Automotive, 34 Automotive 4 Automotive Tuesday. Jan. 30, 1S4S HERALD AND TTEWS NIKS IF YOU HAVE A LATE -Model Car- IT IS WORTH. THE MAXIMUM CEILING PRICE Lr Chevrolet Dealer Public . Used Car Lot 7th and Ouk Across from Post Olfice South We Buy and Sell Used Cars and Trucks Sell Us Your Used Car Top Price -- No Waiting CASH -See Selby Last-- Phone 6034 34 Autoniutive 34 Automotive it J; Sell Your Car N O W . OUR CHECK BOOK .John Ashley- t0 Fill Our Orders We Will Pay Full Ceiling for Cleon Cars L Prices and Information Gladly Figured V Call 41 13 L0U NEtO NOT SACRIFICE WHEN YOU SELL TC hley Chevrolet Co. IS J70(f Phono 4113 . 6lh St. 36 Miscellaneous t or Sale 36 MUcollaneoua For Sale 14 iFRIGERATION SERVICE Lscrvirc All Makes UelioM or Commercial wail (or cumplul durhm cUI wt.tlicr. SmI. Controls. Switches, Valves I" Stock, Li Eastman. Serviceman Merit Washing jachine Service L .... niuinA nnfln PLUMBING (bint & 1IH E'l'linl stalled and Repaired iibinj Fixtures, Soil Pipe iand Flttlnus In &uk k DAVIS .UMBING CO. ft Hurry Phone 70:iS :. Main 2-10mc APPLIANCE REPAIRS pair and service oil mRkas idios, vacuum cleaners and other electrical applt Wc may have tin type ol tube you need. Reason' prices. Phono 51118. EARS ROEBUCK . Tucs Thurs.-Sat..ll BVING STORAGE teal and Long Distance HAULING Klamoth Falls INSFER oncl STORAGE Is (or United Vnn Lines Klimalh Phono 5(172 2-23m :efrigeration -ESand SERVICE DOMESTIC and COMMERCIAL . All Makes Controls and Equipment ' in siocK feon Equipment Co. 0017 127 So. Oil) si. 2-16 DPCDir rn a t .-,. ' FASHING MACHINE and wall Appliance Kepair VE COX, Service Man Klamath Refrigeration ' POO South Sixth St. lllmc Oil. ni-ivi.i,,. "NACliS, CHIMNEYS. ;lcancu and Repaired fOD . com. . nit ' fUHNACKS lablc (r Itcpliiccmcnts j-mparc Our Prlccs-L Tl Ir -t- 1a,.,UM- f TING SERVICE 1 PhoiH' Win 888tf NCOME TAX JCKV ( l. nmcrcibl Bookkeeping , lion!"1.' Ai C"""" 101 'I. Uonkii 111,1,. 110 N. Hil, S7 . 2-lUni oi-tNiNiT MN,t7; 1 ",""!?' am" J 23 E F. KING I 7 WANTICIJ - Hei'tptlmHit mid tooWkrfir. . goiiaiai iiini't worn, no tmirinaruj n. rtMnri, fur 4 imumIIu woim, F.xccllrnl wor k I nit rmutHluns fur rlfht pur I v. Wrlln Hix iiouu. imfi Hrralil ami Nowi latin aie, xilllic miiU roltrorx WMIf WANTKI KMarinr1 fountain iib mill, iu p. in. uuun wr Apply at Hur-u n. i: WANTKI1 - .lrtuii.-tir in ln flnlihtxl work, or iron witli nihr nor I mil ludto wnorlenri'. Writ No. 1500, cnrt o( llorald and Nwt. I -III WANTKI) KxiicirlMifrid tnmitrapht? r. prricfHiny niit wim iniumiiir sxprri eni'r. Apply tv letter lit Hn mm (it Herald ami Ncwi. Muting kpiI' lit-it. aaa. marl lit I latin and norma nanuy In KUmallt Falls. M WANTED" Walt raw and dUliwaitivr. Wo man tireiarraa. Appiy at Ulnars i or- WAITKRHN WANTED ytnui. Man's Corfu 27 OA It I r 1 1 Add Otcpm 1( Hlp Wanttd. Mala HELP WANTED Man or Woman No Experience Necessary Attractive Salary Plus Liberal Laundry Allowance Excellent Opportunity (or Advancement STANDARD Stations, Inc. J. D. While, 0th and Klnmnth II. Sklnnrr. 37 Mnin Si. Mrs. Ruby Parks, 131li Orcgon Avcmic Or Phone 017B WOULD YOU Ilka to earn mnitev Mf au'himt dfliverlna a llaraltl-Nrwi nitnef rmilr Kea Mr. Miller at lha Harold office aflar 3 p. in. fttStf WANTCH -SfMillfr or uretiar. Unti C'ltianori. 117 So. Vlli JJ0l WANTED- Kxptrlanrnd radiator' rrpatr man. Old eiUhlUhed. IhorouKhly Qiilppad "hop. Ul money for rlfM . man. Andtrtoit Auto Servico Walnut tf WANTtD-Maii and Imi In Ml o Llflil work, itwd pay Applv Hdwlln Allay, aio Main p. m. or any tvanlni, Saturday or Sunday 1721tf 20 Room and Board nonM-noAHDCenilcmen. IB07 Cret rent. Vuu"ui-i-i.TLriji rn i 22 Roorr.i For Rni OOM.H-Meit. ftU Hllh. BOOM- Tor Bfntlrman, phoj?-?1''!?-.?! 24 ApartmanU For Htnl rOfl WENT - riirnlihcd cabin, wood. Hlhu and walor. Ptiun B07.V nich rid Hervlca Htallon. 33 U 8ummn t.anf. 2tltlf 26 Houifii For Rent Kofi nr.NT :iriHtin imfnrnthfd hiuo and Burn it e tlattdy rrnlrn. 3 IP Trin ity St. Call 10 a. m. until J p. m. KU TRUCKH roil HKNT-You drlvat mov yuiirtrlf, ave "i. Silica lleacott Strv Irr. )3)i Main PIuhip ftrtOI. S-7m 28 MlicalUnaoir For Rant KOn ItKNT-Kloor aandrm. edicri and wallpHprr removing maunino. J ( PitttKr.nii Pa hi I Htoffl. PllOlia ISaO Caal Malt). -31m ei.ecmiic rLoon nandkiis uml etia t-fi.trii no votir own wurk. Innuirfl Paint Dept. MONTUOMEnV WAltD V CU, i '01111 TOn HBNT-Slorc hiilldlni with modern fi-nnt t iKa Main. Inqulro Itudy'a Man'a Shop. '101 r 30 Raal Eitata for 3ula Viin rtAI.K IUW-ACIIK HANOI 33 to 110 nrrca have Imcii plowed, aUo nod cattle uhecp or lurkny plaro. A nice act up for clHcnmcu larniini. a won loful tA inl drv and well drained. Lai-g rina barn, home livable, well wat ered, untler woven wnc ann cron iciu-fn, 17 imii nf hnlffd Iihv In barn. Very nice it-mlc view. Turin U ifcncnilly known a Wltoclor ranch, locnled on uoai mine Road. ThU plnt-e cm lie Imuahl (or 1 1 ft, ooo eaih or simmmmw down, balance or at 3300.00 prr year at B't Interekl. Thla place U not one of tlioie Inflated ranches It once nnld for a Brrl deal more during World War I. You re alio buying direct from owner, ror further delalla coll won or wrlle Ceorge Dr.ko n.ik in:i. m 4. Medford. Oregon. 2-0 KOIl SAtK-4-room modem home, part ly furntihtd. Including 3 ttnvci. hot water iann. winiera nin. wwurr liia i nnii Viv ienonnl)le. Call after Q n. m. 2420 Orchard Ave. ' 3-3 PLASTIC MOm.DlNCm for bathroom tile bonrd, kitchen sink a nnd coitntom. i v iA.inri Varfia mi Mnin. Phmie nin7.' i-3i rnn rai.k. iimmn with Ihrr-e furnlnhcd npnrlmcnta. Two cnhliu In the rear and double ganigc. Will well for taiAfi canli. For inrormatinn n w wro' tun An liMtt(r(iu 0 a m. Mild 2 1). 11V " 1-30 ron RAT.K fl-ronm modern home. Call 4007 evening!, between H And 0 p. m. 1 -:io vnn HAi.r t Ihrre-room housft fin. 00. m. .1 Uox 1227. 1-30 roil SAt.K-Pnrlly furnlnlied 2-bfldroom houne, 2nd road weal from t.len'a utoro on Kenn highway. Ttim right 2 Mark tip, Turn left 1M white hoiwt to left from corner. 1000 cnh. 2-3 TIJII D AL'Fiif llPtirOnni nOlllO liwnr niniu. l0 piAiio. Dial 0713. 334tr TOR SAI-FC -4-room modern houne, part ly furnished, Including 3 Movcr, hot water tank, winters furl, owner env Ing town. Very reasonable. C nil all Rimriau nr ari.r H n ni 4411(1 Orchard Ave. 1-30 rort RAI'R .Four-room lioma with loves, some turnimre. woonmirii, rn anrf ! fruit collar. SII.IOO. C;nll 3407. 1-30 SEE YOUR . OLDSMOBILE DEALER Dick B. Miller Co. Olds Tower 30 Ral tataU Tor Salt HOT SPRINGS In a choice location, close to school, this 8-room home, has oil furnace, concrete basement, knotty pine recreation room, duuhlc plumbinii. Immediate possession. Price $0000.00, Terms. CHILCOTE & SMITH Realtors Since 1000 111 N. nth Ph. 4504 30 Rtal Estat For Sal SPECIALIZING in HOMES EVERETT DENNIS, REALTOR 121 N. 8th : Phono 8411 1 HOMES FOR SALE JOHN Mcf'EE, REALTOR 118 N. 7th Phono 4521 2-5 ron AI.K ioo.ncta dairy or pftUtn rjinrh. .V, mile, noiilh, on old Midland road. III. I Box Hi. l-.ll 34 Automotive . ; RADIATOR REPAIRING " We Are Woll Equipped To Givo Prompt Service Tractor - Truck 'Bus V. B. SMITH 2549 S. 6th St. Phone 8331 1498-tf Motor Rebuilding Starter- and Genorator ReconditloninK MOTOR TUNE-UP 25 Years' Experience Elmer Tripp Home Garage 216 Old Fort Road Phone 7034 before 8:00 or after 5:30 P. M. , 9-tSm FOR SALE RADIATORS OK ALL TYPES . Will Build Any Type Radiator You Need Klamath Radiator Works 2221 So 6lh Phone 8042 3.7m . Winter Driving is : Hazardous Driving Is YOUR Can Insured For Complete Automobile Coverage? , Phono 510! John Sandmcyer, C. a. ROBERTSON AGENCY First Federal Savings BldR. 1-31-m Used Cars Bought .Sold Traded . ODELL MOTOR. CO. 744 Klamath Ave. Whore 8th Stroct Ends TOR SALE-Nlne milk BtrlnB hrlferfl, . flvt 3-ynr.old. four a-year-old, 10 freabn In BO dayi. One good a-yar- old Hertford hull. All o for SROO.00. Phone tlt7, Sprasue niver, Ore. M. Carnlnl. K Wll.l, PAY CASH tor ood u,ed car. Call 3101 after S p. m. 1-31 FOH SAl.E-Chrv. Sedan. Oood rubber and motor, Deprndablo tranaporlatlon. tl 10.00. 1904 California Ave. . 1-31 rOR 8A1.R-Newly overhauled 1031 Or bam Sedan. tlSOOO. Call 6040. 1-31 7th at Klamath Tucs-Thurs-Sat ,34 Automjtlv Does Your Car Sound Different Lately? If Chrysler Made It We Can Fix It Only Chrysler Engineered Parts Used Experienced Mechanics Phone or Coll In For Appointment ' Burness Motors DeSolo S. 6th Walnut Plymouth Phone 6069 2576U EXCHANGE MOTORS Fords,' Chevrolets,' Plymouths, Dodges and Others or .- We Will Recondition Your ... 'Motor Like New Cylinder Rcslccving and Rcboring Crankshaft Grinding and Line ! Boring Rcground Crankshafts With Bearings to Fit ire."" IKE" HEATH Phone 3214 937 Calif. Ave. 2-26 . - RECAPPING and TIRE REPAIRING BATTERIES NEW TIRES All Sizes ' Monarch Service Station B. K. Teed 301 So 6th Phone (071 1-7 ST.r. MF.l. HENRY at Lombard', lined Car Lol. SJ1 S. 0th St. Top OI'A CASH PRICE at once for your car. All make, and model, for aale. 2-lSm FOR SALE Equity 1037 Terraplane Hudson, eood condition. Full price 1440.00. $79.00 under relllns. Must ftcll ' by 7 p. m. Tuesday. 4ail Harlan Drive. 1-30 35 Fuel Heatino STANDARD BURNER OILS Fuel Oil Furnace Oil . Diesel Oil Stove Oil BURNER SERVICE Phono 5149 Peyton & Co. Klamath's Original Fuel Oil Dealer 3-23mo RICHFIELD Stove and Diesel Oils. ' Best Quality Prompt Delivery Phone 8367 JACK EICHENDORF Distributor 1-31 in 36 Miscellaneous For Sal rtOOKS-BOOKS-noOKB Don't discard your., hooka or tnasatlne,. Call n:tnj. a s General Notices The Pelican Appliance Co. ' " ' " ' "WE FILL THE BILL FOR YOUR NEEDS" ' ' I 1 9 So. 5th St. Phone 6232 RADIO SERVICE AND ELECTRICAL! APPLIANCES ' " ' - REPAIR SEED POTATOES TO SELL CERTIFIED GEMS CERTIFIED WHITE ROSE GEM DROP SEED PHONE 7360 OR 3207 IN EVENINGS McKaig Fed & Produce Co. P. O. Box 130, SB Miscellaneous For Sale COAL Cash-and-Carry . Sacked snd Bulk LUMP . . . NUT . . ; STOKER Buy dirccl frcin our coal man at the coal bins. Coal Bins Open 8 a. in. to 5:30 p. m. -. Office Hours 10-12 A. M. and 1:30-5:30 P. M. Peyton & Co. Klamath's Original Coal Dealer 015 Market Phone 5140 2-23MC TOR SAUK-Grocery stock and equip ment for imall store. Inquire 202.'! Macllon or call :t!)40. 1-31 FOR SA1.E-2 ncmtnglon repcatlnR ri fles, equipped wun scope: 1 set musi cal horns, 1 cur radio, ono cur heater, plenty of Ammunition for above minis, rixlt Shop. 744 Klamath. 07U FOR SALE Man's pre-war bicycle. SaO.OO. 1304 California Ave. 1-30 GALVANIZED SCREEN WIHE, Ccllo Class and medicine cabinet... J. W. Copeland Yards, 60 Main. Phone UI07. ' 1-31 FOR SALE -Dry wooa. 1314 Dayton. FULLER BRUSHES - Clem J oyer. H.t.1 Martin. Phone 5G77. l-31m FOR SALE-Trailer nou, U4 model Plymouth. Excellent condition. Completely equipped. Klamath Auto Court. . 91tf FOR SALB 100 tons haled nay. 1st cut alfalfa, uals and rye. st Kcno See Guy Moore at ranch befora crossing river or can ivou rucneit, luiodKt 7104. aar.iti ALLEN Addinn Machine and Fill DEN Calculators. 124 S. Hth St. Pioneer Printinc A- Stationery Co. 2-ISm FOR SALE -Hound doss, trained and un trained. C. Crawshaw, Montague. Caltf. 1-01 FOR SALE -Gas sluve. Deluxe model, fi burners, 2 ovens, like new. Phone 6000. 1-31 FOR SALE Large wooden barrels. In quire at Fluhrcr'a Bakery. 173311 FULLER H RUSHES Rep. R. V. Morsan. S32 So. Riverside. Phone 334U. 2-8in JUST RECEIVED stainless' steel flatware, knives, forks and poon for commcr rial use. Oregon Equipment Co., 127 So, flth. WILL SELL double bed complete. Like new. Cheap. 4006 Summers Lane. FOR SALE Two 2 h.n. air compressors, automatic with tanks. Cascade Laun dry. - 1.31 FOR SALE Plnno. blond matiognny. spinet type, with bench, $493.00. 4!22 Summers Lane. 1-30 WANTED Fir and Cedar Posts, Poles, , Piling, all sizes. Quote prices fob ship ping point, earliest shipment, Nledcr-mtyer-Martin Co.. Spalding BldR.. Portland, Oregon. 2-3 TOPPING nnd trimming trees an,' shrub,, landscaping, flowering ,hni! Iree, nnd shrubs. Ikcslioro Cinrdcn: Nursery. Phone 40412. 2-24n ALL WOOL rough-rider stacks with pleats and zippers, tinbardlncs nnti Tl.Hfnwl nn.ri. Nnra al Rnrtv. Mn'K 2-24 BULBS BULBS if you nrc Interested In Croft Lily bulbs, we hnve them. Wrlle to A. E. Gnllln co lntcrstatn News Brookings, Ore. 1.30 KIMStIL OR ZONOLtTK Insulation. Snve high labor cosls. Easily (nstallrtl by anyone. J. W. Copeland Yards, (itl Main. Phone 0107. Fon SALK 2-,ow Iron Age Potato Planter wllh fprllllrer attarhmrnt. A-l rondition. E. C. Schweitzer, Tulclnkr. Calif. , 2757H Guneral Notices Klamath Falls 2563H 36 Miscellaneous- For 8aU FOR SALE IRON FIREMAN , COAL STOKERS BOB PORTER Phone 7708 2048tf J FOR SALE ROLLER SKATING RINK PHONE 3639 or 9197. 2-1 SPENCER COPSSTIERE Mm. Enid Burch. 621 Oak, Phone 7316 tor appointment. . 2-8 m STOVES REPAIRED. All available parti Mocked. Ubcd furniture, atoves boushL OK Second Hand Store. 620 Klamath. Phone 5071. l-31m GLASS Mirrors, restlverlnjj. plate win-' uow ana auio Riau, lumiiure lops, thrives. Kimball's Glass Shop. 27 V.'alnui. Phone 7:i78. 2-5m 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WANTED . For . Permanent Rental by Balsiger Motor Co. Ports Manager Unfurnished Home In Desirable Neighborhood Call 3121 And ask for Mr. Thompson ' 2-1 WE PAY TOP CASH PRICES We want furniture, trunks, suitcases, .clothing, shoes, tools, guns, clocks, watches. In fact anything of value. Give us a ring WE BUY EVERYTHING! 6th St. Exchange 521 So. 6th Ph. 7160 761U FURNITURE and miscellaneous of all kinds. Bought For Cash. Get Best Prices. SPOT SECOND HAND Phone 3429 1-31 WANTED DRY and GREEN HIDES and PELTS GREASE Sec Us First For Top Prices SIXTH ST. AUTO WRECKING Phono 3583 2501 So. 6th 2-16 WANT TO rtENT-Furnlshcd apartment for one month. Walking distance to town. Will pny up lo $120.00. Phone ' wtltcma Hotel, Mrs, ncccc. t-ji WANTEO. natlrry radio. Will pay good nrlre. Write hi E. Thomas. Pelican Bay Camp. Bly, Ore. 1-30 WILL. PAY CASH for usrd guns, llrlni them lit r or appraisal, BELLS llARrj. WAME. S20 Main. St. 131m CASH paid for household goods. Phone 7510. 4340U WANTKD TO BUY-Palr of thinning snaars. riease phona 4688 after .1:30 p. hi. 3I61U WANTED.Electric radio, davenport and chair, tuning mom set. call after sun day. 1131 Grant. 1-31 WHOLE CAnTON of cigarettes for first furnished apartment or hovtso for rent. Call day time. Lt. Smith, 8101. Ext. 108. 1-31 WANTED TO BlIY-ljtte model pickup truck. Thone 7271. 1521 SargenL HPtf READY and WILLING : TOP OP A ; PRICE! Balsiger Motor Co. YOUR FORD DEALER FOR 21 YEARS :' Main and Esplanade .. ... . f.. 42 Miscellaneous Wanted Potatoes Wanted Any Lot -- Large or'Small U. S. ONE'S r. U. S. TWO'S ; PEEWEE SIZE ' ; ; ;- Culls Will Soon Be Saleable1 . Phone 7360 or 3267 in Evening" . . . , ... ' . . . , . '' McKaig Feed &. Produce Co: P. O. Box 130, 44 Livestock and Poultry Oregon's- Newest Hatchery" Now Open for Business at 2720 So. 6th. ; ; 15 years of success in the hatchery business.. . Remember how difficult it was to buy chicks in 1943? All indica tions are that 'this will be just about such a year, judging from the present poultry meat and eggs shortage. ORDER. NOW. A few cents a chick will do the trick. . . .. ... WATCH THIS AD FOR AN IMPORTANT FUTURE ANNOUNCEMENT. . - Oregon State Hatchery 2720 So. 6th Klamath 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WANTED A good' Inboard motprbont. . Will pay cash. Call Dwight French. 37PO. Klamath Falls. Ore 2-! 44 Livestock and Poultry WANTED -Dead and worthless animals Phone 4636 collecL l-31m PAYING UP TO S2 lb for rabbit skins. Millions wanted. Rush shipments to day. Valcauda Fur Co., Seattle, Wn. 1-31 TIRED! of milking cow,. Wc can give immedi ate delivery on Condc milking machines. See or call DON POTTER CO., Your John Dccrc Dealer. Tulclakc. Calif. Phone 1012. 20 FOR SALE-3-day-old calves. Rt. 1 Box 019. 2-26 TOR SALE Registered Hereford Boar pigs. 70 to 120 lbs. Louis Kaliua. Phono 203. Malm. Ore. . 21 WANTED - Live poultry of all kinds. Also eggs. Martin Produce Co. Phone 3372. l-31m WANTED - Poultry, livestock, turkeys and rabbits. TRULOVFS MARKET. 019 East Main. Phone 4282. 3-5m GALVANIZED poultry netting. 12 inch. 36 Inch and 72 inch high. J. W. Cope land Yards. 66 Main. Phone 3197. 1-31 HIGHEST PRICES paid for hogs. veal, lambs and cattle. Johnson Packing Co. Phone 5:123. nights 3:03. t-3lm CHICKS. Finest and best grade ol chicks. Free delivery to Klamath Falls. Send for free catalogue. Talent Hatchery. Talent, Oregon. 2-3 46 financial See K. A. (Dinty) Moore . i For LIBERAL CASH LOANS AUTO FURNITURE NOTE On Your Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirements' Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pa.v V No Co-Signers Quick Service , Locally Owned Motor Investment Co. Klamath's Oldest M-275 - S-2U 114 N. 7lh Thone :t325 1-3 lm 42 Miscellaneous Wanted Klamath Falls 2567tt 44 Livestock and Poultry Falls, Ore. O. Box 328 -2632tf 46 Financial When You Want a CASH LOAlM For Any Worthy Purpose Call on P. A. (Buck) Everett at the office of COMMERCIAL " FINANCE CORP. .107 N. 9th St. Klamath Falls, Oregon Loans Made on Automobiles . .Furniture Livestock Salary Sales Between "Individ uals Financed a n d O. P.. A. Requirements Completed Come in Phone in or .Write in Phone 77 1 1 Lie. M-223 Lie. S-251 l-31m Ask Us About . EQUITABLE . LOANS Much lower interest rales Long time easy payments . ' . Prompt Service It will pay you td irtvestJgat llio . EQUITABLE PLAN CHILCOTE &' SMITH Since 1909 '; 111 N. 9th Phone 4364 Tucs.-Frl.-tf yVt4VVVVllWassll 48 Bus. nasi OHP6rtuilt.M FOR SALP. -Fully ro.uinp?d eafa doing good luistncvt. rurnlshed living quart ors. Phono 74D3. 3-1 If it'i i "froren" article vou need ad vertise tor a used one in the classified. H1 'Mi! m m ir.' s