Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 25, 1945, Page 5, Image 5

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    Luzon Rssort Under Yank Bombardment
Thursdaf, Jan. 2S, 194S
Fleet Leader
Rebecca West was born Cecil
Isabel Fairfield In county Kerry
Ireland. She took her pseudonym
from a heroine of Ibsen's whlli
she was on the stage.
r ..,., Tim minimi
l !!mllv ('....(ll''Klll'l
io ln'iii sunnily,
I"1 oa from 1 '""" "V,"'
KiiKcof "' k"t' ":.1)
iiri F. I" Vmi uPr
lnoii In '"S... tu cur-
..-rfM-AMM l
W'll 1 It'll SHIKluy ftlfB'JIl
'!!' l o t bark I.. Ihtt U..II-
M'Je, cine. "I" brother
1 i.. Mrs. Ill' no lieriiiu
t'"" win visitor 111
rouli I"""" ""
"Ire hI'- iiccoiupiin
rlc0.wl Mr. Slim U'V
!."' ,,...... Inn UOIIfl lU
Lor. lo J"1" ""r h,,l,b"IU''
ilmbl. Clob-Tho Thhnlilo
nf l ie NCbi"""" """"
wl mcol Friday. January
,i i d m., nt tl'" im"
cS SrViU-n. UIO North
Fritnela 'arc Invited, unci
iipmL'ors ore tinted to lit-
. oiflf" iiru In be elect-
Whim 'will I'" piny"! ''
,j the buslncn meellnil.
. . .. . . i - r
.filter, U " uan, i viu-
Jhl, parent. nlr:!
art scliweuser,
irulnv Icnve. I In bus been
low for twn years, and re
td to the Stales from Siiipim.
Will report IO omnn mill
, for further nssinnmeiu nt
nd of hl leave.
Iiinont Silo Fremont
il'i itnmp fine on lucsony
..lui i. OMM.V ntifl three
lis were purchased this week
iimplctlon t nouns. Accoro.
ID i report from the prlncl-
tim-uli Knim lollil Kllle of
ips and bonds for the yeiir is
loxlmateiy s-wao.nv.
lirnbechor Bonollt A pub-
inociiic pany iiir uie ucne
I the Dnernbecher hospital.
i'orcd by the Suburban
lie auxiliary, will be held nt
m. baturriay, January 27,
c Shnsln school uyni. Lunch
be nerved. Members ore
d to brinK cuke.
Ing Traniforred LI. Thorn
Brlody, who him nerved In
ika the post two nnd it half
s ana lonnouy resided in
nth Folia. reports thnt he In
ii trnmferred to Siintn Har-
Calif., for further orders.
i now on fiirlouith in Mon-
fld.mi Cliih Tim U)li,.r..n
Pvth nn KLtrr. lull! mnnl
ii-iitinw ni mm .iiimiui 11111.11
I'inc, on Friday , Jnmmry 2o',
I D. 111. All nilMntmr. urn
ill to attend becnim .lprllnn
juicers will bn held nt this
a potmen supper will be
B1U Unit to Clo.o Thn Mill.
tof the Red Cross, which
in Mills school, will
forarily Tuesday, Jiimmry
jnu mosc iinvliiK uniforms
tesscs (here arc asked to call
slirm mm rim, ,.ri. .
jimlt will re-oocn when ii'iorc
Mivs ore received.
SehOOl Ml J Tnrlrl k-n
flee Dahlclm), plans to lenvo
L, '.nrl""ul wl"-'ro sho
?iC.r .rtcccl '"lleKC. Mrs.
r a . 2 """Ployed nt the
rcdern Km.i.wi. i i
iatlon. " m
rap Sal. Mill. Ota ...in
or the hl.n,.,ii,i.. .i... ."
D,r,,"",:r.,"t f,.'ciiy
Nnds ,' . "u " ",Inmp2
f Sepiember w
Stationed HereHut. Billvo
Soemmrd arrived Sunday from
i-iii iiiiiiu iiihi is now ussiiint'd to
tho WAC ri'milthiK slulloii in
Kliiiiialli Fulls. Hho was previ
ously stutloncd In 1'ortluiui,
Menibvrs of llotury will onloy
spuclul proiinun at tho rcuulur
Friday lunehuun lit the Wlllurd
when tho all ucuro Kills' quintet
sIiihs (lurJnu thu hour. Niilallnc
IJoxey. former iiecuuiiiiiiilst fur
Itulnnd llnyes, fummia ncuro
sinner, will also ucconipany tno
( u I n tot which collies hero from
Hunt college, J tolly Sprlngi,
Miss Uoxvy, who i it n u lit at
Sutllo Inku young people's camp
last suiuiner, will also be thu
luncheon sneaker. Her topic
will be, "Ilaco Keliillonships in
tho Post War World." Hust col
li'Hu Is a Methodist neitro school.
Tho ItuV. Victor I'hllllps will
servo us chairman of the day.
Commerce Chamber
Executives to Meet
Churlcx Stark, secretary of
the chamber of commerce, nnd
Malcolm Kpley, chamber presi
dent, will leave Thursday eve
ning to attend u meeting of the
chamber of commerce executives
In Kuiiune, Oregon. Several
sessions will be held Friday
afternoon, and will continue
through Sulurduy.
Kpley is to make a report of
a committee study on the feasi
bility of closer cooperation of
the chambers of commerce In
This is nn annual meeting at
which there will be an election
of officers. Much of Saturday
will bo devoted to the discus
sion of coming legislation, and
several key members of legis
lature have been invited to at
tend, Including those from
Klamath county,
Mrs. E. W. Regnier,
Dies In Bay City
Friends hove received word
of tho death of Mrs. E. W. Reg
nier of Union Creek, Sunday,
January 21, In Snn Francisco.
She Is survived by her husband
nnd ono daughter, Mrs. Evelyn
Mrs. Rcgnlcr .lived In Klom-
u 1 11 rum lor several years, aim
was n charter member of Royal
Neighbors of America hore. Sho
lenves a wide , circle or tricmis,
with whom she has kept In touch
since leaving here for Union
Creek some time ngo.
Tho funeral services will be
held from tho Pearl Undertnk
lug Home in Mcdford, Friday
January 20.
iVi?-."' H n. m.. in the.
and TV- . 'hprc wi
nd cnlcrlainmcnt after
illnn 1iu
io fr, ,,PV'.ls"K''no V.
n;i,,'V?.r '""''" of thn
h . ,' ' "-"ngregntlonnl
!'""" now servlno tho
for seve n " " K",mn'
ifl, anil ,i u "' Jl""",
to vki, .. '""t
i.i.iiivcs in Med-
Iiimntb p.Tii Houston
Liu "1 F"!IS, is In Pnrtlnnri
h"-'"!!ml0 meeting.
fcl Mockinows
wool Jacket.
Ickes to Continue
As Interior Secretary
Interior Secretary Ickes an
nounced today Hint President
Kooscvell nnd declined to no
cept his offered resignation, ask
ing him to remain in the cabi
net. Ickes Is one of tho two origl
nal members of the president's
cabinet. Tho other Is Secretary
of Labor Frances Perkins, whose
resignation t h c president has
also rojectett,
Ickes told a news conference
he had received a letter from
(he White House in which the
president said he "hoped I
would stay on.
Ickes described Henry Wal
lace's nomination as secretary
of commerce to succeed Jesse
Jones ns "n good appointment.
"Further this deponent salth
not, jckcs said.
about Oregon Mutual Lift
She will give
you full details
op tho Insur
nee plan that
ennhlci you to
retire with
life Income.
118 N. 7th Street
Klamath Falls, Oregon -
Robinson's Delivery Service
Undor Now Management ;
U. 8. flyers have plastered with bombs the Limon mountain resort town of Baguio, summer capital
of tho Philippines, nnd thought to bo the iscut of Jtiponese lenders on the island. In background of
alrvlew, above, of liugulo, taken before tho war, cm be seen the former U. S. Army post. Camp Hoy.
:' fet
, - a-'
. ., fi.
Nisei's House Set Afire
m .-T"T -Jit
: '.ill . ' ' ,
"8 i
w t tPit. u t -a
l?'f ' W
summio Dot. one of the first Japanese-Americans to return to the West
3oaat, points to chnrrea side of his Newcastle. Cnllf., nome, which uniden
tified nrrnnnft nirnmniiwl ,n n, . A.mn.
, , .... iv. niiiuiiia wcii: uiai. uiuuc UJ ayna
mite the oulldlrut and to Intimidate nun and his family with gunshot.
Although tho British army Is I only lasted three months in the
mcchonlzcd, a soldier s boots I African desert.
Journal Says Meat
Spoiling Despite
OPA Denials
PORTLAND. Jan. 25 (A-)
The Journal said today that de
spite OPA denials that Portland
has surplus meat spoiling be
cause customers arc short of
red points, the newspaper still
hears of butchers' woes.
The story stated that three
Portland markets reported lay
ing off three meat cutters, that
several others avoided layoffs
because we would never get
them back," and that larger
chain stores were shifting wom
en clerks frum meat depart
ments to other sections. Butch
ers were quoted as saying in
quiries affirmed customers lack
ed red points.
The newspaper said one
butcher declared he lost 90 red
points Monday when his meat
cutter had to "bone out" steaks
and grind them into hamburger
to reduce point values.
pnnTl Avn rr To ok tin.
The Portland City club appealed
to the people today to cither
openly adopt "regulated" prosti-
luuuii ur eniurce ciusure 01
The business and professional
men's organization charged that
no effort had been made to halt
open prostitution here, and that
Vnnr-rf.nl rllfna amnnrr n . - U. ,
servicemen had jumped to a rate
luur uiiira nigner mBn tne na
tional average.
Thn Pllih mtwirt mna nfB. a
survey of Portland by a profes-
niouui criminologist, said that
Seattle and other cities had suc
cessfully halted organized pros
titution. Mayor Earl Riley and Police
Chief Harry Nlles retorted that
officials have "done everything
DOPSiblc" tn Rlamn mil nrr.al!...-
"Portland is the only major
city on the Pacific coast that has
not been nnr-ilnllu ..un..
----- I""- m wiiuiijr
placed out of bounds by one or
more branches of the armed
services," said Riley.
Admiration Brings
Baker Equipment
NORTH ncun r. o tm.
Twenty-seven years ago, Frank
"y, young cattery apprentice in
Montana, expressed admiration
for his employer's baking equip,
mcnt. ,
"I'll give It to you when I'm
through with it," said the em
ployer casually.
Today . Day, now a baker
nt-re, received a large package
from . Montana. It was the bak
ing equipment.
If vnn uttnT .a .mi i. "
- i-' 1 1 jji iu i j u
The Herald and News "want
I '
- $
(NEA TelephoioJ
Vlcc-Admlral Daniel E. Eariisy. com.
in&nder of Seventh Amphibious
Force, watcbr start of Luzon In
vaalon from bridge of his flagship.
Barbffy commanded the Invasion
fleet, largest in Pacific Wax history.
Classified Ads Bring Results.
from common colds
That Hang On
Croomulslon relieves promptly be
cause it goes right to the seat of the
trouble to help loosen and expel
germ laden phlegm, and aid nature
to soothe and heal raw, tender, to
flamed bronchial mucous mem
branes. Toll your druggist to sell you
a Dottic oi ureomuiston witn tne un
derstanding you must like the way it
quickly allays the cough or you are
to hnvo your money back.
for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis
Help Build the
Boeing Representative
Now Interviewing
In Klamath Falls
Free transportation to Seattle, Washington.
A Men especially needed.
Physically qualified women also eligible.
' ir Good pay Excellent working conditions.
You will be paid while training.
Help build America's most needed big bomber.
' ' ' : :
, Those engaged In essential war work need not apply.
Ar first
use i
Cold Preparations at directed:
Juttt Received!
Large Shipment of
Kangaroo Tans, - -.
Horsehide, Cowhide. .
Some Are Lined
' $1.25 to $1.95
733 Main
REG. $2 $
J. ibm
flat I
Creamy . . . delicately pin,
...luxurious aid to youi
ekin in combating harsl
winds and drying indooi
heat! Helps your skin stay
dewily soft and smooth righl
into spring! Timely reduo -tion
just when your skin
most needs such help! "
. Drugstore ;
Medical-Dental Bldg. j
T$ . . the Store With the Glass Door
Saturdays .
Min the Pace lM
' " ' ' ' I I
Just arrived a new .1 ffa ; ll
collection of man-tailored V gl t '
and dres$maker suits 1 0" " i 1 1
; in alUwool fabrics. ' Jv- V J
I jmrnmrnrntlmmmmaammam (AT MAIN
one 7423 from 10 a. m. to 6 p. m.
nhp itno fon yiaonr