'V I i i 1 11 EIGHT HERALD AND NEWS Friday. Jan. 28, 194S i " ' ' Our Boarding House With Major Hoopla Out Our Woy Y J. R. Wllllomi gr,m.n.lliieC,ioCTi:utii Wmcil vrvVPi MOT WELL. V HIOHPOCKETS Y DU CAM T 'AT'S ONE REASOM, "l EGAD.TWlG&S.' 0E SURE I SHfVLL WELL.'SOORB NOT V' ':? HIGHFOCKETS 1 WHAT DO YOU MAKE IU SPITE OF J f REPAWOUATMOUSDFOLD ( UCEMSEOTO CMRSE V -( ieE BV ' MEAM, HIOH- MAcS InWA 8.5- J FOR BWUMG ME OOT--. CAIi " IjJ AROUND TOVMhiUKfe V?,- THIS REPAIR FOCKETSf AVIATORS, J ETS, AW EVEEV- A VOO IMA6INE- THOSE: CRASS . TANK DE.STROVER.' 6UT ; ;Y ORDER Wu'VE DON'T VOL! ) AN' MOST ( THING ELSE, i'i POLICEMEN REFUSING TO Jk ' V NMNW pU Kfc Wl I 'A -A WRECKED 1H I tolAKiT ANJT ur ANYTHING IHfcT LL NkVfcK On. my 1 BELIEVE I FIRED fvW Pl9TOLS TO BLAME- TU& ') WORKS WHAT THAT FUNNY ELSE OF 'EM, J BE QUITE 1 !,!!, f!!,! I ONLV TO DEFEMDTHW SIMPLE-) OME WHO PUSHED VOL) V' DIO YOU CO, AsTUFF WITH ME, BUT YOU ( LIKE MEM" run 1 SmSkS SfcnTn vUASvVl.lU ? INTO THE- FLVPAPER ) - FL ASLEEP Ht1QHRIMP CAN'T EVER THEY WON'T ) ,' rZ" - j- v . i i -i cd u r viv in 1 ,Tiv' "v i i tAun n il i cta k pn ccn i M.iniri run f- "-W-" llbWfrftUUiy HlWDOMA A 'Sk VOF "EM NICKNAMES J . 22? U7-J " e grocery LisTuii Aw r-V E'-eCw' VOU AMAZE j-s. --j. T fr) 1 -,T42Siss'!r. otiu5 V US,TMIG6S- JrJ&iFII V A pelicte subject-' 'Brtf areas,.., - J and h. m PT " ""llOKS-IUIIon Hook '-'t"!.?..' .if, i,V 1 a mitt a good Inuellliltflj- . ltd imill . rallAnllill allu T .1.. Willi "'." .. , i i ..., it v! CLASblKlED BATES ..per ,,', j,r wtird 1 If Pr wrl 1 ., iwr tvxrtl Hr .. iwr word IV ,u.r word 4tf 0 DUcounl (or P.vil""! Adv.iv. Arii Tr.clv.d b 1:00 V m will .""..r n"(t.n'n "N. ivd.v" cluinii. Now Today Wo buy im-d lMrUp .nil V" IV,. ... J M LOKT-lltao Pun. "r '"' r n Nhi. w.y l"i. tonnliilin llond, click, H In rliiMK" "'V!'"!;' olh. Call lldliliooll Hlor.. Howard. I'M Red Ryder By Fred Hormon INDIANS KILL 13U, ICE W0'T MLL N3f SHOOT CHC. AWP A"l I PROP PIS10L,f"iy"ll- J jMMW -Z- 7 J s HOLD EVERYTHING! Wosh Tubbs By Leslie Turner IPLYiNG OVER SEVEH MILES A MINUTE, EASY ''APPROACHES K0H0BE TOO FAST FOR JAP DEFENDING WANES TO GET SET FOR AN ATTACK A ue toca t CSWlWv I -5 Sixteen thousand feet below. f n I nWVTt.iHa W SPECTATORS WATCH, SPELLBOUND, f, VLhSIo.T.6 i V-yCSil 1 AS THE LONE PLANE TURNS.. .STARTS 6 2i W 4K BACKTCRUTHE SANTLET OF , - MCAMEtSr r1 L DEFENDING FIGHTERS AHD FLAK,' M Boors ond Her Buddies By Martin 38 1 rjr It c si ar 1Y L . J tke oixiwam. W VAST '. Freckles ond His Friends TOO BAD YOU V pHOOEY, YOU , f YOU'RF ONLY T IT SPRAINED YOUR WRIST; I (TAN'T KID ME .' INTERESTED HURTS JUNIOR. , . A IN ME BE- ME I I Y '1 ET CAUSE I DO I WHEN 1 ' (.. pfe! i wosr OF YOU SAY I U45 i , SW' " YOUR. HOME- THINGS I' S'5fef."! WORK FOR. 1 LIKE And if it wasn't for. ME YOU'D , Fl I INK J THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO I WITH IT.' IM ONLY G3N ' CERNEn AF4DUT TWP PAIN YOU'RE SUFFERING By Blosser Ciifil. MA timwl. INC. T M U. . T. Ql. "He just can't help being a gentleman!" LEGAL NOTICES NOTICK OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice U hereby given that 1 have filed my final account and report of my ndmlnlatrntlon of the eatole of Fred August JntiMCn, also known as Fred Jansaen, deceuaed. And the Judge of the uircuu uouri at uie mate 01 urcgon for Klamath County, has fixed 10:00 a. m. of January 20, 1043. as the time and the Court Room of said court the place when and where any person mny present objections or exceptions to said final account, and nt said time and place the court will settle said ac count. , C. L, JANSSF.N. Administrator, L. Orth Sisemore, Attorney. D23;J5-12-I0-2ti. No. 258 WILL CAMS for PhlUlrcn laa "r Hatur- day nights In my homo. 2 blofkt mn Main. Call tHJV tritiMn.l n !. hrnwn atrlilane luigaRC t, ramtnn Av l'h. tKK, 10 "Alrco" Welding fejiiiumtitl mid SuiM'lffo PF.01M.ES WAKEIIUUHK WANTED- Kai-eptUuiUt and lMWkhiwr, rnrl nffli work, no khnrlhand n- cesiarv. r.xct en wormnsi vinmur for right itariy, Write Hon VMM, care llornlil mid NpWI atntllia Alt. fXperl enco and references, iltLVlU IVtlaln Sark Twin PEOPLES WAHEMOUSE Wlt.L THE PKUHON who took Vol. 7 of my Oregon t mie iimo Kinuiy rriiirn n Wllh in a volume miMing hid wnm rotlo it remlerrd uhpIpm. Thanking you In advance (or returning my tKtuk to J. II. Cmimlmu. 211 1UUK Mhlg . Klam atlt Fulls. Nice Itoomy H-foot Hoat , 1119 ttt Trailer to match . W.OO Stay close to home next summer 11 on l on t'ppT Klamiith PEOPLES WAKEHOUSE l-3fj LOST Itrgr gold rar ring with 1 aqua aUinei and ruby In renter, Itcwanl. Ph MOVINC STORAGE CHATINU PEOPLES WAREHOUSE I 3d LOST .World bicycle, from Fremont school Monday, Jan. 23 )0 w, it. warn, Kciurn to 102J1 Main, AdI. 2 t-37 HOOM- For gentleman. Phono M3fl. 2-1 MOUSE for sale. Ph. t), a a. Feed "Security" Calf Food ori mll nil your whole milk PEOPLES WAItEMOUSC FOK SALE-tM acre dairy ranch, 7 mllei from Klamath Falls on Lakevlew Higt. way. Ht. 2 Oox 714. 30 1-211 FOR SALK-Washlng machine, last Academy. NOTICE Or FINAL ACCOUNT ' Notice la hereby given that I have filed my final account and report of my guardianship of Jack Lewis Long and George Mnrtln Long, minora. the Judge of the Circuit Court of the State or Oregon, for Klamath County, has fixed 10:00 a. m. of January 20, 1843, as the time and the Court Room o( said court aa the place when and wncre any person may present orjjec- tlons to said final account, and at said time and place said court will settle saia account. ELIZABETH M. LONG. Guardian. L. Orth Sisemore, Attorney., D20;J5-12-19-20. No. 257 gCOPR. 1M5 BY HEA StHVlCC. INC. T. M. REtTO. s. PAT CFFj And with your wsisr BANDAGED LIKE THAT. CAN TOU bt ILL NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby alven Ihnt the under signed has been appointed Admin istrator 01 tne .staie 01 bdna 1. Ackiey. Deceased, tiv the Circuit Court of trid State of Oregon for Klamath County. nnu nas quaiifica. All persons naving clajms against said Estate are notified to present the same to me with proper vouchers at the office of O. V. Kuyken dall. 111 South Seventh Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon, within alx months from January 20, io. E. M. BITBB. Administrator. J. 20; T. 2 0-10 No. 23, Alley Oop By V. T. Homlin NO (KP APPCiPiMA IU iSfc A PUNCE... IUKN IT OVER TO YCUK kRIME MINISTEC AT ONCE-' r , my gosh, foozy, '-v. I1M NU MATCH FORTH okani Wli.t IN A I ISSK WHAT'LL BEC !i I'M FLATTgREP, OOP, BUT IT CANNOT BE! I'M A CITI7PM OF MOO, NOT UVl, YOU see; Little Orphan Annie IS PKIME MIWICTCPfzS OKAY. F007.V' 1 RT IX S. IT! R'C THAT 1 KNOW A INwWvM ' SHUCK'S. WHAT'S A LITTLE THING LIKE THAT TO ,0igKA 1 AKIN6? ABgAKAPA70Jf.; J m&W YOU ARE NOW A . q&8Sfl LEMIAN SUBJECtJEm-. rcwounceL . Ration Calendar War Price and Rationing Bonrd, 4.10 Main slrcet. Office hours dally, 10 a, m. to 4:30 p. m.: Saturday, 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. Phone 8101 for all Informa tion. All applications must be MAILED In to the war Price end Rationing Board at 430 Main street, and NOT presented 'In person. SUGAR Ration honk 4 Sugar atatnp No, 34 valid Indefinitely. PROCESSED FOODS BLUE STAMPS Ration book 4-C 2. D-2, E-2, F-2 and G-2 valid for consumer use Stamps X-5, Y-9. A -2 and B-2, which were validated December 1, re main valid. HEAT, BUTTER, CHEESE RED STAMPS Ration book 4 T-fl, U-0, V-S, W-fl and X-9 valid for consum er use. Slamps Q-5, R-S nnd S-3, which were validated December 3, remain valid. Take uacd fata to your meat denier WOOL SHIRTS - . $5.95 to $9.85 ' Oregon Woolen store r V-S' Main and 8th By Harold Gray - ' 'mwmmjm ' 1 1 mmm- 'rt!&ii'tymmimm fi"""1" iiiiijcisEaifeiifii(i BUT THIS IS HM-. HE'S h NEW ' LETTftM, FROM UlMRN-EVIDENTLY TWBT NEW . ME bOESN'T superintendent!! unod?st&nd on-r nr ar , nt OHIO m CH' dftCKSCfcse v tch! n TO BE NTHOTS BROUGHT BEFOftHI NOT THE Board! GOOD'. ZjR' j in ffBUT, UUDGElT KM M M - 1 OM, I bON'T KNOW X HO-Ho' H THEY J I'LL 1 WHOT EVAH I WOULD JUST LEAVE H CftWN T j TAKE CARE 1 00 WITUOUT "YOU, f EVERYTHING B TURN HIM J OP THIS, j JUDGE HEDGE ! TO ME, R LOOSE ! W ONCE J NiT Is) FAR LA0Y ! Mil m' Building Materials Composition and Cedar SHINGLES 1 Insulating Wall Panels by Armstrong Cork Company CERTAINTEED ROOFING ACME PAINTS, LIN-X Suburban Lumber o. Phono 7708 Srralrh r.cd A la Corn PeOPLES WAREHOUSE I 30 riNEST II1ISII I.INEN dmui.k .ml nt Kim. hAnd-rnllrd hem., ton and din iier tiankln. In ecru. P and ITmiIw. Itmcnron ictt. Irlali collon dania.k and nuiiklni, linen ahe.l. and plllnw v.. a,ul nn.n unlll... water liroui ame cloin M. Anrnn.. 9 col- r",lvy niei nair Dlankela, Che nine nedjnreada. New York Linen o.,F.inan, llolel Hall, WANTED: 1J fnot .lake truck llody PEOPLES WAHEIIOUSE ...''OK SALE SS0-ACWE RANCH lo iji, acre, nave been Dlowed. alio Jood cnllle ,hcep or turkey place. A nice , , tnvermiuea rarml,i(, a won. Jlcrlul Iced lot, dry and well drained ,bc iie oorn. nouae livable, well wat I7C?;"." der.wvf' "Ire nd crou fenced, .V.i? ?' h")' 'n brn- Very nice Wheel.r V' " """)' known Wheeler ranch, located on Coal Mine :,,77 Thl; " on" ol ti,".; deal more during World War I. YoJ a Drak.. box" IMrnVTMedforTrJ-rr;,! ritidn Hrwalr Wabbl Ttd HHt Always a favorite wltlt your llunnlas PEOPLES WAMKIIOUBR OH HALE -Hllit Harelottl Hoar pigs. 70 to IVtilba, Louis Kaltna. Plump. Ji;l, Mallu, Oi0, 2 1 Large alio dish towels Hemmed and lllpavhed 20c each PEOPLES WAREHOUSE t l-uo cmiTkiTyIj mahteh nu'mkh. lOlt gUAWTV CHK'KK NOW foi- piijs. ritt itertls or fuluio dellveiy. Faint Master chicks turn feed Into food pro duels quickly and economically. Wn can supply yu wllh New Manipsliiips. )thi"U Ulanil lledi, llarivd Mocks and U-gliuiHS, SKAMH FAMM HTOMK. 1-20 LOHT -Toy Itoiton Hull, black and while, MIssluM sliu-a TusUv. Phono 477 Halurtlwy ur 22'JO Oioguli, 1-20 Hag Itcpaliing - Clttaulng and Fumigating PEOPLES WAREHOUSE 1-lttl WANTE1) Woman In Mummers Lane district to slay wllh U- ear-old boy tine day a week. Call M74. 1-20 also ' uretier, ot Herald ami 1-2(1 WANTED Check girl, Wille HoX 2tit taio News. FOR KALE - 4-bedroum modern house, gootl repair, Corner tots, dult, garden, $!(K)0n. C, H, Fiir, 72:i N, Main. I quh ML 2 MoK 4U, Aslllaud, Utl'ith;j1) roil SALE Model H rord. 7:11 Oak, Apt. I. FOR SALE IWfl Oodg Coupa, BHH, Ext. U7. 6 good tires. i 27 I'ttone 1-27 now, Cheap, 4"tNt Nuiiiuters Lane. LADIES' Jewelry, fur coal, clothing, fur itiaU. dresses, 12-14- Men'a coals, t lolh-i..- u libv slroller. tody's H ikalos sua o ftult Jars. Itausch and limt) u,u,ris Field Glass. 1031 Erie Nu, Phoita SUM. 'w rOM SALE Mens slo 7 shoe lUnkry skates. Phone nutlrt. skates 12 FOM SALE -Trash burner, with healer .i.ao itlixi and litelal shleht. J7ft0. 1203 California. lVt roil SALE -3'day-old calve. Ml. 1 I W1W. 1 is 5iIJei, REFRIGERA' bbRVC i ... " v'WAlii, wall , ui'i'iikiltiw., i, ' "it? Vfl,., lllll lm .,.lli M Machi ii t o r mnv Uflt roll KAI.K Killly .fillwiwl I'.le ttnlm a-iMHl bu.lue.. rurnl.hetl IIVMm quati. era. Phone U3. Mooting Nolle Klamath t.i,l No. 17 A. r. A A. M. will hnld .IKirlal meellntf Nalurtlay, Jan. J' Hi. at 7 :m p. m Work In K. A. Ilree, All brethren Invited to all. ltd. NOEI, TIIHNKK NVor.hlpful Matter. Hilt I. nkes LiriiI No. 251 1 Moi-ln cvory 2iul Tlimsdiiy it ml 4th Stiiulny ut 422 Muln St. , C. Wlllonliorn, Kliutnclnl Sec. K. A. Ciordon, Pvv. 2-17M Klamath Kll Aerl. No 3UM llelular ry iu... night. 7:u p. in mclIMM ev.ry day nlahl. 7:a rd t hall, nth till hti CARPENTERS' LOCAL No. 190 Meeting, lit nd Sid Wednmdey .v.. nlng ol each month. 7:30 p. w., .1 Uuor Temple m Main C l LONC1, H.c. and ti. A. Ordc. open 7 oo to o oo P. M Ev.ry Wedneaday. Phon. &J37 j--j-.-.i -i--r- Lost and found LOST- Hllver hrarelat with gold flow er. heart faslenar. Ph. 7410. Reward. l-aa STRAYED to my place, on cow. brand- 3S" left hip. owner may nave by paying feed bill. Mlldebrand, Joe Vleirn 1-27 ine mi u.. ., v - "in SALES and jj, domestic t'OMMKItcd 111 Slot, Oregon Equips plumbK SERVICI I'lumhliiK i llMn limliilltd and Rr. DAVIS PLUMBING Wo' Hurry-Pi,,., REPttlCERAliS "VASrllNC MA.! and Small Appli Pi rcepair DAVE C0X,'Sw Klamath Refrigerot, Phono Ira zouo Soulli sii: OIL BlMfi FURNACKS, CIIE Cleiiiicd nnd M WOOD . COAt FURNACES Available or Rtj! Compart Our (J TUFTS HEATING SE! Phone 895 r??"!ff"l ?"""'I J-room cabin.. Al" .. ,..u t.amp. ,., OR ALE-Modern duplex o e n.i ne.iior. Phon. auS. loso iS.in, reed ih. be.t and torgel the re.l The bet 18 fr.S,".w""r K" Producer PEOPLES WAREHOUSE T HJl?L;1"t '"rhl.h.d S.bedro', nouae, and road weit from Llen'a KTunr'nh,le,,1Wr;' blk, "rPomTco?ir."1Ji,We.:,rf. h"" "J" BACK TO THE EARN Roe Joe Perry with F. L. WEAVER Men) r.alnt. n.., t 338 E. Main . ZJ. n,. 1-37 feed thoi. hen, a llttlo exlra Ihu u weatnor and hold up Kg. Produellon PEOPLES WAHEIIOUSE 1-3(1 18(11 Academy, Wh,,JE,?.-?,"n,,.l """" 'o 're In re- ,w. m. u, ..me, rnone 73113, l-au FOR SALE-Chenn. nirl.' ;lrt! lo 14. dlrl.' .hoe, , . " 7. Two anow nil,. ,!, " " , coal, Mr trlmme.1, l lo.yelr? Two GIT- H?n : "'""'"P ovor.ho... ios:n,i 1-S7 Main 81, Apt, r0.-h:1w.0 'P." Iron Age potato con i inn""" "hm.l. A-l LOST Child' red purme. containing krepaake nuary. Pit. waia I Gtnaral Notice. OK FURNITURE STORE will be open (or bu.1inc.1s February 1st nt lis new . location 2401 South 6th Formerly TALMER'S BARGAIN HOUSE Will dlvo Snme Service ns Before, 1-31 TWO SISTKRS INN Wccd-Aslilnnd Junction 3 Miles West Hwy. 97 Southern Fried Chicken nnd Steaks UUTII AND CAL GORMLEY Closed Mondays Phono 90(10 2-17 rort STUARTS BANCS: OIICIIESTIIA Inquire 1124 Oak Bl or Phono (1533. 3-17 ON OR AKTER thla date. I will not ho re,ponlble for any dehta cnntracled for by anyone other than myaelf, E. U. Duhola. i.ott INCOME I1 SERVICE Commercial Mi noli In A. Cid Room 4, llopki 110 N. 8th i: Own Kveiilnci and U' I'liono lili oi'r.NiNd wos;. January av' Die..ntaklng S'wip. M new ana tn MRS. IIAW0IITII llnpKa Ulac I'hoM XM ED F. Kl M.nlle Tmi r-ln,l ttnartl(in Int. VI m.nl. eonlenll luW w rlKPTIC TANKS CLIA alolled. A local ten1 Maker, 70X1 UENTISTRV, Way. alwtow HKMSTITCHtf DRE.HSMAKINH. "'" covered, AllerllloM Main, lioom 211 n-.trnnniir: DICKSON, reunholalerlni. m, Kprlng. tecotiduleM 10 Sarvlces Wheal Mixed Feed 100 lb. J2 MI A darned good buv PEOPLES WAREHOUSE MOVING STORAGE Local nnd Long; Distance HAULING Klamath Falls TRANSFER and STORAGE Agcnls for United Vnn Lines 101 Klnmnlh Phono 5072 1-23 INQUIRE about Pln.tl-Kr.le wonr-rr.l.t-mil rinlah. Al.i, Kemtonlng, palming. Pllcine 30117. -3.10 HARTFORD Accident and IndDttinlly Company INSURANCE T. B.WATTERS General Insurance Agency FIRE , . , AUTOMOBILE WORK PANTS BLACK JEANS OREGON WOOLEN STORE Main and 8th Ashamed of Her Blotchy - pimply mw Hera's an Honest nr Satisfaction or Money Back LYOy.n. "kln '!"" broken out wl m.Vrr t Tllinitni or If y Ms.t;.bvrrh,r.r,,,S KALSOMININO, Kemtonlng. Palnllng 11. L, Drown. Phon. 4220, a.ln E,,'!it'"l,',ll01'"?. r'l"r, cnmplele .erv Ice. Phone 71(17 - lust Main. 2-12 niUNd me your work. No oh too "mall. Uuilonhamer flaw and Repair "imp. a.ia PAI,Frn iN,, IMIT.RIIANC1ER avallahle. 13211 E""l Main. Phone :i:i24, 2-14m rort KKMTONINfl Phone 427(1. a-7 XIRTAINH LAUNDERED Phono 3717, ind etretclieil. 2-21 Phone (1771, aaio Bhaala Wav. a-iom 14 Help Wanlidf'i WANTEirwllr..;aeJ man preferred. APW " fee Hhtip. WANTElTWalltw". " WAITRESS WANTtD -Hllop. . WANTED Hlennirwl Saving. ndJW. for teiinr,iililc P''"f, B!','v!n"V..!'.wi,..i.' your ni'll''"''.K beraon l Dirk I"1"" : : ....mi' wan i t.n - ,hnifi ranch. Mint ."! WANTED -KKIieric."- helper. AiH WOULD VOU IlkJ ! $ anhonl deliver n tl route? Hee Mr. office erierJJ WANTED Men ft Light work. t Alley, mn 1",;;,, Salurdny or SunW, WANTED Jnnllor. and L01111.. .Pari!' I? - sua. Alton Adding rVldon Col4 nuyu ir no.ka Chain r... ...... hard-H BinrJEER m AK.DSTATION 615 Main St. Phone 4193 124 So. 9th