hi::- i: my i i :'; :;. II Ml Wanted, Male 84 Automotive 14 Automotive 14 Automotive 34 Autemett) Thursday. Jan. 25, 1845 HERALD AND NEWS THIRTEEN WANTED PLUMBERS ON' Marine Barracks a Hour Week - $1.62.5 per hour ntermountain Plumbing Co, o. th St. j-6 T34 . Aulom VtivV drt.(.r """Tv noons ror nam l-7 aa mum " 21 nil Houih For Rent fcTroB fltNT You drivel move P'"' -...... 1 fun, a.irfl ll n ' LriiANnc-' """" . ..... n.vrrt .Irtol. lor dUIWI pursued. Phn 4038. ...ratti, hcnl.S. I0 StOVC. On .;. riiont Mia. hllARC home Willi war widow and i ... .... l mv . hllrt and homa. L TM IwN" "00 nt. I HlKtll.nfOU Pot Ront SUNT -.floor sandere. edgera and Ir.on Paint Bloie Phone 33J1 file noon 6ANDP.HM and edeer Oti JIKJ. nn w.m ,,..,, Ospl. MOrlTOOM"Y WARD I -Jim fcth'T-M acra.. ruteleke. Pari :l. aalali. ann gram. i.in, A. C. Kara. 303 8. Nower HI.. AO.- C.IK. 1 M ir.rrr-Sinre building with modarn .1 era Main, inquire nmir a Shop. 20 1 OU Fttil Eitita For Sal per Leaving Town house on tortile half rctc, ltd out not many com- , (our roonu, garage, mill cood neighborhood. 2 Irom Iclclla's. (iolnit lit lo oo. ILC0TE & SMITH Realtor Since 1000 Bth Phone 4.104 HOMES FOR SALE IhN McFEE, REALTOR 'in Phone 4321 2-9 I! ".""d."'' taraia 'in basement. gttW.M, Term.. an Summers l.ana. a arraa in i. J n rnicaan A Lh. . . ...... . 5.. Fr.d Cofar UKMIISEL AGENCY " Phona llll 1-28 ICIALIZINC in HOMES ETT DENNIS, REALTOR 'h Phone 84D1 l-19m r1-'"' Amercer 4door sedan. EJJ" conoillon. eP""1' ov.rdrlva and heeler. fill ii.. o Duv c,r. See l II Molor Co., Glh and Klamalh. l-ai T!a "" il lumbar. Ih.uY tt. """.' ,70 l. 4703 Alva. Flits ttay and Ivory, .JT main Ialli.. . fctnl "ml". modern, wilt P 3IM. '"rnlahadi cloa. In I3.UII iMnwrv ... d.,..'.'"! " rln In. or lno.ulr liu Walnut I lVT .'room ho,,.., ? Ilia " Um 17'"' b'nrk 1I7 Ko.irf ' V0,'a. nam. Alao iloorm1 ;'' "'" wllh uuinoe, uorrla. 1-3(1 i.r. - n.,. . . llnl :,: ' ","ora ao B-room "nMh'rTn?""', ,""rh- ' mllo. II. no, 7M 0" Ul' 1ll lOtor l?nl-,, .; 1,1: lllte"'" rlomn "r fcao P. M. or l-Urn OR SALE SIATORS Uf ALL TYPES ill n..,,. . Nlainath "3d 6tr,P A.l. io Bib '"UriS Phone 8475 1DD5U Special Notice! Received Supply of ' 100 Bumper Jacks Will fit oil models Reasonably priced See these today. Ashley CHEVROLET CO. 410 South 6th St. Does Your Car Sound Different Lately? if Chrysler Made 1 1 We Can Fix It Only Chrysler Engineered Parts Uteri Experienced Mechanics Phone or Coll In For Appointment Burness Motors DcSoto S. 8th & Walnut Plymouth Phone GHGD 2S7fltf Used Cars Bought Sold Traded ODELL MOTOR CO. 744 Klanmlh Ave. Where 8th Street Ends RADIATOR REPAIRING We Are Well Equipped To Civ Prompt Service Tractor Truck Bus V. B. SMITH 234S S. Sth St. Phone 8331 1400-tf Exchange Motors Fords 1028 to 1S42 Chevrolet!! 1H3S to 1041 Plymouth 1034 to 1042 Dodges 1034 to 1042 Wo Will Rebuild Your Old Motor Reground Crankshafts With Bearing to Fit I. C. "Ike" Heath Phone 3214 937 Calif. Ave. 1-25 Winter Driving is Hazardous Driving Is YOUR Car Insured For Complete AiltoninMI Coverage? Phone 9105 John Sandmcyer, C. S, ROBERTSON AGENCY First Federal Savings BlclR. 1-31-m - RECAPPING and TIRE REPAIRING BATTERIES. NEW TIRES' - All Sizes Monarch Service Station B. K. Teed 301 So Bth Phone 7071 1-7 For Sale 1942Pontiac 6 Touring Sedan and heater. (Priority Certificate Required) 1942DeSoto Touring Sedan Radio and heater. (Priority Certificate Required) 1940Buick Super Touring Sedan Radio and heater. 1940 Studebaker President Sedan Radio and overdrive. 1940 Pontiac Station Wagon 1939 Ford Convertible Coupe Radio and heater. 1939 Olds Touring Sedan Auto, trans mission, radio and heater. 1938 Buick Coupe Radio and heater. 1938 Ford Deluxe Tudor. 1938 Dodge Deluxe Touring Sedan Radio. These cars carry r e ( u 1 a r O. P. A. guarantee and are priced accordingly, Lombard Motors PHONE 424 S. 6th Si. Keep Your Car in Top Shape FRONT WHEEL ALIGNING .. FRAME STRAIGHTENING New Modern Equipment i Experienced Help LOMBARD MOTORS 424 S. 6th St. 34 AutomotWa Iirr. MEL KKNIIV a. Lombard'. II. rd l ar Lot. 331 8. Sill SI. Top OPA CARIi I'ltlCK at onra for your ear. All makaa and modtla for Bale, 2'lSni I'OII 8AlX-lt;l3 Dodge ardan. Cood lirra. good condlllun. 1234. 22S Mar tin. 1-33. WANTED TO TRAIJK . '38 Old., hydra malic 3 Pa... ruupe. (or a aedan. Will II, e or lake dltfercnca. Theodore Lund. ni. a. Bntf I0U3. 1-23 port HAI.K.inill Chevrolet Coupe. 110 N. Carroll, after n. m. 1-38 35 Fuel rleitino STANDARD BURNER OILS Fuel Oil Furnoce Oil Diesel Oii Stove Oil BURNER SERVICE Phone SI 40 Peyton & Co. Klamath's OriRinal Fuel Oil Dealer 2-23mr RICHFIELD Stove and Diesel Oils Best Quality Prompt Delivery Phone 8387 JACK EICHENDORF Distributor 1-31m 36 Mltcellanaoua For Sal Attention Farmers For Potato Box and Sack Loaders, Potato Sorters, Tractor Cabs, John Deere Lindeman Track Type Tractors, Haymaster Stackers and Manure; Scoops, Truck Mounted Lime and Sulphur Spreaders See Brown Equipment Company 1049 So. 6th St. Phone 8247 TuesThur.-Sat. ron sAl.r-Dry wood, nay Bllxaath. 1314 Daylon. 2- KOn BALr Ann Arbor plrkun baler, alllhtly lued. 2-3 of naw prlci. L. fl. !),,,, lap. Tulelake. Phona I23. l-3 rnl.l.Kn nnttHMF.n - Clem Joyer. 1435 Martin. Phona 077, I-31m ron SAI.B-Trailer noma. 34 ft. '4! nindel Plymouth. Excellent condition, Completely equipped. Klamath Auto Court. iu SPFNcrpt copETir.nn Mri rnlri fttirrh. S21 Oak. Phone T316 for appointment, 8-Srn ron MALE-TWO a h.p. air compreaaora, automatic with tanka. .aacane laun dry. 1-31 KOn SAt.E-Oaa alove. Deluxe modal, n humeri. 3 ovens, like now. rhonr onnn. l-at a-nn atAl.Kul.nrae wooden barrela. In nillrl at riulirera Bakery. 1733tt riil.l.KR nnnHlta-Sl-Ren. n. V. Morcnn, 932 So. niveralde. Phone 3348, 2-8m nrmsTF.nr.n white collie pup PIES and bitch, rred riaher, Rt. 2. rtoaeburs, Ore. 1-28 JUST nKCEIVED atalnleas ateel flatwnre. knlvaa. rorxa ann .noon, .or commn clal u.e. Orelon Equipment Co.. 127 So. BID. KOn' 8ALE-Plnll-ponii table wllh pari tllea and net. 4022 summers LBne. 128 ron SALE - Piano. Blond mahoany. atnl,,, tvnn. like new. with bench $409.00, 4D22 Summers Lane. 1-38 mm mAl.T. . Vcrnala. riva mnnlh'a nun K.n...n .uhll anrlnaer anHnlel. 8IR E. Main SI. 1-28 Radio 3136 521 S. 6th St. Tues. Thurs. Fri, Phone 3138 Thurs -Sat. 31 MlicelleBoeui for Sale COAL Cash-and-Carry Sacked and Bulk LUMP . . . NUT . . . STOKER Buy direct from our coal niu n at the coal bins. Coal Bins Open 8 a. m. to 3:30 p. m Office Hours 10-12 A, M. and 1:30-5:30 P. M. Peyton & Co. ; Klamath's Original Coal Dealer 013 Market Phone 514S 2-23MC AUCTION ; Sunday, January 28, one o'clock, ii miles northeast of Malm on the Wizncr Ranch. ; HORSES Bay mare, 8 years old, 1350 lbs.; sorrel gelding, 10 years old, 1330 lbs.; bay gelding, 8 years old, 1600 lbs. CATTLE 3 cows, milking; 3 dry cows. 3 Fat Hogs Chickens MACHINERY Oliver cultivator; 14-inch sulky plow; 2-scction steel harrow; one wagon and rack; one wagon runninu gear; 6-ft. horse disc; hay rake; Big Six mower; 2 sets harness; DeLaval cream scpara- tor, No. 4; milk cans, stock sad dle, blanket and bridle: Maytag gas engine, Fairbanks Morse en aine, 4 h.p.; 1041 Silvertone cab- inct battery radio; large vanity kitchen range: round oak table; Edison phonograph with rec ords: some tools and other ar ticles. Terms Cash Lunch Available L. L. Renn, Owner . Col. Swigart, Auctioneer Snt., Tues., Thurs. TOPPING and trlmmlnf trees and ahruba. landscaping, flowering abarie treea and ahrubs. Lakeabora Gardens Nuracry. Phone 4082. 2-24m ALL WOOL rouih-rlder alarks with pleats and zippers. Gabardines and Bedford cords. Now at Rudy'a Men's Shop. 800 Main. 3-34 BULBS - BULBS Tr yntl are Interested In Croft bulbs, wa have them, Write ts A. t. Gallln co Interstate News Brooktnfa, Ore. Lily ron SALE-Montgomery Ward manfle. Phone 3044. 1-28 ron SALE -Garage equipment Sioux valve refarer, -brake rivaling machine. Alrco welding and cutting torch. , h.p. electric motor, Trucut armature lathe, Weldonhauf armature growler, compression and vacuum gauge tim ing ilght, man', bicycle. 013 oak. 1-28 ron SALE-Pre-war noy'a bicycle and glrl'a bicycle. New balloon tires, 1304 California Ave. 1-27 . ROOKS BOOKS-BOOKS Don't discard yours books or magazines. Call 8.153. 3-9 ron SALE-1O0 Ions bated nay. lat cut alfalfa, -oata and rye, at Keno. See Guy Moons at ranch before crossing river or call Douc fuekatt, Tulelake 7164. . 333JU ALLEN Addlne Machine and FRIDf.N Calculators. 124 8. Sth SI. Pioneer Printing & Stationery Co. 3-lSm TOR SALE Just arrived Cocoa Door Mats, L03. $2.80, $.1.29. Lucas Furni ture, 10,1 E. Main. 1-39 Sell Your Car NOW OUR CHECK BOOK. is READY and WILLING TOP OPA PRICE Balsiger Motor Co. YOUR FORD DEALER FOR 21 YEARS Main and Esplanade Public Used Car Lot 7th and Oak Across from Post Office South We Buy and Sell Used Cars and Trucks We Need Late Models COMPARE"' Our High Bid Before You Sell -See Selby Last- Phone 6034 , 36 Miscellaneous r or Saie SEED POTATOES TO. SELL CERTIFIED GEMS ; CERTIFIED WHITE ROSE GEM DROP SEED PHONE 7360 OR 3267 IN EVENINGS McKaig Feed & Produce-Co. P. O. Box 130, 38 Miscellaneous For Sale FOR SALE IRON FIREMAN COAL STOKERS BOB PORTER ' Phone 7708 2048tf STOVES REPAIRED. All available parts Blocked. Used furniture, stoves bought. OK Second Hand Store, 820 Klamath. Phone 8871. l-31m SPECIALS-S10.OO machlneless perma nent waves. $7.30; cold waves $10-00. Swansen's Beauty Shop. Phone 6661. 823 Main St. 1-27 GLASS Mlrrora, resllverlng, plate win dow and auto glass, furniture tops, shelves. Kimball'. Glass Shop. 927 Walnut. Phone 7378. 2-Sm TOR SALE-New bedroom set. daven port and chair, gas range, etc. Phone 8328, 1-33 rOR SALE-Chenllle bedspreads, full site, assorted colors, $11.83. Lucas Fur niture. 193 E. Main. 1-23 31 For sale or Trade rOR SALE OR TRADE For good saddle horse one black gelding 7-ycars-old. 40 To Exchange TRADE 30 Caterpillar tractor, good ahane. for large wheel tractor on rubber. I. E. Brothanck, Malln, Ore. 1-33 WILL TRADE Rambler trailer house, valued at $730.00 for down payment on 3 or 4 room home, close in. Call 8038. 1-29 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WANTED ' DRY and GREEN HIDES and PELTS GREASE See Us First For Top Prices SIXTH ST. AUTO WRECKING Phone 3583 2501 So. 6th 2-1 6 WANTED TO BUY Mix-Master or sim ilar mixing machine. Call nml. 1-2(1. WILL PAY CASH FOn YOlin PIANOl Louis R. Mann, 120 N. 7th. Phone 43ie or 7178. l-Urn WANTED TO BlIY-Late model pickup truck, Phona 7271, 1321 Sargent. RPtf WANTED A farm tn rent for one or more years. J. W. Cnvender, Redmond. Ore. 1-27 WANTED Small furnished apartment. No drinking. No wild parties. Will pay good ratee for right place. 1st Sgt. G. It. Mowarr, USMC. Phone 3131, Ext. 13. 1-27 WANTED - Late model electric refriger ator. Phone 3823. 1-27 WANTTD-Good used car, 3033 Shasta Way. Phona 4340. 1-28 TWO NAVY couples deslrft two bedroom futnlshrd house or apartment. No chil dren, no pets, no brains. Will pay up tn 4100.00 per month. Phone 8101. Ext. 108, Eaton, beiween 8 and 10 a. m. 1-38 J379tf 36 Miscellaneous Fox Sale Klamath Falls 2568U 42 Mlscelleneout Wanted WE PAY TOP CASH PRICES We want furniture, trunks, suitcases, clothing, shoes, tools, guns, clocks, watches. In fact anything of value. Give us a ring WE BUY EVERYTHING! 6th St. Exchange 521 So. 6th Ph. 7160 761W FURNITURE and miscellaneous of all kinds. Bought For Cash, Get Best Prices. .'OT SECOND HAND Phone 3429 1-31 WANTED -Battery radio. Will pay good price, write L. E. Thomas, pelican say Camp. Bly. Ore. 1-30 WILL PAY CASH for used guns Bring them In f or appraisal, BELL'S HARD WARE. 92S Main St. l-31m CASH paid for household goods. Phone 7310. 4S40H WANTED TO BUY-Palr of thinning aheara. Please phona 48S8 after 8:30 p. m. 2l61tf 44 Livestock and Poultry WANTED - Live poultry of all kinds. Also eggs. Martin Produce Co. Phone 3372. l-31m REGISTERED RERKSIIIRES-Two sows, bred for March farrow. $73 each; March hoar. $30; young stock. Mem ber of California Berkshire Breeders' Assn. Merle Goode. Macdocl, Calif. 1-26 WANTED - Poultry, livestock, turkeys anil rabbits. TttULOVES MARKET. 0IR Eatt Main. Phone 4283. 2-Sm HIGHEST PRICES paid for hogs. veal, lambs and cattle. Johnson Packing Co. Phona 9323, nlghls 3803. 1-31m WANTED Poultry of all kinds. Pay highest price. Mallory's Y Market. Merrlll-Lakeview Junction. Ph. 4830. 1-30 CHICKS, Finest and best grade of chlcka. Fran delivery to Klamath Falls. Send for free cala oaue. Ta ent Hatchery. Talent. Oregon. 3-3 i , . WANTED Dead and worthless animals. Phone 4636 collect. l-31n, PAVING UP TO $2 lb for rabbit aklna. Millions wanted. RUtn shipments to- day. Valcauda rur Co.. Seattle. Wn. 1-31 TIRED! of milking cows. Wo can give Immedi ate delivery on Conric milking machines, Sea or call DON POTTER CO., Your John Deere Dealer, Tulelake. Calif. Phona 1013. 3-6 ron SALE Elactrie brooder. 300. 200 or loo chick capacity. Two on incubators. 4R0 egg size, used one season. Also buer saw, mounted on trailer with 28 Chevrolet motor. W. W. Rldgley, Rt. 3. Box 421-B. Back nf Stewart's Ad dition. 1-26. 34 Automotive We Will Give You the Highest Possible Appraisa on Your Car Just Call 4103 and Get Our Figure Dick B. Miller Co.. Olds Tower mnaAaawaaaa m a u-tvvtfy-irirrrfVrtfttririrftrrr Tlfl Your Chevrolet Dealer -John Ashley- TOP PRICE FOR YOUR CAR - " If reasonably clean we make no deductions. You need not sacrifice when you sell to Ashley Chevrolet Go. 410 So. 6th St. 42 Miscellaneous Wanted Potatoes Wanted Any Lot -- Large or Small U. S. ONE'S : -U. S. TWO'S - : PEEWEE SIZE ,7 Culls Will Soon Be Saleable. Phone 7360 or 3267 in Evening McKaig Feed & Produce Co. P. O. Box 130, 44 Livestock and Poultry ANNOUNCEMENT . A new Klamath Falls enterprise. Oregon's newest modern Baby Chick Hatchery will be in operation about Feb. 1, 1045 the better to serve southeastern Oregon. Arrange now to leave your order for our line high grade chicks at STANDARD FEED STORE, across from Tower Theater. U you can't come In, write us for information and prices. FRED HUBLER'S OREGON STATE HATCHERY 2720 So 6th Box 328 Klamalh Falls, Oregon OREGON BRED CHICKS MsVVaMsWaBSiVB1,ttatAMaeeka 46 Slnanciai See K. A. (Dinty) Moore For .LIBERAL CASH LOANS AUTO Your FURNITURE , NOTE Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirements Complete Privacy . 12 Months to Pay No Co-Signers Quick Service Locally Owned Motor Investment Co. Klamath's Oldest M-275 S-241 114 N. 7th Phone 3325 l-31m 48 Business Opportunities EMERGENCY SALE Bargain $26,000! Bargain! Owner Inducted Eamoua Redwoods Auto Court n . Redwoods Highway near Crescent City 34 Units Modern -- Furnished Store Gas Pumps S3 Acres Fine Tlmberlaud Valued at $40,000 See A. E. GALLIN at the Wl-Ne-Ma llolel or Wire rc1 Norle Triplicate . Crescent City 1-2.1 34 Automotive 7th at Klamath Thurs.-Sat. Phone 4113 ' 42 Miscellaneous Wanted Klamath Falls 2567H 44 Livestock and Poultry 003tf 46 Financial When You Want a CASH LOAN For Any Worthy Purpose Call on P.-A. (Buck) Everett at the office of COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP. 107 N. 9th St. Klamath Falls, Oregon Loans Made on Automobiles Furniture Livestock Salary Sales Between Individ uals Financed and O. P. A. Requirements Completed Come in Phone in or Write in "Phone 771 1 Lie. M-223 ,, Llc. S-251 1-3 lro it'. V