AihUnd Mrs lAiuinl A ....,i.Miri. meal ta Ainienu " ouin A ....i.iH. Di' ' I01 Klnninth Full, a. W S.. of tlio Woman'" LI- 1 "nfh Mm- M"rli(incl re ' clu.' Mutiny afternoon to dol loclro there. Furlough Cpl. Albrllton was recent (ltl i 17-dnv furlough ,.e ? I !wl. Washington, r,be rnl Albrltton him Two ' rcshllnil ' VFW Auxiliary Tho nuxlll nry to the Vctcrunn tit Foreign Wura will meet In the largo club room lit thci library, '1'liurnclay, February 19, lit 7:3(1 p, in., fur u (hurl hiiNliu-SH meeting. There will bo no InlUiillnn, They will then go to the KC hull whoru feucuii him i;m;i, will ontertiiln u UJSONJ IN SPANISH TTJ Promoted -Audviin Fllr.gerald, noil of Mr. and Mm. A. I'ltzger aid, 3211 S, lingers, hna been pro muted from prlvnlc class to voi'poi'iil, iiccurdlmi to word re ceived by bin parents. Flt.Ker iild, whoso proimitlon enmo Feb ruary i, in aiaiinned with the U. S. army nlr corns nt Avon J'lirk, FIh. Me la a KUIIS gnidu lite, class of January, 1 1)4-1, mid n former member of the Pelican fuollmll tenm. QuiEN SABE?" means "who knows?" Who knows of a better beer than that good imported Tccatc Beer? lIDIM n mix III'V. VI-lniVHi. r,r II, a luinish American wiir and their inllles. ltefieslimcnts will be irved. Mra. McBrlde Diti - Mn Madison MeOrlde. former ml. dent of Klnmnth Fnlla nnd moth er of Mrs. A. A. Wilkinson of tills city, passed nwny til Sun FninclNco on January HI. Mrs. MeUrlde lived here clulit yeura, movbiB to Jacksonville obout eight years ago. Funeral scrv- icca were, nelcl Monday nt Med ford. Mrs. MeDride hud been In San Francisco for medical core. Senior Circle Tim Senior dr. ele of the Community Congrega tional church will not meet Fri day, February 10, ns that is the world uay of Prayer. Instead, the mcetliiK will be on the fol lowing Frliliiy, February 23. and will be held nl the home of Mrs L. J. Brink, 2241 Orchard, nt I .ill o. m. Mrs. Br nk will h assisted by Mrs. M. Dexter nnd Mrs. uionn stivers. Un LeaveICniilfyn rnf-H nnu tion of Mr, and Mis. N. 13. Drew" of Hftft N. Nth ni,'l,.rl k. Cl. I. urday from Corpui Chrlstl, Tox., w iiq no recently received his whiKs In the United States naval n r corps. Drew has been flying dlvebombera. Me reports to Occll field, Jacksonville, Fla,, riiiiriiary n, ior operational training. Drow has been gona from homo for two years. From Peru An Interesting visitor In Klamath Falls is Mrs. II. E, Dunham of Limn, Peru, who. with her small daughter, Kay, Is staying with her aunt, Mrs. D, F. Masscl. She was ac companied by her mother, Mrs. George Woolscy, of Los Angeles, who plans to make her home in Klamath Falls. Visit Mrs. E. II. Radtke, for merly of Chlloquln and now of Red Bluff, Calif., Is arriving here today lo visit her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Swearlngen, 2444 Kane. Her brother-in-law, Hugo Iladtke, from Beaver Dam, Wis., will ac company her here, Mtat Tonight The Young Fannera of Klamath county will meet Tuesday, today, at 7:30 r. m. at the Pelican cafe. Alfred D. Collier will speak on selec tive service and George Peters, county 4-H club agent, will talk on alkali soils. The program chairman will be John Kerns. Apply for Nary Robert G. Gobcr, Emmett L. Pickett and BUI Alexander, all of Klamath Falls, left Monday night for PnrtlnnH In tnlf tln .,,nl I r..l.. examinations for general service in inc navy. It looks flke Jlnl O'Connor. nlng-nona chuinninn of the mid dle Atlantic stutes, will have to play herself when she appears at the Klumath USO Sunday, rebruary 18. at 8 p. m.. and Tuesday, February 20, nt 4:30 p. m. Jlnl will nlnv either civilians or servicemen at those times and so far entries have been ex tremely light. Whether the ex ponents of the tricky game hi Klamath Falls arc n bit leery of Jlni's prowess with the pud dle and ball or are hiding their light under a bushel la a moot question, but applications arc oaciiy nocrica ny mc u&u. She will nlav cither mixed doubles or singles, taking on nil I comers, nnd nnyono who feels capablo of giving her a ganui should sign up Immediately at the service center. Both military and civilian spectators arc welcome. To Alluras L. S. Stilt, dis trict freight and passenger agent for Snlllhf-m Pacific h... ntA O. V. Gibson, traveling freight ana passenger agent, are in Al luras today, Tuesday, on busi ness. Uniforms Unclaimed The Mills unil of Red Cross an nounces that thcro arc still sev eral uniforms and dresses, worn while working at surgical dress ings, atill al the school, and their owners arc asked to call for them. Unit heads also wish to thank nil those who have helped with the work since this unit was opened. To Hold Party A USO volun teer party will be held at the Wlllnrd hole! at 7:30 p. m. Frl doy, February 22. Pins will be awarded hostesses who servo the required number of hours. Clar ence Humble, chairman of the operating committee, will pre sent tlio pins. Lynn Royeroft, chnlrmnn of the program com mittee, will act as master of ceremonies. Meal Slated Klamath chap ter No. 33, RAM, will hold Us regular meeting. Wednesday February 14, at 7:30 p. m., fol lowed by degree work In order of tho Red Cross and order of Malta. Valentin Tea There will be a Valentine's Dny lea for moth ers of Brownlo troop No. 28, at Altamont elementary school Wednesday afternoon, February 14. Mrs. Gertrude Pruitt, lead er, urges all mdthcrs to attend, Returns Mrs. A. H. Drucker, 1854 Melrose, was In San Fran cisco over the weekend visiting relatives. She is a facultv mem. bcr of Klamath Union high SCHOOL Flntd RalDh O. Vincent 2119 Etna, was fined $6 in police court this morning for violation of the basic rule. One drunk also appeared. There are 22 inmates In tho city Jail at present. Frlmdly Circle Arbhur Stone, 2204 Darrow, will be hostess to the Friendly circle, Thursday. February 15, and urace bock will be co-hostess, Robekah L o d g,e Thursday, February 15, there will be a reg ular meeting of Prosperity Re bckah lodge in the lOOF hall al p. m. Ping Pong Champ May Have To Play Self at USO Here visits iii .men Herbert Daniel Stevens, Mu rine Barracks, held in the coun ty Jail on a chargo of assoult with n dangerous weapon in con nection with the death of Karl Bold, Henley farmer, was repre sented in circuit court Ibis morn ing when his attorney, Joseph C. O'Neill, and District Attorney C. A. Humble, argued a demur rer filed last week by the de fense. Circuit Judge David R. Vim denberg announced that he would lender a decision on the argument at 10 a. m., February 15. To Speak BWJWf WWKx:. . j ....... K.&it?K f 3 1 .' If Rev. Ben Larsen, noted artist and evangelist, vho will speak here in a series of sermons be ginning Wednesday, February 14, in cooperation with the Klamath Temple Overcomers and Pastor Daniel B. Anderson. ' Tuesday, Tab. 13, 1S4S HERALD AND NEW8 FIVE T y Seventy-five people attended an anniversary celebration of Troop 3 at Roosevelt school Monday night. Following a pot luck dinner in the cafeteria, the troop presented a scries of dem onstrations in scouteraft under the leadership of Scoutmaster Don Anderson. O. LeRoy Walter, executive of the synod of Oregon, Presbyter ian church, spent the weekend here visiting Merrill, Tulclakc and Malin. with services Sunday at Mt. Laki, Altamont and the First Presbyterian church ol Klamath, Falls. Monday at 10:30 a. m., Pres byterian ministers met lo set up a program of future itinerary for Walter. Meeting with him were Rev. Eugene Nelson, Lake view; Rev. David Barnett, Klam ath Falls; Rev. Hugh Bronson, Tulclake; Rev. Hugh Mitche! more, Altnmont; Rev. David Ferguson, Merrill. As planned, tho program will Include ex pansion, Christian education, building, national missions, young peoples' work, teachers and placement of ministers. Bombers Fail to Return From Flight WALLA WALLA, Feb. 13 (7Pi Two heavy bombers failed lo re turn to the Walla Walla army air field last night from combat training flights, Col. David Wade, commanding officer, re ported. Searches arc being conducted in tho vicinity of Troy and Fields, Ore., he said. Visits Here Walter Fowler, field suncrvisor of the unomnlov. ' ment commission, is in Klamath I Falls for a few days. To Meot A lunior hostess meeting will be held Wednes day, February 14, at 7:30 p. m., in the pine room at the Elks locigc. .Ill L. Z. Carter, 521 Hillside, chief clerk for Southern Pacific in Klamath Falls, is confined to his home with the flu. Evangelist Slated To Appear Here Beginning Wednesday cve ning, February 14, the Klamath Temple Overcomers, In coopcra-1 tion with Pastor Daniel B. An-1 dcrson, will start a scries of meetings featuring Rev. Ben. Larsen, well known artist, evan gelist and traveler. Rev. Larsen is an accom plished artist and evangelist and lias been well received wherever; be has appeared. For his open-, ing sermon he will preach on the ' subject, "At the Door of Your Heart," and will illustrate the theme on canvas. Anyone desir-! ing to attend these meetings is most welcome. Loaves Flight Officer J. A. Cummings has left for Foster field, Tex., after visiting here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Cummings. New Clerk Mrs. Helen Ol son, 2245 Garden, has replaced Mrs. William Dyer as clerk in the district freight and passen ger office of the Southern Pa cific railroad here. If it's a "frozen" article yo i need, advertise for a used one In the classified. In South Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Crawford aro spending an in definite time in Bnkersflcld, Calif., for Mrs. Crawford's health. From Prlnaville Mrs. Her bert M. Dennis of Prinevllle spent the weekend visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Cum mings, 1934 Auburn street. Just Arrived DAY'S IRON DUKE WORK PANTS Alva Pate, 33-year-old logger employed at the Big Lakes camp near Chinchalo, 50 miles north of Klamath Falls, suffered serious chest injuries Monday afternoon when struck by a timber. Ward's ambulance met the in jured man, who was being trans ferred to Hillside hospital, some distance north of here arid Pate was admitted for treatment at 5:30 p. m. His condition was said improved late Tuesday, Watch out for sniffly Head colds can causemuch suffer ing. To promptly relieve the sniffly, sneray, stuffy distress put a little Va-tro-nolupeachnos-tril.Va-tro-nol works right where trouble is to soothe irritation reduce swelling make breathing easier. Try itl Also helps prevent inanv colds from developing if used in time, ronow directions in folder. Ft nisi"" VIS5& VA lEl-!ieL you can scrape rust off hovel . . . a si but you caritdiq 'ft out of your car's engina Play safe witfY'RPM," the motor oil that keeps i na when:. Council Tonlaht Members of ! IRON DUKE . V eS WSeylL. , T dmm - thn city council will meet to- j . . , ' jj!&f '"SJSili CrtY3 AIT nl"ht- Tuesday, at 7:30 o'clock WORK PANTS f, Upmiif tJ I rli I r in c"y hall. The regular sea- V gk&SiXi r IMJWIMM.MJ lion was postponed due to Lin- Forest green, sanfor- S091 K Up' S2 I DTTH col,Vi blr l,,d' hMTy twl11, ?r jmk. I nr. rill T(J.iHu.tand-Mti.Jphn nnrui'P uniPTnnr Y(z ZS I "l 1 v ,uu,n jv.M , uiiLii u iimiitj i anL a si r v .. i. t. her husband who Is stationed at j I ?as ii I I lVN Yr Of WOnS hMoUr,GuH,wco..M. Treasure Island. Mrs. Tworek Isll 733 Main St. I I rT ''" c- .1 the former Jo Ann Massct. ' I V i X (V-f I vt.v UtVJ fi clingstoiale motors, y y v I V. Jp V-' YsA?v won't leave! cylinders Ji . ,.r i ; I " :m'i'yrtrk.' cuts tire life in L I ( B X ( half. Let us check ) I "s ,1 liJOLJUyj "s - V yors every week I" VrrrrcTrvnii I v'hj'siX or 10 daw. ) I 12.50 . . I V, ...TAKES BITTER CARE kiMSM I OF YOUR CAR -JW Charming off-the-face creation by . . . MILLE MODITE Beautiful felt with the French veil . . . black and navy. Similar styles at 6.95. LISTEN TO Standard NtwiTimt, with lowill Thomat-Mi. thru frl.-7:15 P.M. Dm Let Mutual Nttwtrk General Paints Imperial Wollpapor 515 Main St. Phone 3829 Paul E, Skeen, president b( tho Lions club, which sponsors the troop, introduced the scout master and members of the troop committee. Lamont Wil son, senior patrol leader, and John Hcilbronncr, junior assist ant scoutmaster, were in direct charge of the scout activities which included tower building, firc-by-friction, and knot tying. 1 f&. t 5M ether WOWjCM Feodnril Jet as Good I BUILDERS OF MEN I These men occupied with their own profession, are now sacrificing time' and effort so that your boy may have the benefits of the Boy Scout program. Together these men are directing the efforts of more than 600 boys. Of these men you heir little. Yet every parent is in their debt. The whole country owes them much for they have taught our boys to be men. SCOUTMASTERS Troop Scoutmaster Sponsor 1 R. H. Radcliffe St. Paul's Episcopal Church 2 Wm. Van Cleave First Church of God 3 Don Anderson Lions Club 4 E. S. Edwards Community Congregational Church 5 Warren Whitlock Kiwanis Club S Bob Chilcote Salvation Army . 7 Frank Hunniouh Merrill Service Club 8 Harold Ashley Altamont Community Presbyterian Church 9 John W. Weber Pelican Bay Lumber Co. 15 Rev. John Hamilton American Box Company 16 James Cronon Sacred Heart Catholic Church 17 G. P. Kelton Dorris PTA 18 Wesley Cross Weyerhaeuser Timber Ca. 30 Crawford Lewis Chiloquin Citizens 13 Wm. P. Robinson Malin Chamber of Commerce 14 C. B..Kelley Tulelake American Legion SO C. E. Peterson L. D. S. Church SKIPPER SSI00 Dr. Byron Friedman Elks Lodge CUBMASTERS Pack Cubmaster SPONSOR 3 Claude Davis Roosevelt PTA 7 Orville Reeves Merrill Service Club 8 A. L. Satterlee Altamont Community Presbyterian Church 16 Lyle Durell Sacred Heart Catholic Church 18 Paul Tally Weyerhaeuser Timber Co. 44 Lloyd Barber Tulelake American Legion 10 Earl Sheridan Shasta School PTA -Penney's Scout Supplies Sleeping Bags Yucca Pack 100 wool 1 (90 wool noils, 10 virgin wool) filled. Heavy olive duck ing, snap fastening, stitch ed padding, tent shelter." Fits Yucca Pack Sack. Scout insignia on tie flap which holds bag firmly to gether when heavy white ropes are securely tied. Full man size, l r Aft 34x80, 6 lbs. Ea. IWU Cub" Knickers A heavy twill in navy blue, with knitted band in navy and gold trim, button down back pocket. c A large bag of heavy waterproof canvas. One pocket with flap, one with out. D rings on side pro vide anchorage for blanket or bed roll. 20" high, 15" wide and 8 V thick. Weight 2 pounds. CA (Plus lax). Ea. Ages 8-13. Cub Shirts nnrd finish cotton , twill Cub insignia in gold above right pocket, Cub Insignia on metal buttons which arc removable. Official navy blue In all 1 OC available sizes. Bak'''' X I, c