er Mates w pe c Cm ftlhie rMdr. J. IB. IMS MVKAtD A WO NZWS SEVZM roir torn Following a. long established policy to lower your electm rates whenever possible, -we are glad to announce a rate reduction effective as of FEBRUARY 1, 1945. This reduc tion representing an estimated annual saving to our custom ers of approximately $325,000 will apply to every HOME and COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENT in the territory served by The California Oregon Power Company as well as to general POWER and AGRICULTURAL POWER customers and those using AUTO CAMP SERVICE. Reductions applying to residential service will save home owners $165,000 a year will average about ELEVEN PER CENT. The reduction applying to commercial establish ments will average FOURTEEN PER CENT. Residential customers will be glad to know that the new reduced rate assures them complete electric service at a price comparable with the lowest in the nation. This new rate is expeeted to open the door for ELECTRIC HOUSE HEATING. Rural residential customers will welcome the fact that they , enjoy the same low rates and same reductions as urban users, and their cost for electric service is one of the lowest m any rural area in the United States. The 1944 estimated national average cost of electricity sold to residential customers Is 3.5 cents per kilowatt hour, con trasted with Copco's average of 1.95 cents, a cost which will be further reduced under the new rate schedule. You, the electric-minded people of this area, have helped to make possible these lower rates. At the same time you have had a real share In Copco's substantial tax contribu tions to the nation. Copco's 1945 tax bill is expected to be approximately $1 ,800,000. While we feel sure that these reductions, coming al a time when most other items of living costs are advancing, will be appreciated, we wish to assure you that it is not our purpose and aim to stop here. We intend to continue in our efforf to serve you better and at less cost in the years to come, and h Is our hope that these presently announced reductions 1 prove to be only the forerunner of others to follow. j4; 'S. Cummins MESIDEHT