ITN HERALD AND HEWS Thursday. Jan. 23. 1945 I OSC Knocks Huskies Out Of First by 63-43 Win Webfoots Now On Top of Conference Ladder Due to Triumph of Beavers "Grey Mask" Turns the Tobies By The Associated Press NORTHERN DIVISION STANDINGS pit. ru. W. L. For At. Pet. Oregon 5 2 324 304 .714 Washington . 4 2 287 276 .667 Ore. State ... 4 3 333 295 .571 Wash. State ..2 4 250 292 .333 Idaho 0 4 167 194 .000 Oregon's basketballers will meet Washington Friday and Saturday in the most important phase of the next chapter of the northern division race. The Webfoots were bumped to the top of the heap by last night's 63 43 triumph by Oregon State over the Huskies and will be primed to use the Friday- ftUHAlNES HAINES EVERYTHING SET Well, folks, the die is cast and this Saturday night on the KUHS hardwood, two top bas ketball teams will take the? floor to do their bit for the cur rent "March of Dimes" infantile paralysis fund. Temporary bleachers will be erected on the sides of the floor to accom modate the over flow and we want you to know that everv effort has been bent to provide you with some first-class athletic entertainment. This is not just another bas ketball game, however. Every ticket that is sold and every dollar that is taken in will help enable some youngster stricken with infantile paraly sis to regain his or her health and lead a normal, useful, hap py life. In selling tickets, folks, we can't reach you all personally as much as we would like to. We take this means to tell you WHERE you can obtain tick ets. Go to either Dick Read er's, Hibbs' Clothing company, Klamath Billiards, Matt Finni gan's, or The Herald and News, and you will be prompt ly accommodated. - - These firms have graciously offered to assist us in disposing ot as many ducats as possible, so the next time you're downtown, drop in at one of these places and pick up your tickets to the game. ., . ... We realize we haven't given you much time, but you still have the remainder of today, . Friday and Saturday to pur chase your pasteboards. If you want to see a great ball game and helD swell the in fantile paralysis fund at the same time, buy those tickets right now. Don't wait! BASKETBALL By The Associated Press EAST Columbia 38, Princeton 37. Floyd Bennett Field 51, Mit chell Field 42. - Yale 60, U. S. Coast Guard Training School .Groton) 47. Brown 56, Coast Guard Aca demy 33. Delaware 48, West Chester State Teachers 31. Navy 61, Penn 41. . SOUTH Louisiana State 59, Southwest ern Louisiana Institute 44. North Carolina 60, Virginia Poly 28. West Virginia 68, VMI 27. Virginia 70, Richmond NTS 29. N. C. Preflight 41, Fort Bragg Personnel Center 40. MIDWEST Depaul 49, Hamline 40. ' St. Louis 43, Washington 38 (overtime). SOUTHWEST Texas 47, Bergstrom Field 36. Texas Christian 64, Bavlor 25. Norman (Okla.) Navy 58, Tink er Field 37. WEST Montana Mines 64, Montana Slate 28. Cowen Field 47, Wendover Field 29. Arruro Godoy Slated To Arrive In Miami NEW YORK, Jan. 25 W) Arturo Godoy, South American heavyweight champion from Chile, is expected to arrive at IHiami tonight, his American mann:rr, Al Weill announced. Weill, who is hopeful of ar ranging a bout with either Lee pmn or Joe Baksi. said he has been swamped with offers for Godov from Chicago. Los Ange les, San Francisco, Washington, Detroit and Philadelphia. He Said it IS likr'lv fhuf r.,,wr, !.. bout will be at Buffalo against "ii uppuncni sun to be selected. Saturday engagements with Coach Hec Ednwndson's civilian lineup to cement their lead. Also scheduled for Friday and Saturday will be home-and-home battles between the tail enders Washinp'on state ana inauo. The Hu .iies. their navy V-12 starters : home, performed valiantly through most of the first half during which the score was tied five times, the last time at 17-17. At that point Oregon State's size and experience be gan to tell him me Heavers lea 26-19 at the half. The second half saw the Beav ers run their lead to 35-19 before the Huskies could count. Bob Jorgensen got hoi at that point and lung five field goals in about as many minutes. Oregon State's Ted Hcnningsen, Red Rocha and George Sertic matched them, however. Rocha again captured high point honors, with 21. Jorgen sen and Norm Carnovale be tween them accounted for 13 of Washington's 14 field goals. Summary: : Oregon State G Puddy, f 1 Labhart, f 3 Hcnningsen, f 6 Sertic, f 2 Rocha, c 10 Strait, c 0 McGrath, g 3 West, g 2 Moore, g . Sims, g ... F PF TP 0 2 2 1 5 1 3 1 1 3 2 0 6 45 6 21 0 9 4 0 0 i I. N! Tr I I v ' 4 '' If' r h-A Totals 27 9 19 62 Washington G Carnovale, f 6 Creveling, f 0 Anderson, f 0 Mann, f 0 Brooks, c 0 Bittman, c 0 King, g 1 Jorgensen, g 7 Blowers, g ...0 F PF TP 2 4 14 1 0 1 2 0 5 1 0 Shown above are Mr. Stoneface and Jack Kiser in their headline bout last week at the armory. The Mask is attempting to pin Kiser s snouiaers while joinn jock nas a snori-arm scissor hold on the hooded hoodlum. This Friday the "Mask" will butt biceps with Gloomy Gust Johnson in the main event and Kiser will tangle with meany Billy McEuin in the semi-windup tussle. The opening bout will be a re-match of Tough Tony Ross and clever Milt Olsen. Totals 14 15 14 43 Halftime score Oregon State 26; Washington 19. Free throws missed Oregon State Puddy 3, Labhart, Hen ningsen, Sertic 2, Rocha; Wash ington Mann, Jorgensen 3, mowers z. Referee Emil Piluso; umpire, x-iiii Yarren. Sinkwich Next Top Pro Athlete Headed for Army ATLANTA, Jan. 25 P) Grid iron tar . irankle Sinkwich, classified 4-F last summer, ap pears neaaea lor tne army. The Atlanta Constitution says Sinkwich, all-America at the University of Georgia, has been called for preinduction examina tion. and that his draft papers had been forwarded from Ath ens, Ga., where he is registered, to Youngstown, O. Sinkwich, with a medical dis charge: from the marine corps, played professional football with the Detroit Lions for the p a s t two seasons. Army doctors put him in 4-F last summer. He is married and has one child. Victory League Meeting Tonight Joe Peak, director of ath letics at Klamath Union high ichool, was named head of the Victory basketball league at a meeting of city recreation officials last night. A meeting will be held to night in room 215 at the high school and Peak urges all members of prospective teams to attend. Players will be limited to high school age boys and the entire situation will be discussed at the meeting. Craig Wood May Cop Texas Open Should Nelson Falier GOING MY WAY? CHICAGO, Jan. 25 (P) The basketball season is about half over but Coach Woody Holmes of Parker high school today was without a regular for his senior cage team. His entire first string squad, playing as a -unit for three years, was lost this week by graduation. FIGHTS LAST NIGHT By The Associated Press ELIZABETH,. N. J. Clint Miller, 126, Elizabeth, outpoint- ed Joey Gatto, 128, New York (6); Jimmy Mills, 144J, New York, knocked out Charles Cas sino, 144i,- New York (2). DAYTON. Ohio Willie Rus sell, 147; Columbus, knocked out Robert Simmons, 147, Chicago (3); Welterweight Gene Gudgill. Dayton, Ohio, knocked out Ar nold Deer, Indianapolis, (7). Timber! Era wm ISignal nirq nhnta frnm KVik tiki i&&W;ZA fAiz-v--, -r-TK'dl SF3c William (Tiny) Taylor. a f right, of Lexington, N. C, appears 3 t0 he falling, too, but isn't, as he Omaha two seconds before end of fifth and final round to win Pa cific Sector title. At 274, Taylor outweighs Barbour by 90 pounds. He retained Panama Canal De partment heavyweight champion ship by winning decision from CpL Elwood Lorman of North Hollywood, Calif., in five rounds in final of two-month long tourna ment in Balboa Stadium. MS e til K txk r & y, rK f ? L . . . ., aJLLl U -V I - ---'-iffii:rA,f?iriiiiii'li;7flf When In Medford Stay at HOTEL HOLLAND 1 Thoroughly Modern Jo and Anne Eailey Proprietors Jam on tne sun with ' II ,,. V VSv . SunntBrook "v'.w'i- "L"111"' froiiicli CorporXion, Doutbon Whlltir A Bland . S0.I Trool i-l i llri'll M..Itr.t B.l.ll. 1 By HAROLD V. RATLIFF SAN ANTONIO, Texas, Jan. 25 (P) The railbirds looked to blond Craig Wood today as the golfer most likely to capture the $5000 Texas Open should favor ite Byron Nelson falter. Nelson, of course, is top man in the forecasts as a field of 140 prepares to tee off tomorrow in the first 18 holes of the tourna ment but Wood is playing well, likes the greens at Brackenridge course and is rated an excellent chance of taking his first cham pionship here. Others placed high in pre-tour-nament calculations include Sam Byrd, Harold (Jug) McSpaden and Toney Penna. Defending Champion Johnny Revolta, who picked up at Tucson last week end, was considered too far off his game to be figured a top chance. "' '- w Wood, duration National Open champion, had a 69 two under par in a practice round yester day to lead tune-up play. "Brackenridge course Is one that requires great accuracy and that's why Penna is highly-rated for first money, said 1 red Cor coran, PGA tournament mail' ager, ... - But despite the fact that there has been a steady bombardment since Tuesday, when the pros traveling the winter tournament trail arrived, no score nas come within hailing distance of a 64 turned in by Nelson in his first tune-up round. Corcoran predicted the winner of the open would have to shoot 272 for the 72 holes but Nelson figured a 275 could capture first money since the course is wet from recent rains. More than 225- players moved out today in the pro-amateur event, forerunner of the open, with each pro pairing with two amateurs in the contest for $225 in war bonds. FINISH TRAINING NEW YORK, Jan. 25 UP) Heavyweights Lee Omn and Joe Baksi, the two current leading heavyweights, yesterday finish ed their training for their 10- round bout at Madison Square Garden tomorrow night. Baksi is a Heavy favorite. Picks Matty as All-Time Greatest ANN ARBOR Ray Fisher, Michigan baseball coach and for mer major league pitcher, still picks Christy Matncwson as the greatest hurler of all time. Big Six had everything any other hurler possessed, plus a remark able competitive temperament, he avers. Fisher Is n qualified judge, for not only did he pitch for the New York Yankees and the Cincinnati Reds, but at Mien Leather Coats Capeskin, Goatskin. OREGON WOOLEN STORE Main and 8th TRUCKS FOR RENT you Drive - Move Yourself Save !s Long and Short Trips STILES' BEACON SERVICE Phone 8304 1201 East Main New Fight Rule Eyed By Eagan Point Scorln9 Syitom Moy Bo Adoptod For Judging Instead of Round-by-Round B - TED MEIER NEW OKK. Jan. 2& A change In the nu-tlioils ot Judg ing lights l' Now York, the con tor of the boxing industry, iny take place under thu ivlgii ',' Lt. Col. Edward P. F. "fcrid u Eiigiin, the now chairman of the state athletic commission. "1 am not entirely sallsfiod with the method of Judgi'iK bouts in Now York lto. the former Inlornntioniil light heavy weight amateur boxing cham pion and Yulo graduate doo ui od lust night at the annual dinner of the Now York boxing writers. I plan to hold separate meet ings shortly with referees, Judges ami the boxing writers to determine- If n bettor system can be arranged." , , , , The former Colorado resident who said hu was "overwhelmed in the presence of past cham pions that I used to road about as a boy in Denver" iiuiiouted ho favored a point-scoring system instead of the present round-by-round method. Eagan did not mention any specific fight, but many In the crowd of 300 that jammed the Hunter room at Rupperl's brew cry recalled the recent Hilly Arnold-Fritzle Zivlc fight at Madison Square Garden. Zlvlc won on a decision, but expert opinion was sharply divided. The now chairman said the New York group would try to work In harmony with all other state commissions, but asserted In reply to an Invitation by Abe J. Greene that New York was forbidden by law to join the National Boxing association. Greene is president ot the NBA. Lt. Commander Benny Leon ard of the maritime service re ceived the Edward J. Noll plaque as the man who did the most for boxing In 1944. In pre senting t h e plaque, former Mayor Jimmy Walker termed Leonard, who retired undefeated as lightweight champion, "ul ways a showman, but never a showoff." Promoter Mike Jacobs, Muj. Gen. John J. Phclan, former commission chairman and Pvt. Beau Jack, recent lightweight litlcholdor, also were honored. Jacobs received a wrlstwatch from the writers as a token of their esteem; Gen. Phclan a gold pen and pencil set for long and meritorious service to the snort and Jack a medal of merit from the Ring magazine as the boxer of the year. The writers also donated $400 to the "March of Dimes." 5how Horse I r- 1 WITH 1 4, news rrsw: HcRse I (j3) V.y'Tk bwfP will put Mr, IN NISMT CXU0 '55r?SPiJ TrVfTN SLL HSR - - x. ,npgg WO I Rocha Paces Conference Scoring Race EUGENE, Jim. 25 IP) Rod Rocha. glnnt transfer center from Hawaii who ho aided Ore gon State In Its comeback In Northern Division, Pacific coast conference bosketuull, Is tin; pro.sont individual scoring lend er of the division. The 0-foot 8-Inch center scored 48 points in tho scries against Washington to bring his seven game total to 00 points, an aver ago of nearly 13 per game unci n pare that would give him more than 200 points for thu 16 con ference gumos. Dick Wllklns of Oregon, the rcxiiiiitii,,. f.. j elliiL l,i llii, , .1 r ;? """pennon, hJ ond with 112 points. f ....... ... m naih rJ with 75. Vliu-e llaiurnota Ingum Slate with 73, lnJ3 Smith, another Orcjon (m'-J f.inunr,! ...III. 11,1 Bob Hiimlltoii.'oruon lo year, Is far down the llitol J cut lenders. n Wllklim and Jorgcnwn fj given a elianeo to UMup&"J and Huskies meet In gn ...... ... ,., ,v,,n, lurj r I limy lUK'U. ALL Elastic SuspendW Kllp-on or Button Sttln OREGON WOOLEN X Main ind Ith ignn he developed one of tho greatest batsmen In the gamo to day, Dick Wakefield, of tho De troit Tigers. TIN COATS TIN PANTS OREGON WOOLEN STORE Main and 8th fit "M PI m 1 DANCELAND 513 Klamath Ave. DANCE Music By PAPPY GORDON'S OREGON HILL BILLIES SATURDAY NITE Auspices V.F.W. riti in iWiiii i ifi ii'fcift Jthij.ui tmrnjeauHtwrn'mX j-mlI Excitement! Thrills! Take a friend i SEATS- Phone or Call at Klamath Billiards, Ph. S167 Waldorf, Ph. 6811 Castleberry, Ph, 3333 for Reservations FRIDAY & -NIGHT ARMORY ARENA For the Bono arch of DimtT ASKETBALl Marines vs. Shannon's Of Klamath Of Portland 8:00 P. M. SATURDAY m PRELIMINARY i Naval Air Station vs. Marine Corps Company Teams . , 7 P. H Marino Band Judo Exhibits K. U. H. S. GYM TlckoU on Solo at Klamath Billiards, Dick RMaVfc Clothing, Malt Finnlgan's, Horald and Nows, and Miw Personnel. SEE THE GAME THEN DANCE AT THE ARMOfl Ml It 11 Hflarch of Dimes DA CMC H Saturday, Jan. 27 Armory Osldy's Band