It IIX HEHALD AND NEWS Tueiday. F.b. S. 194S Ration Calendar Wr Price and Rationing Board, 430 lain street. Office hours daily. 10 i- m. to 4:30 p. ro.; Saturday, 10 a. m. to a p. m. Phone 6161 (or all Informs- "A11 applications mil b MAILED In lo the War Price tnd Rationing Board it 430 Main street, and NOT presented '"suGAB Ration book Sugar atamp No- 33 valid February 1. PROCESSED FOODS BLUE STAMPS Ration boo 4-H-3. J-2 K-2 L-2. M-2. X-S through Z-3 and A-2 throuith G-2 still valid. RED STAMPS Y-0 and Z-3 food for 10 polnta each. A-2, B-2, C-2, b-2 non valid. Q9 through X-3 illll alid. Take used fats to your meat dealer and he will pay 4 cenU and two points y fn ,?-?iiyj.?.wvU'JU'." -iu r-.i i i i rinnr CLASSIFIED BATES On. day "9" 3 run " w0"! Hc 4 dnv run P word 3c 5 day run P Week run . -P' Month run , ,, , oer word Mc SO Dlicount (or Payment in Advanca Stt Diicount (or Pavmant d.t loin Arlt received bj 1:00 p m will appear MmalfTernoon in "New Today" column. New Today LOST-Ralton Books-3 No 4 books and -1 No. 3 books. Name of Molgard. Johnson. a'a LOST-Gold Swiss Rellde man'i watch. If found call 3939. Reward. 2S LOST - Identification brocele t. name "Marlene Jo Howard.'' Call 8303. Re ward. a'T WANTED Civilian Ironing. 2323 Snst Wav. --ta KFMTONING, Painting, also applying PLAST1-KOTE wear-misting ftn-h. Phone 3987. '16 FOR RENT Bachelor cabin for two men. Inquire 520 S. 8th. 2-? BE YOUR OWN BOSS Buy th.t garage with living quarter at tached. Good location in Sprague River, Oregon. Tola! price $750.00. Eay Terms; immediate pouewton. See J. R. Perry T. uXvTAVlCR Real Estate and Insurance 339 East Main Phone 6764. l-o FOR SAUE Road grader located at Bly. For Information call Anderson Bros.. Sill North Vancouver Ave.. Portland. Ore., or Webster 5756 or Garfield 4166. 2-13 WANTED Man for helper in radiator shop. No experience needed. 2U21 S. 6th. 3225U SLAB PILERS wanted. Peyton & Co., 915 Market, 33"tf ROOM, board, working man. Phone 6897. 939 Lincoln St. 321 2 tf FOR RENT-Sleeptng room for gentle man in private home. References. Ph. 5683, 2-6 FOR RENT Single light housekeeping room. Gentleman preferred. Call after S p. m.. 1404 Klamath. 2-6 FOR RENT-Cabin suitable for one gen tleman. 11 Pine. 2-6 ATTEWIOI 1929 AND 1936 FORD AND CirEVRO LET OWNERS: We are In a position to completely overhaul your motors. Wo have the parts. No delays. PHONE 3214 FOR APPOINTMENT I. C. "IKE" HEATH 2-12 ATTENTION FARMERS Will trade 1941 Dodge -ton pickup Jeep. V wheel dvivo army car for 1941 Chev rolet. Plymouth or Dodgo pickup. Ph. 7271. 33ail TOR SALE- Day bed and 3-plec wicker aet. $16.00, 426 Pacific Terrace. 2-8 FOR SALE -Wood and coal burning cir culating heater. Phone 7235. 3-8 WANT TO RENT l ranch. Phone 8944. or 70-acrc dairy 2-12 FOR SALE Two houses, partially furnished, near snaMa way ana aouin u., w Substantial down payment, Neat little one-bedroom home near bus wtin one-nan aviv wu $450 down. See Joe Perry with F L. WEAVER Real Estate and Insurance 339 East Main lumo 7tt4 a-T fctf.OO REWARD Wanted to rent by naval officer and .. fumixlii'd umirtment or house. Ph. RiMm .124. Wincma Hotel. 2-8 ON CRESCENT AVE. Completclv furnished 3-room home. Electric refrigeration, electric range, gas water heater, gas floor furnace, lautuiry trvs and largo garage. Very clean. Priced at 325tf. Call John McFee Rcil tor. 4531. or call at 118 N. 7lh. 2-6 FOR SALE ti-year site bed with springs and mattress. Also small tricycle. Ph. 7482. WANTED Experienced checker in gro cery store Oregon Food Store, So. tith. 3-8 FOR SALE Modern 4-room house. i block from Altamont Drive. 3303 Can non Ave. 3170tf WANTED TO RENT Four-bedroom fur nished house, city or suburbs. Will pay up to S 250.00 per month. Phone Room 324. Wine ma Hotel. 2-8 WANTED-Experienced bookkeeper, lo cal permanent resident preferred. Ships Service Dept., Naval Air Sta tion. 8101. Ext 59. 2-8 FOR SALE One 8-hp. Johnson outboard molor. 1941 model. One 95 Winchest er .Otf. one a' hp. Briggs and Stratton motor. Fixit Shop, 744 Klamath. 3372tf $3500 REWARD Naval officer and wife desire furnished house or apartment. Will pay up to $100 per month. Phono 4181, Room 320. Mrs. DeRose. a'8 APARTMENT CLOSE IN 32 units, two biocks from Montgom ery Ward's slore. Present income $498. All furnished. Priced for quick sale at $15,000. This is a snap! E. GRAV REALTY SERVICE Esquire Theatre Bldg. Phone 365 2-6 FOR SAIJE 3 beds, mattresses and sprlsujs, electric stove, wood heating stove, wood or coal range, table, baby buggy folding chair. 8-foot stepmu rior, "also other articles. Inquire 4315 So. 6th or Ph. 3s. $25.00 REWARD Naval officer and wifo desire furnished house or apartment. Will pay up to $100 per month. Phono 4181, Room 324. Mrs. Chase. 3-J FOR SALE -Small acreage with fl-nwm unfurnished house. Tcrnu. Inquire 4815 So. 8th or Phone :. a-fl FOR SALE-1931 Ford 1',-Um truck. Dual wheels. Oood rubber. Louis Reun, 4106 Altamont Drive, Klamath Falls. Oretion. 2-8 FOR SALE One good used wood fur nace $25.00. Ph. 5000. 2-fi FOR SALE Gray enamel Majestic range. Healrola. Sorgo refrigerator, walnut dining tel. overstuffed couch, chnlrs. bedroom set with coil springs and Inner spring mattress. Singer sew ing machine ttrendlet. breakfast set, Gruno cabinet nulio. lamps, etc. Phone 6731 or call al llisboe Hotel. 2-8 FREE DIRT to anyone who will haul their own. 1221 East SI. Ph. 4386. 2-8 BUSINESS WOMAN recently established in Klamath Kali wishes to rent fur nished apartment, close In. Perma nent. Call 5678 between 9:00 and 5:00. 2-8 Red Ryder By Fred Harmon cimch GET N PBl NOT fm IF THEY XT 10O W 7 VM fiOT SO SURE OF V UVJ A CRACK i ( J0) FIND WHERE ) Sn M AVJiS WWOUMMnHAT, HANAf.' I'LL Twd aE J LITTLE TKS5TEi HR M0U JhEYJ pScp. Wash Tubbs By Leslie Turner f SO! THE YANKEE PILOT S f WITHIN AN HOUR -MILLIONS OF ANGRy) jSJJLWJf W1"1" iW ffli La1?N AT LA5GE ON THE SACRED JAPANESE WV SE ON THE WATCH nai -JT OUt3HT TO ISfcO soil of Nippon: s for hiisas thi lbno ape won't HsT;':t:':' 2 jrck M eE farcnouah -j tUgflBJgM - ' " COPQ. 1 BY HtM. SCHVICC.INC Boors ond Her Buddies By Martin H'V.O.COWrN I tii , "SOU Freckles and His Friends By Blosier fWEJ-U THANKS ANWY.SUSie (OrW) fWHAT T WHV.I f5'TH' fe?Alw& OWKS VLffaET Alley Oop By V. T. Hamlin WHAT' TLilC I iDctadtI I " J.EMIAN THRONE-SITTER Ym TH FLOOR IS VOJRS MEAN By ACCUSING Or rooo... r-VDO OF AQSREaSlON? otMur, k ecu ur -fuu AN AWiRESejOK Little Orphan Annie By Harold Gray ( AFRAIB I LEFT A I FEW DISHES IN f I THE SINK! J JUtGF UChfiC bROPPEB IN LATE fe; A oNACiS 'uw. I n M0PE OH.' WHAT A RELIEF ' K YOU, NO TO KNOW THAT! IF W.KINQ- ) MA'AM- EVER 6HESM"0ULb F J I WAS SUSPECTWHOT'S f 'jl j" Hw Tods WANTKU -Window wa.lvlm. I'll, ouu. WANTKn -Wmiian for llahl huvuework and conuatiton lor inii-lnvallU, .lays. lh. who aliur o p. i. WANTKIK.I.I elan inm-lianlo (or all makeN ot car,. An onooi'lunlly lo work overtime. uuuiMel. in... iiueii.r: Calif. mil SALK- II lunmoa and 4 lol. In 110' !).... tM Udl'l .11. WI'IIM Or. Smlih'. ails Wllllls UUIll., Klamalh I'alls. KOlt 8A1.K 3-room holl.o. UHH1. S.VW IIOWII. O OllKn. li.'MI . w..t lion 3-1 Mootlnq Notices Big Lukes Lol'iiI No. 2511 Meets every 2nd Tliursdny mid -Itli Sunday at 422 Main St. F. C. Willonhoit!, Finiinclul Sec K, A. Gordon, Pres. 2-17M CARPENTERS' LOCAL No. 190 Meeting 1st and 5itt Wednutrfav eve- ntntla of e.tch month. 7:30 p. i,),. at Labor Temple 4X1 Miiin. C. U LONG. Sec. and B. A. Office Open 7:(H) to H:00 P M. Every Wedneidav. P ho lie 50U7 1-Sm 2 Klamath rail Aerli No UiKH). UcKUlnr meetlnii every Tue day ntj;ht. 7:5 p.m.. Ri-aflS Walnut. VUitlni WltftDSW memheri cordially invi.pii. jXlj)Vf'afl,l f AND AS KING Or f ...OUR INVASION OF LEM 15 AN TERRITORIA,L POSSESSIONS S'JIS10 J ACTION OF SELF-DEFENSE... J- L OF TH' NATIONS INVOLVED I lk,TJ.O1T.SS:0ND l I CULMINATING FROM SLCH f BEAR NAUGHT ON TH' I I SIEfUN I I A SERIES OF INDIGNITIES 1 MENTAL. PROBLEMS WE HAVE I ItatO&KAI-T-rV B I I F NALLV fiUFFtRhO A ".T4.TF I rj-v.u Tn DC c.r 1 i. Dryer, l Bfcts (Jt- VOU AN AfaGRESpOK GONNA GET AWAV REVOLUTION IN MV what PART ' L S s I U l Ltr-ll M, I WITH PUSHIN' US I 1 MENTAL .TXTI! A nc MrSr. is J M 1 iW-vE. I . Lost and Found LOST- Elrrtrolux v;iruom cleaner cord on ard S(. Coll HM7, lleward. a-7 LOST-On Weed.Klnmalh Kails hlahway. black suitcase. Finder call 3xa. wnrrf Genorol Noticei TWO SISTERS INN Weed-Ashlnnd Junction 3 Miles West Hwy. 07 Southern Fried Chicken and Stenks RUTH AND CAL GORMLEY Closed Mondays Pliono 80BU 2-17 TOR STUARTS DANCE ORCHESTRA Inquire tu. Oak St., or phono 6.VI3 217 10 Services APPLIANCE REPAIRS Wo repair and service nil mokes of radios, vacuum cleaners and many other electrical appll anccs. We may have the type ol radio tube you need Reason able prices. Phono 5188. SEARS ROEBUCK Tucs -Thurs.-Sat.-tl Central HotloM Ganaral Notloaa INCOME TAX SERVICE Commercial Bookkeeping Rollin A. Cantrnll Room 4, Hopka Bldg. 110 N. 8th St. Open vcnlnR.i and Saturdays Phono 3240 2-10m OPENING MONDAY January 2!lth Dressmaking Shop. Alterations, new ond old. MRS. HAWOHTH ond MRS. PETERS Hopka Bldif.f Room S a-u BRING me your work. No Job too small. Uodenhamor Saw and Repair Shop. 2-n PAPER AND PA PERU ANGER available. J. E. Patterson and Son Paint Store. 1220 East Main. Phone 3324. 2-Mm FOR KEMTONING Phone 4270. 2-7 SEWING MACHINE SERVICE, all makea. Phone 0771. 3211) Shasta Way. 2-10m SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED ond In stalled. A local concern. Phons W. Baker. 7033. 4-4 HEMSTITCHING DRESSMAKING. Buttons and Buckles covered. Alterations on new and old clothing. Mrs. H. M. Allender. 731 Main. Itoom 210. Ph. 720:1. . J. 20m RADIOS for service. Received late eve ning and Sundays at tho North Klam moth Radio Shop, No, 2 Bond High way. Phone 6740. 3-1 WATKINS PRODUCTS-J; C. Marin. 2242 Home Ave.. Phono 0912. 2-20m KALSOM1N1NG, Kemlonlng, Painting H. L. Brown, Phono 4220. 2-20m THEODORE DICKSON. Furniture Shop, roupholslerlng, repairing, reflnlshlng. Springs rccondltlonod, 3041 Shasta Way. Phono 4917. 2-18 HOUSECLEANINO, floor waxing and window washing. Leo J. Pope. Phone 0420. 220 N. Olh St. . 223.111 INQUIRE about Plastl-Kote woar-reslst-ant finish. Also Komtonlng, painting. Phone 30U7. 2-10 ELECTROLUX Cleaner, complete serv ice. Phono 7107 - 1031 Main. 2-12 CURTAINS LAUNDERED ond stretched. Phone 3717. 2-21 NOTICE! All Woodworkers If you are a member of the C. 1.0. or the C. 1.0, is the Bargaining Agent in your Plant, your Employer has been contacted and requested to pay you Travel Time as RE. QUIRED BY LAW. The Companies have said, "NO'" Therefore, the I. W. A. - C. I. 0. is preparing Cases against all Companies where the C. I. 0. has Bargaininq Rights. This applies to Sawmills as well as Logging Camps. If you are at all interested in getting paid for time spent walking to your job as well as make-ready-time, come in to the C. I. 0. office, 234 Main Street, and find out all the particulars from the people who are aware of all the facts pertaining to these two vitally important matters which will be a better working condition and will mean several dollars in your pockets. We also have some more information about your TWO WEEKS VACATION WITH PAY. DON'T LET ANYONE MISLEAD YOU. COME IN AND FIND OUT THE FACTS. M. C. KING, Business Agent, Local 6-12, I, W. A. C. I. 0. VERNON N. CHASE, President, Klamath Basin District Council No & I. W. A. . C. I. 0. 27 10 Se view REFRIGERATION SERVICE Wo Service All Moke Household or Commercial Don't wait for a complcto breakdown. Havo your rofrlger a t o r completely overhauled now during cold weather. Belts, Seals, Controls, Switches, Valves in Stock, Bert Eastman, Serviceman Merit Washing Machine Service 611 So. 6th Phono 5680 2-28m OIL BURNERS FURNACES, CHIMNEYS, , " Cleaned and Repaired WOOD . COAL . OIL ' FURNACES Availnblo for Replacements Compare Our Prices TUFTS HEATING SERVICE Phone 8040 888tf ELECTRIC IRONS, toaslers, waffle Irons, vacuum cleaners, radios REPAIRED. Quick service. THE PELICAN AP PLIANCE CO., 110 So. 8lh. Phone 0232. 3-9 Work Shoes Logger Boots OREGON WOOLEN STORE Main and 8th IS EPILEPSY INHERITED? WHAT CAUSES IT? A booklet contolnlng the Opinions of fa rnout doclori on Ihii Inter tit In a tublect will ba lent FREE, whlla Ihty fait, to any reader writing to trie Educational Olvliion, Hi Fifth Avt NewYorV, NX, Dipt, B-l 104 BIKES FOR RENT MAKE RESERVATIONS FOR SUNDAY Phono 5520 222 S. 7th POOLE'S BICYCLE STORE PLUMBING Plumbing & Heating Equipment Installed and Repaired Plumbing Fixtures, Soli Plpo and Fittings In Stock- DAVIS PLUMBING CO. Wo Hurry Phono 7635 337 E. Main 2-10mc REFRIGERATION SALES and SERVICE DOMESTIC and COMMERCIAL All Makes Parts, Controls and Equipment in Stock . Oregon Equipment Co. Phono 6617 127 So. 6th St. 2-18 REFRIGERATION WASHING MACHINE and Small Appliance Repair DAVE COX, Service Man Klamath Refrigeration Phone 7038 2000 South Sixth St. 2-tImo WORK SHIRTS Tans and Blues , Sizes 14 M to 17 OREGON WOOLEN STORE 800 Main , MOVING STORAGE , Local and Long Distance HAULING Klamath Falls TRANSFER and STORAGE Agents for United Van Llne 101 Klamath Phono BS72 2-23 m 13 Health PARK VIEW CONVALESCENT HOME 153 Granite St. Ashland, Oregon Phono 7001 Gradunto Ntirso In Charge aiflfltf 14 Hlp Wanted FmaU WAITRESS WANTKU Shop. Max'l Coffeo 210911 WANTED full time mlddto-aaetl hnll.0- keepor. nasi of wnaes. All conven iences. Pleax? call 9719. ao.vilt WANTKU Car hopper, 7 hour shift. you can maxo sr.ou a sum on tnis Jnb. Apply In parson at Tlk Tok Drive Inn. So. 4th. SKMIf WANTED -Woman with s.xxt knowl.ds. or Knxll.h and spelling; for part-ltmo proof reading job. For Interview ap- Fotntment phone Joy Rolph at 9124, lerald and News. 2000 If WANTKD-4 or 9 women and men to work on section for Great Northern. Call 95lttt tHtlween 7 and P p, m. 2-t! 11 Halp Wanted. Mala Wanted PLUMBING Department Manager uct set now, in a business that experts claim will be tremen dous In tho near future. This Is a real opportunity for man who has knowlcclgo of plumbing and heating merchandise. Manager ial experience Is not absolutely noccssory. Wo will pay good starting salary to tho right man, plus liberal commissions on total depurtment sales. Wo offer a pcrmoncnt career, with added opportunities for progress In our post-war expansion pro gram, Why not como In, or write us? Tell us about yourself. Vou may bo the very man wo need. Ask for Mr, Fisher. SEARS, ROEBUCK and COMPANY 2-8 WANTED Vot!n man Interested to learn prlntlnf trade. Must be Untie. 16 lo al years of ale, willing to serve fl years ap prenticeship. High school graduate. Pais physical exomlnallnn. Draft exempt. Apply own handwriting, nox 2ima, Herald and News. 20ll9lf WA,N,ir-D ,,NIh' clerk Metropolitan Hotel. Middle aged woman or man. 2-0 WANTED Automobile mechanics for Qeneral Mntora ears. Must bo first v,B nno novo own nana toon, Buick Oarage, 13.10 Main. 2-7 WOULD you like to earn monoy after school delivering a Herald-News paper route? See Mr. Millar at tho Herald office afler 3 p. m. 7MI WANTED -Spotter or Preiser. Uptown Closnors. in So. 7th. 12401 WANTED Large trnnk and operator for clearing land. Inquire Wolff nanch. niioouin. ore. 20 Room and Board noOM AND BOAKD-aontlomon. 021) Jefferson, . 8,n IIOOM, noAltD-acnllemen. 1007 Ores, cent. 2.10 '.--- rri-.-.-vru-mn.rxoj'u ji. u 22 Roams Tor Rant . ' noOMS-Men, 029 High, 2-1(1 .'i?9M-.fPr genlleman. Phono Bn:iB. 3.0 26 Houses For Rant TRUCKS ron HENT-You drive; move Vottr.ftll. idu, il. mil n . A;..1''!1 E"'.'. Main. Phone n;m, a-Tm 28 Mltcell&neou For Rent ELECTRIC FLOOIl BANDERS ond edge rented. Do your own work. Innulr Paint Dept. MONTGOMERY WARD I SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Inspection Free Morlnrn Eaulpmont Contenti Haulod Awny . ' Ed. F. King , Phono 3230 . : . ; sa FOIl RENT-fltnro hulldlns u.iii. h... front at 002 Main. Inquire Rudy's Men's Shop. ai,iotI for RENT Floor sandera, edgors and paper removing machine. J, K, I.",,cL"nn Paint Store. Phong 3324, 30 Real Estate foi Sail BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Eight unit nnnrtmcnl. vis distance, hot water heat, . nlshccl. SIU0.00 persona come. All rooms lirit cheerful. Prlco ,25,0M, cash. I3HICK APARTMENT Closo In, furnished, yurlf come S:i000.00, Insured $2O,OO0.UO. Price itttt down payment $0,300.00. SERVICE STATION AS HOME On So. 6th St., future M district, hns rcilr room It nection, nil concrete, w pumped about 38,000 lii last year. Ideal for repair service work. If you arc Interested In w the above property I SI glnd to give you further mutton and show II to Please do not ask for lnfa lion over the phono. E. GRAY ; Realty Service Corner 7lh nd Pine Offlco Phono 361! ; It's a Fad! I havo M people wgnliil buy homos In Klamath a You nrc thinking ol Selling Seo me 11 1 10 M Olh fit. (Next to Derby's Mmlc S! ur can John McFee Itcallor OWNER LEAVIN M acre, fine soil, 1 1 wg-Jj with burn, sncus, I'rico iiuu t and $30 n month. CHILCOTE & SMI 111 N. Olh jlEALTOnS Since in"" Phone1 3-Room : Suburban Home Near Shnstn way. but not modern. JIW down. E. GRAY : RealtySer Corner 7th & Pine SPECIALIZING In Hj EVERETT DENNIS, BJ, 121 N, Bill y" ' HOMES FOR JOHN McFEE, BW , 118 N. 7th , CRESCENT ffllWIJ r porch. ron AM.WAVIN" iuii East Main. 2-anm Her 1 und