. ' Ecd to overseas ? M a,ui.nvC. v Uing here Z so day. VI''"' ;."-, ; '"..Hv ana from there to 11,0 " ffithTe 'l(,ld ",?h.Vs "army to serve "i 5lna . There ho con 3l,?!?i. nd n Kidney In- ""mi. wai thon ordnrod -hit duty nd he been ecomif ll "officer, mess at Now . Calcdonli. .Inc. ,lln 'l'I'iT slaters, will Vh Mi.v evening, '" l.4" l'7W In the library i " W be in tin- UK on fundi- "J,,,"!:. ur asked to n.u",: A(i..r the meet- mrma ... a UrMhmenU win no noivou .Sues Gertrude An "nU and Char- """hi ..i.lilno sister. k CllWjr. n - Uiconic L-m. m Mr"' nobPrl liiw . .. i.,ijMW morn- WuTM. where ht 1. lor PI""; "' . u T,-v ". " m; & HU .Wer. M. bin KW. " , " J lh, air transport command.- i Hut-mo oiy - 'flfl WW Will l""T. mun- rtbruiry 8. at 10 a. in. at J Mr. F. H. Arm- h. This will be the lirat of Mklng ol slip cover.. Lois , wtonilon specialist In i nunijcment from Ore- SUIO COllCgC, will tUIIMUl, dtmoiutratlon. limn ol Mooit All mem- - ... . ol Womtn O! ino moose ore nl In rcfular session. Tucs nBo m.. In the Moose hull. fcmltlee chairmen for college rtitnu, homcmaKing. mem- hip, slumnl, publicity aim rtllfi, will mane reports in lime. Tht executive com- ba will meet promptly nt p.m. UrlM Club Member of the tilth Shrine club will meet 130 p. m., for dinner at the iird hotel Wednesday, and an itlletit program Is In the mnk- uiurmin is f'tu u. ban iKlittd by Louis Serruys. rtnee Bertram and E. B. 'iilli Ptrtnli Dr. Cnlvln m Hunt, ton of Dr. and Kirren C. Hunt of 647 Pa- TrfrarA. arrivi-H hnm nl 5(ht Saturday for n 10-day with hit mrfrnli nr llnnl miAfnl Hnptnp mi IIia Clnl iWlitoniln General hospltnl Will return t Morilinn Wl. fwume his duties, fUtw-Mr. and Mrs. O. D. ana n Edsul, of Mound I Mo visited at Merrill with Minister. Mrs. W. J. Dnly, mrs. uca wiiner. JlCkSOnH Italltrl thaf tk.u t?it0?,,k8 thelr Permanent hi vtcaon. IS? Th0 Klnmnth l u r "," '" ,np cnurcn W. Hojtesaes will bo Mrs. J Dora and Mra. Carl Nm durlnit the afternoon. I7ly courthouse re- .ibtl.r.1 1- .WD race. p,05rofl r tn a i ' - toon 71 vi "-Everett N. QM Klamath Fall, B1K L ti. ' n,.ni ior Hortlnnii K22,K"!.tak ni"52- Hw 'or duty in Stlnoarattaa Btlnuon-ttoK will hold a public curd purly ul the KC hall Tliunclny, Kclini aiy H, at 2 p. ni. AwhtcIs will bn glvon, Includlnu a spcclul door award. Maat Tonight 1'iick offlcora of the Shustii school Cub puck will meat Monduy at 7:3U n. m. in mo aciiool uudltorlum for a tralnlnR aesslnn, Maatlna Pollnonod The reu. ulnr Junior Mnstnsa mentliiK hua beon postponed until February TRAFFIC CHECK City police, conducted a truffle check ul a. Ulh und Conmicr uiul bulurduy ulternoim uud anv cnil mutorials were churged with violutloiiB und alutcd to upiieur In pulicc court Monduy. Leo Williams, I'itlville, Culil.. ported $5.3U bull on a chnria- of no openilor'a license, fctta l'laakcr, 7ia Mitchell, paid a fine of $3 In answer to tho aumo charge us did Omu I'ln ncr, Allninont drive: LoiiIhc Follows, llllta Arthur, uud Einiiielt Ueur, 1115 Owcim Joliu liloom, 4U3 N. luth, churged with rcckleaa driving following his arrest at 11 p. m Sumliiy on N. 1 1th street, posted $i!5 ball. Merle Perry, 1813 ivory. WIIK orrcHterl on rlii.ru,. I of vlolutlon of tho basic rule nt N. lltli und Grant Saturday. Ho ni.o irau.-.cu un ma own locos nlzniico to uppear Monduy. ltlcliurd Sholes, picked up at S. flth and Market, posted $10 ball on n vlolutlon of basic rule charge. Oscar Nlsscn, 110 N 8th, wus churned with running a red light at nth and Pine. Samuel Francis Ashwell. 21). ought by Klamath county on a cnarge or larceny by biiilce. waa nted to appear at 2 a. m Mon. being held by Sheriff Hoy Kerr clay. of L,ortlsburg, n. M., according to Information given Sheriff LloVd L, Low today, Aahwell la specifically ch irged with moving a 1037 DcSoto se dan rrom the state, the car loan od him by Bnlslger Motor com pany while a Ford which ho had purchased was being repaired. Asliwoll. according to Low, gave a bvid check to Balslgcr to the amount of SI 7S when he pur chased the Ford. In the meantime, Low has been advised that Ashwell had done time on various charges, In cluding polygamy, burglary, con tributing to the delinquency of minor, car theft and drunk driving. Sheriff Frank C. Tvun blyn of Olympia. Wash., has olso sought information regarding Ashwel! against whom, Tomblyn said, a wnrrant for larceny by check Is pending. Low said United States District Attorney Cnrl Donaugh, Portland, had re fused to accent the case In tho light of a violation of the Dyer net, and extradition proceedings are now underway between Klamath county and Lord.'burg, N. M. Ashwell Is t'.ild to h a v o worked In the harvest here. Itoe Dennis Ashley, Anchor hotel, wus arrested nt 1:58 n. m Sunduy at flth and Commercial, churged with driving while un dcr tho influence of liquor. He posted $100 bull. Ashley gave Ills occupation as carpenter. Gloria Maris, 432 N. 8th, charged with obstruction of a sidewalk at 8th and Jefferson In violation of a city ordinance, paid 5 fine In police court Monday. Appearing before Police Judge Hurold Krancy this morn ing were eight drunks, two drunk and disorderly, one vog and one drunk and possession case. T Mrs. Charles Swingle, 77. for mer resident of 514 High, Klam ath Falls, died Friday, Febru ary 2, near Yamhill on tho fnrm where sho was born In 1808, according to word re ceived here from Mr. Swingle. Mra. Swingle made her home In Klamath county for more than 48 years and leaves to mourn her passing many friends In the Lorclla district where she waa song leader for Suite some time. Mr. and Mrs. wlngle were married Septem ber 18, 1800. In addition to her husband, Mrs. Swlngla leaves ono child, Olso S. Zimmerman, three grandchildren nnd one great-grandchild. 26 Held in County Jail, Says Sheriff The Klnmal hcounly Jail popu lation hit a now high for this war-time period with four wom en and 22 men held in the bas tille as of Monday noon, accord ing to Sheriff Lloyd L. Low. Three Mexicans were moved from the Jail late Monday by immigration officials, and the count was reduced to 23 in mates. The Mexicans, brought to Oregon for harvest work, fulled to return with other nallonulcs to Mexico, but remained in this area, Low said. Tho three will go before Immigration authori ties in Portlnnd and later be re turned to Mexico, it Is understood. MERRILL MAII HELD E Edward William Goedert. 47. year-old Merrill resident, was in uic couniy jau lociny, charged with sodomy In connection with n scven-yenr-old bov. The com. plaint was signed by the child's moinor, resident of Merrill. The aliened act i snlri In hnv been committed in Goedcrt'a cabin in Merrill, on Fchruarv 1. Goedert was arrested Saturday ut Tulelnkc by Chief of Police rranK unocics. later turned over to Constable Ed Davis of Merrill wno Drought the man to Klnitv nth Falls. Sheriff Llovd L. Low said today that Goedert denied tho charge. ISo action had been taken agulnst Goedert at a late nour Monday, FUNERAL ALMA BELLE H ATT EH Funeral Urvlrai fnr lh il Alms Brlli llsllrn, who paued away in this eiu Fetininry 3, will lw held from the rhaprl o( Ward Klamath Funeral Home, 92$ Until. Wednesday. February 7, ID-I. at 1 p. m.. with the Rev. Mayinonrt I. Gihb of tho Church of Christ nfflclnt iii i. Commitment (orvlret and inter ment will follow In LtnhvUle comolery. motion nrn rcppeciiuity invuaa 10 anena th narvieei. OUR MEN AND WOMEN IN SERVICE t fe fefc KEHNS IN NAVV Claude Kerns, son of Mr. and Mra. B. K. Kerns now of Har bor, Ore., Is now serving in the united blules navy. lie holds the ruling of bos'n mate lirsl enlisted In March, since that time has class, lie 1D41, and 5 I Bit - y TO r 1 'it ' ' e - "L 1V- LCJ'iU iMiimn iit 1initif.ffl.i'iiW iii j iky It been stationed at San D 1 c g o net Mare island colng patrol duty along the southern Call- lorma and Mexican coast. Kerns waa transferred to a re pair ship and has seen service at Pearl Harbor and other points in the South Pacific. He also holds a diver's license, his parents advised. Kerns is a graduate of Kcno high school. His wife, the former Francos Orr, resides in Pasadena with her parents. SEAMAN MINATO HOME Gina Minato, S 1c, is home on a seven-day leave, visiting her parent and friends. She has re. 1 f MeOILLtVAIlY PROMOTED Ens. Keith McGllllvnry. son of Mr. and Mrs. D. P. MeGillivary. 2334 Vine, graduated from f vm 'mm E 3 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICK OF FINAL HKAMNO ON SAKE TV COPB FOR SAWMILL. WOOD WORKING AND ALLIED INDUS TRIES. The Ninte Indimtrlal Arrtdeat CominU alnn hereby Kivei notice that a final hrarlnR on the adoption of general or dcr i regulating lAfrty In the Sawmill. Womlworklng and Allied Indiutrlea, to Ita known an the "Snfniy Code for the Snwmtll. Woodworking nnd Allied In dit-lrle-" will be held al the Hotel Port land. Oragon, Thursday, March 8. 18-IS at 10:0 a. in. STATF. INDMETniAL ACCIDENT rOMMtSSlON. ny Paul E. Gunke, Chairman. E"'S HANSTllE ' Main 'm M.tchid S.ia ''iultati Suite.,.. IPAt KACHE! f.,'.'irh..ML"",i0U''1 ".' ... Ti, . ,7' fmm; B.ik L" .i",,.,,li'.'ov I Mini.. ".' 'mpl k.cbirl.. J WD CROSS PLASTER P11 BACK PLASTER ; The Trend is Toward- DEPENDABLE TRANSPORTATION -a noeessily with people who make busi- ness trips. Excellent schedules North save time and as sure convenience of hour. Greyhound Bus Depot Phone 5521 . J- Rlon, Agent 6 1 MttauaJ ccntly graduated from a yeo man's training school at Okla homa. Miss Minato is to report to the naval training and dis tribution center at Treasure Is land, Calif. HALL COMPLETES COURSE Cpl. Bcldcn H. Hall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hall of 1213 Pine, recently completed on orientation course designed to bridge the can between training In the States and combat soldier ing against the enemy in Cer many. Al this air service command slution. Oil. Hsill attended a rics of lectures given by veterans of this command which included instructions on chemical wolforo defense and Dcrtinent tips on staying healthy in a combnt zone. His next, station will be one from which America's fighting planes cover our advance into Uennony. Before entering the army air forces, Hnll was employed as a rip-sawyer by the Kalph u Smith Lumber company in this city. Hans Norland Fir Insurance. Phone 6060. CRAIN AWARDED HEART Pvt. Randolph "Rudy" Craln of Chllonuln, has been awarded the Purple Heart lor wounds re ceived in action ' against the en-rf i cmy, O c t o b or 20, 1044, accord- Ing to word celved here. Craln was In ; combat l n I France at the i time he wast hurt and the medal waa given I him, December I 14. After spend ing a few weeks in tne hospital, Craln was per mitted to rcloin his outfit, CARTWRIGHT ON FURLOUGH Sgt. Stanley Cartwright, for mer resident of Klamath Falls, Ins been on fur-Kvmmruamm iuukii ill ma- mcda, visiting his mother, Mrs. Mary Cart wright and his sisters. Carl wrighl attended Mills school in this city. Ho has Just recently re turned from 20 months in the Aleutians and f r i n H s mav write him at IS this address: Sgt. Stanley Cart wright, (39303871), Hq. Bty, 581st AAW (AW) Bn., North Camp Hood, Tex. TUCKER, MEAD ENROLL William J. Tucker, 16, route 3 of Klamath Falls, sr.d Robert La- vcrnc Mead, 18, 1913 Auburn, also of this city, have enrolled at the United states maritime service enrolling office in Port land for training as merchant seamen. Thev will receive basic train ing at Avalon, Catalina Island, Calif., and upon completion of their trainingcourse there, will be assigned to duty aboard a merchant vessel. Under new regulations, the maritime service is now enlist ing men between the ages of 17 and 50, which offers young Americans the opportunity to train now for a career in the merchant marine and to perform a vital part in winning the war. PVT. ALFTIN ASSIGNED Pvt. Gladys I. Alftin of Bonan. za has, been assigned to duty at the air transport commands Fairficld-Suisun army air base, it was announced by Lt. Col. Ar thur W. Stephenson, command ing officer. ?vt. Alftin is the wife of D. R. Alflin of Klamath Falls, and en tered the army on May 11, 1944. While at this new base, her duties will directly aid in the successful execution of the mis sion of this ATC installation: to funnel American aircraft end skilled air crews into the strate gically important Pacific theater ot operations. Pvt. Alftin graduated from Colorado State Teachers college in 1933, where she majored in mathematics. BADKER lit STATES Marine SSgt. William H. Badker, 25, of Klamath Falls, has reported at the marine corps air depot, Miramar, Calif., after many months in. the South Paci fic. He served as an aviation ordnnnceninn with a first marine air wing squadron. Badker underwent bombing attacks on Guadalcanal, and Bougainville on his second tour of duty. He was commended by Admiral Chester W. Nimitz for meritorious action on Bougain ville. A former employe of the Sprague River Logging com pany, Badker enlisted in Febru ary, 1942. He has three brothers in the service, Navy Coxswain Charles W. Badker, serving with the fleet, and Corporals Frank and James Badker. serving with the army in Florida. HARTFORD Accident od Indemnity Conpiny INSUMNCE T. B. WAITERS G.n.ral Insurance. Agency FIRE . . . AUTOMOBILE BIS Main Si. Phone 41tl at Northwestern university Evanston, III.. January IB, where he was enrolled in the navy V-12 program. lie was commissioned an en sign and reported to Hollywood, Fla. January 27, where he will take nine wecikH of advanced line training. MeGillivary graduated from Klamath Union high school in lvn. WELLS AVARDED MEDAL SSgt. Worth P. Wells, aerial engineer of 332 N. 10th, has been awarded an Oak Leaf cluster to his Air Medal, it was announced by Brig. uen. William H. run ner, commanding general of the India-China division, air trans port command. The award was made uDon the completion of 450 hours of oper ational flight in transoorl air craft over the dangerous and dif ficult indla-China air routes, where enemy interception and attack was probable and expect ed. The air trail over the Hump. famed route through towering peaks of the Himalaya moun tains, brazed by the air transport command, is recognized by air men as the world's toughest. The citation accompanying the award adds: Monday, Feb. 8. 1943 HERALD AND NEWS FIVS MISS RIDDLE IRE Deputy Sheriff Dale Mattoon left Monday morning for Port land where Multnomah county officials are holding Emily Dor othy Riddle, charged with grand larceny in connection with the alleged theft of arti cles from the Seth Dixon ranch at Fort Klamath. He is expect ed to return here with Miss Riddle by Wednesday. Also charged with grand lar ceny is Alouzo Parker, now in custody of the military at Fort Lewis, Wash., where he has been held on an AWOL com plaint. Dixon signed the com plaint against both Miss Riddle and Porker who were left as caretakers at his ranch for the winter. Parker was first arrest ed by the FBI on a draft eva sion charge, moved to Fort Lewis where he went AWOL and allegedly sold loot from the Dixon place In Portland where a majority of the articles were recovered. Sheriff Lloyd L. Low said Monday that he was in contact with Fort Lewis officials, seek ing Parker's return here to an swer the existing charge. Both Miss Riddle and Parker were named in secret indictments re turned last week by the grand Jury. Missing ' '."irk 0r K i ffl 1 1 Tit'i iif i m 'ill . liWai 'Itflllli I Bob Roy Burg.ss, RM 3c. USN, has been listed as missing in action in the Philippines, ac cording to word roc.ived by hi. parents, Mr. and Mrs. William John Burgoss, of this city. Young Burgess graduated from Klamath Union high school In . 1943, and entered th .eivico in August of the same year. The Pekin Court Gazette, China, was 640 years old when the first newspaper was printed in Europe in 1524. Service Men and Women Home on Leave S 1c Harold S. Collins from South Pacific. Here until Feb ruary 23. I Cnl T ula nrliiM from famr, "Flyine at nichl as well as bv ; Rwift tv Horn until rhm. day, at high altitudes over im-iary 13. EDDIE'S STEAK HOUSE 127 So, 7th SPECIAL STEAK DINNERS ' Southern Fried Chicken 60c MERCHANT'S LUNCH Include. Soup Salad Dessert - Coff.t Waffles All Hour. Meal Tick.ts S5.50 Value for $5.00 RADIO REPAIR By Expert Technician GOOD STOCK OF AVAILABLE TUBES-BATTERIES-AERIALS For All Makes of Radios ZEMAN'S Quick, Guaranteed Service lit N. 9th Phone 7522 Acres. From Montgomery Ward on North flth J.P.Matthews end J. L Dean ACCOUNTANTS wish to announce change of their address from First National Bank building to 123 North 6th St. (Form.rly B.slty Logging Co. Offiei) Telephone 6710 ' passable, mountainous terrain through areas characterized by extremely treacherous weather conditions, necessitating long periods of operation on instru ments .... requiring courageous and superior performance of his duties to overcome ... he ac complished his mission with dis tinction. . ." The award was made for the period of service from Decem ber 2, 1943 to June 30, 1944. PARKS PROMOTED U. S. ARMY FORCES IN NEW CALEDONIA Don J. Parks, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Parks of Sprague River, was recently pro moted to private first class while serving with a quartermaster truck company at this base in tne bourn Facitic area. PFC Parks attended school at' Sprague River high school. PFC Parks has been with the truck comDany for six months and is doing an excellent job as skilled driver in sending sup plies to the men at the front. BARISON PROMOTED 15TH AAF IN ITALY Albert H. Barison, 20, Dorris, Calif., en gineer gunner in a B-24 Libera tor group, has recently been pro moted to the grade of staff sergeant. His croup has more than lao missions to its credit over most of the European countries. He attended uorris nign school ana later worked as a trimmer for the Dorris Moulding Mill com pany. Ho entered the army on April 21, 1943, and received his wings nt Harlingen field, Tex., on February 21, 1944. His par ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Barison, reside at Dorris. The above service people are entitled to free passes to the local theatres and free fountain service at Lost River dairy by courtesy of Lloyd Lamb of the theatres, and R. C. Woodruff of the dairy. Please call at The Herald and News office (ask for Paul Haines) for your courtesy j tickets. Ill at Horn. Arnold L- Gra-1 lapp, superintendent of schools, : was confined to his home in the ; Roosevelt apartments Monday i suffering from a severe cold. Just Arrived! BOYS' CORDS 6 to 16 Blue Brown Gr.y LADIES' Blue Denim Slacks All-Leather Gloves Sheeplined Slipperi LANNEL SHIRT WOOL SHIRTS Oregon Woolen STORE Main at 8th Classified Ads Bring Results. Spoon into sun-blessed -juice. Desert Golden-fresh grapefruit with full tangy flavor you can't re sist Chock full of vitamin C! Half a Desert Grapefruit provides an adult's primary supply of this all-important vitamin . . . gives you a good start on your day's needs. Sit down to a juicy-rich Desert Grapefruit for break fast. At lunch, enjoy its healthful flavor in salads. And try this luscious Arizona California grown fruit as an appetizer course at dinner. 1 mt otsm JU I - , - , 1 1 "V I mi. am. WWH I i in ii i i mit. s?i k ' JJ jMijm iis-wiiamri-niiifi it i4.-t.'lf.J2Lf . r" 1 "' 1 fKNM.ufeX - (JfitistitVWX... ttuSntati oenlna BUY WAX S0N9S . , . AND KSSP THSM National Distillers Products Corporation, N. Y. Blended Whlakoy 86.0 Proof. 19 Cruiit Nenlral Spirits.