Tudy, Jan. 30, Hit HBRALD AND HEW8TIV ftp Trffl 'V.I force. . now ,ra.r'8lrHSro.d !nwh wid tody. If '9 ... ..nrnitloiltl pos- 01 Ui' '"' ..r C.Tiimnv 1111(1 ha v..:.:. i. if.nni,.. IEI 11 BEE BLASTS 101 ISLANDS Hllr ( for tlic. us of so. Keren, which turned Uw r ,S port of Antwerp." i rr.;,ii, ,,.. LAu!lV.;w.!ch.ren XZ K Br S have bcon l,lc,r01'. m ..,-.1 Hnllund bv I rivers nii'" Lei i m IH"y n1"'1 th?f?' hands nre bcluniwcn, jBevdUnd.Ciorroc.Tliolon, , putten nd Tim Grincton. irnl German Iroup i-nnien. mi have hern noted end id on Schouwen. ETING 10 11 mi IS rlfiillurnl production fjoala 946 will ho discussed lit I !n Thursday. February 1, I AAA committeemen, reip. , ilillvci of various depart. L of asrlcul lino, members f war hnnrd, mid chairmen representatives of nil Klnnv county agricultural orff.tnl r.i, at the chamber of com- dirccton' room starting at m. i session will la.it nil day, representative of the state , , snd extension service will i resent to discuss national state production Bonis, price ! oris, and facilities (or pro Ion such ns farm labor. norlatloii, fnrm machlnnry, I feticides, and other matters ' fnportanre. ! Iscussloni will Include an 1 Ine of conservation practice . I feci in tmn and adaption of ' iicei to local conclltioan. Fireman Killed Train, Car Crash mild Branstctter, Southern He fireman and on of Mr, de Branstctter of Dunsmuir, Killed January 20, when in relfht was struck by fuel uck it Chowchllls. Bran- wii engineer on the it and well-known to local d men, cording to Information from r, the truck caught fire Ming struck and scattered in oil over the locomotive. Shepherd, fireman, resident rcino, and a Mr. Carter, ' of th truck, were also 'In the crash. Bronstetter f 'went of Dunsmuir. nse Fees Said ponding by Clerk enIC (CC, for 1043 wero due - , ana out of 350 firms 'nnually Issued 1. Mil,. iZ . """nainRi 1 the city clerk's 6t- Iji.iJ I.. Ti r I'cciisca in lurtnti a i. i nou,. 13 I n SLl'. halls, and 1 (c idvi..rf or' ln" cork's Sdir r.H' Numerous meat con. M.;: r '1 ls w- psldcratlon by tla city Set for :used of SrAn.i:.. i sia ra5tyh? i..t i brouDhJ1' i '(Cl Jewo11. Pown. lrct,rned to his Bna Fh teN,,cw .Yr's Day L!ln bed, stranHlcd. f f"t Itveetvcdt Boys' Cords M ( lo 15 $3.95 ys' Slacks $7.50 m MANSTORE ' Main STARTS WEDNESDAY -4 DAY Breath-taking! . . . Terrific! . . . Tremendous! . . . You know it is . . . for FOULGER'S sales are always "Breath-taking . . . Terrific . . . and Tremendous." . . For 4 days only will this "Cavalcade of Values" continue ... and remember . . . PRICES DON'T COUNT . . . It's "Clean-up time" at FOULGER'S. (Doors open at 10 a. m. Wednesday.) PANTIES ; jF5; 1 V fe MosHv odds and ends of season's ISI Hf A group of slip-over sweaters, val- I I l I I -1 ure"- groMH or sneers, a JW. Kpll MJlK. ISja -r-. " 8 I 5 I 4 few jumpers. ... Sizes are mostly g M but values every one. .. .While ,:fl j I I ?I U u.l.,..t9 0 A f IMN, ,.0,ont.bc.1dn19ht,,...All-ir1Cra; thcv last - II .d ui iwi tuiuw.1 iw ifVitfi i i r ill vvi w p-i i.r;'jr ttanuii n.L;M t mm .. o - I X colors and saw. Reg. SlJl?. HIJ fcSsk - I ' I If ar. m- mm mm -mw m-aw -mw -mw ma mmw " " - wni-. -'.-..c. h h 'A jt? . . Vi" tiA?A i sa m ai a-a era .si n n n ... r . . vsmji kuk-i h sea as?jss sss, Bar in hl w t - - . Xf . HiiH aa n ihoih aa saw m K I i I , I : , d tinoc tijtoc i.i. l... .t.., ... - il ii . inn :. . i:... i. r w lace Trims or uiuin. ... Tissues iu uuuiiid. ... sgm. a p iin mni icn uu uni . . lets. Siwi 9 to 1014. f $45. NOW NOW I J H ri r '- m mm mm m m .vs m m mmmm mm " n i . ijim h v H hk fa . : mrnmrn B. IBB . mm W u nv C b." H . wgrir :,m ssi a a in ss n r n ib s . v fi np ipssf i w m i .t. ia im its h f K-otui n n h f KusHJin n tK-'k a iw jii.jj a, n ; ! Ll f I , BS fsm C H Bfl R 14fk li" B Q C&B 11 ... II I I O U B mJI e I. . - 19 H BXLMm T- 1 I I - i 1 ' f k. ' : -. I as mm mm lam." w bb n . . . m . I il B I r stm l i b i i - v . I as an sss vs -si r m m m . . hr n as ih a Mv m n a 3 a b jijja kvbcv mm k a' .a ask a. sr aa a aria mmm, sa an naasi jbsu an flefnaxa at sr...-. m m eks . aaajasai -yr ww asi ,. a W BUT H a K." Hi B n KsT BkB'S. " 1 It H A A HA KUB ' i 11 LI H JWJIlM,tatl f ITK S mm Kv SS as Va C TA ST ' I Ah -..or.m. f bot.1 of oil I 1 M. M II fl I EL 1 a w - - Mil H H K H WI I I Und.. ... Pouches ... Tod 1 . w . f II tl msV W B s9 B if I t II i ii. ..-An. ...11 I A kin ncenrtmtinf nf hrnnrl now ft 'mM I i nnft rolnn of all shades ... in- 1 An neenrtmonr nf wnnlone nr rnr- I 1:. I. I T" .L I...S. . . I ; II .i..J:. 1.1..L. . C. .Iw .1 I .. . . I - "- T Dare leg ... rery sneer loomnj sj ! told up ro so.ya. . . . now ... , . ...- 3 . ...ww -j g , cf II range or sizes ana colors, vais. i ordinarily sell up to Si. 95.... I afKff!Kim to $6.95 I Here's a real bargain. .. . ' i ' Oil fll I 1 X V HBDwwi ru m uz y y - Ws.: i i . www Sjms I DRESSES I Font hiadred blcnsss ... ill lakea V 1 ner.' 150 plri .1 gbjrdi M-l 1 H fa9m onr regdar ilocks . . . whii f V J I) liowdtaskoei. . . tawUla. . . Ill a 9,ouP of our one ond two- E j color sripe . . . chccki I S;' Hack. .. blB. .. red. . . I I I piece better dresses. ... Good . l la .Islrlelvlii nr fancy Ivno- U i mm ii r nnip a - j aMHv wwiii aWaUbtid Bain k:..:, j h I brown. .. or green, noawiuei i :M - rc nm 32 lo.4fl and values io $3.85, H