PURGES ILiG finPRIATlQN , in"- Charmed l.ufNTO, Jnn. 2(1 fP .conn""'""" , . ""li, v llnl Inss 'fu '""ll"','".,lc in PProprl... n,m.'no..nl $ 0 t)0.n"1 iidl l"r '" ,. ominillnn ;n.l .V n iMl-wiir 009 "f"'-, 'Xxnn. , K on l!" probl". I,v nroposui. ""'i" ?,.d of nmirtln con F'i. . in or IS yonr mulct bo ci.iH--nl;nlcd ycm. I o ejlubllsh n policy of lid, undor llo siiprrvl- overdraw Lr producllnn I., --I wmilrl linve fM" ' . lA ml... memo."."" - years io sis mumim ( dlponl iPi'iPoniry El.. uhin the slmotlni! Ecr. Complete rlcmnll- rcmuvii. n. rmnmmfnc1nt!onfl In- juclment of n basic slut- molion oi irnK.iuiii beach snrl pork" no ureititr coimrcM to Lural naenc if nnrnilt fpOtKIOIC rrJiuiiilnn'ii ,rnrfMcllnn In Ciillfornlo is of other proposals. Life w J'J - I'fc rictlorlik C. Patterson, above, ot Milwaukee Wit,, lulkcd buck to his German cp lor near llotton, Franc, and was mado to ttund In road under American artlllory Are lour diltorent times Moit of lh Nazis around him wore hit, but he was uninjured Later he csrnpcd, win glmoit caught by a Null pulrol before he waded to American lines through waist dep. noiir-fn'i'iim water LUMBER 10 ON SUSTAINED YIELD BASIS Flashes of Life I Ise In Pension fore Lawmakers IpIA, Wash, Jan. 28 W In C. willgren I ursi ro iilitlon was brfora the on state legislature to- Bill calling tor a w Increase In old ago pen $S0, with some allow extra earnlnus. iilef executive cstlmuU-3 Increased asslstnnco to tlicns will boost the ox i tlio state by unnroxl- levrn million doilnrs it Iroushly 20 per cent. Rcipient woum nuvu tnc ii rcjcctuiE tne pension I and thus rcmultiing ci nder fcdrnil rcmilntlons un whatever rnsunl em it In which he mny be en- Moves Fast For Patrolman AND, Jan. 26 (PI Im- fventi In the life of Ar- Pjinnls, 27-yonr-old traf. Krnan. have bepn mrw. rhe purchased n homo. he was married, mid ne received his nrmy notice to 1-pnnrt nn 2. A bill to Increase the salary of the Klmniith county district at torney, n.i well ns other similar offices In various Oregon coun ties, was Introduced In Salem to day by Sun. Thomas H. Mahoncy, Portland democrat. The new salurlei Include: Klumnth county, JH000; Uma tilla, $3001); Multnomah, $9700; Marlon and Lane, $.1240 each; Unkor and Douglas, S2760; Ben ton and Josephine $2380 each. The Marlon county deputy dis trict attorney would be raised to $2700. Present salary of the Klamath county district attorney is $2700. Police Seek Hit, Run Car In Portland PORTLAND. Jnn. 28 (P) Po lice, were seeking a light grey, late model sedan with smashed front grill after Charles Ward. 60, was found dead In the street early this morning. Police said a bus driver report ed seeing a man nnd woman look nt the body and then disappear. Tho meager description of the car was given By persons in tne vicinity ut the time. It it's' a "froien" article you need, advertlso for a used one In the classified. TACOMA. Jan. 28 (IP) Every logger, tlnihermun, lumberman and woodworker should recog nlio that the lumber Industry must go on a sustained yield basis before many yeurs, Dean Johnson, Portland, president of the West Coast Lumbermen's as loclntion, asserted today, Tho step will add to "our costs," ho told tho annual meet ing, but "It Is necessary If we nro to continue aa a stable and per manent economic entity." Discussing only briefly the in dustry's contributions to the war effort, which he termed "vi tal and essential" to successful prosecution of the war, ho urged united efforts to develop a fi nancially sound operating posi tion through sound business me thods. He proposed; 1. National advertising direct ed to consumors and selling lum- oer on quality, 2. Immediate renewal of con tacts with retail lumbermen. 3. Moro refinement of lumber products, such as in seasoning and grading, 4. Avoidance of overproduc tion. He listed factors which he said would Increase expenses in the post-war period as "almost certain" higher water transpor tation costs, higher labor costs, sustained yield expenditures and increased expense In seasoning, processing and treating. Favor able developments, he said, will be fairer taxation on stumpagc, a new sustained yield law which enables government to Join in dustry In creating perpetual for est harvesting areas, and elimina tion of costly over-production by reduced available virgin forests. He praised research work to Improve utilization of waste products. Woman Recovering From Freak Accident Mrs. John OTIoherty. 730 Jef- fcrson, Is recovering at her home following a freak accident which occurred a week ago. Mrs. O Flaherty was washing and had attached the washing machine cord to the electric range plug. She touched the metal wash tubs and the shock rendered her un conscious for a time. Mrs. O'Flaherty has not yet regained the use of her right arm and the shock also curtailed tho use of her right leg. She was alone at the time of tho accident and was unable to reach the tele phone to summon medical aid for more than two hours. JiiHt Rcceivedi MEN'S DRESS GLOVES Navy Grey Suede Natural Acorn Pigskins Furllncd Brown Capesklns All Sizes. $4.50 to $5.93 DREW'S MANSTORE 733 Main Part-Wool Camp Blankets OREGON WOOLEN STORE 800 Main By Th Assoclatad Prass THEY CAUOHT THE BUB MIAMI, Fla Jan. 28 (l'l Three navy filers who survived uninjured the crash of their piano Into tho sea were rescued by a bus. Tho driver of a bus plying be tween Key West and Mlnmi taw tiie plane hit the water near Clinch Key, one of the land links of the overseas highway, and stopped, the coast guard reported todnyl Tho threo crewmen paddled their rubber llfo raft to the key, and found the bus waiting und hitched a ride to Miami. HINT BOISE, Idnho, Jun. 26 (IV) Debute on a bill to raise Idaho legislator's pay from $3 to $10 a day woo warm. Rep. A. Ira Cox, recalling the pension pro posal in congress a few years ago commented that If somebody started a "bundles for legis lators" campaign, he hoped they "will put into my bundle a few beef steaks and biscuits." The iiousc passed the bill with out comment on Cox' wishful thinking. IF SALT LAKE CITY. Jan. 20 (IP) "It's a shome the way dogs arc allowed to run around loose," an irato woman complained to a city health official. My own dog was killed by a vicious beast in the street near our home and I was bitten on the hand trying to separate them. People should obey the luw and keep their dogs chained." The official interrupted; "And what was your dog do ing out In the street?" Red-faced, the woman depart ed. Lined WORK JACKETS $3.49 . OREGON WOOLEN STORE 800 Main Klamath Man Writes I From Jap Prison Camp nr t ..... .-.r.j u.. ! iiuiu warn idlcivcij uy im anu Mrs. C. E. Holllngworth, 2124 Gary, from their ion, PFC Curl Holllngworth, who has been a prisoner of tne Japanese In the Philippines since the fall of Cor rcgldor. The message states that his health is good, and he Is not un der treatment. He hopes that his parents are well and sends his i best wishes to his schoolmates and friends. Holllngworth entered the army in May of 1940, and was formerly held In the Philippines before being moved to a prison camp In Japan. He has one brother, Ralph, who Is a seaman second class, and stationed somewhere In the South Pacific. frlday, Jan. 28, 1848 HERALD AND NEWS SEVEN iw t W i r J r 4H-0 00 i Inert in clrcumfrnM SOMETHING X-TRA IN EGG PRODUCTION PORTLAND, OREGON Wartime hens are responding to government appeals for increased production according to S. A. Cowan, 4430 N.E. Killingsworth Avenue. As proof h displays an egg weighing well over a quarter pound and measuring eight and one-half inches in circum ference from end to end. This over sized egg was laid by a White Leg horn hen only eight and one-half months old fed on Triangle X-tr Egg Producer and scratch. Mr. Cowan not only reports pro duction of larger eggs by his flock, but point to a remarkable laying record as well. On pen of 90 Leg horn have been laying from 80 to 90 eggs per day. Another pen of 226 birds are laying an average of about 220 eggs per day. "I feel," states Mr. Cowan, "that Triangle X-tra Egg Producer is responsible for a large irt of this fine egg production." (Adr.) OAIUC SAIT 1V ONION SAIT BsVtf ciuar sait Ys IAVOK SAIT MASONINO Schilling Onion Salt Real onion flavor from a handy shaker ring your door bell in the f ext day or so, to collect for !w past month's paper. It will e'P me get around the route ter if you'll have the money efldy and not ask me to call pack. Thanks I Your Carrier Boy. If you should miss getting your Paper, call 3124 between 6:30 na 7:00 and we'll try to send yu one. Our special delivery boy leaves, and 'the office closes, at 7:00. liralb an&JJeto Help Build the B-29 SUPERFORTRESS (THE BIG NEW BOEING BOMBER) Boeing Representative Now Interviewing In Klamath Falls Frte transportation to Seattle, Washington. Men especially needed. Physically qualified women also eligible. Good pay Excellent working conditions. You will be paid while training. Help build America's most needed big bomber. DON'T DEI AY! APPLY AT THE UNITED STATES EMPLOYMENT SERVICE OmCE OF THE WAR MANPOWER COMMISSION, 242 MAIN STREET Those angaged In essential war work need not apply. mocs To Clear Away Short Lines Winter Merchandise O All Sales Final No Returns One Lot Fall-Winter DRESSES and SUITS iiiri.00 II $B $50 $ Values in this group to $24.50. Mostly Wool? Entire Winter Stock COATS and SUITS V3 OFF Including plain tailored, casual and fur-trimmed modes. Famous lines of "Redfern" and "Lilli-Ann" Included. Fur Trimmed Styles Plus 20 Tax One Lot Ladies' Robes and Sweaters $E00 Values $7.95 to $14.95 Including a lovely assortment of cut chenille and corduroy robes and novelty cardigan sweaters. WHILE THEY LAST One Small Lot Ladies' Skirts - Blouses Sweaters $00 Including all-wool plaid and plain skirts, and several slightly soiled dressy blouses. Values to $5.95. ' WHILE STOCK LASTS : One Lot Ladies' HANDBAGS $3.98 to $5.95 Values Lovely late modes in leather and fabrics In dark shade. 1 00 Plus Tax Sky-Mail Stationery Box of 50 Envelopes and 125 Sheets of Writing Paper 00 Box O DOWNSTAIRS O Children's Corduroy Skirts and Jackets Greatly Reduced for Final Clearance : Children's Jackets and Coats Including Styles for Boys and Girls , lOff Children's Snow Suits Fluffy warm styles in part wool. Red and Blue colors Sites 1 to 4 years. SPECIAL $595 All Wool Baby Blankets Regular $5.95 values. Assorted pastel colors. 45x58 Slse. Choice $398 f c Baby Quilts Crib Sit in Dark Colors. T8 Hundreds of Items at amaxing prlcesl Girls and Ladles' Panties Scarfs What-Not Shelves Children's Hats some seconds and some soiled or damaged. See them In our K Downstairi Store. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ITEMS SOLD OUT WHILE THEY LAST 1 ALL SALES FINAL NO APPROVALS OR RETURNS i a (3 t 'S ftisaMBiiaHasssiiisssHesiHaaMssssssiBaiVMM in mp iviiD ro vrcroir