HERALD AND NEWS ELEVEN hernecks, Pelicans are for Cage Frays L jokers Present Star-Studded Ld to Marines in Two-Tilt Series MP lk, from tlr M"rl0 hi. over Hi" week El M undisputed I Ain'Mlnm league il, .city f ,' l,v, (J3.37 shellacking ( AUU HAINEf! jr pEPAHTMENT iterwiu by 1 11 Jerry porn wo it the br the 01 Ore- Ircnco ana tin Pell- Ait. favorable light HAINES Here fc,,. II..4KK ; .. n l ri. r a i a i.omo sal 101 I 1 .lixi 111 tr 1 1 .us 13 in Ku I I .t1 " ays tht high scorer knea pUy U Reedy 0 with 60 rinjora and jow.d by Faweelt ol with oa maiKviii Mcdford lough guy. : tha moil Iloia goeu He DPircntly doei landing tho man juera mm oui u by hit Migrant lout- of Aihland hos sunk Eves to paco that dc End our own Jim Nor le doubtful honor o( knan In tho fouling dc- Mlh 2! per.innnis. Jim orced lo tuko a wnlk L because of too many fcorcrs follow: n, IT mi ,,, i 10 kmi ti 11, ihi. 10 It ttn .M nk run in hlind Iff r in a iU nil fall ... 19 ilk Hill 10 ii , It Produces Drivers, Wilbur h Fla.. Feb. 1 (PI - wheels of service being developed the fclltctlon of daredevil P'era In history, auys aiuurn, worm a diam ines; auto driver, kri! CS Comdr .Tnrlt nm. former heavyweight liero are, no real good in ,ai rvc observed takes thrcn or 10 develop 11 topnolch y that tho laat war Srcat flnhlnn. II t" unney ciime alone, fvbut it n, . f the war before I10 n'mpion. ' just bnolt (m, - 11. fo overseas as a civ 'dan with tho army Prodiclcii o lr ,. I" boom In mito rac- oiner branches of I'ls who drive those . via. -. i,id vivnui IB nn swamps arc . tho of them all," ,o told (, a uorU rtliinr ,,r ih tune. LS'm of 11,0 coat Kl fitness program, Piw at Miami will . ports editor of the ' news. ,.mniioi,..j J1 Won. no matter Shi.0! collrso- no !6b "fang, healthy foryVh' bl,t In a W.S ?.to eon- KlSTNIGHT Jones, 148, 1Bi Long Brnneli, r' anoes 9er Boots Three Cagers Named in Scandal r nes other fill, to fry In their rlniO, with thn bnyn from tho hurruck and nrc keeping tho pun red-hot mr rrimiy mum wiien nicy tun lllo with Couch Li's Lsruid'a lioopinun 011 the KUJiy iniiplo. Tho rhythm kids nlbo pluycd awect mtwle to I ho Portland cops recently to lull thorn to Bleep iiixl luinil them ii !7-:);i drtihblng. Ituy llioukK, who coiicIum the Mtl.tlc Mukera, couched Portland high school teums and thn Mult nomah Athletic club for ID yrnrs. Feu'a bmiHtii such n uiilux) of atura as Chuck Pullureou, credited as being the boot bull pluyiir In Portland, Skeet O' Council, Lloyd Jackson, II font 0 inch center who formerly pu trolcd thu keyhole slot for tin university of Oregon Wcbfoot( Morrlu Hlicniiclt, lioUlcr of the high scoring record for Orcuin, plops In unu scusoii with points and who pluycd lust yen with the Alblnu llollshlps. Ho It Considered the best allot and backcourt man In Portland. Brookl Hint Ruyley pluycd two years! having 111 Liarimouin, uiu nopp got his cage experience with Uoiuugu univuislly, and Jimmy "Uiuins" Uarbcr starred for the Univer sity of Illinois. With this array ot outstand ing talent to work with, it Is evi dent that Fee's will glvo the mu rine cagers plenty of trouble over thu weekend. After the fracas Friday night ul the high school, tho Leathernecks will taku oil their highly touted op ponents again buturday at the post gymnasium. Civilians may attend this gnmo unescorted and may drive their own cars If they so desire. The other half of the big double bill Friday night will see thu Pelicans swap buckets with tho Ashland Grizzlies with the tilt sturtiug at 7:30 p. m. Couch Marblo Cook is Jug gling his starting lineup In an attempt to find thu most effec tive combination, but us tilings stand now he will probably open tho fray with tho usual five. This consists of Jim Palmer and Jim Pope at forwards, Jerry Throne at center, unit Larry Whlto and Jim Noreen at gunrds. At prusent, Noreen has more personal fouls charged against film than any other player In the Oregon conference. Noreen hns committed 23 fouls and has been evicted from four games because of personals. These figures arc not so much of an Indictment against the speedy Pelican backcourt mun os a testimonial to his aggres siveness. He Is In on every play and follows the onion Iiko a hawk. So there will bo two classy cage clashes coming up this Fri day night at the KU1IS gym when the Pelicans take on the Grizzlies and Fee's Music Milkers battle tho United States Marines. pyy,, lj.l,ll..MM III I II, J I I ) 1 K 1 ' ft i tr - . , v Yin)' !t stfcy'W Hf1 I iJ y : t 4l ". 5 ! 1 1 v i it t -. v rj r f Tap of How About It? LOS ANGELES. Feb. l'(P) Fight Promoter Cat Eaton was phoning Western Union to send telegram offering Lee Oma in New York a 110,000 guarantee to fight Hilton Fitspatrick here, March 6. "Did yeu say f 10.000?" the Western Union girl asked. "Yes," replied Eaton. "Do you suDpose he would fight me7", asked the girlish voice. New Efforts Being Made To Stamp Out Gambling Conspiracy Indictment Against Two Bookmakers Returned By Grand Jury Riiinlnv Simon (Ml. Bernard Bnrnett (13). and Jerry Greon (11) are three members yn collego's basketball toam named by iwo assuiani district etiorneyi oi rwnga ,auniy signed a statement at saying they had receivod S1000 lo "throw" their game with Akron univorsity at Boston. The gumo had not yot boon played when district ettorneys aiseiosea the playors names. (AP Wlrophoto). Vebocfs SHU Top Dogs As Beavers Down Cougars NORTHERN DIVISION STANDINGS By Tho Asioclated Pross 1. F A "P 2 -l:i7 201 .77H 4 4(in ;ta:t .sso 5 4.-17 416 .500 5 374 MB!) .500 (J 245 20:i .000 W Oregon 7 Oregon Stnlo 5 Wash. Slate . 5 Washington . 5 Irinho 0 The University of Oregon Webfoots. currently lop dogs in the lively northern division bas ketball race, will arrive in Seat tle today to ready for Ihclr Friday-Saturday series with the University of Washington a series which cit'ner will put tho Oregons well over Ihe hump or throw tho race wide open. Oregon Stulo last night wal lopped Washington Slate 45-42 In two overtime periods and hereby look over second plucc. The Cougars, by virtue of an easy win over the Beavers Tues day night, had been counting on that runner-up berth themselves. Oregon Slate's big center, Red Rocha, however, had other ideas nnd demonstrated them by rack ing 27 points. Rocha was both off and well checked the night before and tho Beavers' victory chances slumped with him. The count was tied four times in Ihe first half which ended with the Beavers In front, 18-15. They extended that advantage of 27-10 in the second half be fore tho Cougars steamed up a rallv which gained them a tic at 30-30 and Kain nt 32-32 at the end of regular play. v "Mask" Pours It On Johnson CiMiiiiiamiiiiiiiiiiiutiwiiwiiiW'.s.ww1 1 i ,l I f. v 4 I" Rocha sparked the Beaver scoring In the first overtime but W.S.C.'s Mort Joslin tossed in a goal to again knot the count, ul 38-38. Rocha contributed two field goals and a free throw in the second extra session to put O.S.C. safely ahead although Bob Hcnnick counted two last minute Cougar goals lo keep up the tension. Tho summary: O.S.C. (45) llenningscn, f ... Sertlc, f .... Itocha, c Moore, g McCliatii, g Puddy, c West, g .... Simms, g FG FT PF TP .. 0 14 1 .0 1 11 .10 7 3 27 .1 13 3 ...4 1,0 9 ; 2 0 1 4 .0 ,0 0 0 ...0 0 1 0 .. 0 0 1 Oi .17 11 14 45 FG FT PF TP 3 1 0 - 3 6 ...1 1 0 0 2 ...1 3 5 5 ...8 0 1 6 .5 3 3 13 X.O 0 10 .:.l 0 12 ...2 2 3 fi ...0 0 0 0 :..0 '20 2 18 , 10 17 42 W.S.C. (42) Joslin, f 3 Gregg, f Hansen, c Rennick, g Hamilton, g Kellingcr, f .... Jorrison, f '. Waller, c Johnson, g Noleboom, g ..... Totals Half tunc score: Oregon Stale 18. Washington State 15. Free throws missed: Joslin, Hansen 2, Hamilton, Henning ion, Rocha, Puddy, Moore 2,lc Gruth 2. Officials: Elra Huriter and Bill Frazicr, both ot Spokane. Chiloquin Swamps Merrill Five, 3219 The Chiloquin Panthers unset tho undefeated Merrill Huskies tho. other night, 32 to 19, in a tilt that saw tho Panthers lead ing all the way. Chiloquin com pletely outplayed the Merrill five- and coasted- to nir easy -victory with the Pnnther second string playing the entire lust quarter. Hunnigun' took high scoring honors will, 11 points and Floyd Accounted for 10 markers for the Panthers. TRUCKS FOR RENT You Drive Move Yourself Save 4 Long and . Short Trips STILES' BEACON SERVICE Phone 8304 1201 East Main Western Blasts Gremlins, 42-39 VICTORIA. B. C Feb. (CAP) Western Washington college of education presented a well-coached set of ball-hawks last nic.ht to upset the favored Pat Bay Gremlins basketball team. 42-39. It was a close bauie all the wav. with the lead changing hands 13 times. The Bellingham club took an early lead, but ac curate shooting by the Gremlins' Norm Baker put the Flyers ahead midway in the first half. Ray Wark, Western's shooting ace, put his duo in front at nau time. 26-25. The lead switched frequently in the second half, with Western going into command with but a minute and a half to go and hanging onto the ball for a full minute of the remaining time. Victory League Opens Tonight Play will open tonight on the KUHS hardwood in the Victory basketball league. Two leagues have been e s t ab 1 is h e d, one called the American league and the other the National. At 7 p. m. Jerry's Delivery five will tangle with the Sacred Heart academy cagers in the American league and at 8 p. m the Red Shield baskcteers will clash with the Herald and News Trotters in the National loop. Tennis' Ward Also Goes With Lease NEW YORK - Holcombe Ward, now in his ninth term as head . of the U. S. Lawn-Tennis association, received a tele phone call from Washington. The caller announced himself as Steve Early, speaking for the president and, after offering congratulations for Ward's many years of service, contin ued: "What President Roosevelt really wants to know- is how you manage to go on year after year without- oppesitionv-- He could use the recipe." Only then . did Holcombe Ward tumble to the fact that the caller was his former dou bles . partner,' Dwight F. Davis, donor of the Davis cup, spoof ing him TIN COATS TIN PANTS OREGON WOOLEN STORE Gil Dodds Musi Taper Off Pace LOS ANGELES, Feb. 1 UP) Gil Dodds, the pacing parson, may be through as a competitive runner, but it will take five years for him to taper off from the strenuous conditioning pro cess that made him America's No. 1 distance star. Dodds was en route today to Dallas to rosume his youth evan gelist mission. He completed a week of these meetings in Loi Angeles before his departure. His life, he says, is to be de voted to non-denominational re ligious work, with emphasis on youth and its problems. Galloping Gilbert had several workouts in the bie Los Angeles Memorial stadium while here and ran a quarter mile in 51.5, the fastest of his life. The medicos have told Dodds, who was graduated recently from a Boston theological school, that he can t quit run ning altogether. The human heart, complex machine that it is. must be stowed down grad ually. Therefore, Gil must take daily workouts. Coach Dean Cromwell, who has turned out many champion ship teams at the University of Southern California, believes Dodds can combine his religious work with running and still have a successful running future. "Dodds weighs 180 now," says Cromwell, and "that's only two pounds more than his best run ning weight. When you first see him in action-he appears to be overstriding for his slight body, but after you watch him keep it up, lap alter lap, you realize ne has developed his stride to its very maximum and that he runs at the peak of efficiency from starting line to imisn tape. By JOE REICHLER ' BROOKLYN, Feb. 1 (Ft With New York state's legisla ture lending a legal hand, as far as the Empire state is concerned, basketball officials and other in terested sportsmen throughout the nation today renewed their efforts to stamp out widespread gambling on games which one source estimated lan aa high as $10,000,000. While a Kincs counlv era ml Jury returned yesterday a con spiracy indictment against two men charged with bribing five Brooklyn college basketball players, the state legislature re ceived two bills directly connect ed with gambling on sports contests. Asscmhlvman Malcolm Wilson introduced a bill to amend the penal law which would make amateur athletes liable to fines up to $1000 and imprisonment for one to five years for accept ing bribes. The present law ap plies only to professionals. Also introduced in the leels. lature was a bill amending the penal code to make the offering of a bribe to an amateur athlete telony, instead of a misde meanor. A person found guilty of a felony is subject to 10 to 20 years' imprisonment, whereas a misdemeanor is punishable by only one to two years. Accused in the Kines countv grand Jury indictment were Har vey btemmer and Henry Rosen, confessed bookmakers, who were charged with conspiring to "defraud the public" by bribing five Brooklyn college players to throw a game against Akron uni versity of Ohio, scheduled at Boston last night. The game was cancelled. No charges were Dlaced against Bernard Barnett. Larrv Pearlstein. Robert Leder. Jerry Green and Stanley Simon, the Brooklyn players, although they were named in the indictment as co-conspirators and will aoDear as witnesses when the case comes Seattle Stars Sign Canadian Puck Ace .SEATTLE. Feb. 1 (ff) The Seattle Stars have signed Jim Mclndoe of Medicine Hat, Alia., star forward of the Canadian army hockey team in Vancou ver, B. C, last winter, the Stars' manager, Roger Jinkins, an nounced last night. ALL BRIGHT AT ALBRIGHT READING Led by tall Tim ber Landis, 6-9 center, Albright won its first six games. 800 Main r EVEHY SATURDAY m mm rci hu's i.r form to Vi T MUf(Q J r.l Swls.rll Mr. Stonoface gooi aftor Gloomy Gust Johnson in lhoir blcop bout laat woek at tht armory which tha masked menaco won by using his dreaded head butts. This Friday ihe hooded hoodlum will crunch cranlums with Tough Tony Rosb In the hoadlino event, Pete Belcastro, the Wood assassin, will, bop boaka with burly "Blood and. Guis" Davidson In tho seml-windup and a new comer, Gaorgei Dusttte will tangle with Tarian Potvln In tha curtain ralior. When In Medford Stay at HOTEL HOLLAND Thoroughly Modern , Joe and Anne Earley Proprietors WORK SHIRTS Tans and Bluos Sites 14 H to 17 OREGON WOOLEN STORE 800 Mnln 7JT , i n . . ,iU ii iiiimrii-irirttfil- D AMCEL AND $15 Klamath Ave. '..--DANCE Muslo By PAPPY GORDON'S OREGON HILL BILLIES SATURDAY NITE Auspices V.F.W. 'ft -HI O UOGD . Excitement! Ipl Vr Thrills! f 1 Take a friend vY-1"- SEATS , 1 r j. ni' ii Phone or Coll at v ( v N Nsf" V Klamath Billiards, Ph. 9187 'Vj ' V-" Waldorf, Ph. 6811 'sfeiN Castleberry, Ph. 3333 - ,V for RMervaHon, BMY 8 WIGHT up before County Judge Samuel S. Liebowitz on February 13. AHhniltfh la.lrintf liiplirflnlUi. unless interstate traffic is in volved, the federal bureau of in- been quietly investigating gam bling on amateur sports for sev eral months. Tn thl mAanllniB 90 ... ... ,vH,iii,b u i. iici nutu havfi hnn ni-patlnj In Ma... V l. - ' -'" . LI ,1, . ' 1. W X J t City, charged with bookmaklng. omtu uunuaiy i, inspector Jos- epn j. uonovan of the police statistical and criminal identifi- Cattnn KlirIQI, QnnAiinnAj I a - night. Their names were with held pending approval of Com missioner Lewis J. - Valentine. Earlier it had been announced 12 men were arrested ol Madison Square Garden since January 3 iur taxing Deis on tights, hockey and basketball games. Headed by Wilbur C. Smith, president of the National Colle giate Athletic association and NPri Irish nrAelrlnn a Mi .!!... aquare txarden, who brought ud.iKumaii into tne spacious Eighth avenue arena, college bas ketball officials promised to do "all in; our power to send the bookies and gamblers back into their holes." Keno Junior High Downs Two Rivals KENO, Feb. 1 (Special) Keno's Junior high "A" team blasted a Tulelake five com- fl A f O r, nt ninth nn lanlk by the count of 29 to 11, Tues day afternoon at Keno. Last Friday night the Keno "A" quintet bounced Henley's junior high hoopsters, 28 to 13. Lined WORK JACKETS Grey Covert OREGON WOOLEN STORE . 800 Main x4 VI w fjew Tread r Dead . . Ul A!: 5 GOODYEAR EXTRA MILEAGE'. RECAPPINO Say those "slipping" tires before they flip out from under you. Recap when they're smooth, not gone. Our tread is designed lor traction; our work manship is designed for a clean, safe. sound job that'll give you more, safe miles. Come in today. i, not gone. Our $joo GRADE A TYPE CAMELBACX 6.00 x 14 KEEP DRIVING WHILE WE RECAP YOUR TIRESI We'll loan you safe tires while we recap your old ones . . . put them on and take them off for you . at a small additional charge. GRADE 1 Meant GOODYEAR To Most Motorists. M6OB7 (4.00-14) First choice of millions o! motorists everywhere Is the new Goodyear, the tire . of extra quality, extra . value, ready to give you long, low-cast mileage. Superior in tread, In body i . . in performance. SIRVICI -J,-' STORES 1 ARMORY ARENA 8th It Klamath ' Phone 8141 UN STORE )ln imwi'.!H"JHi nd 8th