Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, February 08, 1945, Page 5, Image 5

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    rTm., BroUterlioocl of
VP". i.uii churcn win
Jib Wffimd Son ban-
men oro "',kc, ,0
n. or, locklnic o"e.
"., of tha Murine
M'in iddltlon Hioro will
to IS other program
"ICTffla !o Alll of the
K caterers. Of-
I n" he biothcrl.ood u. o
tsyrss oil. m
. -
rm VUH-Mr. and
v" n"rt'" hnv0
from Sun Dli-uo,
II ll"y vUlt-l Mrs.
where ,,.- r..
Tlv write I" him nt
other operation lol
,nd li reported to bo r ;
, be IIOSpi""-----
Led-Tntf promotion of
GVundrum, n of Mr.
kin. II. D. LoiKlruni,
anllo first lluutcmml. wn
officer of tho 308th
lombsrdnwnt group In
Carolina. M. Undriim
11,1 ol a B H Flying Kort-
He wo graduated from
k in IB4I. H entered me
December n, .
Ill Neighbor! Friendship
Royal nciKiio -
ill hold lis regular meet
Friday evening. February
8p.n. l Inn K- '""I. uu
ill mpmhpnt niul visit
tdfhbori are urged to at-
Oilicera are rcquraicu
fnrntnlt. Them Will 1)0
lion, nd refreshments will
.nti following the moot-
Aid Members of tho
Aid of the First Covenant
ch, 123 Walnut, will meet
e church Friday at 7:45 p.
lor tho annual birthday
, A special program Is bo
minted. Members and
is are Invited. Tho hos-
wlll be Mrs. Otto Clow
id Mrs. Albert Clawson.
hindihlp Club Friday ovo-
ttbruary , the friendship
li to meet at tho homo of
William Bishop, 420 North
Auction brides will be
fi during tho evening ond
tmoen and friends are In
to attend,
lura Mrs. Frank Klein-
md daughter, Mrs. Norman
i and ion Francis, have re-
W to their homo on Cros-
ivemio following a visit
Mrs. Klcincuer's father In
rai, Waih., and with friends
om North Dskols Mr. ond
w. hico of Mnx, S. D.,
ti Wednesday evening to
for several Hnva nt Ihn
f of Mr. and Mrs. William
a, 2U7 Ebcrleln. Mrs,
no Mrs. Larson oro cou-
'jtor-Mrs. Ethel M. Fort-
w Miem, supervisor of cdu-
!.l Of Ihn t.I. , ii
. - ..... touuiiy JlUIIUl-
(, spending this week
Lima h Mtint.. ..I-,.,....
.u,.,,,j, vimuiik pom
anil prnini.. -..i , 7. ..
1.. .1.. ' M-nuoia in mo
nt of tho Oregon stnto sight
lit nrnttrnm ra
!Sl'ns,T. s. V Donald
m. ' visiting hero
""renis, Mr. and Mrs.
3223 T v Wlfc' nur-
Ihas been sti.tloncd nt
ASPIRIN tablet
f't upset stomach
When you need
pain, do you
hesltntn n
J j aspirin because
f J it loaves you
11 with nn upset
IM ntnmach? If bo,
u this now modi-
EMm i., cnl. dincovory.
for yoU. ,aUhodoo
il2P''re' 'o napirln von
Popsethv? "P?01" wny for
inniS.flully, lou tho
Bpsska A series of tulka ore
being given to Kliiimilh county
4-11 clubs this week by Helen
Cowglll, uiwlstunt stuto 411 club
lender from Uregon Htntn col
louv. She spnko lit Falrhnven,
Altiiinohl unci Bhusta schouls
Wednesday, unci Is npenklug to
day, Tlmrsilny, at tho Henley,
Merrill unci Mulln schools. Fri
day she la scheduled to bo at
Knosevelt from 10' to 11 a, m.,
ond at lily from IM to 3 p. in.
Hummaa Rnla 'I'hm A...l.
can Leglun auxiliary will huld a
rummugo sulo Suturday, Febru
ory 10, in the former location of
ruimjr witfmium, on ivinin near
tho corner of (Ith street, Thoso
with riiinmauo to donato aro
imkiul In rnli Mm riitll,.,,!,,...
71ti:i, or Mrs. Motscheubachcr',
.iDOi, or nring u to tno sain lo
rnllnn nn Krlnnv nftnmnrtn u,i,m,i
there will bo soincuno thero to
receive u.
Htclsmstlon Mn Htro P.
II. Shiner, fiscal accountant
from tho Denver bureau of rec
lamation, J. F. Kustl. ocllnu
chief of tl) fiscal branch of the
Sacramento regional office of
lochnnutlon, ond James Henges
bach, accountant from the Sac
ramento officii, are hero today
on routine accounting business,
Braakfait Pl r... ..n
communion breukfnst hovo been
mi u ii o oy me usu, Niillonal
Catholic Cominiinlty service,
tho affair to bo given after tho
0:110 moss at Sacred Heart pur
Ish house. Servicemen and wom
en attending this mass urc cor
illolly Invited to ho guests ot
tho breakfast.
At Homo N. B. Nelson,
Klamath county ussessor, was
111 at his homo on Ewaunu
street Thursday, suffering from
a severe cold.
Service Men
and Women
Home on Leave
Pvt. Roy Glubrccht from
Cump Roberts, Calif, Here until
February 12.
S 2o Donald Christy from
Furrogut, Ida.
Tho above service people are
entitled to tree passes to the
local theatres and free fountain
servlco at Lost Rlvor dairy by
courtesy of Lloyd Lamb of tho
theatres and R. C. Woodruff of
tho dairy. Plcaso call at The
Herald and Nows office (ask for
Paul Haines) for your courtesy
Pomona Gling t John
Marsholl, master of Pomona
grunge, urged a good uttendanco
at the Pomona meeting sched
uled for 10 a. m. sharp Sutur
day, February 10, at the Mid
laud grange hull. Lunch will be
served at 12 o'clock, followed
by tho lecturer's hour. Marshall
advised all members that mat
ters Important to the grange
would bo brought up Saturday,
To Portland Cpl. and Mrs.
Robert Henderson of Klamath
Fulls aro leaving for Portland
Thursday night to visit her
cousin, Sgt. Lelund Reiner, who
was wounded In Franco three
months ago. Cpl. Henderson Is
stationed at the Marino Bar
racks here.
Stamp Sal Mills school stu
dents will obscrvo the regular
defense stamp snlo Friday, Feb
ruary 10, under the sponsorship
of the Mills PTA. The Inst sale
totaled $420.40. bringing the
total for the school year to
Society to Moot Tho Kathryn
Beattlo Missionary society will
meet Friday at tho home of Mrs. '
Abncr, 2743 Dayton. All inter-,
estcd women aro Invited to at-'
tend. Election of officers will
be held.
Correction Mr. ond Mrs. M.
V. Zclmun 1337 Wllford, aro
parents of a baby boy, born Feb
ruary 4 at Klamath Valley hos-
filial, Tho name was erroneous
y given as J. J. Zemun, 11(1 N.
From Silver Llc Mrs. Wal
ter Kittridgo of Silver Lake, is
visiting hero for a few days at
the homo of her sister, Mrs.
Jack Schulzc, 1511 Pacific Ter
race ,
Card Party Catholic Daugh
ters of America will sponsor a
public whist and pinochle party
Monday, February 12, at 8 p.
m., in tho parish hall.-This will
bo the Inst party before Lent.
Nursos to Mh Members of
tho Oregon State Nurses associa
tion, District No. 8, will meet to
night, Thursday, at 8 o'clock at
tho home of Mrs. Iva Olson, 2211
Pottpontd Tho shower plan
ned by the Dorcas society of the
Seventh Day Advontlst church
tonight, Thursday, for Mrs.
Aubrey Rcdlfcr, has been post
poned Indefinitely.
Chaplain to Prtich Chaplain
Oliver W. Jones of the naval air
station will preach at the Com
munity Congregational church
on Garden Sunday, February 11,
at 11 a. m.
Card Party Tho Women of
tho Moose will sponsor a card
party Friday, February 0, at 2
f, m. in tho Mooso hall. This Is
he second of the scries and the
public is invited to attend.
how n
ta,7".--nOW 1 -
Mooting Kappa chapter,
Bota Sigma Phi, will meet at 8
o'clock tonight, Thursday, In the
bluo room of tho Wlllnrd hotel.
All members arc urged to attend.
Costum Party All Camp
Firo Girls oro invited to attend
a costume party Friday, Febru
ary 0, from 7:30 to 0 p. m. In the
Fremont auditorium.
In Portland Mrs, Stanley
Stnlgcr and Mrs, Charles Bolley,
accompanied by their young
sons, nro spending this week in
Portland visiting friends.
In SaUm District Attorney
C, A. Humble and County Judge
U. E. Rccder,' left early Thurs
day morning or Salem to spend
sovoral dnys on business.
Toacher 111 Mrs. Marguerite
Morgan, fourth grade teacher
at Mills, has been 111 this week.
Chase's Offlco, 203 IOOF
Building will "put you right" on
your withholding rtcoipts. May
avo something.
Without Painful Backache
.' Miny sulrerfTt rellnv nftsxlni bRnltanhs
qulnkly. onwi they dloovi,r tlinl h wil
MUM ot thflr tinuliln mny b tlrod klilnjvi.
Tbn kliliwys ra NstunTs y l -
ns thfl aiccM Kolcla and wnita out of tho
iloml. Thy liolp moak popl P"" o"
''whin dtiotdor ot kMnw limrtlon nnnlja
polKnom mllr to remnlii In your blootl, It
rnur caua ntRSins backnclie, rhsumiitlo pftlna,
it rulna, loo ol jwp nd imtn, nuns up
Slight, awelllns, piiffinwai undrf the ayw,
itn,lahea and clliiln-M. FrMinnl w acaaly
imMKiu wilb martins anil tmrnlns aorna
ilmea ahowa than la aomathlng wronj with
your kidnaya or liladdar.
Don't, wait! Ak your drum M (or Doan a
rilla, ud tinenafully by nillllona (or ovar
. 40 yr ara. Thy alvo happy rallel and will balp
tha IS mild of kldnay tnbM nuih nul poUmn
ia wuta (nun your Mood. Qat Doan'a riua.
The district attorney's office
today continued the Investiga
tion into the sodomy charge
placed against Edward William
Goedert, 47, Merrill, and action
against the valley resident was
withheld pending further study,
District Attorney Clarence A.
Humble stated.
In the meantime, Goedert is In
the Klamath county Jail. Ho is
a former Merrill restaurant oper
ator and was arrested at Tule
lake, February 3. Parents of the
7-ycar-old boy involved appeared
at the district attorney's office
Wednesday and gave statements
bearing on the case. Goedert
had not been arraigned late
State Urged to Pais
Pasteurization Bill
PORTLAND, Feb. 8 W) The
state legislature was urged to
pass lawa immediately requiring
tho proper pasteurization of all
milk In Oregon, in a resolution
unanimously endorsed by the
Multnomah county medical; so
ciety last night.
The doptors asked that pend
ing dairy and meat legislation
be referred for study to commit
tees on medicine, dentistry, and
pharmacy. The society demand
ed that legislators also place
"the legally constituted health
authorities of Oregon" in con
trol of health aspects of the meat
and dairy industries. ,
Discriminating buyers of In
surance patronise Hans Nor
land, 118 North 7th.
Thursday. Feb. (J, 194S
A Joint meeting of grocery
men and meat dealers of Klam
ath Falls and vicinity will be
held at the Willard hotel, Friday
evening at 8 o'clock, to complete
the organization of a local unit
of the Oregon Fodd Merchants
, Mrs. C. L. Knight of the state
association will be In attendance,
according to L. F. Carter, a di
rector of the group.
Mel Kennedy and Howard
Sprang, recruiting specialists for
the navy, will make short talks
as an entertainment feature. All
food merchants of the locality
wcro urged to attend.
Leather Boot Laces
Shoe Oil
- Shoe Grease
800 Main
Just Received
Fine tailored 40 wool, S
button cuff. Tan end brown.
Siies 14-17 $8.95
733 Main St. '
8th to 14th
The aim and purpose of Scouting . . . character and citizenship . . . are the aim and pur
pose of democracy. The manner in which the Scouts manifest their ideals is proof of that.
Penney associates are close to Scouting and are proud of our Modoc Council Scouts. Pen
ney's has the honor to be distributor of Scout supplies and is happy to assemble special
Scout displays and contribute its windows to Scout activities. .
Boy Scout Week ends another eventful year of scouting . . . and Penney's is proud to offer
them our congratulations at this time.
Made of fine Quality cotton. Heavy weight. Sanforized. OC
Hard finish. Size 13 V4 to 15 V4 ata3
Mode of fine quality cotton. Heavy weight, hard O OR
finish, Sanforized. Sizes 24 to 32 Jaat
A 31x31 inch square mado ot a fine cotton handkerchief
lawn, in all available color combinations and T5e
with Scout insignia In corner a?w
Plain at 60c
Made of rayon sultish braid in all
Others In Plastic Blue and Khaki 15c
100 wool felt, 3-in. brim, corded ribbon with Scout Insignia
trim. Rayon shoe string, tie. Khaki. " QE
Sizes 6 to 1 ...... .
Overseas style. Made of a hard finish cotton twill, washable.
Scout insignia, red braid trim. Regulation ; A)
khaki color .:...... I,vv
Heavy cotton webb belt. Slide buckle with official RfltC
emblem - . aw
4 4' f
, if' i
h '
Fine cotton yarn, ribbed top, with red stitched top. '; Iftm
SUes 9 to 11 hi ...I.. - - vw
Tranilated ... a "Cub It Happy"
i , also square, fair and gamo in
tho activities of CUBBING, younger
boy program (9-12 years) of the
Soy 8oouts of Aniorlca,
Hard finish cotton twill Cub Insignia in
gold above right pocket. Cub insignia on
metal buttons which are removable. Of
ficial navy blue in all 1 QE
available sizes. Ea.
A heavy twill in navy blue, with knitted
band in navy and gold trim, 1 CC
button down bock pocket. Ages 8-13. '
28 by 41 Inch triangle. Gold with navy
border, Cub insignia in dOe
corner. Ea.
Navy, blue wool serge with gold color,
rayon cord trim. Cub Scout insignia on
front, fully lined in black sateen. ftft
All available sizes. Ea. vw
Knee length stocking In a fine ribbed cot
ton. Navy with two gold bands kQr
around turn down cuff. Sizes, 8-11. . .
Web belt with metal slide buckle, official :
Cub insignia, all available - Cfli
Navy blue, heavy duty canvas pouch
style, adjustable straps, metal ring fast
ening, with Cub insignia on QC
closing flap. (Plus tax). leT?
Mado of heavy duck of sufficient weight
to turn water. Two wide web shoulder
simps for carrying; ring attachments
on the side for lashing on blankets In
tho horse collnr pack style. Extra large,
bellows pocket with two small pockets
on front. Scout Insignia on
closing flop. (Plus tax). ataa
Sterling silver respective
insignia. (Plus tax).
Made of smart new olive green plastic.
Sharp, clear, commanding tone. Used for
warning signals, calls for assistance and
all emergencies. Stamped with OC
official Boy Scout Badge. aw
Olive colored plastic, easy blowing and
rich In tone. A well made regulation
model Instrument, removable mouth-,
piece, eyelets for bugle L "JC
Genuine leather with plastic holder for
small coins. Extra pocket for QQe
bills. (Plus tax). ,
Official kits, made by Johnson and Johnson. Fully
equipped. . Be ready to meet any , . ftCf
Official bar needle compass, made by
Taylor. Very accurate.
Official axe," Bi-Metallic with Khaki
canvas sheath.
100 wool (90 wool noils, 10 virgin wool) filled. :
: Heavy' olive colored ducking, snap fastening on side,
stitched padding, tent shelter. Will roll up small
enough to go in Yucca Pack Sack. Scout insignia on
. tie flap which holds bag firmly together when heavy
white ropes are securely tied. Full man 1 C Art
Boy Scout emergency ration. Exact formula used by
U. S. army. Just the thing to take along - 1 C
on hikes. : "
A large bag made of heavy waterproof canvas. Has
two flaps, one with pocket and one without. D rings
on side provide anchorage for blanket or bed roll.
20" high, 15" wide. and 8V4" thick. 9 CA
Weight 2 pounds, (Plus tax).
The Public Is Invited!
All Troops and Cub Packs In Klamath County
are having Anniversary Celebrations this week.
Some aro having Parent-Scout potluck dinners.
Some are having Troop Courts of Honor, Others
are having "open house" In connection with
their regular meeting. Among the groups that
have announced the details of their events arei
All Troops are planning to attend some church
In a group. Those sponsored by churches will
attend that church, other "Troops will select
some adjacent church.
Troop 3
Potluck dinner and Troop program. Roosevelt School, S:30 p, m
. . Monday, Feb. 12.
Troop 8
Open House at regular Troop meeting.. Allamont Junior High School,
Wednesday, Feb. 14, 7:30 P. M.
a- w w r r
Troop 2
Potluck dinner and Troop Meeting program.
Altamont Jr. High, 6:30 P. M., Tuoi., Feb. 13.
Troop 16
Potluck Dinner and church attendance. Sacred
Heart Catholic Church, Sunday, Feb. 11th.
w Troop 50 , ,
Open House for parents at Mutual Improvement .
Association meeting, Tuesday, Feb. 13th, 7)30
P. M. Basement of Library.