Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 25, 1945, Page 6, Image 6

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Thursday. Jen. S. IMS
Get Dimes (and Dollars) Morcjfnng
r kv i tMi?" -vi
. . . .i w l. - tmm K. fcln Atfht infantile lunilv.
SWlnjf inio Wldi maiwi u uww '""i r '
is. Every cent f needed, that disease requires more costly treat
ment than almost any other, averaging $1000 a ease. Contributions
ol Mr. and Mrs. America have enabled the National Foundation
for Infantile Paralysis to make this costly care available. Keep
up the good work!
Salem Man Trees, Shoots
Cougar on Squaw Point
MERRILL What is believed
!o bo the first cougar killed on
the west side of Upper Klam
ath lake in 30 years was treed
and shot January 18 on Squaw
point by Lewis Wampler, Sa
lem. Wampler, son of W. H.
Bill Prepared to
Drive Out Illegal
Pinball Machines
' SALEM, Jan. 25 W) Rep.
John Steelhammer, Salem, who
is disappointed that his two-year-old
pinball tax law isn't produc
ing much revenue, said today
be is preparing a bill to drive
out illegal pinball games and
lot machines.
The new bill would require
itate tax commission agents to
make weekly reports on the il
legal machines. These reports
would be turned over to the
governor for prosecution.
Steelhammer said the illegal
machines are driving out the
legal pinball games, and thus de
priving old age pensioners of the
tax revenue.
Red Ambassador
Returns to Moscow
The soviet embassy disclosed to
day that Russian Ambassador
Andrei Gromyko has gone to
Moscow for consultations.
London reported earlier that
ieaor uusev, soviet ambassador
to Britain, has returned to the
Russian capital, presumably in
connection with plans for the
forthcoming "Big Three" meeting.
Nazi War Prisoner
Dies of Tuberculosis
FORT LEWIS. Jan. 25 (IP)
In accordance with terms of the
Geneva convention, a German
prisoner of war who died of
tuberculosis was buried yester
day at the post cemetery with
full military honors.
The body of PFC Gefrcitcr
Karl Simon lay in state under
the official German flag in the
stockade chapel attended by a
guard of fellow prisoners.
Catholic services were held at
the chapel by Chaplain Leo Han
sen, and the prisoner was buried
with the sounding of taps and a
salute fired by U. S. army troops.
Wampler, long-time resident of
the Odessa country on the west
side, makes his home in Salem,
coming to the Klamath country
each winter to trap.
Signs of the big cat, a male,
had been seen earlier in the
season although no kills except
a porcupine that could be laid
to the outlaw were found.
Wampler picked up tracks of
the animal on Moss creek, trail
ing for three miles with three
dogs, two alredales and a hound.
Tuf fie, before they cornered
him. Wampler held the aire
dales 'in check and let the
hound force the animal up a
tree from where he was shot in
the chest with a .30-06 bullet.
He measured 7 feet 2 inches.
Former Eagle Squad
Member Killed
PORTLAND, Jan. 25 (IP)U.
Benjamin A. Taylor, 27, who left
Albany and Salem to gain fame
as a war flier, has been reported
killed in an army airplane crash
in England, December 22.
Lt. Taylor joined the famed
RAF Eagle Squadron and flew in
the first British air raid, over
Germany. After transfer to the
United States air force he piloted
General Eisenhower on several
Portlanders See Tub
Travelling On Street
series of Portlanders reported to
police that a bathtub was whiz
zing along the street all by it
self. Police squads went out to the
different streets where passers
by had spotted the tub, but
didn't catch up.
Apparently, said police, the
tub was at the end of a long tow
rope attached to an automobile.
Painter's O'Alls
Main and 8th
Heat rtHeves muscle pains foiVAjr,
tit ely. To jet welcome, continued beat
relief, for days, right at the sore spot, tpply
one big Johnson's RED CROSS PLASTER
or the heavier, warmer Johnioo Back
Platter. . . . The mild, active medication,
gently heits the back, stirs up blood circa
Utioa. fights congestion, esses paia. . . .
Warm cloth covering retains body heat, pro
tects back against chilling, provides contin
uous support. . . .Try this dean, easy, proved
way to "heat treat" simple backache and
other muiculir pains TODAY. (In caie
of chronic backache, tee your doctor.) . . .
Alwaya insist on the GENUINE, made by
Johnson tt Johnson.
Brighten up
each morning with our
full-flavored and juicy
Desert Grapefruit
n(1....j-i.... .
Desert sunshine and mineral-
nieeEca sou grow our grape
IP' extra good . . . pack
tnem full of luscious juice,
rich In vitamin C.
In fact, half a Desert
Grapefruit gives you a
primary supply of that all
important vitamin.
. Taste one at breakfast.
Enjoy juicy golden segments
in fruit salads. And pour
nutritious glassfuls of Des
ert Grapefruit Juice for all
the family. It's true "health
from the desert."
O, VlTAUtk rtm
Flashes of
Bv The Associated Pren
SPOKANE, Wash., Jan. 26 (P)
Robert Iff, watchman at a mar
ket, challenged a burglar. The
bandit attacked him with a
flashlight and knocked him to
the floor.
Then, before leaving, the ban
dit helped the watchman to the
sink, washed his cut and gave
him first aid t
LONG BEACH, Calif., Jan. 25
(Pi None of this rocking chair
and knitting business for white
haired Mrs. Laura E. Burwell.
Mrs. Burwell, mother of nine
children and with three great
grandchildren, operates a drill
press at an aircraft plant.
Her age?
Well she'd rather talk about
the drill press,
Forty years ago the Los Angeles
county board of supervisors con
structed a county highway
bridge. Recently they rebuilt it.
Now the board finds they went
over into neighboring Orange
county to do all of that work.
Supervisor Raymond Parby
wants to know, won't Orange
county at least take over main
Henry Stern, executive of a bond
investment concern, spent some
months trying to locate a client
who held 55U00 in bonds which
had been called. Stern wanted
to pay him his money.
He finally got a clew a faint
"Last time I heard of him, he
was in some nudist colony out
near San Diego," an acquaint
ance told Stern.
So Stern addressed a letter to
the customer "Care of nudist col
ony in vicinity of San Diego."
The post ofllce found his man.
PITTSBURGH, Jan. 24 (i?)
When asked to explain why she
was a half hour late for jury
duty, Mrs. Katherine Murry
proudly displayed a package and
said her housewifely instincts
would not permit her to pass up
a butter line. The judge forgave
her tardiness.
TULSA, Okla., Jan. 25 (IP)
Frank James II, of Black
Springs Ark., can't enter the
cnecKer tournament next week,
James explained:
"A tree fell on me and injured
an old hurt. I thought I could
make it, anyway, but a horse
hurt me again trying to throw
me and l was told not to do any
thing to hurt myself again, but
unfortunately I did. '
Blue Danim-
Main and 8th
Flash From the
(Signal Corps pnoio from SEA)
Tired of heavy G. I. headgear, Pfc. Samuel Kennedy is pictured
wearing a straw topper which he fcund in Belgium, enjoying its
comfort as he scribbles a few lines to the folks back in Bakers
field. Calif., d urine a lull in fighting.
Margarine Point
Cost Increases
The red point cost of margarine
is going up from 2 to 3 points a
pound, beginning Sunday, and
previously point-free fat pork
cuts will require a point a
Otherwise, the office of price
administration announced today,
red point values will remain un
changed in February, and there
will be no changes in present
blue point values for processed
The night in 1034 Lillian Hell
Hour" opened on Broadway, the
author's bank account was down
to aa.
Shecplined Coats
Main and 6th
Relaxation of Rule
On Liquor Proposed
OLYMPIA. Jan. 25 A bill
designed to enable non-reMdonts
to nSrchuse liquor In WwhUtjllon
without delay was lntrodu"rt
Wednesday in tno a " "'-,
ton legislature oy .-
F. Itlley (D'Klnii). .... ,,
The nronoied legislation
would direct the stale liquor con
trol board to set up nilw permit
Ini non-iol(Unt to niuka pur.
cha'ea for l lt 1 rt"'"' r
til valid iubuIo permits hitva
been lulled,
Blood tests for syphilis would
. , nil mmllrunlH fnr
marriage licenses iimlor terms of
ii bill offoiod by Hi'ii. Dnnuld
..i....t. Jlvr'Lilluiiii nntl Uf'fllKN
would bo denied , lliojp liifocted
to such a singe tlm tholr Infoe
tlon Is romnmnlmhlg or potonll-
V'y . Ananm....... I
- "" i"ogrni. "M
T in A I.,.. ,i ."i Jin ),
Survivor, ,V, h.P"" '
ported in making (iS
liieilt tnrtv 1 " Is
("Wleii I say coffee I mean FOLGERS" '
To help maintain your highesf vifaSify
One:ounce dish of KELLOGG'S All-Bran gives
over Vbrd your daily minimum iron needs
XTOUR blood wears out just like most other parts
X oi your Body, it mu,t De repienisnea aauy
to keep vitality up to par. to make tnis new Diooa,
iron is one of the essential things.
The beit way to get iron is in foods. But few
food, provide significant amounts of iron. Thus,
your diet can be poor in iron without your know
ing it and your "iron level" may decline. Fortu
nately, however, there it one well-known break
fast cereal that is antra rich in iron. And that is
kellogg's ALL-BRAN, which provides even more
avaiabfe iron than spinach.
In addition to being rich in this vital element,
KELLOGG'S ALL-BRAN is an important, natural
source of calcium, phosphorus, vitamins Bi, B.
and niacin. This nut-brown crunchy breakfast
cereal it made from the vital outer layers of finest
wheat . . . chock-full of nutritive elements.
KELLOGG'S All-Bran is made from the
VITAL OUTER LAYERS of finest wheat
You know that the akin of a potato and the peel of
an apple are richest in vitamins and minerals. Into
the vital outer layers of the wheat, as well, Nature
has packed some of the richest gifts of sun and
soil, ALL-BRAN i, made of these vital outer layers
and is more abundant in many needed lood ele
ments than even whole wheat itself.
America's Great Regulating Food
Beside, being a atorehouM of important food ele
ments, delicious kellooo's all-bran is Nature's
great regulating cereal. Millions eat it regularly. A
one-ounce aetvlng is usually adequate for satisfac
tory laxation, ALL-BRAN, triple-milled for golden
oftneat, does not Interfere with normal digestion.
Make sura your family gets a good start on it,
daily quota of iron and other vital elements so
plentiful in all-bran! Serve kellogg's all-bran
regularly at the breakfast table, beginning todayl
1 : $L s?yj x
Mr. John P. Issel of 4428 N. LoPorte, Chi
cago, III. has given 16 plnU-has baen donating
regularly since Ponrl Harbor. Such patriotic
men and women, everywhere, can toll you
that anyono in good health can givo blood.
For the fluid part of the blood is roitorod in a
few hourt; tho rod corpuiclos are oon rebuilt
if tho "iron level" of tho body Is proporly
Eat XEitooa'a all-bran u a cereal,
in mumni, or on outer cereali.
Freih and Ml flavord-a
wonderful trot bauie
they art Soblnlied th
remarkable ntw mlhod
that meant baiter, freikar
poloto chlpi-at leading
grocari. Atk for Slut tell
when you wont thai grand
'potato flavor?
Potato Chips
Pononal Ivory
Cake, 2 for ?(
Plain or Chocolate Flavored.
Chocolate FUvorad.
Milk Chocolate 1 2lb.19c
Ntttla Swtet. '
CORN.... 12oz. tin 17c
Hoyal Club Vacuum Packed. 10 Pl.
JELLY .... 21-oz. jar 27c
Tea Garden mixed fruit Jelly UHc!ou, en to.it or for
TUNA.. 7-oz. tin 42c
Uge. pkg. 23c
loraxo Hand CIhhi
Xartllenl (of kiM
10-or. pkg.,2-JK
Rlri Craekin
Criip, Inih lakM.
Mb. box22(
SunbriU CUanw
Hnt on dim tsty m bu
Con, 2 for 9t
Old Dutch CImmd
He nun nd rlnu nA
Can, 2 for 15t
Sunihint GrohiiM
aonil tor Hit w'"
2-lb. box 33t
Fancy White Albacere. 3 Polnti,
O-So-Good Nooft
14-oz. pkg. Hi
No Point,
Blended Juice
Pe-Lo-Co Sweet Potatoes, No. 2V2 tM
In Syrup. No Point,.
Citra Gold Orange Juice 46-oz. tin ll
No Point,. I
46-ox. tin A
Flour SALE Specials
McDonald. 20 Pt.
Tillamook Chocie
12 points
Lb. 37c
Diamond A Sliced Beeti
No points
No. 2 tin 13c
ft.ifi.J C f"l
wi in eu jnow riour Soi.b. b.
Milled to perfection under scl.ntiflc teU.
Gold Medal Flour
50-Lb. Blf1
Wadham'i Diced Boet,
No points
No. 2 tin 11c
Drifted bnow Floui
. 25 Lbh
S & W Coffee . . . Mb. g. 33c
Appl. Keg, pure apple juc, .... M.fll(Ii jUB ,0(J
Comb Honey
Kol,,t ss'Toa" sal
French'. Bird Seed 10.01. pkff ,3c
Alber.' Flaptack Flour M-lb. bag 84c
Alber,' Flapjack Flour 2)Mb. bag 22e
Kellogg'. Cornflake, ,., pkg ,2(J
Emil's For Rotioned Foej
Carnation Milk, S polnl. .... tall U"'4'"
.. . . .... te-t. U
i,ioDy Tomato Julc zu poin,
Llbby'. Royal Ann. Chorriei, 60 poW
. n "fig
Hunl'e Durkai. an nnlnle .
Cre.woll Oram B.an., 10 pt... No. I "
D.l Mont. Cr.am Corn, 20 ptM No. J'
Del Monl. P.a,, 20 polnl, "'J
Tru Pak Fey. Spinach, 20 pi... 'jj j
Pork Roast , Polntl u 31c
Boil Meat1Poinl u 2ic
Pork Steak 4Polnt, Lb 31c
Sausage Pur. Porkt , Pli Lb 29c
Ground Beef4Polm, Lb 29c
Navel Oranges
Potatoes srrr!s.'
Celery uuh Typ.
AppleS Wh. rey. D.UdOUl. &
Taney Wlno.ap
Sunklst Lemons ......,.