'! SIX HERALD AND NEWS Our Boarding House AN EMERGENCY US-" AW UNCLE BIG-LOW, A. ; PROMIEMT PENCIL BOXER. i reMl TOlkltr-iM-l I - (l")INS3 TO DWELL WITH US.' THUS, AS LAN10LOK.D lO 1 E.nAnT, I'M ASKlNiS V00 TO FifiD OTHER LODGING mi- FORTH Red Ryder Wash Tubbs MLKO HAHA WS WptAYRiay WITH K5 0PK5N&JT,jrHEN), W A BURST Of WKY. SHOWS H5 PELLETED AUDIENCE WHAT HE eoULP PO TO THE HUNT ED tANKEE PILOT Boots and Her Buddies ID-OTO VOU L 6W 1 IOO.OOOS2 Freckles and His Friends mL1? i!,p"S 42,1 X1PTBvT&auETrIl f 's seem BLackmailiwg I Dom't 1 fBur x. know were " eoiNe to help me with this geometry too: this, hilda! if me no making mv J worrv- theres a SECRET Wrn V SL,RE.BABe...,T3 &Tn& l'fe miserable "Vvou just WEAPON " II U - f AS EASY AS ROLUN 'J ON YOU, HE'LL -. V rV HOW TO HANDLE SlQ,T !' fl V. OFF A LOG J NEVER LET YOU, tf& ijVm I L jSftSk Xrr X " Jl V-TJ X HLd iMf?? ?gllH BY gtBtlCl. .C. T. M. BEG. U. B. PAT. OFF.gj V; I) N 0 I'V J Alley Oop WikffMVi'' CVgi.F SPOKESMAN FOft Littlo Orphan Annio GOIN'OW 14PPP...BIIT uUAt9 FIRST. SUE COMPR TPQCiij' Rftrw IN, FROM OLT FRONT- THEN, SHE BLASTS PUT AGAIN, WITH H UUIO DHU HP-U MHL AND TOPCOAT fff ... (-.. , . 2-lf d6 "''K?'' LlhJ 1 Tuesday. Feb, IS. 1945 HOLD .T.6QUIRE.' 6SF0R& I L!T HERE SKOftHS ACCOMMODATIONS CONFRONTS? I COULO CROWDED COAL, 6iM EUNM1.4S 5 Cf COURSE.! CAsl LOOeC ASAlt.T - 1 LIKE THIS ITS USURIOUS ft. f rvAnrm THE applause op spectators still WEIM61M3 IN HIS CAULIFLOWER ERS, rUKO IS SaRNC. TO HIS WEE C0TTA6E IN THE SUBURBS :- f--L ' f ' ' THE OUTSKIRTS OF kSL- w'T?J ,.J3"! ' "iSaU . ' THECITK A PO0B kMsl sis BTta THfsM W To ft VlPWi 6liCH ( i-Aiiii'JJ omioh ! here She tOMEs CALK ("AND WERES WHERE I 60. QUICK LIKE ANYTHING, IU MT KOOM! i . ii a With Moior Hoopla - , THE ONLY RMO IN TWO TC5vM WAS A SVITHOOT !AT3..' SUPPOSE, 6UT SPOT AD i 150,000 ? mm r f Wt Or- LtM WHO Wr- PWODOFiR A 7 HOLCl PPAT.P. DFAQ 1 THlft PIMP . IFV.F1 Fn flOPM T I I maiu TMI!i DDnDTYXlOKt PnO TUl tJA! ARE REAOV TO HEAK; TRANSMISSION DIFFICULTY ohohmj. Ma., rco. u im An aliened draft evador, or rest ed in Clearwater national for est bv forest rangers for failure to carrv a selective service card and register for the draft, told the FBI "I went into the forest right after Roosevelt was first elected and 1 haven't been out since."' CLASSIFIED RATES On rtaj 3 daj tun J tia. run 4 day mn 5 day run Work run . atom.. r.in . mi 4e pel word Be ...per worn He per word 1.1c por word He pcr word l.V oer wortt 4.V Now Today CALL A, B EPPERSON 4331 OR TttW Milts Addition. Fully furnished one bedroom hum on prnienl. Furnitur Includes electric nuns with incinerator. electric refrigerator, electric conMiic ra dio, a wing machine and washing ma chine. Cot lace in rear has Income. Lawn, trees, garage, etc. ( OH California Avenue. Small, partly furnuhfd home on (raveled s.rct. Cash H3OJ.0O. JOHN McFFE. REALTOR 118 N. Hh -13 FOR SALE - CWiMhlclt electric brooder. $13 30. Hu No. . Pelican Bay Lum ber Co. Phona . 31-1 GKAOE 3 Passenger car tire. No certif icate required. Kay Call's Auto Wrecking. T21 Commercial. Ph. ti'tvl. 2-1 FOR SALE t9;H Chevmlet sedan. Good condition. Phone 6447. 1-14 FACTORY BUILT IT-h. trailer home, cheap. Sleeps four. Good rubber. Ph, 6S76. .134 So. 6th. 3-14 By Fred Harmon By Leslie Turner By Martin COMt KCSi WVTW TVt By Blosscr By V. T. Hamlin TQanF Vl r.n-r ni.r IPI.JPI A. V I'LL DO By Harold Gray HMMM ! SOuNI. ASLEET? EH? WELL, IT'S LUCKY SHE IS "LUCKY K)AH HER I p Nw Today KWW.00 KKK MONTH 1 block fr'i Momjmmerv W store, XI (urnlhert umU. fUMiM moitlh extine overhead. This shows the investment fcettcr than 30', 1 rl JlS.axVOO. Onc-haH d'-wn. 0 I'Hii ni Ani.Mt.i'i Knlural hot water heal. Kro tncoine itment which take no matiAKcmeul 3.000.00. One-half down. rtHICK APARTMENTS Pi Cloe In. Incoina a.iO 00 frvm B units, all furnished. .Mc set-up (or home and income. E. CJKAY HEAl.TY SKHVICK SNnuirv 1 tlCJtre HI tilt. Evening Ph. Oftlca Th. .WA a 13 FOH SALE New, unfinished (i-room h(utA mi 1 1, infi. 2 hlocktt from oil on llomcdale, between S Oih and Shntn Way. Te'ins. liiuulro 4Hlft tith or phone imx a l l PAt-AMINO STALLION. 0 yeara old, will be sold Saturday. rel. 17. at Dud ley's Auction Sale. Phoenix, Or. Sal starts at 1 p. m. Horses sell first. Hsf lstered with Patainino Ass'n, Exam tned. approved and licensed by slle of OreEon. Calted. well hroko to the saddle, sound In every way, FOR SALE One acre, house, 1mm chicken tutu sea. good fences.. Can be seen at iiH Lou ait St. flioiie a-iu- WANTED Ciood wnshtitf machine. Call Hotel Earley. Mrs. Kaudy. 34U7tf WANTED TO RENT Furnished apart ment. Middle aed couple. Ph. tft-tw. 3 III IF YOtl ARK going away for a or 3 week and vfh to rent or sublet iur atvtrtnicnt furnished lit middle-aged couple, ' phone tkkltt. Will guaranlee beat of care. 2-iU WANTED- lla lit Itib. Phuttn tl447. 214 WILL CARE for children in my home. Phone iHtiJ. .441 Vine. 3-14 WANTED-Servico man's wife, girt or woman for ll.tht housekeeping. Room If preferred. Ph. tUu. 2-13 PART TIME Melro Goldwn Mayer Pictures h-)S opening tu'checktng staff for man. Mostly eveninc vork. How ever, some a tier noon work required. No selling or soliciting. Permanent. Car and reference, required. Call Mr. Hatch. Witlant Holel, Tuesday and Wednesday, 3-13 FOU RENT Three room house and gn rnse, Rt. 2 Hox 4L1A. He vacant Feb. Ut'th. Call 7U7U after 0 P. M. Prefer couple only. a-la-W FOR SALE- 4-room house lu Lennox Addition. 51300 W). Cnih or terms, In quire at Lien's Cash Storo for Elmer Colson. a-ID FOH SALE John leero Model D. flnl class rtinnins or(!er. Steeled wheel. Also drag saw, Everett Caldwell, Can by, Calif. 2-15 FOR SALE -Coal and wood heater used one month. 4 or 4-room stto, I55M, Call 0104. 417 lHiinn. .-14 FOH SALE - Excellent Hot Springs home near scnooi. I m mediate pteislon. 7000, cu Herald-New. Box 3iWL 2-l7- FOR SALE A new natural color cow boy hat, sire OJ. Call 403 Pine, be tween 8 and 6. 3-10 43 FOR SALE -Duplex by owner. 1844 Enrle, Hot Springs Addition. Phone 4221. 2-3043 MARINE. WIFE and two-year-old son. need living quarters urgently. Will shoot son if nccesviry. Answer Hox 3440. Herald and News. 2-14 WANTED- A email house, unfurnished, or pnrllnlly furnished, by reliable par Hen. Can glvo good references. Phone 8191- 2-13 WANTED Fairly late model coupe. Call 4287. 2-14 FOR SALE - New Zealand white rabbits and hutches. 4..14 Frelda St. 2-14 Mootinq Noticci Big Lakes Local No. 2511 Meets every 2nd Thursday and 4th Sunday at 422 Main St. . F. C. WUlonborg, Financial See. K. A, Gordon, Pres. 2-17M CARPENTERS' LOCAL No. 190 Mcellntra 1st and 3rd Wednesday eve nings of each mouth. 7:30 p. m.. at Labor Temple 422 Main C D LONG. Sec. and 0. A. Office Open 7:00 to 9:00 P M Every Wednesday. Phono 8327 3 -4 m Klamath Falls Aerie No 2090. RcRiilar meeting every Tues day night, 7:44 p. m,, F.OE. hnll. Oth and Walnut. Visiting tnemn.ri .oraiany InvHeil If Lost and Found REWARD To finder of small black and brown terrier lost In vicinity of Auburn and Alameda streets. Answer to name of "Skooky." Phono 74113 daytime, 8104 nftcr 5 p. m. 2-14 LOST Man'n wrlut wnich on Main SI. Elgin, sounre ctil, greon crystal. Brown strap, US navy identification. Reword. Phnns 4121 Co. II. Frank Ktlkllnskl. 2-13 LOST Red billfold. Reword. 7fi01 evenings. Phone 2-fl Mima Uutm LoosenedFirslDay For Thousands of Sufferers If choking, Rflsnlnff, wheeglng, rfiritirrtng nltneks of llrnnchlnl Aitlima rob ynti nf nlfirp and cnrrBy, neeppt thin llbrral trial nfTfr. Oet Mondneo, ft doctor'a prrscrlntlon, from your dniKBlRt; tno pjtiiclly an directed nnrf fit. for yourself how oiileltly it iiniially helps loouen and rcmovo thick trangling mucus, thus promotliiK freer breathing nnd refresh In ft nice n. You no tho JudKO. Unlenn dcllRhled and entirely satisfied with reuults, simply return tho empty packRgn and your money hark to guaranteed, Don't surfer another night without trying guaranteed Msndoeo only 60c at druggists today. f EVEITV Vj Wednesday r J SWIGART I anrl Notices TWO SISTERS INN Wacd-Atililnmi Junction 3 Miles West llwy. 07 Southern Filed Chicken and Stcuks RUTH AND CAL, CIOHMLKY Closed Mondays Phono 00(10 8-17 THK JACK O' LANTRHN. ITO Bo. Ulll. I, now oim uiiil.r new tnaititfi'mr-ut. lloniv riHik.il itiU. Nora 8mllh aihI Manila Joliii.oti, uwn.r.. i-M roiTsruAHT's "uanck ohchichtiu limulr IU4 ok m., or iiiiom Mir TIIK JACK O' LANTtHN, 0JI Ho. Bill. I. now onel) uiulrr now tnitnniioln.nl. Honiil rookr-tl nival.. Non, blilllll Mnrl Marttui Johnaon. uwn.r.. 'l Ti 10 bsrvtcH REFRIGERATION SERVICE Wo Service All Makes Household or Comniercliil Don't wult (or u complete breakdown. Iluvo your rcfrljer u t o r completely overhauled now durliiM cold weather, Belts, Seals, Controls, Switches, Valves in Stock, Bert Eastman, Serviceman Merit Washing Machine Service 6U So. Oth Phono (1(100 2-28m PLUMBING Plumbing & Keating' Equipment Installed and Rcpulred Plumbing Fixtures, Soil Plpo and Fittings in Stock DAVIS PLUMBING CO. We Hurry Phono 7035 337 E, Main 2-10mc INCOME TAX SERVICE Commercial Bookkeeping liollln A. Cantrall Room 4, Hopka Bldg. 110 N. Oth St. Open jSvcnlngs and Saturdays i'nonc 3iM0 3-H SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Inspection Free Modern Equipment Contents Hauled Away Ed. F. King Phono 1330 .1 0 SKWINO MACIIINB HKnVICK, all milk.. Phono 0771. Xllli Sim. I. Way. 9-lOn, SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED and In. tailed. A local concern. Phono W Daker, Ttm 4.4 IIKMSTITCIIINO DlfESSMAKINCl. nntton. and Ouckl.. covnred. Alteration, on new and old elotlilnil. Mr.. II. M. Allondor, 7:tl Main. Iloom 210. Ph. 7303. 3-31111, WATKINS PHO0UCT8-J. C. 3343 Homo Ave., Phone 0313. KALSOMINING. Kemtonlnl, Palntln, 11. L. llrown. Phone 432(1. a-3Utn TIIKOOORE DICKSON, rnrnllnro Shop. ,c,ii,,,i.,i7riiiK. ropairini. reiimaning. SprlnK. reconditioned. 3041 Shaita Way. Phono 4317. 3-IA HOUSECLEANlNa. door waxlni and window wa.hlnil. Leo J, Pope. Phone S420. 3311 N. 8th at. 3IMU CUIITAINS LAUNDEHEO and alrolched Phono 3717. a-31 ELECTRIC IRONS, toailoni. walflo Iron., vncnom clennora, radio, KKPAlltEt). Quick aervlrir. THE PELICAN AP PLIANCE CO., Ill) So. 3th, Phone 11333. 3.5 DENTISTRY -41X10 Hhaala way. 30 10 Services MOVING STORAGE Local and Long Distanco HAULING Klamath Falls TRANSFER and STORAGE Agents for United Van Lines 101 Klamath Phono 8072 2-23 m DRESHMAKINO SHOP Alteration,, new and old MRS. HAWORTH and MRS. PETERS llopkn Bids. Room 0 2-11 WANTEO-Wlndow waihlni. Ph. 0140. SPENCER CORSETIERE Mra. Enid Burch. 021 Onk. Phone 7310 for appointment. 3-8m CARPENTER WORK token, hour or con Irnct. Phono 43311. 3-13 OKINa mo your work. No Job loo email. -Botlenhamer Saw and Repair Shop. SEW1NC1 MACHINE SERVICE, all make. Phone 11771. 3210 Shaata Way. 3.12m , PILES SUCCESSFULLY TREATED NO PAIN . NO HOSPITALIZATION No Lom of Time Parmanenl Reaullal DR. E. M. MARSHA Chlrepraetle Physlelan ! Na. 7lb Ksrtnlra Thsatra Bid l Phnna 701(1 DEVELOPING ENLARGING PRINTING' PHOTO SERVICE 211 Underwood Bldg, Ailon Adding Machine! Friden Caleulaton Royal Typewriter! Deik! Chain Filei For those hard-to-get Itemi PIONEER PRINTING AND STATIONERY CO. 124 So. 9th Klamath Fall, Service REFRIGERATION SALES and SERVICE DOMESTIC tiiul COMMERCIAL All Makes Parts, Controls and Equipment In Stock Oregon Equipment Co. Phono 0017 127 So, Oth St. 2-10 REFRIGERATION WASHING MACHINE end Small Appliance Repair DAVE COX, Sorvlco Man Klamath Refrigeration Phone 7038 2000 South Sixth St. APPLIANCE REPAIRS Wo repair and sorvlco all makes of radios, vacuum cleaners and many other electrical appll anccs. Wo muy hnvo the typo ol radio tube you need Reason able prices. Phono 9188. SEARS ROEBUCK Tue -Thurs.-Sat.-tl PAINTING r PAPERHANGING R. E. SIMMONS Gocller'! PiilnL St. 0704 Residence 0070 2-10 PAPEII AND PAPERIIANOKII available J. Pattervon and Son Paint Store 1330 Ea.l Main. Phon. Xai 3-l4m 13 Health PARK VIEW CONVALESCENT HOME lsrGranlto St. Ashland, Oregon Phono 7081 Graduate Nu mo in Charge 3IUlltf 14 Help Wanted Female WANTED Stenographer and Clerk For a permanent position In Job with a post-wnr future. 40-hour week. Must bo a permanent resident of Klamath Falls; nunc other heed upply. SEE MR. MUNSELL Balsiger Motor Co. MS WANTED llou.ekeeper for seneral housework and core nt children. Stay nlahta. Would con.lder woman with one child or aervlce man and wife. Phone 3403 nr 1021 Arthur St. 3-13 WAITRESS WANTED Shop. Maa'a Coffee 37031 f WANTED-Full lime mlddle-aed hmtae keoper. float of wasea. All conven ience.. Pleaae call 3710. 2030tf WANTED-Woman for lllht homework, 0 a. m. to 4 p. m. Permanent. II. N. IS Help Wanted. Malt Opportunity for Furniture oaiesman Salary and Commission Montgomery Ward Apply Mr. Munger 1-12 16 Help Wanted. Male WANTKIJ-One experienced grader and trlmsnwmani one turndown and ratch et setter; two men to take loading nnntrnct on cars, Write Box 1000 or Phone lll(i-Y, noMburtf. 2-14 WANTED- Experienced millwright and snwyer to set mill and operate nn shares; Ings delivered tn the mill. Write Dox 1000 or I'hone Mtl-Y, Itnse burg. a-1 4 WANTED: Gent's furnishing manager and buyer, In nnswerlng give age, ex pci rip n no and references. Wren Mer cantile Company, Weed, California. 3-M WANTED , Young man Interested to learn printing trade, Must l single, 10 tn 31 years of age, willing In serve ft years ap prenticeship. High school graduate. Pass physical examination. Draft exempt, Apply own handwriting, Box Sffim, Herald and News, SfiHAtf WOULD YOU Hko to earn money after school delivering a Herald-News papef route? Ben Mr. Miller at the Horn Id office after 3 p, m. 07Stf WANTED-spntter or pressor. Uptown Clenners. 117 So. Tlh. 134011 BIKES FOR RENT MAKE RESERVATIONS FOR SUNDAY Phone S520 222 S. 7th POOLE'S BICYCLE STORE Piles! Ow!! -But He SMILES. Now nintM..!.1 1,1)0 X',lorntn M nnr's Uncial 10 Wanted una 2 Off Boare Cmilaci ' lit ( CASCADE LUMBER en Y,,k"i, tK ' WANTlin" Clr.ot St.' ""ft. lt 'IHIJI. IKHttf J Apply "Si',""1"" IS situiirTrN - . n, -'K llomel,ml,l,r, fti,' 30 --WVWV.. " niei VACANTrv,nl;ir--J t.i,..n. i.,,,i, ' H f"Olt ltl-NT-My nl... "1". Mln.,.r.sSS,n,."J.!'ti eel,ln. ,hhI. Ill, a,,.' ? amount In baiwiJV I. I,. Neevel. Hold Hill X " TRtllMSKOlV7lKNTVnr" yuur.rll. .... t. .,1?." 28 Mlic.ll.n.ou Fo,hJ , RKNT U arin ri.rTiiicri'.ooit sanmhIJ Palnl IXpt. MONrUOMUIlJ mil RENT- more Imlljlii w, frimt at ooa Mala, lata, Men'a ttliup, KOIl ItKNT-llw ..nam J Patler.cn Pamt Slot,, rtej ll-JO Main. ' 30 !Ual Emu foiku ' THIS is m, About 1 acre ol grout llluhway iilxuit 0 min the Kails. The Improtta consist t liirne slwc M with llvlnii qtinrtcrs iivl refi'liiiTiitltin, cotmltn, A: and wnreliuii.te. C.ibimir; er useful niulpmenl. For solo $7500. J. W. SANDERS REALTOR 1213 Mnln Da 1 98-ACRE FARM On Merrill Highway, I out, $230.00 per KB. F (nmv RpfJ tV 56(11 j nl.. Lor. fill na nut Office Phono 3(5! Sunday Phone W A Home and Incoi Modem Iwo-bcdroom l 5 rental colliigcs, tnnvOiin font, e oso ttf Street and' Sliasla Way. i $7200.00. Bogue Dale, ReoJ1 JU WANTED We huvo ensh bw"1 E. Gray Realtyf j'lionc rnrn Al I7IMC ill HO EVERETT DENNIS, FOR 8AI.B-Two.Wdjm jj nl.hed hou... S. ' KO..AI.K-..rS1ffH nota ovr, t-.- . .au r, to Im appwIaH". HI., Vrckn. ron Ai.s-a-'",ft"l cla Park: ill." r" ,f t.t! port anil rhnlr. , r bod, alr-IISht "'" FOR SAI-K-'tfoH nnad. Phone iltl. , l-t"".t Weal Hlilo. MnJli womlllind, r In flnlah IncluiW, t1 iiox i0 - jut mm Tiii9f";n iitA'S,) WITII III"' ".'1 MILLr price ;r'rl" c i " : ealed, wrlle give pnssflssioi !P,0V " i- 1Kb, ".! wIHi tnnfiiir'i'"" . ,mnoi"-.ja . iihrlralr. " "ntl-en-fc"; ,'"'d 'tpsA 1 Siuarl'a Vl''Z, t ir? I ' 3ra