Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 27, 1945, Page 7, Image 7

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    D SET
! ,u lei. iniimint
I10": ' . ncvcral
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o coin-
Iii Ur-
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in dl
ly pen
l.llml S1544
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,a ,,ililiner,
f.",. (nr December "1
I""1 "'.r..,..i i sillldll.
" " ,1, I irrinit
'"' ' ... f lll-l-l WB
n Inw'!";.'! ft!.!!.
!,rT..oi able lo profit
.J,.., llic-y "I" " oUI
,1 em.i... . . .
gV,cctirlly l year.
-l.il.. ni-l-IUl III! 10
turfs. U hl(l ulso bo
thai, wniu- v
LcH'iil time, the coM of
i.... ,,, iii-i'iirr iilll't.
t run ik
- ...v. nivt nut aliln to
nnsition nro (mroii to
, J,----
lie rcsuiis.
i .Kiln uriuiL lu
Iivldtmii n ji "i"'
clow lo Hi" cmimy uh
I- ....,.. ..111'., If. II.CIIU
-.-.I. f Ihrt 11(1 V tllllll
Ion lo prevailing llviMK
. , h MI'COl ll.i mi iiiv
.......I,!,, drill. Ik.
verK0 Individual lirunl
, iti.nnr1ni cm ciruii III
in Junu.iry iimum......
n1 rn.l. IO sll-t.tl 111
i ii.a nmfl venr.
due to Ihc fact (lint It
. ilm rtirit r.nl ill lilts
tit of tho entire fiimlly.
dmiti'iy 13 cases inroumi-
f ...... la nhnnl the IIVIT
Li, tl.nl rnrplved heltl
It commission. Tho Mute
I for mis nssrainncc
.ri hut three ruses ol
Mli-iHi.fiU In Klnmiiltf
It was reported, mid in
01 mil, uic avcrugo nt-
Ufll. K44. Ill MCffllllUFr
ycr, tho amount wits
lo 5.10, representing
II,. nil rl..M.t.Hi.nl nf
Id persons were nt one
lludi'd in mis os.n.niinco.
now carca tor in oinor
Inn lo Mrs. Urnuhart
ilcrollon In thu costs of
lira progrnm can lie nc
for by Iho Increase In
fcits, rather than an In
h the number of those
Inl. Of the 1311 Individ
Klinutli county Hint are
I ana tncrciorc viigiDic
me asslslnncc, only 24(1
e receiving nils help,
i quite a. toncl nveruite
lam during yonr.
Subs Sink
pp Vessels
INGTON, Jnn. 27 (!)
Marines hnvc sunk 21
cmy vessels, lncludliii!
jcrulncr, In Var Euslorn
Iho navy announced to-
ill also Included a lurgo
I Urge cargo tiansnoi't.
k. .....nt - . .;
mi luxingry, nino meal-
8 0 vessels, u medium
nrcc smn 1 rnron it-,i.i.
f (our imnll curgo ves
ptlom, announced In
fimunlquc broughl to
oi jiipnncso ves
by lubnuirlnes, Includ.
ombutnnt nnd 7 nnll.
It ships.
Is announcement rnlnrri
c number of Jupanose,
sunK by submnrlnos.
(Continued from Pigt On)
greater sti'ongtli than on Bulpnn.
wniii iioua it iiiuuiu
Agiilij llnio wjll toll.
THE Wulluu uiipulntniont as
uei'oturv uf conimorea him
now boon chuwed ovur from uv-
ary anglo. Not much roniulna to
bo iuiu,
MUCH romiiina lo ho thought.
Dcuguso of iho great novum-
mailt landing ngancloa that are
now Included In Iho doniirtmant
of rominorca, Its nccrolury bo-
conies lo ui liilunln unit purpos
es tna niuniigcr or tim govern
nioiit'a vusl BANKING enter
prlsea, .
All aouild. L'leur-lliliikliiu bunl
neaa mull know thiil nunc hu
ji in it wuu villi bu euusud by HAD
BANKING tliiin by nl most any
thing flue. Tim verdict (whelhoi-
sunken or left uiimioken) of Mich
men IK tlini wiillnen Is the worst
poaslbla choice Dint could huvo
been nindo for auvh a Jub,
hast Hit
oal Shortage
JINGTON, Jnn. 27 (p)
"sl looked Into IIkcoI
I"1 W,n lodny nd tho
o'n, mo llghtor the
few nothing Immc
.. d. but moro cold
Ion h . 7 "no"ni!o.
lmj . , ""'K'H move
fas .i to chill
I nf'n.0"1-1110 nren ""St
Il.J..r..clly. Mayor
acpotj W01llct b0 c,tnb.
(Continued From Page One)
sulci ho could not say what ac
tion Ihc union would luke.
After rcudliig Avery's state
ment which suld Wind's had but
tied for (uvuii yeiira for thu
worker's "coualltutionnl rights
to join a union, not lo Join
union ur to resign from a union
us ha wishes, Wolchok dc
dared :"Woe it lubor if Avery
brcoiues lis chuinnlon.
Ruling on a case which Iho
government sum nffected thu nu
tlon'f entire wnrtlme lnbor dls
mtto aotllemant machinery,
Judgv biilllviui asserted:
"In Crisis"
"Our nntlon la engaged In n
global war and it li Imperative
Unit wo contribute everything
wo linvn to Insure Its speedy and
successful conclusion. . . .
"Our country is In a great
crisis and our liberty nnd very
existence nro at stake. So deeply
do I feel on this subject Hint 1
believe it is not too much to ex
pect that for the durution cm-
filnycrs, employes nnd unions on
lia home front should niuke a
determined effort to adjust their
lubor disagreements without re
sorting lo strikes and lockouts.
"Selfishness, arrogance, Intol
erance of the rights of others,
self Interest and unwillingnes
should, during this omrrgency,
be all subordinated for the com
mon good. . . .
"Tho peacctimo privilega of
engaging In prolonged lubor dis
putes should bo voluntarily sus
pended for the duration. A tribu
nal hu.1 been established to ac
complish peaceful settlement of
labor disputes during tho war
Nazis Evacuate
Berlin, Report
Three travelers arriving hide-
f.cndontly from Berlin declared
hut slow, gradunl evneuntion of
men nnd women from tho Gor
man capital started this morn
ing. Shortage of rolling stock be
en u so of military needs and lack
of housing elsewhere wns ex
pected to mnke evneuntion diffi
cult, but 25 trains were reported
placed nt the disposal of the ref
ugees 10 miles south of Berlin.
Aftonbladet'a Borlln corres
pondent reported that residents
of the cnpltnl feel now "they nro
In tho very front area. Tho at
mosphere has suddenly changed
Berlin Is holding it brenth
watching tho cast.
Freight Bureau Head
Named In Portland
PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 27 (iT)
New superintendent of tho trans
continental freight bureau, Se
attle, beginning February l ,will
be Guy L. Leonard, Portland,
who retired last July as general
agent here for the Union Pacific
He was stationed at Seattle,
Walla Wnlln, and Tacoma dur
ing the 27 yenrs he worked In
the railroad's freight and passen
ger traffic departments.
Tho marrinua rata In Germany
during tho wnr hns been less
than In nny of the English-speaking
allied countries.
(Continued From Page One)
ent Friday but that he had not
seen llcuvel today, Saturday,
Warrant Issuad
Circuit Juilgn David It. Van
denberg received the grand
Jury's report ut tt o'clock lust
night and immediately issued a
bench warrant against tho for
mer chief. Ills bund was set ut
S3000. lleuvel has been at liber
ty under ilUIHJ bund which ho
posted December 10, In Justice
The former chief, upon appre
hension, will post Ills bond in
circuit court, Judga Vundunbcrg
lieuvel wns arrested Decem
ber lU, during thu lust month u(
his olfii'u lis chief of police A
lengthy preliminary hearing was
conducted In Justice court Junu.
ury 5 and II, and Justice of thu
I'eucc Joseph A. Muhouc-y bound
Heuvel oveaj to the grand Jury
Juuuiiiy 7.
During the preliminary hear
ing Wllliu Muq Collins, 16, and
her sister, Murgurel, tcMUIcd
that the former chief had fol
lowed them out of town and the
alleged act ugninst tile 10-year-old
occurred October b, 1U44,
near tho Lukcvlcw hiiihwuy a
few miles frum Kluniuth Fails.
Both Willie May pud Margaret
nro being held In tho county juil
as niuterlul witnesses, Wlllio
Mac as a ward of the Juvenile
court. Margaret hud testified
that her age was 20.
Cairn Urged by
German Radio
LONDON, Jan. 27 (TP) The
Gorman rudlo today called on
tho homo front to show neither
Illusions nor panic.
Rumors told of mounline an
xiety and disturbances within
Germany but allied officials
hero cautioned against being
misled by wishful thinking or bv
nazl propaganda reports.
a uruisn i o r c i g n office
spokesmnn Inboled ns "ohoncv"
rumors In Madrid, Lisbon and
Barcelona thot the Germans
were fishing for pence. These re
ports, ho sold, were clearly Gor
man inspired.
Patton Holds
Main Skyline
Drive Sector
(Continued From Pago One)
sions were astrldo or across the
"bkyllno Drive" highway run
ning north to St. villi on a
1500-foot ridge overlooking the
uur and the uermans' Siegfried
no guarding the rcich. The
2flth division drovo ahead 2V&
miles above Wlltz, nnd the 80th
and 8th divisions advanced from
a half to one mile. Tho third
army bagged 801 prisoners yes
The U. S. ninth and British
second armies held the Roer
river bank from Roermond to
Monschau, 10 miles southeast
of Aachen, nnd had widened
the only breach in the Siegfried
line to jo mnes.
Red Push Felt
Russia's great offensives were
being felt increasingly on the
snowbound western front, cs
witnessed by tho nnzi withdraw
al to the Roor river and the
halt of German attacks in Alsace.
For tho second strnlght day
pilots reported a steady flow of
heavy rail traffic east and
northeast from tho whole Ruhr
Set in I ekes'
Tax Controversy
CHICAGO, Jun, 27 (A') Gor
don NiihIi, ussistnnt slate's attor
ney, today requested records of
Hie county assessor's office and
the bniird of tux uppeaU In con
nection witii his investigation of
on "erroneous" tax uffiduvit
which the county assessor's of
fice suld wns filed by Harold L.
Ickcs, secretary of the interior.
John S. Clark, county (Chi-
ciigo) assessor, said Ickes hud ob.
Mined nit sun-ill lax reduction on
u building he owned by filing
the erroneous" affidavit. The
reduction, Clark suld, was for
i 114.1 una 1U41.
In Washington D. C. Ickes
suld ho hud "never, to my knowl
edge" made un affidavit to tho
boiiid of tux appeals.
Mrs. Kenton Knight
Harry A. Mercor
Tho Opaning of
The Pelican Novelty
January 29, 1945
Our Mtrchindlio Includes
Egermeler Books
Sallman Pictures
Sunday School and Church
Scripture Stationery
Grtaling Cards
Wall Plaques - "Corky"
128 So. tth Phona 4892
(Continued From Page One)
froe to vote us Ihey choose, how
ever, und Senator Bridges (II-
n. II.), expressed a belief t ut
several of them might vole for
wwrace ir me commerce secre
taryship is divested of its lend
ing powers.
Senators Lucas (D-Ill.) and
Muybunk (D-N. C), Wallace
backers, iinnounced support for a
coininitlee-upproved bill to scd-
uratu from Die commerce depart
ment mo vnsi nioney-ciispcnsing
agencies built around the recon
struction finance corporation
wiiien jesse Junes managed for
ii years.
Concedes Passage
Sonulor Pcnncr (D-Flu.). eon.
crolissimo of tho former vice
president's forces, virtually con
ceded tho bill would puss. He
said there would be no objec-
uons to us consideration before
the nomination is brought up.
Tho Inference wan nlnln ihni
he and others thought Wallace
might bo confirmed if the senate
una some assurance that the
monetary powers would not go
nlong with Hie cabinet Job from
which the president fired Jones.
Silver Star Given
To Med ford Hero
Award of the Silver Star tn a
Mcdford, Ore., man who was
killed while neutralizing a
heavy German attack in Italy
was announced today by the
war department.
First Lt. Robert R. Hammond
moved Into enemy territory last
May 28 to reconnoltcr for a co
ordinated ntlnck. Then ho led
his platoon into battle, first aid
ing the exposed American flank
and then helping to halt nn
armored German counterattack.
"He wns killed while work
ing his way through his platoon
under intense flro, directing and
encouraging his men," the cita
tion said. His widow, Maxine,
lives at Medford.
The mountain village of Mars
Hill. N. C, has token to the man
ufacture of hand-made rugs and
1UU sKlllcd mountaineer-weavers
have found permanent employ
Januarr tG. 19IS
Max. Mln
Fufvn 4.1 22
Klamath Falla 40 17
Barramrnto . Kt
North Bend 53
Portland w. 43
Mdtord 91
Reno 46
Ban Franclico .10
SKJitUa si
OrevAn-Moatlv clear but local foBa In
valleyi lodny, tonight and Sunday, Uttlt
cnanee in lontperaiure.
Northern Cnllfornla Moilly clear to
day and tonlaht. Sunday nartly cloudy,
Not much Chang in temperature. Frost
(Continued From Page One)
may make a stand before the
Yanks reuch the commonwealth
Cloar Hills
Mac-Arthur said his men were
clcurlng the hills southwest of
Uumbun and had captured many
urtillcry pieces and machine
guns. There, was no word of further
firogress southward from Ange
es or from Magulang, on a par
uilcl highway to tho cast. For
ntuth and 37th division forces on
these two roads were pressing
toward San Fernando, capitul of
Pampanga province, some 15
miles south. At San Fernundo
tho roads converge to puss be
tween two swurnps on the gate
way lo Manila. Another brunch
forks oft to historic Botaan pen
insula lo the west.
Few Gains
What fow gains Mac-Arthur
listed ill his coimmih!o.uc occur
red on tho bittcrly-conlcsted left
Units of the first corps took
high ground northeast of strongly-defended
Rosario, on the road
to the Philmninc- summer capi
tal at mountulnous Bngulo. and
other Yanks took" the town of
Cauringun in a drive north from
bison aimed at cutting in behind
San Manuel, in foothills 15
miles southeast, was captured
after two days of fighting, and
ine imanirymcn destroyed lu
ti.inks in sharp engagements cast
and north of the town.
NKW YOIIK. Jan. 27 'API Paced by
tvcii, rubbers and Jow-prlced Uauea
with good pac'lltno proipecl , ieJc ti
ed ilock tunLlnued liialr fit u very
drive Ifi today's market.
Advance! ranged frum traction to
paint or mora at the opening but tup
niarka war trimmed In the majority or
cHitai near the close. Transfer wart in
the vicinity of tou.'XJ0 shares.
lie t tar stock performers 1 net u tied V. 8.
fllaul, Goodyear. Kemit cott. ' Armour.
American Hadlator. Hadlo Corp.. Sears
HftcbuLk, Westingnouse and Inturnation
al Telephone. Among occasion! losers
wera Criryiler, Great Northern. Ooalng
and Union Carbide.
Trading In Montgomery Ward com
mon was suspended temporarily on tne
floor of tha slock exchange following
word that Chicago federal court had
ruled that the recent seizure uf this
mail order properly by the government
was Illegal. Wnen dealings were re
sumed tna stock sold on a -share
block, up more than a point, and soon
xtendtd tha advance.
Honds wera mixed and commodities
warn easier.
Closing quotations;
American Can 01
Am Car b Jdy 40
Cat Tractor
Commonwealth V foou
General Eiectrlo .....
General Motors
Gl Nor Ry pfd
Illinois Ceniriil M
lnt Harvester
Lockheed ..,.
Long-Hell 'A
Montgomery Ward
N Y Central
Northern 1'aciflc
Pac Gas it El
I'fickard Motor ...
J'cnno R K
Hichlieid Oil
Safe way Stores
Sears HoehuvK -
.Southern Pacific
Standard Brands
Sumhine Mining
Union OH Calif
Union Pacific
U fl Steel ,
Warner Pictures m .
- 4;j,
... v
..... II u
...II 4 '.s
... 61
i3 ,
Saturday Jan. 17, IMS
w.uu-W-uu; good bulls 12 oo-au.-U; mad
lurn sausage bulls 10.00-111.40.
Calves me live days Oi. compared
Friday week ago: Hteidy; good to
choice veaiers iiu.w-gti.ao, bum uf
week's supply $10-00 -St.. 00.
Hogs fur five days uoo; compared
Knday a week ago; g tea ay, cloning tup
and bulk good and choice, iUAJ-it'id lu,
barrows and gilts 118.73; good sows
lt. oo. celling.
Sheep for five days 2000; compared
Friday week ago: f ully steady; week's
bulk good to cnwlce full wooicd lamus
siu.oo with lo-ito per cent sort at fu.uu
13.00; small loU good wooled 13 lb. to
1:k lb. awe afl.OO, closely sorted; quot
abuj l&.2i.
PORTLAND, Ore.. Jan. 37 (AP-WFA
Salable cattle for week H378; calves 240;
market active, generally steady but good
cows and meuiumlow good steers as
much as 23 cents higher, few loads
strictly good fed steers 13.3O-$ltt.O0;
medium- good 11330-11 3.23; common
down to 111.00, cullers to U bo; common
medium heifers li.30-lil ou; strictly good
fed heifers up to 1 14 30-73; medium-good
beef cows 9i0.00-SI2.73; fat dairy type
cows around W.30-410.30; canners-cu iters
largely Sfl.OO-W .00; medium-good bulls
S10.00-gii.73; odd head to -12.00 and
S12.26; good -choice veaiers 1 J 30-9111.00.
Salable hogs for weak 2103; market
unchanged; supply Inadequate to fill ex
isting orders; good-choice 170-270 lb.
barrows and gilt Slo.73; 237-0 lbs.
SI 3.00; heavier and lighter weight
914.90; good sows 913.75-114. 00 mainly;
good-choice feeder pigs 913-00-25; good
stags largely 910.00-30.
Salable sheep for week 1475; fat lambs
generally steady but late top 10 cents
above last week; ewes around M cents
higher; good-cholca trucked In lambs
914.30-913.00; few head and one car
91.23; two cars fed 84 lb. Canadian lambs
913.30, new recent high; common lambs
down to 910.00; culls down to 98.00; good
yearlings up to 912.00; good slaugnter
ewes 96 30-97.00, culls down to 93.15 or
(Continued From Page One)
pointed out that the law requires
that income lux revenues be used
to reduce property taxes, and
said it must be determined
whether the bill is within the
six per cent constitutional limi
Employer representatives told
the senate labor and industries
committee that provisions
mat women receive pay
equal to men's wages should
be a mailer of collective bargain
ing, rather than be fixed by law.
They spoke in opposition to la
bor's bill to give women equal
Labor Support
State Labor Commissioner
W. E. Kimsey supported the bill,
as did labor representatives.
Bills to increase the cost of
motor vehicle licenses from $5
to $10 a year, and lo boost the
cost of liquor permits from $1
to $1.50 a year were being dis
cussed today, and it is likely
they will be introduced early
next week.
Kaiser Asked to
Collect Clothes
President Roosevelt has asked
Henry J. Kaiser, west coast
shipbuilder, to head a gigantic
campaign to collect "usable
used clothing" in this country
for relief of Europe's destitute
The campaign will begin in
April with the objective of
gathering 150,000,000 pounds of
clothing 10 times as much as
the United Nations relief ad
ministration obtained during a
drive among the nation's
churches some months ago.
CHICAGO. Jan. 27 (API Polatoci:
Arrivals 44. on track 103, total U. S.
alilpmenla 790; old itocki offering, very
light, demand exceed available offer
Inga local track market, market firm nt
celling., very few reported .ale.; new
.lock supplies very light, demand ex
ceeds supplies, market firm; Minnesota
No. 1. s:i.i:i, commrclals, S3.00: cobblers,
U. S. No. 1. 13.11; Florida so-pound socks
and North Dakota, Bliss Triumphs, U. 8
Dill. Triumphs U. a. No. 1, S2.19.
CHICAGO, Jan. 27 1AP1 Grain fu
tures dropped sharply at the start to
day, made a fractional recovery near
nild-scxsion. then suffered additional
losses In the final hour of trading. At
times all except barley prices were off
from one to two cents with rye leading
the decline.
The sell-off was a complete reversal
of yesterday's closing; trade.
At the finish wheat was 1V to 2 cents
lower than yesterday's close. May 91.00
'.i-lV Corn was off . to 2, May Sl.lO'i
OaU were 1 , to 1 lower. May 63H-Vi.
rtye was off 1V to tu. May $1 11 VIVj.
Barley was 4 lower, May Sl.OO'g.
iAP-WFAt Cattle for five day 1200:
compared Friday a week ago: Good
steers and heifers steady; all other class
es firm; medium to good steers 915.35;
few odd lots medium to good heifers
913.00-S14.00: good hay fed range cows
$12.00-913.00; dairy bred slaughter cows
910.00-911. 00; cutters 98.90-S6.O0; canners
Dancing for Members
And Their Ladies
Admission Is Free, So Let Us All
Turn Out For Good Times
that's thrilled
ml,, millions on
Pj ...STAGE...
Li and SCREEN!
' -sSwrnerica's ForswweitJ .4" J
tP'tifltjar Composer and Conductor if ' t -ih
S and his ORCHESTRA' If
In ' Kay War(l ond ffjf
Swinglt Swingle Solidaires f
Next Wed., Jan. 31
Fourth Annual
Serving from -12:00
to 4:00 P. M.
Community Hall
2150 Garden St.
On block east on Garden
from East Main
Adults 75c
Children 50c
Courthouse Records
LEC-BECKEK. Mobert E. Le, 19, U. S.
navy, native of Texas, resident of Klam
ath Kails, Ore. Anna Heckman Becker,
!U, housekeeper, native of Oregon, resi
dent of Klamath Falls. Ore.
fcSPLAN-NOHDINE. Sylvester Charles
Bernard Etolan. 21. farmer, native ol
Minnesota, resident of Klamath Pails.
Ore. Doris Eileen Nordine, 16, domestic.
native of Minnesota, resident oi tviam
ath falls. Ore.
RPPRjfiHT.BRADY. William Grof Ed-
p right, 21, aviator, native of Ptnnsyl-
MllHr.rl Anna Brldv. 10. llenoeraDher
native of Pennsylvania, resident oi
Philadelphia, Penn.
CHENEV-VAI.LIKH. Robert Wodrow
Cheney. 20, USMC. native of Idaho, res
ident of Klamath Falls, Ore. Mrs. Ruth
Valuer, zn, waitress, native oi ricoraa
Va. i-Midcnt of Klamath Falls. Ore.
SCHWElGEP.-PlNNEy. Louis Vlrjront
Schwcigcr. 21, u. a. navy, native oi nan
sas, resident of Klamath rails, Ore.
Edna Margaretta Pinney. IB, housekeep
er, native, of Colorado, resident of Klam
ath Falls. Ore.
i:ni-v.MnvuvAtt. Warren Truman
Adrian Geary, 21, U. 3- naYr?lnti,vol1of
Pennsylvania, resioent oi riiiuuiiwi
Penn. Eleanor Ida Maxwell. 20. house
keeper, native of Pennsylvania, rest-
.i T)liiiHlr.hI Pstnn
tiaroid ie vasseur, u. o. iuivjr, n-
(Continued From Page One)
of harmony. Labor leaders have
assailed the proposal as an at- ,
tempt to abrogate existing
union contracts.
Members espousing labor's
cause are equally determined to
write into the bill a statutory
foundation for the fair employ
ment practices committeo set
up by the president to prevent
discrimination in employment
because of race, creed or color.
Tho water buffalo is consider
ed the second most dangerous
of all the Indian "wild" animals,
yet it is the "domestic" animal
of many regions.
tlv. of Wl.eonsln, re.ldent of Klamath
rails Ore. Vlda Beatrice .! Vasiour, 33,
waitress, native of Missouri, re.ldent ut
Klamath Fall.. Ore.
WII-LKV-STONK. Alvll Claud Wlll.y.
21. farmer, native of Illinois, resident of
Merrill, Ore. Davie Oh Stone. 17, wait
ress, native of Oklahoma, resld.nl ol
Merrill, Or..
ans p
Norland fiV
In Insurance
ond has the experience
to plan the insuring con
tract best filled to your
Hans Norland
Insurance Agency
Fire Auto Casualty
118 N. 7th Ph, 6060
There's Still Time To Prepare
No Appointment Is Necessary
Open 10 A. M. to 7:30 P. M.
737 Main
Phone 7240
Across the street from United States National Bank
Studios also in M.dfoid, Bend, Albany and Portland
Do you think S ewe 1 1 Avery will
be appointed Secretary of
Labor? .
Do you think all securities
carry a "Priority A"?
Do you think one individua
security offers the same diver
sification and safety factor as
a group of well selected se
curities within a given industry?
Ralph R. Macartney, Jr.