Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 30, 1945, Page 3, Image 3

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    Bin TO"'"?".... .. ..Tnmlnl
D inutlK''. " viiulii ii
feS & inn:
'"vei.i,.r Mrs, Chester C
atlier. v' ' . "i.. .
w" ' Ul,l!"l
111 l"c IL ii him lllll rntlnu
f "l,v K. liml flutil.
l?''SuSh I" Klm.mil.
'' ..'i r ! .,linu 2 moulds
L.tns-I'Vl. ll"ll ClirllH,
r b-.. MHiimu-u m u.;
,H Slllli'K II""' ", ."
. .... r iiiw ri'i'p veil u
L'cri c&rf ' wlt!' Mr"j
. (Ailii UMkv). returned
Friday. Al ,lu' l,r,'",lu
Uiy urc Willi his lir'i;lii.
and Mm. Willi an r.. .
Lincoln. " """'
Ijikc.H i" l'mii.v -
,, AIh. lit II"' l-ii'l' '"""'I
iho weekend were Mr. i.ml
UnrliMisrn or Hn.schurK,
L.riy of nil ''iiy- Mor;
n In n (IniminiT ""
iih Sought Mm. Herman
111 ...jj',. IVI l,i, writ.
Thc Ilci-.ilil mill News iisklnu
In loeiiunK " iiinivi,
ilc Antoiilfwliv., tlmuKhl to
VlUB III UK' VlClllliy "1 rvilllll-
nils Antonlewlci wiik hurl.
' ... i i .'in 1HIII1. la
'Ullimi, mi.......... -
rlbcd n having bluc-Hriiy
nanny linir, " ''" ,,,B"
'..ml anyone knowing of his
runouts Is imKt'U 10 coihiici
Hint, the former Mode
nnchion. Card Party The
lie-making coininitlce of the
fnicn ol we ftinose win im'ui
She Moose hull Friday, Jiinu-
2 nt T. u 1). m. inr ii pen-
; luncheon ii nd business
line. Mnudo Scrgenl. com-
chairman.' will bo In
Ifje. At 2 p. in. that same
irnoon there will bo u card
hv In the hull In which the
lie Is invited. Tills in we ursl
new series.
Visits Here COM Kvcrcll
llolcliklss, U.SN, in I'ompiiiili'd by
hi wlfn mill ID n.nntl. old
daughter, lliirbiirii Jui.u, arrived
hero lust week for a visit with
bin parent, Mr. unci Mra, E. II.
UoteliklHK. 737 l.lneiiln, opera
tors of thu Polly Ann bakery.
This 1 llntchklss' first visit In
KIiiiiuiOi Falls In fivo years. Ilc
bus served for 111 months in the
South Pacific and was met in
llronklyn, N. Y., by bis wife and
dauKhter at which tlmo be met
bis cbllil for thu first tlmo.
Ilolehklsa reports to llremurton,
Wash., Ki'bruiiry 10, at thu end
of bis liu-cliiy leave.
To Leave Hcv, mid Mrs. C.
C. Drown mo leaving Tuesday
for u three weeks' trip In the
Suernmentn vulley. Hev. Urown
Is president of the Interstate
lluptlst Mission, and Is makliiK
the trip in the Interests of the
Visits Parents James Qulhcll,
lit present stationed nl Trensure
Island, visited Inst week with his
parent, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
gtilbell, 2222 Garden. Ilo re
turned recently from Alaska and
the Yukon, where be was on
untied in war work.
Roturm Homo Kiitb Howe,
daughter nr Mr. mid Mrs. Henry
Howe of Malm, was dismissed
from Kkiiniith Valley hospital
Ibis weekend after receiving
medical treatment for nn Injury
(o Iter foot,
Knights Templar Moat Cut
vury Commundery No. 1(1, K. T
will confer thu Order of the
leniple Wednesday evenli.K, Jan.
Ill ut 7:11(1 p. m. All Sir KnluMs
Invited. Kefreshments will be
FW Auxiliary There will
i resular mectlnii of the nuxi-
h- ol the Veterans of r'orolKi.
fs, Tliursilay, January 1, at 8
tii. in tlio larnc clubraom nt
city library. A class of caiicll
i l lo be Initialed and all
ccr and members of ll.o drill
j:i should wear uniforms.
dondly Clrclo Thursday,
unry 1. Hie Friendly Circle
meet al the homu of Violet
hen, ShnsU way, with I pint
wn nssutliiK. nleu.Di'rs should
t nt the home of Noun Jlnll,
TM Main, at ViM p. m. fur
tspnrltttloii, and are asked to
I! icwini! equipment.
laitirn' Visitor Mrs. C!eorc
iwn, of Doston, Mass., Is visit-
her high selu.nl friend, Mrs.
Durbin, 524 Illuh. en route
pklond, Calif. Her husband,
M. Us) Brown, const Kuard,
ptioned nt Snult Ste. Marie,
kcu Socloty The Dorcns
-iy oi uic &evenin l)ny Ad
list church will meet lit Iho
IC of Mrs. Willi.... v:,.liuK
i Altanionl drive, nn Tburs
pebrunry 1 at Il:3l). m. A
uck luncheon will be rnved.
ineinbcrs are urKeil In attend
K mcctiiiKs,
n Loavo KM ;),. Carl D.
K Is on I. 12-dav leave frnm
D eco. Pnlir i.iunt.... i.i
llier, Mrs. c. b. I.n, jna
bon. Ho will return to San
p, FcbriMiy 4.
Visiting Mrs. Lorenzo Still
lard, whose husband was recent
ly killed overseas, Is vIsIUdk her
fatber-ln-law, Chester Stalhird of
Ontario, Ore. Later they plan to
Ko to Klullard's cattle ranch near
Improving Francis Silvers,
resident of Chllocpiln who re
ceived multiple knile wounds in
an iiltc rcutlim on the reservation,
was reporled improving ut Hill
side hospital.
Has Oporatlon Edwin Lee
Gerrue, i:i-ycnr-o!d son of Mr.
and Mrs. Richard Anderson, 3304
Crosby, underwent suritery at
Klnu.atb Valley hospital Moiv
day. He is reporled doing nicely.
Brooks Arm Elmo Ball, 11-
year-old son of Marvin Ball,
3240 Cannon, underwent an on-
eriillon on his arm Monday al
Hillside hnspiiiii, Kimo suffered
a fractured arm January 25.
In Hospital .Joseph D. Henry,
72, father of Mr. Henry Vro
man, Is receiving medical alien
lion at Klamath Valley hospital.
Henry lives at 1405 Worden.
Return Homo Mrs. John L.
Cook, Box 1130, city, accom
panied by her Infant dauchtcr
left Klamath Valley hospital for
u.eir name nionaay.
REAL TO ME . . .
If you want to know mora
about Him call it or writa
to 423 North First St., or
Phono 7436,
Enlist In NlW .Tnrrv Will.
on, Hob Konnccly, Lloyd Cbl-
ueaier una i.aivin worley, ull
of Klamath Falls, wore sworn
imo inu navy lust week In I'ort-
lllllll fur Ul.lll.riil m.rulf.n r'lti.ul.
er Woller, Hleber, Ciilif., Luw-
r e n e o Hiiedineyer, Tuleliike,
Wlllllllll I'ollll r'llllmnil,. .....i
Charles Cooper, Lukeview, en
listed at the same time for gen
eral service. George Greenwood
of Klamath Fulls was also
sworn In Iho navy mid will take
specialized rudur training nt
Oreut Lukes naval truinluu een-
ler In Chicago.
Arm Brokon Gary Lyle Rob
erts, 7-yenr-olil son of Mr. and
Mrs. Leon Roberts of llonaimi,
suffered a fractured arm when a
plek-up backed up unci struck
the child, Ho Is a pallcnt ut
Kluniath Valley hospltul and re
ported doing nicely,
Return Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Fortna of 2074 Eurle, returned
on Monday evening from a two
weeks' vacation which was spent
hi San Francisco and the bay
Honloy PTA The Henley
PTA will serve lis annual sil
ver tea In observance of Found
ers Day on Tbursduy, Fcbruury
1, at 3:30 In thu activity room of
the high school. Members and
friends uro urged to come.
Movod to Hillside Mrs. Mary
While of Weyerhaeuser Junc
tion, was moved by ambulance
to Hillside hospital Monday. She
is reported to be suffering from
Surgory Mrs. Margaret
Burns, 72, 1703 Arthur, under
went mnjor surgery at Klamath
Valley hospital Tuesday.
Visits Hero Kathryn Rains
ford from San Rafuel, Calif., is
in Klamath F'alls for a few days
visiting inunas.
Sprague River Youth
Awarded Bronze Star
Another Klamath county
youth Is the recipient of the
Bronze Star, awarded for heroic
action in operation against the
enemy, according to Mrs. R. R.
Kcrnnn of Sprague River, who
has been advised that the medal
was presented her son, PFC
Charles R. Gain.
Gain received the Bronze
Star for action on October 5,
1044, whllo serving in the medi
cal detachment of the 175th In-
funtry In Germany. He has been
overseas for one year and en
tered tlio army July 12, 1043.
Gain received Ills basic training
ut Camp llarkley, Tex, A twin
brother, Cpl. Jou It. Gain, is
will, thu Infantry In Texas, and
u younger brother, Douglus, Is
recovering from rheumatic fever
al the U, K. naval hospital in
Corona, Cullf.
Yea, they are still going up
thore. Whore? Why. up to
Chase's ofllce. Room 203, Odd
Fellows' Building to hove thoir
Income Tax figured out, Lot
Chase chase It down.
Service Men
and Women
Home on Leave
SSgt. Billy Hardin from Ital
ian Ibcuter. Here until February
EM 3c Carl D. Long from
San Diego. Calif. Hers until
February i.
Lt, Robert H. Alexander from
Love field, Dallas, Tex, Here
until February 2.
Pvt. Ralph Lund from Camp
Hood, Tex. Hero unlil February
Tho above service people arc
entitled to free pusses to the
local theatres and free fountain
service ot Lost River duiry by
courtesy of Lloyd Lamb of the
theatres and R. C. Woodruff of
tho dairy. Please call at The
Herald and News office (ask for
Tuesday; Jan. 30, 1946
Paul Haines) for your courtesy
COOS BAY, Jan. 30 (P)
Freight rates on. coal shipped
from Coos Bay to Eugene and
Salem have been ' reduced 50
cents per ton. T. O. Toon, presi
dent of the Coast Fuel corpora,
tion, said today.
Toon had applied to the South
ern Pacific company for the reduction.
VFW Schedules Meet-'
For Thursday Night ,',
A meeting of VFW members'1
will be held Thursday night at
8 p. m.. In the KC hall.
Induction of new members, fu- j
ture planning for veterans' wel
fare of World War II, and rou
tine business will be the order of
the day. There also will be com
mittee reports regarding club ac
tivities. As many members as possibly
can are urged to attend. '
Paul O. Landry
thle question?
"Can I save by getting
five year fire insurance '
protection with no loss if
I cancel within five
For information on any
insurance problem, consult
419 Main St. Ph. 5612
The Courthouse Is Now
One Block Down The
Street From Our Office.
I T:""--,!?' I'lfismewiiiai
' ttl'Hrilf MS1LVII1 'wiiu
" 'HI! MONTH '
wp ii.
A Penny's
I - ' L I- i
if ,., d I
Worth of
I Jsaysy
Vol ff
ft ivHi '
y it o
h ...
VI 3 ISl
Youi travel penny buys far more comfort, safety
and speed on Great Northern trains than it did
during the first World War.
Among the reasons is Great Northern's tradition
of constant improvement of tracks heavier rait,
elimination and reduction of curves, signal systems,
stronger bridges and time-saving tunnels. Good
equipment and better locomotives, tool
The teamwork of management, employes and ma
chines is enabling Great Northern to meet wartime
demands for passenger service. The same unbeatable
combination will provide better service for the
travel penny in the peacetime to come.
1 v -
II. I. WAYNE, Gun. Agent
Great Northern Station, I'liono 4101
Klamath Falls, Oregon
t 1
ill', '
Vis S!
U ink riate Mom
HiUHCHA.1. MaPje or -xed birch
3-position tray, loot rcsv--
W layer felt fi-
CARRIAGE:'-- Jbber
" ' " '
CRIB BLANKET, pink, blue, or while wilh
nursery patterns. Sotin bound.
BASKET PADS, waterproof cover in pink or
blue with nursery designs.
PLAY PEN PADS, water proof covers in
nursery designs. Tie corners.
HIGH CHAIR PADS, ruffled trim In nursery
patterns. Woter-proof cover.
RECEIVING BLANKETS in soft downy cotton, ORc
pink, blue or white colors. sww
RAYON SATIN QUILTS for the crib. Lustrous O OQ
pink or blue. Reversible. sfc.TO
GAUZE DIAPERS, quick drying, full size. Star AQ
and Cross brand. Size 20x40. . doi. Ie7w
yarns. Rayon satin bound in pink, blue or QO
white. ,7U
pastel shades. Closely spaced chenille designs.
CARRIAGE COVER with Pillow. Rayon satin n no
or lace in pastel nursery colors.
BUNTINGS with 'detachable hood in soft
fleecy materials. Pink, blue and white colors.
Sleep in a Smart Bedroom-With
a Chintz Spread and Drape Set
Mil sgi m l f w
What is more eye-catching
than Everglazcd chintz for
a bedspread and matching
drapes? These are closely
woven In lovely washfast
finrnl nnllnrn nlim i-ncn
) white. Full or twin.
Drape Pairs 7.9S
Bedspread 12.35
BABY CARH";.,." ad rubber
itv. Has iuu- 24.aa
tires m!iri
uiBDWOOD CRIB: Biuray.
i n.M.ple.or wax.u M
PLAY YARD: Big 38x39x2.. "
All riveted, co...-- . 749
fl0r.. " Mnnle finish, bargain
MIGH tn - ... B.aa V" i
sffS'sr t
strap ; .
Popular Sized Pictures!
Just the right size for mod
ern homes and apartments.
Beautiful "old world" rustic
scenes and landscapes. An
tique ivory or natural fin
ished wood frames. C QC
Glass covered. -
Framed Plate Mirror
Beautifully appropriate. with
any-furnishings. Flower .and
Occasional Chair
Fils congenially, in modern
. or period rooms. Tapestry
cover in rust, blue, wine or
leaf sprays decorate the gold gree", to harmonize with
bronze finish frame-. . . a': W setting. : Nicely shaped
, .. , , arms. Button tufted seat
triple plume trims the top.,,- walnut finished -. 1)0C
Ready to lO QC frame. . let73
hang. " : Rocker to match 13.95
Protect Rugs-Add luxury! 9x12 Jute Rug Pads
Inexpensive way to make a
rug last longer. This jute rug
pad is sturdily '. made, has
overcast edges ' to ' prevent
fraying; Protect your good
rugs now at low' cost,' tod.
B'j ' j
New Textured Rugs '
Yes, shag rugs are gay,
they're fashion-right and
they add colorful life to any
room. These are sturdily
made, in thick looped-pilo
cotton, to wear like O AQ
big rugs. 3.17
"Servistan" Carpet
Keeps your rugs and carpets
like new. Sprinkle on rug,
brush in well, remove, with
broom or vacuum
cleaner. Generous size ""w
Both Mat Set
Sol t downy, cotton chenille
of fast .color -dyed yarns
woven in close rows. Dainty
florals on grounds of dusty
rose, blue, peach; acqua, or
tan; Matching lid 3 QO
cover. - J.TO
Sears Super Luxury Sleep Mattress & Box Spring
.... . .. . ;
I fj Each
Your day begins the
night beforel Get the
rest you deserve by in
vesting in a good mat
tress. This sixty pound
soft ' cotton, felt filled
mattress has a strong
woven stripe coyer, in
. nefoll taped edge, and
s 1 r a p . handles. Full;
twin; three-quarter size.
PHONE 5188
is ...