fitETRM IWEXTENDED II JUL!, '47 i.M.JM..?.OT-Th(IMij: K,lon lo July. Ln ine . 1 1 1, no aril. Irucl" C tl'ey would v.y. bl l.ruor Urn- irimii"'1' u limit "'.1 ilWy commission Kile -rl to u July. rM tho(lto '' expiration Vr c7o O cgon Stale Ilhow of nin"' '" .,. f unfed oP smew , i i t h oh the west h lilv !re H l ""' 10 ol",r I .Wool true" ink S. Cluv, secretory-men. km n im no " " &c.u.s tho lirgor trucks In r".:.". in nwer coat. '.lower Irelght rates. kl ix opfmlorn sulci that h. blclruc-n limit rc mncla uncut, they could not com I in liie poi-l-wnr period with fin iielsnuoriiiK simc. a Sanders of the OreKon hlihwny association op- id larger uoslwnr limits. vv Establishes dnance Station lYOKEHN, Cullf., Jim. , 25 The navy, in us reicmicss :h (or new ami moro ef fl weapons, Is establishing n inn nfin nr.lnnnr'A li il Hill. here In the spacious Mojnve .1 f..i- lnrifr.4'iiln rlnvr-lnn. it ol rocket ami other in- timis ol wr. pi, Sherman E- Durrouclin rimmanrllna officer. an- n.iwt that Ilia nrw Tnvnkern jon, locnlcd on 6SB.000 acres government land, will carry iriiarili "mi such n sell In I America never again will kirprlscd, technologically, by war " atilfled Ads Brine Kesillla, Ribs Jap Navy r HMMmil tuMSlilt II E C'V'j CALIFQRNIANS EYE PUBLIC HEALTH BILL SACRAMENTO, Jan. 25 (fP With bills pouring In at rite of more thin 1)00 day, the legis lature drove ahead toduy strlv Inat for idjournment of the flrat portion or trie 5 tun session by am aeuiraay nignt or Hunaay. Governor Warron'a for sea brought their compulsory health insurance bill over the first bur die by setting a limitation mil upon the period of deliberation Con, Maiahoru llomrna, above,! wno commanded the Jap armies that conquered the Philippines in 1043, has practically "dared" the Jap navy to come out and tight, following American In vasion of Luion, accordlna to a Tokyo broadcast, Little love la lost between the Nip navy and ui my, so Hummus bland as aumptlon that ". . the Jap anese Orund Fleet will now abandon its pensive nets , " la seen aa a aarcastlc Invitation to the admirals to got in there, Vancouver Solves Garbage Can Lack VANCOUVEH, Willi., Jnn, 25 (P) Viincoiivor hn solved ltd vexing uliui'tiigu -not cigarette. but KiirbnKR cmis. 1 lie wur nruc iicllon bourd has r ciiHcd 1.1)0 ui the nictiil con tiilnem soiiKlil by the city lor fievernl months, Thi-y are so bnclly nec-nrd Ihry will be sold today directly from a railroad cur through roopcrutiun o( lour iinruwaro ctiuicin, PORT COATS Sll.tS to S17.S5. EGON WOOLEN STORE 600 Main HJ PASTEURIZED SKIM MILK ADDS 10 ITS GOODNESS ..flfttoZS ......iDCilllNf enjoy msmms these delicious ways! ni vitamin C and mineral- fcr" -'-'rl n c0r iunw , . n.htcSnbcdll'nB twcctvmenl tvcu ! (no. to vifoto mo less Easy to pcel.dwe.w U Lf1' trademar:el Sunkist Oranges, finest from ifORNiA NaveC oranges ItrSriNISHtHIJOS-IUYWARIONDS , which can be accorded the meas ure by Joint committee corn- Krlaed of the assembly public ealth and tho senate govern mental efficiency standing com mittee, Providing the senate and as sembly concur, this Joint commit tee must report Its findings on the subject by April 15. The action was taken by the assembly rules committee throuifh amendment of a resolu tion authored by Assemblyman Frederick H. Kraft, (R), chair man of the house public health committee, after a stormy meet ing it which proponents of the bill charged foea of the health program sought ui defeat by ac Iiy. Leas nrooltlous for the War ren program, however, was the Introduction of $30,000,000 ruril highway bill bearing the mmes of 31 senators headed by senator ueorge Hatfield W) wer ced county, as authors, The financing; would cut Into fundi earmarked, on the govern or's recommendation, for post war employment reserve. Likewise the move, formida ble because of Its many sponsors, would compete with the propos al of the state chamber of com merce and other civic organiza tions for 15-year super high way network of freeways and ex press arteries. The rural highway measure would apportion funds to coun ties as a subsidy on the basis of rural road mileage and popula tion. Hatfield said, however, he may amend his measure to pro vide the money on a matching basis. Steel capacity In the U. S. has expanded more than 14 million tons alnce 1040. Today Amer ica's steel furnaces can produce approximately 95 million tons of steel Ingots a year, 00 per cent more than the maximum output during World War I, Victory Gardeners Assured of Seeds PORTLAND, Jan. 25 (P) Northwest victory gardeners were assured today of enough vegetable seeds for a varied 1045 crop despite a shortage of cucumbers, most squash, and to matoes. Ray W, QUI, former state grange master and seed dealer, said seed handlers have more corn and peas than last year, with a sufficient supply of cab bage, beets, carrots, rutabagas and turnips. Classified Ada Bring Results. WOOL SHIRTS $5.95 to $9.15 OREGON WOOLEN STORE Main and Ith Thursday, Jan. 25. 1945 HERALD AND NEW8-8EVEN l I If l I Dwwks mind with Canada Dry ll If i ;! Waur spark! out . ' ItA?? J YSSi I """ Hwllnasa and IS PiCj S. P the last ,,, wfamovsU CANAD RY WATER. invest yew saving In Wtr IvfisJg ne) Stamps! T -im SJ'JJ-1 M.J gAi I . WV W 71 sbjbjbw- ar iw m U gr aWt M-ajaitW' will help you How's your hearing? . . . and save you money, too! to stretch those precious points, try buying more Items that are ration-free there's a wide variety of them at Safeway! And, too, Safewayg low every-day shell prices really gtretch food dollars! Come see for yourself! f your radio Is on during , the day land whose Isn't?) ! . you won't want to miss these top-notch-proiiroms brought to you by Safeway for your enjoyment. What's Doing, Ladies? wHh Firry Wort) Clavtr. Inventlva Ptrrr Ward mown Ihroufh a pickrd ituclin. mllca In hsnri. kini! quiitiont, klddlnf th lidlw lhv lov ill), and rivint prlus. Spopsorte bv K 1 1 c n t n Craft flour, psrry provide fun for all. KEX-Monday Thru Frlday-2:30 P. M, How Is the war going? . . . hear Walter Compten In a world at war, Wal ter Copipton's eominents and Interpretation re a "must" for millions of lis tuners. Tune in . . , 133C on your dial. KALE Monday Thru FridaV 1:00 P. M. News Analyst, Traveler Cedric Foster For crisp, analytical com nv-nt on the news of tht week listen tn this re nowned newsman every day. KALE-Monday Thru Frlday11:00 A. M. i 2-lb. pkg. 23c 2-lb. pkg. 27c 2-lb. pkg. 20c 2-lb. pkg. 22e 2-lb. pkg. 24c BABY LIMA BEANS LARGE LIMA BEANS PEARL BARLEY, for soups MIXED SOUP STOCK SPLIT PEAS, Green and Yellow BLUE ROSE RICE, redeemed, 2-lb. pkg, 21c HEINZ SOUPS Sr. v"-1 1 -oz. can 14c RANCHO SOUPSTT.V": lOVi-oz. can 6c JELL-WELL DESSERTS, Assorted, pkg. 5c JIFFY LOU PUDDINGS, Assorted, pkg. 5c MRS. WRIGHT'S BREAD, &'. m-lb. loaf 2 for 25c RAISIN BREAD, Julia Lee Wright's, ) Mb. loaf 12c KITCHEN CRAFT FLOUR, ,!:J5 50-lb. sk. ' $1.95 SUZANNA PANCAKE FLOUR 32-lb. pkg. ' : : 20c DUFFS MUFFIN MIX 14-oz. pkg. 23c GINGERBREAD MIX 14-oz. pkg. 20c Dromedarr MORNING GLORY OATS 20-oz. pkg. 12 ItllLr to Quick , ALBERS OATS "'WJSl'r 22-lb. pkg. 31e FISHER'S ZOOM 20-oz pkg. 21 e PEANUT BUTTER, Real Roast 2-lb. iar 39e DEXTERS CREAMED HONEY, 14-oz. ctn. 29c SLEEPY HOLLOW SYRUP, 16-oz. g!.21e MAKA MIX ctn of 5 env. 25e Msk year vq tytaf SNOW FLAKES CRACKERS 2lb box 33c HNHO CRACKERS, butter wafers, 1- lb. box 19c KRISPY CRACKERS, sodas 2-lb box 33c COFFEE, Edwards Regular and Drip, . 2-lb. glass 54c COFFEE, Nob Hill Whole Roast, 2- lb. bag ... , 45c GRANDMA MOLASSES, 32-oz. bottle 37c BOUILLON CUBES, Herb-ox, 5-cube pkg. 9c Canterbury Tea Bags, black, 48 count ..36c Old Mill Vinegar, Cider.. ........1-gal. Jug. 57c NuModt Mayonnaise pint jar 27c Duchess. Salad Dressing pint jar 23c Gerber's Baby Food,, strained and junior.. ..can 7c Jumbo Ripe Olives, Lindsay ft- jar 30c Libby Ripe Olives, chopped ;.....V4 con 13e Libby Pickles, home made ....2'a jar 30c CANNED JELLY r"" p";aQ, i Guars 'rrult H tin SOB COFFEE1"" a.., EGG NOODLES rKILUSTS t-lb. pkf. 1C ROYAL SATIN ' K0(. Craamy Shortenln, . J-lb. J.r 096 S ralnla) VANILLA FLAVOR w""!ft(. Alio LIMON S-at. ballla 1MB BAKING POWDER ft Clabbar Clrl 3-lb. can COB SN0-WHITE SALT 7(t lodltact or Plain ra(. I B GRADE "A" EGGS Medi. d.i. SSo Li. Sol. vv DRY BEANS c""" (4c Pn-Cookad s-i. akr. lHV wore M MM M m HIT PRODUCE You'll use less rationed foods If you take home a- i veBeuble-fRESHt m'I Ex. fancy ind fancy JJ- AppleS Rom. ..Lb. 12C Ex-, fancy end fancy Spltianburgs Lb. tZt Newtowne ;. Lb. 9tt) Potatoes h.:l;;.....,......Lb. 5c U. S. No. 1 Klamath Gams 100-Lb. Bag 4,59 U. 8. No. 1 Klamath Gems 50-Lb. Bag 1.98 Onions Yellow Dan vers, Medium. Lb. 5c Onions Sited 10-Lb. Bag 52c Parsnips Long White ...Lb. 9c Turnips Purple Top , Lb. 9c DICED BEETS e Del Montt-raney SOS Jr I 40 DICED CARROTS ; "19- Dal Mont. 1 SW jar I DEL MAIZ CORN M""",V Nlblaia u-ai. aaa Il6 HIGHWAY PEACHES FANCY PEAS ."' .. Sugar Bella No. S can 100 TUXEDO TUNA " White Flake li c.a tOC WHITE MAGIC 4 , Genua Bltach li ial. lac I IV PUREX BLEACH Whitens Clothes li-cel. Jt OC WASHING POWDER SUPURB SOAP - 3I-.I. kt- 20c SAFCIW GUARANTEED MEATS Fancy steaks and roasts eut from Llskey Grain Fed Steer Beof. These fancy beet were slaughtered aged ind prepared for Safeway markets by Johnson Peeking Co. -.; STEAKS Gxt at 12R T-Bone lb, 48c Sic 12R Porterhouse lb. 48c Sic UK Sirloin Steaks lb. 40c 42c 13R Round Steak lb. 38t 41c 8R Flank Steak lb. 38c 38e Roasts, U. S. Good STIW & OTHER CUTS' U. S. GOOD Grade 7R Standing Rib A 7-inch cut..,. 32c 6R Rump Roast, (bone in) lb. 26e (arm and blade cuts) ........., 27e Gride AA 35c Grade A 1R Short Rib lb. 20c 27e 1R Plate 20e Grade AA 20c Poini Free Meats Beef Hearts Lb 22c Beef Tongues ......Lb. 36c Pork Hearts .... lb.23c Pork Liver .;ij,.24c. Halibut rtst . Lb.45c Silver Salmon Sliced .' Lb. 19C Lifebuoy Soap HEALTH SOAP 20c bars IM SO QIAO VOU CAN COMt, JIM, DON'T 1 OARfi ARRIVE WITHOUT THAT CHARMING- LT. BAMFORD I A QrKtPl OH,JANei Howcouiovoui VrctJt'iKVl SOU. WT'c Tn-V M I TWO OAVS StFOai Fy Dv ll1 I I t I AU! you KNOW MOW IXCITCO yOU WKRt ABOUT JIMS "RliNO. iVe AF6W oouars lecT-teTS see what we can oo 20c R 1R 26e 26e I Smelt cIumW Lb.l9c 29e 3R Flank lb. 28e 28c I ' I I I tlrirtl W I A BCA1 niklUEO DABtU.tUft I : i -.-- : : l TlStPaF J COSTS MUCH LESS THAN aaaaM aaaaaaai I X- CI ILM,T-MgrrJ3 I EXPECTEO. BRINS ON THE '". I " f LET'S LOW IN HERE AjSI MaeT ' JjTfrii T i. SSeJ rfV?h - - SAVS SHE SAVES A IOT !-.. KfiS J V J V 1 T A , OFMONVATSAP6WAvJ . 5 tiv J3 fV jllEVb AIMOST HAVE jhOWStlKE EU Iffllll I I TO slve THIMSS WAy IK-'lftJLl 00 LL oul' SHOPPINft tirWi IF 5N 10 hv? CTaaiL3 AT safewav f rom now SIbsJQ' SPECIAL DINNER l ON-WHV, VOU REALLY wCSAPO THE NW, aaySAVB. OM tVteTNIN 1 Ivory Soap Large Bars ef bare 29c Sovo on everything . shop at Safeway . Safeway 's low prices will save you money every time you buy . . and not only do you sve at Safeway, but you get the finest quality foods guaranteed to picas you, or your money back. 7 . SAFEWAY