34 Automotive 34 Automotive 34 Automotlvo 34 Automotlvo 34 AutomotWo Wednesday, Jan. 31, 1945 HERALD AND NEWS MINK Ujr Chevrolet Dealer .John Ashley- To pill Our Orders We Will Pay Full Ceiling for Clean Cars pr;cc6 and Information Gladly Figured . Call 4113 ,0U NEED NOT SACRIFICE WHEN YOU SELL TO :hley Chevrolet Co. ... C1 J Phono 4113 D. 6th St. !-, hop. I' .' "... i.,iv In. T" ;'" ,., Jl JTitncid fountain Hrl. i.-'i,,url.iir to ila flnUhod U ,,. ,.,irrlt iTJXS. Will No. sunn. .r. KM HMtttu - .',,; Hilp Winttd. Male ELP WANTED Man or Woman No Experience Necessary Attractive Salary Is Liberal Laundry Allowance Iccllent Opportunity tor Advancement STANDARD Stations, Inc. White, 6th and Klnmiith , Skinner, 57 Main St. Hub)' Prk, 1310 Ore-noil Avenue Or Phone 0178 2B03lf d you Ilk lo earn money after joi dsllvirtng tlrald-Nwi paper ill s Mr. Miller at lha ll.ralrt f. llltr 3 p m 073lf ffD-Spolirr or pretier, lr.r. lit So. Till Uptown l;oir hD-Espirl.nrrd radiator repair I Old eil.liltshed. thoroughly bectf .hop. uii money for riattil Anomon auio aervice, mj ut. MllAtf Kb-Men and lioy lo el mm. it work. food pay. Apply Bowling b. SID Mam p. m. or any evening. Irdiv or Hunrtsv 173ll( Sltustlom Wanted AlttiED VETKIIAN waul. uorU mm. j. i Boom 4nd Board OOAnD-Genllemin, 10O7 Cra, noorr.. for Rent p-Men. a Huh. -for gentleman, Pttona 81I.HI, 3-1 IirNT-Itooni tor gentleman. H0.1 Houm For Hint jj ron ntNT-You drlvei move l?5'v . Slllaa neacriii Rrrv. eg-j,;',1,,"'1" , piiwn .'to. i-tm MUcsll.ntou' For Rent KfiLTF'00r """" edgin anil p-- wruvii!B macmne j K ..-v., .BMU a ore. r hunt :t:taa "it Main. i.-n IMC rmnn ..... 1 '. r 6h r, " owr.ita ana odder wi,,uwmaiir wnii r Kill rNJ-2''h"dln with modorn F Wi Mall,. Innll,.. ,t J"": rninii I Heal P.i.i. c- - . . ""'t r or oaia liburban Grocery rL?",d mcul "wrltct with n,n!!'C', Thl '""""hot the Inst 8 " Will t,-,0 S7000.00 for m "tlufes, and vuifC. 11 a la a ti.c,.. "PPTltinlly f()r mm, E. GRAY iRealrv SittrI- I"" nti Pino nhone 3nn). 2-1 CLOSE-IN IcS8', lnsltl. wlrrd Full : "vitiiiiDic rul price only iS32Rn.nn. LfHOSKING " " Tl . fin 1 IIUUC tlai I BL2INC In HOMES" "oh lb' REALTOR I'none ami a-nm mfl F0R sale IIUUU HDil 2-3 no't'ri!"!.'"" fKUMD lienr Mnl ' "'"i 117 1. i.iVl land f.' trlHrn or. "v. Innulr. 7U N. art! S,""1 bill ,! 1"""" " culilvs ,ff,llm. or Kit." '7!"" ""' 30 rUol Emm for Hul BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES KlRht unit npnrtmcnt, wnlkliiR dlntani'u, hot water limit, fur nished. $100.00 per month In irome. All rooms liii'Rt' mid cheerful. Price $25,000.00, pint cash. BRICK APARTMENT Close In. furnished, yearly In come .MOOO.OO, Insured for $20,000.00. Price $18,300.00 dawn payment $0,300.00. SERVICE STATION AND HOMIi On So. nth St., future business district, has repair room In con nection, all concrete, stntlon pumped about 38,000 liallons last year, Ideal for repair and service work, HOME AND RENTAL Near city hall, 21 unils. rental Income $273.00 mo. Priced $12, 300.00. Terms can be had. If you arc Interested In any of tho obovo property I will be Kind lo give you further Infor mation and show It lo you Please do not ask for informa tion over the phone. E. GRAY Realty Service Comer 7th and Pine Office Phone 11(103 Sunday Phone 4680 2-2 ROGUE RIVER SPECIALS Grants Pass, Oregon 200 acres, 220 acres under Ir rlRatlon; all fine river bottom land: fine set of buildings: good fences; over 1-2 mile river front age; 100 head white face cattle, about 1-2 registered; new trac tor and all equipment. This is a show olace of Southern Ore gon. 10 acres, 117 acres Irrigated In clover: 3 room house furnished: barn; nuw milking machine: 111 head cows: bull; owner sold $3302 worth of clover seed this year; Mils place must be sold at once. $11,000 with $3000 down. Nice river home with 2 bcicb of ground, this Is a beauty. Some good river prooerty, lots and acres without buildings on East Park street; electricity and city water available. Southorn Oregon Land. Co. 315 'South Sixth Street Grants Pass, Oregon Phone 769 21 We Have . BUYERS1 ' -lor Half Acre Tracts If you are thinking of selling Get In touch with JOHN McFEE Realtor 118 N. 7th Phone 4521 2-1 GROCERY STORE Well-located residential grocery store, meats, soft drinks, etc. Corner location, excellent bus iness, good lease. Two 3-room apartments In addition to store. Full price, Including stock and fixtures, only $3700.00, J. E. HOSKING 517 Main Phone 3211 Wcd.-Frl. ron sale nan-Acne nANcir , 226 lo 9S0 acrea havo been plowed, alio food cattle alteep or lurkoy nine. A nice, lei tin (or tllvoriillcd farmlns, n won derful (eod lot. dry and well drained. Lame fine l)rn. home livable, well wat ered, under woven wire and erona fenced, 17 tona of baled hay In bam. Very nice arenle view. Farm la nenerally known tin Wheeler ranch, located on Coal Mine noail. Tbla place can he botinlit tor SIMM) oaih or Ml, 000.00 down, balance of $4,000.00 at ssoo.oo per year at 0'k Intereal. Thli place la not one of tbeie Inflnled rencheii II once mid for n meet deal more dtirlns World War I. Volt are aim buylns direct from owneri. for furlhef detalla call 000S or wrlle fieorBo Drake. Box 103, 1U 4, Medford, Oiennn. New Motors . For Your CHRYSLER CAR Nearly All Models in Stock Will Fit All Chrysler Engineered Cars and Trucks $180.00 to $225.00 Not - Reconditioned or Rebuilt Burness Motors Cor, S. 6th and Wolnur l iirairraSraaB1iaSBSaeSig,VaMi AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING Careful Complete Prompt' Wed. SERVICE Estimates Gladly Given Convenient Location ODELL MOTOR CO. 734 Klamath Ave. 30 Real tttito For 6il -OR KAI.E 100. acre dairy or polalo ranch, mllei loulh. on old Midland road. m. I flox 024. 1-31 ron MAI.K-fl-room modern houne, S4. 300. Call WHtt, 11.00 a.m. lo 4:00 p.m. 2770lf 34 Automotive 1.F.AV1NO ron sEnvicrs Will aacrlflce Iwo-hedrnom home In Mini -Addition for S3.S00, Incliullnl oil heater, Subitanlial down payment. ATTnACTivm a-nnunooM home In Allamont ner Inn lino for S-1,000. See .Toe Perry Willi T, t.. Wr.AVF.fl Ileal EMate and Iniurnnca MS. K. Mnlu St. Phone 0704 Winter Driving is Hazardous Driving Is YOUR Car- Insured Kor Complete Automobile Coverage'.' Phone 3195 John Sondmeyer, C. S. ROBERTSON AGENCY First Federal Savings Bldg 1-31 -m RADIATOR REPAIRING We Are Well Equipped To Give Prompt Service Tractor - Truck Bus V. B. SMITH 2540 S. 0th St. Phone 8331 14!)9tf RECAPPING and TIRE REPAIRING BATTERIES NEW TIRES All Sizes Monarch Service Station B. K. Teed 301 So 6th Phone 7071 1-7 ' Used Cars. Bought Sold Traded ODELL MOTOR CO. 744 Klamath Ave. Where 8th Street Ends Motor' Rebuilding Starter and Generator Reconditioning MOTOR TUNE-UP 25 Years' Experience Elmer Tripp , Home Garage 216 Old Fort Road Phone 7034 beforo 8:00 or after 5:30 P. M. a-um FOR SALE RADIATORS OF ALL TYPES Will Build Any Type Radiator You Need Klamath Radiator Works 2221 So 6th Phone 6942 a-Tm IVII.l. PAY CASH for good uied car. Call aaol after S p. m. t-31 ron SAl.R-Newly overhauled 1031 Or hnm Scdnn, SIS0.O0, Call 0040. 1-31 n.ASTIC MOUI.nlNdS for Imlhrnnm tile hoard, Ullchon alnka end counted. .1. W, Copeland Yarda, 06 Main. Phone .1107. I-11 FOR BAtR-Prlly furnlahed a-bedroom home, and road Weil from Men itore on Keno highway. Tilrn right 3 block up. 1.irn left lit whllo home to left from corner. SIOoo cash. ron salf.-io:i:i Pontine coupe, motor A-l, 7 percent Urol. 178. Cnll 0.104. WANTED l.nle model car from prlvale parly, Will pay celling price. Cnll 0004 evening. '"t BEB ME l HENltY at Lombard's Utecl Car lol, .121 S. 6th St. Top OPA CASH PRICE at once tor you' car. All makei and models for sale. a-lfim roll SALE- Enton renr end, ready to ha Inahllled In '34 er MS Chevrolet, Ph. Phone 4U9 Wed. and Sat 34 Autom .tire YOU'LL GET Dependable shop ond motor work quicker here, for Every mechanic in our shop Is a practical man with years of experience as his guide LEO'S GARAGE llth and Main Sts. Phone 6603 Mon.-Wcd. Does Your Car Sound Different . Lately?.. If Chrysler Made It We Can Fix It Only Chrysler , Engineered Parts Used Experienced Mechanics Phone or Call in For Appointment Burness Motors DcSoto S. 6th & Walnut Plymouth Phone 6669 2576tf EXCHANGE MOTORS Fords, Chevrolcts, Plymouth's, Dodges and Others or- Wc Will Recondition Your Motor Lika New Cylinder Rcslceving and Rcboring Crankshaft Grinding and Line Boring Rcground Crankshafts With Bearings to Fit I. C. "IKE" HEATH' Phone 3214 937 Calif, Ave. 2-26 SB Fuel Hentlno STANDARD BURNER OILS Fuel Oil Furnace Oil Diesel Oil Stove Oil BURNER SERVICE Phone 5149 Peyton & Co. Klamath's Original. Fuel Oil Dealer J-23ne RICHFIELD Stovo and Diesel Oils Best Quality Prompt Delivery Phone 8367 JACK EICHENDORF Distributor l-31m General Notice! Public Used Car Lot 7th and Ouk Across from Post Office South We Buy and Sell Used Cars and Trucks Sell. Us Your Used Car Top Price -- No Waiting CASH -See Selby Last-- Phone 6934 2379H 36 Miscellaneous For Saie 38 Miscellaneous For Sale SEED POTATOES TO SELL CERTIFIED GEMS CERTIFIED WHITE ROSE GEM DROP SEED ' rilONE 7360 OR 3267 IN EVENINGS McKaig Feed & Produce Co. P. O. Box 130, Klamath Falls 25681 3B Miscellaneous For Sale I 36 ' Miscellaneous For Sale COAL Cash-and-Carry Sacked and Bulk LUMP . . .' NUT , . . STOKER Buy direct from our coal man at the coal bins. Coal Bins Open 8 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. Office Hours 10-12 A. M. and 1:30-5:30 P. M. ' Peyton & Co. Klamath's Original Coal Dealer FOR SALE ROLLER , SKATING RINK PHONE 3639 or 9)97 2-1 ALL WOOL rough-rider slacks with plenls and Eippera. Gabardines and Bedford cords. Now at audy's Men's Shop. 000 Main. 2-24 KIMSUL Oft ZONOLITE iniulallon. Save high labor costs. Easily Installed hv anyono. J.' W. Copeland Yards, fid Main. Phone 3107. 1-31 34 Automotlvo 34 Automotive ron SALE 2-row Iron Age Potato Planter with fertilircr attachment. A-l condition. E. C. Schweitzer, Tulelake. Cllf. . 275711 WANTED -Table model separator. Mont gomery Ward model preferred. Ph. 50O3. 2-1 915 Market Phone 5149 2-23.MC FOR SALE ; IRON FIREMAN COAL STOKERS BOB PORTER Phone 7708 WILL PAY CASH FOR YOUR P1ANO Laufs n. Mann. 130 N. 7th. Phone 4519 or 7175. : 2 22m MARINE AND WIFE want furnished , house or apartment. Metropolitan Ho tel. No. 28. 2-1 WANTED Pair ql Wlss pinking shears. Phone (5731 after five p.m. 300211 SPENCER COPfETIERE Mrs. Enid Burch. 621 Oak. Phone 7316 for appointment. 3-Bm STOVES REPAIHED. All available parts stocked, lined furniture, stoves bought. i ut &ccona nana atore, esu Klamath 2048tfi Phone 5671. i.31m FOR SALE-Onc prewar bed davenpr-n. 1626 Crescent Ave. 2-1 FOR SAFETY use Puro moth Ublrts and crystals. Phone 7132. 2-2Cmc FOR SALE- New and used traps, t-ire 1 and l'-i. x 072. Matin. 8-1 FOR SALE -One Montng range, coal or wood, with eoila. One new incinerator with coils, never been used. 3710 Al'a mont Drive. 2-1 FOR SAL.T3 4 new boolhH (including tables), SUiO.OO. Phone 4'X2. FOR SALF. Grorcry slock and equip ment for small slore. Inquire 2023 Madison or call 3941. 1-31 FOR SALE-2 Rem.nc.lon repeat ins ri fles, equipped with scope: 1 set musi cal horns, 1 car radio, one car heater, plenty or ammunition for above Runs. Fixft Shop, 744 Klamath. 2907 If GALVANIZED SCREEN WIRE. Cello Class and medicine cabinets. J. W. Copeland Yards, 6(1 Main. Phone 3107. FOR SALE-e-Dry wood. 1314 Dayton, FULLER BRUSHES - Clem Joyer. 1435 Martin. Phono 1.077. l-31m FOR SALE Trailer nouae. 24 ft. '42 model Plymouth. Excellent condition. Completely equipped. Klamath Auto Court. B1U ALLEN Addlnjt Machine and FH1DEN Calculators. 124 S. 0th St. Pioneer Printing & Stationery Co. 2-15m FOR SALE-Hound dogs, trained and un trained. C. Crawshaw, Montague, Calif. 1-31 FOR SALE-Gos stove. Deluxe model, fi hurn-ars, 2 ovens, like new. Phone 6000. 1-31 FOR SALE Lome wooden barrels. In quire at Fluhrer's Bakery. 1733tf FULLER BHUSIIES-Rcp. It. V. Morgan. 832 So. Hivcrs.dc. Phone 334D. 2-8m JUST RECEIVED Mntnlcss steel flatware, knives, forks and spoons for t'ommcr rial use. Oregon Equipment Co., 127 So. 6th. FOR SALE Two 3 h.p. air compressors, automatic with tanks, Cascade Laun dry. 1-31 WANTED Fir and Cedar Postii, Poles, Piling, all sizes. Quote prices fob ship - ping point, earliest shipment. Nlrder-mcvcr-Marlin Co.. Sualdliur BUlc. Portland, Oregon, 2-5 TOPPING and trimming trees and , ihrubi. landscaplnit. flowering shade trees and shrubs, Lnkcihore Gnrdens Nuraery. Phono 4082. 2-24m UOOKa-BOOKS-BOOKS Don't discard yours books or magazine?. Call 0302. 3 3 Cunral Notices The Pelican Appliance Co. "WE FILL THE BILL FOR YOUU NEEDS" I 19 So. 5th St. Phone 6232 RADIO SERVICE , . AND ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES REPAIR ; GLASS-MIrrors, rcsiivcnng. plate win dow and auto glass, furniture tops, shelves. Kimball's Glass Shop. 327 Walnut. Phone 7370 2-5m 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WANTED For Permanent Rental . by Balsiger Motor Co. Parts Manager Unfurnished Home. In Desirable -Neighborhood Call 3121 And ask for Mr. Thompson 2-1 WE PAY TOP CASH PRICES We want furniture, trunks, suitcases, clothing, shoes, tools, guns, clocks, watches. In fact anything of value. Give us a ring WE BUY EVERYTHING! 6th St. Exchange 521 So. 6th Ph. 7160 76Uf FURNITURE and miscellaneous of all kinds. . Y Bought For Cash. Get Best Prices. SPOT SECOND HAND Phone 3420 1-31 WANTED DRY and GREEN HIDES and PELTS ' GREASE Sco Us First For Top Prices SIXTH ST. AUTO WRECKING Phone 3583 2501 So. 0th 2-16 WANT TO nKNTKurnished apartment for one month. Walklna distance to town. Will pay up to 9123.00. Phone Wlnemn Hotel, Mrs. Ncece. '. 1-31 WILL PAY CASH for used un Brln them In t or Rnpmlal. BELL'S HARD WARE. 928 Main St. 1-aim CASH paid tor household goods. Phone T3I0, U401I WANTED TO BUY -Pair ol thlnntns shears, riensephone 4808 after (1:30 P. m. . V aiollf Sell Your Car N O W OUR CHECK BOOK IS READY and WILLING TOP : OPA PRICE Balsiger Motor Go. YOUR FORD DEALER FOR 21 YEARS ' ' Moin and Esplanade 42 Miscellaneous Wanted 42 Miscellaneous. Wanted Potatoes Waated Any Lot - Large or Small . U. S. ONE'S U. S. TWO'S PEEWEE SIZE ' Culls Will Soon Be Saleable . Pbone 7360 or 3267 in Evening McKaig Feed & Produce Co. P. O, Box 130, Klamath Falls 2567U 44 Livestock and Poultry 44 ; Livestock and Poultry Oregon's Newest Hatchery ----- , Now Open for Business at 2720 So 6th 15 years of success in the hatchery business. Remember how difficult it was to buy chicks in 19432.11 Indica tions, arc that this will be just about such a year,' judging from the present poultry meat and eggs shortage. ORDER NOW. A few cents a chick will do tho trick. WATCH THIS AD FOR AN IMPORTANT- FUTURE , - ANNOUNCEMENT. 2720 So. 6th Oregon State Hatchery " Klamath Falls, Ore. 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WANTED Electric radio, davenport and chair, dinlnc room set Call after Sun day. 1134 Grant. 1-31 WHOLE CARTON of ciearcttcs for first furnished ap.irtn)cnt or house for rent. Call daytime. LI. Smith. 8101. Est. 103. 1-31 WANTED TO BlIY-Late model pickup truck. Phone 7271. 1521 Sarecnt. RPtf WANTED-5 room unfurnish! house. Phone Biol Ext. 67. 2-1 WANTED A Kood inboard motorucat. Will pay cash. Call DwiRht French. 3790. Klamath Falls. Ore 2 2 WANTED Large trunk. Phone mm. 2-1 44 Livestock and Poultry ron SALE-Registered Shorthorn bull. C. I. Shoemaker. Mitci'sc), Box 34. 2-3 About five dozen NEW HAMPSHIRE RED HENS and PULLETS for sole. 1341 Hope St. Block north of Shnstn Way. 1-r.l WANTED- Dead and worthless animals. Phone 46311 collect. l-31m PAYING UP TO S3 lb for rabbit skins. Millions wanted. Rush shipments lo . day. Valcauda Fur Co., Seattle, Wn. 1-31 TIRED! of mllklufT cows. Wo can give Immedi ate delivery on Comic niilklnu machines. See or call DON POTTER CO., Your John Dcero Dealer, Tulclakc. Calif. Phone 1012. 2-tj FOR SALE-3-day-old calves. Ht. 1 Box 910. 2-2U 46 financial Sco K. A. (Dinty) Moore For -LIBERAL CASH LOANS. AUTO " FURNITURE NOTE Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Rcciuircnicnls Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay No Co-Signers ; Quick Service :, Locally Owned ; . Motor Investment Co. Klamath's Oldest M-275 .. S-241 114 N. 7th Phone 3325 l-31m P. O. Box 323 2632tf 44 Live tock end Poultry FOR SALE-Reeistered Hererord Boar pics. "0 to 12n lbs. Louis Kalina. Phone 203. Malin. Ore. - j.i WANTED - Live poultry of all kinds. Also eggs, Marlln Produce Co. Phone 3372. l-3lm WANTED -- Poultry, livestock, turkeva nnd rabbits. TRULOVF.'S MARKET. 919 East Main. Phone 4282.-'. 3-5m GALVANIZED poultry ncttlnir. 12 Inch. 36 inch and 72 inch high. -J. W. Cope land Yards. 66 Main. Phone 3IS7. 1-31 HIGHEST PRICES paid for hogs, veal, lambs und cattle. Johnson .Packing Co. Phone 3323. nights 3305.-. l-31m CHICKS. Finest ond best-., grade ol chicks. Free delivery lo.-- Klamath Falh. Send tor tree catalogue. Talent Hatchery. Talent. Oregon. 2-3 46 Financial When You Want a CASH LOAN For Any Worthy Purpose Call on P. A.. (Buck) Everett at the office of COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP. 107 N. 9th St. Klamath Falls, Oregon Loans - Made on Automobiles Livestock Furniture Salary - Sales Between Individ uals - Financed and O. P. A. Requirements Completed - a - Come in Phone in or Write in :, Phone 7711 Lie. M-223 Lie. S251 i 131m 43 Business Opportunities FOR SALE KuUy aciutpped ef doing ttnod busing. Furnished llvlm quart 1 crs, Phone 7403. 4- Jt'- 14