SO lUal ratal rot til 34 AulomolW $4 AulomolW Aulnmoliva 34 AutemotiTa Saturday. Jan. 27. 194S HERALD AND NEWS NINE P" :r. "r: TT.r wIHr limy i"11 'if.: i h.-' News ll' E.L iikXi P" .., , AVPHMtM. ,,r u,,d;' : r"..t m i . .v.'.' 1,1 i" " 1 --""""""!...... Ifiiliiwn llrr '.,' ,7 Do. "" -Ulnl'ir repair am UK "" Inr nervlcs' Oil Mimif rid Uurd Boon' ,4 row' Worn. Tor Hn. 127 Ml !- JMIII, i ".. rn. I'hmii mm. ' 5 m " kli "" - sunt Houl" For H,nt 7rTrNT-Vi.ll drivel move rjiaiumou For t, !.ivi" . J,,.,: K,' Paint '" t'hune WJ4 I -31m ATRwrooMMV WA..D fc biillUitK wllh inoiJr ff'S Ms" "ud ! ill ElUU ror qui I0T SPRINGS lale or Trade talrooms. oil uirnucc linnirilliilo posse; ice $0500.00. terms. Also lake wmc property uh IREGON AVENUE .droom. This l nl mute uu! in very nice lnimcUiole possession , dgwn payment about E. GRAY lealry Service Somtr 7th and Pirn fOlllcc Phone 3605 lundoy rhone lunu la? CLOSE IN t to ice this 3.bedroom Itliln easy walk Inn dli n town, lint hardwood full concrete basement urnncc, excellent comll' oughout. Immediate pos, Going tor 53000. Tcrmj, .COTE & SMITH REALTORS Since 1000 Oth Phone 4584 10MES FOR SALE IN McFEE. ItKALTOR Tth Phone 4521 2-S RAM! MO-ACRK RANCH Xracm hava len plowed, atso ntD or lurkfiy n ice. A nir r oivirnnea farnilnK, won fd lot dry and well riratiitri. ern. homo livable, well wal r woven Wire and trnu ifinrprl ft baled hav In turn. Very nice irm it generally known at ranch, located on Coal Mine ; pure cm be bouht lor h or down, hafanre i ui.uu iir yr at flr Thli nUcc It not nne nl'ihfin finehr: II nnre mid for a Rrcat p durlni World Wr I. You are dltccl trnm ownrra. For I" Jili Mil 609.1 or wrllt Oeorfa - n i. a.cuiura, Oregon, i -.-mum iioiiiB mttu, iar(. awni att Sn(l -xuiincr uitio 1738, (4 bine 1-87 .LParllv I, .i.... .. j P'ld rOKTVu from Lten'. alnr. ; Mllnv.y. Turn rUhi 2 blorka 1 11 1 Ut u'hiia dm... i.m -. viwiu cetii, 2 PACK TO Tllr. FAflM hi. Siiln,x i ilm iy,n.i,l ,ii"S',l'c'1 a. r, Sue Joe Perry Willi T. t. U-ITAtrvn "I Cililt n(j n'iurnr rhoni mm 1-87 ioid 3 """" '""' liimlwr, f Wr aillt V(11X t J7 t-j-iiMrr,nrTrrj:'. ' - I'37 e-vimwi; J . rulr r : , ' "'tit,rn not no, U,, Oi-eimi. l-m rnn "' lo.oo' T.fmf. ' b""nl. o ho!2. 'i In riiont inn l-as f '''TiT .. m. h- 1-3D F-s Mm? V.l" "r with "8. noq ClOfia In. ; I33D1I 1 WniH.J?"" hlh. - I ! Ilnhh , """H'lied bill hou 2nn. ,,M1 BUSINESS' OPPORTUNITIES F.liflit null npnrtment, walklnt (llltlincc, lint wiitur heul, fill'- iiIbIkhI. V-tUO U(i pvr mniitli In- coino. All roonm nirun ana Clieordil. I'rlce :3,00l).()0, purl cnnh. BRICK APARTMENT Cluic In, f ti ii i l.iliccl . yonrly In- enmn :iooo,00, liuured for $14,000. I'l-len $10,000.00, down pnymont $U,d00.00. SEUVICE STATION AND , i HOME On So, Oth St., future builnoM dluti'k't, him repiilr room In con nccllon, ull ciincrcto, ulnllon iniinped iihout an, 001) uiillont lnl yenr. Icloul for repiilr und erv Ice work, HOME ANU RENTAL Ncnr city hull, 21 units, rentnl Inconio $230 mo. Priced $12, SOO.OO. Terms cmi bo hud. If you uro Intcrcatcd In any of tho nbove properly I will be Kind to give you further Infor. million und show It to you Plnnnc do not nk fur Infornin lion over the phone. E. GRAY Realty Service Corner 7lh mid Pine Offlco Phone 3005 Sunday Phone 4U00 1-27 FOR SALE 3-room , h o in e with finished room In utile in St. Francis Park. Hardwood floors through out. Venetian blinds, rock wool institution, service porch, double Inundry Iruys, duublc surngc, chicken house, nice lawn and tfardun spot, trees and berries. Price $5250.00. Terms. Sec FRED COFER BARNHISEL AGENCY 112 S. 8th Phone 4105 1-27 Investment or Business One-fourth block In hcnrl of city, yronl potential value, I be lieve this property will double In value in next three years. Confidential report can be had only by personal Interview. E. GRAY Realty Service Cornor 7th and Pln Office Phone 3005 Sunday Phone 4080 1-27 SPECIALIZING In HOMES EVERETT DENNIS, REALTOR 121 N. 8th Phone 84111 a-13m 34 Autom ,tlva Does Your Car Sound Different Lately? If Chrysler Made It We Can Fix It Only Chrysler Engineered Pnrts Usee. Experienced Mechanics Phone or Call In For Appointment Burness Motors DcSoto S. 0th & Walnut Plymouth rhone 06110 2570U Motor Rebuilding Starter and Generator Reconditioning MOTOR TUNE-UP 25 Years' Experience Elmer Tripp Home Garage 210 Old Fort Road Jhone 7034 before 8:00 or after 8:30 P. M. FOn SALE RADIATORS OF ALL TYPES Will Build Any Type Radiator You Need Klamath Radiator Works 2221 So. 6lh Phono 0042 3-Tm Used Cars Bought ' "Sold Traded ODELL MOTOR CO. 744 Klumsth Ave. Where Oth Street Ends 313m 8KB MBit HT.NnV at l.ombird'i Uiyd . car tot. fl2l S. eih St. Ton OPA r.ku nntr'K at nnri frtr vOUf car. All makea and modeli for aalt. 9lBm rrtn tAii Mnrii.1 n Vnrrf. B a bod tiret, 7.H Oak. Ant. 1. I27 ron SAIiB-lfino Dodga coupe. (1101, Rxt. 07. Phone tnn a At lain Mnrlal A Pnrrl. 1300.00. Public Used Car Lot 7th und Ouk Across (rum Post Office South We Buy and Sell Used Cars and Trucks Sell Us Your Used Car Top Price - No Waiting CASH - bee Selby Last- Phono 0034 AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING c5SSERVICE Estimates Gladly Given Convenient Location ODELL MOTOR GO. 734 Klamath Ave. 34 AutomoMvt EXCHANGE MOTORS Fords, Chevrolet.1!, Plymoulhs, Dodges and Others or We Will Recondition Your Motor Like New Cylinder Rcslceving and Rcborlng Crankshaft Grinding and Line Boring Rcground Cronkshnfls With Bearings to Fit I. C. "IKE" HEATH Phone 3214 037 Calif. Ave. 2-26 RECAPPING and TIRE REPAIRING BATTERIES NEW TIRES All Sizes Monarch Service' Station B. 0th Teed Phone 7071 1-7 301 So RADIATOR REPAIRING Wc Are Well Equipped To Civo Prompt Service Tractor - Truck Bus V. B. SMITH 2540 S. 0th St. Phone 8331 1409-tf Winter Driving is Hazardous Driving Is YOUR Car Insured Fop Complete Automobile Coverage? riionc 5195 John Sandmcycr, C. 5. ROBERTSON AGENCY First Federal Savings Blrig 1-3 1-m FOR SALE Equity In 1037 Couch, good motor, heater, $173. Full price W03. Must sell immediately. Call between 3 and 7 p. m.. 4A11 Harlan Dr. Alao on prewar bicycle. 1-27 rOR SALF.-Newly overhauled 1631 Ora ham Sedan. IflO.OO. Call A046. 1-31 Ton SALE-lfKIS Pontlac. 2-door. L. C. Cllpperlon, HQ Co., Marina Barracka. 1-27 35 Ful Hoitlnfl STANDARD BURNER OILS Fuel Oil Furnace Oil Diesel Oil Stove Oil BURNER SERVICE Phono 5140 Peyton & Co. Klamath's Original Fuel Oil Dealer RICHFIELD Stove and Diesel Oils Best Quality Prompt Delivery Phone 8307 JACK EICHENDORF Distributor l-3lm 3t Mtsctllaneout For Sala FOR SAM-ChMP. ClIrL' In alio S lei 14. Girl.' .riml In llt 1 to T. Two .now ault,. sltfl 81-18: otia bill font Mr ,lfe 10-ynr. Two nlr mn' hialitop over.hoci. 10a.T(, Main St. Apt. 9. 1-17 ron sAi,r.-Dry wood. 1314 Daylon. nay Bllxiolh 9-3 rui.LKR BRUSHES - CUm Joyar. I43S Martin. Pnona iwjf. i-oiih FOR SA1.B-Trail" notlM, 94 tt. '41 n,nrfil Plvmoitth. Rxcellrnt condition. Compttltly oqulpptd. KUmalh Anlo court. 2370tf Phone 4M9 Wed. and Sat 36 MiiclliDous Fox Sale COAL Cash-and-Carry Sacked and Bulk LUMP . . . NUT . . . STOKER Buy direct from our coal man at the coal bins. Coal Bins Open 8 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. Office Hours 10-12 A. M. and 1:30-5:30 P. M. Peyton & Co. Klamath's Original Coal Dealor 015 Market Phone 5140 2-23MC FOR SALE ROLLER SKATING. RINK PHONE 3639 or 9197 2-1 TOPPING and trimming treat and liruba. landscaping, flowering ihade (rata and ahrubi. Lakeihore Cardeni Nuracry. Phona 4002. 2-J4m ALL WOOU roufh-rlder alacka with plrata and clppera. Gabardines and Bedford corda. Now at Rudy'i Mrn'a Shop. 600 Main. 3-2 BULBS - BULBS If you are Interested In Croft Lily bulb, wa hava then). Write to A. E. Qallln co Interstate New Brooking, Ore. 1.30 ron SALE-Pre-War ooy a bicycle and glrl'a bicycle. New balloon tlrci, 1201 California Ave. 1-27 BOOKS-BOOKS-BOOKS Don't discard yours books or magatipes. Call 0382, 2-5 rOR SALE -100 lona baled hay. lal cut alfalfa, oala and ry, at Kcno. See Guy Moore at ranch before crossing river or call Doug PuckatL Tulelakt 7104. U3U ALLEN Adding Machine and FttlDEN Calculator. 124 S. 9lh St. Pioneer Printing St Stationery Co. 3-lSm rOR SALE Hound doga. trained and un trained. C. Crawshaw. Montague. Calif. 1-31 FOR SALE On pair Chicago roller ekatea, site Si one complete f lining outfit, rods reels etc.: one set of 6.30 x 600 tire chains (newi; one knapsack one police raincoat (newi; on police hlazcr, atze to; 3 tnrow rugs, one large alee: first aid kit; one 1937 buick 4 rioor sedan, perfect shape, celling price. Various assortment of things. Come look them over. 004 Broad, small cabin in front. 1-27 FOR SAl-K-Gat atove. Deluxo model, S btirftera. 9 ovem, llko new. Phone t6. 1-31 FOR SAl, wooden barrel.. In quire at rlulirer'a Bakery. 1733U FULLER nnUSHKSRen. R. V. Morten 032 So, Rlvcralde, Phone 3348. 3-8m JUST RECEIVED stainless steel flatware. knives, forks ana spoons tor commer. clsl use. Oregon Equipment Co.. .137 So. 6lh. FOR SALE-Trash burner, with heater colls, stove pipe and metal shield. 427.90. 1203 California. 1-37 WILL SELL double bed complete. Like new. Cheap. 4006 Summers Lane. ' LADIES' Jewelry, fur coat, clolhlnl. for mate, dresses, 12-14. Men's coats, cloth ing, 42. Baby stroller. Lady's Ice skates sire 6, fruit Jars, Baosch and Lamb Sports Field Glass, 1031 Erie No. 11. Phone 8404. 1-39 FOR SALK-Washln machine. 1881 Academy. 423.00. . 1-20 FINEST IRISH LINEN damask and nap kins, hnnd-rolled hems, tea and din ner napkins In ecru, 9 and 17-plece luncheon sels. Irish cotton damask . and napkins, linen sheets and pillow cases. Lano and linen dollies. Water proof table clolh 4.1-53. Aprons, a col ors. Fancy camel hair blankets, Che nille bedspreads. New - York Linen Salesman, Hotel Hall, 1-20 FOR SAt.E-Two 3 h.p. air compressors, automatic with tanks. Cascade Laun dry. 1.11 Central Notlcal . The Pelican Appliance Co. "WE FILL THE BILL FOR YOUR NEEDS" I 1 9. So. 5th St. Phone 6232 v RADIO SERVICE AND ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES REPAIR We Will Give You the Highest Possible Appraisal -.on Your Car Just Call 4103 an'd Get Our Figure Dick B. Miller Co. Olcjs Tower 'Ceep Your Car In Top Shape FRONT WHEEL ALIGNING FRAME STRAIGHTENING New Modern Equipment Experienced Help LOMBARD MOTORS 424 S. Oth. St. 31 MiieelUnsoui For Saia SEED POTATOES TO SELL CERTIFIED GEMS CERTIFIED WHITE ROSE . GEM DROP SEED PHONE 7300 OH 3267 IN EVENINGS McKaig Feed & Produce Co. P. O. Box 130, 36 Miieallaaaeui For Sala -FOR SALE IRON FIREMAN COAL STOKERS BOB PORTER Phone 7708 2048tf SPFNCER COPETIF.RE Mm. Enid Burch. Kll Oak. Phone 7316 for appointment.- 2-Sm STOVES REPAIRED. All available pern locked. furniture, elovee bought. OK Second Hand Store. 820 Klamath. Phone 3671. l-31m SPECIALS 410.00 maohlnelesa perma nent ware. $7.30; cold waves $10.00. Swansen'a Beauty Shop. Phone 6661. 613 Main St. ' 1-27 GLASS Mlrrori. reellverlm. plate win dow and auto flase. furniture topi shelves. Kimball's Glass Shop. (127 Walnut. Phone 7378. 3-3m 38 For tala or Trad FOR SALE OR TRADE 3-room unlur nlshed house. Stewart Lennox Addn., 4230.00, also one ..ere ' north of town on old hlchway. Phone 3401, 3213 Or chard. 1-27 42 Miicallaneout Wanted WANTED DRY and GREEN HIDES and PELTS . GREASE See Us First For Top Prices SIXTH ST. AUTO WRECKING Phone 3583 2S01 So. 6th 216 WILL PAY CASH FOR YOUR P1ANO Louls n. Mann, 120 N. 7th. Phone 4319 or 7173. I -22m WANTED TO -BUY Lale model pickup truck. Phone 7271. 1521 Sargent. RPtf WANTED-A farm lo rent for one or mora years. J. W. Cavender, Redmond, Ore. 1-27 WANTED Smell furnished apartment. No drinking. No wild parties. Will pay good rates for right place. 1st Sgt. G. H. Mowerr, USMC. Phone 9131, Ext. 13, 1-27 WANTED-batc model electric refriger ator. Phone 3323. 1-27 WANTED TO BUY-Frlgldalre. Mrs, Bar- rati, winema ttotei. i-dt WANTED TO BUY-Flirnlshcd 4-room modern house. See Mrs. R, S. Skld- more. 431 Washington. 1-27 Cvnural Notlcal 7th at Klamath Thurs.-Sat. Phone 3136 Thurs.-Sat. 38 Miicelluaoua Tot Sala Klamath Falls 2368tf 42 Miicallanasus Wanted WE PAY TOP CASH PRICES We want furniture, trunks, suitcases, clothing, shoes, tools, guns, clocks, watches. In fact anything of value. Give us a ring WE BUY EVERYTHING! 6th St. Exchange 521 So. 6th Ph. 7160 761tf FURNITURE and miscellaneous of all kinds. Bought For Cash ' Get Best Prices. SPOT SECOND HAND Phone 3429 1-31 WANTED-Battery radio. Will pay good price. Write L. E. Thomes. Pelican Bay Camp, Bly, Ore, 1-30 WILL PAY CASH for used guns. Bring them In f or appraisal. BELL'S HARD WARE. S2 Main St. l-31m CASH paid for household goods. Phone 7510. 4340U WANTED TO BUY-Pair of thinning shears. Please phone 4888 after 3:30 p! m. 2161tf WANTED Electric radio, davenport and chair, dining room set. Call after Sun day. 1134 Grant. 1-31 WHOLE CARTON of cigarettes for first furnished apartment or house for rent. Call daylltne. Lt. Smith. 8101, Ext. 108. 1-.11 44 Live tock and Poultry WANTED HATCHING EGGS We pny highest prices for heavy breed hatching eggs, steady source of supply. Write, us at once. L. Dake lift New Montgomery SI. San Francisco, 5, Calif. HIGHEST PRICES paid tor hogs. veal, lambs and cattle. Johnson Packing Co. Phone 5323. nights 3303. l-3lm WANTED Poultry of all kinds. Pay highest price. Mallor.v's Y Market. Merrlll-Lakeview Junction. Ph. 4620. 1-28 CHICKS. Finest and best grade of chicks. Frco delivery to Klamath Fells. Send for free catalogue. Talent Hatchery. Talent, Oregon. 2-S WANTED-Dead and worthless animals. Phone 4636 collect. - l-31m PAYING UP TO S3 lb for rabbit skins. Millions wanted. Rush shipments to day. Valcauda rur Co., SeatUe, Wn. 1-31 TIRED! of milking cows. We can give Immedi ate delivery on Conde milking machines. See or call DON POTTER CO., Your John Desra Dealer, Tulelaka, Calif. Phone 1012. 3-6 WILL TRADE 3 gallon Jersey cow for saddle, saddle horse, or both. J. E Whltlatch, Malln, Phone 163. 1-27 FOR SALS 3-day-old oalves. Rt 1 Box 019. 3-26 FOR SALE-Reglstered Hereford Boar pigs. 70 to 190 Iba, Louis Kallna. rhone 20.1. Malln. Ore. 3 1 34 Automotive Sell Your Car N.QW: . OUR CHECK BOOK IS READY and TOP Balsiger Motor Co. YOUR FORD DEALER FOR 21 YEARS ; ; Moin ond Esplanade Your Chevrolet Dealer -John Ashley- - TOP PRICE FOR YOUR " CAR .- If reasonably clean we make no deductions. You.' need not sacrifice when you sell to Ashley Chevrolet Go. 410 So. 6th St. 42 Miscellaneous Wanted Potatoes Wanted ..... f ... Any Lot - Large or Small"""" ' . ; U. S. ONE'S ' :; U.S. TWO'S PEEWEE SIZE . Culls Will Soon Be Saleable Phone 7360 or 3267 in Evening , McKaig Feed & Produce Co.' P. O. Box 130, 44 Livestock and Poultry Oregon's Newest Hatchery Now Open for Business at 2720 So. 6th. 15 years of success in the hatchery business. - Remember how difficult it was to buy chicks in 1943? All Indica tions are that this will be just about such a year, judging from the present poultry meat and eggs shortage. ORDER NOW. A few cents a chick will do the trick. WATCH THIS AD FOR AN IMPORTANT FUTURE ANNOUNCEMENT. Oregon State Hatchery . 2720 So. 6th Klamath 44 Livestock and Poultry WANTED - Live poultry of all kinds. Also eggs. Martin Produca Co. Phone ' 3372. 1-31 m WANTED - Poultry, livestock, turkeys and rabbits. TRULOVES MARKET. BIO East Main. Phone 4282. 2-3m 4t financial See K. A. (Dinty) Moore For LIBERAL CASH LOANS AUTO " FURNITURE NOTE Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirements Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay No Co-Signers Quick Service . Locally Ownec Motor Investment Co. Klamath's Oldest M-275 S-241 114 N. 7th Phone 3325 l-31m 48 Business Opportunities FOR SALE-. Fully equipped enfe do?ng; good business. Furnished living quart-1 ers. Phone 7493. 2-1 1 34 Automotive WILLING OPA PRICE Phone 4113 42 . Miscellaneous Wanted ' Klamath Falls 2567U 44 Livestock and Poultry Falls, Ore. P. O. Box 328 2632tf I 46 Financial When You Want a CASH LOAN'. For Any Worthy , Purpose Call on ; P. A. (Buck) Everett at the office of . COMMERCIAL; FINANCE CORP. 107 N. 9th St. Klamath Falls, Oregon . Loans Made on; Automobiles Livestock Furniture Salary . ' Sales Between Individ uals " Financed and O. P. A. Requirements : Completed - . : Come ir. Phone in or Write in ; ' Phone 7711 ; Lie. M-223 Lie. S 251 l-31m ;;;; I m ii V I lflill Academy. I'30