JD ACFIEAGL f HON IN iLELAKE EYED J" ,rc .... hrlnu only Btl ni o" in mil U' 10 1 ".. .i n..t.,i for ?" h be .' " ... II,. Inl KPt 1111 V:Z"yo fVackavlllo and raw r (cy.'in.u.io L.mii'i crop- 11 " ""i"';" kiwn s ". .,.. ,, , m,.x. tiJr'YblniiIng end weeding forked out ometlm. In 35 j. M''"1 i,r?;!i,!r"1 sf K " Jin u Hi to ! ui nv ...... - -e-v ln nollorl to Ret some rinlonnallon of the Mf i.k nniMx-iis (or tills Iotw assured Unit TU-!uk: ctikcii euro of by the Oil I . . FT, III 1 slate exiwin'"' : I it ilia time Unit the local l" . . I.... MMA on iiwers nciu ..7,i Le thai I"" Mfxlctitiji will Idcdlorsprliiii work but no L huvo been (liven out on I needed for Inter liurvcsl i hundred end eighty Gor tirlsoners uro Mill located at inp on the west fcltlc tind u rr of these huvo been timid inter on potuto aorlvi s mid A. Iri.ncikl-Iini n 11 1 O lift i the fields. These men also fjbe USta BS tne season in u- growers huvo mode nppll- t also to ino wur iiroiumiioii or release 01 conviu "kejaod uy govuriimom I The refluent was disproved 1. hnnrA ond rnmiminlcn. (hive (tone to Senator Shod- Downey in tne nopes m gi-i-litie necessary articles back iklrculation. Cash Wheat Market Steady In Portland , TOil'l'LANl), Jan, 2!) (AP WKAI Sleuillncis of tho cash wheat inarkul lime last weuk re flrcti'd Unlit country offerings ralhur than any Important de mand, tliu war food administra tion Mild toduy, Ti'iidn rviiurls showed relative ly llitlit mulvlly In tliu portlund iiiuikul with no urmmt demand from any source. Prices, at the closo wore mostly unchanged from a woi.'k ngo. Mills, In tliu markul only for MrtiiiI uuitllly milting lulu, mit'int'd wi'll L'uv'cri'il on currant ni'udii. licnt limulry continued for higher piotmn hard whites find hunt red winters, offerings nf which wi'io light, bnh's lo Cal ifornia buyers wore moMly ocua slonal loin of high nruloln mill ing cunllty wheat, and Inquiry from tho iilldwor.1 was light. no i OUTUNEDAT STATE IE T E SLATED ruary U Is nn Important inc for oil Klamath county ....u ....... ..... t.w, - s)rformnce under the 10-14 tviiunu conicrvnuun pro- nay L.oosicy, acting cnair i( the county AAA commit nnounccd yesterday, it ll Ihn rlnul .hilrt llw. Vnan Aairl. fur fnrinm whn d out production practlcos ins mem 10 puymonn un le 1044 AAA progrnm to ro- imcir periormanec to llie Y AAA nflli'o 'I'll,. I ilia tm closed December 111, fi tvrfnrmum'A rmmrl tnf fcunty li about 75 per cent "t, wun reports in Irom )l the estimated 7-12 furmH ming practices unri eligible DUient. mated earnings of Oregon irs for farm aiwl nnMA i. jnenlj leading to Increased tne food production aru Suiy moro than this ShllrO AflUn n..l. I It JO ppropiiatlon for that ". the county committee fc.?i ln'?,rmed by tho stute i ,"ntl K 1,01 been for d tlonol $13,000,000 recent ly ded hv u,., i , nt rates would have been ary bi-nin nr n... i.. J1 participation In th0 Qii ?jng Applications 'aered At Moot, teOver 100 p: r ..-i niuiraay anct wes !mn.8 I nt ,. me IHIVISOI'V the grni.K sm,cc hoI. 'i lirnzler Herbert Pnl. !".'", "pp!!- '-cauieeel; or. "., " r. 01 ranch- r -''iy predominant I vi?. wo I,l)uva men. All outlino of the agricultural ndluslinunt ugency's program for 1045 was prusunted at a statu confurunco of 130 county com mitteemen nt Corvallla last week. A detailed discussion of the AAA prnurnm was tho highlight of tho meeting. The committee men who attended the confer ence aro responsible for the ad ministration of tho program In their respective counties and committeemen from Klumuth county unending, included Kuy l,iiosley, Ft, Klamath; Jesse Drew, Bonanza; Kuy Beusley, Morrill; and Ted Dunwoodlo, Klamath Falls. O. K. Clelsaler, director of the western division of the AAA from Washington, U. C, was tho principal sponkcr and discussed past accomplishments of tho AAA and the best methods for conserving soil and wator re sources. Kuports were made by special committees and plans for the future were discussed. Weekly Market Trend fTdtloft Notj Th following market Information U upplUd from materiel ohlalntil over the government leawd wlr In th offlve of the evlenilon ouitumiat at Oregon State college. The material. In the form of a weekly turn tnary of tiend In lha llvfatock market le not Intended to replace day by day market re porta.) CATTI.B MARKS f$. Uveilock mr Het Munitay, January W. wr teatly to alnmi, etclally , at North 1'ortfand when trading wen Tictlvu and prlree firm. ltvinu of entile at North I'ort land. tolttllilg 30On head. wre 5O0 lr than a week atfo. hut 300 hred more than a year luavlout. Domand uai alrong and pik-ea ad vented 33 renli Willi medium to Rood iloara vailing at 1390 to I3 and tome air icily good a high aa lie. IJurlng lha patt yfar, the lfente niipnlir cirMiiiinn n been paying a utltl' to vaiUe tlauihlerrra amonnimg u II per hundred pound live weight un choice rattle: II. A on good; 00 crrtti on medium; and W cent on common, cutter. cMtiuer, and bologna bulli, Theie aninunla warn lo be paiied on to pro ducera In hither live cattle prlcei than oihoiwlia could lx paid. Recent action ty WTA provide that atibildv payment hy the lC. after January 'iu. hall be inorrakod by l on chnlvr grade cattle, anil by AO rnnli on good grade. 'Die nit)iuy on rholrv caiila will be reduced by AO cent July 3. IIUQ MAMKLT8. Ttecelpll of hop at North Tor Hand Incrcaied ilightly but were far abort or the number received a yrar ago and below trade need. The l-joo hentj on hand told quickly at cell lug price. Chuago alio reported an early clearance, J'rlrre of hogi generally In the V. 8. ronllnufl at celling Ifveli with market ing lagging far below thoie of a year firevloui. Offnrlnga are particularly Ight on the I'arifio roaal whera the decline In the 144 fall pig crop wai 3i oil pronounced, During the fint three aye of lait week, lalable reoalpta at Norlh Pnrtland totaled only IflOS head roinpared with Qttno head during the lama period lait year. Th 1'J leading hog marketa received a little over 314.-, (xhi head, or only about half the num Iter h vrur ago. Tho YFA hai re queited hog producerl with adequule feed lUpullea lo keep ad ditional powt for breeding ptirpmei. Mii;ir anii i.AMtt MAHktrn. Sai- nble receipt of aberp and Iambi at Nnrth Portland Monday . were only. 3t hi head, compared wun louu neau a week Miller and two brad a year pr vloui. Trading Waa aotlve with good -to choice wooled Iambi telling up lo ; WOOii. MAfiKCTI. Pu ring the put week the center of activity Tn domestic wooli In tho lioiton wool market ehlfted from the half-blood grade to the. three elnhtha gradr of fkco woole, Ttecent development! In the ml Itary ttuatlon have c(midrably altered the wool altuation fur the flnl half of ProNpocln of n wlnlrx of combat on the weinrn front with neede for wool rtoth Ing under combat condlllom exceeding all rxneclationa baied on earlier ex perience, have made H neoeuary to In crea matrrtally the army procure menl program!, neeauae of tho urRcncy IVLAMATK basin Carload Potato Shipments (Flum es from Stale-Federal Impel tor Ron Aubrey) is T ltoon IU44-IS Jar., tu a.on fully lull lu l)al a ' o eons IS) un " ootil- IS 107 SI7 70 aei . u34i ao tui s;us w uu'j aaof" ii m ' s.u7 n u mu SO SIS SSI 7 71 oa suss Ml SS 10.17 71 12i S710 Ta 7iin saoi T 7lnT" OIWl in nw som n.i u svi7 tA tiM mm os . imt tww . SO 1 101 BIOS S2 HOT BIM o tiJ Btsa IS Ijiil BJOtl '' ' ' ii llll BIM 14 1210 B7S amtton ins-4 Jsn to saon Psllf Ut lo Uslo S S Mil 4 t SS4S S 41 SI77 -. as M SSBB as as ana's SB IU SUM la laa bbob .10 sbbs o ibo aw aa isa so is as ait oosa 4 HI 007 t t a sim M 37 eaia a 41 aw o aa aw "' 4is aao s aia 4MB ' SO S7S 0400 yi u 44a 4B S 4B ' " .11 un 7IB swa J 7S7 BUM SOS 0841 o aaa son 4 SOB 4708 BOB 8744 ao 7S4 O B 74 B B41 07&3 CvtaU , 057 Ovulooaa snd Trucklotas 341 TOTAL ..13IS LIVESTOCK POBTUANO. Oro.. Jn. as lAP-WrA' S.l.lila and total ratlla ISO; calvaa ai markat acllvo. ataady; few common llshi llacr. Ill 0O-I1.23; roinmon-mrdluni hall era lnSO-13.00. part load S'd (rd tiell ar. SI4SO. Ilhl daltjr type down , u. 47.00: t-annar-f ullrr row. acoo-a.oo. hr-lla down to aaoo; lat dairy lypa cowa SBO0-10.2S; IfW aood bpl cowa StitW 00, tommon-midlutn hull W 2IV-B.7S; cnod bulla quollla In ail Wl and aliova: iood-cholco vealara I13.5O-IS.00, common gradea uown 10 w rK naiaoia inu uiw, -r' active. market 170-270 101- amis: a-aa loo. Bl4.ao-io.uu: "n. lino: Haul w.lshu lo l4Mi ajocl tholra laadr-r pis' atltva at I9.0ti.as. ' iital. I .hiop ISO: total : markat u-llvo. at.adyi aood.rhnke wooled lamb S14 no-13.00; few medium lamba sia.uu. Jimmot? mls.d jell lamb. S .! c M ewea aa: food owes aalable WW-7.00. BAN KHANCISCO. Jan. 28 BOUTII quoted SIO 00-10.50 Calvea: none. Nomlnei. ...Ai lion: 100. Steady. God' Jno-Jlo lb. korrowa and sllta H3": Sld ao-v. U centa hllher. w odd ""heepno. Chotc. full wooled lamb, nuotad Biaoo or above. One ahort deck JSSd li cholro S4 SS lb. Mil wu: I mb.-WeX..de)bronhl lisl snrtj id 13 wt conl ol ljm Good full wooled ewei quoted BB.OO-o.as. pllirAOO Jan as lAP-WFAi Salable fc.i 13 OO0-' total 17.500: active fully it ouaa-te ia: sood ond choice aows oil IrelVht. BI4IW: earlr rlearanfij. aalable cattle SoOO: lolal 4000: aaloblo of mllltarv requlremenla. the WFA aavt Ictlon "Ml bo" taken throush WTO dl rtcllvea and voluntary royperollon by the Indmtry. to channel o lare pari of nu.nut to lha military durlnsth-flm half of IB4S. Aa Iho Indu.trr l already handloappert hy the ahortaio of trained worSora" particularly In the PP'7 ilife. of aortlns. comblns. and anlnnlnl. the new army remilrementa will make li necei.ary to no.tpone or cancel larie "art oV'ho oivlllan produotlon acheduled for aprtna delivery. Part-Wool Camp Blankets OREGON WOOLEN STORE 800 Main Potato Growers! See Tom Thorn V before you sell! Nick Delis Co. San Francisco Branch OHica Half laid " calves 1000: total 1000; ood and choke led eteere ond yoorllnfa alow, Bloody to eek: lop around B14.7S: common and uedlum frodoa acuve. firm, at Bll.oo 14.00; oil other cuieoa airona. with tho enerel cow trade o eem. runaway af. ii J'snoal prlrea of aeoaon: buiia : s so down: "W. " '-; ller cowa H3i down! Sojd uoef cowa to SIS.OO. .... Salable ahoep OOOu; tolal BO00: acat ;ia,'1? saloB and moat blda ileady: load larseiy food (rade 100 lb, Coior ouo fed lamba SIS Jo: food and choice uiforinaa held Bio.lo and allanlly above! Jhorl load! aood ond choice fed clipped lembo No. T pelu held around tlijt: l!aA.,ni!e f1.01" yoarllng wethere at twW. MW newy ewpa OO.MI QOWII. Canaries can't hear loundi insi ar lower in pitcn than tho ujr Mjer Ding' inn voices of human sopranos. Market Quotations ban T-.i"-::;::::::::::::::::::;; NKW YORK. Jen. OB lAPi HtAck market buyera today centered on rolls and low-priced Inditilrlala althougn many plvutol laaues dlapjeyed recovery len'jenciee. L-loalns qtlolatlona: American uan Am Car Si Kd Am Tel Si Tel Anaconde Calif r-ackln Cat Tractor Commonwealth As Sou ... Curlli-Wrlaht rlenerel Kfcctrlc eienrra! Molora m. fit Nor Hy pfd . Illlnola Central Jul Harvealer .. Kennerolt l.ockhed m.....-.... UiiK Hell "A" Montifoinery Ward Nash-Kolv N Y Cenlral Northern Pacific Par Uaa & El Packard Motor Penna rt H , Haniiblle Hlaal Iltrhlleld Oil II Peare Hnebllrk -....Ion ftouthern Pacific . no.i fltandard flranda rf 30','a Hunihlne Mlnlne IIU Trena-Amerlca ......,....... . IftS imion cni uaiu MU..... w ... i Union Pacific Ill II B Sleel SO'. . Warner Picture! - lsi. 01 ... 3l lol", 30', ..... mv, n! ...ii to .... .. 311 . oil'. .... 47.4 .... Jl 7'.y 30 3.V, Llnfield President Emeritus Dies McMINNVlLLE, Jan. 25 (Pi News of the death of Dr. Leonard William Riley, president emer itus of Llnfield college, after an Thunder. ! HntALB AMD KIWINml operation In Claremont, Calif., was received at the school Wed nesday. Dr. Riley was president of the college from 1906 to 1031. He moved to Claremont last Sep tember and underwent the opera tlon yesterday. His widow, Julia W and several children survive. Classified Ada Bring Results. Potatoes CHICAGO. Jan. 24 (AP-WFA) Pole toei: arrivals li, on track iM, total U. 8. aniprnenta 74; old stock; olfenuifi very Ugnt. demand exceed availeDtu offertnva local track rnarKct. marKct. firm at cekhiiK; very few icporiod sates; new stock: suppuca very Iikai, oeiuaitu exceeds auppuci, market nnn: Color ado Had ivicCiurea U. S. No. 1, W.U, Nabraika UlUa TrtumDiia. U. S. No. , aU .34; North OakoU Uilaa 'trlumpns, U. 8. No. 1. i.U; Honda M-lb. icka, oiua i numpm, v. a. no. , euu-.iv. WHEAT CHICAUO, Jan. 25 (AP-Oreln fu tures marketa turned ilronf In tne final half hour of imduifl today and tr.c en lire lut acored gaini with oc leading the advance and finishing as .nucn 1V cenu hl.ir. ,.,., ,, Trade aourcefi attributed the la:e rJlly to a broud snort cove ri tig movement tn oats, rye and whont ana u lafk of of ferlnii. There was a feel i nit t'al mar keta nad been oversold un lha rcceni favuraDle war news. Also contributing to the Into upturn wort tho firm to strong cam marAelx nd nporu that eastern areas need in creased feed supplies immediately. At the flnlfcb wheat was Vic lower to tc higher than yomerday's close, May l.flO-I.JU1,. Corn win up H to Uc, May $1 Ui. OaU were unchanged to I'.ec higher. May 63 '.-66c. Rye was up U to I Sc. May 1.1M.-1- Barley was unchanged to C higher. May 11.00'.. Classified Ads Bring Results. 50 Wool Unions 25 Wool Unions OREGON WOOLEN STORE 800 Main Something to Remember The following poem was composed by an Oregon boy, Cpl. John Lynch, Jr., who gave hit life in the service of hit country. Read this poem over the second time then let your conscience be your guide in your contribution to the total War effort. I'm full of damned malaria, I shake the whole day long, The quinine's ringing In my ears. I'm anything but strong. Mosquito bites all over me, You'd think I had the Itch. My ears are full of Guinea mud, My bunk a muddy ditch. - I'm living In a jungle It's hot aa merry hell. K-rations are my menu, No cooking can I smell. ' For this I get two bucks a day, . ; And a chance for a little ground That measures four by six by four; And a covered grassy mound. ' . p , My pal who came down here with me, The lad was just eighteen, Got him a bed he'll never leave, The coverlet is grassy green. Another one will see no more,' Another one lost an arm, . . . And hundreds more I do not know. Arc safe now from all harm. But when I hear of a bunch of guys whe're fnfo ant far away Refuse to work because they want Two dollars more a day. I only wish we had them here For just a week or two, To live in Guinea jungles And there we'd let them stew. We'd give them malaria. Let the mosquitoes have a feast. We'd make them bury many a lad From north, west, south and east. We'd make them sleep in foxholes, We'd teed them from a can. We'd let the hot sun blister them It would be no "Palm Beach Ten." We'd let them hear the wounded moan, We'd let them see them lie With snipers' bullets whizzing close, With star shells In the sky. And then we'd send them homt ae;aln To their 10 bucks per day, To teli the others what they'd seen Way down New Guinea way. I'll bet those guys would have enough, And right at home they'd stay, No strikes they'd start, right soon again For "two bucks more per day." Ralph R. Macartney, Jr. INVESTMENTS STOCKS and BONDS HERE'S WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT THE 1 IV f sirrh rf tmes CAMPAIGN fH!!ll)-'ln MuMills. INFVS ISJREMOVE B hl In i i T"'" """" rliMItn'".r" '? fir blood, Id iIM ot pirT.S . "'r"unialloiia tu, w,"CaVN'"nt,,ani' yoor bn,,l"Iuot,,l" wrong with ILd lt for Sri." "?."!? se hoiwli, k nniloSa in," mod ma. No liolls, no Kf", no pulleys In this totally new W centrifugal pump. Fewer moving parts; simple, rugged construction mcim long er life, thonblo-frfo sorvico, lower operating cost. Streamlined for prcator oflkloncy; big enpneity In amall unluivComo ln, se thia re markable now FaW water ayatom. It brings you running water where you want It, whon you want it-dopandably, economically, allentlyl A GOOD SUPPLY OP THESE' PUMP.' NOW ON HAND AT Samson Implement Co. The March of Dimes is a campaign to raise funds to combat infantile paralysis, one of the most expensive diseases to treat. Unless a family is wealthy, the financial burden of caring for victims is almost impossible. That is why it is important to know that the March of Dimes funds are available to anyone needing help in recovering from polio. Many stricken families of moderate means feel that they cannot ask for help. Bui tbey eon! Arrange ments may be made for the care of patients depending on their condition, their family situation and general needs. $ $ $ $ $ i FIVE CENTS of every dime Contributed , stays whh your local chapter fpr disbursement among local agencies and Individuals. Not only are grants made institutions for tSa care of infantile paralysis patients, tni funds arc also used for individual care. HYE CENTS of every dim eontrfbxrt4 (oet to the National Foundation for three tpedfie purposes ... research Into the causes and methods of prevention of . polio... epidemic aid, supplying equipment and supplies to coramunldet where epidemic occur; and addidooal financial aid for local chapters. HERE'S WHAT YOU SHOULD DO ABOUT THE MARCH Of DIMES CAMPAIGN . Fill out coupon af right and mail it now with your generous contribution tUt sMfeatta prtpmi ni ttUtti hr allTl.WIINHARD COMPANY WffB BBBrOVBf of foo ..-.-- - Orttto Commtttf for aaffeaaf founittln Hi oftafffs PararrJe, Mrs. Dena Backes, Chairman 1049 March of Dimes Campaign - - , 214 Underwood Bldg., Klamath falls, Or. Realising that "tare for the grace 6f Cod" ther goes mj Utile boy of ((rt, I am happy to enclose my check. I've made It larger because I realize dMrt'a ' bigger job to do. I wouldn't (eel right unless 1 helped to my limit, especially : since I know hall of what I'm giving is being used hen la try tatimttot. NAME. STREET . crrv- 1TATL 0 t WlS "IB HOD, 2424 South 6th St. Klamath Falls