r,ewPTA 0cl l,lnl III charge. . 1 1 i ill H niiii kukIi". ,T"um.v Vmi Vm"r ill ! B,,g, will. Mr.. II. ,l iVi l i Wuiicliupo wo'. !''" iUol1ll,m'a 5' . will U"l" Cl.mlliclod F'-h Mr. Sim""- ""l, II whlc.hJen tli'it "ll "uw I ""fhi third ol"',,, P r;'rj Unit L'OIIBHIi "w..." rlnltd,'; Wonluii street 111 Imwcd on V ... ,i ,ul Una t. So" "l,Ull,Ur 1 drive. , ..i-nui-uin ' T' introduced llio guest rol'' inicrr.lliiU "I"" VCiV i.lk on "Wlml are Ihlinlnl 'K ,h olir olill- fh.mil" l" IMl "l"1 " Z i hut Uivlr children lWT.;l0himuency L'u becoming threaten- (.nice lo our cuumw Bert r.CLbuy. ,r, pre.ldi.ig at ihc tea L' .? from 2:W lo 2 MU IP ":.. u nric in Arlt Willi Fill. - ft The loplc o( dlscuislon ?.,rjhMnunhy." ' i 8 2 1 r.RRILL Announcement m.dc Uili i week by Mr. and William 0. Hodge, ol Mer it m.rrl.ifo ot their young iiuglitcr, Uillie Lee. to til J, Greiliam, Torpcdomun U. S. navy, on December The iiroom I. the .on of md Mrs. Eddie Grcshum of Diego, former runldeiiL ol like. , . li ceremony n performed t Flnt Prcibyterliin church in Diego, and Hie young It were attended by tho nil of the uroom. r her wedding, the bride i i ilrcet lenjtlli frock ot n whllo wool with gold tid trim, and her acees i were of an aquu .luidc. Itnl.i and pink rotuQuu. uicd in Iter corsage. i rirfilum n L-rnrluuto of III high ichool with tho of Itm, aticnflcu urogon M.llni. ot rnrvMlllN. nrlnr lnv cnnlh fni her wpilillllil. ;jroom graduated from Ttilu- l mgn icnoot in tuu, ami Ittd In the nave n short liter. ' inri Mm ftrethnm will la their horns In San Dleco cnc iircorm. ... - uuUpr" AW til Woman's Socey The Woman', .oclety of ChrU tian Service of the Fir.t Motho dl.t church held It. monthly meeting In the church parlor, on Thur.day, January 29. Mra, Paul Edwards, leader of the mornInK icMon, presented a new acrlc ( le.mni "The Word ol III. Grace." Eighteen enrolled In tills court of study. At the noon hour the group enjoyed oaocrnck luncheon. followed by a meeting of the ex ecutive board. The general meet ing at z p, m. waa arranged ny Mr.. Earl Redman, pre.ldent, and Mr.. Walter Herndon led the devotional service, during which time Mr.. W, L. Terwilllger tang several solos. Special attention wan called to the outstanding poster, made for the .oclety by Mrs. Bruce Bink ley and Mr.. We.ley McNco. Mrs, E. H. Balslger reported a very successful financial year. "VIV MARRIED RECENTLY Miie Wrlghl, dniighlr-r of A. L. Wright, became the bride of Howard Srxlon. QM 3c, USN, son of Mr. and Mr.. J. P. Sexton. The ceremony look plnco on Sunday, January 21, at 8:30 In the afternoon nl 'he home of the groom', parents, and the Reverend Ander.onn nfllriiitcd. The young couple left Monday for San Fran cisco where the groom Is stationed at the present time. Mrs. Sexton Is n graduate ot Klamath Union high school with the cIum of 11114. Kennell-EUii. Bridal Shower KKNO Mis. Howard Brown w.is tho guest ot honor ut a mis cellaneous brldnl shower given by Mrs. L. E. Liimnui. on Tues day afternoon, January 16. After Mrs. Urown hod opened her many lovely and useful gifts, delicious refreshments wore served to the guests. Thoso Invited to honor the bride were Mrs. Grace Ramsey, Mrs. Beulnh Slroberg, Mrs. Miiblc Iliiitltlnsaii, Mrs. Mabel Foster, Mrs. Audrey Schorer. Mrs. Hazel Bnubleln. Mrs. Freda GiMliain, Mrs. Jewel McKcen, Mrs. F.vallna Sohrokoff, Mrs. Es ther, .Inhiifon, Mrs. Lorraine An derson. Mrs. I.nc-IMn Akt. Mrs. Hiiv IIIiuIibw. Mrs. Margaret Vermillion. Mrs. C. A. Water house, Mrs. Gertrude Powell, Mrs. Robert Glassrjole. Mrs, Tom Brown, Mrs. M. 1., Parker, Mrs. Ilertlia Mnnre, Mrs. Helen Atchison, Mrs. Ora Smith, Mrs. Walter Lavtnn, Mrs. Flossie l.eiv nn, Mrs. ju.nnlla Augustus, Mrs. Belli Howard, Mrs. Sarah Ivle, Mrs. I.enn Ivle, Mrs. Lee Slack, Mrs. K. E. Puckett, Mrs. Richard Morgan, Mrs. Gladys Foster, Mrs. Eva Stiles, Mrs. Gilford, Gcrnldlne Glfford, Ethel Puckott ami Mary McKecn. Club Meets MERRILL Member of the Lost River Garden club met at 1 o'clock on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mr.. Luther lluskin. for a potluck luncheon. During the afternoon, the group tied a quilt to be given to the Red Cross. Those present for the after- noon were Mr.. Kajmussen, Mr., o. T. McKendrec, Mr.. W. C. Bailey. Mr.. Hugh O'Con nor. Mr.. George Houck. Mr., Dale West, Mrs. J. R. Blatch and nir. T. u. wneeier. S Contract Club Mr.. C. O. Dryden, 610 North 1 1 tli, was hostess to the ThurS' dny Contract club at her home on January 25. Those attending were Idollne Schupp. Clara Mc- Phcrrcn, her .Ister, Margaret Moran or Yakima, Washington. Fannie Thompson, Bertha He witt. Olive Burke and Willa Bark. High .core was held by Ido llne Schupp, second by Margaret Moran, lind Willa Bark received the traveling award. Bertha Hewitt of 2228 Dar- row will be the next hostess. ft )1 I . uJHf 1 PjyfZ' i i . Cm project to ba undertaken till, year will be sewing for needy Philippine people. Mr. George Casper gave an Interesting report on the Hur- wikkI school for girl., it. person nel and work. A piny, "The Open Door Which No Mun (Jan Shut," wus prnscnted under the direction of Mrs. L. K. Phelps, program chairman. The soloist with the ploy was Mrs. W. L. Terwilllger, and she was accompanied by Mrs. Klbcrt Veatch. Those taking port in tho costume play were Mrs. Walter Herndon, Mrs. A. G. Proctor, Mr.. Albert Gaslcr, Mrs Clco Dunlnii. Mrs. E. M. Chil cote, Mr.. C. A. Wahlqulst. Mrs. Joe Kennedy, Mr., G. w. uil. Christ, Mrs. Rcna Howry. Mrs, Donald Phelns. Mrs. Earl fted mun, Mrs. K. II, Snell. Mrs. Jack Pastow and Mrs. Wesley McNco. Tea was served by circle 1, with Mrs. C. H. Barnstable ana Mr.. Walter Herndon presiding at tho attractive table. Pinochle Club On Thursday, January 25, Ye Oldc Pinochle club met at the home of Mclva Dnnlel.ton, 131 High, for luncheon ut 1 p. m. fol lowed by cards. Fannie Goddard held high score, Kathryn Bill ings second, Melva Dnnlolson low and Agnaco Lowe received the pinochle award. Other, who attended were Esther Adki.son, TIUICl V NIIUCi AllJIin I.DII UI1U Grace Bock. Grace Bock will be hostess for the next meeting. The Rebekah Social club met In the IOOF hall on Wednesday, January 24, for a potluck lunch eon and Red Cross sewing. It was a very good meeting and much work was accomplished. Hostesses for the afternoon were Jennie Hurn and Alice Gowland. The next meeting will also be potluck, and the hostesses will be Alfreda Steinmctz and Cora Gehrkc. Saturday, Jan. 17,. 1141 HtHALO AND NEWS FIVE Jolly Neighbors The Jolly Neighbor, met at the home of Mrs. Ralph Wlcse on Friday, January IS, at which time many lovely gifts were pre sented to Mrs. J. P. Russell. Hostesses for the affair were Mrs. A. S. Eck, Mr.. Ralph Wlese and Mr., R. W. Toycon. Those who attended were Mr. Jnme.i Cooper and Jim and Dick, Mr., Bernard McDonald and Margaret, Mrs. Clarence Sessler and Charles, Mr.. Dorothy Ab ncr, Mrs. Harriet Newman, Mrs. James Francis, Mr.. J. R. Rus sell and Charles, Mrs. A. W. Pol lard, Mrs. B. H. Hull and Mrs. William Long. A special guest at the meeting was Mrs. Carl Olson, who wa. visiting here- from Iddeslelgh, Alberta, Canada. Serve On Wednesday, ladlea of the First Methodist church served at the VSO center, and their apec ialty thl. month wa. homc m.ido , cake.. On January 24, those who helped were Mr.. Clao Dun lap, Mr.. W. W. Wlthrow, Mr.. A. G. Proctor, Mr.. Earl Red man, Mrs. Walter Herndon, Mr. Whlto, Mr.. Johns, Mrs. Redkey, Mr.. John Rlnch, Mr.. S. A. Gastcr, Mr.. Catherine Loving, and Mr.. L. K. Phelpt, On January 17, Mrs. E, H. Bal slger, Mr.. Brucll, Mr.. Lillian Hagman, Mr.. Rdkey, Mr.. Riach, Mrs. Jame , ..lders, Mr.. L. A. McMillan, Mis. A. G. Proc tor, Mra. S. A. Gaster, Mrs. Wahl qulst, Mr.. Earl Redman and Mr.. L. K, Phelp. served a. host esses at the center. FAITHFUL to his genius " . . . PAUNTLESS in his salute to Spring , , CYMONETTE creates his . suit triumph of ths year and sot'j a new eye-level , for American design. In black and navy, silver spray, lime Ice, , tryst blue, neon pink and sea foam, JP fljf with a. modern touch by America's foremost designers ... I $j?wl LESLIE JAMES blO .Hollywood Jj,rl G. HOWARD HODGE fl rifth Avt.. Hw York . iraT gyyy 1 MILGRIM Y! Wet 7th St., Niw York t2S?'f J MEADOWBROOK ffiWLk & Cx1! h c""orn' IS Wwt ,ism& GERMAIN E MONTABERT f l K fW&L FUth Ave., New York t yVf M l and many others. , ' " jf V MM W" scoured the East and the West IV mimStAf i to bring to you the most thrilling and .v s?iS ?r& ' v Comp,ete se'lectioa w want you to ' Ci TajM St ' I 'V!SS. 0 A e these hats soon. V