: Nw Tody EIGHT HERALD AND NEWS Our Boording Home Wednesday. Jn- 1 iiu With Major Noopl Out Our Wy By J. R. Williami LHNU nj.i4- ti ' STARTS T-) wkh e -rw . . . . . .. n -4 ... I l4 .W t'a cr cnwn OP TU6 LITTLE IT RE IT'S A X V SWALLOW r i , - . . . i3 v!rW rv?T S. rCNUK.-1 COM CJvJcR. UifA 0tTW A STEAM ROLLER t : .V. W K-EU, 1 SOT ONLV :f OE criticism- l - i V . . . I .nr Ul lU' CVCTtl - . . r L v U 1 ium rt lift . C?0 Mt.CH.FER FER jE TH FEMP AN 1 V THtt t 3ot. , ! K; i '1- K.. .8M a i mt tarjft J Rad Ryder Bv Frrd Harmg 4." I 1. 1 Wash Tubbs By Leslie Turner BLAZES, WHAT A TOUGH BREAK! FORCED DOWN 1M JAPAN AFTER-CoMtWGi SO CLOSE TO ESCAPno WITH My PHOTOS... 3IL pressure's 60ne,sut rvE ihape rr TO SH1KOKU BASy REMOVES THE MAaAZIWE. WITH PH010SOF KOHCBE, FROM THE CAWERA BENEATH HIM... HEAPS t I'LL SET THE I ELEVATORS TO HOLD I THE NOSE UP... IT'LL V FLV LONS EN0U3H I V TO CRASH OFFSKCRE OUT AT 500 P$3 FEET, L CAN REACH THE - N A FEW SECONDS.. LESS CHANCE O' A BEINS SEEN.' figfe. . y ' L COPB. BY UFA SCBVlCC. IKC. T. HOLD EVERYTHING! s-10 -Take n easy on the reconver sion. Mom Jhe war isn't over yet!" Boots and Her Buddies By Martin 1 HNCft rVVViKVi HWD A. Fv7 NOW. hrt.Xfb- PQOTlO CVviVCftb Freckles and His Friends By Blosser I'M NOT SUPPOSED TO BE OUT THIS LATE. AND YOU KNOW IT .' LF YOU OONT Lose YOUR. JOB ! K sr 7 r- REMEVBER..LARO F015. Y OK&Y- IIfSUSIE' LOOWiS GIVES EVERY KINGSTON SOAL- SUSIE YOU EVPN ONE KISS, YOU PEEVENT, YOU'LL GET 1 ' VOU'KB A DEAD DUCK IN A KISS FROM ME.' VV ' L MY BOOK ji g- fBur if you DO Take me home 1M GONNA TELL EVERYBODY ive BEEN CX3IN' YOUR. HOMEWORK Alley Oop By V. T. Hamlin s ran SS-t hSSS'' iy:fV,ERlZeJ f ( GENTLEMEN. PLEASE! REtlEMBER YOUR BTATIONb! N YOU vnu'i Lnn n ( SH f -1-, PERSONAL ACTIONS NOW AFFECT NATIONS! J I KlrE'er V yJcn.V.'rPJf VUPSTARTj KICKIN'5 ALL RIGHT, BUT . , . I KICKED 1 VmPam opmXi -PISGLV SLUGGIN' DON'T GO... PERSWALLyX DIPLOMACY ABOUNOS V ' y LtMIAN CITIZENS! f (fwiGGLV i INTERNATIONAL. LAW I I DON'T SEE TH' ) VITH KICKS GALORE, (- -N CHUM! BOUT WAR, V'KNOW ! . DISTINCTION BUT VHEN OLUGGIN' Little Orphan Annie 1 z rr; By Harold Gray RBT m 1 " Trjnr bi foH, JUDGE! ftSS? MNblrfSr ( Jiff UCH ft TOOL J If ME SftVJ THE LIGHT.' I QUICK! I OUST SUPERWtcUent 6 t TJ?L0SG 1RE REST OF THE BOARD l ""'. .';,'..,."!?..."i i"k " "'" 11 M ( 1 ib il 1 0 "I Ihf U.I ll- '"'"- " n:AMAi.,r.!lvi!Mr.NU. Allot nov fr I'lutmilf KUwmh I,,IU. Oit-' V l vk A Vl i"i lnu.i.v III. imv ..,vll,i i out I rt'om i imni.n - ni.i. lor u..iiih ' niih IhB County J1".1.' '!'." Cotinlv. Om.m. bclor. thB Hour ' ?."'". is. n.l.l lo rl.-l ,nS .ml Bll hid., -hi hl'l i '"" '".'...'i'.r,"' r ,wl.A.. Ration Calendar vr lru anil HBlloilllK U.rd, l:HI M.m .lltl OIII. ImllrB lllj , lo 4;JO il. III.; SbUiiiIbV. Ill I". !o K. HV I'l'ont 4l0l lol ll InluniM- "OH ... .,.,,rr , SESSSa KrSC'Sd" NOT" yT...mi.i No .H vallil ImU'r.t.Htly. 111. , IV J ; .11 i f .n.iitiinr mailt VflUti V3. W5 IH1 ir u.c. snirn.. y-ji. -i ! ?5- wore yiiu.fu ''"'- - T?i ."'rt ,w ur !Mril dr?lrr nd lie will iw 4 wnU Mil to puliiu per rountl ... .ni " ; : ::r,,r.,a.-'it.. rniionimtl'i which w rciv-l Auiuit 31. 1043. OUtcr iwrlwi- will U jTjT.n !- I - --" WOl'llBrAA CLASSIFIED HATES On. da - " 1 Ua run 3 d-iy run 4 day run 3 dy tun WNk run Month run mi word HtMr wrtl lie KT WUTlJ I.V ir wutfl He lr word I.V r warn ntit-nunl tor Pmnl in Ativan- Ada r-c-tvd by I OO f m till oi' nw Me.rnn.m in "Now fmUv" colurna Now Today Idler. l'la cl 3U-UI row 8AI.K 0 unit Pt. houi. com nletrly (urnUtivd In I'ortUiMl l 'hnc lr MiKh. Prlioil t on y WW Aitd will mko hull lmt?k h I rado In full nmoitnl. Addrr" I7JO N. K. 40Ui Ave, ruriUiiU 14. OreBun. WILL ItKNT -lroni huo lo parly buyintf luntltura tnU fL Aum auction KuiidO. rtbriury 4, out o'vlock. at I3iU ItPfUmaUoii Nl. Ih. Mllli Addlliunt Am I rv in titwil aiitl will tell lltt following: 8 IkmU, i-oiitplPit; tinhy ttd, i'iiintiii tin vp no i Muslim iiiHiliiiip; illninii roout v KlU'livn Inliloi ivvrral alMinUi im'k Ihtt iliult. wi llhitf lrk; vulluu tulila, A caul Ulili'ai U loimiHtilP; hlnhbo.v, diroiMi I'lolhifi dryvi'i Iiuiumk litinuli 'J lipntrri; iHii with I'olU. tnuii lili'yt lv. fluid Ihrtiiivk mill Wtigoii: inlnoi. dmprii II liMit whvol prvMil Irallvr with welded ham. HMUItl UlPi. good llllibar. rxi-pllpnl tvt hauling liai-luia or heavy iiiavhiiiviyi uiiis luoU, many ullivr aid. I'lri. U. S. CLKMKNH, Owmr CUL. HWK1AHT, A uc I longer . ruK HA, " UK) r f ui tit. u iiitlei uul on l.ii Itiwr. vki'tfllrnl dl, liilgalton. 0'iuoin modem humo. uw I4.uifu nack potato icilar and other mititiiildiitg in good iiiiiilllhm. I'lhcU fight. JO ifflivoitl down, a ival buy. KOI! BALK Nw S-rooin modem homo, Hoiiirdal. . aci. i.VUW.tHJ. 'I'entift. run NALC aoiP. a-ioont hoUf, Hhaaka Way. Coniplaioiy ittmiiiicil. wbiIiiiim maohino, cltvlrh! nuv. davaupurt and thatr, ued room tuits. (loot covaringi, pivsar. 1 ,100 00 vaitl. llargaln. He lUttry Nowhouia at t. n WAnciia dis Main at. I'hoii 4iua I -J I WILD Nt'T Hiwflal Hal. 100 t, p. vana BilOO. 100 Ih. Itlai-k walftuta. u (Hi; loo int. hu kory nttu. I.tw, or all (or f-W "O wr 33 Ih. amorlhiPtlt tl 00. f o.h. t'ol(c villa, Kan. Kant I'tu duea Lo. 1-41 IN Otlll OPINION Iha Uol Vrootn hunii in Ntanarl Add n.. narlly lm lahd. eJOirOOO. Call A. . Kpproiu 4.131. or vetting TIBV. John biere. He I tor, ltd N. 7lh. I .11 rOH HAt.K Coal r wihm! raitgo. new, J-plv living iooiii nillo and 3 Iwd' riiottt utlr. Other iiilat'elUitvotu lioimehold fitrniiuie, all prm-lii-ally new. I' hoi to B.wO, 2 LADY would lik ride tu Chleagu Hal unlay or Huitday. Can lurnlah ie(-erem-ea, help dilvc. Huuni .U Mvlrif pulltan Hotel. 2-2 WANTKI) HoturkPctwr. Nu objection ti one ihtlil, lU.n N. ind. J 2 KOI! HALfc Attarliuaitl and houaekveplng nxima, rloae in, ha monthly tnt'ume of liwa tto. U1 ou riMiiie. U unit, fta.twouu. one halt down. T. UIIAY Heally Heivice Comer tth and I'm hiinday I'hune 4no j 1 rim KritAHT-rm hi'liilia ml 5," Trim wan nrTTT.'r-- "r He:,:T lie 10 SERVICE U0" WHlt . '"k.iuwi,. nuv ; i ",,w ci; Ui'lls, H.mU. r,., "'i'i KuKtitinii, s,h Merit Wasi Machine Ser on so. mil PLUMBING I'limiblnii & llcmtn, fc' ln:.liillnl "J Rc,, ruit CiAt.K'.aiio tun of bII.il hay ur will trBtla (or ilui'M t'BIll. Irv.h Jolm. ..mi. III. I. Ihm U4A, , iiiIIbb mirlh. bb.I ill Morrill. 16 Oregon Dads' Club Confab Cancelled EUGENE, Jan. 31 (P) An nual meeting of the University of Oregon Dads club hero Febru ary 10-11 has been cancelled by President Gene Vandcncyndc, Salem, at tho request of the of fice of defense transportation. The executive board will meet as scheduled. An extensive pro gram naa Dccn planned by a stu dent committee headed by John J. Craig, Roseburg. Accurate Irrigation Forecasts Available PORTLAND, Jan. 31 !) Ten-year Oregon .snow survey records that provide a more ac curate forecasting of irrigation water supplies are now avail able, W. T. Frost, Mcdford hy draulic engineer, told a confer ence of soil conservation serv ice specialists hero. A six-day training program for technical specialists Is de voted to planning operation and activities and 10 conservation districts now functioning under uregon law Ul'I'I.KX tloM In lnlnu lur HT.50, prlco uu. , . , DUPLEX o" North Olh. rrrniMlflril .nd .ood or better than new. buouo. DUPLEX on I'lne. Iara lot In lair con dition, price tl3JU. A 2-UEDHOOM HOUSE on Cannon, 4 wall construction, tar, lot. aiouu. J. W. gANUKIlh, lleallur laia Mam Dial Mai roil HAI K .1 nim modern liiml.lieil iKinie, 9I.JJH) ra.ll. U&l tlohl. Ju.t nil CM I. a I WANTED -- rurnl.lied or ui.riirnl.liod hoti.e or aiiarimenl. Two ur 3 rouitia. I'erriianeni. I'hoit. tttuo irom noon in 4 JO p. nt. I I El. Dtlll. V IIOimEKEEI'EII wanu WDlH on ranch. Call UiJ. 14 MIDDLE AGED COUPLE wl.lt lo rent or Bub'iel apartment or hou.elteeuui. roonta ret. H-30. I'hun. Dr. KIIBl, Ot:l Eat. U. 1) WANTCD TO HENT a or aiiedioont inouern home. Call Coa.l lo Coa.t Ulote, tutu. - WANTEU-Car lloplter, 7 hour .hill. Vuu call make ei.oii a .hut on Ini. Jiil. Apply in penioil at 'Ilk Ton Drive Inn. ho. lllli. WJOll LEGAL NOTICES SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Or THE STATE OF OREGON TOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH NADINE M. OILMORE. Plaintiff. DAVID V. CILMORE, Defendant. TO: Dnvld V. Gllmore. Defendant. IN THE NAME OK THE STATE OF OREGON. GREETING: You nre hereby required to appear and anawcr the com plaint filed agnlnit you In the above entitled suit and court on or before February 14. 1D4S, and If you fn 11 to no appear and answer, for want there of. Ins plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relic Kprnycd for In her com plaint, lo-wll: A divorce from you upon the ground of denertlon for a WANTED- - Reliable woman to lake care of 'i'ycar-oiu child. Ligbt houie keep ing. No ntcali, no laundry, tiunoayt on. -aJO bo. 6th. Ju-uif FOR SALK-3-acr tract under ditch. 2 In alfalla. Fine land. 4-ruom houao. gar., cnli-Kcn house, root houae. Im mediate poueulon at 4.121) llartlelt. Just off Summer iJine. Term. Call 4U1B ur OVtltl. Kvenlng 401 Jeffenon. rOR SALE-8 yearling Hereford bulls, four BB-yra.. one Angu a-yr, old. one bliort Horn 2 yr. old, lour Hereford cow will calf in April and May. A few good 3-nd 4-ycar llerelord bulla. All registered and will lornUh paper with them. These bull are all well bred and from good herd bulla. Can be seen at old Midland road and G. W. track or phone Geo. Martin, Hall Hotel, phone 4UX 1-.11 FOR SALE 31 Chevrolet coupe. SUrV 2&U Homedflle Road. 2 3 LOST- Hrd wallet inap change purse. Name Mildred Myers. 1104 Klamath. 2-2 WANTKn .Part time lob after S p. m. Can do typing and filing. P. O. Box BIO, city. 2-2 FOR SALE 1041 Chev. convertible cuune. driven 23.000 miles. Inquire Bell Hotel. 2 2 FOR HALE 4-room modem houe, part ly furtiUlied. ini'ludlng 2 atuvea, hut water lank, winter fuel. Owner leav ing town. Very reasonable. Call alter o p. m, and all day Sunday. 3io ORCHARD AVE. 3-J WANTED-Oentleman would like room vtclttlty HI, Frttiicla park or Hh'iala Way, Phono 3017 after o M eveitihg. rOR KAI.E flroml torn lo farrow Hin. Cheater Whtla and Helled Croat, tire. Harry Martin. 9 ml. K. Merrill. 3 1 Mooting Notice 3jp fTJ A bualneaa meeting of the Marine Corp League will be held Friday, February 2. 1D43. B 00 p. m. at the Wlnema Hotel. All member art urged lo attend, 2-1 Dig Lnkcs Local No. 2511 Meets every 2nd Thursday ' nnd 4th Stindny nt 422 Mtiln St. F, C, WIlIonborK, Flnnnclul Sec. K. A. Gordon, Pres. 21 7M STRAYED Large brown shepherd and small black and white apanlel from Falracrea vicinity. Phone 4O04. 1-31 FOR TRADE OR SALE -440 acres farm and pasture land near Clayton. N, W. survey Indicates oil. Phono 42UU, 2-2 WATKINS PRODUCTS - J. C. Marin, 2242 Howo Ave. Phone 0312. 2-2Um WANTED -Women for laundry work. Apply between 2 and fl p. m, Cuscadr laundry, 2-.1 Opera Star Aiixtver fa Pr.vlnu. PhbbI. HORIZONTAL 54 Horseback 1 Pictured opera star, 11 Lyric poem 12 Verbal 13 Exist 14 Golf devict 15 Part of "be" 18 Belongs to him 17 Writing Implement 18 Occur 20 East south east (ab.) 22 Measure of KIQln -- 23 Musical note 10 School Z4 0n account (ab.) 26 Upon 27 Pale 29 Direction 31 Within 32 Electrical en came 56 Outfit 57 She is a mc of the Opera VERTICAL 1 Inns S Parnrllaf. 3 Sheltered side 21 Finish 4 Negative 23 Leases B Snare 6 Approach 7 Aluminum (symbol) 8 Exclamation 9 Great Lake tag y aIui i Imi&IerIMqLIi. PiiiptlT-I IBlBJA N D .tw.. D eKEI 18 Fowl 37 Naval ofTlcor 19 Negative Word 3B Tree fluid 44 Satisfy in ueasc 25 Spaces 28 Hasten 30 Long fish 33 Brother 34 Element used assiffnmpnt 17 Vegetable In treating cancer 35 Soak up 36 Llttlo mass 33 Worries 36 Section of British Isles SB Egyptian aun god 40 Therefore 41 Like 42 Sodium (symbol) 43 Paid notices 45 Went by 48 Snake 49 John (Gaelic) oi Toward 52 Boundary (comb, form) 53 Indian 47 Sho has had numerous roles 48 She has sung many an 50 Seine 52 Morsel 54 Italian river 55 Oleum (ab.) I Z .13 I 14 3 lb 1 I & h ' io II Sjis n His . ii pjo- Jr ZiEIlfM U , fy m w fH5 in, in I rarlg- a a - . . - iS MM''1 1 51 sisT . 55"Sp56 a i I 1 1 1 1 ' I I II Klamath rail. Mooa. Lode No. 1101 me.li on Thura. day iiljhn, g oo p. m. Inl llatlon .v.ry .econd and four Thursday, CARPENTERS' LOCAL No. 190 Meellnrt lit and n,d Umin-AM nliis. of each month. 7:30 p.- r.t .1 Labor ... c LONO- " n. A Olllc. Open 7:110 lo 0:00 P M Bv.rr Wednwday. Phone M37 a-iim Klamaih Falls Aerie No 209(1. Ilouolar meeting every Tues- F.6 E. hall, Ulh ami Walnut. Visiting members cordially Invlied. tf Loit and Found LOHT-2 No. 4 ration bonks, Donald llnlcomb. Charles HoloomU. 22ll wtard, 1121 Martin. LOHT-Pearl necklfire at Snered Heart church Sunday. Reward. Phone 00:17. a-1 IXJST-A vaahlng machine lid between Klamath Falls and Ilonnnin, Pleiisa noiify Mrs. Wesley Dearborn. Oonunxa, Oregon, 1-31 rOUND-Whllo Ho rk a hi re sow. no marks. Owner may have same by pnylng feed hill. Hugh Umg, III, 2 llox 1123. 1-31 LOHT--Thursday at El Pndre, blue pin, Reward. Ph. 11172. (-31 Central Notice OK FURNITURE STORE will bo open fur business , February Is', at Its now location . 2401 South 6th Formerly 1 PALMER'S BARGAIN HOUSE Will Glvo Same Scrvlco us Before. 1-31 TWO SISTERS INN Wood-Ashland Junction 3 Miles West Hwy, 97 Southern Fried Chicken nnd Steaks RUTH AND CAL GORMLEY Closed Mondays I'liimblni, .'xluttl "mi Fmiiimi,'., DAVIS PLUMBING We Hurry-pi, 337 K. Mal , REFRIGERATJ SALES and SER COMMERCIA! All MiIn Piirw, C'oiiiroli inj A in sik Oregon Equips I'honu UIII7 117 1. REFRICERAIIO. WASHING MAC- ind Small Appli; Repair uvt LIM, 5tnr Klamath Refrigeroti Phono nu 2000 South SliQ OIL BURJiffi FURNACES, CTO Cleaned and M WOOD COAL FURNACfS Availnblo for Kti Compare Our t TUFTS HEATING SER Phone Ml) INCOME T SERVICE Commercial Boo"' rtollln A. Cid Room 4, liopio 110 N. 8th S Ontn fivcnhiRs ni Si; Phone MOVING -Loral and LoU,1' HAUUNC Klamoth fcj TRANSFER ono ) . .- llnllre I Ageuu i"i ini K Intnnl I '1 oTrNiNa mo( J.niiKI DrBinahln . new oi-, MIIS. HAWOBTI l.l jlopka Dlol. Phnn. SB rn F KINC c,".ne' ''I'-'rTi. hiuirl THFonoim nit'M'SblT i.i.. Ill r, 43IT. - WILL t'AIIK M'XM l.r.uv nr liny. 'W" ""J IIOimKCLEANlHU. , u aaii N. nm ' .. " rTTTrrt lUQIMItr, r.1""'1 '"(l nut (mull. Alw IMioiii) -" '!!.? "-,r'n.B,'"1 isao en.t 'IH-X roil KMTONiL!-d CIIIITAINH LAU""" srif mono t'n WANTEU-WflU'Ml J1 clSaI "1 ta US' B,"1 naker, 7033 naiter. - . "'erivBred. Aller.l ""J Main. Room 8lJi Dione 9060 2-17 it I OA . I