i'.rfii. ti UGHT HERALD AND NEWS luf Boarding House Tueiday. Jan. 80. IMS , With Major Hooplo R. William! Out Our Wov By J ON BElW OF THE teDflgg ) fT Akl,'! V g INJTER.MWIOMAI- STABLE HM-O IS A KN50JLED&e ; ! DiDM'1 HAVE TH' NERVE ABOUT WITHOUT SOU IX CLOWtf SOCIETV, rAkY ) THE AUNjUM. V)TMCT VOU AR& TO AT HER pcvc PUTTING. ON A SHOW J ' " ft X PRESENT THIS ( OSCAR. FOR MARJi-s- V NlTWliT STAN;, 1 ME BACH HOME. CUI I LIKE THIS f , -fi --tt HMODSONVE SHIELD ( MAMSH.lP-'-N'OLJ 7) AW HAND FROM ... -. SHE WAS PCKIN' SO KrJ i A IN REC06NITION OF WON IT BV WREAKING &OME ( -.. MUCH LOOT--1-UH- . fc-vfi ' MOOR. BRAVERY Itf SHOOTlrtS AT A A TERR.18L& j - I mean BORROWED S h $ X 'TY FACE OF A A FIVE-STORV JmaVhemuponJ . STUFF - THAT SHE'S A $ n I y BOILDINSANO Y ( SOD eeAREfJ IN AS BAD A SHAPE I titLvMr K-v bricks ? ) C scorin&a . -t-r, j x . as iam.' J WSWr ix ' iiili Jlo'teL" l-j l MOTHERS GET GftAN .,y;;it -?o jted Ryder ; By Fred Harmon HOLD EVERYTHING! "rn g&ttw Hjs5sr va'Chs' ) 1 V t-lVll go soco wi f no use cf ami- 'CT feui keep-v' ws for nine dais i j 1 . g Wath Tubbi ' ' By Leslie Turner I ' ' j J I ACROSS THE INLAND SEA FOR ,, ,. ,. .. , . ... ... H ; rwnMf-H EASY RECOVERS FROM 'BLACKING OUT" ' W aVtER A "wER D.VE TO ESCAPE JAW.H.S P1ANE ISCIIWBIN& IHKU vjvi.. mA.C I IKE THIS A7 r ....irTtinillut I AND JAP FIGHTERS OKAY-j HEY; MYOIL fKEMUKP IS DROWNS: tuivuiHT'W HIT AN OIL LINE! JUMPING BLUE BLAZES' I CAN'T MAKE IT BACK NOW.... I'M GONNA BE FORCED DOWN IN JAPAN: V . ' BETTER TURN SOUTH... HEAD f J . ACROSS THE INLAND SEA FOR WVJ-l,,,-. SHIKOKU... IF I CAN JUST KEEP '-iSrfwwC FLYINO FOR ABOUT EIGHT , AND JAP FIGHTERS OKAY iSfcAT IV W A ,tXl r?0 EY' MY0ILpPWNG ' fBTlmjZ?3fefgn tet' S- Boots and Her Buddies By Martin SOKETWlKOtW A fKJD TWL- CJVOBJ StKieaWiOV WKWER WCOO: TO VWWKCt - I vioKCfya Wrvs'sj sovt VW'ENN ; SWt- H Ai6Vt, CTFKVV r; a? OCT Of TVWS ?;rCOOSE.l WHAT'S THS.' MS.'ROOVitV GOOD Of TKt TOWK. TVVt OOT- TACT AW .ft MOUC9FVLTV: fsv- f OKI TVit MftSTUS TOOCA - FSYV Freckles and His Friends By Blosser If MOM FINOS OUT VOL) BKOUGHT ME HERE INSTEAD OF (CEEPlNe ME" ATHOME. SHE'S GONNA HAVE A FIT. -VKNOW i AINT &UPTOSCL? IO tSE OUT AFTER. 8 O'CLOCK T T A. ' We'll Take- That up utet?., junior: .' SHADV- SIDE HIGH NEEDS My SERVICES i I heard That Susie Ioovms is GOINO TO GIVE YOU A KISS FOR EVERY GOAL YOU SAVE J VOU'O Setter not save too MANY, LAR.O bMHH ' m ton. t.-.- st met. inc. fff, I I V T. M. RtC. U. S. PV. CFF. W f All set Th GAME, SMITH? A Sorb, " rni.cn. M 1 y MIND IS AS Alley Oop By V. T. Hamlin ' AUMV BE BLOWEDI YOU M ii nivt'T nASSrVJc.J rS.. KICK .MY PANTS ...WITH ) AhJ' W hSS V."T.'?-t: ! 'T . X UUICK YOU HEHINO MEII " TT FIND OUT! I ' WINDBAG.. .KICK MY HkIMc MINJISTERI UUb1 WI5H YOU'D TRV TRV IT! 1 ITl I little Orphan Annie r BY GADFRV, I'LL ) - "1 -i do ,t y By Harold Gray r THEYfeC UftVIMf; TLIBT M6ET1MG 1T TUC &CVI I IM RIGHT NOW.' OH IF ONLY l I MUirsia I IF MY WUSBANb. OftCK, EVW-I GETS FREE S Ht LL LUM6 B&CK. HERE ' W UC'h TAWP CrPYTUIN &Nn pnnD .if irsr;cr ,11 bESTROY ALL MY WOHK IB WEOGE! WMY, OACK 1 II FOAM GOO&-FOAH THE IF) COULD SeMb THE UU&GE i 1 J II BETTAHLIFE WHY. V W TO THE PENITENTIARY I II ME-D DISGRACE ME ! f h-rUZSwIZI "I henr that tomorrow we're getting something in to tell!" Merrill Residents Overturn in Car TULELAKE Two men, resi dents of Merrill, Conrad Hart and Charles McCarty, escaped death or serious Injury at 1 a. m. Saturday morning when the car in which they were rid ing (ailed to negotiate a turn 30 miles south ol Tioncsta, over turning twice. The car. a liuht sedan, was badly damaged but was uprigni after the last turn over. Both men received minor cuts and bruises. ' - - -i-i-,-i-iririri.n iuui" .1 i.n. LEGAL NOTICES SUMMONS. CIVU. NO. I3S. IN THE DISTRICT COURT Or THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OK ORE CON. UNITED STATES Or AMERICA. PlalnUff. vi. CLARA M. COLIMAN. a widow: ZETA E. ROBIN and JOHN ROE HOBIN. her husband. Ir married; MARY H. WILLIAMS TOWNSEND, a widow: SALLY WILLIAMS MANNINO and A J. MANNING, wire and huiband: FERD WILLIAMS and ELSIE WILLIAMS, hus band and wife: WILLIAM M. WILLIAMS and ELIZABETH WILLIAMS, huibanrt and wife: MARY Z. WILLIAMS CASE and THEODORE D. CASE, wife and hus band: ROBERT B. WILLIAMS and BERNICE WILLIAMS, husband and wife: GEORGE L. WILLIAMS and EMMA WIL LIAMS, huiband and wife: DOROTHY M. WILLIAMS PERELLI-MINETTI and JOE E. PERELLI-MINETTI. wife and husband: KLAMATH COUNTY, a munlc Ipal corporation and political lub divlslon of the State of Orefon: The un. known heirs at law and devisees of E. R. C. Williams, deceased, and all other penona or parties unknown claiming or who may claim any right, title. Interest or Hen in and to the premises described In the Complaint on file herein. De fendants. TO: Zeta E. Robin and John Roe Robin, her husband. If married; Ferd Williams and Elsie Williams, hus band and wife; George L. Williami and Emma Williami, husband and wife: Dorothy M. Williams Perolll-Mlnettl and Joe E. Perelll-Mlnettl, wife and hushand: the unknown heirs at law and devisees of E. R. C. WULams, deceased, and all other persons or parties unknown claim ing or who may clelm any right, title, Interest or Hen In or to the premises described in the Complaint on file here in: IN THE NAME OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: You and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer the Complaint In Condemnation NEW kind of ASPIRIN tablet doesn't upset stomach J" Whim von nnnrl A quickrelielfrom pain, do you hesitate to take aspirin because it leaves you with an upset stomach? If so, this new medi cal discovery. SUPERIN, Is "just what the doc tor ordered" for you. Superln is atplrln plus contains the same pure, sulo aspirin you have long known but developed by doctors in a special way for those upset by aspirin in its ordi nary form. - This new kind of nsnlrin f.nVilr.1: dissolves more quickly, lets tho aspirin get right at the job of re lieving pain, reduces the acidity of ordinary aspirin, and does not ir ritate or upset stomach even after repeat doses. Tear this out to remind vou to get Superin today, so you can have it on hand when headacheR, colds, etc., strike. See how quickly it relieves pain now 0.. .(... taking. At yourdrug- le-s ii..iW gist's, 15 and 891. & vf.J2l?. iSffiSTti I? !h2 iitil SuWicalloil "I till" summons, III. Ills Mllll. for want I taie.il, will am'lY S IK. c,.",l f..r lhe,r.lUf l"""'! in the Complaint In Condemnation filed anil nave emeieu nulgmenls and decrees as may necessary to determine the ' "! of the hereinafter desi'llUeil lamls and .'mount oVnpen..!!:;.. toTe paid lay the pltmuif 10 wnww"! . -ju.lic.l 10 be fflllllUil Ihcito. ml , l m Allil nmvw fjinriTu ' .:.. Insfi.r de.crlWd land. In the Ll .J Stales ol Ainenra. m v.,. ; situate In the County of Klamath, male of Oregon, ana uu'ir ..-tilled as follows: VAIlOl I. N... II. . K..... KM. I'AItt 'El. NO. 1 NW. HW. Seelmn l Tt.ttllilllli M South, Range East. W M.. suulert, how. ever, to anting eaiemenls for pu ' utllliles and to Ihe rlgm; of the public to uie Ihe boundary roads of the area. This summons Is served upon you l"ir susnl to order of the llonor.tile Ja,,,,, Alger Fee. juuge in in. '' -M:',7" Court, made and enleri.il heieln nn jne thereof for four suci-os.lve weeks In Uie leralil at News, a illl newspaper ,il general clr.-iil.ll.nl p.; .lulled CounO' of Klamath. City of Klan Mill Falls, State of Oregon, first n.ibllc.lloii hereof being mane on uie loin v. January. I0 llernard II Bamsey. . . . . , i a I,, lit ai All isi" 110V lit1!! .fl. tut Krnt KIW. .SiwcUt Altornyv. Dinrtinciit of Jiulice. AimniPJ lor PUintUr. P. O. AUdrrw: Mi CorbU l.utlillnx. Portland 4 Oivtfon. J. 1 M'30; r. CNo.X 111' MM UN ft IN TICK CIHCUIT COttRT or Till. STATIC Or OHrt.ON rOK THK COUN TY Or KLAMATH. Ol-AUVy a. COU.ttT. IMalntKf, WHaium J. cou.rrrr, n-femum. TO: WlLlltm J. I'Oia.Kin. lftMutan! IN THE NAM K OF TUB HTAl'K t) OltK OON, ORCRTINU: You ie lieny i ouirtd to ppcr ami muwup iti com plaint filed ntfnlnt you In lh tttmvf-fiv titled milt mid court on or tifioro Jftim arv ;w, lfM., (inil l( you full lo pi"i.( id iniwrr, for wmil thereof, tho plum, tiff will apply to the Court for IM re lief prayed for hi her eompln-nl, lo-wii A divorce, from you upon tlm rou.tl of Desertion for a period of mote than one year. This summons la served upon you by publication pursuant to an jrder of the Honorable David II. Vanrlnber. Jude or ihe above-eiilltled Court. ld Order being dated December 28. liHI. and by pttbllraiion thereof once a week for four consecutive and successive weeks. The date of the first tniblU-athui 1 January 2. IU45. and the date of the last publication Is January 30 10AX W. LA MA It TOWfiSEND, Attorney for Plaintiff. 4.12 Main Street. Klamath Kails. Oregon. ji-u-iu ::i-;io. No a NOTICE INVITING I11MS The Cotninott Council uf Ihe city of Klamath Kalli, Otvaun, will rccelvw sealed bids at the Police J mine's Office. City Hall, Klamath FetUs. Oregon, up to 3:00 oclock P. M. February 5. 1U5. un one ten ilui column calculator. The Common Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. It. T. Fit AN BY, Police Judge. J. M: r. 2 -No. as. IN THE ClltCtTIT COt'HT OF THE STATE or OKEUON Ton KlMAlU COUNTY. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF NELLIE U LAN(;KH. Decead. Notice Is hereby given that I have been appointed Executor of Ihe Will and Testament and estate of Nellie L. Langer, deceased. All persons having claims again l said estate are require. to present them, with the proper vouch ers. to me at the office of William (Janong, 734 Main Street. Klamath Falls. Oregon, within six months from date hereof. Dated this 30th day of January, IMS. WILL HUMPHItKY. . Executor of the above estate. J. 30: F. -lJ-.tO-No. 27. SUMMONS. CIVIL NO. 2U37. IN TH DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNI 1 1 U STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OF OHK GON. UNITED STATES or AMERICA. Plaintiff, vs. D. D. L1SKEY and MABEL LISKEY, huiband and wife; DAVE LIS KEY and MAUDE LISKEY, husband and wife; EWAUNA HOX COMPANY, an Oregon corporation: KLAMATH COUN TY, a municipal corporation and political subdivision of Ihe Slate of Oregon; The unknown heirs at law and deviieea of W. C. Dennett, deceased: and also ail other parties or persons unknown, claim ing or who may claim any right, title, Interest nr lien In and to the premises described In the Complaint on file here in. Defendants. TO: The Unknown heirs at law and devisees of W. C. Dennett, deceased, and also all other persona or parties unknown claiming or who may claim any right, title, Interest or lien tr or to the premises described In th Complaint on file herein: IN THE NAME OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: You and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer the Complaint In Condemnation filed against you In the above entitled action within four weeks from the. date of Ihe first publication of this summons, and If you fail so to appear and answer, the plaintiff, for want thereof, will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in the Complaint In Condemnation filed herein, to-wlt: That the Court take Jurisdiction of the above cause and make and hnve entered all such orders, Judgments and decrees as may be necessary to determine the ownership of thn hereinafter described lands and fix the value of said lands and the amount of compensation to be paid by the plain tiff to whosoever may be adjudged to he entitled thereto, and make and have entered such further orders. Judgments and decree i as may be necessary to vest the title to the hereinafter de scribed lands In the United States of America, said lands being situate in the County of Klamath. State of Oregon, and more particularly described as fol lows: PARCEL NO. II: SEV. NW, 8WV. Section 14. Township .18 South. Range 9 East, W.M.. subject, however, to exist ing easements for public utilities and to the rights of the public to use the bound ary roads of the area. This summons Is served upon you pursuant to order of the Honorable James Alger Fee, Judgr of the above entitled Court, made and entered herein on the 3rd day of Jan uary, 11)49, by publication thereof for four successive weeks in the Herald A News, a dally newspaper of general cir culation published In the Cnuntv of Klamath. City of Klamath . Falls. Btato of Oregon, first publication hereof be I nit made on the 10th day of January. 104,1. Bernard H. Ramsey. Special Assistant to the Attorney General, and Ernest Falk, Special Attorney, Department of Justice, Attorneys for Plaintiff. P. O. Address: 023 Corbet t Building, Portland 4 Oregon. J. 16-2.1-30, F. ft No. 4. SUMMONS. CIVIL NO. 2m. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OF ORE GON. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Plaintiff, vi. FRANK L, CHITWOOD. a single man; SILAS MIILVANEY and JANE DOE MULVANEY. his wife, If married: KLAMATH COUNTY, a munic ipal corporation and political subdivision or the .State of Oregon; and also all other persons or parlies unknown claim ing or who may claim any right, title. Interest or Hen In and to the premises described In the Complaint on file here in. Defendants. TO; Silas Mulvan?y and Jane Doe Mutvaney. his wife, If married; and also all other persona or parti un known claiming; or who may rlalm anv right, title. Interest or Hen in and to thi premise described In Ihe Complaint on file herein: IN THE NAME OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: You and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer the Complaint In Condemnation filed against you In the above entitled action within four weeks from the date of the first publication of thla summons, and If you f nil so to ap pear and answer, the plaintiff, for want thereof, will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for In the Complaint in Condemnation filed herein, to-wlt: Thnt the Court take Jurisdiction of the above causa and make and hove entered all such order, Judgment and decrees as may be necessary to' determine the ownership of the hereinafter described lands and fix the value of said lands and tho amount of compensation ta be Eald by the plaintiff to whosoever may e adjudged to be enlllled thereto, and make and have entered aueh further or der, Judgments and decrees an may be neressary to vest the title to the herein after described land In the United State of America, aald land being General Paints Imperial Wallpaper SIS Main St. Phone 3B29 sllusle In ha County l Klamath. Blala of Oreaun, and more parllrularly da scribed as f.anjw.: I'Xllt'lPL Nil. I: N'.NWl,, Krvtlon 111. Township an Nolllll Range 9 F-asl. v. m . ....j.-., i.oivevei, lo existing easements for public ulilllles and ni uie ne"- y- i-".. the boundary toads of Ihe area. Ibis .uuimona Ii lerve.l lipim you pursuant to order nf Ihe Honorable James Alger ree. Judge of the above enlllled L'uuit, made anil enleied herein on Ihe aid day of January Il)' pulilliallon ll.ere .f for four ucfes.lva weeks In Hie lleialil A. News, a dally newspaper of geuei.il i-liTiilatlon published III Uie t-ounly of Klanmlli. L'lly of Klamalli rails, male of (begun, flisl uubll.'allon hereof being made on Ihe Hllli day of January. UH.V Halliard II. Ramsey. Hpeolal Assistant to llio Allnrurv tleneial. and Eiueal Talk, Special Attorney, Depai Intent of Justice, Allnrne)s for I'lalnllff. P. 11. Atl.lie.s: Sin Cuilielt Hulldlug, Portland 4 Otegoit J. Itt-JJ 30: F. 8-No. 8. NOTirX I'F ItKNUl.T OF IIF.FKIir.NDI'M UN THE CREATION OF I'lllll'UNFIl I'dK VAI-1.K1 auu. vunnsiiiaiiun uimnicr. , , , To all persons Interested, nolle la here by given: -i-.a tl.a l.toilattoll set nut below gives a full, correct and true report of Ihe realms or a reiereii.uiui neiu on lite mh day of lleceiiiber. lull, on Hie pin iioslllon of Ihe creation of the piouuseil lo Vallev Hull Conservation IHsliIrl ia Nuiulier voting In favor of Ihe creation of .aid Holl Con.arvalloil i.i.iri..i .., voted 14.U7:i:l4. Ibl Number voting against creation uf sail) noil vonseiveiiun .....rici none Id Tolal vote, cast tdi The minimum noe.lrd to create the district was 411 vole. Willi Cilia acres In favor of the pioposal, The coomlltlee lies, tlieref.ue. ilelei liilne.l that Ihe dlslrlct Is admin istratively piacllcable and feasible, lei That the tabulation set out below gives a full, extract and true re u.irl of the re.ulls of Uie election of lluee supervisor, held in r.. jiin.-llon Willi lite alMve refeieuiluni In which 4J ballots weie cast, Mf-lieii el Hun.rtl.niS Names of t'eiollilales Number uf Voles Paul lltellliaunl .., I tleorge Hleveiuoll . , V. C. Ilrown i Paul llrellbaupt. tleorge Hlevenson and V. C Brown weie tleclaied lite elet-lrd s.llicivl.or. for sal.l .ll.tltcl STATE SOIl. CONNKIIVATION CUMMITIFK Of (IIIKOUN llv J M CI.IFFOIIIl. Mei relary, Haled 17th day of January. 1U43 al Corvalli. Oregon. .1 10 -No 30 .... n nr r . n. Ration Calendar War Price and Rationing Hoard. 4.ln Main street. Office hours dally. Ill a m. to 4. .HI p. in : Saturday. In a. In. to g p. m. Phone Dltll fur all Infertile- llAil applications must lie MAILED in to the War Price 1 ml Ralt.mlng Hoard at 4.VI Main slreet, and NOT pre.eute'l '"hiTiIa'i"' Ration hook -Suger stamp No. :I4 valid IndeMntlety, PKoi eti nitiiiit- .,.,, iti.tir. stamps --Hai inn nook l-C' i. O-a. K I. F- anil U-3 valid lor eon.umer usT alanine S I. Y X A 'J and 11-3. which wer validated December 1. ! main valid. . sir..r. iit rrrit, ritrrar- RED STAMPS -Mellon hook 4T , U-S V S. W .1 and X valid for cunsunv r use. Stamp. Q S and S. which were validated December 3. remain VTaka used fat. to your meal dealer and lie v. Ill pay cenl. and two point. RIIOES-Ralloii nook s -Airplane shoe stan'tY. I. ! .net 3 g1 I"''-1'""'1'',.. UASOl-INE -"A '-U .tamn good until M.r?h 51. 1141. All gas ralUltif. all nllcallons must be accompanied by mile age rationing slip which was iecelve-1 WW,Eir Oli''piJhH'i'l and ? valid uiml Augusl 91. 1 Olher nerloils wilt be '"zr'"jn vSin.nu".1;, . .. CLASSIFIED BATES On. das "' J J S'y S"n si :; i day run Week run "Kr ISrd 4 '"owOT'Srio'rfmVn't in Advan' 9 Discount for fasmenl n inth Ads received By l oo P m will apt-a' iarnefternoon In "New nmay" column New Toaiy WANTED To buy or rent I. J ' S house- Jacks, Call MM. WANTED' 8 room unfurnished hoii.e Phone 11101 Eat. or WANTED.'rlodel eer Irnm private party. Will pay celling price. Call o4 evenings, . '1 FOR SAFETY use Puro moth tablet, and cry. Isl,. rtuma 1133. "inc FOR SAUt-Bed Daveno and chair set. 3-hurner electric Hove. Anllqm Thin) house rlgnt side Ke.l.rson mill road. '- FOR SAIX l33 Ponliac cimpe. motor A-l, IS percent urea. 17. Call oso4. 4 a' 1 LOST- A washing machine lid between Klamath Falls and llonanra. Please nollfy Mrs. Wesley Dearborn, llonaiua. Oregon. FOR SALE 33 acres lirst class potato land, all under Irrigation and cultiva tion, flood buildings. 0 nillea from town. Write me for full particulars. W. A. Rkellon, R. 1, Box Mil, city. 13 HOUSE FOR KALE l-srge 4-room mod ern house, unfinished otilslde, finished Inside, clrc, healer, conk stove, colls hot water tank. Part basement. 2 lots. Wonderful garnen soil. See the place. Lenox Add. Turn left at Lien's Store and houte on right. If Interested see me. ISHl Worden al. loo DISCHARGED VETEnAN wanla work. Ph. tuns. 1-1 LEAVING FOR HEHVICE Will sacrifice two-bedroom home In Mllll Addition for S3.&0O, Including oil heater, substantial down payment, ... ATTRACTIVE 1I1EDIIOOM HOME In Allamonl near bus lino (or 94.000, See Joe Perry With r. L. WEAVER Real Estate and Insurance 33t E. Main 8L Phone TS 3-1 FOR RENT Light housekeeping room. Everything furnished. No children or . pete. 1404 Klamath. 1-30 FOR BALE- leaving town Monday, will sell equity In furnished or unfur nished small 3-bedroom home. Make us an offer. 1304 callt. Ave, 1-30 About five dozen NEW HAMPSHIRE RED IIKN8 and PULLETS for sale. 1141 Hope St, Block north of Shasta Way. 1-31 FOR SALEOne prewar lied davenport, mas Crescent Ave, 3-1 roR RALE - Registered Shorthorn bull. C. I. Shoemaker, Mactloel, Box ,I4, 3-S WANTED Large trunk. Phone 11110. 3 1 LOST-.Pearl necklace at Sacred Heart church Bunday, Reward. Phone Oo;iV. 3-1 LOST-3 No. 4 ration books. Donald Holcomb, Charlea H o 1 o o m b , 33011 Wlard, 1131 Martin. 1-31 WANTED Experienced fountain girl and car hop. Top wages. Prince's Drlve-ln, Tower Theatre lllclg. Apply In person after five p.m. S-l Km ACRES Irrigated near Merrill, 100 acrea potato land, good location, mod ern house, potato cellar, olher build ings, 140.000.00. Terms. e e ISO ACRES near Merrill. IK) acres under Irrigation, excellent buildings, cater pillar tractor, Farmall, enrol. Ine and all potato machinery, gafl.ooo.no, M. A. BOWMAN, Merrill, Ore. Phone nnai i-nn FOR BALE-3-rnom furnished house. In cluding range, refrigerator, water tank and oil novo. Inquire 713 N, :ird h o.l ' Simple pile need not wrick snrl torture you with rnsdrti-nlng Itch, burn and Irritation. i 8hrl I'Tramld Suppositories bring J mii i,wricotnB reiiri, meir CTflnti men., c ' cation mtsn re si comfort, reduces strain. 1 iwipa itanien reiaierj metntirsnes, ajently k luW't and aoftens. Protective and A -...-. iisnnnir, o easy 10 use, uei genuine r 1 Stuart Pyramid Suppositories at your I -s 1-un on i on irsj- w. artu f.v l on nalitr s money-back gusraates. A -iirTot,, WAN-tri, or Nri.li i, .n.!. I (a? ''haNge lef;t'yj FOR HAI K "o Call isji,;,, rt,v;.."Ai'V.?iyio. I. it. A-l lfN Ftlll MAIV ... llllall,., 1, .j,".m"' :Mia. " w j,' FOII NAI.K NeiTTrr "mi I'.. Ilo, nST Ftlll HALE (1,",,---. I. mil, St. 7T"' Wll I .!. " Oh, k ' Inont Ii.lV ' ,'fliwi FOII KM - "4"-- lable.i. lW7J,i WANTFIl 'tHi,.Z li.io.i. a, ,i will i,v &,i'S,?F''2? wanted ., , Plo.l.e 117.11 . "K, WANTED It.-im'irVL "J gaull.u.au. P,,,,,".:".' on.e.l.le ut - jr. Phone ;uni .v.-,... 1 V- ""'"a. HobtJ NOTlc.. Will Hit, lutly ,,, k( tuui ..y iiiisiaKi. (lunj, nilltl K: iniliiy fvi.,n Illf hy ti'li-hliou... T. for exi liniujo r it. K. ueu, jj(ti V n O" he. Ua J fniu Wli lat All "l!W. Ulu l.nkfs LocjISi 'l -till Suiidi Vi ' Msino' K. C. WilltinlKirg V,.,. K. A. Cordon, N CARPENTiRTiT; No. 190 Meeting. , ,n, j,, t TeiltDle 4.J f.l.m ' ,...i: A' uiN" i MW IS, 0)1 ...oosiosr Paat h ill Lp laialt lim.tt Lot I and Fed FOUND White l(-ifilrti Owner may runt ua ? bill. Hugh Ung. HI l LOST-Thursday l 13 hf Reward. I' It fltU FOR RENT Hootii I m General Notal Farm Mas 4 -A Crod! Baby: Chi: For profitable -SF Kit cm. Muster 4-Airsi IK'dlliifctl males I'1 cl ii ins with records of : ckks pit year, bii; fryers, egg rod"r only nt Seors, Roeb. and Co. OK FURNH. STORE will bo open KM February i' " localion 2401 Soutli FnrmerlJ PALMKR'S DAHGA" Will CivoSani'5 pi Bcfort ... i Ahlonn Jt1' wcca-na...-.--- soii,ncr";i Pliono eatrlral I 10 sstn" WILL CABS ;'jX nour or ' lloTlSEcTNINa' window wash nl. D4XU. a". I'nona ." EI.ECTROI.'IJ, 05Si1 Ire. Phone "JZl . Zji nitlNfl me IT" small. BoileiiMir nnop- nAi.rn AND PAWV J. K. i phew laao East .-- SF.WINU ai-"V j, Phone miUJl. '5M I-IIOI1B """JJ WANTED-Waltrt""' J "23!S. taani' ItOHor .!ffi"Ts5i DRESSMAR." covered, ""''"n, tj rlolhlng. wV:.n Main, noom