Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 26, 1945, Page 5, Image 5

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complications tbat followed In
fluenza .
Friday, Jan. 28. 1945
Mr. and Mrs, Dean Collas en- Soy beans are used In the man
tertained Informally for Sgt. andjufacturo of light switches, door
Mrs. rtussell Fontaine during I handles, buttons, and other In
their recent visit here. Iterlor cur fixtures.
Major Samuel Nicholas, first
leader of tho U. S. marines, was
born in Philadelphia, Pa., In
, Htrt-SSut. Donald
I"'" . 'I ll 8. mur no corpa,
a. vlllll11
trcr. 'Mr Bth HodM.
iiiotnr f"' cihrti-itiMn. who
0 tht Three Muskotooi'i;
0110 ft hrouiili training and
llyoelher, lw. been
alnce hit re-
"! IS 0 iadulcanal w'10
I Win In U ""' 'y
i the war. T no otnor
lb. J'Are Mclvln flu-
mu!"m.TvIi) Herron. All
Zt home together In AD-
BMSn..nt"l "ho Tunned
f. .rmy In Novcmbor, nnd
17111 Honolulu. Davis, for
fifl was formerly a mem
" 1 miiii r h hero.
T P it., nrotrini.
C wrulllnjt alallon. left to
r.' M.u Vnrk C V on an
Sricncy furlough, due to the
Kof hl mother, Mm. Mo y
5r Mm. C.lotter recently
lived word from the war dv
ImMt thHt .mother ton. Pvt.
t Olotwr, Is minting In nc
In Bthjlum.
romoltd Stun ley Harold
' ,. ....... ntnctHrmna.
WOr u, o. i",, ,,,"t . -corot.
has been promoted to
rank of flrxt lleutennnt. no
lint to word received from
wnr department. Brewer It
lon-ln.lnw of Mr. nnd Mn.
W Klrbv of Lnkoahoro
" I t .'.. J ..I t.A
runo niu"""" hi ,,,.
,ppy for Navy VliRll B.
Hind Thursday night to tnke
ll qualifying examinBuuna lor
ral duty in me navy. l,w-
Suedmever of Tulelako
ChtrlM E. Cooper of Lake,
will olso tnko exams for
Til wrvlce In the nnvy.
hililmti Bull Resident of
mith county who have re
ed reminder cards In con-
Ion with the cnriaimea seal
and hv already aent 111
r contribution, are naked by
committee to dltregard the
nltr Dtortt Klamnth coun
o. 77. AF&AM. will confer
EA degree Saturday nt 7:30
1., in the Masonic temple up-
Slt. L. L. Lewla. PFC Clnr.
1 Clary and 55gl. Bond F.
1) of the Marine Barracks.
Enllit In Nary Pnul B. Nich
ols nnd Fred L. Ilorrlck of Kliim
nth Fnlla nnd Hubert I,. Ilciulcr
on of Merrill, wero aworn Into
tin) nnvy nt Portland. January
20, They will tuko their boot
(ruining; at Son Dingo, C'ullf.
Home From Hoipltal Mrt.
Mury MuNeul, 2B41I Hone, hua
returnod homo from Klamuth
Vulloy hospital with her Infiint
ton. Kuyniond Wllllnm. Mm.
McNcul wu formerly a nutae ut
1110 nuapuui,
Etalti Dane The rciniliii-
Saturday nliiht dunce for mem
Intra und their Indict of the
UiikIoh lodgo will bo held In tho
FOE hull. There la fio admission
chnriie nnd Shcpherd'i orchestra
win piny,
iervice Men
inci Women
Home on Leave
hat, Jot Mttllck, U.8.M.C.,
11 oania saroara air Dnac,
I until tVhrnnrv .111,
p8jt, Donald Bch'ortfltn,
,ei,bU irom sania Barbara
baic, here until February
m above service people nro
lira 10 ireo passes to the
II theatrpR nnrl fm fr...Mr,ln
let at Lost Hlvcr dairy by
twy of Lloyd Lamb of the
tres and R. C. Woodruff of
dairy. Please cnll at The
ild and News office (nsk for
1 Haines) for your courtesy
tarians Hear Nearo
H Singers Here
otarl ana at lnnu tr-u ...
rh P(r.Brnm of munlc pre,
from "3 !,rJ rill
Inn Ml ".uiiirin;, nuny
nd Mlss Do'whol'so
.ro,, ,,;o,..BCJi0!11P'"11t tot
iflm P'csenica
wi . m, ,." 1110 "Pint-
fa- 'Heeiiiy well TO-
10 Wool Unions
P Wool Unions
Saturday Nloht Party Tim
Loynl Order of Mooao will hold
tho uauul Siilurdiiy night party,
Jnniuiry 27, In the Moose hall,
beginning nt 11:30 p. m.
To Hold Card Party The
Mldlund K r u 11 k e will hold a
card party ut tho homo of Mrs.
Joe Mllnnl Suturdtiy, Jnnunry
27, nt B p. rh.
Moves to Aahland Mr. Olen
Sliced hits moved from Klnmuth
Fnlla to Ashlund where alio plans
to reside permanently.
Employed Zoo Bruce has nc
ceptcd a poaltlon at the Elk
oeniiiy aiiop,
Glenn Edwnrd Dellnrt. 23,
truck driver, wna arrested by
city police at nth nnd Mnln at
0:30 p. m. Thursday and charg
ed with Inrceny of nn automo
bile; which officers snld he hnd
tnken from nth nnd Pine nt
about 4:15 p. m. thnt dny, De
Hnrt Uvea nt 211) Broad. The
car Is rriilstcred to Elnnr EnRen
of Bly who reported tho theft
to city police. Dellnrt will bo
transferred to tho county Jail.
James Allison, 220 S. 4th, was
cited to appear In court Friday
to answer a charuo that he rnn
two stop algns. He wna picked
up Thursday nt Onk nnd 1 1th.
City police churged Chester
Douglns Morris, 317 Lngunn,
with violation of the bnslc rulo
following his nrrest nt Main and
Brond Thursday night. He post
ed $10 ball.
Boiler Explodes In
Cleaning Plant;
Little Damage Done
A flvo-horsepower boiler lo
cated In the Ilcllnble Cleaners
Slant nt 125 S. 0th, exploded at
o'clock Thursday night, blow
ing out 11 windows In the plant
but otherwise causing little
damage. '
Several persons in' the plant
at tho time of tho explosion
were uninjured, according to
Bob Henry, owner and mana-
fler, and none of tho clothing
n the plnco wna dnmnged. The
city flro department wns called
but there wns no evidence of
fire. Dnmnse was covered by
Insurance. Henry snld. Cause of
tho explosion was unknown.
Henry said thnt as soon as
the glnss had been replaced,
business would be resumed with
steam supplied by the Klamath
Heating company. A new boiler
will bo Installed as soon as pos
sible. Force of the explosion
blew the top off tho boiler, ac
cording to Henry, who said the
boiler hnd been off an hour and
a half before It blew up,
Service on 134 miles of rail
lines in tho Dominican Republic
was suspended in 1041 and the
roadbeds were converted Into
Meat Cutting
Curing Plant
Wt cut and wrap meat
for your lockers and
smoke your hamt and
Phone 4262 919 E. Main
Dancing for Members
And Their Ladies
r Music by shepherd's orchestra
Admission Is Free, So Let Us All
Turn Out For Good Times
TULKLAKK Probably 25,
000 muskrnta will be tnkon from
Tulelnko this yenr If wenthcr
conditions continue good, accord
ing to Archie Hull, supervisor of
the Tiilelnku wlldllfo refuge.
ltnUi are in excellent condition
this season, ahowlnu more fnt
than usual, a factor In the mak
ing of prime fur.
Thirty trappers, principally
from Merrill, Malln nnd Tule
lnko, hnvc grants approximating
320 neroH of water area- each.
Two tranncrs, W. C. Alnaworlh
and C. M. Ransom, hnvo each
tnken their quoin of 2000 pelts.
Freezing weuther has Inter
fered to some extent with opera
tions, since traps must be placed
In open water.
Skins are bringing from $1.50
to S1.73, slightly under the 1044
hli(h. Fifty per cent of the pelts
go 10 me government In return
for trapping privileges and It Is
expected these will be held until
March. These furs go to the Sc
uttle fur exchange.
Alfred Pulling of tho fish und
wild life service Is here to take
charge of the furs and of all (lo
in I Is pertulnlng to the trapping
grants. He served In the same
capacity In 1043.
Fire controller first class USN
Erwin S. Gubscr has arrived
here on furlough after extended
overseas service in the South Pa
cific. Mrs. Gubser, the former
Betty Sparks, Iibs been employed
for some time In Klumulh Falls.
Mr. and Mrs. Gubscr expect to
move to Washington, D. C, in the
near future.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Ross and
children, Donold and Mary, from
Richland, Wnsh., hnvo spent the
past week vlalllnc at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lovclady..
Mrs. kovclacly entertained at
dinner Saturday evening in hon
or of the Ross family, Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Doorman and Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Busk. The fam
ilies of the Uoormans, the Busks
and the Mosses arc all cousins.
Tho Ross family left Wednesday
for Sun Francisco.
C, E. Eyers Is reported recov
ering satisfactorily from an oper
ation which he underwent In
Portland Monday,
Former Dentist Writes
From Jap Prison
First word in mora than one
year has been received from
Capt. Denton J. Rccs, former
Klamath Falls dentist, who has
been a prisoner of tho Japanese
In the Philippines since the fall
of Batumi In the spring of 1042,
A letter was received by Cap
tain Rccs' wife. Kay. who is
now living In Mllwaukle. Ore.,
wun ncr young son Jon. I no
letter was written May 6. 1044,
and Rces advised hit family hit
health was good and that he
had received 12 letters from hit
wife. Last word came to Mrs.
Rccs in December, 1043. She
was formerly with the Klamath
county health department here
and is now serving as a school
nurse in Mllwaukle.
Juveniles Steal Beer
From Bly Pool Hall
State police, called to Bly to
Investigate robbery of Monte
Cllnc's pool hall, reported that
the theft of two cases ot beer,
several boxes of cigars, candy
and cigarettes was the work of
four Juveniles.
Entrance to the pool hall was
gained through a window which
one of tho boys had allegedly
opened as he was on his way to
tna lavatory, rne juveniles ages
ranged from 15 to 17.
Circuit Judge David R. Van
denberg said Thursday that the
four would be given a hearing
In Juvenile court.
If ,f
:-5 J' -dfa
The Dunvc-a-lot club, sub
division of the Girls' League,
sponsored another of its regular
noon dancei in stvi'stucfB, j
the girls' gym 9 'A y 7f S
this noon,
Tickets f 0 r
the March of
P I m e 1 benefit
basketball game
between Shan
non 1 of Port
land and tho
marines arc bjbtfplm
Ing sold by the m&MMmM
Pod Penners. ""''
Prices arc $1.20 for adult tickets,
una du Luma atuuims auu
The game will be played in
the boys' gym on Snturday, Jan
uory. 27, with proceeds to go to
the March of Dimes campaign.
Members of the Pelican bas
ketball rriuad left today fr
Grants Pass where they will
play a game tonight and Satur
day night.
On February 2 and 3 the Pel-
lenns will piny Ashland here.
However, on Friday, the second,
tho Pelican game will be the
7 o'clock preliminary game.
Following the Pelican and
Ashland game, the USMC nnd
the Fee's Music Makers of Port
land will play the main game
of the evening.
Student body tickets will ad
mit students to both Ramos.
For those students who do not
have student body tickets, the
charge for admission will bo
40 cents. Adult tickets will be
sold for 00 cents. Tickets will
be on sole next Wednesday at
the high school.
TULELAKE Albert Pull
ing, biologist with the fish and ,
wild life service, now at head-1
quarters at Tulelake, was guest
speaker at the luncheon meet
ing Wednesday of the RoUry i
club. Pulling, who wag here in :
1043 during the muskret trap
ping season, was Introduced by
D, M. Crawford, program chair
man. He spoke on the timber situa
tion in China, comparing the
great timbered areas of that
country a thousand years ago
with the depleted supply of to-
day, stating that the United
Htutcs has maao tno same mis- :
take of not rcsecding cut-over
land. He spoke also of tho ex
tinction of many tpeclct of wild j
life, particularly mountain sheep 1
and goats.
The only visiting Koianan
this week was Paul Landry,
Klamath Falls. '
Tno Midland home extc-mion
unit met at tho home of Mrs. Joe
Mllanl Tuesday, January 2?. A
very interesting lesson on oven
meals nnd the meal Itself was en
joyed by 19 home rnnkers. Those
present were Mrs. H. Largcnt,
Mrs. Orville Heavclyn, Mrs. Lee
Sutton, Mrs. K. L. uurknart,
Mrs. Lylo Hickman, Mrs. Albert
schmocK, Mrs. Ed Poppe, Mrs.
August Andrieu, Mrs. H. C. Mil
ligan, Mrs. Leon Andrieu, Mrs
Fred Mllnnl, Mrs. W. R. Wain
wrlght, Mrs. LcRoy Hauck, Mrs.
John Mistier, Mrs. Pearl Bur
nett, Mrs. Emma Lamm, Mrs.
June Albert, Mrs. Ernest Milanl
and Mrs. Joo Milanl. There were
also 10 children present. The
February meeting will be a dem
onstration by Mrs. Winifred Gil
len on the making of slip covers
ana will be ncia ot me home ot
Mrs. Wendlc Wainwright.
Robert Casebecr and his cou
sin, Bobby Casebecr, went to
Portland last week for physical
examinations. They left several
days later for San Diego for gen
crol novy training.
Mrs. Edward Burke received
word last week that her broth-cr-ln-law,
John D. Burke, is miss
ing In action in Belgium.
Carroll Mistier passed the V-6
tests in Portland and is wailing
for orders to go to Memphis,
Tcnn., where he will train as a
naval alrcrcwman.
Mr. and Mrs. Buxton left last
Week. for Portland where ho has
taken a war job.
Classified Ads Bring Results.
Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Haas have'
had with them for several days
their son, Lieut. Lyle A. Haas,
U. S. army air corps pilot, and
thoir dauahter and son-in-law,
Sgt. and Mrs. Russell Fontaine. I
Lieut. Haas, pilot ot a u-M, new
28 missions over Europe before
being injured and returned to
the United Stales for treatment.
He has been at Palm Springs
where ho recently was awarded
the Distinguished Flying Cross.
Ho will report back for duty at
Santa Monica, a replacement
pool, and rest at home for fur
ther assienmcnt on February 10.
His wife, the former Lois Scott, 1
and two small daughters are nere
for thi duration.
Set. Fontaine has seen IB
months service In the Pacific
with the U. S. army Infantry
since Pearl Harbor and leaves
this week for Fort Ord to report
for further duty. Mrs. Fontaine;
the former Evelyn Haas, will re
main with her husband until he
leaves for overseas. She plans
then to return to Tulelake to
make her home.
Norma Walldin, 19-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jonas
Walldin, is critically ill in Hill
side hospital, suffering from
733 Main
Airplane Matchtd Bats
Inexpensive Suitcases
Elastic Suspenders
Klip-on or Button Styles.
Mnln and 8th
W Chang
I' Glasses r-T)
- , Don't
a Hov you had lVf' ."tyS.
B ,o ehck-up J,V.f,,,.a
8 "cantly? SV.K&f
Phone 7121 H
torrtANB, til .w, tin two toh kiamath ttis. no maim
Dr. John Monthan, Resident Optometrist
j. e. nuHtt ., inc.
Smart Coats
Ladies' coats of all wool suede
and fleece fully lined and inter
lined. There are also a few
tweeds at this exceptionally low
price. Both fitted and boy coat
Coats of fine all wool
taken from our regular
stock of higher priced win
ter coats. These coats are
a wonderful buy to wear
right now or save for next
season's wear as they are
mostly tailored boy coat
Snug warm coats to wear for school these cold days! Warmly
lined and interlined, they are fashioned of tweeds and fleeces
some with velvet collars. Just the coat for that school girl.
rafts u. i
vf KX
Veronica Lake may
give you a break!
You've got to be on your toes to merit a break from
tantalizing Veronica! Especially when it comes to
knowing about coffee. But this M. J. B Coffee Quiz
game brings your chance to have fun in good com
pany. Look over the quiz questions and pick an-
swers you like best. Then check Veronica's score
and the correct answers below. Hope you do fine.
' Ck. Americans consume how many pounds ol
coffee a year far each person in U.S.?
5 lbs. 12 lbs. 16 Ibil
a. Rip coffee berries appear en the coffee trei
about how long after blossoming?
D Z month D 3 weekt 17 weeki
Q. Buying the world's finest coffees, M.J.I
obtains that coffees from
n Central America only
' Q South America onl)
f any and all areas where fines
coffees are in harvest
4 Good crept of coffee have been obtained
from trees at old os ..;
99 yeort 20-30 yean
Q 48 yeart
r trenit Ldit amu trtii 2
out of i qvestions coTrtcth m
the above Coffee Quit. Cor
rect answers. In miier, are:
16 Ibs.t 7 month)! tny mi ell
ttreei where finest toffees are
in herresti 10-10 yeers.)
It's simple to pick wonderful coffee just look for
the letters "M. J. B." You'll find special delight In
M. J. B'a mellow-rich flavor . . . because this famous
coffee reaches you really fresh I Its full goodness is
locked In by M. J.B't vacuum-pack (the highest of
any coffee!) Try M.J. B -we guarantee no coffee .
ii finer. Make your coffee with the same care you've
used in the past . . . then ou'll know
Double your meney back If you don't agree
'I' lh flnetl toffee you ever tatted I