ten" "Pnera. nnhnrillnea nnd BURNtK (J Lb HciHord cord.. NOW at nndya Men a INI N ll viu. Shop, 800 Main. , Fuel Oil CINDEIIS, iarden dirt, harnynrd fortllU- I- V- nil er. Roy Schmack, n. 3, Oox ItHJ. Furnace Oil ; phone wm. -nni DiCSel Oil WANTED Pair ot Wla. nfnkinl aheara StoVO Oil Phone 07S4 ntlcr tlvo p.m. JO'"" BURNER SERVICE - .ncm consETtEnK , .,. Mra, Rnld Bureh, Oil Oak. Phone TOW PllOllO Ol'll) (0r appointment. '-m I PaArl1 f"!n 'On aAKKTY ue ruin roolll tnblols nnd ' reyiOn 0 U, cryatala. Pliono 7'8. "-n"'c Kliimtith's Original Fuel Oil allkn Adding Mncnino nnd rnmw Doalor ' Cnlculalora. ftl S. lllh SI. l''.n S-S3inc Prlntlna & stationery Co. a-ISm Maron Battin has been with the Dick B. Miller Company for 6 years as brake specialist. His department is equipped to service all types of brakes at one stop. All Work Fully Guaranteed Dick B. Miller Go. OLDS TOWER Public Used Car Lot 7th and Oak Across from Post Office South We Buy and Sell ' Used Cars and Trucks Sell Us Your Used Car Top Price - No Waiting CASH --See Selby Last- Phone GMG At. Your Friendly GMC Deae,' ROSE MOTOR CO. PONTIAC till nnd Klnmnlli Autom tlve Does Your Car Sound Different Lately ? If Chrysler Made I We Can Fix It 7th and Klamath Ave T. Th. St. tf 6D34 2378tf PARTS COMPLETE GENUINE CMC Phone 8164 36 Miscellaneous For Sal . For Sale The following used equipment, all repairable; some ready for immediate use: 3 Galeon Patrol Graders, 10-ft. , 1 Adams Road Maintainor, 6-ft. 1 Owens Road Broom, 8-ft. 1 Snow King Rotary Plow for Truck Mounting. For Information Phone 5729 l 2-14 FOR SALE IRON FIREMAN COAL STOKERS BOB PORTER Phone 7708 2048tf BROODER HOUSES Back Yard Chicken Houses The best Insulated chicken houae ever . . built. Stop In and aee them at the Big Basin Lumber Co. WOOD-COAL-OIL FURNACES Free Estimate All Makes or iteatlni , Equipment Serviced Tufts Healing Service Phono 804O .tassK FOR SALE Montns Wood Furnace (used) S3S Gen. Elee. oil Burner lusedi.. $133 Lennox Wood Furnace mew) a.169.30 iron Fireman uu mirnera BOB PORTER PHONE 770B Sheot Metal Shop, 801 Sprint 333011 foil SAi.E-aa nemiooion pump. 330 acone. a.10 ahclla! 30-00-70 Model Bed' field mount, 330 acopc, 48J receiver alsht, a boNQS ahclla. J. Le Fetter, Keno. Ore. a-14 Fort SALE-Electric washing machine, S03.00. rhone 7007. a-14 FOR SALE -Flve-lube cehinnl radio. 94B; table and chair set, clothea hamper, guitar. Phone 7.117 or call at 430 Hill side St. ntler 3: no p. m. 9-14 FOR SALE -Linoleum remnnnta, differ ent lengths, reduced In price. Lucas furniture, 103 E. Main. a-17 STOVES REPAIRED. All avallahle parts alnuked. Used furniture, stoves bought. OK Second Hand Store. 2401 So. 8lh. a-asin FOR 8ALE-0 ft. refrigerator meat dis play ease, standard computing scale, adding machine, cash register. Call nt tas W. Main. 3-14 Gl.ASS-Mlrrora, veallvering, plale win dow and auto glnas, furniture tops, ahclves. Klmball'a Glass Shop, 837 Walnut. Phone 7378, 3 3m FOR SALE - Myers deep well purrtp com plolo with HO ft. pipe, h p, motor. Phone 4043, or contact Doug Puckett Tulelake, 7101. -! Sell Your Car NOW OUR CHECK BOOK is READY and WILLING TOP OPA PRICE Balsiger Motor Co.- YOUR FORD DEALER FOR 21 YEARS Main and Esplanade 38 Miscellaneous For Sale SEED POTATOES TO SELL CERTIFIED.GEMS CERTIFIED WHITE ROSE GEM DROP SEED " . . " PHONE 7360 OR 3267 IN EVENINGS McKaig Feed & Produce Co. P. O. Box 130, 38 MUcollaneous For Sal COAL Cash-and-Carry - Sacked and Bulk LUMP . . . NUT . . . STOKER . Buy direct from our coal man at the coal bins. Coal Bins Open 8 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. Office Hours 10-12 A. M. and 1:30-5:30 P. M. Peyton & Co. Klamath's .Original Coal Dealer 915 Market Phone 5149 2-23MC FOR SALE Farninll 20 Trnrtor. good shape. 4 miles cast and one mile north ol Merrill. Frank Hadlcy. 2-13 FULLER BRUSHES Rep. R. V. Mornnn. 332 So. Riverside. Phone 3:148. 3-3m FOR SALE New ateel septic tanks. Davis Plumbing Co.. 337 East Mnin P-h-- ' .3'V- -- J -WU '- -rLr..-.n..-ir j'- j 42 MUcollaneous Wanted WANTED DRY and GREEN HIDES and PELTS GREASE See Us First For Top Prices SIXTH ST. AUTO WRECKING Phone 3583 2501 So. 6th 2-16 REFRIGERATION AIR CONDITIONING Mich a n I call y inclined men pet FREE facts nbout rcpntv nnd Installation work opportunities and spare llmo training plan. Write Utilities lnt. Box 1000, care Herald and News 2-13 FIND YOUR POST-WAR CAREER in AUTO BODY and FENDER work. In cluding metal work, WELDING and apray painting. Easy to learn now In your spare time. Chnnce for good job or a shop of your own. Weil show you how. Here's one of the most profitable branches of the big Auto business. Get the facts. Write, today. Utilities Eng. Inat. Box 3200. care Herald and News. 2-13 WANTED-An apartment for man. wife and 7-year-olrl child. Must bo fur nished. Call 8101, Extension 5. Robert Gutter. a-14 WANTED Late model enr from private parly. Call 70.10. 3-13 WANTED TO RENT Modern, furnished il-room apartment by permanent work ing girl. Phono 4(188 after 5 p. ,m. 2-iatf NAVAL OFFICERS wnnt to rent 3 or more bedroom house, preferably fur nished. Phone 8101. Ext. 20, between a a. m. and 5 p. m. 2-14 CASH patd for household goods. 7510. Phone 4340tf WANTED Complete h. L. Cook rlcctrl chI course, good condition. Box 404. Cily. 2-13 TWO NAVY COUPLES would like to rent furnished apnrlmont or house. Or mio large house. Permanent residents. Ph. 3230, Shore Patrol, at 4:30 p. ni. a-ia WANT TO BUY 1 or 3 bedroom fur nished house, Phone 4231. 2-13 WANTED 2-bftdroom furnished house for mnrlnc and family. S121 Ex. 03. Cpl. Folsom. 2-13 WANT Lntc model electric sewing m.n . chine and mangle. Phone 3.137. 2-16 WANTED-Summer home or cabin on Diamond or Odell lake. Box 1310. Lakevlew. Oregon. 2-13 WANTED TO BUY-2M, or 5 h p. Even rude or Johnson motor. K, C. Wilson. Malin, Ore, Phono 100. 2-12 WANTED Windsor typewriting desk tiflvlng drawer apace and closed top. rhone 044. aii MARINE OFFICER and wife want fur rtlshed apartment or house. No lifts, no cnunrcn. vnonn wiiiara nmn, , ROOm 433, 212 1 38 Miscellaneous For Sal Ktamalh Falls 2568tf 44 Live tock and Poultry FOR SALE Purebred Guernsey bull, 20 monms oia. box 317, uorris. uaitt. 3-13 WANTED Poultry, livestock, tufkevi and rabbits. TRULOVE'S MARKET. 010 East Main. Phone 4282. 3-5m BROODERS. POULTRY SUPPLIES and REMEDIES Phone 6005. P. O. Box 328. 2720 S. Sth. Klamath Falls, Ore. 35Utf FOR SALE-10 yearling milking Short horn bulls, Walter Casebeer, Bonanza. Ore. - 2-21 WANTED - Live poultry Of all kinds. Also csss. Martin Produce Co. Phone 3372. 2.28m FOR SALE 3-day-old calves. KL 1 Box 018. 2-36 HIGHEST PRICES paid lor hots, veal, lambs and cattle. Johnson Packing) Co. Phone 332:1. nlKhts 350S. 2-2am 46 Financial ' When You Want a CASH LOAN For Any Worthy Purpose Call on P. A. (Buck) Everett at the office of COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP. 107 N. 9th St. Klamath Falls, Oregon Loans Made on Automobiles , . Livestock Furniture Salary Sales Between Individ uals Financed and 0. P. A. Requirements Completed Come in Phone in or' Write in Phone 7711 Lie. M-223 Lie. S-251 2 28m See K. A. (Dinty) Moore For liberal: cash loans AUTO " FURNITURE ;. NOTE ; Private Sales Findnced Simple Credit Requirements Complete Privacy 12 MontHs to Pay No Co-Signers Quick Service ( Locally Ownod Motor Investment Co. Klamath's Oldest a M--273 S-241 114 N. 7th Phone 3323 2-28m NOW Is The Time To "CASH IN" On Your Car You'll probably never get more for your car than you can right now and right here from us. Brinq In Your Car Today! ROSE MOTOR CO. P()MTIAr 4th &: Klamath PUN II AC phone 8164 CMC USED CAR LOT 6th and Plum Recondition Your Olds Your Oldsmobile dealer is well equipped to -overhaul your-car. Genuine ports. All work guaranteed; Motor Reconditioning.. . . Motor Tune-up and Carburetor Overhaul. Brake Relining and Overhaul. Front End Correction. Wheels Baiancea. Body and Fender Repairing and Painting. Washing and Simonizing. Lubrication - Oil - Gas. Tires - Batteries - Accessories. A continuous and permanent history of all mechanical work is maintained for our customers and our own reference. Dick B. Miller Co. Olds Tower 42 Miactllaneotu Wanted Potatoes Wanted Any Lot -- Large or Small U. S. ONE'S U. S. TWO'S PEEWEE SIZE . - Culls Will Soon Be Saleable Phone 7360 or 3267 in Evening McKaig Feed & Produce Co. P. O. Box 130, 44 Lrvejitoclc and Poultry Don't Take Chances! Know unaer what condition your chicks are hatched. Visit your own nw nnd Modern Hstcherv and arrange to place- your order for chicks from som or th Willamette Valley's finest breeding flocks, established from eggs bought from tht bast specialized breeders In tho United States. Your own local Hatchery also buys hatching egss direct from such famous farms as Hollvwood White Leghorn Farms In Washington and Christie NaW HirflD ihirc Farms in New Hampshire. No better chicks can be bought. Open Evenings and Sundays for yom convenience. A FEW CENTS A CHICK WILL DO THE TRICK 1 Oregon State Hatchery Phone 600.1 ... JT20 8. Bth Klamath Fails. Ore. , iWlf 44 Livestock and Poultry WANTED . POULTRY OF ALL KINDS PAY HIGHEST - PRICES Mallory's y Market. Merrill-Lakeview Junction . Phone 4 20 ' , 3039W PAYINO UP TO n llv fof rnlihll skins. Millions wanted. Rush .-shipments to . day. Valcauda fur Co.,' Seattle, Wn. 2-28 Phone 6130 T-Th-S 7th and Klamath Thurs.-Sat.-Tuei. 42 Miscellaneous WanUd Klamath Fails 23S7M 44 Livestock and Poultry 46 Financial ' ' Ask Us About EQUITABLE LOANS Much lower interest rotes Long time easy payments Prompt Service, It will pay you to invesligU ..... ..... . lne ... ' EQUITABLE PLAN : CH ILCOTE Si- SMITH Since 1909 111 N. 9th Phone 45J4 Tues.-Ff l.-H - It it's a "froien firtteie vou need. (t vertise for a used one In the classified.