11 mi MM TWOHERALD AND NEWS Idaho Raps Huskies With Last Half Rally Washington Leads Throughout First Half But Vandals Spurt to Win, 39-34 MOSCOW, Ida., Feb. 13 iVPs University of Washington cascrs, defending titlists in the northern division, fell before Idaho, 39-34. last night, bringing to seven their number of losses on the road this season in as many starts. The Huskies have one more tronv HIBHEID By PAUL HAINES HAMMER AND TONGS Come wind, rain, or shine. Klamath rassling fans are going to get a real show Friday night at the Klamath bicep bin when Tough Tony Ross and the dan gerous "Grey Mask" crunch craniums in a no time limit. two out of three falls battle .of the century- The two mus clemen have twice butted bi ceps to a draw here and Pro moter Mack Li 11 a r d has booked the bout to give Klamath fans an oppor tunity lo see HAINES which is the better man. Tough Tony has stated upon occasion that ha is positive ht can cut the mustard and guj zl the hooded hoodlum if given enough time and lee way. He may be provided with both Friday nirht, as a new referee will arbitrate the shindig and he'll have plenty of time even if the two groan artists have to ?o at it all night. Mr. Stoneface will undoubted ly attempt to put Tony out of commission for good, as he has no love for any of his opponents and Tony, in particular. In a match here recently, he snarled that he didn't trust the promoter or the referee and under no cir cumstance would he unmask un less fairly beaten. ; Well, Tough Tony - has proven that he it just the lad to give the "Mask" a very live ly evening and has come from behind twice to apply his fa vorite back-breaker on the masked menace and even the count. The fact that Ross has drawn with him twice in a row ii not the liking of the hooded demon and he has vowed that this time Tony will not be able to even draw a picture after he has worked him over. Ross is still getting plenty of sleep, however, and claims that after Friday night the identity of the mysterious "Mask" will be a' mystery no longer. This may, possibly be the last appearance of Mr. Stoneface in Gladiator's gully for some time and Klam ath mat addicts are building up their hopes that Ross will be able to turn the trick and un mask him by fair means or foul Friday eve. Many have tried and many have failed, but Tonv Ross will be giving it everything he has and may be just tough enough to succeed where every other top muscler on the circuit has been thwarted. TRUCKS FOR RENT You Drive Move Yourself Save H Long and Short Trips STILES' BEACON SERVICE Phone 6304 1201 East Main mi NOW THAT YOB vkj. Jl (W CAN PICK AND if $ 3gA) jjh ( CHOOSE ''rfVJ rJsi cft8yfc7 Let litis light, sociable blend guide you J i.. i . .i . in wuisKcy selection now tnai you can begin lo pick and choose among . brands. You'll Gnd that Corby's pre war quality may welt become your . - t-.... . r- lasting prcicrencc. ponnlircn im . W V V .. V I Jl I: i . U'luer ifrv uirewi supervision or cur expert Canadian blender Bo Prftif jrB'4 Grain Ntulral Tuasd.r. Feb. 13. 1843 i chance to win an away-fronv i home contest when they meet the ; Vandals again tonight. Washington hold the upper i hand throughout the entire first half, leading 20-5 nt one point i and holding a 24-16 lead at half I time, but Idaho scurried home with 12 points within three min ! utcs after the second half open- led to take its first lead, 28-27. Jeff Overholser with six. Bob 1 O'Connor with eight and Leon I ard Pyne with five, accounted I for the Idaho victory margin. Overholser and Pyne paced ' the victors with 10 each, al i though Dick King of Washing i ton laid in 12 for evening's hon- or?. i The game made no difference in the division standings. Idaho ; retaining the cellar position be hind Washington in fourth place. T:.e summary: I Washington (34) Fg Ft Pf Tp ' Crcvcling, F 4 12 9 ' Carnovale, F 0 0 2 0 Brooks. C 3 117 iJorgenson, G 2 2 16 King. G 6 0 4 12 i Blowers, G 0 0 0 0 ! Totals , Idaho (39) ! O'Connor, F ; Overholser, F ... 15 4 10 34 F? Ft Pf Tp 4 5 . 1 2 8 2 10 2 4 j 1 10 : 2 3 ! 1 4i Tavlor, C Pyne, G Carsbaugh. G Schieferl, F .... 4 0 2 0 Totals i 16 7 10 39 Halftime score: Washington 24. Idaho 16. j Free throws missed: Washing-i ton Creveling. Brooks. Kina. i Blowers. Idaho O'Connor 2, Taylor 2, Carbaugh. Derby Date May Pass Unheralded LOUISVILLE. Ky., Feb. 13 ( Ordinarily about this time of year, horsemen would have be come "Derby, conscious" but now a date usually important in preparations for the "run for the roses" is about to pass unherald ed if not unnoticed. It is February-15 the usual deadline for Kentucky Derby nominations. And, although that usual closing date is only two days away, the Churchill Downs management here is still mark ing time, awaiting word from Washington that the ban on rac ing has been lifted. It was learned at the Downs yesterday that no nomination blanks have been printed, and that no deadline for nominations would be set until action by gov ernment officials warranted. The Derby was scheduled for Saturday, May 5. Athletic Fund to Go . For. Telephone Calls NEW YORK, Feb. 13 OP) Mike Jacobs, president of the boxing service athletic fund, an nounced last night that due to difficulty of obtaining material, the money in the fund will be used to provide returned wound ed service men free telephone calls to their homes instead of purchasing athletic equipment for service camps. BOBCAT BOB READY LOS ANGELES, Feb. 13 (Pi Bob Montgomery of Phila delphia, recognized by New York as the lightweight champion, en gages tonight in his first fight in six months. Bobcat Bob takes on Cecil Hudson of Los Angeles in a lu-rounacr at ,145 pounds. I tue ii c a Y ' " ' Ml :.: i Spirit Jo A, Barclay & Manof trie Hansen Sets By TED MEIER NEW YORK, Feb. 13 MV Vine Hansen, an "unknown" from Washington Stat college in the Pacific northwest, cata pulted into first place in basket ball's national collegiate individ ual high scoring race last week. Hansen ran wild against the Washington Huskies to boost his season total to 453 points on 185 field goals and 83 free throws in 28 games. He replaced Dick W ilk ins of Oregon who topped the parade the previous week with 412. Wilkins with a total of 431 points for 34 games still retained Investigation Of Athletics Asked By D. A. BROOKLYN, Feb. 13 (PI An investigation of the "widest scope before a committing magis trate" of "crimes, irregularities and conditions injurious to the public welfare in the matter of certain atnleucs" was asKea to day by District Attorney William O Dwycr. O'Dwyer made the request to Kings county Judge Samuel S. Leibowitz, who consented to pre side at such an investigation starting at 10 a. m. next Mon day. Meantime, tne trial of Harvey Stemmer, 34, and Henry Rosen, 29, charged with conspiracy in the recent Brooklyn college bas ketball betting scandal, was post poned for two weeks. CUB PLAYER CALLED PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 13 (P) Dominic Dallessandro, Chicago Cubs outfielder, passed his pre induction physical examination yesterday and may be inducted in March. Not So Hot? WACO, Texas, Feb. 13 tfP) Baylor university's basket ball team has three more games to play but considering the season record thus far there appears little chance of the Golden Bears gaining a victory. They've lost 15 straight and the opposition has averaged 64 points, which probably is the worst defensive record in the nation. The Bears have managed only 28 points, so their offensive record is a little on the seamy side, too. Co., limited, Peoria, Illinois Yeai-1 945 Scoring Pace a sufficient total to rank in the runnerup spot nationally. Another northwest performer. Jack Perrault of Eastern Wash ington, climbed into third place with 421 points while Bill Hen ry, of Rice's newly crowned Southwest conference cham pions, tossed in 52 points during the week to hit 392. George Mikan of DePaul fell to fifth with . 375, followed by Frits Magy of Akron at 373, and Stan McWilliams, of the College of Pacific, at 366. McWilliams, a freshman, is through for the season, being scheduled to enter the army on Thursday. By HUGH FULLERTON. JR. NEW YORK, Feb. 13 (P) Since the race tracks closed down, Jockey Herb Clagg;:tt has been driving a laundry truck around Miami. . . . If he takes as long to get back as most laun drymen do these days, he'd bet ter not try nctlne again. . Frank Filchock", who outdid bammy Baugh as the Washing ton Redskins' passer last fall, is planning an operation on his nose in hope of getting back into tne navy, r rank s beak nas been busted nine times. , . . Zumbcrto Zavala, Mexican lightweight wno fights Danny Bartlield in the Garden Friday, is the invent or of a new, extra-fast type of punching bag which is a big hit with the boys around Stillman's gym. . . . It's shaped something like a "Mae West" life belt which isn't must like the fight ers Zavala will be called upon to punch. ' MANPOWER SHORTAGE Pat Keith, sports editor of the Braincrd, Minn., Daily Dispatch, won the lightweight title in his district Golden Gloves tourna ment and qualified for this weeks northwest meet in Min neapolis. ... He knocked out Pete Kocka of Braincrd (a critic, no, doubt) in the first round of his semi-final then won his final bout by a decision. , . , Pat com plains that the lack of man power keeps him busy, but we never heard of a scribe going that far just to get a story. - ONE-MINUTE SPORTS PAGE Latest name mentioned for the National Hockey league presi dency, which is as hard to fill as Sports Briefs GtvZ Hugh y m, i&d-i 2 o CaltBalsiger's, 3121 24-Hour Service Our new 4 -wheel drive wrecker can pull you out in a jiffy! Balsiger Mam tna rit:.:i a a a Esplanade wmuoi Jug Faces Lord Byron In Playoff McSpndon Blows Early Load In New Orleans Opon to Tie With Nelson At End of Play By SKIPPER PATRICK NEW ORLEANS, Feb. 13 W) Harold (Jug) McSpaden trios to day for the ehnmplonship he "blew" yesterday In the $31)00 New Orleans Open golf lounin ment and his opponent is the game's leading performer, By ron Nelson of Toledo, O. Playing under the worst pos sible weather conditions, the Sanford, Me., "hard luck" spe cialist couldn't buck the stiff wind, occasional showers and heavy course. mid turned In his first bad round of the tourna ment. His final 18 holes cost him 4 over par 36-3876. Nelson, trailing by five strokes at the end of three rounds, wound up with a 37-34 71, one under par, to make his score 284. McSpaden got in trouble on the sixteenth hole yesterday and needed three pars to win. He pushed his second shot into a trap and was in the holo bogey 5. He blew a 2-foot putt on the seventeenth holo for another bogey, but made a great ap proach for a tying birdie 4 on the last hole. The scheduled playoff today mnrks the second such affair for McSpaden and Nelson in the two years they have been making the tournament rounds together. The Jug beat Nelson in a playoff at the Phoenix Open in Febru ary, 1944. The winner today gets $1333.33 in war bonds (maturity value) and the loser $933.33. Neither of the boys has ever won a championship here. Claude Harmon of Grosse Point, Mich., continued his con sistent play to finish third with a score of 289 and $733.33 in war bonds. Sammy Snead of Hot Springs, Va., shot his best golf of the tournament in placing fourth. The slammer got the last round in 3 under par 69 to tic with Sam Schneider of Corpus Chris ti, Tex., for the $500 bonus war bond for the best round of the final day. His final score was 290. Johnny Bulla of Chicago, playing his first golf in weeks, ended with fifth place money at 291. Reedsport Refuses Offer of Roseburg To Concede Title REEDSPORT, Feb. 13 (P) The high school basketball team here Is accepting no gift horses. Jack Flugc, Reedsport high school principal and coach, said today an offer by the Roscburg school to concede championship of the county class "B" league was refused. Flugc, whose team has beaten all "B" opponents and tripped three "A" teams so far, said he wants a clean slate if his squad rates a try for the slate tourna ment. Two "Sugars" Await Bell For 10-Rounder . CHICAGO. Feb. 13 P) The two "sugars" of welterweight fighting rested here today as they awaited tomorrow night's 10- round bout in the Chicago stad ium. The two, Ray (Sugar) Robin son of New York, foremost coiv tender for the welterweight title, and George (Sugar) Costner of Cincinnati, who has won his Inst 23 bouts, wound up their train ing yesterday. They awaited a battle which Matchmaker Jack Hurley snld will draw "more than $90,000 through the gate." Judge Landls' baseball Job, is Lt. Gen. P. J. Montague, chief of staff in Canadian military head quarters at London. Motor Co. Phone 3121 How High is Up? mjm i 1 ' !,; H. " " 1 F " 0' ' '"; Normn Sackrtt, University o Wisconsin's tr pole viiuller, appesrs to be meourln the du Unee to ground i he goes over lop to win in flve-tfm Western Conference meet In Chicso. Spokane Man Wins Kegling Tournament PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 13 irV) Louie Bulllnglon, Spokane, won $50U top prize money In the sin gles ns the Central Alleys Bowl ing classic ended here Ruiuluy night. His score was 2369. Another Spokimo kegler. Fred Converse, was second with 2481. George Kosmos, Seattle, wns third with 2t(i7, then Pvt. Joe Wiltnnn. Fort Lewis, 24(14. The S125 first plare wlnnlncs In the doubles went to Red Crlt zcr and Dick Jacobs. Bremerton, who rolled 2409. Bullinglon and Chet Shcels. Spokane, received $100 for a second-pliicc 2100. Ty Bruwman and G. 1mm-, Spokane, were third with 23H8. then Lee Gorman and Howard Browne, Portland, 2383. Keno Junior High Takes Double-Header From Henley Hornets The Keno cacers downed the Henley Hornets twite Friday night in a doubleheader between the two Junior liluh school fives. The Keno "A" team bounced their opponents, 37 lo 14, and the "B's " swamped the Henley outfit, 33 to 8. Donald Morgan collected 14 points' to hold higje scoring honors and Donald John son was close behind with 13 tallies. . IfllvldllBI III X SI. n ft M Green jiq Porn lo HI "jjjj Kotfjrt uiniTinuai m ninie liamc PernHottl ......... Cherry , , , 1am III 3 (iftmet Hue!'. Bemiiy Shop ,. Snffwuy Storci Coca-Col Team lit Hlnile Uamt ninck nnri Wnlie ,.. Coca-Cola Safeway Storci . 220 : ......an . .... mil .... 2310 ! 0nS 1 .... firm aya BUntJInri After II UrnkK of llnwllnr j DAcjHett Insurnnre Fluhrom Hnkrtry Blnrk V While ... Crater Lake Cocn-Coln T,orr;nr. Co SnfowAy Htorcit ... Ilazfil'i Itettuty . . w. l. rei. T.r. AV 27 13 .1)4:1 M.llfff) 7fH 2fl 17 ..Ifl.". .10,01 3 7:i-i 21 21 .300 ;12,2(17 7(111 ! 20 22 ,170 :i2,rill.'l 77lt 20 22 .4711 32.307 7fi!l ' 20 22 .17(1 32, 1M 7fl.l 1 .in 24 ;i2 2.Wl 7flfl i 17 2.1 .405 32,403 771 i.adv nun i.RAOiie Lno-( oln '"nion , ,04. Ill ISO 3311 King .. Htincakr PrrnlKnlll Ilnndlcap . 1.1ft 11(1 144 303 ...114 114 137 .W3 . 120 120 120 300 Tolal 0!7 74fl 7fll 2220 nifirtl Inmrinir GutoiibflrKD i :H .121 103 Ill I no 01 171 433 t'.!4 3WI 110 .333 ir.o :i:u 140 171 01 273 i.virr Bnxler Pnpfi ... tlMrkiK .... Handicap Tolal . 701 720 704 2234 lUlft'll Ileaulv Slinn Kllcort HO 130 Fonbcrt, H loo ISO Chfrry 121 132 Anrtcrnnn iri3 100 134 " 402 tXt 302 HRlfiTman 124 110 Ift2 ;ift2 Handicap inn ion ion 324 Tolal Oflfl 731 808 2233 I.orcni i-ontpaiiy Nrwsom 120 140 102 407 KoHrr 127 147 131 403 McG.-flth 100 03 03 274 Pally 123 142 133 402 McCnllum 120 1 13 140 430 Ilnndlcap 120 120 120 304 Total 744 701 817 2332 Fluhrffr'ft lUkfrr Fnlon no !Rft trifi inn Mcnifforrl , 100 liifl 132 401 MrnnnnlU 142 flulllvail 172 Popov fin 14.1 Mil m m sni tlsndlcsp . m in Total IMS (120 SIS 2178 ttafAwsy (llorei OrlRIf 1:17 143 122 dlidill. ..... Rdlioi-n ..... Volr ..... Osnlnflr ... Hflnillcsp , : Toii ... I'm mi m:i .inn 1112 127 .'170 122 inn :i2 1 1 n nun Kin l:m 4n .mi inn - ins :ii3 704 7M IS 2230 Crsl.r Ifnlrl ' I .vi inn i.io 442 lis H3 inn inn mi inn on 27 nn in inn an.i ln2 ii4 in nn 07 n7 07 291 ArJntnx .,. P-iillcr .... CI mo in Drw Orren Handicap Tolnl i -.-,., '"J "1 017 2211 Clinton : ,.10R 133 144 417 ninnmnn 03 107 nfiiotii Oweni Hrlll Hand I cap I'm inn ni) 114 101 102 :m 131 130 107 4.14 122 122 122 300 Total 7flft 743 701 3260 Whn tn Mtdford Stay at HOTEL HOLLAND Thoroughly Modern Joa and Anna Earlay Proprlatora Racing BUI Before Wash. Legislature OLYMPIA. Feb. 13 (T Only iiKsnclatitHiK wliu.se members were Interested In Ilia breeding, tralnhiii ill' racing of blooded hersi's would lie eligible lo ob tain licenses for race meets tin iler provisions of a hill submit ted to the Washington legisla ture today by Hep. Francis I'eur Min (D'C'lalliiiu). Licenses nra tailed to Individ (nils iiiuicr the presenl net, anil grunting of IU'ciino Is il beret lim it ry with I he racing commission excepting that no pei'sini eon vieted of a crime involving inoi, 1 1 turpitude is eligible. Fiiilher stipulations tif tho proposed measure are thut asso ciation must luivo a member ship of at least 10 persons, none related by blood nor niuriiuge, and no member shall own luuiu than 10 per cunt nf the capital j slock of any Incorporated iisso elation or have In excess of 10 per cent Interest in assets of any 1 unincorporated association. j A bill designed to permit Ore gon ami California commercial fishermen to operate on Wash-: ington waters was Introduced by Rep. Violet P. llucde ID-Sun ! Juan). It would eliminate the re quirement of a year's residence, "Oregon and California per mit our fishermen that privilege and this is to make the regula tions uniform," Hop, Uocdu suld. A provision Is tusscd In which would ussuro Indian eontlnua- llou of all existing fishing rights, i Appropriation ul $30,000 Irom the game fund for construction of a fish hatchery on the Dunge-! iicss river is sought in a hill In-! trod need by Sen. Donald Black (D-CliiUuni). Foxx May Hold Down First-Base Berth PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 13 fV) Jimmy Koxx. former Phila delphia Athletics home run great who signed with the Phillies Sat urday, may gut the first-baso as signment of urmy inductee Tony Luplen. Outfielder Jimmy Wasdell might also get the berth, leaving the double X to play third and do some catching. Two Portland Ball Players Sign Again PORTLAND. Ore., Feb'. 13 (,V) Outfielder Johnny Gill, the Portland Beuvcrs' third best hit ter lust .tenron, and Shortstop Johnny O'Ncll have signed again with the Pacific Count league bull club, General Manager Wil liam II. Klcppcr said today. a!iiiNQ Opon Wk. Days 1:30-6:45 AT BOTH THEATRES ll III ll Il III lllllll "... MIHVYN IIKOV fSOOUCIION lllllllll. Willi ;"" VAN JOHNSON ROBERT WALKER llllllf suvtt,. tuiv,t. .'van uiiu,rtrif s IT nCOTT McKAY OOIDON Mt0ONt0 ,- (DON D.'OBI KOSIKT MltCHUM' JOHN . StlllY IIOIACC MCNAUI. SPENCER TRACY II LUU1ISANI COtONa MU H. OOOIIIIU ' Id jEEIlIiBl. iWIH'sf d I Tj mtrn-m in. uuti wi C-jtfAtY' Conltituoui nallr - Opto 1:00 P. M, TODAY Now Program Constance BENNETT CARY GRANT ROLAND YOUNG liilJIil'j'llij OPEN 6:45 WK. DAYS Today Nbw DoubU Fcilurt Progrm DESPERATE CARGO ALSO POPULAR 8CIENCE NEWS ecullv, ItQ loon. m vot J , The Cllpp... tek to 92HP," ' kJ '"t "me Ihjy . M DETROIT, fob 11 , plon Willi,, m,,,p ,-0. 'eld a 7lll,,h W'lt, lenger ltu, Or,,,iWl eoinitrv world', J '" 125 lo(4 Zi 'Hi Box Oltlct 0p,ni , NOW. PLAYING MTl MARRIAfl . ISA PRITAH limes CRAIG 'Johi frants, Ollfortf Husk HMni H.loli. hal Kttsu Wi Newt and Comtd; mt n-Mtta ho. wli sw Open Wk. Diyi 1:0 ml He whttmWl I a bwllthlnf tf X" brU wh.', tufloui ebtvl v, ' h wtn . , , man f) . mnl ' F AFFAIR n i HODLM NOW AT BOTH THEATRES The levt im Behind iht Grealsil SlOff of Our Timel-1 METRO GOLDWYN MAYEB pt.s.nU th Gi.l Motion Pieluio liom Iho Aulh.nllo Bwk THIRTY SECONDS J OVER TOKYO SHI hstl ' tost DOUBLE FEMlW' I WAS A SPY" VA' J