BIX HERALP AKD TTEWS Dur Boarding House Red Ryder Wash Tobbs (TWkSSS CSLO 5 JUaeSE S"JT M37) much: tes cms srwr rwSiCE55 WHS PSSASiV L SlAtS CEAS ! j Boots and Her Buddies Freckles and His Friends i HE WAS A sour "D STOP ! 1HAT WJi..J Alley Oop --v PREST1&E Trf MOCMANi MINISTER TEST TO- W ue SO 1 BR6VE MRSLEMING- I ABOUT I ! i IT ALL ;liTTO we f t ' pare eerrc eo op rv r eocoocoo-i y ji t. I r r52 T7 i: tz ur? fault .tmsj js. vn a . h With fs'rWS'iy"J?flf -"'"N01, WRECKAGE... Y NOTIPy ) (VVAT WAS Tur ,VA". XGOSH, r VEAU, AND VOU' BETTER. GET HlN' ) C3vT flT EVTMVlK(r - l iot-sM ii cc.iTA r-nsML- HER POOR HUSBANt). 6WE ) IN AN INSANE J CARRIES ASTUJRT-"' ON ! Major Hcwpto Out Our Way MCv ) (AW f I SOT CHEE-NE1 FFLED'J eOMXrVUs WH "BOOTS , SKUNK TALK. WOUR ACTION OM IT THAS WHAT I BAD TASTE DOES A AN' ilDDOWIM, VOURE l OUT OF ORDER! . ' .2 rr p wrry-f. T. m Wfl. V. t. MT. SUES 1 60 ACTIVE IM 6UCU A UPLIFT WOWK- finnr espucialw im jrr-rrr. j 1 FOHWARO LOOKING WOMftN.l CWJCAT.ONAL , PROBLEMS ' I 1 rVSlTC.-?fcV.- CvVMt- t CAN U.' -V?SJ N V? HIM A VtfETuME TO MUCK MONEY A-s HIM, AMP i THE NEW PIONEEE& By Fred Harmon By Leslie Turner By Martin voca scvsovwavv waav TROM "Wtftv-CVA'b900M! to svtvt voo"a By Blosser By V. T. Hamlin Ifi MV OPIMIOM THAT WITU A LITTLE COOPERATION FROM 1U AMICABLE SETTLEMENT I --iiWE fAKE HURRY ( CAN READILY BE REACHED - 2 .ttlUHl Off. , By Harold Gray ' III MUST ' . IT '. ( MTiRT I Nl P,B Q I Ro OFTEN I Rl iru )l CROSS .) TWE THINGS I ti TO BEAR WAV ? RF ? I By J. R. Williami VVJDS. M6 Or ( Eft ftMCNCK WK5 S-SJl'M BETTER THM THEM CLP Timer cv RUM TO OTHER DKY asj1 S.TAV THERE FER - , TWO VljA V eak Ration Calendar War Price and Rationing Uoard, 4.10 Main ttret. Office hourJ dully, 10 a. m. to 4:30 p. m.: Siiiurdny. 10 a. m, to a p. m. Phone Sitil fur all ItifovniB- All application mint b MAll.KD In to iho War Price ( nil Hnilonlim llonl at -430 Main street, a nil NOT ptceiilei In penon. SUCiAR Ration book 4 -Sugar atamp No. 35 vnllit February i. PROCESSED FOODS BLUE STAMPS Hatlon book 4H;3, J-3, K-3, t-i. M-3. N-3 througli A S and A-3 through Ci-2 tlll valid. RED STAMPS Y4 Z-5 good for 10 point each. A-S, 11-3. 0-3. I 3 now vnlfd. Q-5 attrough X-5 ltU valid. , Take iwed fats to your iwat denier and he will pay 4 cent and two pulnu per pound SHOES Ration book 3 Airplane iho atnnuu I, 3 and Ct oh indefinitely. , GASOi.INE--"A"-l4 atamp Kd until March ai, 1945. AN gat rationing ftp plication muit be accompanied by mile age rationing i!iP which via rcceivi-'l with new "A" Imok. FUEL Ollr Period I and 2 valid until August 31. 1043. Other period, will be announced as thev become v-iho; Period number :). valid January B. LEGAL NOTICES . NOTICE INVITING I1IOS The 'Common Council of the rlly of Klamath Falli. Oregon, will receive Healed blda at the Police Judga i Office. fiiu ltf.ll tftuttmlh rails. Or-puun. U tO 3:00 o'clock P. M. February 3. 11)43, on one ten flOi column calculator. The common touncu rrrrvw right to reject nn- aiul all blda. 11. T. FnANfc, Police Judge. J. 30; F. 2 No. 35. SUMMONS IN THE cihCUIT1 COliHT Or Tllr: FKEU VOBNUEIIO. I'lulnlllf, ANNA C. TOECJED1NG, a d;;. HfB- DELnilUEGOE. his wllo. 1IKNHV pE BRUEGGE and JANK DOK UK -, I1IUJEGCE. hH wife. PEIEK l)EL- BRUEOGE .lid JANE- , DOB IWl; DRUEGGE. hi wile. LOUISE WEIKS and JOHN DOE WKIKS. tjajf- hjajjlwrjijj. WILLIAM VORNBEIIG and JANE Dpi VOIINBEHG. hla wile. ERV1N DIES BACK and JANE DOE DIESBACK. hi. wile. HARRY STIENM AN and JANE DOE STIENMAN. HlJ wile, fill;) STIENMAN and JANE DOE STIEH. MAN. hi. wile. WILLIAM STIENMAN and JANE DOE STIENMAN. hl wile, FRED DELBRUF.GGE. JR. and JANE DOE DELBRIIEGGE. J II :. . Il la w : JOHN DELBRUEGGE and JANE DOE DELBRUEGGE. hi. wife, IIOSE DEL BRUEGGE andt JOHN DOE DEL- ! 55R5SS5-'Sr iSmir HimrnFB JOHN MINNIE D1EHU and JOHN DOE D1EIIL. her huiband. and the un known hdrs of the above mimed de fendants. If any be doceaied and nil other unknown persons claiming any right, title or interest In or to the real estate described herHn. DOE HKUtMU "rAiili tVAi TO Ttl". ABOVE-NAMKO AND DESIO- IN TUB Wrtmr. i nr. OREGON, you and each of you aro re an I red to appear and answer the ronv piaini againsi you in mo ,i.i suit, on or before February in, 1043. that In the order for publication of this sum mons. If you fall to so aooeor or answer, for want thereof, plaintiff vlll apply to the above-entitled Court for the re lef prayed ror in n nmuiiucu , j'V'' " il towlt: That decree be entered ntermn Infl and deelarimt that pla'ntlff Is the owner or an irnnivnimi , ' i common In and to that ecrialn real orn- nerty locnien in Mumn -... gnn. and described as follows: NE'.'i n? SW'i of SecllnnlT; SE of SE'.i of Section 10; ' nt 8W , if NEW and SBV4 of NWV nnd N'i BIKES FOR RENT MAKE HESEHVATIONS FOR SUNDAY Phon 5520 , 222 S. 7th POOLE'S BICYCLE STORE DEVELOPING ENLARGING PRINTING PHOTO SERVICE 211 Underwood Bldg. HARTFORD Accident and Indemnity Company INSURANCE ted T.B. MATTERS General Insurance Agency FIRE . . . AUTOMOBILE . 615 Main St. Phone 4193 rZDTTrulove's! 1HE tOM'T H E ia I ?Fi.e am' tk Meat Cutting - and Curing Plant We cut and wrap meat tor your lockers and smoke your hams and bacons Phone 4282 919 E, Main T LIQUOR BILL m.YMVMA. KVI. 2 MP) GOV'. Moil C. WkIIki'vu'k liquor llbirr- ulluuion Dili iiiiuiu us iiiiiiiui i..u in Hit. Ktntrt hiiiiai) iif rnnro. a.tntiillvrrtf vntftl.riiltv nlld btllUI). pd into predictions tluit (II it will not not out oi tno noimn liquor committee to which II .......'iri(vl without nmuiuf. mciits, niul (2) it will cmcriju linnet. Rod. Armntronil (U-rlliiKI, chalrmnn of the committee, foresaw the likelihood of amendments mid Rep. O'Uilen, also Klim county tumocriil, viil.l h. wn riinvlnrnd thn 13- mini commitleo included cnoiiHh .supporters of the mcimuru to lict it throuKh unsciithud, . A rms I r o n i criticized me m..iinrn nit Inn miMtrrntt) find said ho believed tlio Kovernor ii.miM In tlinnur In the upper Iiouhc, Sen, Zednlck (R-Kliiu) made a nut prenicuon the bill would be defeated In the liouso and never reach tho senate floor. Tho senate, which bus passed nnlw nn. hill In nrlrllllnn In hid. islatlve expenso measures and has nothing on Its calendar for today, d o c I d a d to look Into school district rcoriutnlr.ntlon, starting with Pierce county, Reorganization of Health Board Eyed SALEM. Feb. 2 (IP) Tho bill to reorganize the state depart ment ot health and ulvo It wide powers will bo the subject of n licarlnK next Wednesday nlttlit before the senate committee on medicine, pharmacy and den tistry. In Cuba, the click bcttlo Is worn as an ornament In tho hulr. or among tho folds of dresses of Cuban ladles. It gives off a bril liant green light and looks like a living emerald. LEGAL NOTICES of of Section 20, all lit T. 34 8., R. 7. E. W. M; and personal property comlitlng of buildings and sheds located on lands of the U. 8. Forest Service described at- "Lot Til. Creivent l.ake " determining and declaring that plaintiff la entitled to have his Interest In said property partitioned from that of all other owners; that said property cannot fie physically partitioned, and ordering a sale thereof: appointing a referee for the preparation of sale; allowing plain- mi iiim prupurtiurinie innr 01 inn pro ceedings, an attorney fee in tha tuin of 300.00 and plaintiff's costs and dis bursements and for other and further relief as may be Juil and equitable. i in auiTinum 11 lerveu upon uu iry publication thereof once a week for four uccesilve weeks In the Herald News. a dally newspaper printed, pu hi I hod inn "i Kfrnerai nrcuiaiion in iviamain County. Oregon, by order of the Hon' orahle David R. Vanrtenberst. made and entered on January 17, 1043. The date of the first publication of this summons is January lutn, um3. FA Kit ENS A MAXWELL A.lfl Main Street Klamath Falls. Oregon Attorneys fo- Plaintiff. J, 10-30; F. 2--No. 13. NOTICE TO I'RKUITOPN Notice Is hereby given that the under signed has been appointed Admin istrator oi ine Rttftte oi nun i. Armey. Deceased, by the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Klamath County, and has qualified. Alt persons tuvlng claims agnlnit said Estate are notified to present the same to me with proper vouchers at the office of D. V, Kuyken dall. Ill South Seventh Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon, within six months from January 20, 1945. E. M. nunn. ' Administrator. , j. a: r. a-n-m-No. aa. CLASSIFIED RATES On day - word 4c 3 day run ..per word fie 3 day run rr word lie 4 day run p" word 13c 3 day run per word He Week run per word 15c Month run ,, , - word 43c 304 Discount tor Payment tn Advance 9 Discount for Payment oy loth Ads received by 1,00 p. m. will appear same afternoon In "New Today" column. Nw Today LOST -Ration book 4. Finder pleats re turn to L. W, Allan, 0314 So. Din, - Klamath Falls. y-5 RADIOS for service, Received late eve nlnff and Sundays at the North Klam mnth Radio Shop. No. 3 Bend High way, Phono 0740, 3.1 TELEGRAPH LESSONR-Prlvate or In groups. Ph. 3301 for further Informa tion, 3.8 .WANTED-Stenographera for sales work In automobile agency. Will be perm anent employment. Applicants who will not bo permanent in Klamath Falls need not apply. Call 3131, sk for Mr. - Munsell. . 2-8 WANTED Bell hop at Wl-ne-mt, Hotel. Apply In person. 2-3 WANTED Boys for paper routes. Apply 4211 Jefforson. 2-1 Elastic Suspenders Work or Dren OREGON WOOLEN STORE Main and 8th Alton Adding Machines ' Fridon Calculators Royal Typewriters Desks . Chairs Filoi For those hard-to-get Items PIONEER PRINTING AND STATIONERY CO. 124 So. 9th Klamath Falls Friendly Helpfulness To Every - Creed end Purse Ward's Klamath Funeral Home Marguerite M. Ward and Sons AMBULANCE WASHING NOW IN HOUSE Ntw Todar WANTKti tJentletnnit peuiluner fur Inhlior work. FutnUbed louut. Hume wages, liuiuli at latU Wall HI. I S ltOOM fuf gentlemmt. Phono AnM. II U Fill! .ni-.-"' " tine with iar wlm van teka rhleta III pniiin ai Mi... -- p. in, UDn Naigent. U 3 ROOM AND HOARD -Ueittleinett, Jefferson. FOR NAl.K -One pair Minn's 4'burklp iivershues. sla 10. .l.fU( 8 folitlng camp t'halrs, each Ik', 1 picntu ihik, iM.i.iia. ate . si no, 1 double hffd. i'ti in itio le HMK, I ttiesser with laiga ntlr rur, 113 00. Klti'beu tattle, nitc, 1 man's Sleison net, sue , m ou, i sui ...Kksir. il im). All kinds uf tools, ham meis. nail, brave and bit sal, saws, etc, 2U1 Dairuw. Ph. aim., g.a THAI 'TOR OWNKHMl flKT FINEST UtlAl.lTV TRACTOR TIRES, LET UH Help you apply for them, all SIKK AVAILAllt.E. t lg.HIB 00 . M S.ill W PLUS TAX. MON 1 UOMKRY WARD. Ulh Htipflt, Corner Pine 2-1 FOR HA1.K 4rmnn tuulse, t block tn bus. 1702 Hummed ban. 2 Ct IrTlc.rTO UUY - Plok.up or Tale i nmlr I Htit'k. Also Iradur and mower allAt'hmeut and pickup haler, Photu 7271. Address R. t PrutlhiHiim, l2l Ha i Kf nt St,, Klamalli Falls. rpltl FOR SALE Oaffeis and Rattler lour, burner g range Lata nuwlel like new, Call 12ih) alter 0 uit week days or 12 un Saturday. 2-0 FOR SALE Davenport, chair, if fee table. Imok case. Klamath Autu Cuurl, Cabin aa, 2-3 FOR KALE Pair new ladles" IV, M, W, Irucke blue leather tie oxfurdi. sit 0', AAAA, Call 4;t4L 2-3 LATE TAIILK MODEL S lube Sllvertone radio for sale. North Klnmath Ratlin h ton no. i, a nines my ceuier, iienu Highway. Phone 0740. 3-J FOR KALE -Double Iwd. complete, also wood tange. 14(1 K, Main, 13 roil HALE Living room set. tables tu matchi mapla dining room set. 4 chairs: maple betlMcsd with spring and mattress, ehest of drawers tu match: wesilnghouMt electric range. linen iiurPi- wnit s.-irs't v.m, pvi im hunk beds, springs and matttestes; garden tools, 2223 Oarden, 2-3 FOR SALE-1043 walnut Rulhransen or- San, lino. macK luaie rocaer spaniel months old. Pedigreed. M.oo, Phone uod. 3 & OFFICE SPACE required by nation! organuai on wnere acretary ran red dor light services. Ijxrge cllentole In Ibis community, will pay IJ3 and com mission. Write 2002 care Herald and News, 3-d STATE POLICE OFFICER Wishe tu rent furnlihvd home on itermatienl liasls. Call Offlrer Martin. 4211, 2 H WANT TO RENT 3-hedroom unturu Uhed house, Musi lw clean end mmt ern. Permanent civilian renters. In or out of town, Phone MKW, 2-2 FOR BALE, 1 buck, a doe. 7 small rati. bits. 2701 Derby. 2-3 ROOM 1 NCI HOUSE for sale. Call 4H74. WANTED Furnished hr,tu or apart, menl. Can furnish local reference Writs Herald and News llox s3 FOR SALE It y owner. Duplex, Hot Springs addition. 3 rooms and twa ment. Double plumbing, hardwood floors, fireplace. Plume 3221. 2-4 FOR SALE -One small wood cook Hove and pipe, luike Hotel, 2-3 FOR SALE -I'l-ao Cat. orchard type; 4-14 inch bottom plow, power take off and bell pulley and great gun. Jake Myers. Uog loo, Centtal Point, Ore Tel. 730, 3 3 FOR SALE AC combine In good shape. Alio 3-year-old saddle mare, weight looo pounds 30Q3. write Percy Dixon. Rl. 2, Hon anu, Klamalli Falls. Ml ANYONE knowing the whereabouts of Frank Harris, commercial smokeilaek painter, plea-e phone (WWT, 2-3 SITUATION WANTEDAT"relTlUL iKKtkkeaper or general olflce work, Write Box 3000 Herald A New. B-2 FOR HALE In tnox addition, 4-room house, chicken house, fenced. Inquire Lien's Store, II. II. McCann, After 3 P. m. 2-tt FOR SALE One saddle horse, five years old, gentle; 2 bull calves, five days old; Durham. Modoc Point, Old 07 Highway, II. England. 3-3 FOR SALE Electric Iron, solid oak round table, card table, several rbalrs, odd d!hes, house plants, 43(1 HlllUde Ave., Sundays or evenings, 2-3 FOR SALE 0 yearling Hereford bulls, 4 two years, one Angus 2 year old. short horn 2 year old. 4 Hereford cows, will calf In April and May. A few good .1 and 4 year Hereford hulls, If registered and will furnish papers with them. These bulls are all well bred and from good herd bulls. Can be teen at old Midland road and 0. N. tracks or phone 0eo. Marlln, Hell Hotel, Phone 4123. 3-2 Mootina Notice Big Lakes Local No. 2311 Mccls every 2nd Tluimdny and 4th Stmclny nt 422 Mnln St. . C. Wlllonborg, Financial Sec, K. A. Gordon, Pres. 2-17M CARPENTERS' LOCAL i No. 190 j ,., ,nn jrn wnanaiaar ava nln. of anch month, 7;30 p, m at Labor Tcmplf 433 Main. ... - u- nee. anil n, A. Ofdca Open 7i(M to 0:00 P M. Evar, Phona 8337 ' S-Sm Klamalh ralta Aerl. No. aooo. iiaaiiiar tnaatlns avary ry Tui day night. 7:411 p.m.. r.O R. hall. Olh and Smosffi: Walnut. V I 1 1 1 n il WiWfW mamhara uorUlally Invited. II Lost and Found LOHT-ln vicinity B. P. Dapnl, red hill fold rontalnlns valuable paper. Find er keep cn.h and mall bllirold to 1112(1 Harlent, S'3 nv nl rattle, no brand., blaek, red and white fane. Owner may have aaina by pay ing for ad and feed. Lacy tlroa., Mid land, Ore, S-3 LOST -On Main Ml., Thuriday a. m., key chain with leveral key,. Phono 4,27 lleward. LOHT-ned wallet .nap chansa purae. Name Mildred Myera, 1404 Klamath. i-a Goneral Notices TWO SISTEIIS INN Wocd-Ashliind Junction 3 Miles West Hwy. 07 , Southern Fried Chicken nnd Steaks ' RUTH AND CAL GORMLEY Closed Mondays Phono 0000 2-17 r(??-.STUS,T5 DA NCR OflCIIESTnA Inquire 034 Oak St., or phona rms. a-17 foe PILES SoICrFNSSlUL1'Y TREATED w no Hoai'irAi.i,ATioN Na l.n.i al Tim. Permananl llamitu DR. E. M. MARSHA IU (,.ti!aar"BrV,, ''"lelaii !! T'sniba,..,, LADY , Mtr-JJ" unlay , VJ lW'Ul REFRIGERa, SERVICE Oil) a -ii Uoiisehultl Don't wnli bwoktluvv.,. ,1Vo J t o r coir Uiletcl, ', Coniw,. V"lv' I" SW Bi'i'l ICusliiwn. j, Merit Wafc machine Serv;- ou So. nth Bring YoJi Home Appllap, to Ward For Expert k , Woshino Moth KQdl0J RetrioTJ Montgomery t Ninth Street ' '' OIL nuimroTl FUriNACESiCHIMM: Cleaned Mi Hfptft wood . coal: s r URN ACtS Available for Htplite. Compare Our pj TUFTS HEATING SEW. Phone 8910 APPLIANCE 2-0 REPAIRS Wo repair anil mrvlniV of radios, vacuum clad many other eltcuia ances. Wo may Invito radio tube you (mi 'J able prlcejj PiiomSItt SEARS ROEBUC Tuen.Ttoii PLUMBING PltimbiiiK Ac Hcsllni E' Inslalled and Jltji'. riumbing Fixtures, and Fitting In SKd DAVIS PLUMBING C Wo Hurry Phont in 337 E, Main INCOME TAX SERVICE Commercial Bookktd Rolllii A. Cento! Room 4, HopKi & 110 N. 8th St Open EvcnlnRii and SiW Phono 32 AanviMr. STW Local and LontH riAutMiu ll-.MAil. Pallt rsiuiiiwiii ' TRANSFER onrJ STO- ..ti.J Viit A rtnn I fnr III1I1CU i" 101 Kliimntli W OI'SNINO ftosw' remaklni Slta. " ' A llopkl Dldl., a1' Phon, 3J cn F KINO Septic Tn' Cleaned. m'P"J" , ll ,i). ment. uonioin. - vatkins r-nooucTS-. 3341 Home Ave., rw. ir i.. nrown. I'hoM fimoSoiricKSON H rilnhnlllrln. rllr nnrim. recon. ItKW Way. Phone w"cAnitw''grtf; nour or uny.j - IIOIIHKCliANlNO.H window wash rig. oiau. ami . I'llUII. .mtw.. . I m '...,,7 Ice. Phone Tirl7- nulMri mo Vrllir i1 . nn.i.nhiimer o- atnnii, i""'" Bhop. . --J Fapeii ArnTjft J, K. Pallenwtl """J IJ30 Ent ""tl!! ". :...ii Pheni'v roll K BMIWJ. rt rnonn -"Tri BFWINOMACinNf5 Phone 0771. 3i--f aiaiieii. " Baker, 7033 HUMS l t clothing. Mrj. JlO . Main, nonm JJ -a it SERVICE 92S High Phont 3334 If It's a JfZA in 1110 CIHoai.'