Uing Only. cl o,tcd tor carrying ... ..minuted to ',' " ,. l the bra , , ' i pocket nor !'0d "them (or tooth- ItioII shook 1I liead, Lit 75. ...-i- Stat Employs Bill Proposed in House SALEM, Fob. 1 (AP) A, bill to establish civil service for slato oniploycs win introduced In the house today by nop. Knrl 1(111, CuHhnuin, and Robert Bennett, 1'orllund; and Buns, Joel C. Booth, Lebanon, and Coo A, McKonna, 1'orllund. The hill would establish stand ards (or now stuta employe", and ulito give preference to veterans, ManiUa uhU and StOfU HE l reopening lonlght "... tut exactly ono tj?, vacation . . . And hliiii, 1 hoar, l going "V"" ........ ,,lv butter D mem, music and en- Ecm. hole place hus been re. I .'. Align" Newton kilned over (or tho now t l1"". ....... ...nmlinp fWlHIS vonr. Rtotunn niillnH L' added, bringing tho lliurprlso on evorybody , . , I ...in. - n.. ... iQ IIVV. Jltll CU1UO UUl WHII H UUU UL thing l ready for tho hnt In straw that has ... l7... . Alld SO 1 11 ,.,.r,.l Inlklna I kg yo there! moy 00 wrong, but I think this IS wo iirni iiniu aivmuu nn made women's straws ... At least those aro tho first I've over seen , . , And are at Mou's, of course. As you would expect, tho Stetson straws aro in tho really new styles , . , Sailors and tri corns that arc tho last word In newness . . , and smartness. In addition, Moo's has all tho now sullor types , . . Like tho ones pictured in "Life" maga zlno . , . From tho llttlo French sailors, through tho revived "Bloomer Girl, to tho big cart wheel sailors . . . You really ought to see thorn, And thero aro soma of tho prottlost all-flower hats, in spring pastels . , , And flower trimmed straws ... I Just love tho violet ones, myself. In fact, 1 agrco entirely with Ann Lander, who manages Moc's Millinery Department , . . She said, with a most complac ent expression, "I think hats are prettier this year than for a long tlma." Olt, yes , . , Moe's has those now straw cloches for the younger sot, too . . . And they're absolutely darling. Moe's Is at 612 Main Street, you know. S wmo news , . Cur i hoi added a new lino bnakc-up and complexion Ipnrnllons . . .'An out lidlng lino put out under name oi nonce jnuru New York , . . ' (New oround here may ro th e Renco Thornton k Beauty just oft Fifth li auite compliment rin's i ,,. Because only itorcs In tho East and America havo carried it is Winter, when tho line broduccd on tho West . . And on v the best there are, getting it . voice Thornton lino 'Is Ion tho theory that jtsto of skin is. neces- r the 'best results from . . i So there are nre- (i for homo, treatments Ikln, oily skin, acne, :blni hair, die. ', But tmcnts aro simple and do, ana you don t nave rough a lonu rlimmarole W: i can!t get your favorite preparations, or ara in M to try something new good, why don't you at Currin's ond osk Con icrt about tho Roneo m line? ntally, there are a num- DOffumM nnrl tnllnf In the line . . . And I Bell for two of them, orchid" and "Mistress Wit." lis. ns you nrohablv y now. Is nt Ninth nnrl frcets . , , 840 Main. mr. Kicrulff returned Si i trl'. moro and A Tti ll,J"K hav in l ii'!0 Art Bnd O'" Mil this week . . . But f w many different fil w,llkl ,lovor bo ju nuoul mom all. or Prizes, or for your- obnhlv i aown "ccntly lMirmlm,V0 ,scon 11,0 S n'-nol shelves luclto and mlrrorsl . . . l6hof,,"Wlal, even bud "h us ually ara hard to nsSm'.'h'Phionts ""c .. from 80o to OF course, tho new cardigan necklines wo sea on tho suits for Spring call for something different In a blouse neckline , , , Not absolutely necessarily, but the effect is much smarter. So I was very interested In all tho new blouses at Whytal's, among which I found quite a few with tho new neck treat ment. Tho difference lies mostly in a stand-up ruffle, or lace, or something at the throat ... Or In a high, square-cut neckline. Most of the new blouses of this type come In sheer mntcrial . , , All-over lace, or heavy net, or dotted swIss, or other sheers . , . Because Spring is coming, I suppose , . , But there also tiro piques, jerseys, crcpos, and so forth, Somo of the sheers at Why tal's arc bcgulllngly trimmed with tatting, even to the extent of having tho collar nothing but a piece of tolling . .'. And vory. clover, too. Naturally,, thero aro all tho other kinds of blouses, too . . . Washable sheers In tailored styles that come In all the high colors , , , New pensnnt blouses . . . Tho simple standard tail ored type that always is in de mand , .... And tho popular Jersey blouse that Is Whytal's best seller, I guess . . . All In a price range from $3.05 to $7.00 nt the present time, There nro so many styles and types that I simply can't at tempt to describe any of them . . . You'll have to see for your self. At Whytnl'a , . . Ninth and Main Streets. Our fashion dattctiva srlca Informs us that baranass will ba tha ksynoU for Summar, 1945. . . , For daytlma and avanlng wear as well as play wear . . , Very bare midriffs, bare arms and bare necklines . . . And bare legs, too, with stockings rlrtually out of existence . . (Considering how hard It Is to get hose nowadays, golng-with-out probably will be a necessity)., GRAND JURY INDICTS PFG .0. STEVENS PFC Herbert Daniel Slovens, 21, Marino llarracks, was turned over to civil authorities this af ternoon after tho lClamalh coun ty iirund Jury hud indicted him on u charge of ussuult with at tempt to rob In connection with the death of Karl Hold, 41-ycar-old Henley farmer, last Decem ber. . . ; Stevens litis been held In the Barracks brig since tho night of December 0. On tho morning of Hint day, Hold was found un conscious in tho reur of Kerns Implement company. Ho died without .gaining consciousness four days Inter at Klamath Val ley hospital. No charge had been nlnccd against Stevens, although ho has been held In custody bv the military, awaiting action of the grand Jury. Joseph C. O'Neill, Klamath Fulls attorney,, has been retain ed by Stevens, it was learned Thursday, Stevens is a resident of rnlnesville, O., nnd Js a vet eran of ovcrsenj duty. Sheriff officers served a warrant on Joseph- Rnymond DCKouinno wnen tuo 'grand Jury returned a secret Indictment against him Wednesday after noon on g charge 'of lurceny from an automobile. Scgoblano was arrested December 27. 1944, ins duii set ai iuuu, and by or der of Justice of the Pcnco J A. Muhoncy was bound over to tno grand Jury.; Ho has been at lioerty under oond. AAMl-c Francis' Jo serin Glynn, USN, Klamath navnl air station, charged, with failure to slop nt tno scene of on accident in connection with the injury of AgKio uuuer, os, vas turned over to civil authorities today uftor he hud been relinquished to tho navy following his arrest December 18, Glynn was in the county Jail in lieu of $1000 ball. Glenn Edward DeHnrt, against whom a truo bill was returned Wednesday, was In Jail in lieu of zuuu ball, charged -with .lar ceny of an automobile. Robert J, Baker, charged with larceny by embezzlement, -was being held under $3500 ball as was Clar ence -Thompson, charged with Doing nn accessory to a felony In connection with Ui Baker case. Our armed forces' are getting all the penny-box' matches pro duced and 33 per cent of the paper-book matches. Fifty-three per ' cent of the 32,041,970 , telephones in the world aro located In tho United States. W ! I ILMC 3 lh" IT T3T . TJJ ' . ii w i n Cot,,,. '""MBiMMmiOlW .m, SCWSt"" " -.Hl, i.1il iv Ki:,.i"!!?'.,.s.'su... aw . TMums William Penn Gwvs of tlutv Btmtk ''.',',, "!', ' '',: Blended Whiskey, H ptt, , 6S grain neutral Blrlf 1 OOODIRHAM WOHTI1TO. Peerla, Illinois , . CIO-IWA Asks Sound Forest- Practices W. PORTLAND,. Ore., Feb.. x'.UPt The CIO '. Inlernationul , Wood- workers of America culled today for government uellort to enforce "sound forest practices" in the logging Industry, : The union's executlvo board charged Unit some lumber com munities nru threatened with a 00 per eont cut In workers be cause of industry's "failure to de velop now wood uses nnd adopt i sustained yield program." They , urged Hint loggers be given year-round employment, working l fire prevention und tree, planting during tho stuck season. BILTWELL SHOES For Boys and Girlt ' America's fuvorltc, because they're built for health ... on correctly designed lasts. The tough soles will wear long the supple calfskin uppers will take and hold a shine. Black. Sizes SVt to 3. Smart enough for dress, sturdy enough for school, this handsomely stitched oxford is soft, pliable, brown elk. Tho durable, long-wearing sole is moisture-resistant. Built over a last especially designed for young feet. The sturdy wlng-tip.oxford that's ready for school or play. With a husky solo and strong brown elk up per, it will take all young Americans enn give it. Built on a special Inst for growing feet. For active, restless young feet. Flexible elk upper with comfortable m o c stvlc loe. Long-wearing rubber sole. I'ltllv lined, for smooth comfort. Built on scientific Inst, healthful . for growing feet. Brown, - . . Sandy Nevin, Jr. for tho young man ' " who care' Smnrt wing-Up Snndy Ne vin Jrs. Styled just like dad's! S t u r d y brown leather uppers. Long-wearing Commando composi tion soles nnd hoels give sure footed gi ip Goodycnr welts Sizes 2 to 6 SEARS American steel plants have broken all previous records for total steel production during each of the first five years of the war. Thursday, February I, 194S Paris has a talking clock, which automatically tells the time when rung up. Four mil-r Charlemagne's empire, fought lion people used the service in lover by his grandsons, was di HERALD AND NEWS THREB one year. vided by a treaty at Verdun. Queen Victoria ruled England for 04 years longer than any other monarch before or since. i. jema iMi v' H0' z uMXfts ... ffOl'l ' ' tVVt T xuumr .V'., . rftz ,r Vi JrA , . PCV v'f.jv' JvVM. i?TfVf alylv'k ' 100 wOL SPORT COATS THAT ' ' 'Hi L0K L'KE A M'LLI0N f KwffWv '; 1 - ' Smart new plaids, herringbones or over- f 'Wvwvfs r' $ i i; '' ' plaids. Trousers of part wool gabardine ' ! g'"'' -f ' r SanfnZed pop'ln w,th pleats,. .cuff i' aSW - I FRATERNITY PREP SLACKS 'Ue 0rW" -j"" i ' i Ih , .;.V.. i. ir t! '-Mv ; lllsVfjaXF!) I N IVI D A KIT CIIITC ' f U Mi This Boyville Jr. DeLuxe . suit : is 100 .wool., and has all the new ErjfflVO Ji4 2V'l "'' features boys look for. 'Choose blue, tan or brown, herringbone, over- 'sbT imtfiiBi i1'., I ' plaids in clever sport-type fabrics. Sportr model' coat with padded ff llSfffl 0' ' : shoulders, swing pockets, rayon Hined body. Sizes 4 to 10. . . .. :ij!-, -.s.l , t "in - jf "V - Visit Se,rs Com- i il ' , L 'a),JiHU plete Boys' Do- J 4 p 6 i 1 1 il f 4 par,ment- w xd fl! -1 ,T I f V ) New merchandise - i VJtil -4 ' , Boys' Coat Sweaters fjWij 'M "HiiUSrfW-'-;'-.:-.! Smart,' part-wool'.-Fraternity. i(jHFoLSv , . rAT I t ', f.H Prep coat sweaters with 2 fflffilr S tl Lf pockets, rib knit cuffs, knit 1T&1 ' W'F . i v ' . f.- - back: and: .sleeves.. Fancy . ''" Ac"' . woven front. Choose blue or Corduroy - 3oyville, Jr., Boyville Crew - U tan combinations. All even- . pQnts Hats' Socks f- sizes 8 to 16 .45 49 Jr Wm-- ' " 2 Extra -wear Yes, 10 0' Always a pop.. ,. V4W thtckset cordu- wool clt , 4 'tlfS&iAK ' n , :r r5r ln brown' clever pinch- with slacks ' VJ7$ BoyS New Sport marn,..8rccn.. front: gi j, and;sp,or-nv I' 'Kl vtS5yat'5f"l'Ta' '' Cl-.t,r or navy. Lined , , . shoes. Knit of I Mfr7'l 5laekS ., , BU,p- n.der. BIuo orbrown- cotton yarns. ';.f few'''irf - m tO ' wa.istband.. 3 Sizes . 6V'-to - Ptaln coioyg. f."..: -'-VV liA- to 10. .. 6. toO. wvAr-b - ' tv ihese snappy numbers are on f i i I I i FHtli1 i ' (fl - -v.-.! the beam and hep with the . cjeiij ffiSSia ' Jfi ' . ieSmWlgQi f, . gang with their front pleats WWSml ' - a.xM''.'- and cuff bpttoms: :Fpr sport,.. 1hM iKWVp S - - t2' school or . play.,- Excellently TtA lfo(liO ... j w I . (Jjjj ' tailored in cassuncres and iisig;;; jSJSlt ;':--flsf7 "?f 'h-iiffi'lm' I r ' -V""-" y pfvfsx- , A , gabardines. Blue or. brown "bb.'m ir. . . o . .;: WaBtriH -'V? m sizes 4 to 10. fS' A flm.MHl ' mw" . utare c,,s w IMi UfflH " tSr'-.vt -.and Lonaies V . : , Boyville Slack Jr. Military Boyville CLCy gr. K89 Socks Cap Slack III i s x i Here s a colorful Boyville-Jr. .. : VC I i, , ,. is.-.' : a ... 5i ' it-iBuit- 'uumi, Hit wuui -i-ui t-.iever rjat- i Heres a colorful -..Boyville. Jr. leisure cont, all wool -Park-suede plaid or check flannel and Shetland combinations, has snappy - patch pockets. Choose camel,' cocoa or blue. Sizes 2 to 10.. ! Contrasting Cassimer Longics, pleats, cuff bottoms, 4 to 10 2.98 :' "i ' Clever pat terns, colors in good quality cotton. Snug fit top. Sizes 0, 10, 11. Buy a supplyl Styled and made like the real thing . . . even to 'the emblcml Imi tation gold stars, buttons. Army tan. 6 'a to 7. 1 Boyville Slacks 1 98 Clearance priced. Wide range of pat terns and man t e r 1 a 1 s that sold to 4.98 - -S Any Purchase of $10 or More May . ' Be Made on Sears Easy, Payment Plai ' 133 SOUTH 18th STREET ' Telephone 8181