VETRAPS DIVISIONS IfGEIilS i-ifoiSnow "V "1 Vi fi7 wll!.!"...n,l,S..!L'frVd WTJiii will rt'"" wd,,,Sii " G"rm"" 1,1, bclW'1 1 ,.n ...tii.u frtiiii iTMly of Bam and 10 irfllflii ..-L f lit Bl-'J7 l,", to the '? Vncffll'tl I1U lllU fl10!icr.' um ut a point ii m l ' northwest of '" c!l!!r,l' army "nil '"! h' "''."i, "i.'d UP ; ; it iv 'F'.i 'Liim nf From and ii Into Germany, nil" 111 " m nun nnrmnna M'VILhEJ Allen's I2tl MS.I dlvtolnn Uncd "' hetwwn Colmiir fetter" EJfif Lh first army command. L DJe in Crash Two Tankers rW YORK, Feb. 8 Ml Ton ;M were known (lend, nn ll0n number worn m s ng more thin 60 Injured today ii wo milkers collided In York Day, scum "" ltd afire. f Hid llllu. tllO U. S. frnmrot owned lfl.000.lun tt SpringKW, won manna Itljll OCWIIC Riuuillir. wuim Wed nller Iho collision. t wvy public relations oi- -.kl.l. Bn,iniin,-,'rl llm num. cf dead and anld othnrs wero fill, Mid Uie tipringniil was 1 whiU At miclior hv the lion Panamanian lunker Norwegian token Vlvl :!i was 60 yards nwny, M lire os she attempted to It away through the burning !nwc woicr, ino nnvy suiu, bid Takes Hand Reocafori - iWELtf Cupid hi)R taken a in relocation proceedings OlP WWknnri ,lniiieli,i. Iho Tlllelnkt WilA rnnlnr ihilUC KuinilD. IH mf lim it, Noehio Uyono, 20. Uyono ra uie segrogee center to hi) In rVmmr rcllltv nlnn In In, inn rr inrl e wcddJnu will be hold tin ino parents of Iho boy, 11 the WT1A ..! f Ark., complete their re- p ans. meanwhile, Miss awll reek employment In w. where her prospective I Is already employed. o nuiiuc nos oninlned a ro from nrnw niii,....i,i..- ... Wherein the United Stales inoosos. ner pnrcnts ln al Tulcloke. weather" '"r, ribtmr, i, , , Mx, Mill, r-rtrln. kffl; .'a M ... I'ikum" .... s.i .....411 CI ,19 .40 .an .no Trare .34 .112 htm r.i,rr' . . fil II.M . "'i'" i-loudy ii' i or. ,.' ft ifif .,"')'. InnlBh" nnu M .S . ! In ins", nioun. kwi-1 i.Y 'rBiurei. H, H'A'An n liwc.l imrllnn clouHr Win: '""'nil'. Tlldmliiy Willi rain on ..,, Tokyo Fears Red War Against Japs LONDON, Keb. B (II The Hnrlln nidlo reported todjy Hint there wits four In Tokyo thnt Husslii imiy enter . the wiir iiHiiliint Jupiin nn n result of tho lilll Threo uonfereiiev now Kon urn 1 ly believed to be lu sontiluii. "UiKhmbludly Iho problem of Iho common prosecution of the win' iiK'.iliint Jiiniin Is on the niienilii of the Dili Three," wrote the JnpiiiH'se ciiinnii'iilntor of tho newspupor Axlinl n (piotod by the Ciormiin Tniiisoceuu iiuvncy. "Until Jiiniin '.mil Iho westorn powers lire nsklnu thumsulvus whnt is Itusslu's position letiurd hill the wnr iiKiilnsl Jninin since tho wnr nilulnst Uermiiny Iws en tered Its declslvo plinse, "Just lis in the wnr UKiilnst Gurmnny, n decision nlso must bo reuclied In tho war uKnlnst ,l.iiun. For this renson we must keep our nttontlon especlnlly fo cused on this point toduy more thnn over before." DElWEMCTED IN MANPOWER BILL (Continued From Pngo One) should bo plnccd under War Mo blll7.r Jnmes F. Byrnes. Senntor Johnson (U-Lolo.), member of tho mllltiiry com mittee ennslderlnx work-or-nll mnnpower IcKlslutlnn sulci Un dorsccrctury of War, Patterson had telephoned Htm tho depart ment was standing on that posi tion. Tho department officially took such a stand earlier, but John son said Saturday war depart ment officials later "double- crossed" tho mllltiiry committee by "secretly " umlnu that man' power controls be put under lO' cul draft boards. Heavy Opposition Met on wo Jima U. S. PACIFIC FLEET HEAD QUAHTEHS. Forward Area, Feb. 5 (P) Tho heaviest flifhtor and antiaircraft opposition of a fort- nlKlit was encountered Frldny and Saturday nliihts by army and navy plnncs raiding Iwo Jlmn on Iho aerial Mnrlnnns Tokyo route Adm. Chester- W. Nlmltz nnnoiinccd today In , communique, Summarizlus tho two days' aerial activity, lie tuld that navy search Venturas made machlno dm and rocket attacks on build ings and radio Installations at Kurabu Sakl on I'oramushiru and at Shlmushu In the Kuriles and army Liberators bombed air Installations and storage areas on Iwo Jlmn, Friday. On tho following day army Llborntors accompanied by Lightning fight ers attacked tho Island through Intense antiaircraft fire which destroyed ono of our fighters over the target. Man Injured By 3 Assailants Sunday Howard W. Olffard, Metropol itan hotel, suffered facial cuts and head Injuries Into Sunday night when three men assaulted him near tho Sunrise tavern. Olffard told polleo that the three fell on him as ho left tho tavern and that It was necessary for him to spend tho night nt Klam ath Valley hospital for treat ment, Glffnrd signed complaints ngnlnst the threo charging them with assault and battery. . Why Thousands of Doctors Have Prescribed Pertussin Bad Coughs (DUE TO COLDS) C7 Pertussin muf be good when thou sands upon thousands of Doctors hnvo prescribed II for so mny years, pertussin nets at once to relievo your coughing. Illoosena and makes phlegm easier to raise, Snfo and effective for both old and young, Inexpensive! . m.i.liJJMl,,WII!JIMW (Continued From Pago One) court following the grand Jury Indlclinent. Tiiu Medford offi cer, according to Low, contacted tho Jackson county sheriff, who was owaro that Klamath offl elals wero looking for Ifcuvcl. Tho sheriff tried in vuln to find him, . Allowed Tim . Circuit Judge Vnndenherg al lowed statutory, time to Joseph rtoymond , Segoblano, charged with entering an automobile with Intent to commit larceny, at tho request of Attorney A, C, Yudcn, Tho complaint was signed by Irene Ilamol and E. O. llogue, Segoblano Is at lib erty on $10(10 bond, and was given until February 7 at 10 a. m. to plead. A plea of not guilty was en tered by Francis Joseph Glynn, Klamath naval air station, through his attorney, Joseph C. O'Neill, when the Indictment of failure to slop at the scene of an accident, wan read In court. Date of trial wan set for Mon day, February 20, at 10 a. m. Not Guilty " A second plea of not guilty was entered before the court when Robert James Baker, charged with larceny by embez zlement, appeared with Attor ney O'Neill. The court appoint ed O'Nolll to rcprcsorit Baker during the arraignment. Time for trial will bo set March 5 on petition of tho defendant,, Statutory time was granted Glenn Edward Dcllart, charged with larceny of an automobile, on request of Attorney O'Neill. DoHnrt is In Jail In lieu of bail. Time was set for February 7, 10 o. m, Clarence Thompson, charged with accessory to a felony, was alio given statutory time to plead and on request of. Attor ney O'Neill his ball was re duced to $2500 by Judge Vnn denherg. 14pKnpt Ttn,lAl einlfitnd Mn. rlnc Barracks, charged with as sault with intent to rob In con nection with the death of Karl Bold, Henley farmer, sought statutory time which was grant ed his attorney, J. C. O'Neill Ho will enter his plea Febru ary 7, at 10 a. m, Galllcano Taken by Fifth Army ROME, Feb. b (I) Fifth army troops have rcoccupied Galllcano In the Scrchlo valley arcn on the Italian west coast against only slight enemy opposi tion, allied headquarters an nounced today. Other advances were made along tho Scrchlo river, regain ing ground lost in December when the nazls launched a short lived offensive In the direction of Lucca. i EDITORIALS ON : NEWS (Continued from Pago One) as well as the bombs of our planes. ' Mill the recapture ol Manila menus more yet. iho Ainuricuns huvo iiiikic good Mucnrtnur promise to Hhi uHN. iney have proved thut it lint sine to iiionkuy wiui tho uiutcu btutus of America, If uii wu Imve read is true, thai meuus that wo have UAlNtU (Alt, nUOtLV in me Orient and tho jup huvo coiTenpontiingiy Luoi i-nlt,, JNcai'iy ovviyojio who Knows iho urmnt ugiues thut ('Aus jk immensely uuportaiu there. WELL, far whatever it Is worth, taken back our own. uuuuui and Correuidor arc avenged. . "THERE Is plher good news from the Pacific wur. The British, lu iheir'gicutcsi dispiuy of lorco uguinst the Japs, nave pounded burnatra and lis oil in sinuations with a mighty licet and its air force. The first convoy over the NEW Burma road has compicicd its journey of ncurly a thousand miles and has aRuIvau i.V UH1NA, bringing supplies that aro tho lorcruuuer ol more to coino. 'iho whole face of tho Pacific war is changing. BY this time we on the home rnnf nri uftrlrinp nnrl tulim,- We know better now thun to Jump to the conclusion that the jap is licked and peace is Just around the corner. Wo can be thankiul for whut has been ac complished while still retaining the good sonsc to pull our belts tighter in preparation for what' Is yet to come. . . i TN Europe, anything can happen any time. ' Tho Russians arc STILL GO- j 1NG. . Their striking power is apparently unimpaired. Failure of their extended supply line hasn't YET stopped them. They are at the Oder along a front of nearly 150 miles and at its nearest point the Oder Is only about 40 miles from the edges of Berlin. Wo and the British are bat tering at tho German gates to the west, and there are signs that the gates arc weakening a little. The German war is at the final showdown point. Relatives of Klamath Woman Await Word of Liberation As millions thrilled to the news of tho liberation of 3700 American and British prisoners from Santo Tomas internment camp just outside Manila, no family listened more eagerly to day thnn did the porcnto, broth ers and sisters of Mrs. Esther Bollcnt Sevcik, Mrs. Sevcik, whoso husband and child died in prison camp since the full of Bataan, has been at Santo Tomas for nearly three years. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy E. Bellnnt, 460B Thompson, last heard from her when pnssengers on the Grips holm wrote that she was well and bearing bravely tho loss of her family. Paul Sevcik, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Sevcik, 424 Adams, left tho United States in Janu ary, 1040, to accept a position as mining engineer in the Philip nines. He was accompanied by his wife, and their child was born a year later at Para Cale, near Manila, the mining town where Sevcik was stationed. At the outbreak of the war, Sevcik offered his services and wos commissioned a lieutenant In tho United Stales army. Meagre word reached his family, as mull facilities became increas ingly difficult. Through the In ternational Red Cross, tho Sev cik and Bellant families were notified of the death in orison camps of both Paul Sevcik and his young son, Allan Laird. The child died Just before his' sec ond birthday but details and dates were not available. Information given the family by those on the Gripsholm, told of Esther's work In the camp es pecially among the children or phaned as tho result of tho Jap anese occupation. Esther's sis ter, Mrs. Clarence Cooper, 2S37 Wantland, waited at the .tele phone today hoping that the wel come news would come soon. Other of Esther's relatives in cludo Pvt. Lawrence Bellant, stationed in' England with the quartermaster corns. 1st. Lt. Raymond Bellant, U. S. army air corps, ncno, wev., and Beatrice and Guy Jr., at home. SUMATRA OIL FIELD (Continued From Page One) enemy fighters were shot down and 34 more destroyed on near by airfields, the communique said. . Eight . more were shot down on the second day and four, others destroyed on the ground. Six enemy planes were shot down in the course of attacks on the battlefleet, bringing two day total to 64. "Our total losses of aircraft in ' these operations involving one of the largest forces yet used by the East Indies -fleet were 15," the - announcement added. Durazzo, Albania, flourished 2500 years ago as Epidamnus of the Greeks, ' and was renamed Dyrrachlum when it passed into the hands of the Romans. Monday. Feb. S, 1945 HERALD AND NEWS THREE I Enlistment Record In Navy Reported PORTLAND Feb. 5 (P A new enlistment record for the past nine months was set in January, when 353 17-year-olds signed up at the navy recruit ing station here, Lt. Comdr. John F. Biehier, officer ln charge, said today. The month's largest single- day delegation wns 10 from Sa- lem on January 20. . Eastern Oregon, with Baker; as headquarters,, returned ton the Portland recruiting -district' on February 1, Bichlcr an-" nounccd. ifYounn Ifatlm Here Should w About Colds HOW MODERN WAY WORKS FAST TO RELIEVE MISERIES Vrfi Acts Promptly to Help Relieva Congestion In Upper Breathing Passages, Coughing Spasms, Sore Throat, Muscular Soreness. Every young mother here should know about this modern way of relieving -distress of children's colds. You just rub Vlcks VapoRub on chest, throat and back. (No internal dosing to up set child's stomach.) Right away VapoRub's wonderful nenetrating-stunulating action (pic- 1 i W POULTICE r 41 V'l I it I I n in Iiii i ill .. i - PENETRATES TO UPPER BRONCHIAL TUBES WITH ITS SPECIAL MEDICINAL VAPORS STIMULATES CHEST AND BACK RtlttFAC.FO I IKF f) A WARMING WSAf.y- rvvLiiwu turcd above) starts to work and keeps on working for hours to bring grand relief. It invites restful sleep. Often ' by morning most of the misery of the cold is gonel Remember this, Mother.. ONLY VAPORUB Gives You this . is time-tested, home-proved ... the best known home remedyforrellev- ' ing miseries of If IWld children's colds. W VapoRUB If it'J a "Irozen" article yo . need, advertise for a used one In' tho classified. Acid Indigestion "j""" ahM tail, 7w ami k.,k LM!i"S,'.',?"l,. "X. HMmSl , Rapmmiili ;tll,f-B,Mi,to lit, unit In Brtl-tS ll&yscmvrabgtu u uj lor Souu mm, Utk. IT'S ALL OVER! Pardon me, lady, but don't let that wound ed fighting man suf fering in an evacua tion . hospital hear you say "It's all over" ... he, more than anyone else, knows this war is far from won. And he's counting on you to help him back to health. Will your conscience allow you to deny his plea? Women between the agoi of 20 and 49 are urgent ly needed in the Women's Army Corps to serve as medical and surgical technicians with the Army Medical Department. If you have not had previous modical training the Army will provide special schooling if you can qualify. Don't Delay -Act Today WAC RECRUITING STATION Pott Office Building Klamath FSlls, Ore. Please send me complete information on the Women's Army Corps NAME '. - v- ADDRESS , Phone ................ CITY, - STATE Good Soldier . . . the Ml AG WOMEN'S ARMY CORPS SPONSORED IN THE INTEREST OF VICTORY BY: LED? PUZZ SAL E SB E P AG TME N TT For Hard To Get Merchandise Flour. g Squares . . in Extra large size; ' washed bleach ed and mangled. In lots of 6. 46" Harmony House Oilcloth, yard 31c Heavy, large Bath Towels ..............:.55c Cotton Krinkle Bedspreads ............1.12 Homespun Bedspreads .............. ..'..4.49 Boys' Buckshot Cords .... .2.99 r ''''ij Girls' Union Suit ,79c rrs Sizes .2 to 8 'J, in .fine rib 1. ni IftCf n ii i I i U O wool. Button drop seat. Child's Rib Knit Br?fs......22c Child's Cotton Hankies, 12 for ...., S9e Boys' Flannelette Sleepers 1.14 Corduroy Bib Longies......2.49 WOOL Single Full bed size b 1 a n k e t in pastel plaids. Weighs ITs ! pounds. Bound. Brach's Milk Chocolates, 1 lb 59c Chase's Assorted Chocolates, lb. .. ...79c Imported Havana Cigars, Box of 50 7.50 Heavy Duty Padlocks 79c Elgin Reversible Nightlatch ..1.49 RAWHIDE BOUND MATCHED LUGGAGE. Overnite case 17.95. Pullman case 24.50 5-TOOTH CULTIVATOR Reversible teeth, all steel frame. Smooth oak L AO) handles. st T All Purpose Wheelbarrow Full size with 16 inch steel wheel. Removable., l . AO sides. DUNLAP BIT BRACE 10-Inch sweep with" reversible ratchet, Takes all f 90 size bits. LONG NOSE PLIERS Polished steel, length 6 1 C inches, sharp side cutter ' POWER MASTER RADIO BATTERY "A B" Battery pack. 1 V4 volts "A" and B0 voit "B." Will give 1100 hours service in 4-tube sets. WFflU overall Heavy Duty Stepladder 5-foot size in select sitka TTJJ spruce. Steel bracing. . ." f BARGAIN RULE 6-foot steel flexible rule with button rewind spring." 4.98 20 FOOT EXT. LADDER Extra strong and easy to handle. Heavy guide irons and auto matic Q AO locks. TAILORING SHEARS Solid drop forged steel. Sharp blades. Chrome plated QQ KITCHEN SHEARS Ideal for preparing salads and vegetables. Drop forged QQ steel, 8 inches. CRAFTSMAN BLOW TORCH Meets industrial standards, factory tested. Gen erates steady blue flame of 2200 degrees A 'TC in any weather. - fs'JJ, Qjfulton Shop Sears' Catalog Sales Department for these and many more hard-to-find items-from the Winter and Early Spring Catalog Supplement. Each is priced at Sears' worthwhile sav ings and backed by Sears' famous Guarantee. m ssk - ! 4 m m . m a easy terms Tour une-5top bhopping btore on Purchases 1 11 of $10 or More 133 So. 8th St. Phone 5188 Mm,itaj.r.iiMMWtlsi,litn,llpilitim