10 Services 3 AulomstW AutometlTi . Automotive Automotive Monday. Jan. 29, 1943 HERALD AND NEWS SEVElf -- ....... riMiiu huuia. I F ill 3 Ki v!L : rr.xr.. W',SullW AV.. '" E' Z, till T.rrapleoe , full I"'!' r:T. ".'t'.Tu.' L'unvriihifl al.-. jjiitai mil". i"ulr.? ' oKl. 1 - ,',. car h.at.r, in. I "'.', ,, for above un. i "' 1 " ;,;.ih. "' shop, " - war mcycie. A... ' rnrrNTrmni.linl apartm.nt 10 1111 .1 w.ikiim iii.unre to f P . ,t,l. Nil Ne.M. I". " '.rTAiMnMo. Condition -7,,,,, cedar Po.1.. '. If? "'..." . K ..Wing Ul" r..in. - a-a l;i4. Or.ioil. VZm nuY mil'"'"' M""'' llTOl"'" . ,,.,i. nt,pl a. '" ", 111.. mag. , w ri. r.l v iii.i.nrii r ,'60 , T' Ci.,..l.nd Yarn.. M TTNInTimiik h.,.",'.' ...ar-old. Ir J-VM'-om. 10 uu. 1 i.ao ;-i.ANiNti. now "? !"n- lr"i"'"1 I"'"""1" Slrti mm. ' "" r.31 11 nur-on. Bfloufli" m ! flnl.h.d on will. '""' nnriraii J.V&Wr... Nu.UM.cr. ami N. T!rrr"t u-rifii atniKH. tfflTV"m-KNWrrr.r... or future delivery, r.rm ir re km. win Ist . .. 'v., I quickly end .rimomlcally. W. Mr N,w "il'll'M: ttt-MalrlKil w.rilrnM .nl (ino iiiw 7 , .i...rrt AUIO Colltt. p : LUI-W.llllll 0CC..I0I1.I gat.-teg Ph. 4170. - Medina Nollcn b Ukc Locul No, 2311 ku every 2nd Thursriny and 41h Stmtluy l ll!2 Mnln St, Willonbors. Kliiiinciul Sec. K. A. Cortlon, Pi cs. 2-17M n f. Klamath rail. A.rl. f.iii ".".,..::":..,'j'.f r... day nlalll, J:4J p. in.. p w.ii.1. r.o c. nan. vin .110 Brive; Walnut, V I a I t I 11 1 uiviira. Krpenters' local No. 190 Inch muni!.. IiW p. Mi. i Lbor 4U mim U tONU. sec. ana n. a- lV.rln...1k Prinnl S121 Uit and found fi!lvr bnetlel Willi lold flow tart failcner. Ph. 7410. IUwaH. h md ruby tn cvntr, Ittward. Gen.r.l Notices IK FURNITURE STORE 111 bo open for business cbruary hi nl Its new location MOI South 6th Formerly lIEU'S BARGAIN HOUSE fill Give Some Service ! Bclorc. 1.31 TWO 8ISTKBS INN f wd-Ashland ilimction Miles West Ilwv. 07 lulhcrn Fried Chicken and Rtrnk fl AND CAL GOtlMLEY Closed Mondays Plionc 1)000 2-17 M Oak at., or phone oms. S.rvlcM fcVINC STORAGE" Ml and Long Distance nnULI NCj ' KInmn.U c.n. 'NSFER nnrl tTAD A l-C I ' United Van Lines 2-23m if, iv.TnSTrrrr lliilah Ah. ! "Kn w.ar.r.alat. jjs; A" Kl!""olns. palnlln. . t a-18 lwit. Pimm mg, a.,m f'lTOi'flll?'"',' "'PloU ..rv. NDI'Anif..... " 1 F"t Main S 1 ,lnl fcMTnvjTinrr t Way, a.0m D-'v.urar--nr.T-:. n.nrecn unift, - - ausif L loci SlANKD ann In. TANKS 4- rtiv LiSwyroiTiw " ti Mr, n "'Mon "" and old IJ raP..,',f n. rnflniahinV J-IS REFRIGERATION SERVICE Wo Service All Mullen Household or Commercial Don't wait (or eomnlcto breakdown. Iluvo your rufrliiur- tor compluloly oyerhuuled now during cold wenther, Dolts, Senls, Controls, Swltclics, Valves In Stock. , Bert EastniRn, Scrvlcomnn Mecit Washing Machine Service . 611 So. 6th l'liono 'suen 1-31 REFRIGERATION SALES and SERVICE DOMESTIC tind COMMERCIAL Ml Makes ' ' Parts, Controls and Equipment In Stock Oregon Equipment Co. Phono 6817 127 So. 6th St. 2-16 REFRIGERATION WASHING MACHINE and Small Appliance Repair DAVE COX, Service Man Klamath Refrigeration Phono 7038 2000 South Sixth St. PLUMBING Plumbing tV .Heating Equipment Installed and Repaired Plumbing Fixtures, Soli Pipe and Fittings In Stock DAVIS . PLUMBING CO. We Hurry Phone 7635 337 E. Main 2-10m'c OIL, BURNERS .FURNACES. CHIMNEYS, Cleaned and Repaired WOOD COAL. OIL FURNACES Available, for Replacements Compare Our Prices TUFTS HEATING SERVICE Phono 8040 888K INCOME TAX SERVICE Commercial Bookkeeping Rollln A. Cnntrall Room Ilopkn Ulclg, 110. N. 8!h St. Open Evenings and Saturdays Phone 32-10 2-10m, OPININO MONDAY January 20th Dr.aam.klnf Shop, Alteration., n.w and old. Mlts, IIAWOlirn and Mns. PETHnS llopk. Bldg,, Moom S 111 Plion. U330 ED F. KING , . B.ntlo Tanka Cl.an.d tn. paction fre. Modern .quip, m.nt. Cont.nta haul.d .way. . 17 14 Htlp Wanted Female WANTKD-W.ltr.aa and dl.hw.ah.r. Wo. nian prtf.rr.d. Apply at Rlu.r'. Cof. r. ahup. asssti WILL. CAnE for rlilldran dava or Salur. day nlrtila in my horn., a block. Jrom Main. Call 0134. 1-10 WAITRESS WANTED Shop, Max'l Cof'eo 370,Mr WANTED-Cherk lrl. alio nr.a.r. Wrlle llox 3030 car. of Herald and N.wi, 1-ao WANTED Xxp.rl.nced atrnof rapner, nrof.rahlv ona wltli tnuur.iH'e exnri'l. fnce. Apply l)y letter tn Box UII.M, car. jieraia ana new., aiatmc exprri ence, a.e. marital .talua and porma nency In Klnm.lh Fall. 1-30 WANTED-experienced ranch cook. Call IKII Adrl. Oreeon. collpel. snsillf It Help Wanted. Male HELP WANTED Man or Woman No Experience Necessary Attractive Salary Plus Liberal Laundry Allowance ' Excellent Opportunity for Advancement STANDARD Stations, Inc. J, U. White, 0th and Klamath H. Skinner, 67 Main St. Mrs. Ruby Parks, 1316 Oregon Avenue Or Phono 01TB 886311 WANTED Experienced c.r palnler or helper. Annfy Bulok O.r.s.. ! would you Ilk. to earn monov all.c .oltool dellverlnl a Herald-New. paper rontof See Mr, Miller at In. Hor.ld nfflca afl.r a n, m. "" WANTED-spottor or pr.a.er. Cl.nn.ra, 117 So, 7lh. Untown 1340K WANTED-Experlenced r.dl.tor repair tn.n. Old eii.hllah.d, tKerouah y equipped .hop. Bit: money for rljht m.n And.rion Auto Service, aa; walnut. . .1...... Public Used Car Lot 7th and Ouk Across from Post Office South We Buy and Sell Used Cars and Trucks Sell Us Your Used Car Top Price - No Waiting CASH --See Selby Last- Phone 6034 Help Wanted. Male WANTKD-M.n and Poya to .at pin.. i.i.nt wora. snoa pay. Apply nowllna Allay, nlo Main p. rn. or any evening, Saturday or Sunday 173ltf 20 Room and Board UOAnD and room for m.n. 020 Jcffer.on. 1 -an 22 Rooms For Rem ItOOM Tor ientleman. Phone .1A:i.. 3-t 24 Apartments For Rent roll TtENT - rurnl.h.d cabin, wood, Hem. and water. Plione &07A. rtleh (laid H.rvlc. Sl.tlon, 3S43 Bummert l.anr Jllltl 26 Housea For Rent TIIIICKS yon IIENT-You drlv.; move your.eir. aave Blllea ueat'on Berv Ire. I30I Kant Main Phone lt.V4. 3-7m 28 Mlicellnneou' For Rent ron RENT Eloor aandera, edaera and wallpaper removing in. chin.. J. E, p.tler.on f'atnt Store. Phone 3324. I221I Eaal Main, l-3lm CI.ECTHIC rLOOrt BANDtHS and edl.r rented. Do your own work. Inquire P.lnl DrpU MONTCIOMERY WARD At CO, I -3lm j'OII RENT-.SIore liulldltil with modern front at 003 Main. Inqulr. Rudy'a Hhnn, aoiotr 30 Real Estate For Sale FINE INVESTMENT Close In apartments, five units, three recently completed with all modern appointments, well Insulated. Two aro completely furnished, electric ranges and refrigerators In all. Gross month ly Income about $215.00. Price If 15,000.00 with terms. CHILCOTE & SMITH REALTORS Since 1000 111 N. Oth Phone 4564 SPECIALIZING in HOMES EVERETT DENNIS, REALTOR 121 N. 8th Phone 8491 HOMES FOR SALE JOHN McFEE, REALTOR 118 N. 7th - Phone 4521 2-5 FOB HALE 040-ACnC RANCH 3X1 lo 2.10 Acres tuve been plowed, alto mod cut Ue aheep or turkey puce. A nice et up tor tllvcriifled farming, a won dertul feed lot. dry and well drained. I-arfo fine barn, house livable, well wal orert, under woven wire and crom feneed. 17 ton of baled hay in birn. Very nlee Kt-rnle view. Farm ia generally known ai Wheeler ranch, located on Coat Mine Koad. ThU plaee ran be' bough! for si 3,000 rain or 11.0oo.00 down, balance of 4.000.oo at MOO. rxi per year at 8'. IntercM. Thii place ti not one of these Inflated ranrhea; It once eold for a great deal more during World War t. You aro alio buying direct from owneri. For further ttrlnlln vail flOO.l or writ Geor3 Drake, Uox 1DJ. IU 4. Medford, Oregon. 1 2-B FOR 8ALr.-Prtly furnlfthed 2-hedroom hoiue. 2nd road wet from Lien's utore on Kcno highway. Turn right 2 blocki up. Turn left lit white home to loft from corner. J 1000 caih. 2-3 FOR SALE-.4-lM-droom modern home, good repair. Corner lota, fruit, garden. Mfloo.oo. C. n. Foiter, 733 N. Main. In quire Rt, 2 Box 413. Aahland. Oregon. 1-20 HOUSE for tale. Ph, 604. a. m. to 4 p. m. X-20 FOR SALE -00 acre dairy ranch. 7 mllei from Klamath Fallt on Lakevlew High way. Rt. 2 Box 714. 1-20 FOR SALK a-bedroom noma near Main: also piano, Dial 6713. 2304 U FOR SALIS a-room house, modern, with basement, partly furnlihed; close tn. Plione 34(IS. 13S8tf FOR SAl'K 4-room pmilern houve, pari ly furnlihed. Including 2 Moves, hot water tan, wlnter'a fuel. Owner leav Ing town. Very reasonable. Call all Sunday or after 6 p. ni. 4430 Orchard Ave. 1-30 rnnnt'houie. dme to school. City Park. Grocery and Drug Store. 4130,00. Ph. 3570. 1-30 FOR SALE Four-room home with stoves, some furniture, woodshed, ga rage and large fruit cellar. SSftOO. Call 3407. 130 mn RA't.K nyi fnol steel edae hicknrv is, narnnsn, ski nnirn. v. mi i,i,iti, i-atu 32 Real EiUt Wanttd WANTF.D Rancl. to run. nharea or wages. Best nf references, Trances Cooper. 40.10 Blsbee, co R. A. Hurley's Box. Klamath Falls. l-3lt l1SV'''AAAAAeeMe 34 Automotive Motor Rebuilding Starter and Generator Reconditioning MOTOR TUNE-UP !5 Years' Experience Elmer Tripp Home Garage 216 Old Fort Road Phono 7034 beforo 8:00 or after 5:30 P. M. FOR SALE RADIATORS OB' ALL TYPES Will Build Any Type Radiator You Need Klamath Radiator Works 2221 So. 6th Phone 6942 .1 -7TI ron SALK-Newly overhauled 1031 ora ham Sedan. tin&.OO, Call 6048. 1-31 ron SALE 10.10 Model A Ford, 1300.00. mnl Academy. 1-S I370tf 34 Automotive WE CAN MAKE . Your auto lights push the dark bock So that you can see to drive safely Even against the strongest light. May we in time to save your cor ond life? LEO'S 'GARAGE. Uth and Main Sts. Phone 6603 Mon.-Wed. Does Your Car Sound Different Lately? ' If1 Chrysler Made It We Con Fix It Only Chrysler Engineered Parts Used Experienced Mechanics Phone or Call In For Appointment . Burness Motors DeSoto S, 6th & Walnut Plymouth Phone 6669 2576tf RECAPPING and TIRE REPAIRING BATTERIES NEW TIRES All Sizes Monarch Service Station , B. K. Teed 301 So 6th Phone 7071 1-7 Winter Driving is Hazardous Driving Is YOUR Car Insured For Complete Automobile Coverage? Phone 5195 John Sandmeyer, C. S. ROBERTSON AGENCY First Federal Savings Bldg. 1-31-m Used Cars Bought Sold , Traded ODELL MOTOR CO. 744 Klamath Ave. Where 8th Street Ends RADIATOR REPAIRING , We Are Well Equipped To Give Prompt Service Tractor - Truck Bus . V.B.SMITH 2549 S, 6th St, Phone 8331 1499-tf SEE MEli HENRY at Lombard'. Used i..r lot. twi 9, otn at. lop urn CASH PRICE at once for your car, All make and modela for aale. . ' a-lSm. General Notices The Pelican Appliance Co. "WE FILL THE BILL FOR YOUR NEEDS" I 1 9 So. 5th St. Phone 62 32 RADIO SERVICE ' . AND ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES REPAIR '; : Your Chevrolet Dealer -John Ash I ey re0 PRICE FOR YOUR CAR If reasonably clean we make no deductions. You need not sacrifice when you sell to Ashley Chevrolet Co. 410 So. 6th St. 38 Miscellaneous For Soie SEED POTATOES TO SELL CERTIFIED GEMS CERTIFIED WHITE ROSE , ' GEM DROP SEED PHONE 7300 OR 3267 IN EVENINGS McKaig Feed & Produce Co. P. O. Box 130, 34 Automotive EXCHANGE MOTORS Fords, Chevrolets, Plymouths, Dodges and Others or We Will Recondition Your Motor Like New 1 Cylinder Rcslecving and Reboring Crankshaft Grinding and Line Boring Rcground Crankshafts With Bearings to Fit I. C. "IKE" HEATH Phone 3214 937 Calif. Ave. : . 2-26 35 Fuel Heatino STANDARD ' v BURNER OILS . Fuel Oil Furnace Oil Diesel Oil e ' Stove Oil BURNER SERVICE' Phone 5149 - Peyton. & Co. . : Klamath's OriRinal Fuel Oil Dealer RICHFIELD .Stove and Diesel Oils Best Quolity Prompt Delivery ' . Phone 83G7 JACK EICHENDORF Distributor l-31m 36 Miscellaneous For Sale tri-ta BAIT nru wnnrl RmV Rllxarth, 1314 Dayton. 2-2 FULLER BRUSHES - Clem Joyer. 1435 Martin, mono owi. - i-aim FOR SALC-Trailer notice, 24 ft. '42 model Plymouth. F.xcellent condition. Comnlctelv eaulDDed. Klamath Auto CourL 91tf I'OR 6ALC--100 ton baled nay. 1st cut alfalfa, oats and rye. at Kcno. See Guy Moore at ranc.1 before crossing river or call Doug Puckttt. Tulelake 7104. 3353 tf AI.I.RN Aiiriine Machine and FR1DEN Calculators. 124 S. Oth St. Pioneer Printing & Stationery Co. 2-lSm FOR SALE Hound dogs, trained and un trained, C. Crawshaw, Montague. Calif. . , . l-iil FOR SAt.EJ-Gas atove. Deluxe model. A burners. 3 ovens, like new. Phone 6966. - 1-31 FOR SALE La rg wooden barrel. In quire at Fluhrer a Bakery. 1733U FULLER BRUSHES Rep. R. V. Morgan. 932 So. Riverside. Phono 3348. 2-8m JUST RECEIVED stainless steel flatware. knives, forks and spoor a for commcr ' cial use. Oregon Equipment Co., 127 So. 6th, ' WILL SELL double bed complete. Like new. Cheap. 4606 Summers Lane. LADIES' jewelry, fur coat, clothing, for. mals. dresses, 12-14. Men's coats, cloth ing, 42. Baby stroller. Lady's ice skates site 6, fruit jars. Bmisch and Lamb Sports Field Glass. 1051 Erie No. 11. Phone 8406. 1-29 FOR SALE-Washing machine. 1681 Academy. S25.00. FINEST IRISH LINEN damask and nap kins, hand-rolled hems, tea and din ner napkins In ecru, II and 17-picco luncheon sets. Irish cotton damask and napkins, linen sheets and pillow cases. Laco nnd linen doilies. Water proof table cloth 43-93, Aprons, 5 col ors. Fancy camel hnir blankets. Che nille bedspreads. New York Linen Salesman, Hotel Hall. . 1-21) FOR SALE Two 2 Ivp. air compressors,', automatic with tanks. Cascade Latin-' dry, ...... 1-31 FOR SALE Piano, blond mahogany, spinet type, with bench, $403.00, 4fi3' Rummer. Lane. 1-31) Guneral Notices Phone 4113 36 Miscellaneous For Sale Klamath Falls 2568tf 36 Miscellaneous For Sale COAL Cash-and-Carry Sacked and Bulk LUMP . ... NUT . . . STOKER Buy direct from our coal man at the coal bins. Coal Bins Open 8 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. Office Hours 10-12 A. M. and 1:30-5:30 P. M. Peyton & Co. Klamath's Original Coal Dealer 915 Market Phono 5149 2-23MC. FOR SALE - ROLLER SKATING RINK PHONE 3639 or 9197 2-1 FOR SALE IRON FIREMAN COAL STOKERS BOB PORTER Phone 7708 2048tf SPENCER CORSETIERE Mrs. Enid Burch. 621 Oak. Phone 7315 for appointment. 2-Sm STOVES REPAIRED. All available parts stocked. Used furniture, stoves bought. OK Second Hand Store. 820 Klamath. Phone 5671. l-31m ULASS- Mirrors, resuvertng. plate win dow and auto glass, furniture tops, shelves. Kimball's Glass Shop. 527 Walnut. Phone 7378. 2-3in TOPPING and trimming trees and shrubs, landscaping, flowering shade trees and shrubs. Lakeshore Gardens Nursery, Phone 4052. 2-24m ALL WOOL rough-rider slacks with' ,. pleats .and zippers. Gabardines and Bedford cords. Now at Rudy's Men's' Shop. 600 Main. 2-24 BULBS BULBS If you are Interested in Croft Lily bulbs, we have them. Write to A. E. Gallin ' co Interstate News Brookings, Ore. 1.30 ROOKS-BOOKS-BOOKS Don't discard your. book, or m.g.ilne. Call S393. 3-5 FOR SALR 2-row Iron Ale Potato Planter with fertillter attachment. A-l condition. E. C. Schweitzer. Tulelake, Calif. 3737tf 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WE PAY TOP CASH PRICES We want furniture, trunks, suitcases, clothing, shoes, tools, guns,- clocks, watches. In fact anything of value. Give us a ring WE BUY EVERYTHING! 6th St. Exchange 521 So. 6th Ph. 7160 761U FURNITURE and miscellaneous of all kinds. ' Bought For Cash ' Get Best Prices. SPOT .SECOND HAND Phone 3429 1-31 WANTED-Battery radio. Will .pay sood price. Write L. E. Thomas, Polican Bay Camp. Bly, Ore. 1-30 WILL PAY CASH for used un. Brlna thrm In f or appraisal. BELL'S HARD WARE. 928 Main St. 131m CASH paid for household goods. Phone 7.H0. 454IHI WANTED TO BUY-Palr of thinning .hears. Please phone 4888 after S:30 p. m, ailtf WANTED Electric radio, davenport and chair, dining room sot. Call after Sun day. 11,11 Grant. 1-31 WHOLU CARTON of cigarette, for flrat furnished apartment or house for rent. Call daytime. Lt. Smith, 8101, Ext. 108. , 1-31 WANT TO RENT Set of tom-toms and "top hat. Need immediately. Cpl. Well. 9121, Ext, 73. - 1-30 WANTED A good Inboard motorboat. Will pay cash. Call Dwlght French. 3790. Klamath Falls. Ore. 3-3 WANTED TO BUY Lata model pickup truck. Phon. 7371. 1521 Sargent. RPIf 34 Automotive Sell Your Car ; - N O W OUR CHECK BOOK IS READY and WILLING : TOP OPA PRICE Balsiger Motor Co. ' YOUR FORD DEALER FOR 21 YEARS ' Main and esplanade 42 . Miscellaneous Wanted Potatoes Wanted Any Lot - Large or Small U. S. ONE'S ' . . . U. S. TWO'S ':: :.: , PEEWEE SIZE . Quijs Yin Soon. Be Saleable v' ' Phone 7360 or 3267 in Evening - McKaig Feed & Produce Co: P. 8, Box 130, 44 Livestock, and Poultry Oregon's Newest Hatchery Now Open for Business at 2720 So. 6th. . 15 years of success in the hatchery business. Remember how difficult it was to buy chicks in 1943? All lndlca. tions are that this will be just about such a year, judging from the present poultry meat and eggs shortage. ORDER NOW. A few cents a chick will do the trick." - WATCH THIS AD FOR AN IMPORTANT FUTURE ANNOUNCEMENT. Oregon State Hatchery 2720 So. 6th Klamath Falls, Ore. P. O. Box 32B ! 2632tf 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WANTED DRY and GREEN HIDES and PELTS GREASE See Us FirE-t For Top Prices SIXTH ST. AUTO WRECKING Phono 3583 2501 So. 6th 216 WILL PAY CASH .'OR VOl'R PIANO Louie R. Mann. 130 N. 7th; Phone 4319 or 7173. - l-23m 44 Livestock and Poultry WANTED-Dead nnd worthless aulniMln. Phone 4636 collect. I-31ni PAYING UP TO 52 lb for rabbit skins. Million, wanted. Riuh shipments to day. ValcaudaFur Co.. Seattle. Wn. 1-31 TIRED! . of milking cowe. We can give immedi ate delivery on Coudc milking machine!!. See or coll DON POTTER CO., Your John Deere Dealer, Tulelake, Calif. Phone 1012. 2-0 FOR SALE 3-dny-old calves. Rt. 810. FOR SALE Rcaistereri Hereford Boar pigs. 70 to 120 lbs. Louis Kolinn. Phone 203 Mnlin. Ore. 3-1 WANTED - Live poultry of all kinds. Also eggs. Martin Produce Co. , Plione 3372. 1-31111 WANTED - Poultry, livestock, turlicvs and rabbits. TRULOVES MARKET. tllfl East Main. Phone 42R2 2-3m 46 financial K: A. (Dinty) Moore For LIBERAL CASH LOANS AUTO Y" FURNITURE ' NOTE Private Sales Financed Simple Credit rtociuiromcnls Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay No Co-Signers i Quick Service Locally .Owned . Motor ' Investment Co. ' Klamath's Oldest M-275 S-211 ' 114 N. 7th Phone ;1323 : . 1-3 1 ni 34 Automotive 42 Miscellaneous Wanted Klamath Falls 2567U 44 Livestock and Poultry 44 Live tock and Poultry HIGHEST PRICES paid for hogs, veal, lambs and cattle. Johnson Packing Co. Phone 3323. nights 3500. l-3lm WANTED Poultry of all kinds. Pay highest price. Maltory a Y Market, Mcrrill-Lakevicw Junction. Ph. 4630. 1-39 CHICKS. Finest and best grade nf chtcks. Free delivery to Klamath Falls. Send for free catalogue. Talent llfilchei-.v. Talent. Oregon. 3-9 46 Financial When You Want a CASH LOAN For Any Worthy ' Purpose Call on ' P. A. (Buck) Everett at the office of COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP. ' 1 07 N. 9th St. Klamath Falls, Oregon Loans ' Made on - Automobiles ' Livestock. Furniture Salary Sales Between Individ uals Financed and O. P. A. Requirements Completed Come in Phone in or Write in ' Phone 7711 Lie. M-223 Lie. S-251 48 Business Opportunities Foil SALE-Fully equipped enfe dolnl . good business. Furnished living quart, : ' ei;s. Phono 7493. ' ... 3-1' AUTO WRECKING BUSINESS for sale Central location In Grants' Pass busi ness district. Essential war work. 50 n . 100, concrete butldtns and fenced In wrccklnc lot. lirge stock of lata model parts. Late model plekurt In cluded lit cash deal. Term, if deurd Price Slrtowi. Write Art Itlxeon. .111 East Q street, Grant. Pa... Ore Phon. in. ... l if ' i ,,, h r.'l I,' i'V 1 b M i i'sf I f I J ,1 HI ll'li 1 i It if i ill IT I