Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, February 03, 1945, Page 4, Image 4

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Mrs. Bathiany To
-Reside at Harbor
Mr. Harrv W. Bathianv, who has made her home in Klamath
r Falls for nianv years, said goodbye to friends here this week
- when hc left for Harbor to take up her permanent residence.
.:.Mn BaUiiany was accompanied to Harbor this past Friday by
Mr1 Martha McCollum who will spend the weekend at the
Bathiany coast house. Although Mrs. Bathiany has had her home
;; at Harbor for a number of years, she seriously entered the bulb
'-business a short time ago ana
intends to devote her full time
thic vpntvire.
"M a number of farewell affairs
""were planned for Mrs. Bathiany
'"urior to her departure. Sunday
" evening Mrs. McCollum enter
'"tained with a dinner party at
her home on Jefferson street
jo honoring Mrs- Bathiany. Other
guests included Mr. and Mrs.
' Hoy Schmidt of Medford, Mr.
and Mrs. Wilbur Arnold, Mr.
111 and Mrs. G. C. Lorenz, Mr. and
w Mrs. A. C. Backes, Mrs. Francis
R. Olds, Mr. and Mrs. William
s Lorenz of Chiloquin, Mr. and
l,sMrs. Jack Crawford and Ellen
Mrs. Sheldon Brumbaugh en
tertained with an informal
luncheon at the Pelican last
week and Mrs. Bathiany was
honored with a shower. Places
were set for the honor guest
and Mrs. Erie Hamilton, Mrs.
Stephen Sabo, Mrs. Charles Gar
r:r.celon, Mrs. Emil Albrecht, Mrs.
- Earl Gardner, Mrs. A. C. Backes,
n Mrs. Clara Shaw, Mrs. Don
"Finch, Mrs. G. C. Lorenz, Airs.
:c Martha McCollum and Mrs.
ii Brumbaugh.
." The Edith Cunning Book club,
of which Mrs. Bathiany has long
M been a member, honored her at
the last meeting which was
!; held at the home of Mrs. Erie
u Hamilton. A book on collecting
was presented the guest
A shower of garden tools and
' gardening equipment was given
for Mrs. Bathiany when Chap
ter U of PEO Sisterhood
met with-Mrs. Ralph W.
Stearns for the January meet
ing. Twenty-two members were
Mrs. Phil Brixner entertained
for members of TNT Bridge
club at her home on Lakeshore
drive and Mrs. Bathiany, a
member of the group, was pre
sented with a gift. A guest of
the evening was Mrs. Robert
Stork Shower
In honor of Mrs. Fred Horn,
a shower was given on Wednes
day, January 31, at the home of
Mrs. J. A. Balcom, 2215 Or
chard, with Mrs. W. A. Ferrell
The gifts were presented in a
dainty pink and blue bassinet
and the favors were cleverly
made storks. A number of inter
esting and appropriate games
were played during the after
noon. -' - i
The invited guests included
Mrs. Aldo B'errari, Mrs. Gerald
Coleman, Mrs. Len McKinnon,
Mrs. Ben- Runnels, Mrs. L. J.
Brink, Mrs. Edith Pritchet, Mrs.
Ray Migliaccio, Mrs. A. F. Bon
otto, and Mrs. George Gerbino.
Merry Mixers
Jo Paup was hostess to the
. Merry Mixers club on Thursday
evening, January 25, at her
home on Madison and Cottage.
A short business meeting was
followed by pinochle. Two
awards for high score were giv.
; en to Dora Hillman and June
Collins, who were two guests at
the meeting. Ruth Anderson re
ceived second award.
The members attending were
Ruth Lawrence, Dorothy Smith,
Eleanor Curtis, Maxine Rose,
Marie McDonald, Alberta Allen,
Louise Cramblet, Ruth Ander
son and the hostess. Louise
Cramblett, 2117 Oak, will enter
tain the club at the next meeting
St. Paul's Women
The St. Paul's Woman's auxil-
iary met at the home of Mrs.
Horace Getz on Thursday after
noon. The business meeting was
followed by a book review by
Addie May Nixon, the children's
librarian who spoke on Harry
Emerson Fosdick's "On Be
ing a Real Person." The author
stresses the necessity for self
study and understanding, and
states that one must recognize
his capabilities and shortcom
J"??. before he can begin to
build his personality.
Tea was served to the mem
bers later in the afternoon by
Mrs. Gctz.
Happy Day
On Wednesday evening, Janu
ary 31, the Happy Day Sewing
club met with Mrs. Lloyd Allen
?.? o24?,.rcl,ard way- wl'h Mrs.
W. C. Little assisting. Attending
were Mrs. Hillard Bell, Mrs
Word, Mrs. Homer Stiles, Mrs.
S. H. Goddard, Mrs. Reuben
Peterson, Mrs. Howard Cramb
let, Mrs. Douglas Freborg, Mrs
F. A. Beard and Mrs. Othllda
'Mattis. Mrs. Bell received the
guest award at this meeting.
F,brS f 225 East
Main, will be the hostess on
February 14.
Southern Fried Chicken
Includes Soup Salad
. Paticrt . Coffet
Woffles All Hours
Meal Tickats $5.50 Valua
for SS.oo
Saturday. Tb. 3. 1945
n I
"Hi in, i. mf
f i
1 1 '
Mrs. Harry W. Bathiany left
Friday for Harbor, Oregon,
where she will make her home.
A number of informal affairs
honored her prior to her de
parture. Kennell-Elhs
Monday, February 5
United Council of Church Women. 2
p. m.. league room. First wetnoam
church. , .., . ,
Founder's Day proiram in Mill school
cafeteria at 2 p. m.
Tuciday. February
Klamath Lutheran Ladies aid at 8
m. in the church sarjors.
Wedned3y, February 7
nTiht nf tVie Nil luncheon at
Willard hotel it 1 p. m. Election ot of-
11 Wednesday club will meet at St. Paul's
parish house.
Thursday. February
St Paul's Euild of the Episcopal church
will meet Thursday, February 8 at
2 p. m. in the parish house. Plans for
the year's work will be completed.
Members are urged to be present. Tea
will be served.
Monday. February 1
Mrs. George B. K. Moorhead to speak
before Library club at 3 p. ro.
Wednesday, February II
nrrulir meetina of the Sojourners
club at 1:45 p. m. at the WUlard hotel.
Monday. February 19
Leaffue of Women Voters will meet at
the city library at 1:30.
Wednesday, Feoruary 21
BuGch Little Symphony sponsored by
the Klamath Community Concert asso
ciation. Pelican theatre, 8 p, in.
Wednesday, March 7
Dorothy Maynor in concert sponsored
by Klamath Community Concert asso
ciation, Pelican theatre, 8 p. m,
Thimble Club
The Thimble club of the
Neighbors of Woodcraft met Fri
day evening, January 26, with
Stella Dryden on 610 North
11th, and Ellen Ely was assisting
hostess. During the business
meeting, election of officers was
held, and Stella Dryden will
serve as president; Willan Floet
ke, vice president; Martha Gil
crist, treasurer. Ida Mochettaz,
Esther Bellingham and Ellen Ely
are members of the finance com
mittee. Whist was played and Idoline
bchupp hem high score for worn
en, Mr. Mitchell high score for
men and Ruth Stanley received
the special award.
Three tables wore in play dur
ing the evening and, following
cards, the hostesses served re
freshments. Lucky Pinochle
On Saturday, January 20,
Ruth Sehorn entertained mem
bers and guests of the Lucky
Pinochle club at her home.
Luncheon was served at 1
o'clock to Mary Martin, Nettie
Good, Rita Fuller, Florence
Young, Ursule Bratton, Myrtle
Guthrie, Pat McManua and the
High score In cards was held
by Myrtle Guthrie, second by
Mary Martin and low by Nettie
Good. The pinochle award went
to Ruth Sehorn.
Serve At U SO
On Friday, January 28, ladies
of the Sacred Heart parish who
served at the USO center were
Mrs. R, W. Smith, Mrs. L. X.
Midorf, Mrs. E. P. Ivory, Mrs
J. A. Mullens, Mrs. Charles
Kempter, Mrs. R. B. Grey, Mrs
K. M. Peterson, Mrs. Dick Mill
er Sr., Louise Vaughn, Freda
Newman, Virginia McCormack
and Rose Wessel.
Meat Cutting
Curing Plant
We cut nd wrp mst
for your lockers nd
smoke your hmi and
Phono 4282 919 E. Main
Newlyweds Visit
Visiting this week at the home
of Mr. and Mi's. L. J. Brink on
2241 Orchard, are SK 1e Robert
Hanlin and his bride, the former
Opal Mae Frost, both of Med
ford, and one time residents of
Klamath Falls. Mrs. Hnnlin is
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.
W. Frost, and Mr. Hanlin is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hanlin.
Thev were married on Janu
ary 22 at the homo of her par
ents. Mrs. Hanlin chose a tradi
tional white wedding gown of
satin brocade w i t h a fingertip
veil which fell from a halo head
dress of lace, and her arm bou
quet was of orchids and garden
ias. The father of the bride, who
was formerly pastor of the Apos
tolic Faith church in this city,
performed the ceremony.
Hanlin enlisted in the navy on
December 26, 1941, and has been
overseas for scveiwl months of
service since that time. A part of
their honeymoon was spent on
the Rogue river and. at the close
of the groom's leave, he is to re
port to Athens, Georgia, for pre
flight training.
Brother of the groom, Warren
Lloyd Hanlin, returned from
Missoula, Montana, for the wed
ding, and is also a housegucst at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Brink.
Prosperity Lodge
Prosperity Rebekah lodge,
number 104, met in regular ses
sion on Thursday. Februaiy 1,
at 8 p. m.. in the IOOF hall, with
Nina Currier preiiding in the
chair of the r jbie grand. One
candidate to be initiated at this
time wms Kathleen Kriz ot 1 1 00
The degree of honor was con
ferred upon Stella Dryden and
Bea Templar by the lodge. The
charter was draped in loving
memory of Mary Langer, past
noble grand, and Katherine Ess,
past noble grand.
Four visitors who attended
this meeting were Zella Blanken-
ship, Alice Gowland, Maude Ply-
ler ana tsiner mast, following
the meeting, refreshments were
served by Margaret Bidcn and
Sadie Mae Rand. Pine cones
and branches were used as the
centerpiece and the valentine
motif was present in the favors.
ine next meeting on rebruary
15 will be followed by enter
tainment, and the social club is
to serve refreshments.
Social Club Meets
Seven tables of cards were in
play at the February meeting of
the Eastern Star Social club on
Friday afternoon" at the Masonic ;
temple when Mrs. O. 6. Mat-1
thews and Mrs. Leo N. Huls pre
sided as hostesses.
Mrs. Walter Brown received
the award for high score at the
close of play and Mrs. W. L.
rooie tne special prize.
Colorful valentine decora
tions were used on the tea table,
and Mrs. L. F. Willits who has
long taken a prominent part in
activities of Eastern Star, was
presented With a birthday gift
and flowers from the club.
ilflti i vM'S,, os'i 4
W 1 IT "
Monte and Diana Robtson are the children of Mr. and Mrs.
Carroll Robison of Merrill, and the grandchildren of Mr. and
Mrs. R. J. Shaw of this city, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Robison
of Merrill. Diana was 1 year old on Saturday, January 27.
Fashion Cleaners
Open For Business
In The New
129 So. 7th St
Open 'Til 8:00 Evenings
I iimimii . I .1 I lmV.V, ."'' "H
r 'X C va & a I
f-; J.t 4 'a Ylj
Corporal and Mrs. C. L. Mahnn, both of Klamath Falls, were
married on Saturday, January 27, at Reno, Nevada. The bride s
the former Mary Yerkovich. The groom is attached to the air
corps. . . '
Donations Still
Needed at USO
Donations to the USO hit a new high last week, with a pleas
ing variety noticed in the show of generosity. In order to main
tain a free fountain service for the eternally hungry boys, the
USO must deDend unon food donations.
Any and ail donations from patriotic citizens arc deeply ap
preciated by both the boys and the USO.
The week from January 21 to 27 saw the following donations
from persons in and around
Klamath Falls: Oddfellows and
Rebekahs, 67 pics, 13 cakes, 14
dozen eggs and five pounds ot
cheese; Fluhrcr's bakery, 110
dozen cookies; Altamont Girl
Scout troop, 60 dozen cookies
and two dozen eggs; the Girl
Scouts of Altamont junior high
school. 12 dozen cookies, and
Orb Campbell continued with
his daily gift of 5 gallons of
The ladies of the First Metho
dist church, order number 2,
gave four cakes on Wednesday,
and the Catholic Daughters of
America offered seven pies dur
ing this time. Other individual
donations included six dozen
eggs, two quarts of cream, 21
dozen doughnuts, nno gallon of
dill pickles and several varieties
of vegetables, two chickens and
ten pounds of meat were also do
nated for the cold storage lock
ers at the USO center.
Thus it can be seen that any
donation, large or small, is
needed and appreciated. Slack
days are Tuesdays, Thursdays
nd Saturdays, and in order to
maintain service of 0000 sand
wiches and 16.000 beverages
without charge, these days must
be filled.
The Townsend auxiliary met
at the home of Mrs. Betty Allen
on 5603 Harlan drive on January
14 for a potlurk luncheon and
social hour. After lunch, Viola
Hermann opened many lovely
birthday gifts, and bingo was
played later by the guests.
Members present nt this meet
ing were Eva Mvcrs. Ehodo
Tcancy, Eve Webster, Alice
Gray, Gertrude Morgan, Lillian
Haydcn, Bcrnicc McCrackcn, Ef
fie Anderson, Daisy Douglas and
two children, Betty Allen mid
Viola Hermann. One visitor who
also was included at this time
was Leila Phelps.
The next mrcling will bo held
on February 14, at tho home of
Mrs. Alice Gray. Everyone Is
asked to bring a vulonltnc, and
the birthday of Mrs. Gertrude
Morgan will also be remem
VFW Auxiliary
..... u..i uw 1. the
lilt JIIUIHllliJi """ JVAi.
..ii,.u in tho Ve cruns of For
eign Wars met at 8 p. m In the
hu ge cnioroom o "lu ."! "
L,., u rcau or business
meeting, nd Mrs. H. J. MeCJ 1-
vruv, nrosinont, cmiu.-iu
mooting. Two members to bo
i..hi.i ni tiiU time wcro May
Hoiirk and Knthcrlno Druntr.
Ella Mulllns, district presl
dent, read an interostlnil artlclo
from tho department iwper con
ooinlna tifo memberships. A loi
ter from G. A. Mycru pf tho Red
Cross asked tho nionibera to at
tend a dinner and meeting nt
i ha Pelican cafe on Februnry 8
at 6:80 p. m. All who can are
urged to attend, and reservations
may on mm ay mimw ;
Mvors. Mnrthn Darron, patriotic
instructor, gave Instructions on
iiii Bulilect to tho now nienibei's.
Bea Lambert of tho Sojourners
club, Invited all auxiliary mem
bers, whothor old or now resi
dents, to Join the club.
On February 13, tho anniver
sary of the sinking of tho Maine,
members or llif post aro in en-
!n..t.,i. lh. Bttvlllurv. tin well US
c ,i.i,.Art,AHii,a wnr vrtterans
and their families, with social
hour and rctreaiimenis, loiiuw
ing tho regular meeting. An
a i, rinu u In hn nresented
mi February 12 to Margaret Lu-
vin's room at tho Altumonl
school. This room Inclutlrs tno
"Young American CI t lien
league, and tho local branch la
called "The Volco of tho Cas
cades." Tho presentation will
bo madn by Mis. II. J. wcuii-
vray, Mrs. William Barron and
Mrs. Georgo Osborn.
It ws voted to send a years
subscription to two wards of tho
dispensary at the Murine Bar
racks. Later, Mrs. George Os
born read a letter from General
llouglus MacArlhur, commen
dation addressed to the cdm
mant'.cr of tho 7th fleet, for
Quartermaster 2c Gordnn B.
Prairie. USNR. It was sent from
general headquarters In tho
South Pacific, nn wbs given on
Prairie's 21st blrthdny.
Special awaid of the evening
went to Mabel' Brocktrup,
S 8 3
Friendly Circle
llMmW, nt ih Frlitnrtlv
rirr-ln whn nHonrtoH thft lunch
eon and business meeting on
inursoay, rcorunry i, ai mo
home of Violot Vance on Shas
ta way. wcro Vclmn Mitchell,
Lizzie Little, Pearl Marin, Nona
Hall, Fannlo Goddard, Kathryn
nilllntr Tnhn nrnwn. Arhhlir
Stone and Violet Vance. Ruth
Brown was a guest at this meet
ing., and the assisting hostess
was Ipha Brown.
quilt tops wero completed and
ready lor tying, vrnerv unisneu,
they will be given to th serv
icemen's dormitory on Garden
Katherine Wllllam and Lydla
McDonald will entertain at the
next meeting on February 18.
5 S
Open House
Pvt. Harold H. Ogle. Jr of
the U. S. army arrived homo on
furlough Sunday, January 28, to
spend a few days with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Ogle,
Sr.. ot 622 High. Young Oglo Is
stationed at tho. University of
Idaho at Moscow, Idaho, and ar
rived home Just In time to cele
brate his 18th birthday on Mon
day, January 2D, with an open
house which was given by his
Several of his friends In high
school called during the after
noon, and other relatives and
friends were Invited during the
evening. Cake and punch wero-j
served to tno guests as tney ar
rived. Pvt. Ogle will return to Idoho
on Saturday, February 3.
f. i - ..v.-;.,.
Dorothy llarsoy, daughter o(
Mr. and Mrs. Woa 1 liu.if y of
4S2S lllshcc, has annouiicecl her
engagement to PFC Robert K.
Larson, son of Mr, and Mrs. Art
Larson of Chicago, Illinois. The
wedding dnto has boon sot for
February 10. Tho grotim, at
present, Is stationed at tho Ma
rino Bnrriickj.
Royal Neighbors
Frlendshlt) cnniiv ntinibrr
08D6., Itoyul Neighbors of Amer
ica, held a very Impressive In
stallation ceremony for tho of
ficers who will prosldo during
the year of 1D40, on Juuuary
26 at tho KC hull. Miirtha Bilker
was installing officer, Ludlla
Hoircr, ceremonial marshal and
Koto Hoguo, assistant ceremon
ial marshal. Allco Baker played
tho march for installing, and
Carol linker presented tlin In
coming and Installing officers
with corsages.
Thoso Installed were Anna
Shofar, post oracle; Anna Mc
Cormack, oruclc; Kiln llortls,
vice fimrlf .IhnmIii t.,t
cellor; Anna Woolever, record
er: Kamieen Hepburn, receiver;
Edna Plnney, Inner sonlinal:
Martha Raker, outer seminal;
Ruth Brandenburg, marshul;
Josephine Robinson, assistant
marshal; Cinien Harris, flag
bearer; Nellie Lnmothc, Jennie
Buck, Amanda Farrls. Tholma
Morris and Ella Pauley, graces;
Eltreda Stclnmetz, Josephine
Robinson and Amanda Farrls,
managers; Lola Myers, music
ian; Kale Hoguo, captuin of de
gree staff.
Refreshments were served at
the close of the evening.
WAC Surgical Technician
Somewhere In an army hospital thtri'i
wounded oldiar from Klamath Falli tM
urgently needs the help of a trained mM
technician to help him back to health. U
you have had pravioui medical training I
will bo tent to on ormy hospital ImmedW
ly after baiie training in tht Womtn'i Ami
Corp. to help that toldier. If you
not had training, an army school it
for you If you can qualify. Don't ihirMM
If You Are Between the Aj
iv ana y, Mail the coupon
Pott OHlc Building
.... ..i mnf wilt ji
Ploaie land m eomoleta Information 1
Womon'i Army Corpi
Balsiger Motor Co
. .Wliinnn Ti""!
o clock lor InitlSl
k in. "
are ,,.,?. "" ,
smooth eireclto1
' your hulr , I
ii 'l
WOll fllr,.,l l.
'1'hls In u scawiii
,"""mii net
lh, linri cum.
less gnls of an
e who lot
their Imlr j.
, lie
volop that un.
r A...n..
treiik are golns I
to bn out o( thtA
Plctm., Oi count mJ
l StUIIII llif B... '"1
Rmicrully ,,,, '3
not, "r 1UmlI
"llnlr mllun" lit,
answer, but It
cloverly mid dl'
mnro lnimrtai,t It
of (me producu, xhCil
Insurance nxalntt jl,
presented by OGIih
TEHS. who.; 2
Iciicc In thli field J"
safety PLUS ntw
lug evenly toned hair j
iuivi ouiK wniCI) J,j
lu ii.iinnriiru m a..
a dve nor hi... j
iiihi simp ana wilgN
win willan u BWiy.
The bct prl of ii
iciicii i int tu i
vmt rnti it,,lu h ...
y ...... -,.,, II
lime! Just moisten tht J
"I''ij ii uirvcuy 10 lit!
hairs, or If you likt.J
unu n innsciiri bnila I
"touclilnciin." If
nlfylng mirror (or iJ
minpie nam, qulcJt drj
bo llalr Pencil mlK
reilrtv fur vnn h.l
iilcs. No mslterwhilcM
nair mny be, youll a
match It with u tJi
comes in ilxihita'ta
mcnium orown, win,
and blonde. Whit'i e
Minn l ti-nlu inunn
for only one dolluM!
of course). 1
: 808 Uib-J
a "i ciiriri Mm." v"il
"'tor !, " Wti,