Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 31, 1945, Page 3, Image 3

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    .nHfiu nnril
,l prom I'M" "c)
. ... mule u fresh
I u o. Ui-riniy wufli
P'S Villi, uilvunelng "
in Mi , ,., iin In nn
fcasiwuii wllhlll
Lxlu' l"u,n-
1 .owns uiptiirml in Si'P'
"i l0V Heliiltin town
r QUI "v A
".,.h,Jiii wcru ciiiiii"-"
nin ,, ,, i iruc
M . !!! ..... iiwi iu nuuiiiHt
' ry fire anil wn
! Ik"1 .".I... ,. In, If 111 III)
l u. Is In
feffi .i '"
llM1,v" . Tl. vl lilfi Is
I L,, division
I, "ma Ciermuny east of
!rii.K mi If f ri'KwUnicc, in
Vii. illvlHlon with tanks
F',: ....,! Hmm iifrtiM thu
it... lfni rlvir.
LflltTH VI "v .
miles west ui Monchuu.
. ....-li. ftinnrliiill Ilild
n ivi mi :
. 1 I J. Ill I It M I II Ml
k forces -i.uli.lnK out In u
r a.,... l mill tlllrntf on
tOI Inure u
u.it.iul hrlduvluMul Ot
llMchver. north or tho
F ... ..r 'I'illiurii In a
,),. hritilo uf men. uinhtf.
irs and artilU-ry.
.. - I... ...wt .if ll.n
lg 100 mllo fronl, Amur-
I....J L'.-,..t,.l, Irnimrt moved
Li two mllo "I Hi" Rhino
I Oimguuifl K nil" iihnivnv"
nn.t LirtlMllillif fur
.uui ' m - '
ht and Ccrnay.
Nazi's to Face
Trial for Crime
Against Germans
LONDON. Jun. 31 fl'lltli-h-
11 rd Law, minister of slate, de
clared lutliiy that llrltiiln wuultl
lid lU-r UllllOSt Id HI'll (lint thu
nuzl were punished for "crimes
committed ugiilnKl thu tier-minis."
It wiih Hid first definite hicll
ciitlmi thul thi nii.in would be
nillilo to pay fur persecution of
mill, although Low (11(1 nut sped'
fy liny group by niunu.
l.uw mild tho nroccduro of
such trials would ho (lirferinil
(rom IIkihu fur wnr crlinlniila,
but ho did nut npcclfy In wluit
niiinntir. 1 to Indlcntcd I her 11 win
u iioMlblllty the Curiniinii them
ulvi's mlitlit conduct them.
nlliiucd (rum I'nfo One)
ing ilrcniilh. Wc and tho
It were niiiwlnu In row-
fiiuiiibi'r on llio western
It win clciir lluil 11 tin-
iihl at the front door mid
luck doer, Hi tho SAME
,. was ni'iir.
ivbo the Anicrlcnim nnd tho
n could be thrown UAUL.Y
JalaiKo by 11 midden power-
now pos.smiy no mncli no
they would be uniiblo to
as the unvll for tho IUis-
liammcr. A bidik-lhrouiih
Into our renr, with nccom-
ing v a t di'inoriillziitlon,
concelvubiy be possible.
I event, the Gcrmim could
un the Ilusslnns whlln we
tie British wcro recoverliiK.
line ocrman comnuind must
reasoned. It would bo 11
Jainerous (iiimble, but tho
i were hlnh. And Ger
s plight was ifultinu; des-
attempt wns made. It
Wc II lid the Hrltluh nn.
fjto be still in position to be
mi lor tnc Kiissliin ham-
11 tne iiiis.'iinu nra slowed
they will be tho nnvll for
f only a guess, but II looks
mir one-.
Haillc nntn In II.a
... hiu IIVtTB
Pi"! out of Germany con-
..vu ui-m-r llisrounrcl
very word coiiiIiik out of
my Is propngnnda. Tho
leaders nri. niiiini. nu..i
ing fear 11.1 n i.nh i ,11. .
ram. Let jump to no con-
'MAN nnillll-nlln., 11.
forchod earth nollcy. of
1 were heurhiK IncrousliiK-
U1C tlrtVl: - imn ...
in r.11 """""" I I1I1VO
Iv " Go,'V".,y. Wo can
r . own (inves.
f S'.'THING an
HI IB ny TL.
feermn" l!olicy "Plccl in
&",y s., ""'hlng more
(Continued Krom Phko One)
Muted I hut in view of Injuries
received by Siimiiiurvlllo while
In the service, ho wished to
recommend that Summerville be
nlnced In 11 vctemn'11 hospltnl In
Sun Francisco for treutment. It
la understood thut Suinmcrvlllo
received Injuries in u plune
crush, the Injuries resulting in a
medlcul dlni'luirgo (or tho mun.
Murine Uurrncks ofdcluls snld
Unit Kunimervllle's brother, Sgt.
L. Summerville, wiinld be k'vcii
liberty this weekend to go to his
brother iu Yrekn, and uccom
puny lilm to a lionplttil where he
will undergo treatment. Sum
merville wus employed here us
11 garage mechanic following his
return (rom duty,
Fermon Clinton Evan has re
covered from his injuries and
has returned to duty, Uarrucks
officials sulrt.
Flynn's Family
Grows, Report
MEXICO CITY, Jun. 31 (Pi
A throe-weeks old buby register
ed in the vital Htulistlcs bureau
hero as the daughter of "Leslie
Klynn, cinema uctor, Holly
wood, prompted a statement
yesterday from Errol Lcslio
Klynn, Hollywood inovlo star,
that "this makes the third or
fourth time I've been reported
married in the lust couple of
Record it the vital statistics
bureau indiciito Nora Dddlngton,
20, appeared before the registry
Judge and niado tho statement
that sue und the actor, whoso age
was given as 3(1, were the par
ents of the child, named Dlcdrl
Klynn Eddinglon,
The reports of his m.irrlnges.
Klynn added In his prepared
statement "ought to cop mo the
bigamy award next year." He
hart no comment directly on the
registration of tho child's birth.
(Continued Krom Pago One)
Kuh Cupt. niciiurd C. Kadel,
Fort Knox, Ky., mid Capl. Win
ston Jones, an Oklahoman
mingled with Filipino guerrillas
wildly grcetimi the invaders.
The Yanks of Lt. Gun. Hubert
L. tlche bcrgcr nosed an Iminc.
dlate menace to prized Olongupo
navui base 111 Kublc bay by rac
ing 11 miles inland tho first dav
post flag-waving Filipinos, occu
pying sucn towns as him rolloo,
San Narciso, San Antonio, Sun
Murccllno and Caetlllelns und
seizing an airfield the 23rd air
buso won on Luzon.
No Jars
Suggesting how wide open the
sector Is to American conoiicst.
Filipinos told Associated Press
Correspondent James Hutcheson
that no cneinv forces huvc linen
stationed In the area since 1042
although 300 passed southward
two weeks ago, killing n Filipino
woman in ono town without pro.
The beachhead extended
above tho Santo Tomas river,
Klvlng the Yanks control of a
long bridge thero.
Hutcheson disclosed that the
Invasion convov wns not uttnek-
ed by a slnolo enemy piano nj-
lnougn 11 followed the same In
land sens route from Levte ta
ken by tho BOO-shlo convoy
which was raided cnntlnuouslv
en route to the Lingaycn gulf
landings of the slxlh army, Jamr
ury u.
m"l ll'l '!'!" Ul'lli'll'll II illlillllllllllilllilliii
nn S.l
11 sa
.d 40
Mm. PfArln
.19 X
iSli.h, "'"'.'"V. Snnw In Vimin.
'r and K.!'!""1 "
Freight Rate Study
Favored by C of C
(Continued From Piiro One)
from the land use committee,
which is In charge of the cham
ber's representations to be
made at the hearing on the Sac
lamcnto diversion project. Hen
r.cl said that this is 11 mnttcr of
transcending importance, to this
area, and th'iit It Is necessary
that a great deal of work bo
done prior to the February 20
Hearing to 00 neia ncro oy 1110
U. S. army engineers.
While much Information Is
available from vntious sources,
he said, the work of nn engi
neer is needed in compiling this
data for presentation at tho
(Continued Krom Page One)
spoke for her husband at his
birthday party: yesterday Clem,
ent H. Attlcc. deputy prime rnln
Islcr, answered questions in par
liament in place of Churchill; to.
dny Kichard Law. British mliv
later of state, answered foreign
affairs questions In parliament
In p!aco of Koreign Secretary
Anthony Eden, and Hopkins,
who recently visited London nnd
Paris, now nns gone from Home
10 nn unKtiown destination.
( All tins odds up to ono
thing," tho nnzi broadcast con
tlnued. "Tho big conference
The only question 'now Is where
nicy win mcci7 )
Expectd Homt Mr. and
Mrs. Hurry Goollur, 1 25 Pine,
urc expecting their two daugh
ters, Nun and Adru, to arrive
Saturday for u 10-duv visit, lloth
girlu ore serving in tho WAVES.
wim Holds tne ruim of pony oi-
fleer first class, and Adru Is sea
man first c uss. Nan is stationed
ut the Alumcdn nuvul uir base,
Adru ut Sun Diego naval uir
Anlgntd Ensign Robert
Hood. USNIt, hus left Norfolk,
Vu.. for Jacksonville, Fla.,
where he has been assigned his
ship, according to word received
by his nurenu, Mr. and Mrs. A.
Hristow Hood of Washington
street. Hood is now on an AKL,
converted LST, which will serve
the navy as a repair ship.
Jawclry Stolon City police
were advised Tuesday that
quantity of valuable Jewelry had
been stolen from Mrs. rrunK
Krnnkford, 818 Walnut. Tho loot
consisted of diamond rings, an-
llauc bracelets and a brooch, a
pium gold wedding ring, vulu-
uule coins und otner Jewelry
In San Francisco A. BrLstow
Hood of the Ralph L. Smith
Lumber company here, is In San
rrnnctsco on business comer
ring with Ralph L. Smith, who
Is on the west const from nls
offlco in Knnsus City, Mo.
(Continued From Pago One)
nnd shovel the entire breudth of
tho road. See to it that there is
unhindered fr? passages
through your towns and locaii'
'The German homeland 1b
now at stake."
Procession Described
A Swiss report to London told
of ono of tlio refugee processions
from the cast. It uescriDca
babies dying (rom the cold, old
people fulling along the road
sides, terrified civilians Jamming
into trains wnicn no longer were
ablo to maintain their passenger
Ono British report said Ges
tapo Chief Hcinrich Himmler
published a decree yesterday au
thorizing arrests ana coniza
tions without, warrants, and an
other said the classes of 102U and
1929 had been called to the col
ors In Upper Silesia.
Echoing Hitlers cry lor a
German fight to the death, the
Nazi radio issued new warnings
to those who were ready to quit.
'We shall not permit them to
throw a wrench in tne worKs, .
one Berlin broadcast declared.
H It's a "frozen" article vou
heed, advertise for a used one
In the classified
From Tulalak Mr. and Mrs,
Richard Smith were among the
out-of-town visitors In Klamath
Kails Wednesday from their
ranch home at Tulelnke.
Theft Reported Harold
Bradcn, 927 Lincoln, reported to
police Wednesday the theft of an
bmcrson radio valued at $15.
Prisoners Report
Peace Rumors
Jan. 31 A') German prisoners
said today these peace rumors
were sweeping the western
1. That Foreign Minister Joa
chim von Rlbbentrop had gone
to England to seek peace.
2. That Baron Franz von
Pa pen, former German ambas
sador to Turkey, had come to
the United Slates to try and
mnkc peace.
The prisoners were at a loss
to explain how the nazls reach'
cd their alleged destination.
Yos. thev ar still anina un
there. Where? Why, up to
Fellows' Building to have' their
Aiiuuiiio iax iiqurea oui Lm91
onaso cnaae it down.
Sponaored In the
Intereat ol Victory by
Tho Btrange, true story
of how Standard Time
Southern Pacific's
I "ifcrtf
Klamath Falli Pepal-Cola Bottling Co.
Phone 8222 901 Main
WAC Surgical Technician
Somewhere in an army hospital there's a
wounded soldier from Klamath Falls that
urgently needs the holp of a trained medical
technician to help him back to health. If
you have had previous medical training you
will be sent to an army hospital immediate-,
ly after basic training in the Women's Army
Corps to help that soldier. If you have
not. had training, an army school is waiting
for you if you can qualify. Don't shirk that
If You Are Between the Ages of
20 and 49, Mail the Coupon Now!
Post Office Building
Klamath Falls, Ore.
Please send me complete information on the
Women's Army Corps .
name . v
ADDRESS .1........ ...: Phone ....:..........:
city ...........r..LSTATE.:..:r.
Czechs Recognize
Lublin Poles
LONDON. Jan. 31 W The
Czechoslovak government In ex
ile toniiilit unnounced formal
recognition of the provisional
Polish government ut' Lubllii,
und said diplomatic relations
would be sturted,
Czechoslovakia Is, the first of
the allies, except' Russia, to
recognize the Lublin govern
ment. .
(Continued From Page One)
amendment Is likely tomorrow.
Representative Andrews (R
N. Y.) served notice he would
demand a roll call.
As soon as the Wadsworth
'amendment was disposed of, the
house waded into debate on the
fair , employment practices
amendment offered by Represen
tative Clason (R-Mass.) This
would deny essential rating, and
consequently access to addition
al manpower, to employers who
discriminate against a worker
because of race, color or creed.
The, vote against the Wads
worth ' amendment followed a
plea by Speaker Rayburn to pass
the legislation in its present
form. ... .
Wednesday, Jan. 31, 1345
, (Continued From Pago One)
themselves as a liberal .clement
of the party headed by Wallace
and the old line democrats rep
resented by Senators Byrd (Va.),
George (Ga.), Bailey (N.C.) and
uuiiipiuiiiieu muy uopeu wuuiu
keep penncd-up animosities from
spilling out on the senate floor.
But there was every indication
both sides intend to have their
say before the. issue of Wallace's
appointment as secretary of com
merce Is fully settled.
Classified Ads Bring Results.
Porrlonders Plan !
To Raise Own Meat 1
i . . i
PORTLAND, Jan, 31 (P)
Suburban Portlandors, suffering'
under a scarcity of ration points,
are apparently going to raise,
their own entree.
Poultrymcn reported a heavy,
increase in demand for baby
chicks from residents planning
a backyard chicken coop. Ono
hatchery owner, Guy L. Leonard,
spld if calls continue at the pres
ent rate they will outrun hie
March and April chick supply,
where you feel it-rub
throat, chest and
back with Ome-tostcd
Delivered direct from car to you.
These cars arrive almost daily and deliveries are reasonably
Office and Yard 821 Spring St.
"Fuels That Satiafy" '
Phone 4iS3
Since 1919
A Big Array of New '45 : fa ' t
. Styles with Smartness Far J J "f. f I ' JJ
fieyoncf Their Modest Pricel Vf? ty ' "jjrSf" jy
THE CARDIGAN SUIT, v, i I 'I LI 1 VJ .'I . .
' Doshfng Cardigan cm. .aiuc,. Spring tiamc, with' ij, , Vi.L.-1 x.K..r !:
Richl,Detail.d D.-e.,moUr Suif. "' " tnHM2SS
. ; Impeccably Tallortd Classic y ' , ' '
. It you want to sea your dollars outdo . (f yJJ jfliS '?0,K''
' themielves, come look at our Spring vS'S rs A""'' ' s!?H 1 "
; suit collecHon... look aithe meticulous . mjjT'l : 7s .
tailoring and lovely pure wool or wool- Ss M J 'fessi V V ' s
. : . and-rayon fabrics we've put into these , &i ' 3w- 5ia W .' -'V '
budget-priced suits. ..ieast your eyes ' , J . -VpWV '
on every new style success, on ell J .WUiyJllllk.. 1 ' SfiJ
;. . Spring' smartest colors, strip arid '"n'kjf. , Mft'V A
checksl And choose yours now, while J ? STsJ 'ttiJl Jl?ii Vv
: stock, ar. completel i Yt ifj MWP f W 5
Sim 9 to 17, 10 to 20. 1 Zl iW -'vi WJT:fllk V -rKrv
kf ; Mfim . , hp i
FASHION PURCHASES of $10 . Jr - vfvti twIilSf! IX ict I
er man may b. madam MJT 'M ; lf$pM&GFV . 1 , I f
: . hats 1 f I- n
' '-Goy liHl hat, in lovely $ t5 E ' ! . ; 4 fcJ ,
w .Ipring colors .-..to Jy Jp ; .' .
" ' climax your suits with ' M f ' ',"'
. . pustmerighttch '; ;' ' :,', MOUND'S TOOTN.- V. , ORESSMAKM SUff
of proYOCahv charm. y. CHECKS g'm ttttking ; m.nwMr omy b.oifuffr deioJUd '
' ' ' - ,.i