TEN HERALD AND HEWS Wednesday. Jen. 91, 1143 BOARD URGES ADDITIONS TO SECURITY LIST ;' The social security boards recommendations that old age and survivors insurance be ex tended to all gainfully employed American workers, that imme diate action be taKen to proieci the insurance rights of members of the armed lorces, ana inai disability insurance be added to the federal insurance system, will help solve many of the needs met in the southern Ore gon area, said Charles Li. magin nis, manager of the social se curity board's Klamath Falls of fice today. These proposals were among the highlights of the board's re port which is made annually to congress, under terms of the so cial security act. "People of this area who do not have social security insur ance protection would get it if the board's recommendations become law," Maginnis said. "Businessmen often express their desire for coverage similar in what their employees already have. The fact that the self-em ployed are not covered nits tne roiessionai man, me smaii uusi ..nessman. and the farmer, be- i-cause corporation executives, as "'employees, already have this "protection. This desire for in surance to provide a retirement "income, or a family income in case the worker dies, extends valso to farm people, domestic workers in private homes, em- Jployees of non-profit organiza itions, and Public employees, none of whom are covered at present, Maginnis said. The oresent lack of protec- tion of the insurance rights of JJmen and women in the armed forces, is a cause of distress among their families, the local manaeer added. The social security board is recommending the addition of disability insurance to the old age and survivors ' insurance system on the principle that a worker's family is just as Daoiy off, or worse, when he is dis oabled as when he is too old to ?work or when he dies. In exDlainine its recommenda tion for disability insurance, the "board, according to Maginnis, .pointed out that an average of seven million persons in the "United States are sick or dis- .abled on an. average day, that the annual wage loss from tnese raiispfi is from threp to four bil- Jlion dollars, and the annual loss of time from work runs between " 14 and 3 1-3 million man hours, , ,u i'iriiifVi- - The Iload to Berlin Bv The Associated Press 1 Uastcrn front: 73 miles (from Stolzenbere.) 2 Western front: 310 miles (from Linnich Julich r Durcn area.) 3 Italian front: 544 miles (from Reno river.) Flashes of Life 'Armor Plate From " Battleship Oregon To Be Reclaimed - SEATTLE, Jan. 31 (fP) Steel which learned the feel of gun lire in the Spanish - American war is going back to battle, de serting the famous old Battle ship Oregon to become a part of new United States fighting craft. An iron works here reported today it was melting down 900 tons of armor plate from the al most legendary old battlewagon and pouring ingots to be made into steel shafting. The Oregon made a dramatic run around South America to take part in the battle of Santi ago, pointing up the need for the Panama canal. In the last World war she served as a training Ship and on coast guard patrol and then for many years was "retired" at Portland, Ore., a sight-seeing "must" for Rose city visitors, Germans Strafe Yank Sector in Italy ROME, , Jan. 31 (JP) The Germans sent nine planes on strafing and bombing missions on the American fifth army sec tor south of Bologna last night in the strongest enemy air action on the Italian front in weeks. Ground operations were limited to patrol contacts on both the fifth and eighth army sectors. Allied planes challenging the rtazi aircraft destroyed one and damaged another, and anti-aircraft fire scored hits on several. SHIP 'EM BY DOG YONKERS, N. Y., Jan. 31 (.T) Dr. J. H. Standen, a bio-chemist, offered to pay three cents a head for live fleas on which to experi ment and received a prompt re ply from Little Rock, Ark. J. C. Thomas said: "Here in Arkansas we have larcc fleas, stick tight fleas and sand fleas." Thomas, figuring on a neat profit, asked for information on "How to handle fleas for ship ment alive. SAFE BY A CAT'S WHISKER PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 31 UP) The family cat gets an assist. Mrs. Norman Pallay's father called to her from the Basement that he was ill. She helped him to a cot. Then she noticed the family cat staggering across the floor toward the door. That set tled it. Mrs. Pallcy dragged her father and her invalid motner-in-law from the house. Inspectors found a broken gas pipe. PROOF KANSAS CITY, Jan. 31 (.1) Patrolman Joe Trabon. sent out to investigate a report that a dog had bitten a woman, is pretty sure that it did. The dog bit him. too. AID FIRST SALT LAKE CITY, Jan. 31 (P) Salt Lake police knocked down Tabby White, an Indian, with a patrol car, took him to an emer gency hospital for treatment, then presented him with a ticket for jaywalking. Churchill's Pilot Now Iceman sua f - . jh?? I J J X ?T.V ? -T'-' . J hriH MA V - fXEA Tehphota) Capt. John Howard Rugglcs, special pilot for Winston Churchill on his-tory-inalting trips to nil parts o( the world, has a new Job as an Iccniun tn San Rafael, Calif. The SS-year-old pilot was discharged from the RAF Ferry Command because of injuries sustained in Greenlnnd piano crash last year, Is a reserve lieutenant in the U. S. Army Air Corps.1 News Notes and ; Mi Comment i fj: J The Rev. Samuel E. Milam, veteran Oregon Baptist minister and for many years a resident of Klamath Falls, died Wednesday, January 24, at the home of his son, Rev. Robert Milam, Port land. Born in Arkansas, he came to Oregon 58 years ago, and served as home missionary in Oregon, Washington and Texas during nis ai years in tne ministry. After retiring he frequently preached in Klamath Falls. Three month aeo. he and Mrs. Milam left here to make their home in Portland with their son's family. Besides his wife, he leaves three sons, Rev. Robert Milam, Portland: C. H. Milam. Bothell, Wash.; O. A. Milam, Klamath Falls; three daughters, Mrs. Dessie Barnes, Seattle; Mrs. Birdie Garrett, Madras, and Mrs. Earl Small, Silver Lake, and 19 grandchildren and 25 ereat- grandchildren. funeral services were held Thursday in Antioch Baptist church, Portland. The ministers officiating were Rev. C. C. Brown, Klamath Falls; Rev. L. B. Sigle. Tacoma, and A. F. Sim mons, Madras, where he closed his years of ministry at the age of 81. Run on Coffee Seen Briefly in Portland PORTLAND. Jan. 31 7P Prediction by a national radio commentator Sunday that cof fee will go back on the ration list was partially blamed todav for a heavy run on coffee in a few stores here. But one merchant swamned with coffee buyers noticed an other cause. His sign "coffee is not rationed" had been jarred accidentally, and only the word rationed snowed. Retailers were not alarmed over the brief scare. Hans Norland Fire Insurance. Phone 6060. .4 By JUANITA SHINN The Honor society met this afternoon to compile grade aver ages to determine the honor roll for the past g"sws-Wjsssjsa nine week per- y i iod. r" X. For purposes aW JR V o f comijleting rganization and further discus sion of Its con stitution, the Masque and Gavel met this morning. A sophomore, junior, and sen ior assembly will be held tomor row afternoon at which time the students will hear J, Paul Snyder, who spent several years in China in the missionary field, speak. Friday afternoon there will bo a pep assembly for the entire school. Kelly Farris is to do chairman of the assembly, and so far his plans have not been announced. Assembly Chairman Barbara King has appointed a committee of six students to help her re organize the assembly commit tee. At the present time there seems to be too many members and none of them quite under stand their duties. With this new committee they plan to search out new talent for the future assemblies, and plan them more carefully with the respon sibility of each assembly falling on the shoulders of the chair man of that particular, assembly. The American Red Cross is sending more than a million pounds of soap, 31,000 cleaning brushes and 25,000 toothbrushes to Norway. Just Received! Shipment of MEN'S . KNIT SHORTS, MIDWAYS and LONGS Undershirts to match DREW'S MANSTORE - 733 Main Cost of Living Climbs on Coast SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 31 (iP) The cost of living advanced in Pacific coast cities up to Decem ber 15, with Seattle's climbing 0.6 per cent in one month and Portland's 1.1 per cent in two, the U. S. department of labor's bureau of labor statistics report ed yesterday. Los Angeles and San Francisco costs also in creased. Food costs' led the advance, up 0.8 in Seattle and 2.0 in Port land. The all-item cost index, compared with the 1935-39 aver age, was 31.1 in Seattle and 33.3 in Portland, compared to a na tionwide increase of 27 per cent. FUEL PROM. TALK SLATED F HERE Hi Increased Prices Authorized for Coal WASHINGTON, Juli. 31 M') The offlco of price lulmlnlstiu linn today milhorlied Inon-Hjed prices for bituminous coal im ported from Ctinailii Into lis re gion elulit. The region einbiiu'os WMhlngton. Orgon, CallfornU, Arizona mirl northern Idaho. Tim mioncy ttiw tho rrulunul adiiiliilslnil!"' iitlrlly ! civuku im'IIIiikn on lini'ui'terit' prices which ChiiiuIIhii purchas ers piiv for tho niinit) colli, Cor iv.Hpnn'dliiH Inrri'iiii'H may ho til lowed llio iiiiHu li'i-s on their ro hiiIi's lo (llsli'lliului's or consumers. Millions Switch To Mutton Suet Idea 1 For Chest Colds Quickly Relievti Children's ColdV Coughs, Loosens Phlegm Many mothers all over America are switching' to this idea of get ting fast relief for these chest cold miseries. They are simply follow ing Grandma. For years she count ed on mutton suet to help carry her homo medication to do its pain-casing work on nerve ends in the skin. No wonder so many more now wel come Grandma's idea as improved by science Penetro, with its multi medicated formula in a base con taining mutton suet that acts both as counter-irritant and pain-reliever when you spread it on, and as a soothing aromatic when breathed in. And so today Penetro hurries along newer help In the old reliable way help that cases painful mis ery, lessens coughing, loosens phlegm, soothes chest rawness so that you can rest more comfortably and give nature a chance to restore vitality. That's why millions are switching to Penetro today why druggists are recommending it. 25c double supply 35c. For all your fam ily's chest cold miseries, bo sure you get white, easy-to-use Penetro Klamath's fuel problem, slight ly eased now but still matter of serious concern here, will be discussed at length at a fuel con ference called for tho chumber of commerce rooms, Friday, starting at 2 o'clock. James Miksak, head of wood fuel rationing for the country, will attend tne meeting, as will representatives of Ol'A ,uiul OUT. Fuel dealers, military of ficials, and the housing commit i.... rf il (-dumber of commerce, will be on hand to go into the : problem of providing wis "". center with fuel for the remain der of this winter and next win- U Secretary Charles R. Stark of the chamber said that persons who have indicated a desire to help supply the local fuel mar ket are expected to attend. Amonc those in attendance will be Walter Thompson, solid fuels director for Oregon: itoueri Ebersall, nssisttint district direc tor of ODT, and Walter Wea ring, OPA. Columbia Valley Bill Submitted by Rankin WASHINGTON.' Jan. 31 (,V) A bill which would establish the Polnmbia vallev authority for the drainage basins of the Colum bia river and streams flowing In to the Pacific north of the Oregon-California line hos been sub mitted by Rep. Rankin (D-Mlss.) It was a rcintroductlon of u bill ho Introduced two years ago nd would create, in addition, seven other authorities, all sim ilar to the Tennessee valley au thority. Never before Anything like this New type centrifugal pump is streamlined for efficiency. Simply designed, ruggedly con structed for longer life, trouble free service, lower operating cost. No belts, gears, pulleys: fewer moving parts to get out of order, as in ordinary pumps. Enjoy running water-all you want, whenever you want it with this amazing new F4W water system. It's always on the job, always thrifty. A Good Supply of These Pumps Now on Hand at SAMSON Implement Co. 2424 South 8th St.. Klamath Falls TO THE THRILLING MUSIC OF America's Outstanding Compaier - Conductor TED FIO CIITO Cfli-ORE lTAVtRn S3 HIOHWAY 47 SOUTH Cfll-ORE CAL-ORE WILL RE-OPEN THURSDAY NIGHT (Feb. 1) With ABBY GREEN And His S-Piec Orchestra I TAVCRn Egg-3 HIGHWAY 47 SOUTH AND HIS WORLD FAMOUS rchesfrca TONIGHT A R-MO AY Featuring - Ted at tho piano Word Swingle (vocalist) Kay Swingle (vocalist) . The "Solidalroi" (vocal quartet) ' Some of Ted's own compositions Some of Ted's Hit Tunes are . "King for a Day," "Three on a Match," "No, No Nora," "Toot Toot Tootsio Goodbye," "Laugh Clown Laugh," "I Never Knew," "Charlie, My Boy," "I'm Sorry Sally," "Swinging Down the Lane" and many others. CONBTRUCT10H Ah I I V lilul.. "V lb. ? Inn jiKi'iicy, Jul", Cl"!'iwnirta Wards CmVingS, for Your Hotnel j Furniture Ftv&K Poll,h rl 25 Roduodl CUani ai It pollilmi proiorvvt and protect the flnlih Contolm Cedar Oil I ttMHIIl'i Cotton Tan O-Cdar jW Oil Mop ft ," Ttealed to hold dull I Handle twlngi down to keep full mop surface on floor at all llmeil Wards Fin ''Ruo-CIn': rm Keeps oil rufl clean and new looklngi Drypowdel needs no water. Will not harm rugil 50-Fot of Strong Sash Cord 110 Smooth, pliant, strong while col ton. !u-lnch I hick I Ui for win. dows or dothes-llne. Cory Coffoo Maker 3" Vacuum typot C-cup slid Host resistant Pyrox glen. Makes delicious col lei every timel N'd 0v,nPr00' Ijppd Rooster Ovenproof glats.guaranteed 2 years against breaking from oven heal. Holds 4-lb. roaitl Handy Friction Tape 14c Made of strong, cotton fabric . . t tacky, firm-holding. For shop or household odd lobs. No. 4 roll nJT51 Octagon' 14-gouge steel n i for conduit, loom or cable. Knockouts on sides ond bottom 'i". No clamps. Midget Wrench Sot ISO 73 pieces In a metol box all sockets" drive. Socket slies3lcV to7t6. Foruseln close quarters. """"fl Pressed NpSk I Pruner 79c A durable hand pruner, made of pressed steel. Fine for rapid cut. ling of small branches and twigs. Carriage Bolt Assortment 49c SO carriage bolls In various slieu Round head i : . square neck i ; i rolled threads. Nuts Included. Supreme Quality Washers 15 Cf 12 Fix that leaky faucet with a new ,.r. eep a box on hand. Screws Included. r-- : c.H 1 Best Sett-Polishing Wax Now Priced Actual lasts prove this wax eauol or tuoerlor In tk. Ul. costliest) waxes made. Fine for all surfaces, specially MtJ polishing ... If shines as It driest (Orles In 20 minultsJSsd, with a wear-resisting, dirt-shedding Iransporenl M tt bright even oflor mopping with door cold walsr, Once Carnauba Wax most durable known. COVERED REFRIGERATOR DISHES 49c 4 practical stoneware fort for storing leftovers. Ovenproof . I for oven use, tool Stack easllyl Clear-top Electric Fuses 5C Clear-top fuses In 15, 20, 2i or 30 ampere slies. Don't wait for the lights to go out : . . buy nowf Steel Hacksaw Blades STONEWARE INDfn CASSEROUS K For baking and Mftn1 plplng hol porttonset KallopeddlilwslCibiJ Brown bakeNts con, vl face for eoiyiorMCw Islican'llomilinor"! 6C Can Tungsten steel far toughness . . s heal-lreated for flexibility! 10' blades . . . law" priced at Words. s..s- M 3- Steel blade..! 4K'l 316 In dioiMltf. Ai lite fof use tnhoiiiecrAI 23c Folding rule with melal olnts. Graduated lo 1 6th of an Inch on both sides. Enamel finish. Round Point Shovel 12-incn "'"-; w loths on ones'".- J Hhsr.levslgl'"! 98 long-handled shovel, with open back steel blade. Strong, but light ... sharp and well-balanced, One-piece eonilw1 leakprooflSmoo chipping! Electric Outlet Plat i Iocs 8 Deep brown bakellle,. 1 1 the fln lih can't tarnish nor wear off. Get a set for the whole house! oOmochlne bom"n r nir&U" oquaiv ii"--- ijj rolled threads. (Ml! Lineman's Drop-forged steel pliers . , , filled lolnts work smoothly, Slde-eultlng trp, 'or linemen and elect Iclont. Wit Spol-w.W.d""a Ux7x7lnli.."a ablo Iray.HO'P0""' For thousands of other values shop In our catalog department, it Use your ''' purchase wiuof" CAl'ORE M lf H WAY 47 SOUTH I Wa TAvenn iviontgomery NIOHWAY J SOUTH DANCING 'TIL I DOORS OPEN 8:30