1 1 T v - BY JOAN CAMPBELL oernbecherTea Wurday Affair . ..I rnlilnlWtl ikf l't'i fiifliiill.ii. 41 ..I I .... .. '"".'"'iU'wiilfr of ruffle 'f while -luce paper over red, ,,r III I'". 1 ,.. Inlili. nl llm 11 1 1 1 11 1 II I Iw.iii.rll I. .1.1., 10(1 'I'viVi "for Dnornbecher hospital In Portland' by llm 1 II, WS W01"""'" Library '"b Nil" afternoon Hi lliu III. . i.UdiivH I'SIII'I'lllll V Illl'ltV lit lllll I),ii.-nl,,.-li,..- .. 1..11 i line. .' . : : "I' ........I Ihi. K . Vllll'H-" nil candles ' ! . ii. ....in 1,1 0,! H'l wl,U" i'i'8i" '. 1 , W,l0 mints ' i..,UhiMlei'i. irlllll til" '"II "Olir, ... riu. o'clock, were i i " lull"' Ult'ii" CIllUi K,.l, J'n-f ' nm1 1V1I.1. iw" v. fr)f CJ niisl iirrslclmit "' .1 III 1 HI I1WS- (111 irucccd Hen- .. . i.. ...rt'liiu weru WT, .In Hve ' A .l"1' I mi (1110 "'"" ."''. ,. Vm.v ;SJ5WW Store, kinc chnlni.im wn Mm. Leo ,1, iiiul tell eliiilnniiii for .VKir m Mr. Kbr.-l A. Ucr Chapter , roBiilor meeting of Alolw ,, ,, umber (II, Order Kiwi- Stir, was I'1''1' "" Itiem iiy. PlH i.. it... 1i.im,i1i hn I IV ZJi 1" -""- iiiv Wood und Arliiur Li presiding. litlnc business Mill ciecwu.. ccrrlary win the order of l,y, U'onu Selliy was elect crclnrv, ami was tltci hi ,1 by i.mirloile ivlnruii. us- by Lllliruiiee r.iiv.t nr Books were dedicated to limiiiory (ii uiiiiuu , WHO IK Ii" " tier Of AIOIIK Llliiliei. sc Utile books will bu ircd us souvenirs because contain the mimes of nil lait matrons and pnsl pa wlio served Alnhu chlipior the bPKltml'iK ' l,s history when Mm. Itcumcs was ky matruii. Later shu was Id to serve as worlliy gruntl In of Oregon. Officers of and nil committee mom-'arc- nlso listed. :cr the Inltiullon oi eamu . refreshments were, nerved iiadio Holloway, Audrey , Greta UrewuiiKer iinu .tret Uklon. r next nieetlnu will be held ibnmry' 13, when Alpha s will be chairman ol the. am committee. All mem arid visiting nienber nro ,d to attend by this worthy hi, Snllle Wood, mid wor latron, Arthur Dickson. 8 .. ' prse Party surprise birthday dinner was Biven tor Shirley Sex- by I-nVerne Heed nl her on North 11 Hi, on Friday inj, Jnminry HI, finer wan served, after Ii tlio guests, attended the rd-Kkunnth - r nlls baskct- se Invited to the affair Shirley Sexton and her listers, Marlon and Marv ieslon, Carol Vandorwall. pury Anderseh and tlio ps, LnVerne Heed, ,8 . S ... . . pge Luncheon ' Elmer ILilslucr cnter nt her home oit Melroso II brldee llinellenn nn fdny, January 111, Clients (e nffuir Included Mrtt. Ar fclmupp, Mm, Walter Went, uruell, Mrs. E. M. Chll. Mrs, K. M. Ilnumimrl i..,.l Lc'A:,kin."'y' . . . .Mituie won mull score for tho afternoon, 21 Soroptimist FulluwIiiK tho present day trend of tliouiiht with rotund to ii butter education of vouiik peonle tor a fuller life, Waller lOsehebeelt Hpuko to ilio Siiiopll. mint club on 'I'luiindiiy, liilduM an Ills mibjeel, "The I'lilluro of Knowlodijo," lie mild knowledvio of how to do Is not umoiikIi, hut there should also bu u develop. liient of elinraelei'. ' iStiidenls should bo tnuiilil Uio funda. nivtitnlH of deuiiicniey. When they leuvu It Ik Ii school, they should lie cmiiimed with IiihIuIiI uiHlunilaiKlliiK and linuuliialiiiii, and tnilned for their contacts with society In addition to their ability to earn a living. Lnek of education In liberal arts leaves tho adult recrealion ally illiterate, and the use of leisure Ihno Is an Important Hem in full, well. balanced v hiK. SoroplliuisU were happy to woleomt! Mrs. Sophia Konof. fel, who U here tor a short time, from her homo in San DIoko. Mis. Kenoffel Is n for. iner resident of Kliunalh Kails, and Is a member of tho local club. From Portland A visitor In Klamath Falls from I'ortliiiid. durliiK tho past week has boon Carolina vaou.i(, who was formerly Mm principal of tho Merrill and Henley ele. menlary schools. Sho has been a house guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Harold llendrlekson of 24110 Apph'iiato and Lllllu Darby. ail l'.ldorado, Miss Vaereltl has been honored Willi several informal parties durliiK her slay here. Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt ladc,ett outerlalned with a dinner, as well as Mr. mid Mrs. Wilbur Koblnetle, 5II0U Denver. A Ini'Ko tea was Kiven ior Miss Vneioui by Mrs, Georne Elliott of Morrill, und several other lovely affairs wore Klvcu '"'hUf thu wi'ek by I,oi Humor, Ueiillu tlunter mid Mllle Darby 8 8 8 Youth Club Youiik peopln of Saered Heart parish, tot well as service men and women who attend church there, met Wednesday evenlnx, January 1M, to orKiinlzo a elub tu bo called the Catholic Youth club. Officers elected worn Cpl, Charles Kohler of the Marine Darraeks. president; Helen Dun heck, vice president; Luanu Smith, decretory; Phyllis Smith, treasurer. l'FC Dan Archer will bo chair man of activities, and members i of the committed are Mary Wish- on, m, joe iviurpny oi tlio Ma rino Harracks, and Johnnlo Su dol of the Klamath naval air sta tion. Fulher Casey and Father I'helan, inr, an iVi ... ... Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Lav enlk and Mr. and Mrs. Olto Smith are senior advisors, und honorary advisors lire Colonel and Mrs. Georo O. Van Ordcn of the Marino Harracks. The next nieetliiK will bo held Wednesday, February 7, at B P, m., In the parish hull. , i i w fir ( 5W 7,4 1. A. it. 4'i ' )A '--We- ' r-ft."-u " -? THE LUTHERAN CHURCH was the scone of a lovely wedding on Jonuory 12, when Sybil Dahlcim became the brido of PFC E. P. Clayton, USMC. Vows were exchanged before the Rev erend Topness ot 7 o'clock In the evening. The young couple loft for a wedding trip to the bay area, and is now at homo in Klamath Falis. Comnrt. Date Set March 1 has been set as the weddlnK dalo when Hose Dur menl Macartney, d'.iuuhter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph K. Macartney, will become tho bride of Enslxn Denis G. H.-ihson, USNH, son of Mr. and Mrs, Horace Perkins Uabson of Lou Anolos.' The ceremony has been planned to take place at St. Paul's Episco pal luircli at A o'clock In the afternoon. Miss Macartney Is n former student of Stanford university In Palo Alto, Calif., and is af filiated with Alpha Phi sorority. Enslun Hanson Is now stationed at tho University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, with tho navy, and Is n graduate of Stanford where he was n member ot Alpha Delta Phi. . . 14 WW ; '"i . i rtr lit. . VKI2 OE VUUI1.I. i I . Iter i m,B t,Llt and carnations were usea ar hoL jhJ, Flrst Methodist church, when Kathleen Bmntk C ii ul 'vw. unu ivirs. nutiiy ji.iiiuihuwi I Mr j i i bcone tho bride of Lt. William Tavenner, FoiL , ,rs' H' Tavenner, also of this city. Lt. and wi. mr a trip to Los Angeies, after wnicn ine WMI report to Santa Ana, California, for further orders. Comnrt. Parish Dinner More than 100 guests Kuthorcd at St. Paul's Episcopal church to enjoy the annual parish dinner, Thursday evening at 0:30 o'clock. The Rev. Frederick C. Wisscn bach presided and dinner w.is served by tho Woman's auxiliary of St. Paul's. Reports for the year were read and three vestrymen named. They were Wyatt Pad gelt, O. V. Gibson and Roy Lee. Named senior warden was Jvimcs Patterson and junior warden elected was James Wallinder. Retiring vestrymen are Ted Medford, Neal Stewart, Harold Shaffer and W. B. Yates. Those serving this ycvir will bo Hugh B. Campbell, Franklin L. Wea ver, Horace E. Gctz, Willis Glid den, A. B. Hood, R. Hcber Rad eliffe, and Roy Promo, treasur er, and Samuel A. Mushen, as sistant treasurer, S Sixth Birthday Llltlo Patricia Ann Isenscc, diuiKhtor of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Isenscc, celebrated her sixth birthday anniversary with n party which was given at her homo on January 20. Games were played after which re freshments wero served to tho guests. . Those children present for lhc affair wcro Darla Ann Tripi pott, Helen Puekott, Susan and Cecllo Vandcnbcrg, Paul and Mary Ann Munson, Judy Dan Iclson, Jody and Adelo Bridge, Joe Fllzwaler, Dean Soderlwrt, Charles Russell and Patricia and Donald Isenscc. Several mothers were also Invited, including Mrs. Sverre Munson, Mrs. Dave Bridge, Mrs. Joe Russell and tho hostess, Mrs, E. D. Iscnsee, 5 Stork Shower A lovely stork shower was given for Mrs. Richard Post at the home of Mrs. R. P. Ellingson Jr., with Mrs. Roy Whltlotch and Mrs. Ellingson as co-hostesses. Tho affair was given on, Friday evening at 8 o clock Hlid the room was attractively decorated with pussy-willows, and heather and pink carnations centered the table. Bridge was plnyed, after which Mrs. Post opened her many lovely gifts. Guests in cluded Mrs. Stanley Stalgcr, Mrs. Charles Bailey, Mrs. Lane Warren, Mrs. Lloyd Froom, Mrs. John Sfliidnmyer, Mrs. Sum Mushen, Mrs, Bert Schmidt, Mrs. C. B. Browne, Mrs. R. P. El lingson Sr., Mrs. George Sprague, Mrs, Melvln Howlo and Mrs. Robert O'SulUvmi. noi mill i ii mmmmmmmmmmmmmmpmmiflMym'W'!!l ) !-' I f , . 5f ' ' , ?" V 'Si k, (Of f: I IfV. : I R vt h-4' Sojourners Tho Wcdnesduy afternoon meeting of Sojourners wus thoroughly enjoyed by members and their guests who met In the blue room of the Willard hotel at 1:45, with Mrs. Samuel D. Earhart as hostess for the day. Several members cumc curly for a no-hostess luncheon in tho dining room. Following the business meet ing which was presided over by the president, Mrs. Byron Friedman, seven tables of cards wero in play. One of Sojourners' past pres idents and u long time member, Mrs. Glen Jones, who is leaving soon to make her home in Port land, was present for her last meeting, and was given a trib ute from tho club for her loy alty to Sojourners and her par ticipation In the activities of the organisation. Mrs. Margaret Casey was wel comed in to the club as a new member at this meeting. Guests for tho afternoon were Mrs. Ray Brown, Mrs. O. E. Powell. Mrs. Bernicc Silander, Mrs. M. A. Bakkc, Mrs. J. S. Lynch Jr., Mrs. R. W. Murphy, Mrs. Jerry Clacys. Mrs. Edna Berry, Mrs. C. B. Larkin, Mrs. Jony Molalore. and Miss Sallv Jones. Honors in bridge went to Mrs. .1. L. Mitchell and Mrs. Edna Berry, and in pinochle to Mrs. Allan Fletcher. The next meeting of the club will be held on February 14 at the Willard hotel. Regular meeting days are the second and fourth Wed nesdays of each month, and there is a standing invitation to all newcomers to attend these meetings, and become acquaint ed. Saturday, Jan. 27, 1945 HERALD AND NEWS THREE AN EVENING CEREMONY wos performed at the Sacred Heart church when Agnes Vasak, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Vasak, became the bride of Robert J. Moyle, S 1c, USN, on January 2A. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Noah B. Moyle of Fort Madison, Iowa, and is stationed at the Klamath nnval air station. Gudcrian. Agnes Vasak Is Wednesday Bride In one of the prettiest ceremonies of the winter season, Agnes Vasak, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Vasak of this city, be came the bride of Robert J. Moyle, seaman first class, United States navy, at a service read at 7 o clock Wednesday evening in Sacred Heart church. The Rev. Timothy Casey officiated. Soft organ music was played just before the service. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a lovely gown of white organza Willi a high neckline and long sleeves, nor linger-tin veil was edged with wide lace and fell from a wreath of orange blossoms. She carried an all white shower bouquet caught With white satin ribbons. Betty Lee Smith, maid-of-hon.. or, wore a pale green frock ot organza with a square neckline and long full skirt. She corried an arm bouquet of red roses and a band of the same roses was worn In her hair. Mango McLcllan was the bridesmaid and wore a yellow marquisette frock fashioned with long sleeves, snug bodice and full skirt. She carried yel low carnations and wore a wreath of flowers in her hair. Best man was AM 3c Nowell E. Hiss of the Klamath naval air station. ' . Immediately after the couple had left the church to the strains of tho wedding recessional, a re ception was held in the Pelican party room. The bride and groom cut their cake which was an elaborate confection of white topped with a miniature couple and placed on a wreath of Sweet heart roses. Mrs. T. S. Green served, assisted by Mrs. A. P. Tofano and Bcmice Flochinnl. Mrs. Emmctt Gillings presided at tho coffee service and Miss Smith and Miss MtClellnn as sisted about the room. More than 150 guests attend ed tho wedding and reception and music was provided by the air station orchestra. . Greeting the guests with the couple were parents of the bride. Mrs. Vasak wore n blue grey crepe frock with matching hat and a corsage of white car nations. The groom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Noali B. Moyle of Fort Mad Ison, Iowa, is on duly at tho Klamoth naval air station. He has served for the past 15 months with the United States navy. ' -TrtC "y oi n g "couple will be at home at 213 Cedar street. Mrs. Moyle will resume her po sition . Monday at the Uniied Stales National bank. Club Party The parish house of St. Paul s church was the scene of a val entine party on Thursday, Janu ary 18. Eleven tables of bridge and pinochle were in play dur ing . the afternoon, with high score awarded to Mrs. R. J. Brady and low to Mrs. Donald F. McKay. Hostesses for the af fair included Mrs. John Haw kins, Mrs. Charles Wright, Mrs. Arthur L. Moore and Mrs. Wil liam Patterson. February 7 was set as. the date for the next meeting of the Wednesday club, and fur ther meetings during February will be announced later. The University of Oregon at Eugene has announced that Delia Martin, who graduated from the Malin high school with the class of 1943, made the honor roll during the winter term. Sho had six A's and one B, and also received an A in a correspondence course in analy tical geometry, which sho took in addition to her regular course. Delia is the daughter of Harry Martin and Mrs. William Ar nold of Merriii. Organization Meets At Officers Club r The post production group assembled at the Officers club on Tuesday, January 23, and spent the entire day making various Herns required by the post dispensary and family clinic. This organization is composed of officers' wives who have volunteered for this type of work. They meet each Tuesday, and tho fine work accomplished by these women is a credit to their group, and is more than appreciated by the medicos of the post. , There arc sewine machines on hand for such time as theyi might be needed, and the fold-' lng of bandages is only one of the numerous jobs that may be done. All officers wives who are interested in these Tuesday meetings may contact Mrs. G, F. Joseph by calling 4288. Crystal Shower A crystal shower was given for Agnes Vasak by Mrs. Ruth Green, Mrs. Florence Sprague and Mrs. Belle Gillings at the home of Mrs. Green in the Auclley apartments on Thurs day, January 18. The service table was center ed with a blue flower bowl in i Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Heskltt j have as their housegucsts, Mrs. eu wim a Diue nuwer dowi miun-nui. ."V 7C . , which pink carnations had been ' ?nfl'mo,'h" drJaihe!;' Mr; attractively arranged, and tall Vi?girda Mhfn7sola ' pink tapers were used at the vlrglma' Mln"e30ttl' sides of the table which was covered witn a white madeira cloth. A large sandwich loaf in white, inscribed with the words "Agnes Lovez Robert" in pink letters carried out the motif. Guests at the affair included the bride-elect, Agnes Vasak, her mother, Mrs. Victor Vasak, Pearl Dunlap, Cordelia Cantrall, Agnes Coleman, Mrs. G. Web ster, Pat Joplin, Wilda Fix, Betty Bell, Kay Coleman, Lillian To fano, Bcrnice Flocchini, Isa belle Barry, Adaj Giacomelli, Alice Lehmkuhl, Helen Largent, Mary Fails, Virginia Cunning ham, and the hostesses. lm'JLHJIllll. M,IIM1I Hl.tUIW IJ ,,.JlmiU),.U.II. I..IIIM.I m& N't ,jr k Vr 6"t HiMi.iUu MRS. RICHARD H. WAKEFIELD and 20-month-old son, Jay Stuart, left last Sunday for their home at Hickory Bluff, South Norwalk, Connecticut, after a six weeks' stay here with Mrs. Wakefield s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rollo C Groesbeck, Mrs. Wakefield returns to a busy program of war work after her holiday here. She is a member of the board of directors of the American Red Cross in Norwalk, and also chairman of the nurse recruitment committee, a project in which she is vitally interested. Guderian Methodist Church Is Seen e of Cere mony Kathleen Schlolhaucr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schlothauer of 4887 Cannon became the bride of Lt. William Tavenner, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Tavenner, also of this city, In a lovely doublo ring ceremony which look place at the First Methodist church on Sunday, January 21, ot 4 o'clock. Tho Reverend Victor Phillips officiated at tho candlelight wedding, and tho church was decorated with bouquets of white lilies and carnations, with palms used ; In the background. I ding and the reception which After the guests had been followed Immediately nt Ahe scaled, the candles wcro lighted by two of tho ushers, and Mary Lou Sexton sang "Oh Promise Me." Mrs. Melntyro played the wedding music. The bride, given In marriage by her father, was lovely in a wedding dress of white taffeta and n fingertip veil, and carried a single lavender orchid on a white prayer book, Denlso McHugh of Alluras was the maid of honor and wore a full length dress of pink taf feta. Her flowers wore fashion ed in n colonial bouquet. Harry Mandevllle of Lakevlow stood as best man, and ushers Includ ed Harry Tavenner Jr., John Patterson, Carroll Holmes and George Steele. Approximately 75 to 100 guests wero invited to the wed- church. Two tables had been attractively decorated for the occasion, and the tiered wed ding enke was placed on one vr.d, the silver service on the other. Assisting about the 'room were Mrs. J. K. Reno, Mrs. Olto Smith, Mrs. Frank Sexton and Mrs. D. W. Gilcrisi. Both Lt. and Mrs. Tavenner ore graduates of Klamath Union high school, and have many friends in Klamath Falls. Lt. Tavenner recently arrived home on a rest leave from the Indo-Burmn-China theatre of war, after flying with tho 10th com bat cargo squadron. Tho young couplo left for a brief wedding trip tp Los An geles, California, after which the groom will report to Santa Ann for further orders. Wed In Portland The Reverend T. Arthur Diin gan officiated at a lovely double ring ceremony, when Velma Rutn Hamm, daughter of Mrs. S. F. Hamm and we late aiepnen Franklin Hamm of Portland be came the bride of William W. Stuart, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Stuj.nl of Klamath Falls. The wedding took place at 3 o'clock on Sunday afternoon, January 7, at the home of the bride's mother. The living room was decorated with palms and chrysanthemums, and for her marriage, Miss Hamm chose un aqua afternoon dress with a cor sage of orchids. The couple was unattended, and members of the family and a few close friends witnessed the ceremony. A small reception was given immediately following the wedding, at whicn time Mr. and Mrs. Stuart cut the traditional wedding cake. Tho young couplo left for a two weeks' wedding trip to the Oregon coast, after which the bride will make her home with her mother and sister in Port land, and the groom will report to duly at Jacksonville, Fla. Both Mr. and Mrs. Stuart (at tended Klamath Union high school and are well-known here. Past Matrons Mrs. O. R, Holloway, Mrs. Os car Pevton. Mrs. George Casper and Mrs. C. L. Harvey were host esses at the regular meeting oi Aloha Past . Matron club, which was held on Friday afternoon in the Masonic temple on Klamath avenue. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. H. F. Murdoch and Mrs. Ear) Gilbert. Mrs. A. B. Epperson, president, held a short business meeting. Mrs. Walter West was appointed to call on those who are. sick1 or in aisuusa, uuuu& the month of February. ' Mrs. Wilbur Jones, Mrs. Rob ert E. Wattenburg, Mrs. George Chastaln and Mayme Whltting ton will serve, as hostesses at tho next regular mommy meet ing the last Friday in February, the 23rd. when all members hav ing birthdays in December, Jan uary and February win oe espe cially honored. Friends of Mrs. Sarah Gibson of Klamath Falls will be inter ested to know that she was mar. ried to Charles Kerby at the home of her daughter, Mrs. May Saseen in Portland on January 15. The cottDle will be at home in Oudalc, California. New arrivals at the nost r- Major and Mrs. R. E. Barrett ' ana two children, Capt. and Mrs. J. W, Mace, and Mrs. Jos-- cph J. Foss and baby girl who- arrived a few weeks aeo In join Major Foss here. Dr. and Mrs. H. J. McGllvrav of Stockton, California, are visiting Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Ginacchio at their home at 465 Laguna. Lt. Comm. J. M. Babcock. Lt? Comm. Graham Gilmer and Dr Atlee Hendricks were hosts to" i small group of friends at a tag party on : Monday. Janu ary 22 in the blue room of the Willard hotel. Newlyweds on the Dost are Lt. and Mrs. William D. Ed wards from Illinois. They were married on December 27, while Lt. Edwards was on leave after 25 months- of overseas dutv.- Mrs. Edwards was the former Dorothy Testin. A rpt-pntinrt ni linlH at tVw. Officers club on Sunday, Janu ary . 21, between the hours of five and seven. Those in the receiving line were Col. and Mrs. George O. Van Orden, Capt. and Mrs. E. R. Johnston, Comm. and Mrs. L. . T. Coggeshall,' Maior und Mrs. fMvHo RnW. Major and Mrs. G. R. Luck! uapi. ana Mrs. r . G. Lewis,' Major and Mrs. Henry S. Faus, and Major and Mrs. Joseph. J. Foss. . These receptions are held each month to greet new arriv als ana their wives. Cocktails were served and dancing fol lowed. . . . i Capt. F. G. Lewis is In Eu gene, Oregon, on a business trip. Mrs. B. Dubel and daughter Rue Ann are moving into . the Roosevelt apartments this week. They are making their home in Klamath Falls while Col. Dubel is overseas. Leaders Meet ' Leaders of the intermediate and senior Girl Scout troops met on Wednesday evening, January 24, at the chamber of commerce for the election of new officers.. They are Mrs. W. C. Preston, president; Mrs. A. M. Worden, vice-president; Mrs. Dea Jean Wright, secretary-treasurer. ' The meeting was devoted to a discussion, and , a variety of problems was brought up by the leaders. There was a definite need felt for a teen-age can teen. : - - Mrs. D. W. Holloway and Mrs. Burt Hawkins sent a request for Girl Scouts to help with folding and stamping of material for the Klamath County Public Health association. . Any leaders whose girls would like to help with this project are asked to get in touch with either Mrs.' Holloway or Mrs. Hawkins. Fourteen leaders were presentu at this meeting, and three of 11 them were from the Henley dis-,, trict. ' i ,i ' r-. : . .- .;. i E 1 1 i Pi - ; VELMA RUTH HAMM, daughter of Mrs..S; F. Hamm and.the' late Stephen Franklin Hamm of Portland,, Oregon, became., the bride of William W. Stuart USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. ;, t. A. Stuart of Klamath Falls, in a ceremony which took i place on Sunday, January 7, at 3 p. m. at the1 home, of the u bride's mother.. The young couple attended Klamath nioiV' hiqh school ond have many acquaintances in this city. . .( -j-B. L. Aldrlch Studio, Portland. '