TWO HERALD AND NEWS Thursday, february 1. t SHOCK TROOPS ERASE BULGE; Sll EGFRIED (Continued From Page One) heavy "artillery fire from be hind the main west wall works. AP Correspondent E. D. Ball said the Americans trudged rapidly through thawing snow through lanes of destroyed Gei man equipment. Dead Germans and horses littered the battle scene. The wreckage was grim ly remindful of the retreat from the Ardennes. Dead Villas! Villages passed were dead too. Thev had been under terrific lashing of American artillery, and late today the weather broke allowing planes to take to the air. ' ,, The big American guns still were thundering today at un penetrated Siegtried belts. Cross Berrien The first army troops crossed the first row of dragon teeth tank barriers in a section of the Sieefried line never before hrisarhed. Farther north, 37 miles of the line have been conquered by the Americans in me ascneirouw riwoi sprtnr. Along a front of 4 J miles, the American first and third armies struck with a vengeance into pill boxes fringing the line, which battlefront dispatches described as strangely quiet its artillery silent and its resistance mainly from small arms. Great sections of the fortifications were under jperican artillery fire. Slot Machine Question Added In Salary Bill SALEM,' Feb. 1 W) The slot machine question was injected into discussion of a bill to continue-' $300 : annual salary in creases for Klamath county offi cers in the bouse today. Hep.- Joseph E. Harvey, Port land republican, read an inter nal revenue bureau list of slot machines operating in Klamath county- after questioning Rep. Rose -M. Poole, Klamath Falls, on how long the present Klam ath sheriff has served. 'I-; believe any sheriff who doesn't make any better effort than that- to enforce the law should not have a raise," Harvey said. , ' , ' Mrs.' Poole met with success, however. Harvey's was the only dissenting vote. Harvey later made the same objection to a Clackamas county salary bill,:;with the same re- suit. . : . .. .. The bills now go to the senate. Rescued ZHUKOV'S IN BACKACHE, LEG PAINS MAY BE DANGER SIGN Of Tired Kidneys If biekaebv and leg pains ara railriof yon nieersble, don't just oompliin aod do notbioc about them. Nature may be wazniog you that jrour kidneys tmd attention. Toe Iddceya are Nature's chief irmy of told nf exoeea tftdj sod poisonous waste out of tba blood. They help most people pass about 3 pints a day. If tbe 15 nna of kidney tubea and 6Hen don't work well, poiaonoua waste matter stays intbeblcm.TbeMpoiaonstDaystartDacxinK baekaches rbeumatio pains, leg pains, lca of pep aod energy, getting up Bigots, aweilina, puffinets under the eyes, headaches and dissi seat. Frequent or scanty pusagea with smart Icf and burning sometimes shows there is some- woc wiuuk mui your siqceye or Diaaaer. rim ask Don't wl . FilbtUsedsucceufi for toan' by miUiona for over 4C yiart. They give happy relief and will help the 15 miles of kidney tubes flush out poison ous waste from the blood. Get Doaaa f ilia Capt. Danton J. Rvm- formtr Klamath Falls dentist and prisoner of th Japanas sine tha fall of Bataan. was among iham rescued in tha darincr com- mando raid on tht Jap prison camp on Luton. His wit. Kai and young son Jon, lira at Mil waulcit. Or. SUPERFDRTS BUST E (Continued From Page One) also were hit and set ablaze by a sizeable diversionary force. Pilots returning from Singapore who flew over Penang said flames covered the Georgetown waterfront area. Penane is one of the most important Japanese submarine bases and supply ports in tne Asiatic tneater. . The B-29s today hit. Singa pore for the third time. The first mission on November 6 smashed the gates of another naval drydoclc. The round trip to Singapore is roughly 3800 miles from tne bupenorts In dia base. Rotarians Pay Per ' Pound to Dime March OREGON CITY.. Feb. 1 (AP) Rotary club members last night were tapped a penny a pound of their weight for the March of Dimes and were, amazed by the totals. - Members guessed weights. Re- suits jumped one isu-pound man to 239 but; he paid,-, , Hitler made the dive bomber famous with his Stukas, but U. S. naval aviators invented; the technique over the jungles of Haiti in 1919. Dive bombing tactics were actually developed at the naval . station at Pensa cola, Fla., during the middle 1920's. - Bangkok is called the "Venice of the Orient" because of a net work of canals which once pro vided cross streets. The longest canal in the world is in China, completed in 1350 after 600 years spent in its con struction. It is 2100 miles lone. That policy may be easier to get than you think. See Hans Norland, 118 North 7th. Leather Boot Laces Shoe Oil Shoe Grease OREGON WOOLEN STORE 800 Main COLONIAL DAMES WW I -,'' THIS BIG $2.00 AlWURPOSE CREAM, ONVY 1.00 How your wind-harried skin will welcome the golden'richness of this fine cream! Jt' superb for cleansing. ..a glorious aid in keeping jour skin well-groomed and lovely, "in today's smooth, sophisticated manner. ..A, )f I Thlt tpt rial priu ii for m limittd limt anly. Don't mUsiL I J J I Ml M.I 'DRUG CO. NINTH AND MAIN STS. SMASH TO 33 MILES OF CITY (Continued From Page One) where they met our newly brought up reserves. MIT Dt bioie It was nossible that the Rus sians were even closer than 39 miles, for tne uerman communi one did not sive the exact loca lion of the penetration to the river. The Oder swings to with in 38 miles of Berlin northwest of Kustrin. But immediately northwest of Kustrin it is 39 miles from the capital, and it seemed more likely that a point in the Kustrin vicinity was meant. The eastern edfe of Kustrin itself, one of the chief defenses of the German capital, was reached by the swift soviet punches rapidly spreading the fires of war to the heart of the reich, rud German broadcasts. Liauidate Resistance At a point 170 miles to the rear, the Russians liquidated one of the German knots of re sistance in Poland. Marshal Stalin, in an order of the day. announced the capture of Torun (Thorn), stronghold of 34.000 on the banks of the Vistula, alter a week-long siege. Return Bottles, Asks WFAof Collectors PORTLAND. Feb. 1 M The war food administration appeal ed to "March of. Dimes," cam paigners today to return all the milk bottles. Some 5000 bottles are being used to collect money, the WFA said, and they u be needed by bottle-short dairies ' after the drive. Electricity Forms Crude Glass in Sand REZDSPORT. Feb.- 1 (AP) Power, line repairmen today re ported finding nine feet of crude glass, formed when a 12,-000-volt electric line fell, to the beach and fused grass roots with ocean sands. - '- The erey colored -mass of fused - sand bad. a; 'blue-white; xore, repairmen, said.. A House subcommittee has es timated, that needed moderniza tion of -air navigation facilities throughout continental U. S.. and Alaska-will require the expendi ture of $25 million per year over each of the next-several years. A njur liihr1rntinni.rvfm ihAf assures perfect flow ot oil at altii luaes up 10 lo.vyv eet win en akl n v-. - main nlanH 4m higher than any- known axis, aircraft Classified Ads Bring Results; HOLD EVERYTHING! . MAIL ' v Marines Back "March of Dimes' a4 MrJ Over S429 toward Klamath county's "March of Dimes" Quota. collected at the Marine Barracks, was turned over to Mrs. Dena D. Backes and Mr. A. J. McDonald, chairman and vice-chairman of the county chaster of the National Infantile Paralysis founda tion, bv Col. Gcorao Van Orden Wednesday. The money was collected by voluntary contributions from the marlnit between January 15-27, and does not include receipts from the "March of Dimes" benefit Shannon's-Marines basketball game. Capt. Joseph T. Smith was in charge of collections at the barracks. Official Marine Corps photo by Cpl, Hoy 1, Jindra, Frees Warsaw 'How about a furlough This card says I gotta return an over due library book!" L,....lniTlrIJ NEW kind of ASPIRIN tablet doesn't upset stomach When you need quickrelieffrom pain, do you hesitate to take aspirin because it leaves you with an upset stomach? K so, this new medi cal discoverv. SUPERIN, is "just what ths doc tor ordered" for you. Superln Is aspirin plus contains the same pure, safe aspirin you have long: known but developed by doctors in a special way for those UDaet bv aaoirin in it orrii. nary form. This new kind of aspirin tablet dissolves more quickly, lets the aspirin get right at the job of re lieving pain, reduces the acidity of urumary upinn, ana does noi ir ritate or upset stomacheven after repeat doses. Tear this eat to remind you to get Superin today, so you can have it on hand when headaches, eolds, te., strike. See how quickly it icuovea pain now fine you feel after taltjng.Atyourdrug- &r - W j f.7 1 . if 5 Vfct MI Marshal Gregory Z h u k o v. above, led his First White Rus sian Army into Warsaw, liberat ing the lona-besleced Polish capital In the Reds' great win ter offensive. Izaak Walton League Formed in Medford MEDFORD. Feb. (IP) A newly organized Jackson coun ty chapter of the Izaak Walton leatrue will campaign against high dams' on angling streams and against stream pollution. The chapter, formed ncre last mgnt, is neaded ay ur. u. ri. Paske, Medford, president: and Lark in Grub, Ashland, vice-president. Brazil began as a Portuguese colony, became an empire in the early 10th century, with the son of the king of Portugal as em peror, and then emerged as a re public in 1889. MS ASSURED On the Western Front By The Associated Press Canadian first, British sec ond armies: Cleared dike areas north of Tilburg in Holland. U. S. Ninth: Held 35-mile section of Roer river west bank. U. S. first, third armies: Advanced into Siegfried line under heavy artillery sup port;. Germans believed with drawing from outer defenses. U. S. Seventh army: Cap tured Gambsheim, amid signs of German abandonment of Rhine bridgehead north of Strasbourg. French First army: Closed in on Colma, (Continued From Page Ono) J fish commission gets short of funds. The senate also sent to the house a bill to compel motor ve- j hides to stop when approaching : school buses discharging pas-' sengers. Halfway Mark j The legislature reached today what it hoped is the half-way mark of the session, and it was ' prepared to begin disposition of ! some of its most controversial and most important legislation. Leaders hono to finish bv the 50th day, the period for which they aro paid. Today was the 25th day, and the deadline in the - houso for introduction of bills, without permission of the legislation and rules committee. Muddle Solved The community property tax muddle was solved by the sen ate judiciary committee, which reported out three bills, which prooamy win De octore the son ato tomorrow. The muddle was created when the United States supreme court ruled that tho Oklahoma optional community properly law, aucr WHICH Ore gon's 1943 act was patterned, could not be used to let hus bands and wives split their In comes for federal tax purposes. A memorial asking President Roosevelt to return tho country to standard time, nnd thus set the clocks back an hour, was introduced Dy Hep. Henry Semon, Klnmath Falls, and Art Lindberg, Pendleton. f fltare v 4-H Club Leaders End Two-Day Session PORTLAND, Fob. 1 (AP) Leaders of 4-H clubs from seven ' western Oregon counties con-! eluded a two-day- session today ! with a pledge that 4-H youths would work for record food production and participate in wartime drives. j Similar moMlnc fn nlfl it.. I years program-will bo held at Corvallis tomorrow and Satur day; at Medford February 5-8, and at La Grande March 16-17. WEATHER ' Wednesdays January 31. in 15 Mux, Min. Preclp. Euene ) ,ia it) Klamath Falls ...;... An m n Sacramento ... Si v i ifl North Bend 4ft Portland At .14 .13 Medford ....-..,.. n m .na Reno 47 ha . San Francisco Seattle .48 39 Washington nrl Oregon Occasional rain today, tontatht and Friday but snow in mountains. Little chanire in temperature, The Last Mile 1 mfmrnm Gil Dodds, nation's number onu milcr, puts his spikes away for good, as he gets set for problems ot the human raco with a gospel preaching group in Los Angeks, Calif. PILES SUCCESSFULLY TREATED NO PAIN NO HOSPITALIZATION N toti ftf Tim Ptrmancnt Ktiolltl DR. E. M. MARSHA Chliopraftllo Pbillan Its N. tk K.nolt. Ttuut Bl Plnn. ISM Drunk Tank Death Records Asked PORTLAND, Feb. 1 (Pi The Portland chief of police was asked today to bring Into fedui nl court all records concerning Herbert R. Decker, olio ot tho prisoners who riled 1" Hi" city (nil's "drunk tHiik" lust foar. A siibpuiMin was nskod by 1 a clflc Mutual Life Insurance com pany, defendant ' l-nso brought by Decker's former wile, Mrs. Alma O. I'ercey. Mrs. Per cpv claims Decker riled from ac cidental injuries nut caused by intoxication. PINE TREIj Open Mat. 1i30i Eve, tii$ The U. S. Army's Air Corps' Own Great Stage Show on the Screen ov" or ccJ T - V wimW Aii Mil; op. io p. m. vj.hvmJ: Wm ENDS TONIGHT '; , 'rV't i J1:'- vie J ' p rooucws V .vi MM h- mlm kiM -f'i GEORGE C U K 0 R Ifi l - i I i . .. I aOli . Ro Jy TRIGGER " I I King ot the Cowboys Smartait HonilnMiti "LIGHTS OF OLD SANTA FE" ' TOMORROW BIG DOUBLE AC Program . . t i t AT BOYDY'l mm 2nd ACTION HIT IT'S A RIOT! with the EAST SIDE KIDS "V JOAN MARSH t ':-.' f'--v -3 PLU5 Popeye Cartoon 'k,. I HjlilLiJjJlLU Open 1100 P. M. klAW PLAYING w Double Feature JHIH0WL0T II WtARMy... L Plus Action-Hit No, 2 Ii" OPEN Ii30 8:45 15-" T 't'.-f' A'I'm filaastiJlfsjTllMin- W - ' ----- 'Vyifcasj I KV-. -A- am VA1SIVW PLU3 NEWS "KISMET" . COMING SOON WATCH FOR PLAY DATI fdpf PADiciKin phomr 8484 Continuous shows So..Sun.. Ooon Wk. Dr '. .HTI P ENDS TO"" THf , U UNWRITT.N S C0PC Playing FRIDAY - SATUR It's a 'Gl' Wedding But, Love I) Loro,. LORCTTA JkflMjfhT lit rilllOIIOM HtAVINI JEANNE CRAIN IN THE MEAIMTIME, 2ND ACTION HIT BILL ELLIOTT . BOBBY llf "Sheriff or Los VegoJ -3