it will Pay ur lE.ultfor 8tl 1-1 If s a raci .if 34 jtlliw Ml N. 7111 31 l0 ' Derby' Mm .More) Or cll John McFee 3-Room luburbon Home Shasta way. 90"l lit modern, siouv. E. GRAY Realty Service i. ;ih & Pine Phone :ifis I Your Own Boss ihi. urate with llvliuS tra iltichcd. Good luciillon tuiie River, Oregon. Tolnl 5J50.OO. tasy irrnisi un it possession. See J. R. Perry Wllh If. l weaver I Estate and Insurance it 8164 330 E. MMII 2-11 lo Very Good Buys In, north of Miiln, com- ly furnished or tinfur- four bedroom home. torn, hardwood floors, Rood k itrcs good Harden toll, trees, berries, modern $3750. pe Beard Agency Main St. Phone (J523 2-8 (Equity For Sale Hom on Pine St. Furnished 3( town. Will sell or trade W equity (or truck or !P with good tires, shown poinlmcnt only. Phone 8470 213 APARTMENT CLOSE IN H. two blocks from Mont- '"a store. Present In t 5(98.00. All r.....i.i..j f"w quick khIc nt SIR.OOo! '"Is Is it Simp! E. GRAY Realty Service "Thonlre Bldg. Ph. annn 2-B WALIZiMr. i DENNIS, REALTOR I'nono B4IM 1-lsm "H' """lahrd. near "Ulpj;'mir" '0r W""- "iiiii .;::,m. tome hu ". " "ill, lr turn. See Jo, Perry . Wllh .., J-.U WrjAVrn r i5 " lnwrnr ;in -.. ... ,, ,, uco Ave.. I. iJJJ 0l70lf ir;2m'' ,n,,,ir r taiiN.'11 or wrlin nr an IlC!,"" """" ""' t-j- ZlJrjwHi. 2-n I tltT4.'.' rr. v..,.. '. ! sV-jT ". t '""MIKCI ami I g 54 Automotlr y Chevrolet Dealer John Ashley- cash : For Your Car Any Moke or Model ey Chevrolet Co. J Phono 41 1 a 30 Root ttlat For Sal roil KAl-K - tn Lmivm addition, 4-ro-im limiac, I'HIi'kcn house, ionffi. Inqulrr Men's (More, II. 11. MeCaim, f tr a i. nt. 11 0 Al'liri, mrhard, iMlurr modern I'tili'keii limt -, barn, ft. room niotrn hmite. UKtil huhii aiici. highway frun l ), rru-a (i7iMJ. Tlrmi, ornfm l.nU Lo.. ?0 l MtM HI., AtnUM'l Autom jtlvt YOU'LL GET Dependable shop and motor work quicker here, for Every mechanic in our ihop Is a proclical man with years of experience os his guide LEO'S GARAGE llth ii nd Mil in Sis. Phone Court Mon.-Wed. EXCHANGE MOTORS Kords, Chcvrolcts, Plymouths, Dodges and Others or We Will Recondition Your Motor Llko New Cylinder Heslecvln. rind ncborlni: Crankshnft Cirlndlnj; nnd Line Borlni! ncgronnd Cmnkshaftj With llenrlniis lo I'll I. C. "IKE" HEATH Phone 3211 037 Calif. Ave 2-20 Winter Driving is Hazardous Driving Is YOUR Car Insured For Complete Aiilumnbilc Coverage? Phone 5195 John Sondmcycr, C i. ROBERTSON AGENCY First t'odcinl Savings DUIi. 2-2Uni Motor Rebuilding Starter and Generator Reconditioning MOTOR TUNE-UP 23 Years' Experience Elmer Tripp Home Garage 216 Old Port load Phone 7034 before B:0(l or after 8:30 P. M. . RECAPPING and TIRE REPAIRING BATTERIES NEW TIRES All Sizes Moparch Service Station 11. K Teed 301 So fllh Phone 7071 1-7 IFOR SALE RADIATORS OV ALL TYPES Will Build Any Typi HadiHtor You Need Klamath Radiator Works 2221 So. 0th Phono (1042 Used Cars : . Bought Sold Traded ODELL MOTOR CO. 744 KlnmnLh Ave, Where Hth Street Ends 2-1 3m ron SAI.K-103!) model Chevrolol clrni. (lood niblmr. noy Schmeck, J I. .1. Box. 1042. I'hnno 40a. , . 2 7 WANTKn-"ir' or "41" Clifv. (rom ! vnio parly, t-ftii nnii nnor i i. FOI1 SAI.R-ln:i7 ford trurk. HI. I. no B:m, Merrill hluliwuj'. I'hom .1. Snm Won. a Aulomotlm 14 Sell Your Car . N O W OUR CHECK BOOK . IS READY and WILLING TOP r OPA PRICE Balsiger Motor Co. YOUR FORD DEALER FOR 21 YEARS Main and Esplanade Public Used Car Lot 7th and Oak Across from Post Office South We Buy and Sell Used Cars and Trucks Sell Us Your Used Car Top Price -- No Waiting CASH -- See Se I by. Last.-;- Phone 34 Automotlv Does Your Car'. Sound Different Lately? If Chrysler Made It We Can Fix It Only Chrysler Engineered Parts Used Experienced Mechanics Phone or Coll In For Appointment Burness Motors DeSoto S. Ulh & Walnut Plymouth Phone 6HII1I 2570lf RADIATOR REPAIRING Wc Arc Well Equipped To Give Prompt Service Tractor Truck Bus V. B. SMITH 2510 S. 6th St. Phone 8331 1400-K ATTKNTION mm and in:iu fohd and ciinvrto- I.KT OWNKIIS: W te In pomllloll lo cumplclely overhaul your molon. We have the pnrU. No flelnyn. rnoNE mi ron appointment 1. C, "IKK" HEATH 2-13 ron SALE-IP.1l rord l'i-ton Iruck. Dtml wlieeU. Good rubber, Loula llrun, 4L00 Allamonl Drive, KUnialh rail!. Oregon. 2-8 ATTENTION TAIIMEHS Will trade 1IM1 DoiUc ij-lon pickup Jeep. 4 wheel drive (army ran (or 1041 Chev rolet. Plymouth or Dodse pickup. Ph. 7171. 330011 SEE ME1. IIENnY nt Lnmbnrd'a lined . i:r Lol. .131 S. 1Mb St. Top OPA CASH PI1ICE al onto lor sour car. All mokes ami model! ror aalo. 2-lSm WANTED Lale model coupe from pri vate parly. Larry Flatter, llox 111. Midland. j; . 35 Fuel Hatinq COAL, I NUT LUMP STOKER - , . SIZES ' " PROMPT' DELIVERY . ' .or Pick . up n suck or two nt the yard. Hours: 8:30 to 12 nnd 1:00 to 5, . '. FRED H. ' HEILBRONNER . 1)21 'Spring St.' .Telephone 4153 "Fuels that Sntlsfy". " - -Sluco'lOlO '. 210 . STANDARD V3URNER OILS Fuel Oil Furnace Oil ' Diesel Oil . Stove Oil BURNER -SERVICE Phone 5140 : . Peyton'. & Co. Klnmiith's OrlRhuil Fuel Oil Dealer AutamoUr 0934 - 2378tf 35 Fuel Htatlng RICHFIELD Stove and Diesel Oils Best Quality Prompt Delivery Phone 8367 JACK EICHENDORF Distributor 2-28m 38 Mlicllnou For Sal COAL Cash-and-Carry. Sacked and Bulk LUMP . . . NUT . . . STOKER Buy direct from our coal man at the- coal bins. Coal Bins Open 8 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. Office Hours 10-12 A, M. and 1:30-5:30 P. M. 1 Peyton & Co. Klamath's Original Coal Dealer 915 Market Phone 5149 2-23MC WILL PAY CASH TOB YOUR PIANO liul R. Mann, 120 N. 7th. Phone - 4S19 -or 7178. . . 2.2m FOn SALE-AC combine In good shape. Alio 5-yenr-olrt saddle mare, weight 1000 pounds. SOBS, write Percy Dixon, nt. 3. Box SOD. Klamath Falls. 2-t TOPPING and trlmmlnr trees and shrubs, landscaping, flowering shade trees and shrubs. Lakoshcra Gardens Nursery. Phone 40B2. 2-24m ALL WOOL rough-rlaer stacks with pleats and Uppers. Gabardines and Ttedford cords. Now at Rudy's Men's Shop. 800 Main. 2-24 CINDERS, garden dirt, barnyard fortlllE. er, nuy Schmeck, R. 3. Box 1042. phone 4093. . 2-28m FULLER BRUSHES - Clem Joyer. 143S Marlln. Phone 3877. l-28m STOVES REPAIRED, All available parts slocked. Used furniture, stoves bought. OK Second Hand Store, 820 Klamath Phone 111171. 3-3m WANTUD ..Pair of Win pinking aheara. Phono 0734 after flva p.m. 3O03tf SPENCER COPSETIERE Mrs, Enid Biirch. 2I Oak. Phone 7.118 tor appointment. -S.fim FREE Large number poplar and willow , trees. Make good fuel. Come and dig them out. On highway. Phone 3008. 2-7 ONE BEAUTIFUL, cnnsole model radio for Iflle at the N. Klamath Radio Simp No. a. .1 ml. city center. -Bend highway. Phone 8748. STRAWBERRIES ARE SCARCE 8enaa--Hons! new Brlghtmore variety, ideal for home gardens and commercial planting. Write, Centralis Fruit Farms, Centralla. Washington. . 2-8 FOR SAI.E-Praclleally new 4-Inch cen trifugal -pump and fitting. Box 347. DorrH, Calif. - 2-7 FOR SAFETY use Puro moth tablets and crystals. 1 Phone'7182. . 328mc ALLEN Adding Machine and FR1DEN Calculators. 134 s. lh St. Pioneer -. Printing' At Stationery C6. a-18m FOR SALE-UVga wooden barrels. In- iulre at Fluhrer-'a Bakery. 1733tf FULLER nRUSHES-llep. R. V. Morrsn. 033 So. Riverside, Phone 3348. 3-Bm FOR SALE -Wood and coal burning clr culallng healer. Phone 7235, 2-8 FOR SALE -One good used wood fur nace S2.1.00. Ph. 3000. 2-8 FOR SALE dray enamel Majestic ranee, llcatfola. Noree refrigerator, L-.walnutdlnirut set; overstuffed couch. chairs, bedroom set wnn con springs , and Inner, spring mattress. Singer sew ing machine itrcadleli - breakfast set. "Grlino cabinet radio, lamps, etc. Phone 0731 or call at Blsbee Hotel. 2-8 FREE DIRT lo anyone who will haul Ihelr nwn. 1221 East St. Ph. 4388. 2-8 34 Aitomotiv CASH For Your Car We Need Your Car Do You Need the Money? COME AND GET IT Lombard's , Phone 3136 424 So. 6th St. .521 So. 6th St. Tire Chains ancl Tires We have just received a limited supply of tire chains in the popular 60016 size. Get yours today. We have a complete stock of new tires in all sizes. Regular tread or mud and snow. Wc carry a complete line of auto accessories and ' have in stock now the following hard-to-get items: Fog Lights Side View Mirrors Defrosters Tubes All Sizes Tail Pipe Extensions Tire Pumps Anti-Freeze. Lubrication Is Our Specialty ; Hauger Service Station .:. Main and AUTOMOBILE Carefi Complete Prompt I i i-n 1 x- r Estimates Gladly Given Convenient Location ODELL MOTOR CO. 734 Klamath Ave. 36 Miscellaneous For Sai SEED POTATOES TO SELL ' CERTIFIED GEMS CERTIFIED WHITE ROSE ' GEM DROP SEED : ' PHONE 7360 OH 3267 IN EVENINGS McKaig Feed & Produce Co. P. O. Box 130, 36 Miscellaneous For Sal FOR SALE IRON FIREMAN COAL STOKERS BOB PORTER Phone 7708 2048tf FOR SALE Modern, factory built. 16 fftot Inciter tiouite, 9300 cash. Jim Seni um. Dorrii. Calif. 2-9 KOR SALE 3 beds, mattresses and sprlnfst, electrle stove, wood heatinn atov. wood or col ramie, table, baby bifiy- foldlnjr chairs, 8-foot stcplad der, also other articles. Inquire 4615 So. flth or Ph. .'1042. FOR SAI.K-Road grader located at Bly, . For Information call Anderson Bros,. Hill North Vancouver Ave.. Portland, Ore., or Webster 3708 or Garfield 4166. 2-12 FOA 3ALK 6year Hire bed with uprlncs '.and mattress. Also small tricycle. Ph. ' 74.03. FOH SALK -One B-hp, Johnnnn outboard motor, 1041 model. One 113 Winchest er .0(1, one ! hp. nrigB" and Straiten motor. Fixlt Shop. 7H Kinmam. iwiaii 42 ' MlicBllanoui Wantod , , , WANT TO RENT Furnished apnrlment by navy couple. Write L. C. McMil lan. 920 Lincoln. l'i BUSINESS WOMAN recently established In Klamath Falls wishes to rent fur . nlshed apartment, close in. Perma nent. Call 9678 between 9:00 and 5:00. 2-B WANTED TO RENT 2-bcdroom house, walking dlitanca from town and trade tebool. Write Box at 19. co Herald and News. 2-0 STATE POLICE OFFICER wlshea to rent furnished house on permanent basis. Call Officer Martin. 4211, 2-B MARINE officer and wife need furnished apartment or house Immediately. Fv ceilent local references. Phone 70'J CASH paid for household goods. Phon. 7510. i 45401 WANTED Washing machine. S.137. WANTED-Summer home or cabin on Diamond or Odell lake. Box 1310. Lakevlew, Oregon. 2-13 SJd.OO REWARD Naval officer and wife desire furnished house or apartment. Will pay up to MOO per month. Phone 4101, Room 324. Mrs. Chase. - 14 Automo'.iT Mon. Wed. Frl. Broad '2-B" REPAIRING Phone 4149 Wed. and Sat 38 Miscellaneous For Sal Klamath Falls 2868tf 42 Miscellaneotu Wanted Would Like To Rent MODERN UNFURNISHED HOME In Desirable District ANY TIME Between Now and April 1st PERMANENT RENTAL By PARTS MANAGER -- At BALSIGER MOTOR COMPANY Phone 3121 3945 after 6 P. M. 2-8 WILL PAY CASH for used uns. Brlni them In for appraisal. BELL'S HARD- WARE. 328 Main St. 2-2!m WANTED TO RENT-rour-bedroom fur. nlshed house, city or suburbs. Will pay up to $250.00 per month. Phone Room 1124. Wlnema Hotel. 2-8 S23.00 REWARD Wanted tn rent by naval offloer and wife, furnlsncd apartment or house. Ph. Room .124. Wlnema Hotel. 2-1 S23.O0 REWARD Naval officer mid wife desire furnished house or apartment. Will pay up to $100 Ser month. Phono 4181, Room 330. Mrs. icRose. 2-8 44 Livestock and Poultry WANTED POULTRY OF ALL KINDS PAY HIGHEST PRICES Mallory's y Market Mcrrill-Lnkevicw Junction Phone 4620 3039U bbkVILb - Wednesday, Fab. 7, 1943 34 Automotive New Motors : ; For Your CHRYSLER Engineered CAR ' Nearly All Models in Stock ' Will Fit All Chrysler Engineered Cars and Trucks $180.00 to $225.00 ;' Hot -- Reconditioned or Rebuilt Burness Motors ; Cor. S. 6th and Walnut PONTIAG By Factory Trained Experts , . :; .. At Your Friendly Pontiac Dealer . ROSE MOTOR. CO v.: PONTIAC 4th and Klamath a Mlicllanoui Wanttd Potatoes Any Lot - Large or Small U. S. ONE'S "--.v, :. u. s. TWO'S v T'L r-: : PEEWEE SIZE ' - 1" '. 'i Culls Will Soon Be Saleable '1 ;, . ., . ; ' Phone 7360 or 3267 in , Evening. J McKaiq Feed & Produce Co! . iv..'.. P. O. Box 130, Klamath Falls ; '.-k ; , . ' 257tf 44 Livestock and poultry 44 Livestock and Peultry , Don't Take Chances! .- Know- under what condition your chicks are hatched. Visit your own rtew and Modern Hatchery and arrange to place your order for chicks from Horn of the Willamette Valley's finest breeding flocks, established from eggs bought from the most specialized breeders In the United States. . . Your own local. Hatchery also 'buys hatching eggs direct from such 'famous i-ums as Hollywood White Leghorn Farms in Washington and Christie New. Hamp shire Farms In New Hampshire. . " No better chicks can be bought. Open Evenings and Sundays for youi convenience. ... A FEW CENTS A CHICK WILL DO THE TRICK-- Oregon State Hatchery . Klamath 42 Miscellaneous Wanted ' WANTED ... DRY and GREEN HIDES and PELTS GREASE See Us First For Top Prices SIXTH ST. AUTO WRECKING Phone 3583 2501 So. 6th 2-16 WANT TO RENT-60 or TO-acre dairy ranch. Phone 8344. 2-12 44 Live tock and Poultry Farm Master 4-A Grade Baby. Chicks For profitable spring flocks'. Farm-Master 4-A grade, sired by pedigreed males from R O P dams with records of 200 to 300 eggs per year. Early broilers, fryers, egg producers. On snlc only at Sears, Roebuck and Co. cod tt 48 Financial See K. A. (Dinty) Moore For LIBERAL CASH LOANS AUTO .YJ FURNITURE NOTE Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirements Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay - .-.' ' No Co-Signers Quick Service ' ; Locally Owned Motor Investment Co.' Klamath's Oldest M-273 S-241 114 N. 7th Phone 3323 2-23m HERALD AND NEWS fUNS 34 Automotive Wed. . 'GMC Phone 8184 42 Miscellaneous Wanted , Wanted- Falls. P. O.. Box 32 -' .tiaatr 44 Livestock and Poultry ' WANTED- Live . poultry. or all Jtlnda. Also eggs. Martin Produce C6. Phone 3372. 2-2SD1 FOR SALE-3-day-old eatvea. Rt.l,Bo 919. . . ., 2-2S WANTED Furnished .- house .or apart ment. Can furnish locaf reterence. Write Herald and News Box 3095. 2-8 HIGHEST PRICES paid for hotei veal, lambs and cattle. Johnson Packing Co. Phone 5323. nights 3505. ' 2-28m If it's a "trozen" article you. need, advertise for a Used' one In the classified. ' ' 46 Financial When You Want' a CASH LOAN e For Any Worthy Purpose Call on; P. A. (Buck) Everett at the office of COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP. 107 N;,9th;StH Klamath Falls, Oregon Loans Made on Automobiles Furniture Livestock Salary j Sales Between Individ uals Financed and O. P. A. Requirements : Completed'' V . Come in : Phone in or Write in Phone 77 1 1 3 Lie. M-223 ,' Lie. S-25) 2 28nr u-u-ufi-iti.i ar.7r-ifTr - 48 Business Oypoftumttw'' ROOMING HOUSE for is 1ft. Call 4874 a MUST SELli beauty shop and At equip ment owing to ill health. Good prono sltlon for goud operator. ' Write Nor Grccrt Deauty Shop, Lakevlow, Ore.