Ltinucd nom 0) ;ij' Km.ii. tiiu (K-uii ElnM, "r,,U W0,a " H ,( klnllv ii "vtm. i u"l . oim were In- than " ""''"'in uml -HI l'uso 'Torit'i't'"' ruin, hum; ii '? ii, n iniiired und Id Krcn Wni nrdcrcl tliroe com VP.ErS ui.rU 'f to orcvcirt loulliiK. , 10 v '.. i,.,.n tn In. Jinn- ffi jv jess clcclrlclty Mr several d telephone service wus iplKI. IFCDRiVETO END WEDNESDAY II is III DEATH TILL IT 43 in competition will end lindlvwiin, " - 1(4 OUl HHllli miii in nhtt 01 con""1 " liwt " . n't... .I..U,n f,r mi, .., ,:i. L bull, however, uiitl i,nt 01 Mlirctl. ll wtw ibvii "! '.H...I nt iin members i d reports in by KM. in. wed- lUt at the board of director. i lor Intllvlilunl. who M lit l,in,t until first o( tiic month. onllnued From Page One) rtached tin nurremcnt Mirshnl Sltilln for cvontu usian participation In the ))insl Jnpun. !. Douiilna told the houso Ei Throe mcetinR Intel "the JiUon ol me world ol to- tow, unit turned: the results o( the conference belter than the most opt I- (c expectations. They ore t because they lire based truly nrowmp; confidence it tlie allied Kovcrnmcnt.," (Me . ."I - "... ' wit) ni. i .... ' '!HM WOftTS Itn "". llllnel, Service Men and Women Home on Leave S 20 D.vld Keffer frnm Knn DIoko, Cullf. Hero until Fcbru nry 10. B8Bt. Clifford E, P.ppl. from European tlicutrc. Hero until February 22. Tho ubovo service people) aro entitled to treo pusses to the locul theatres and free fountain Norvlco at Lost Itlvcr dulry by courtesy of Lloyd Lnmb bf the llieuirc. unci It. c. Woodruff of tho dulry. I'lenso cull at The Humid mid Now. office (risk for Paul Holnci) for your courte.y ticket.. (Continued From Page One) sudor in London the text of that decision. Tho Intention of tho three pow er, to creuto n Polish provision al Kovcrnmcnt of nutlonul unity "enn only Icifullzc soviet Inter ference In Polish Internal af fair.," a 800-word stntcment from Socialist Premier Tomasi Arclttir.owskl of tho London group clecliirecl. "A. lone us territory of Po lunel will remnln under the sole occupntlon of soviet troops, a novel nmcnt of Unit kind will not snfegunrd tho Polish nntlons, even In tho presence of British und American diplomat., In the unlettered right of free expres sion," It .aid. MOTION FILED TO SETASIDE VERDICT A motion wa. filed In clr cult court to set aside the ver diet In tho case of Davis vs. Lav. enlk In which dnmagc. to the amount or $10,000 were award' ed In favor of the plaintiff. Circuit Jttdec David R. Van. denberg will hear the motion at 10 a. m. Wednesday. The case concerns nn accident In which young Dale Davis lost a leg when his bicycle collided with a car operated by M. P. Lavenlk. The motion was filed by Rlchnrd B. Maxwell, attorney for Lnvcnlk. CIVIL SUITS SET Twn e I v t 1 nil u..A....ui against Malison Jamc. Young by Cicorgo llixson and Clara Me Pherrcn, administratrix of tho emmo oi w. ii, Mcl'hcrron,' de ceased. Will hit rrttftntll.t..,l Uw .llpulatlon of both pnrtlc. and date n( trial I. set In circuit court ur mummy, rcoruary 10. llixson Is asking for $18,000 dllmiiieii. Mrs Mnnl,.... $10,000. Both' cases grew out of Hi ....! ""'"v"' P" oepiemocr 27 1U44, which resulted In Mc Pherrnn'K Hontt, n..i I.. ...i.i..u in in which llixson suffered Injuries. j ne case or slate vs. M, J. Young charged .with negligent homicide and scheduled tnr Fh. ruary 10, ha. been continued and time for trial will bo set at the March 8 calendar call, Judge Vandcnberg stated. FBI Holds Eugene Woman For Frauds (Continued From Page One) received $3200 In allotment checks. Theodore Clarence Slncr, a navy baker 1c, who died a year ago from gn- asphyxiation In Oakland, Calif. The amount of money sho received from Slner was not listed by the FBI. CWlll.n Contribute. Walter Louis Isakson, a civil ian navy employe, who contrib uted $500 to her for the open ing of a psycho-therapy clinic in Oakland, Calif., and subse quently sent her from Pearl Harbor a $30 check weekly for more than a year. William Robert Cavcnder, a carpenter, mate, 3c, whom she married February 4, 1041, at Fairfield. Calif., and who niado her the beneficiary of hi. $10, 000 navy life Insurance policy. Another Sailor Harold Eugene Wlnnlngcr, a navy cook, whom she married July 29, 1942, at Gardncrvllle, Nov., and who contributed $70 a month from January, 1943, to June, 1943. Lawrence Gu. Smith, a chief machinist, mate, whom she mar ried November 6, 1942, In Reno, Nev. Van Pelt said Smith had $3000 at the time of tho mar- Scotch Evangelist , To Conduct Meetings Ll. Col. Jamc. Doll, Scotch cvungullsl, will conduct a series of meetings ut tho Sulvatlon Army hull, 400 Klumalh avenuo, beginning tonigni und continu ing through Sunday, Colonel Bull will hold a "splr lltiul clinic" every day thi. week from 10 to 12 o'clock. Potatoes i BAN JTBANCtBCO, Fb. (APtWFA pnUt(Mi: 10 broken. XI unbroken curt on truck; nrrlvali, IiUho A, Or (on 3. 1 car hy tmr-k; mrkl firm: Dtichutee nuMtta M lb. lock culli (1.90. I.OH ANOEI.rB. Ttb, 13 MP-wrAt-PnUtoee: 74 broken. 4ft unbroken cart an (Turk: nrrlvali, California 17. Oreftm , Nfvari 1, Idaho 10, Utah I, 110 lacks by Irurk; no Mle. For Commercial Refrigeration SALES and SERVICE s Kail Urquhart Refrigeration ' Equipment Co. 611 Klamath Phone 6435 Victory Theme Tha Pallii Athan ol th Womtn'i, Army Corp. and th of the Army Madlcal Dapartmtnt ar working .Ida by .Ida In iha Job of helping our wounded lighting man back io health. It', another typical ax ample ol the cooperation beiwaan th aarrlcai which will eventually mean rlctory. But thousand, mora qualified woman are needed, and needed urgently, in the Women'. Army Corp. to .erve a. medical and surgical technicians Will you help, too? Women betwean the age. o! 20 and 49, with or without prevlou. medical training are Headed in the Women'. Army Corp. today to .erve with the Mdl-.l Depart ment. Mall the coupon nowl WAC RECRUITING STATION POST OFFICE BLDO., KLAMATH FALLS, ORE. Please .end mo Information about Wac. in tha Medical Dept. and how I may help in the war. name ..: Street '. Phone.....;........ city .. .. .. STATE . Thi. ad sponsored In th Intereat of victory by , Circuit Judgo Duvld R. Van denberg, who called the Klum utli county grund Jury to recon vene ut 10 a. m. thi. morning, Tucsduy, gave special Instruc tions to thnt body. The court rcud various sec tions pertnining to escape und sodomy for the benefit of tho Juror, who went into session Inter thun scheduled as one mem ber hntl difficulty In getting to Klamath Falls duo to .muddy roads. Jurors were not expected to return indictments until Wednes day, In the opinion of the court. Poitponod The Women of tho Moose hove postponed the shower Hint was to be held Wed nesday, February 14,' until Wed nesday, February 21. TIME TO PLEAD Emily Dorothy Riddle, Indict ed by the Klamath county gruild Jury on a charge of grund larc eny In a secret indictment re turned Junuury 31, wu. given stututory timo In' which to plead when Bhe appeared before Cir cuit Judge David R. Vandcn berg ut 10:30 a. m. Tuesday. The woman Is represented by Attorney Joseph C. O'Neill, ' When tho Indictment wns re turned, the court issued u bench warrant and set bond nt $2500. Miss Riddle was, nt thut time, held by Multnomah county of ficials on a warrant issued from Klamath county and signed by Seth Dixon, Fort Klamuth ranch er, who claimed that the woman and her companion, Alonzo Parker, stole articles from the Dixon ranch where they were left in charge. Parker i. held by Fort Lewis, Wash., officials and will be returned here within a short time. In the meantime, Miss Riddle rlugc and spent $2850 on a four weeks' honeymoon. Subsequent ly Smith allotted Vllma $75 a month and the allotment Is still running. In addition, Smith sent her two checks for $100. A ninth marriage is under In vestigation, Van Pelt said. EDDIE'S STEAK HOUSE 127 So. 7th SPECIAL STEAK DINNERS Southern Fried Chicken 60c MERCHANT'S LUNCH Includes Soup Salad Dessert - Coffee Woffle. All Hour. Meal Tickets $5.50 Value for $5.00 wa. brought Into justice court and Thursday, February 8. Jus tice of the Peace Mahoney grant ed the woman time to plead and tax tier bond ut $300. She Is in Juil In lieu of this bond, and also the $2500 bond set by the circuit court. Judge Vundenbcrg suid Tues day morning he was at loss to understand the procedure which would bring Miss Riddle into Tuesday, Tab. 13, 1845 HERALD AND NEWS THREE justice court on a felony charge in view of the fact she had been indicted by the grand Jury and Jurisdiction of Justice court did not enter into the legal pro cedure of arraignment in this Domestic birds arc infested with 40 different kinds of lice. WEATHER Monday, February U, 19(8 , , Max, Eugene ,n Klamath Falls .. Sacrnmento .flfl North Bond 44 Portland ..,., 52 ieniora . ,..wwm..Sl lleno , ,...63 Mln. Preotp. . 4 i.Jt. 49 42 .60 51 40 A tribute to wthe man who is' s wrong"! Ittriolically giving their lime ana anility wunout pay, the volunteer members of local Ration Board, are daily handling many difficult problems with fairness, tact and efficiency. They deserve an Award of Merit for doing a tough job ... and doing it w" ' alway - ...... 4T2 .07 US rimA ' 40- ACME MWCIUCS, San Frenetics DAIRY EQUIPMENT FOR EVERY PURPOSE SINGLE UNIT I CUTS MILKING TIME Vs TO V2 IW Cut milking lima 13 to H with Farm Master Milkers. You'll iind that a smooth, fast-working Farm Master milker will pay for itself in a short lima by its time and labor-saving per formance... Get. more milk, too,, be cause it always does a uniform, thor ough job. Milk Can Ga.4.95 Milk rani flf hllh quality tinned , t el with Hmfloth a a a m a that mak far easier cleaning. lO-rallon H....o.l Filter Discs 49c Save UI nicach ed colton fibers. . For clean mtlkl Pack a re ef 100. 6-Inch Separa tor Oil j a, 39c Chan ire oft now for easier turn Inc. longer wear! Loni service, N o n tnmmlnr lubricant for all I I jr h t runnlnr machinery. High est quality. FARM-MASTER CHICK SUPPLIES Bargain Feeder Galvanised steel. Easily fill ed, cleaned. Make, feed easily accessible. Designed to pre vent feed waste. 30 18-inch. JTIi FARM-MASTER OIL BROODER Give, hot, smokeless, odorless blue-flame heat for 24 hour, on one gallon kerosc.iel Automatic thermostat. 42-inch canopy room for 250 six-week-old chicks. Five- 1Q OC quaat tank. Lighting ring included. 1 Heavy Feeder Of galvanised steel. Leg. ad justable for height. Feed. 50 three-week-old chick.. 4-vane metal reel prevent. " 1 C roo.tlng. le 1.3 SHEEP MARKING PAINT We have a good stock of sheep paint in red, green and black. Guaranteed to remain plain ly visible and .till ea.ily, removed. Priced a. low a. 149 Gal. FARM-MASTER BABY CHICKS Place orders now for .FARM-MASTER chicks from U. S. Approved Flock.. Buy 4-A Grade for your laying flocks. Choice of Leghorns. Barred Rocks, Rhode. Island Rod. , or New Hampshire.. V 4-A Light ' Breed. 16 00 Per 100 Breed. t'l I Any Purchase ef $10 or more may be mode on Sears Easy Payment. Plan. m Farm Store Phone 5188 Klamath Falls, Ore.